Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 07, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. icfi.J CONDITIONS OF TII~ GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republican is publithed every Tuerday and Friday, on a royal theet of a food quality. The t?T*r.s of luMcrintion are s>x dol lars per h&.f to be paid at the time of iitbfcrtbing, and the balance at the expiration of fix months, and ad papers will be copurr.ted until ordered to the reverie. terms of advertising. Advertifcments inferred at 50 cents pet fqiura the full irfertien, and 05 for reel-, t 1; 1 niiatiOii —A Uoeral allowance roads to thole ho villi to advert: 1l by liie • ear For sale at this Office. A va r hiv of BLANKS .immg which are. Foreign as.d Coatli i;e Man it ell a Merchants Entries Iniuir ditto Tolls c> Exchange Do. of f.adloq T>o. >f Sale; Powers of A ttomey Che :.ks A.f n -:ce r Indentures Dee/sol vcvance Ronds . Nntes of ila Is Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’s Courts Mavor’s Court Executions & S-.tbrrenas Jifotiens to creditors of Inf Ivent debtors Miilitarv Summrnfes an.l Excr oions, &c. (CT Cur‘lt, HaadLLts, Ac. Ac Printed tit a Jhort n on reafonahle j,’i tns. SKJ T 73f 'Y- ddiii. *• 1. M. Woodbricbe, ESPECTFULLY informs hi; TM friend?, and the public, that he *hll continues ti e TaEiorage & Commission if U J i A £ - Jy at Ne 4, in the Exchange, where he l,*s late and convenient dorrs for the re ception of any kind of Goods or Pro tin cl , that may be intruded to his charge Xaberal advances in Cafu, will he made on goods being deposited lor public or private Lie. II IMS ON HAND. jo Puncheons old Jan'aica RUM jo ditto ratio St. Croix ditto 30 Bags and 10 tare. Gern Coffee Ptpes and qr. c. tlk, old French Brandy Siprar in hogsheads and barrels Window Glafsj arid Soap in boxes Cotton Bagging, Inlh Linens Nankeenliumhums, stc. &c. r!! wh oh articles will be fold low. t;y- two convenient HOUSES t< Lev. Sent 2 iaw ts 407 l i.'L i UR.S and CO VIMISSIG i\ MERCHANTS. rp HEfubfciibm offer their services as 1 FACTORS k COMMISSION MERCHANTS. They have good, fafe and commodious Storks for the reception of produce, and will pay every puffiiale attention to the management ot any business placed in their hands. They always keep on hand a general aflort merd of GROCERIES, warranted of the fir ft quality, to supply their cuftont ers, at the low ell Cash prices. JOHN T. WHITE A Cos. AUguft 16. tl j 402 The Prtnerlhip berwevn Bavley and Harman, TTTII.L, by limitation, expire on y y the fir it day ot September next; *ll claims ag.iiilt the concern, will be adjalted by Jacob Harman, at Mr, Mcnimollin’s house, Gibbon’s building, who is legai'y nuthoiifed. Those in dtfcteaf. are required to fettle their ac counts immediately, other wife suits will be commenced. I homas Bayley, junV. J b Harman. AUguil 26 Thomas Bayley, jun’r. EXCHANGE, No. 6, WILL CONTINUE THF. Grocery, Wine and Li quor Trade. Families, Planters and Ship Stores put up of the choicelt articles, and at Jow prices. AUguil 26 Flour, Gin & Iron. Landing ami Jor Sale, at reduced prices for Cah, 25 bbls. Philadelphia fuperfine Flour t; pipes Gin e tons Bar Iron and Shear Moulds ANDREW KNOX. AUguft 2f) 4° Dills on NewMork, At i fhert fight, BOH SALE, by Geo. Buchanan & Cos. fcp.tir.ler 33. 415. GE O R GIA REP U B LIC AN. FACTORAGE. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, 1% ESPECTFULLY informs his X. friends and the public, chat he (fill continues the FAC TORAGE fc? COMMISSION B 1 o l.\ }< S>, on Morel’s IF barf, forn-rly occupied by Wiili.un ion and More), and hopes from his experience in that line of bunnefa and his attention there to, to meet with a libera! pa nonage. 1 iiofe who may favor him with their cuftorn, may relv up on his every exertion in his power to render them ample fatisfadlion. Liberal advance? will be made, if required, cr; produce stored. Stv. Auspjft 22. 404.t1i. N 0 J I C E. THE Subscriber has appointed Ni cholas Turnbull, Esq. Mr. Isaac Minis, and Mr. Charles Bernewiz his lawful atto -nies during his abfenc. from this Rate 1. S. Do MontmoLm. September 16. ts. 141. 