Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 03, 1806, Image 4
MISCELLANEOUS. MATHEMATICAL 9JJESTIGN. OLD 'John, who had in cred.t liv'd, Tho’ no.v reduc’d afum receiv’d ; This lucky bit, no ibmitr found, Than clam’reus duns came fy.arming round. To the lan. lord, baker, many more, John paid, In all, pounds ninety-four. Half what remain’d, a friend he lent ; On Joan and felf.ane fifth lie spent ; And when oi all th.-le lams bereft, One tenth o’tbeium receiv’J had left. Jiow fhowyour skill, yelearntd youth And by your work thefuin produce. CjT An answer is reque ,tei. —►#•••>> OH AN UNFORTUNATE BEAUTY. Poor waod’rer 1 how shall that weak form, So Joofely clad in veftme !j;ht, Endure the malice of the florin, The rudeness of tl - wi..tor’s niglu ? And doesw fjnile thy cheek illume ? Alt', 1 that faint . a.l feeble glow Js like the flowr’s untimely bloom, Drooping amidst avail of snow. Poor wretch -youfigh, you would unfold The course of forroiv yon have run : A simple (lory, quiikly told.— You lov’d, believ’d, aid were undone. Why weep you as my hand you press t W'hy on my features gaze ami sigh ? Would no one pity your diflrels ? None lillen to }our tale, but I f Al s ! a pittance feint, I fear, is all the joy J can bellow ; I can but wipe Mvay one rear, One moment fic:u a life of wet. Yet e’en for this your grateful eye To heaven is rais’d—Poor girl, adieu 1 To fcenc9 off. ’deleis mirth 1 fly, To poverty and sickness you. zia..o....tar -i >-i*,i_*■ -jaream^zec/Jc-i Land For Ba e. TIIE time tlk.ct has be<-n gi ven nif by the uir of G orgia, copay the debt J o-*c the Rate lor taxes due on xnv Laud, having nearly > xp it\ , n.d their beinglrvera! juJgti en r, me on Tuts which hav, bic.i unnecdTirily br jught at a time when 1 have be n ufin; all my endeavors to di p ,lc of mv property — lam compelled in jultice to ii y creditors, to briiip my affairs to an iu#oUi.ue clufr. in order t i.prev nc a facrifi :e oi my property an J theconfi quent iols of their debts. 1 therclure, now g : ve this public Notice, tha I Dull off r FOR SALE, my Land at lublic Author. y in front of thr LX . 1 IAN Oi , in tne City or Savannah, on WEDNtaSD/iT, the 2< tb uu\ oj November next, of .duh ill pci sous nuei tiled, aie requ tb ,1 o lake Notnc. 1 think, it nec to e J -rve rhai 1 have b tn pof Idled ot thole lanus upwards of icVf’i years, which prr vents anv poliible tloubr, as to any c\>n;c; d log titles, as tne law relative to real tllare debts, &c. hints tin re; overy thereof, by luas o 1 v n Years, and by a late tu.,- of tl.e liaie, no debt c-n be recover.d aftet lour years, and this du s not depend on the partv ; hue ihe Court is obliged by this law to rejert all I'uch claims. 1 menti on this as well for the informa tion of others, as to shew my friends and cieditors, whole kind indulgence I have experienced the neccfl'uy of this fate of my property, When a man is in utbi, u is his duty to give anv thing he pofiViies, or his all it required, to psv bis crcdiiorsi but it is vojJit in a Ciedttor to opprcls a dt btor, when they fee him using h.scndi avors to dv him juilice— laws were intended to cofcice payment from ddh >nc!t men, not from thole who fee the duty they owe to io society It is, however, a conlblation to me, to think that there are bur tew who have adopted those nica fores which has ef}.dually pre vented my making laics in fm J: trads, when those judgments have been lunging over me J k have torequcll chat all petfins h. .ving demands againlf me, ei tln ron my own account, or a* lccu’rity in any way whatever foi othe\ s.will attend the laie in per lon or by an agent. All such debts w ill be received as calh, U thole pert'ons having authori- ty to Tcprcfcn: anv crcd’ —, will ’ pleale to make the fa ne known previous to the clay of file* The Lands are at follows: 319,874 acret in Bulloch county, gran ltd tojo'cpti Ryan anti Charles Ryan. 1 72 000 acres in Ta'nail County, gran ted to to Francis Fennell 3 1 ,coo acret in ditto granted to James Dawson. 