Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, September 30, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 104. J CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN". The Repcblicam is published every Tuesday and Friday, on a royal theet of a good quality. The terms of lubfcription are six doi - I.AR3 per annum... one half to be paid at the time of fuhfcvibing, and the balance at the expiration of fix months...and all papers will he continued until ordered to the reverie. T£l RMS OF ADVERTISING. A lver.ifcmer.ts inferred at 50 cents per fquarc the Grit infertiou, and 25 for each continuation —A If rr.l allowance made to thole who wish to advevtife by the year. For sale at tUls Office. A variety of BLANKS among'which ere, F.ire'gn and Coaling .vlamfefts M ‘roUiv.'.ts I’ntrus l. quor ditto E.’is of Exchange Do-of Lading’ I)>f Sale; Fo.voro of Attorney Checks Apprentices I ’.dentures Deed:; ol Conveyance Bonds; N ites of Hands Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’s C Oul ts Mayor’s Court Executions Sc Snbjrctm N rices to credit >rs of debtors biiiiltaiy Summonses and Executions, Ac. CCjf* Cards, Handbills, itfe. Gfe- Printed nt a j ~ct notice a reafonabte terms. 2 * M. JVoodbndge , ESPi'CTFULLV informs his trends, a lfi the public, that he liiil continues ti e fatioraje jr Commission Business, a’ No. 4, in the Exchange, where ho has laic a*u! convenient ltoves for .he re ception of any knd of Goods or Pro duce, that may be intrulled to nis charge. Liberal a Ivanccs in C; ill, v. .'ll he made on goods being deposited for public or private fsde. HE HAS ON HAND. 20 Puncheons old Jamaica RUM lo ditto ditto St. Crcix onto vo Bairs and 10 tierces Green Coffee Pipes and qr. casks old French Brandy Sugar i: hog sh ads and barrets Window GlaSs, ap.d Soap in boxes C itron Bagging, Irish Linens Nankeens, Hurr.hums, &c. &c. Ml which article* will be fold low. tdT Two convenient HOUSES to Lcr. Sept 2 law ts 407 FACTORS and COMMISSION MEk CHANTS. f-r-v HLfuhfciibers offer their Cervices as I F ACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. They have good, Gfe and con.imciious Stores for the ret ptum of produce, and will pay every pi iTilil- attention to the management vs any liufinels placed in their hands. They alviuys keep on hand a general assort -01 ;i.t of GROCERIES, warranted of the fiift quality, to supply their custom ers at the lowelt Cash prices. JOHN r. IVHITE y Cos. August 16. tty 4° 2 The Purtnerffiip between Bay ley and Harman, *rjfTlLL, by limitation, expire on V V the firlt day ol September next; ail c.aims again ft the concern, will be aiijulicd by J* on Harman, at Mr. MuiV.moilin’s l-oufe, Gibbon’s building, who is legally authorifed. Those in debted, are° rt.qu red to fettle their ac counts immediately, otherwise Hits will be commenced, Thomas Bayley, jun’r. Jacob Harman. Allguft z 6 ___ Thomas Bayley, jun’r. exchange, No. 6, WILL CONTINUE THE Grocery, Wine and Li quor 1 radc. U* Families, Planters and Ship Stores put up of the choicest articles, and at low prices. Augult_2 6 Flour, Gin & Iron. Landing and for Sale, at reduced prices for Cash, t 5 bbis. Philadelphia fupcrfinc Flour r pipes Gm <! tons 13 ir Iron anu Snear Mculds j ANDREW KNOX. AUJUfI 26 40 GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. FACTORAGE. