Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 03, 1806, Image 2

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Tor LIVERPOOL, THE fall failing C.iip r*4h’ tLIZA Joseph Starks, matt's, ExpfAcd f. be difpuichrd tv m the •trrti t ■?he 15 bof next month, tor freight ot Cot ton, appL to Tavlor & Scarbrouuh. Siot. 16 8t 4 11 Now Landing, from tiitt Ship 1.1 za J off ph Starks, mailer, from Liver pool, TWENTY bain preen,blue & wtiite Negro CLO 1 H Tour bates of the best L< nJon Duffil Blanket* Iron Pot* from 3 to 12 gallons Dutch Ovens fnm q to 16 inches 6, b, 10 and 2C't Nail*, and 5, 6 an ! 7 inch Kp'-kes in calks Hoes and Socket Spade* liifti Linen* in boxes, afforwsfl, "* 12 1-2 to 3C<* &'>fl 23d. to 4/2, jjunic colt—-nil A final I parr* 1 of House Coal, Futt rack by l ,*v lor & Srarbrouf h. Sept 16 _s_l! _ r jl 10MAS s ri.wART 7i,V PLATE WORKER, r - * AS pm >vi.l nip Store toll” tr n,c \ fen mi riy occupied by Mr. J’ spin Davis, two doom call of the Buik t Head. . . . T. S. returns hiit rx*oft. liiKCfC t tar k? to his friends and the public in </encrat. for the liberal enqouragemt >.t be has n c CIVJ I'tom them, ami bop a * bat by un remitting attention he wul merit a cc ticuancc of their favoiu. HE li dS ON H IND, A complete ment o> Articlev in liis Line, rh'rh he t ffVr* r or fab- on the m< ft rna f niehlc tetm . Orders will be tl anklu! ly received and puntlu.'.dy txccuttd. lately imported, a coo'plcte aff.'tm r.t of the bill and moll lalhionabie PeT Hanging Mat erials, which be will fut m the ntatt II manner c -y Tlie inn h,l pi ice given lor old Pksv i f.r and Lead. September 30. 4'S- John Jnckton, Rect ed per ike Jb'p F.lnn, aid Alitiilippi, J’Ohi Liverpool, A d general fnpply o 4 FALL GOODS. Al.vO, An fx’crfive and complete af lorrmenr ot IRONMON GERY, coidtfting of every article in thu line, A h ‘ O) Cr tes CUOcKERY, a(I it ted t< >i retail,ng, Boil and I.infeed Oil in jugs. r „ ) 3 by 10 I “ Z< (. Qby 11 Span ill Brown £ * SlO by 12 1 cllow O hie t e. 20 casks best Btoiv.n Stout. ON l IAN 1), Swales ir it, fiat and square b.,rs . Srpr. 30 4'5 Mil cr 6i Moonicad, Hive J ail Received, in aid. ion to tncir for mer lupply ot Dr\ Goods tsr Groceries, WELSH PLAINS Hu t hums. Men’s fine Call r Hats, in final! cafe* iS hhds. pume Mufcovado and Loaf Sugars 7 hhds 3 I proof Weft-India Rum All of wni-’h will he had on realbnabtc term<, for cHlh or approve ! paper. Sept, 19 4t2 ~~SUPER FIND RICHMOND FLOUR 300 Barre’s full quality Ri-hmoivd F.. 11, jull iceeiveJ per Ichocuer John, mid lor Lue, apply to Mil Li K L MOOR. EAD, or TH<)..l * S L.tV\ R \NCE. Sept 26 4'4- Robert 6c John Bolton, Hjra roK Sale, S WEEDS ln.ll -tT>rted Br. vrn V ugurs jx.r Hr-gfliead Text ditto per lixriel Jut rior C tton flagging Croc ntr> “ re iuCra.cs IxiiirFwiru Hum, fia Clthei articles rom Horton Coi. g e Mid Stones, j leet diameter Sue ,.ed Stone Lime. Sept. 4"3 Faints, Oils 6c Brulhcs. luutnHer on lx e a quan ity X of me aoowe ar.icies, which will be fold low for cxflv. or on a llnm credit, to tlieilt who are punctual in their payments. JOHN HUNTER. sa EUR THE Eh ‘‘l L LIE/IN. COMMENTS. WITH ’.he fpiru, of pre.Jiifling por tentious tvents. lo peculiar to tha* bend toriupt writers who'c contaminating doctrines are daily ptomulgated by their mercenaries—the Editors of ihe B jfton !< N. Y. Evening Pol, Cliar irlton Courier, &c. Some poor ferib bler has preleuttd ‘he public (m the Cou rier ot 22 September) with a molt gloo. Uiy proipettus of Lu opean ass ir.