Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 03, 1806, Image 1
Vol. IV. No. 105.] CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republicam is publifhcd every Tuesday and Friday, on a royal (heet of a good quality. The terms of fubfeription are six dol lars per half to be paid at the time of fubfcribuiff, and the balance at the expiration of ux months...and all papers will f>e continued until ordered to the reverie. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements inferred at 50 cents per square the tirtfc infertton, and 15 for eich continuation—A liberal allowance made to thole who with to advert tie by the year. For sale at this Office. A variety of BLANKS among which are, Foreign'and Coatting Mamfetls Merchants Entries Liquor ditto 55 ill* of Exchange I>e46f Lading Do. of Saie; Rowers of Attorney Ci.ecks Apprentices Indentures Deeds ol Conveyance Bonds ; Notes of Hands Writs tor the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’s Courts Mayor’s Court Executions & Subpoenas Notices to creditors ol Inlolvcut debtors Mil.itary Summonses and Executions, &c. q3 Cards, Handbills, ot. tfc’ Printed at a jhotl notice on reafunable teems. 7. [Vi. Woodhrtdgc , RE SPECTF*(JLLV informs his friends, anc! the public, that he full continues the ra&orage & Commission business , at No. 4, in the Exchange, where he has fate aad convenient stores for the re ception of any ktnd of Goods or Pro duce, that may be intruded to his charge. Liberal advances in Caftt, will be mads on goods being deposited for public or private sale. HE HAS ON HAND. 20 Puncheons old Jamaica RUM 10 ditto ditto St. Croix ditto 30 Bags and 10 tierces Green Coffee Pipes and qr. calks old French Brandy Sugar in hogfhcaJs and barrels Window Glai's, and Snap in boxes Cotton Bagging, lrifh Linen3 Nankeens, Hutnhums, See. &c. /ali which articles will be (old low. Cj* Two convenient HOUSES to Let. Sept 2 taw ts 407 factors and commission MERCHANTS. * -ip Htfubfcriher; offer their fen-ices as j F \CTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. They have good, fafe and commodious Stores for the rec ption of produce, and will pay every poiiible attention to the management of any business placed in their hands. They always keep on hand a general affort nietit of GROCERIES, warranted-of the fir if quality, to supply their cuftom ets, at the lowest Cash prices. JOHN T. IVHITE id Cos. AUgufi 16. tij 402 The Partnerlhip between Bay ley and Harman, T Tv/’ ILL, by limitation, expire on \\ the fir it day oi September next; all tiaims against the concern, will be adjulted by Jacob Harman, at Mr. Mommollin’s boufe, Gibbon’s building, who is legally authorifed. Those in debted, are required to fettle their ac counts immediately, otherwile suits will be commenced. Thomas Eaykv, jun’r. Jacob Harman. AUgVltt 26 Thomas Bayley, jun’r. EXCHANGE, No. 6, WII.L CONTINUE THE Grocery, Wine and Li quor Trade. y Families, Planters and Ship Stores put tip of the choice it articles, and at low prices. August 26 Flour, Gin & Iron. Landing and for Sa'e, at reduced pricer for Ca h, 25 bbls. Philadelphia fuperfine Flour 5- pipes Gin 5 tons Bar Iron and Shear Moulds ANDREW KNOX, AUgllff 26 40 GEORGIA ’ REPUBLICAN. FACTORAGE. JOHN P, WILLIAMSON, jj) espectfully informs bis friends and the public, .nut 11c still continues the FAC TORAGE G? COMMISSION BUSINESS, on Morel's Wharf, formerly occupied by Wiliiam-: Ton and Morel, and Ropes from i his experience in that line of bufinels and hts attention there to, to meet with a liberal pa tron acre. Those who may favor him •A’i:’; their custom, may rely up on his uhng every exertion in his power to render them ample facisfa£tion. Liberal advances will be made, it requited, on i produce stored. Sav. Atig'iift 22. 404. tr. N OT I C E. THE Subscriber has appointed Ni cholas Turnbull, Esq. Mr. Isaac Minis, and Mr. Charles Bernsiviz, his lawful atto tiies during his ablenc- 1 from this state -1. S. Oe Montmol in, September 16. ts. 141. THE SUBSCRIBER , T VTE’MDIN’G to bo ahfr-nt fora few weeks “• has appointed Editmid L- Da vs. and Rtcharp F. Williams his Attornies, dur ing h;s abfetiee. SAMUEL H. STACKHOUSE. Attguft 19 402. FOR SALE. r |~ I HO3E two very pieafantly liruat- X cd LOTS, in the city of Savan nah, in Broughton llreet, No. 2 aud 3, Anson Ward, nearly opposite to the residence ot Mr. S. H. Stuckhoufe. ALSO, Two Lots containing 35 Acres each, in Anson Ward, No. 2 and 3, situate in the neighborhood of the Plantation of George Mtilen, Esq. and being very val uable on account of their being near to the city of Savannah. The mod clear and indisputable titles for said Lots, deduced from the original grantee, will be executed to the pur chaser, and a very exteifive and liberal credit will be granted for the payment of the consideration i-.mey. For the particular terms and conditions of sale, apply in Savannah, to either ik of the lub feribers. GEORGE WOODRUFF, JOHN LAWSON. September 6. 