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, e pectfully informs his friends and the public, i.nii. Be ilill continues the FAC-j FORAGE & COMMISSION Bl)S! ‘•ESS, on Morel’s Wharf > formerly occupied bv William- 1 ion and Morel, and hemes from nis experience m that, line of bufintis an.: hss attention there-! to, to meet with a liberal pa-j trona tn. 1 iuxfe who nnv fiver him wicli cncir cull > n, may rely up m his uflng every exertion in Sib power to render them ample iacisfaction. Liotra! advances win be iracie, if required, on ‘rodnee hared. Sav. August 10, 404. tf. j't O 7 1 C ul. THE Subscriber has appointed Ni cholas TurnbucL, Esq. Mr. Isaac Minjs, at;d Mr. Charles Bernewiz his lawful atto-nits duriug his absence from this slate. L S. He Montnioliin. September 16. ts. 141. ‘T HITsU HSCIUBPIfc’ INTENDING to !>■= absent fora few weeks has appointed Et>w.hd L- Davis, anil Richard F. Williams his Attorniej, dur- J ing his absence SAMUEL H. STACKHOUSE. 1,; 402. PorTsale. r B ’’ HO!'. two very plcafantly fituit- J. td LOTS, in the city of Savan nah, in Broughton iheet, No. 2 and 3, Anson Ward, nearly oppolite to the residence of Mr. S. H. Staukhoule. A L S 0, Two I .ots containing 45 Ac-ea each, in An son Ward, No. 2 and'3, situate in the neighborhood of the Plantation of George Mi'len, Eiq. and being very val uable cii account of their being near to the city of Savannah. The rnoft clear and indisputable titles for (aid Lots, deduced from the oriirina! C grantee, will Lc executed to the pur chaser, and a very extensive and liberal credit will be granted for the payment of the cenfiueration money. For the particulai- terms and conditions of trie, apply in Savannah, to eithereof the sub ’ icribets, GEORGE WOODRUFF, JOHN LAWSON. September 6. 3m. too. I X. CU TORS SALES. 9A r the ftfl Tuesday in Odder next, will te sold at the Court house of toe c-ty of Savannah, purfuani to an ord/H Jar that purpose obtained from the ban. the Inferior Court oj the county of Chat \ ham. ALL that liland or trad of laud, generally known and called j BURESIDES , in the countyaforefaid, containing about two hundred and sixty ■acres of planting COTTON I, AR D t and a body of Marlh adjoining thereto, fiiuatid between Bewlie and Skidaway I Hand, being part of the real estate of Jacob Waloburger deceased, together with the buildings thereon, and the ap_ psrtenancen thereto belonging. Terms to be made known on the day of sale. John Miliedgc?, Exc’r. of the estate of Jacob Wald burger. , July 28 96 NO i ICE. On the 14th of October next, WILL LIS SOLD on St. Simon's, at the fulfert. here plantation. ’"T'HE rr -1 and ptrkmal piopcrty of James A Mui. -i ileceafed—Conliltiug of the following ai tides, \ 17. —Two Negroes, Plan tation Too S, l-Q. RAYMOND DEMIRE, Junr. Adm’r Eruufwick, Sept 6. 410 Administrators Sales. WILL BE SOLD, in Striven County , on the. 2ftb C'floetr, at the house of fames Htsdjon, ( the place where Ho lier! Hudson jot o.trly lived. ALL the Cattle, UortV , Hogs, Sheep, Geese, together with ail the Houle hold and Kitchen Furniture; the terms will be made known on the day of ta'e. Jarues Hudson, y^dm’r. Sept. 29 *4t 412 Sheriffs sale. Or. the firlt Tuefdiy in November next, will bes. Id, at the Court-lioulc in trie county of Bulloch, between the houra of 10 and 3 o’ciook, A TRACT cf 300 acres land adjoining Samuel Lockhart and James Ogielby, levied on bv a co,illable, as the property of laid Lockhatt, to fa i fy Robert Atkmfon and ar rerage of raxes for the years ISO3 4-5. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, Sept u ts. 413. 3.JJ.C. SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY EVERITT £jf MLEAN, ON THE BAY. TUESDAY, September 30, 1806. 