7 HE SUBSCRIBER, T NFENDING 10 lie absent fora few weeks X has appointed Edwaho L- Davis, and Kiciiard F. Williams his Attornies, dur mg Ins absence SAMUEL H. STACKHOUSE. Augult 19 403. IOR SALE. qpHOSE two very plcafantly fifuat- J. ed LO'l'3, in the city ot Savon” a a ii, in Broughton street, No. 2 and 3, iitfou Ward, nearly opposite to the .efuietice ot Mr. S. li. Stackhouie. A 1. S O, Two Lots containing 45 Acres each, m Anion Ward, No. 2 and 3, lituate in he neighborhood of the Plantation of George Mtilen, Esq. and being vciv val iable on account of their being mar to the ti y of Savannah. The moll clear and indisputable titleb for iuld laOtG) deduced from tne original I grantee, will be executed to the pur chalier, and a very exterfive and liberal credit will be granted for the payment ! of the coniiueration money. For the particular terms and conditions of lale, apply in Savannah, to cither t of the fub fenbers. GEORGE WOODRUFF, JOHN LAWSON. S:ptember6. 3m. 109. EXECUTORS SALES. ON the firfl Tuesday in Odober next, lin ‘d be sold at the Court house of the city of Savannah, pursuant to an order Jor that purpose tbtained from the hon. the Inferior Court of the county of Chat ham, ALL that Ifiand or tiaft of land, generally known and called BUIINSIDES, in the countyaforefaid, containing about two hundred and sixty acres of planting COTTON LAND, and a body of Marsh adjoining thereto, situated between Bewlie and Skidaway Ifiand, being part of the real ellate of Jacob Waldburger dcccafed, together with the buildings thereon, and the ap. pertenances thereto belonging. Tcims to be made known on the day of sale. John Milledge, Exc’r. of the estate of Jacob Wald burger. July 28 9C NO I ICE. On the Ipih of Odober next, IVILL HE SOLD on St. Simon’s, at the fubfcrL birr plantation. THF. teal and perf nal property of James A Mather dccealed—Conlilting of t|,e iollow.ngarticles, ViZ—Two Negroes, Plan tation Tools, tic. RAYMOND DE74IRE, Junr. Adm’r Briinfv.ick, Sept 6. 410 SHERIFF’S SALE. On tlie full TuehJay m November next, will be fold, at tbe Court-house in the county ts Builoch, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A TRACT of 300 acres land adjoining Samuel Lockhart and James Ogltfby, levied on by a conitable, as the property of said Lorkhsrt, to fati fy Robert Atkitifon and arrerage of ‘axes for the years 1803-4-5. DANIEL COAT WRIGHT, Sept, it ts. 413. S.B.C. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the late James MolTman, Esq. or a qainlt the fubfertter it his own name, or as Axecntor of the ellate of MolTman, will aeafe h?nd them in as loon as poflible, du y attclled, to Mr. William Mein, that the lame may be put in a train for sett ement. James Oliver. Aug'-ift 29 406 SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY EVER ITT M'LEAN, ON THE BAY. FRIDA Y, October 7, ißc6. & COLEGE LANDS, rioo acres of ValuabK LAND, in Glynn County, is offeree! J'OR SALE, composed of valuable Rice, Cotton and Provision Land, in one body, and in which is included a rich parcel of Meadow £,and, capable of the litgheft cultitation. 1 he titles to thef: lands arc clear, and the Ends hate been lately resurveyed by Mr. M'Kinnon, with accuiate re maiks, ihswing its boundaries, situation 011 a navigable creek, and other advan tages. Ti.tfe lands a-c directed, by law, to he fold tor the benefit of the Bethcfda College, or Orjiban House Ellate. For a great part of the purchafc mon ey an extensive credit will be given ; and the other payment made easy. Apply to Judge STEPHENS, tbe Prelidcnt of the Board of Truitt as, Dr. PAR KER, Mr. B kRACII GIBBONS, or the fubfenber, or Committee of Truf- j tees, from either of whtin, particulars j will be made known. W. R BULLOJ.D. QjT If not io!d before the fit tl Tues day in i.oveinbtr, the aDuve will bt of* hired ir 1 ile at Auidion. J ,,! y 27 96 ly! ON 1-\ 1L tj L, The residence of the late Covet tier Hail. FOR SALE, THAT FAI.U. IBLE PL rim AT 10N, CONSISTING OF 2627 acres 011 Savannah River, in Burke County ; and, 767 on the opposite fide, in Soudcparolina.