3m. 109. ””EXECUTORS SALES. ION the firfl Tuesday in Ofloler next, j will he sold at the Court boufe of the I aty of Savannah, pursuant to an or dee for that purpafe obtained from the hon the Inferior Court oj the county of Chat ham. ALL that Island or traft of land, generally known and called BURNSIDES, in the countyaforefaid, containing about two hundred and sixty acres of planting COTTON LAND, and a body of Marsh adjoining thereto, situated between Bewlie and Skidaway Island, being part of the real eltate of Jacob Waldbufger deccafcd, together with the buildings thereon, and the ap_ pertenances thereto belonging, Term3 to be made known on the day of sale. John Milledge, Exc’r. of the estate of Jacob Wald burger. July 28 96 NOTICE. On the ie th of October next, WILL BE SOLD on St. Simon's, at the fubferi hers plantation. THE real and personal pioperty of James Mather deceaftd—Conlittitig of the following articles, VIE—Two Negroes, Plan tation Tools, kc. RAYMOND DEMIRE, Jur.r. Adm’r Brunfwmk, Sept 6. 410 SHERIFF’S SALE. 1 On the frfl Tuesday in November next, will be fi Id, at tbe Court-house in the county of Bulloch, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A TRACT of 300 acres land adjoining Samuel Lockhart and James Oglefby, levied on by a constable, as tbe property of said Lockhart, to fail fy Robert Atkinson and arrerage of taxes for the year; 1803-4-5. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, Sept, n ts. 413* 5.13. C. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tl the late James Madman, Elq. or a galnft tne fubf.riber m his own name, or as •.xecutor ol the estate of Moffman, will licafe hand them in as fbon as possible, du . atrelted, to Mr. William Mein, that the fame may be put in a train for fertiement. Janies Oliver. August 29 405 SAVANNAH; PRINTED BY EVERITT M'LEAN, ON THE EAY. FRIDAY, October j, itfo6. & COLLEGE LANDS. T 100 acres of Valuable LAND, in Glynn Comity, is offered FOR SALE, composed of valuable Rice, Cotton and Prorifion Land, in one body, and in which is included, a rich parcel of Meadow Land, capable of the highest cultivation. The titles to tbele lands are clear, and the lands have been lately resurveyed by Mr. MTvinnon, with accurate re marks, file wing its boundaries, situation oti a navigable creek, aud other advan tages. Titefe lands are directed, by law', to be fold for trie benefit of the Bethesda College, or Orphan House Estate. For a great part ot the purchase mon ey an extensive credit will be given ; ami the other payment made easy. Apply to judge STEPHENS, tite President of the Board of Trufteea, Dr. PAR KER, Mr. BARACti GIBBONS, or the fubfertber, or Committee of Trul- Lecs, troin e ther of whom, particulars will be made known. W. B BULLOCH. CO* If not fold before the firil Titef- Jay in November, the above will be of fered for file at Auction. July 29 96 M6N T- V ITTIE, ~ The residence of the idle Governor Hail. FOK SALE, THAT VAL UAH LE PL ANT A TIO N. Consisting of 2627 acres on Savannah River, in Burke County ; and, 767 on the opposite fide, in South-Carobna The value of the Pine Lands, on till iide, and the rich low grounds on tin other fide of the river, renders tin whole, a VALUABLE ESTATE. The advantages of an elevated situation, the eftabhfhment of a ferry conftantiy used, and with the command of land: of every quality, upon a navigable liver, arc so well known as to neeu no other defeription. Terms of payment and the price, will be easy. For particulrrs, apply in Auguft |to Thomas Flournoy, Fdq. of Seaborn I Jones Esq. at his feat in Scriveti COllll ty, to Major Bush, near the pre-miffes and in Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPHENS. July 29 ts 96 O BE DlsPObEi) of The valuable Plantation Brick Yard ar.d appurtenances, known heretofore as the GLE Bfi LAX D. The whole body of land is withi