03* COLLEGE LANDS. TIOO acres of Valuable LAND, in Glynn County, is offered FOR SALE , composed of valuable Rice, Cotton and Piovifion Land, in one body, and in which is included, a rich parcel of Meadow Land, capable of the highefi cultivation. The titles to thtfe lands are clear, and the lands have been lately resurveyed by Mr. M'Kir.nonv with accurate re marks, fhewtng its baiindaries, fuuation on a navigable Creek, and other advan tages. j iiefe lands arc directed, by law, to be lord for the benefit N the Bethclda College, or Orphan House Estate. For a great part of the purchase mon ey an exteufive credit will be given : and the other payment made easy, Apply to Judge STEPHENS, the President of the Board of Truftecs, Dr. PaR KER, Mr. BARACH GIBBONS, or the fubienber, or Committee of Trus tees, from either of whom, prrticulurs will be made known. W. R BULLOCH. Clf If not .old before the iirft Tues day tn November, the above will be of~ lered for f.deat Auttion. July 29 96 MOIMT-VTLLK, ‘ The residence of the late Givemcr Hall. FOH S \L, c m 2T VAL UAB I. E‘ 1 PL ANT.IT ION CONSISTING OF 2627 acres on Savannah River, in Burke County ; and, 767 or the oppofrte fide, in South-Carohna.— i’he valu;of the Fine Lands, on tin. fide, a;,d the rich lew ground, oa t!i other fids o£ the river, renders tlrt whole, Si VALUABLE ESTATE. The advantages of an elevated situation, tic eilablifhment of a ferry couftantly used, and with the command of land;, i of every quality, upon a navigable river, are so well known as to need no other def, riptton. Terms of payment and the price, will be easy. For pariiculrrs, apply in Auguila to Thomas Flournoy, Esq of Seaborn Jpnss Esq. at his feat in Scriven Coun ty, to Major Bum, near the premiffes, and in Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPHENS. July 2t> ts 96 iO BE The valuable Plantation Brick Yard and appurtenances, known Heretofore as the GLEBE LAND. The whole body of land is within hree roil sos this city, on the Augnlta road, and fronting Savannah river, ana contains, on adtual survey, better than three hundred acres, more or lefst For separate Farms to, or as fettle meats of high land, for those, who poffels rice grounds on Hutchinson’s lfland, anil opposite to the Glebe Land, the above is certainly a deliraole purchase. It is well known, that a valuable bed of clay, is on the land, and that bricks have been burnt on the spot, and brought 1 to market to advantage. As this land has again revetted to the church, all persons are cautioned fro.i trespassing thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood iand, and those who are in poffelfion of any part thereof, by lease or otherwise, are notified to pay no rent but to the Warden’s of Christ Church. if no purchaser offers, between this and the firlt Tucfday in November, the property will be divided into lots, and offered at public auftion, for the benefit of the church, W. STEPHENS, N. TURNBULL, Church Wardens. July 29 96. “hrJTUgITI 20 GOAL . The following Runaway Negroes, NLD, a black fellow about five fret fix inches high, about 25 years old, fdys he belongs to Mr. George Lee, near Newport Bridge, Liberty County. JOE, raiher yellow complexi on, about five feet seven or eight inches high, about 25 years old, Fays he belongs to Mr. Robin Coates of South Carolina, CHARLES COPE, G. C. C; September 19. 412. ~ ~noi icfT~ ALL persons indebted to Jthe subscriber are requelled to make pa) ment on cr before the 24th infl.