523 874 acre* Those traftiare par ticu'.arly described in a Pamphle’ entitled “ Notes and Obferv tli/ns” on the Pine Land of Georgia, by George Sibbald.— On the trad in Bu’ioch county a funi mer reftdence has lately been found by a number of gentlemen Ironi Savannah. 20 000 aeres of oak and hickory land in Franklin county. 70.oco acres ol oak and hickory land, in jacklon county, granted to various pei fis in 1785. 78,034 acred of pine land, granted to Curtib Coli man, v\ alhington county, but l.y a divilion of that county ihis tradl end the followmg, fall in the counties, of Montgomery and Tatnall. 39,000 acres of pine land granted to Btnjainin Kitchen. 34,000 acrci of ditto granted to Wal ter Jaekfnn. io,oco acres of do. geanted to Mofcs Rosa. 40 oco acre* of do. granted to Curtis Colcm.iii. 10,000 acre* of do. granted to Walter Jacklou. 10,000 acres of do. graateJ to Moses Ross. 17,000 acres of do, granted to Betja (Tiin Kitcnen. 4,000 acres of do, granted to John Wallace. 6 oco acre* of do. granted to William Pollard. 1 000 acres of do. granted to Berja. tnin Ki chen. 16,c00 acre* of do. granted to Wilfam Poilard. 1 B,coo acres of do” granted to Israel Robin lon. 18,000 acres of do. granted tti Curtis Coleman. 2,000 acres of do. gianted to Mathew M‘.vli!lan. 10,01 o acre* of do. granted to Thom as G all. ock. 24,000 acres of do. granted to Sherad liecknam. 25 000 acres of do. granted to Samuel Beckham. 40,000 acres of do gtanted to Israel Robtnion. 32 000 acre* of do. granted to Benja inn Kitchen. 10 000 cres of do. granted to Samu e! Beckham. I 049 908 Acre*. 1 hole Lauds are wortli the attention of Familcs willnnjr to remi vr, and wi.l puli lively and pcrcinjitorily be fold to the hi;; hell bidder, on the said 26 h day of Novi mber n, xt—where a number ol f.inii is w fli to join hi tile purchase cf a large body ot land, they will plcafe ap ply btl re flit tale, in order that it may he fold in Inch way as mly suit their convenience. GEORGE SIBB \LD. September 30 4 , 5 . M Cl\a 1J /\ L* s a L.i ON the ftrjt ‘J ue ..av in O tiber nexty WILL. tit SULD, at fie Court li.ute in ‘Savannah, AN uncxpirVd leale of Lor No. 10, Wlimn gfon Ty n...g, Dirhy Ward, with the Ou thereon, adjoining Mr. John GirJiner; an unc-xpired 1 rale of Lot No 3, Heath oatr 1 ythi ig, Dr. ker Ward, where M s. 61111th resides ; alf > uv 1 Nc gioes. 1.-v.ed on as the pro perty of Smito, Sons and Ander/on , at the luit of T’.omas and Swords. BEN. WALL, m. and. c. September 5. 409. CHAMBERS, 22J Sent. ib’o6. PRESENT 1 hc.r Honors, John H. Morel, A. S. Bulloch. THE tied rs of Chatham county ate no'ifird, that a pou be opened on Monday the lix.h day 01 October 1 ext, ac ic o’clock at the Court-houle in the city of Savannah, for the purpole of eleding four Mem- Jcrs to Congrtfs, a Senator and three Reprdcnutivts to the Scate Lcgiflacure. Ordered, that the fame be pubiiihcd ir. the G-zettes of the -y. Fxtrad from the minutes, a2d September, ißco. 4 3] J- BULLOCH, Clk, ASbIZE for September, i w oo. TT HE pner of FLOUR bring Ter. dollar* A per barrel, Bread mult neigh, VIZ. iv i- cents Loaf j 614 cents Loat *!b. 2 02. j ilb. , ,iz. Os which zll Bakers and Sellers of Bread arc to take due and particular notice. J. MARSHAL, City Treasurer, BILLS of LADING For Bale ct :lii Office. FOR SALE | a r St. mait rs, OVE of the moft healthy lituations in the United States. A COMMODIOUS HOU.-E, 40 feet lonj?, ?.o feec wide, two Itories h’gh with two rooms on each fluor a good garret, two co nfortablefhtd rooms, K.tchen, stable &c. ficuatcd on the corner of Osborn and at Marys streets, extending 84 feet on one and 64 feet on the other, well ealculdtcu ,or either a private Family, a Boarding or Public Houle. ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, in laid Town on a part of Lot No. 3. ex ending on an Ally 100 and back to Biyar.t tirect *OO icet. A Credit of 3, 6 and 9 months will be given, and tne titles will be made to the fatif i >ction of the purchalers by the Agents for the Alfignees of the ■ ate fi rm of GARVIN 6c MEERS. On the 4'h day ol November n? xt, it will be sold at AUCTION, it not previonf ly disposed of. JOHN ROSS- St. Marys Sept. 8. tf4i2. BY ORDER OF THE PR ■'si DENT CF THE UNITED STTES. General Poll-Office, ) Augutt, 15th 1806 y Prop :b.