— The value of the Pine Lands, on this fide, and the rich low grounds on the other fide of the river, readers the whole, a VALUABLE ESTATE. The- advantages of an elevated situation, the eftablilhmeut of a ferry couftantly used, and with the command of lands of ever) quality, upon a navigable river, j are lo well known as to need no other def ription. Terms of payment and the price, will be easy. For particular, apply in Argulla to Thumaj Flournoy, Esq. of Seaborn Jones Esq. at his leal in Seriveri Coun ty, to Majoi Bush, near the preir.iffes, and in Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPIIENS. July 29 ts 96 iO BE DISPUTED of The valuable Plantation, Brick Yard and appurtenances, known lieictofore as the GLEBE LAND. The whole body of land is within ihrec miles of this city, on the A ugufia road, and fronting Savannah river, and contains, on a&ual survey, better than three hundred acres, more or lets’ For separate Farms to, or a.) fettle mentsof high land, for those, who possess rice grounds on Hutchinson’s- Ifiand, and opposite to the Glebe Land, the above is certainly a definable purebafe. It is well known, that a valuable bed of clay, is on the land, and that bricks have been burnt on the spot, and brought to market to advantage. As this land has again reverted to the church, all persons are cautioned from trespassing thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood land, those who are in poffcfiion of any part thereof, by lcafe or otherwise, are notified to pay no rent but to the YVarde.3’3 of Christ Church. If no purchaser offers, between this and the iirlt Tuesday in November, the j property will be divided into lots, and 1 offered at public auction, for the benefit j of the church. W. STEPHENS, j N. TURNBULL, ! Church Wardens.] July 29 96. - ■ - SHERIFF’S sales. (VILL BE SOLD, on the firfl Tuesday in Ollober next, at the Court-house in this city, be tween the hours of ten and Puree o’clock , FOUR negroes, VIZ. Sylvia, Jenney, Heftor and Sukey, seized and to be Ibid under and by virtue ofan execution groun ded on a mortgage, John Per poll vs. James Smith. Conditions Caffj. H. W. WILLIAMS, u see July 39- 9 ALMANAC’S For sale at this Office. SAVANNAH EXCHANGE. NEW COFFEE HOUSE. X’HE lubtcriber takes the liberty, relpedtfully, to inform the public and his friends, that from the encourage mint and favorable opinion manift (Ld to him, by a 1 hies part of the citizens of Savannah, fmee Inn eiiublilhment m this place, the Trmlecs of tin- Exchange were induced to dilpnfe, in favor, oi the upper part of this building, where he intends to open 011 the 15th day of Oc tober next, AN EXCHANGE, Being an imitation of I ondon and of the large cities of the United States. There the Merchants, Planters and Travellers, rnaj daily meet in a unifier manner, in order to trmifatl Commercial Business, ike. News papirs of the mod filtered mg kind, (liail be kept, v.ith a ma rinf. rfgisvkr, informing of the ar rival an. l <1 aranceeol veflVlb ; and news may olten be cmnnm .icate.l quicker than through the channel cl the papcis. Haw,>-bills fliail lie p lulled 111 a convenient, containing rim article.- offered for fa r at the ;ui.ffior<9 in thn ity, the 8 ot luch vcfiels as arc oifercil for fate or charier, and of the proprie toir., mid generally whatever ia rci.itir.g to f.ilcu e.l ..1! ik 1 :npioi.B, cilker Louies, negroes or plan*ationa. One will find t very dav at eight and st t : 0 o’clock, a Table neatly tirtfi ed, and on moderate teiins. to acconitno- date all perlons, either by the meal or by the day, mid weekly or quartery. Cm ff. c, 1 cil, Ch< iCointc, private j l’rcakf .Us, and Dinners or Rtiifhcs and Oyftcrs, prepared for the tailt of the different editors, fiiall i.e j.>ct every d..y on very reafonahle terms. The Bar Room lliali he lupplied with Spirirs aim foreign Wines, and any well chosen Iff qaors. The different Sccfctits or Clubs that may delire to form Affemblics, Balls or Concerts, will find rooms for their’ accommodation, furnifhed in a manner that he flitteis hiinfclf will meet their approbation. T he fubferiber, from his endeavors to form in a comniodious place, an tf tablifnment, that must in course affoid to Ihe citizens ot Savannah the lame greß advantages enjoyed in all the towns ot .his continent, hopes to receive the encouragement his laborious exertions will require, to deserve the confidence and gratitude of the public in oencral. A Bar keepere wanted, with good rfeoinmen danons. L GEF.I F.S, Augn If 29 406 caution. j\/¥ AS i EJLS and Owners of V. fij J.V.I. me notified, that it is unlawful to load or unload any part of their cargoes at, ..r near Fivk I'athom Holk, unless the lame is performed at the wharves, there