—Ail .hat do not avail themi'elves of this notice, will find their ac. counts in the hands of proper officers for col lection. STEPHEN B. CLARK. Sept. 16 411 FOR PRIVATE SALE. A TRACT t'f very valuable Coni and i rovilion LAND, contaii tog nearly three thousand acres, belong ing to the estate of Richard R. Ash lituated on the ‘(land ol Dawfulkie, dr redly oppolite Savannah bar, ami dii. tant only <f or > miles from Tvbee Light Houle —Thtfe lands are inferior to none iu the Hate—the prefect crop and a bout ,< 50 acres ot Cotton, and 200 acres oi Provdiori will fully prove this. The Trad is divided into lour Plan rations, and will be fold together or it parately, all of vhi ;h are well fettled, having every ncceffary building for a Cotton Ph .tattoo, nuatt of them have been erected since the hurricane, and ot the belt materials. On Newbury a'is convenient and comfortable two ftorv dwelling lioule, kitchen and wash boule, entirely new. The buildings on Salt Pond are a link- iufrrior, and in excel lent repair. Mary-Field and the ridge, have been lately lettled and have over* seer’s houses, ixc; Terms, one third cafli, tlie other two thirds in one and two years, the purcha ser giving bond and mortgage of the pr... perty, with persona! fircarity, if required. J’he overseer at Newbury, will Ihtw the Lands and diiilion lines. For further particulars, apply to MART PHASER. 03” l’.ov.fions, iduntatton Tools, Sic. may be had with the plantations, at 2 fair valuation, Beaufort, S. C. July tjy 92 A Plant it ton in IT i hfs County FOR SALE. HP HE ltibfcribpra are author’ jk 1 fed to dilpofe of the PLANTATION in WILKES f Ob NTT, Ci miles below Wafh ngcon, the poper’y and pre lent residence of \V liia<\ Bar ietr, len'r. The Plantation con 'sins three hundred acres fit ft -.ncl second quality land, leveriy >f which arc cleared and under cultivation—the dwcili-iy-lyiufe s convenient, with kiccht n, da ole, barn, coL.on niachine tnd dote house. There is, alio ;i lorne little orchard of peach titrs, tpples &c. In a word, it is well alculated for a permanent resi iencc, being in ail improved pari >f the country and fu rouiKlt U vith good lociety. For terms apply in Savannah, 10 PHINIZY& BARNETT. August 22. 6w. 404 Wlls for sall. IN consequence of the death u, . rny wile, I wish to rrtirt from where I have met lo grot 1 lols ; arid therefore offer ili FOLLOWING PROPERTY FOR SALE VI4. 3000 Acres of LAND, where on Hand two law and two < rift Mills, a Cotton Gm, and Dis tilery, and a framed Store or lumber House, all cf whicl are nearly new, and in good orde; tor business. One mile frou these premises, Hands a Jarr e ele gant DWELLING HOUSE, with a number of convenient cut houses, a fine careen, and a large Peach and Apple O: now begining to bear. The terms will be three payments, one third of which this Chriff rnas, at which time I will give poflcffion, one third the Christ mas following, and the ren ain* der, the Chrifbnas next thereaf ter, the laid payments to he well secured. The whole of rhr property lies within fix or seven rndes of Mil ledgeviile, which place is aimofl wholly supplied with from said mill: 3 ar.d from rnv knowledge or the < ountry, 1 know that town cannot be lup plied with much elsewhere. TIIADs; HUGT. Hancock County ) 006, “inly J inoT I CfT ALL pcrfor.r. havnij; drvi'-inds the late James Mod an, Efq/or a gairill the fi hfcribtr in hit. own name, or a- Executor of the cllate of MoPman, will plcaie hand them in av toon a*. , du iy attehtd, to Mr. William Mein, that the tame may be put in a train for uttlement. James Oliver. , August 29 406 j~YV r hole Number 41J, SAVANNAH FXCHANGE; Nh W COFFEE HOUSE. IU E iubfcriber takes the liberty, itffpedtfuliv, to inform the public mid his fitends, that fi m the cnctiuragc n-.u.t and fi’-*.uablc opinion inanifi'Rj to him, by a hict pa;t of the citizens ot” Savannah, fn.