-Y..a wm be receiv ed at tni Office until the t yh day of December next, m ciulive, for making and repai ing iheleveral parts o the Polt Rod. from Nalhville co Natchez, here irtafier mentioned - that is to lay : No 1 From Nashville to Buf ;a!oe Creeks. The distance, is eltimated at 145 miles—All this distance or tne principal pait of u, the road lias been rut out by the military and prepaied con vemently lor ult fome few years finree. No. 2. From snake Creek to Grindllon* ford. Diltance elli ma ed at 40 miles. This part of the route, was likewise fome vears since, cut out by the mili ary and the road prepared foi public use. The nut marked out fume years since by Edmund P Gaines, efq. will be pursued the whole liitance excepting the spare be tween the Chiikalaw towns and the firll fording race of h w-uers of ihe Big Black w ’th will be relurvtyed, with a view of materially kffening the-Rlif tance. The road is robe made and completed bv the full day o‘ Odober in the year 1807, and the work is, in all relprdts, to de done to the approbation of return Jon >th :n Meigs, efq. or Tnonn. s VVtight efq agent for the Unfed .Staies, reading in the Indian countries. In ma king the fame the following tuirs are llridly to be obfcrve.i. ill. The road mult be made at lealt twenty feet wide, and alt the timber and under brulh ta ken off for that diltance. and. All marlhy plurcs are to be causewayed, an.l all caule vays are 10 be at ictft ten feet wide. 3J. All dreams under forty feet in width, not fordable at heir common winter ride, are co be bridged, by good lecure hridgrs, wel. built ana made fate ana lecure for p Jlag-, the bridg. es to be at least twelve feet wide. 4th. A tree (lull be lad a* crols all larger ltreams where the bre.ith of the Itrcam does not rxc cd the length of any tree, to be found within half a mile Q , the pi me. GIDEON GRANGER, Poftmaflcr-G aend. Sept, tg ■ TO HlKh, By the month or year, FOUR FIELD SLATES, apply to Levy Abrahams, Auct’r. Market square. Sgp c - 9- ts 412. ALMANAC'S For falc at this Office. Marfriul’s Sal^s. On the firji Tuesday m Qclcb.-t next, WILL BE SOLD, /It the Ccurt-boufe in Savannah, ALL the right, title, cl Em and interdt of James Oil ver, Esq. to those two Settle ments or Plantations on Hutch inson’s Ifiand, oppofi e to Sa vannah, containing 406 i-a a cres j the whole under good dams, and is of the fiiff quality tide lwamp. AUO, 23 NEGROES—levied on as the property of Oliver, i.lq. to latisfy a judgment ob tained by William Boyd. B. WALL, M . and. c, Auaufi: 26 4G bHirk lip’s bALF, On the first Tuesday m October next, WILL BE fsOLD, at the Court b.use in Bulloch County, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock , 1 hundred Acres Pine U Land, lying on t ! e waters ot Lyprefs Creek, in said coun ty, and adjoining lands of L Imu VVig c ins, Francis Pugh ar.d o thers, and each tract is a plan tation j taken under execution as he property ot 6'amuel Lock iart esqn. to fatisfy adininiit. a ■ors of DudJy Sneed, executors of Benjamin Richaidion, and v.o cxei utions reiurnred by the conltable in favor of A, Woods l he above property pointed cur oy the de'erdanc. Conditions Cash . DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, j E c Augult i4 ts 404 SHBRIFF’s SAFLS. On the firjt Tuesday in OHober next, between the hours of i o and 3 o'clock , will te fold at the Courthouse , in she ciiy of Savannah, ALL that Lot of .land in said city with the improvement there on in the plan thereof by the number one TayconntJj Tything Da by Ward containing Cos feet in wedrh and 90 feec n depth Under and by virtue of a foreclo lure of a mortgage. The cuflecs of the Orphan House, vs. Wihi am Mills, ALSO, A negro man named Luke fold under execution ac the uit >f John McFarlar.e vs. John Wilr.iy the property pointed out by the plant ffs arror ey. T. RobcrtJbn, see Sepeember 5. 