three miles of this city, on the Atigufta road, aud fronting Savannah river, and contains, on attuai fumy, belter than three hundred acres, more or lefs* For separate Farms to, or as fettle meuts of high land, for thufe, who polleE rice grounds on Hutchinson’s Island, and opposite to the Glebe Land, the above i3 certainly a desirable purchase. It is well known, that a valuable bed of clay, is on the land, and that brick 6 have been burnt on the spot, and brought to market to advantage. As this land has again reverted to the church, all persons arc cautioned from trespafiing thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood land, and theft who are in pofieffion of any part thereof, by lease or otherwise, are notified to pay no rent but to the Warden’s ol Christ Church. If no purchaser offers, between this and the firft Tuesday in November, the property will be divided into lots, and offered at public audtion, for the benefit of the church. W. STEPHENS, N. TURNBULL, Church Wardens. July 29 96. BROUGHT FO GOAL. The following I’.uuaway Negroes, NED, a black fellow about five feet fix inches high, about 25 years old, lays he belongs to Mr. George Lee, ntar Newjicrt Bridge, Liberty County. JOE, rather yellow complexi on, about five feet seven or eight inches high, about 25 years old, fays he belongs to Mr. Robin Coales of South Carolina. CHARLES COPE, G. C. C. September 19. 412. “ NO 11UE’“ \ LL perfont indebted to ft be (uulcriber Sx. are requested to make payment on or before the 24th inst.—All that do not avail themselves of this notice, will find their ac count. in the hands of proper officers for col left ion. STEPHEN E. CLARK. Sept. 16 411 FOR PRIVATE SALF A TRACT of very valuable Cotti and Provifiun LAND, contaii. ing nearly three thousand acres, belong ing to the estate of Richard R. Ash iituated on the island ot Daivfulkie, di retftly opposite Savannah bar, nud dis taut only sor miles from Tybee Light House.—These lands are inferior to none in the Hate—the prefect crop of a bout 450 acres of Cotton, and 20b acres of Provision will fully prove this. 1 lie Tract is divided into four Plan tation9, and will be fold together or fe parattly, ail of which are well fettled, having every tnjceilavy building for s Cotton Plantation, molt of them havt been erected iittce the hurricane, and of the bell materials. On Newbury ais convenient and comfouable two story dwelling house, kitchen and waflt house, entirely new- The buildings on Salt Pond are a little interior, aad in excel lent repair. Mary-Field and the ridge, have been lately lcttled and have over seer’s huufes, Sec; Terms, one third cash, the other two thirds in one and two years, the purchu fer giving bond and mortgage of the pi - perty, with personal fecurily, if required. The ovcrleer at Newbury, will flitw the Lands and diviliou lines. For fur.her particulars, apply to IN ART FRASER . C-j“ Prov.fions, Plantation Tools, iic. may be had with the plantations, at a lair valuation. Beaufort, S . C. ffuly 15 92 A Piantition in IVtikes Count ; FOR SALE. THE lubfcribers are author iied to difpole of the PLANTATION in WILKES COUNTY, 6 miles below Walk mgton, the proper y and pre sent residence of W.Jliaru. Bar •letr, ltn’r. The Plantation con ‘ains three hundred acres firft :nd second quality land, seventy if which are cleared and under < ultivatiori —the. dwelling-house .s convenient, with kitchen, sta ble, barn, cot.on machine and .tore house. There is alio a ha;id ‘ome little crcl.ard of peach trees, apples Sec, In a word, it is well Calculated for a permanent resi dence, being in an improved parr of the country and lurrounded vith good society. For terms apply in Savannah, to PHINIZY& BARNETT. August 22. 6w. 404 FOR SALE, f S NbiA i valuable Plamaiion I in Bryan County Culled HICKORY IIILL, containing about Bjo acres, a very large proportion of which is prime Oak anti Hickory, & a part prime rice land,and is a (.art of the well known Flantati ort called E.GYP i‘ belonging to Wm. Maxwell Eiqr. of Bclialt, A L S O, A trad; containing i go acres called REPUBLICAN HALL, in a beautiful fixation on the ‘•alts, in sight & of not more than me quarter of a mile dist arit from Bdfaif Houle } about bo acres of this tract is prime Cotton land ana well inproved, having been the residence of the late Major /. 