—at the Laic time, prophelying that Lou lia i,a is, tre b n,r, to compose the 41 Welt er i imb” ot B naparte’s grand Empire. ” From an attentive perusal” (fays this sapient author) “ of the foreign news, the A merican People will receive the moft awful im pri iliou ot ihe gigantic rtrides ot the delolator ot Europe.” Those, to whom this fort of lan.-rtiage is unintelligible, will naturally n q nre— vrho this “dcfolator of Europe” is ? We who are conversant in it, take the aui hoi’s totalling, and recognize in Bonaparte tlie 1 mperor of the French, “ tlie dcfolator of Europe.”—But how has he d> folatcd Europe, ar.d what fi it induced him to make .h f- “ gigantic llridcs” which are to imprcls the American people with so nu’ li awe. Why, he I,as bravely fought va, q iiihed a holt of rn. rccnary foes— who w(,e iniligateH by the internal mi en nations of the Brit'th cabine'—as well ar, influenced by B itifh gold—lo ravage, p under, a"d m;(Tactee thirty five millions ot 1 i ench pr >ple Had the K ng of England and Lis mi nillus been more horn il and humane— am) the Emperor of G ‘itv-ny ami his ce league, the rt h Duke of Auftrta, bteri kis corruot and venal, there is rea In to believe ifi t Bonaparte, would not now havi b cn lu h a bu, bear to 1 ii - lai.d, ami that France wou and either have t ic. a Republic, or rcintlated in rhe old iM.sily ot li e Bourbons But the rno tnent it was known in Lnyland, that France tiad rclo.veii to b free—ih- iin placable halt'd, whuh the Brt'.iih yiam is J ver indulged agamll Repul lit :, rof - to rich a in ions heat, that h was determined to put cvtiy engine ii motion which came within Ins gralo, o c unteradt their laudable views —li.j ov;u luljidt. were oppr. (Ted, am) tie American commerce plundered, to ia 1\ hnbes lor i,is rnercei a y aliiu,—.. id to load his spies, who were lent over to F ance in lq udront, with !v htu lubl. vn w o( encouragting the diLifr’ ie l, o. •lit c mill fiion ot rnuroer, and eveiy a.*t .1 barbaricty, the m. it luftiau m. id cot Id rin late.—Such was the foundation, upon which ihe English policy w.i er ct.u iv’ ill grew to a towo mg bright, only to ill keick Cowi.Sail il. m,.il itiribie. Con- i Ini within amlti tiiaded .vitiiiiu'; will tddlions and for-ifr .iii al qi art r—biai-ci was al length c -m >dl a to acctpl th aid cf a general t b'av : y and aX. rii -. tv. 10 fiplit her w y tin u ( .h lie c that liKDinpaffcd tier ;—Euca a grnxru< was Inu u) in B uiapar.c —and lo . I.niuus an oppoi tunity, was noi to be foil by a, ambitiiiUS lieroe. FT afkcd noth in ct trance until h had avtn ( ,cd htr upon ‘itr encmiei—when he had doi c tins ih cloathtd him will the p-.weu, of hilt Consul and a.,a 11 he ev.ncid Ins grati iude for the honors done him, nt the Ojh c 01 Marengo, tie taught liie met ctiiatv allies of li iglaud, the folly o. with loldicrs who tough', itoni principle and tor their county. The talc ot that memorable ba!tie made the corrupt and dcgiaded Emperor o< Grunin y, tiemble even in h.s palace, ano on hi> knees he lut’d to the “ct.i.q itr or tor nittey —and tlie Arch Duke, hi - con 1 ci!r rate, was 'happy to obtain lu. ) t rinu an pleated his vanquifhe’ to giant him. 1 bus ended a ceafu ion cicatedby villains—tupported by p under ; con the b'-nvety of a heme, whole on n con founds to lernklr in B u (krais ; A ti..