4-8 SHi.RIH": sales! ON the ijl Tuesday in Ofloler. next, will BE SOLI), at the Court house in this city, between the hours of 1 o and 2 o'clock. A negro man named Bachus, ! tak.-n under execution as the property of William Barnaid, under sundry executions, poin ted out by the defendant. Sol i at the r ique of the for mer purchafrr. T. ROBERTSON, s c. c. Mav 3° 89. | City Sheriff’s Sales, Cm tve firfi luesaay in Citober y ext Will Be Sold, At the ourt-houfe in the city of Savannah between toe hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, A lot No. 5, in tything Ver non, Heachcort word, together with the buildings thereon, late ly occupied by Mrs. M’G.irver, levied oil as the property of 1 nomas Norton deed, at the luic ot Elijah Norton. J NO* WILLIAMS, see 4 408 City Sheriff’s >ales. On the fit ft 7 uefday tn October next \\ ill be soLt>, at the court boufc in this city, between the bouts of 10 and 3 o’clock, Sundry articles of H jufehold Furniture and Shop Goods, ta ken under execution as the pro perty of William Parker, to fatisfy J. Everitt. JOHN WILLIAMS, c. s Auguit 13, ioj. Ta:t PUL BE SOLD, on the fi-fl Tuesday in CRober next at the Court-house, in the city <f s a . n ar.nah between theu/ttalhours, THE lot and improvement* theieon, at present occu pied by Mitchell and Bulloch, attornief, and others known in .he plan ot laid city as the nos one, TyrconneU Tithing Darby ward, fituaie on a corner of the Church square, and Bull street, or so much thereof as will fat. sfy an execution for the sum of twen y-fix dollars 96 cents 8 mills and 31-4, rax cue by William M 11s for rhe year 1804, pointed ouc by Wnii Mill-, Peter Deveaux, Tax cc c Sept. 5 408 iax oliedtoi’s Sale*. ‘’ ILL BE SOLD on the firtl Tue/day in Novemeoer next at the C urt-Houje in this city be tween the hours of 1 01 and three o'clock IN HE LOT and improve ments thereon ir. Brough ton firee r , at prelent occupied by Cap:. Abrahaai Abrahams and Lc ly kruiwn as the property of ;ohn F. button fuppufed to be 60 fee. by 91, or I .- much thereof as will iarisiy an Execution for the lum or dolis. 9,45 CC". 3 mii.s being (he an ounc of ra jue bv John F. Britton for the ear 1801. ALSO, A traff of PINE LAND in tne toui ty of Buiio n, adjoining I homas Dowell, and vacant at the litre of survey, containing one hundred aerts more or lefsg or so much thereof as will latisfy an execution for the lum of eigh feen and three quarters cents, rax due theieon by the efia e of Peter Dowell, for the year 1805, pointed out by Thomas Dowtli. ALSO, Trust Jot No. one in Fwins burgh on the weft fide ot welt broad street, and la’cly known as the pioperiy of Wm. Be l de and. or lo much thereof as wil lat.sfy an execution for the lum of eight dollars 59 cents 3 1-2 mills, being the amount of the ‘ax due by theeftue ot William BJI for the year 1805, pointed out by John Harr In Arim’r FETER DLVEAUX. Tax C C C Sfpr- 2 40s Ci y oTieriff’s Nale ’FILL be. fold on Tuesday the \fu 1) Oblo'-cr next , at t eCm 1 - house in the aty of sav >:iuo y between the hours of 10 ana 7 o'clock, A HOUSE and Vruit Lot, NO. ? Cgl--;.. jJC Wa.d, Spring Hill, taka, in t; - ecution as th property of Fred e'i*-k Wot,at k, deceased, to lat* isfy a judgment obtained agaiult him bv James Piatr. Conditions C sh. jolm W'llliams, s.c s. Augafl 28 406 SHERIFF’S SALLIS. IVILL BE OLD on the firft Tuesday in October next, at tbe Uurt.bouse tn ibis city , be t sie nthe hours of ten and three o’clock, John and his wife Catherine, ‘.ogcher with their chiidrtn, harlotfe, Joliet and Harrv, ta ken under execution, Edwin Lewis vs Emanuel Rengnl, pointed out by the defendant. Conditions Cofh. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, and. s. c. c. September 5. 4C g. SHERIFF'S SALES. A ILL BE SOLD, on tbe firft Tuesday in October next, at tbe Court-bouse in this city , be-, tween tbe hours ofter. and . tree o'clock , F'JLR negroes, VIZ. Sylvia, Jenney, Hetfor and Sukev, seized and to be fold under and by virtue of an execution groun fed on a mortgage, John Per poll vs. Jarre* Smith. Conditions Cafib. H. W. \\ ILLIAMS, and sc c July 39. 9