-e b u eftabliiliiaenr m thia plnce, the ‘Erullces t .f the Exchange were inth! e 1 to dnpefe, in fii s iavor, of t he upper pu.-t of this building, where he intends to open cn the icth iluy of Oc tober next, AN .EXCHANG E, Bemg an imitation of London and of the iarge cities of the United Srstts. There the Merchants, Planters and T.avdiV,-, may daily meet tn a limiler manner, ia or tier to tranbiit ti'omtnercul Business. St c. 9 Nkws papers of the rood inter*,l. j ing kind, fhail be K> ;u, oiin I ‘'Dll. REGIS I Bk, 111 lor I • Inr <j( t •l.- ; r ; iivui and Ckaicincesof ; 3 ,. u o “ ws 1 may often be communicated quicker than Ui-o-igh the channel of the papers. 11 and-ihm,s niall be poafted in a conver:ter.t p!,u. r , coniii.iing the articles •mured lor t tie at the suitiono in tlu city. in..- namrs of such vtffJs as are offend inr hilt- or charter, and of the proprie tors, and generally whatever is feLIHMJ’ to (ales . I all d-fcript.ons, cither houfesj negroes 01 plantations. One will find t'-Nv d;,v at eight ;t: and at two o’clock, a Table neatly duff., < d,an l cr. moderate terms to •iau ill pafor.j, either by the meal or i >y the day, and weekly or quaitery. Li ike, tea, Litocol-.ite, private Ere.;): tall j, and Dinners or Rulilhes and Oylters, prepared for the e„;f e ,i, c diflerent vjfitors, fliall he ge t e-v. ry day ° 1 v err reafunabie teem.. ‘lie Bar- Poem Le lupplutl Will. UpiiUs and Ercqn Wines, and any wui chofcn Li quets. The different Sooictirs or Cliih* *Fat n . . to form Affe'mblii ‘. ; Ol Loooella, wtd find r,,i,n, 8 {„, t | a j,. uecon. i tala:;an, ftniufki.,l m , uianner t liot he ffjt:-:., luud.ll- will ,iieet tlicit apple . re’ lem. 1 he fnbfcnbcr, from bis endeavors to form Id a couiiiKHOoiift j>iauc, nfi rs-. tablifli.nenr, that mult in enuffe a flout to the tdiz.ens of Savßimah the lame great advantages enjoyed in all the towns or tins continent, hopes to receive the nouragemei.t his laborious exertions wtll require, to defirve the coiifide„e’<3 and gidtituJe of the public in general. (NT A BAR KLi'.FLK h wanted, w icii e-ood ricoinnifn •-dtiony. L. GLEISF.S. CAUTION. MARi EKS and Owners of V,ILI are notified, that it unlawful to load or unload any p u r t of their cargoeu at, or near I ive Fathom Hvjle, onlela the tain e ii performed at the wh.trvcs, there built for the p,i p o s e . All v;ola toisof the att, passed June z 6, wi.l be piofecuted withe nt dilcrin.iua-, tion. ’ “* I o. De MONT'MOLLI V Augnfto. , ’ “ J • Itl . I ()(_) Notice ;r !ierchy Given Ikt.tthi’CtqaoneWLj earned on re by VVjiiwiti Dixon, James Dick ion and Get, rg'e Penny, Under the firraof James Dicksom/&c ( , expired, by its own limitation, on the rft instant; those who have any demands a gainst the concern willpleafeprefent them, and those rodebted, are requested t„ make payment to James Diekfon, v/ho ia authorifed to fettle the afiaiis of tha conceru. Vvilliam Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. Tn future the bufinef. will be continue Hby Will,am Dixon & James DnAfon under the firm of Jarncs Dickson, tc Cos. jUne_ 3 o gy TAKE NOTICE, ‘Y'.'JAT in nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to tl.ehon. thejiifticcs of the Inferior C.mrt, for the county of BalJoch, for leave to fad all that traft of | ailfij con . tatmng 475 acres more or less, lying j,, the counties of Bryan and Bullochf the Lme being part of the estate of Wm Slater dec’d. V- m. Slater, adni'r.* May (). r i HE SUBSCRIBER. |NTF.XDING to leave the |i a f; a f.,., X wet! s, Ins Bufinrls, will lie conducted bv Joi.v I. aw30k, Wm. Davies or K M Stitbs Ebjs. JEREMIAH CUYLER Aaguft ip it 4 j