( i antic fti dts,” which eo.iimruc< and at ttint period, the mencan pe. p! t , are told to eonli.ler with aw. J— La ); „y cK uits which had so long, oblcu cj t.'i political bornzon in F.anee, were now dtfpclled—the tumi uous cabals of Marat. Damon -lid Rob,fpi.rc Were Lp prrff d—and tri m a Irighlfui chaos, Fr. nee was trice more rest red to li f li and order. elll ti ls was til wo k. if B napaite, and hta fai.nfu all'cutes, and had he tiun letired li in the Lcue, he would, ns line have prove as great as VVath n.'ton ; but Fiance so tar trim being bent filed by Ins modally, wou.d mi the contrary have bi n plunged into new and more a ..ruling I.angers ; and .11 all piobafcility w 11IJ h ive again hen dicn hed in Uk blood of herci zens whu b would have b. n bid to flow, bj in t au hors of ir.- ffaerte, King George and his lav.ige minilLrs. It was therefore, wile and politic, that ft icc the Fr.nch im 11)11 ct uld not fuccctd 111 their repub bean have a government, hnn, dignified and lplindtd ; aud tmely none were moic entitled to the exceu ive piiw cr ot tueli a government, that. Bonaparte; the approving voice of thirty five mil ions ot men calico h m to the tliroDt ; and as au inipcror ol luch avail empire, he on ly docs his duty, in endeavouring to in crealc Us fpicudour. But Icatcely had be put on the impciia! lobes, whin he was iuinmontd again to tiie field of glory. Recovered from their fright, aud emer ging towards a state of poverty —the em peror of Germany and his confederate, the Arch Duke ot Auitria— Kg 111 rtcciv ed the wages of corruption, from the old quarter —and tor the iali time, numbered tue poor mifcrable wretches who .com pole their armies dcftined agniult Fraucc.j After having b*nn so rp> rr'etTy chafer.— and, we (iiuuij greativ wonder at their u rnerity, in peril vering in the fatal pur pofis of p.ovi kdig thtir coiqueror—rf we wire uninformed of the objedt upon which tfity relied forfecurity; we tonfider rkeir pe veifi y, as a very natural tailing of luch venal charadtars. If) numbers, h y argued, there mud be strength, and in (Length their mult be faftiv ; but un happily for the confcCrratlO’ ; yet moft truly fortunate for mankind ; they pro ved erroneous in their likogitms ; for a fingie campaign, & that too a ihort one, decided the iflue, and addeo new iuftre to the French arms Ruflir. Germany, Auft'ia, Nap es, England and Swceden, all combined a s ainltone nation, Were by that nation overwhelmed in ruin and dismay ; at Aulterli r, the victorious Bo nEpirie read ih m a lecture that will found in thier tars till their latt • oora (hail he founded from above ; it was their he again convinced AufLia and Germa ny ot their error in provoking his auger; • and the fats ot thai day, justly entitled him to the spoils of his enemies, and le gal y authorized i im to punifti, with the utmoil ieverity ; the authors of luch a wanton, and viiiamoui a’tack upon his repost ; accordingly we find him dividing and lubdividing the ci uutries he has been prov ,k?d to var.quifti ; so as to render them incapable of acting under the in fluence cf British gold, for ihe future, agaiiiit the peace & profperit) ot France ; and this is called “ rapacity and ihefe arc ihe “ gigantic ilridts of the dtfolaior of Lu^opc.” “ No ifoulit remains of his feriouj intention to pursue hi conquest, through Egypt, to In dia; and however doubtful his ili.cefs upon that part of the globe may be— yet if he but once gets a footing, he will lay the foundation oi its leparation from the liriulU Crown.” Anil what if he does, at j the Ameri can3 to deplore the Catastrophe ? —are we to condole with the Bntifh ot. ac count of their lofi?