built for the purpose. All viola tors of the abt, pafied June 26, 1806, will be prol'ecuted without tiilcrtn illa tion. 1 S. Dc MONTMOLLIN. Atigull 9. law. 2m. too Notice is Hereby Given, That the Gopaninrllnp carried on here by William Dixon, Jamt;b Dick lon and George Penny, Under the firmof J.imks Dickson, ciCo expired, by its own limitation, on the ill inftaiit t thoie who have any demat'ds a gair.ll the concern will pleafeprcfsrt thorn, those indebted, are rtqucfted to make payment to Jame. Dicklon, who is I authorffed to fettle the affairs of the I concern. vVilliam Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the bufipefg voll be comit.u ----;od t-y William Dixon ix James Dicklon j under the firm of James Dickson, & Cos. i J ne TAKE NOTICE, THAT in nine months from the date hereof, application wdl be made to the hon. thcjuttices of the inferior 1. oiirt, for the county of Bulloch, for leave to fell all that tradt of land, con taining 475 acres more or less, lying in the counties of Bryan and Bulloch, the fame being part of the tfiate of Wm Slater dec’d. Uni. Slater, admT May 6. 9m* 72 THE SUBSCRIBER ~ Intending to leave the date few weeks, BitiinelV, will be condufted I.) jo H V I.AWSON, Wm. Davics or R. M S ri 1 ts Liqs. JERKMIAH CUYLER. I Ai'guft 19 ts [Whole Number 417. 1 ax Colle&ors Sales. IF ILL BE SOLD, ct; the firfl 1 uesdity in Cidor.vt next ci the Court-house, in tree city ts Su vauuab between the ufaal hours THE lot aiul thereon, at pielcnt oecu- I>i-:J by iVliteheli aud FulLcl), ittorni.s, and other* known in the plan of said city as rh c no one, iy 1 conneli i j ihii.o l.Lrby v-Aid 3 mu.ut mi alOf O’ i tsi tne Glut run Iquaie, and Bull 1! uci, or so much iheieotak wili U;:Uy :n execution so• the lain of tu'cii ly-lix dollars go rents b mills and j 1 -4, (i >; tiut; by \Y Hi. on M IE for the ) jSjj, ptratfil out by Wini M.ils. p e j. £ ~ J) eye UiKj Fax t. c c —-17L5. i2 s fax (Joiiecioi’s haiCs. IF ILL BE SOLD on the ft ft Tuesday in November next at tbe C vt-Hoa/e n ibis city lc tveccn the hours cj un anu trerec v V lock. LO 1 and iinproi e jj J mnea ihereon m lirouph ivii. Ur; er, at preient orurpud by Capr. ,'jl rutjatn .1 hr ato ath s and l.ui ly known as the ’property of fehr, L\ Si in on (lippoied ty 00 iter ity <jo, or lomueli .litre, t ;.s wili iaii: ly an Ex.-curion for tf.e lorn ot dolls, g, “4, u.. j inili-j kri!); tlig an.ounc of tax itir’ By j ha F. britton (or the car 1 ando 3 . AI .SO, A fraa of FINE LAND in the t filmy of liliiun it, a |oohi i i) u cll, and v.t .11.1 it the time of luivey. r< nt;i nm,r one hundred sens n.ui • oi ids, or lb much thereof as will h.tisl'/ an execution for and r luai i I eik_di teen and three quartets tents, tax due thtieon by the ellate of Peter Dowell, for the year y. inted our by Thomas DoWeli. ALSO, iiolt lot No. one in Ewir.s burph on tlic welt fide ol weft broad street, and la tiy known as the piuperiy of Wm. Bed deed, or lo much thereof a i wi l li'f.isfy an exccuiion fu:’ the lum (ts eight dollars j) cents 3 1-2 rriiils, being the amount of lax due by the elFue of William Beil for the year iboy, pointed out by John Harrif<ui AdnTr. PETIiR DEVF/UIX. Tax C C C Sept a , 408 City Alteiifi’s dale, IVILL be fold on Tuesday the \ft, if OHo her next, at t u Com t~ house in the itty of Savannah, between the hours of to and j c (Hex, HOUSE and Trull Lot, No. , Oglethorpe Ward, Spring Hill, taken in ex ecution as die property of Fred * eriik Womack, decealed, to lat isfy a judgment obtained against him by James Flat.:. Conditions Calh. John Williams, s.c-s. Aoguft 28 406 SHERIFF’S SALES. HALL BE SOLD on the Jirfi Tuesday in Otlober next, at tbe Court-house in this city, be tween the hours of ten and three o’clock, John and his wife Catherine, togeher with their children, j Charlotte, Joliei arid Harry, ta ken und<r execution, Edwin | Lewis vs Emanuel Rengil), (pointed out by the defendant. Conditions Cnfh. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, i. . c . c. September 5. 408. Nolle E \LL perCnns inilebred to tiie I jbfcrik.r arc n quelled m> rntkf payment on , r jl.. fortr the 14th inst —All that ito n o r 3V . | I theti.felves of thi;; potic.-, w jllfind h r ar. coin's in (he lLar.ili oi proper olhcers f (/ r rol ledlioii. STEPHEN E. CLAP k Sept. iG 411