11. Maxwell. Both tracts v/erc partly cultivated by Major Maxwell in his life rime and will make a very convenient ami va luable estate in the hands of one perion, being capable of great improvement and affording a lufficient quantity of land of the firft quality to occupy 40 or 5o I prime Oaves. Further description iis thought nnnecelfary, as it is jnotexpided that a sale can be 1 made, but after a full view of the prernifies, to which those inclined to purclufe are invired, JOHN PRAY, D. B. MITCHELL, Acting and qualifi ed Executors of J, B, Manuell decerfed. Bryan County, ? 23ft, September 1806. 5 ts. 4:4. Bills on New- York, At a short fight, FOR SALL, by Geo. Buchanan fy Cos. Srjitember 30. 4 , 5 . £Whole Number 416. SAVANNAH EXCHANGE. COFFEE HOUSE. I 1 he lubf.rtber ’akt. dll’ liberty, refpeAfully, to infoim the public ami his triends, that from the cticourage mtut and favorr-.hle opinion manifi.fted to him, by a chit.l j>ai t of the citizens of Savannah, fine hia etLibliliunenr m this place, the Ertiilees of the Exchange wete induced to ditpofe, in h| 3 i nV or, of t he upper part oi this building, where he intends to epen on the day ot Oc tober next, AN EXCHANGE, Being an imitation of London and (if the cities of the United States. Time the Merchants, Hunters ud Travellers, may caily meet in a fimiler manner, in to tranleii Commercial Bufincis, News pape-bs of the rnofl in tne ft tug kind, Inail be kept, with a ma t tris register, ittfurming of the ar. nv;.| and clcarcnees of vcffcls ; ar.d news ~u' ’ °hen lie cumn.itnicatcd quicker than through the channel of the papers. Hand-bills fnall be poafted lit a c.-nvcnif nt place, containing the articles offered tor sale at the auttiJas m thecity, immes of lueh v fi. It as are offered tor sale or charter, nnd of the proprie tors, and generally whatever .s relating to laics of all dd'eript tons, cither houfi-s* negroes or plantations. One will find every day at eight and at two o’clock, a Table neatly duff, (ibard on moderate turns, to accommo date uil persons, either bytlse meal or t>y the day, and weekly-.r quarterv. Ccdce, lea, Chocolate, private Brcaklaits, end Dinners or Reliflus a „d Uyftne, jnepared lor the ttrile ts the d’tU-.'-Mt visitors, shall be got rvuy day on very reatbnuble terms. The Bar- Rjom lhall be iupplied with Spirits and foreign Wines, and any well chofcn Li quers. Ihe different Societits or Clubs that may di-fire to form Affemblics, Bails or Concerts, will fi-d rooms for tinir ; accommodation, furniflaed in a manner tint lie flatters htmlclf will meet their approbation. The fubfiriber, from his endeavors to form in a commodious place, an cf -1 rabiilhment, that n.uft in course afford to the citizens of fiavannah the fame k“-“t advantages enjoyi and m all the towns <>t this continent, hopes to receive the encouragement h.s laborious exertions will inquire, to deserve the confidence and gratitude of the public in general. (jW A BaR KEEFER is wanted, with good rtcomincn ’ datiens. L. GLF.I ES. CAUTION. MAbl ERS and Owners of Veffcl are notified, that it is unlawful to load or unload any part of H.cir cargoes at, or near Five Fathom Hole, unless the fame is performed at the wharves tlare Luik for the purpose. All viola* torn of the adt, passed June 2 6, 1806 will be prolecuad without diferimina tion. J b>. De MGNTMOLLIN A, T u ‘t 9- taw_. 2m. lop Notice ts Hereby Given, i Mat ‘ne Coparncrfliip carried on here by WiiJiAtH Dixon, Jamru Did<- son and George Penny, Under the firmof James D IC kson, &Cos expired, by its own limitation, on the iff inlUnt ; those who have any demands a* the concern r ill plcafeprcfent them and those indebted, arc requested to make payment to Jajnes Dickson, who , 8 authorifed to fettle the affairs of the concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the business will be continu ed by William Dixon & James Dickson under the firm of • James Dickson, Sc Cos. ■ line 30 88 TAKE NOTICE, T H ? T in nine months from the due hereof, application will be made to tliehon. the jiiftice* of the Interior Court, for the county of Bulloch, f or leave to fell all that tra& 0 f land, Co,i .atning 475 acres more or less, lyintr in the counties of Biyzn and Bulloch, •he -ame being part of the estate of Wm blatcr dec’d. Wm. Slater, adni’r. May 6. 9m* THE SUHSC[<IHER, INTENDING to i<ave the {| a t? a f,. v/ 1 wee k , h, s Bufmefs, will be conduced 1,/ Jo.i.v I.awson, Wm. Davies or K. M STITP.J, iiiqs. *• JEREMIAH CUVLEK ’ Augi-ft ty if K J