—No—rather Ictus r j >ice, that a profpidl at length pre Inns of bu nbiing the rude insolence of tfiole Brittlh pirates in that quarttr of the world—so tar trim feeling any anx idy in viewing the Ichcmes of this great Cos ffal power—we, oil the contrary, >/u fe iii to congratulate ouriclvts upon the •lofp Ct of tlicir fucccla, in effcCtuahy diltroying B tush i'yran >y—Whath..s G -at Britain done tor Us, that wt ih.,uld leprccatc the approaching period ot her unai ci flblutioi. ? —bke has perfecuied uur torefa tiers, opprelsed our country irotn its ini-ncy—hired afl'. fli sand rob on s to mailacrec and plunder us—piuu • rcJ our -ornmerce on ihe high Las— • rip rifled oui i.-men—iulti ated the In la us to ill fiactce our dcfißcelcls wo .iiii, oKi in n, ant children—and uled ..s with every lpecics ot indi n.ty, which iio.ud ot pirai. 8 could invent. Ttielc oe ihe ti.en,.tliips which Americans ave rcceivi.d lr.,m Great B itam ; and u. y uiele are truly defei viug our re g rd .’ “ Viewing the immensity of the Corfican’i rapacity, and how Uttle he regards the-means by which he obtains his dointu.ous ; whether by tile *nn ol power, or tlie wages oi corrup tion, wncUwr by the depoiing of tlie Executive, or uy exciting uic peop.e to Rebellion, we a yurt ana ail uiaioung cauic to feel the UiOit a..xious lo.icituuc.” c. ta, the p ILiou and the assertion is dboniiiub yta L. The Corficau ncith cr ooiatuk his dominions by rapacity ; nor nave wc any cauL to feel “ tue moil ai.x.uus lohcitu -c” concerning tus nica lures. Having rendered the countries, lhrou e li which B.itiih tntn c Uc ana Bt ulh gold, lias compel c j him to march tils victorious armies, mere tributary piovui ces ; he has juftiy punilhed their turbu kiu rulers ; by exacting heavy coutn huuons as lomc compuuation tor tlie ex pi life and tioubiC they nave put turn to ill corqnering them. ii tin, lb rapacity wliui (he-i wc call the conuuct ot Great Br tarn Hi L.z ng die Spai Ith ihips which were so immetilei) rich ; u.dote die decia ..ft war agamll Sp .m * ahn lhali w c 1 y ot her conduct in ylduc'ering our Ccii.m ne, even in our own barb ur a ( As tor cepcii.ig Lxicu ive B.) .13 only rlepoi.d tdulc winch were ii mica! to tils cmpi e ; and tor this tie is xcut.dole even by B udh precedents, ■hi rules. VV ouid to God he could dc pole them al: ! the grcateit ttill remains eo oe cepoLd ; bat let him tremble, h s hour is appioachiug ; the Coifieau’s atm, it is to be hoped, wiii rtacti him ere long ; and hurl tI.J guilty tou. to its des tined eteinal abode. .What people has Bonaparte excited to rebelfiou.—uone can we make the Lraejuit aulwvr, when vc are alked vvhat Countries Great Bri vaia has excited to rebellion ? --ce mult oc a hardened wretch indeed, who can attempt it. No—fellow citizensw hive no cause to 44 reel tne mod anxious lofictiudc” as it iclpects (lie progrcls Winch B.maparte is making on the continent of Durope his “ gJg a ‘* l ic itudics” are directed to an oppofiic lh Ac, tiotn ours aud are omv a ianniiig to the guilty powcis wbofe cor rupt has tor lo long involved all Europe 111 the molt bloody anJ dcfolatin g wars—aud among thole powers, Great Britain holds a coulpicu jus rauk ; there, tdre let her, and her lervile UcpctiduUts tremble at their danger ; but ict us with tue cairn Lie.icty ot a just and virtuous people c mtemp.ate (he rugamg (form, which threatens them. 44 Tbs progrels of despotism in Europe is not otheiwile ot importance to us, than a- it mar aftcct tue uidepcttdeue c 01 tne Uuucd States ” Fuat uur inatpcoiEuce could be tf leftuaily afteCt.o, wc have u j doubt, is tlie hilt with of luch writers as fill the columns of the Courier with their tiea fonable feutiments. Britilh gold, wc presume, ha* ditUted many of cholc numbers, the coutcat* ot xV.icb sre so rfpLre w’tb c.VeTr.'r.v h. talfehood, with whu-li ihe public have been presented ; and wt have no doubt but the pub Icetion npon h< h we arc now commenting, was ushered into cx 1- cncc under an influence so geuial to the disposition of mercenaries. We fay the prog-efs of despotism in Europe, is otherwfie of importance to us, than as if may affedt our independence ; for Great Britain, as con fi feed a pait of Europe, through the defpoiifm of htr navy, continues to prey upon our com merce, and impress our sailors with the ferocious rapacity of a moft savage rob ber ; and this despotism although it af fects our commercial prosperity, can ne ver affedt our independence. From no other quarter of Europe do we feel the effects of defpotilm, nor is it likely we ever shall. “ In this point of view it is worth confrdering whether a peace or the continuation of the pre sent war, between France and England, would be moft advantageous to our country.” It does not hquire one moment’s hefi tatton to decide the qutftion. If by “our country” theauhor means Ann rica ; peace, will undoubtedly be prefer red ; for although the continuation of the war, tr.ay afford many advantages to a K w of our merchants ; vet we cannot think tiiat the country to generally bene fitted more iu time of war ; than it oth-r wife will be in time ot p. ace ; particu larly as ihe ir.flu. nce of Great Britain on the European continent is now nearly at an end. With filch avast extend of empire, Bonapaite will find it lo hi3 in. tcreft in cultivating our fiieodflvp ; and as the articles we export vvdi be neceflary on the continent ; he will open ail Ins ports to us ; which will in fome nitafuie, create a compctit'.oi in the markets and therefore the commodities which iv export v\ ill not only find more m-risers, but for fome atticles, better markets ; than i ffers in time of wsr. But from the intmtt which the “ Courier” man Lems to feel in a Biitifh cause, we are difpofi and to believe he means by “our country” Great Britain ; if so, the poirr is indeed something worth confiaeiing ; v z - Whe tier it is p.ifiible (he can exist, as a nation, without robbing and p un. e inu the conunerce of other nations ; ano whethet a war with Franoedoce not af ford her more prcttxts for obta niug a revenue by ‘.hefe means, than a peact would ; as wc feel no intcreit in the v/t!l fare of Gieat Britain we shall Lave ih s “ point” to be decided by thole who do. 41 From the aw ful example which Bonaparte has, for so long a time, given to tlie world of his rapacious unbending mind, and gloo my foul fed as it were by the diftrefits of surrounding nations, vve cannot expeil to e rape from our lhare of his infernal inter ference whenever his leilure from European concerns, will allow him to bellow upon us a thought.” Was Mr. Adams, or the ‘fycophant Jay at the head ot our Admm.llrati.'n, n’s very pofiible that vve ftuuid eve. now be in the agonies of despair ; Lobu pa le’s examples would indeed appea -44 awtu 1 ;” for like tlie mercenary Ji n peror ol Germany and his colleague, the •irch Duke ot ‘ uftria ; they wool i have been led by tue noL oy the Bntiih; and at this time we lhouid fiave be-11 plunged tiito all the horrors of a bloody and cruel war wah Fiance. But tne stern integrity ot cur liluftrious Repub (lean Prcfiacnt, has sh elded uc iron thole tireadtul calamities, and Bona part’s examples has 1.0 terrors for Anicr ‘Cans. On the contrary they serve beacons to the adminittration, to point ut the rocks and llioa.'s of corruption, upon which those nations have fpfu; who have aded under the influence 0) the British Cabinet. It Bonaparte’s “gloomy foul is fed by the diftrefles of tunounding nations” aoe. he not falhn.ii his appetite to Brit ilh food : did not Great Britain adopt tlie hoind plan of ltarving 35 millions ol iou.s, when F.auce was ftrughng tor treeflom: oid flic not block up eve yi port in France, aud -If.nbie a nitrccna iy ariuy ail along her frontiers, vv .h he no.r.d purpoL of liitcicepting a l sup. plies wntcii lhouid be sent to her tJlirt ; in c. ni.qaeuce ot which, millions pel tilled wnn lu unit ? Js Great Biu au* u nation lo peculiarly tire lavorrte of rLuveu, as that the lame deeds wiacn aie co.iiidered virtu 3 in her ; Ilian be teemed vices in France ? But Bona parte h.s never adoptee, nor exceuted a plan, io ruiy Bii.idi, to dntr is “l'ur nations;” their diltuff s „re the coufiquences ot Bm.fti intrigue; and Filial a auiiie 13 relpoi.fibic tor tuem. He lias Io med no coalitions ; bu dancing generals upon the de-fen five ; lias broken Oow tne barr.e., wnicu the iuianical poucy o., railed agaiuft ‘he liappiucL and prolpcnty of France ; added uew iultrc to the FrtncU name ; and cicaied ihe moft powerful empire upon cartn, by his b avtry and wisdom ; and coi.Uqutiiily he nas lealo.i to expect Uiat au tne petty tciieous ; ail the uiear. and dirty aruticeS ot tile B.itiih cabinet, will be employed m their endeavours to destroy his tame*, and tue happinels of his iubjetts. It we had no other security ; his want of leilure 44 from European contents,” will be luftLient to defend us from * his infernal interference;” forthoujh bred a soldier, and inured to War, he is too wife a politician to persevere m a tradr which will yield bfm uo profit ; & when he has chaitized thole powers of Eu.ope who have io long been offending w.ih impunity ; his policy wul point uu: thr oecefQiy cf regulating his dominion*; cultivating the arts of peace ; •dLti at* tending to his colonies. Thole duties will give too much employment to his mia-i, to admit cf any leu tit e for •i L muily iViieiLritig ■■" bus But we tirt'.e other f curity ; B n.aparte want* ii ps and <’ mm< rcr ; we can fupp'v him ; he wants iupplics for h.s colonies ; we cairfupp.y ihem ; lie wants markets for his li ks ; h s cloths ; his brandy ; Ibis wines; his oi.s, &c, &c. ; and we lean supp y these also ; and be is not Muih a madman as to fuppufe, he will make better bergains out of us, by w angling with us ; than by cultivating I our frie ,d(h p, upon a reciprocal footing. j “ What moft must harrow up his foul and rouse all his hatred and mad ambition, is, that the United States is yet a Republic.” Suppose then we fend John Jay over tc his a after, George, to be crowned King ; and to please the “ Cos ficau’’ become a monarchy! Who contributed moft to thr suppressing of the temple ts freedom which was attempted to be er redfrd in France ? Such bypocrify is too flimhly veiled to deceive us ; when we hear enemies of RepuDlics talked of j we iuv'.luntariiy look to England, and the federal faction ; there we find our enemies ; there wt find the foes moft io- be dreaded by American Repu’o- I Items xt is impieferidl to Bonaparte whether we be a Republic or z man m thy, so long as our councils do not be come tempered with British policy ; and when that hap-j n, to b. the case, king G.or'ge t.imleif will not be able to have us from the iff.- its of his wrath. On the other hand, because we conti ; nvic to ftourifti r.s an independent and I happy rt public trie rest tfion madaenJ . the tyrant <rt Engl, u 1 to iuoh a degree • that he (tops at no nu-alure which can j >'-S ird toe kali jiroip. ct of winking^ cur | Ufa- -Spies are f. nt over to watch our - actions, ana to and if minate their infernal ! pniic pies ihrotigli our country; ftatuea j gold are voted to those who can make i fie g rent est prpgrefsm corrupting our citiz n> ; cUr own commerce is plunder d to rule bribes lor thole who can excel in vilkfying, and at ufi ig our adminiftra tiou, and in short, no artifice however mfan, no ari however cotitcmptible and wicked, but what is resorted to, by cur v ery good friends, ■ h - British, to overturn oui Republican fyfttm; and involve us n eternal ruin. “It has row become Bonaparte’s interefl to make every Republican believe in the fallacy of Republican Governments...and of the impor tance and neceftity of iutrufting to the Impe rial Aim of fome noble individual, the whole and foie controu! of all the energies andrefour ces of the state.” tv*, then it ihnuld fetm thatou rf,t nds ihe I'ederalilts have bun very docile pu pi's ; as they are pi rp-. tu3ily ringing in our ears the necilli y ot eimlifting the concerns of the date to the arm of fome more ‘‘ nub e” incivi uat, than Mr Jef ferfon. Pchapsthe midntght Hero, if cLawn again Fom his noble cave } might cotioelcend to take up ui Lis unpcnal fhouiders, so great abu.thm ; or likely mat energetic gentleman John J ty, w o itoops to the earth to kils the foot of Georgr 3d, might be prrluadi-d to Lad us Uglo.y ; iSycopnants ye arc known ; your uoctnißS receive ihui ci nicfTij)t t3 which they art entitled Was ever A* mcrica lo truly republican, as (he has ten tor these lull three vears ? how h it c.ui Bonaparte have itiftueuced Ameri can R. publ cans to believe in the fallacy ot Republics i - Or if it is his inter.-fls to do to ; what is that to us, fiuec the courle vve lupport is not tffedeo bv it ? a way with luch absurdity ; away with luen tiypoC’ :iy ; wc will have none of it ; that mode of government which pleases Bonaparte be4, w mu-h ltfs a concern of ours, than the conduct of the enemies (in our own country) of Mr. Jcifo son’s admimftration ; it is from thole foes, and not Bonaparte, we have evil to dread (To 3B Continued ) A. SCRIBNER & Cos. FT AVE just received per the Schr. HUL IID AH & ANNA, from New-York air.lh supply of BOOTS, SHOES and FKRS, (or A SUPERIOR quality) Which, together with their former IWk, mikes their aifortment second to hone injtiu* 1 city. j All of which they offer at reduced prices at their store, nearly opposite the Exchange 1 tlie one lately occup ed by Ogdens’ and Ba ker Augurt £S Gc.OUGI.\.N By Edward White clerk, [I .S I (ot th. court of Ouitnar ,f r L .“/ J C the c untv of Chatham, Fd. White. ) he liate aiorelaid, WHERE AS William I Srencer, of this city, applies lor Lei er. of Adrr.inift ration, on ‘he Ellate and effeAs of Aaron Dunn! ’ de ’ i. as principal creditor. I hen are thereiore tc ci'e admonish al! and fin-ular the kindred and creditors of ’he dreejfe :, to file their 0: jeftious (if any ttuv have) in rny riEce, o.icr before the jilh of UAobcr next, O'Uerwife letter of admiuif tr.'ti-'.ii w ul be g c-ittd him G vcn u-der nr. hand and sea! this 13th > “f Septcmher, 806, and in the 35ft year f Independence. and NOTICE. \ LL Letrons indebted to the late firm of E*• BADe ) & HARMAN,are infointcii, mat John D. Duxes, efq. attorney at law, s einjoutred to colleft the debts ; those who are aetirous ol preventing luits, will tall on Mr. Lewes, without delay. JACOB HARMAN. S U’’- NOTICE. VLF persons having derr,mds agamll the ertates of Mathias Allie, or Hannali tsfie, la- rs Eiiingham Coanty deceafid, are r qutflrd to pre e-’t the D-ne L. aliy o tnen -cated, a id tboCe indebted to make pay. iiaciat wiilHiot delay, to John C. Gugci, O.ntii .n ‘ Adir lruftrators, Sept tawevs-.