Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 07, 1806, Image 3
navigation of the Mifliffippi, v. Inch the Spani ards rendered difficult to us, and he dude to purchalein preference to fighting fur it like a thief, as the federalifts were anxiou. for him to do. And had we obtained it by coriqueft, Would it, at this moment be a whit more se cure to us, than it is as a purchase ? and Would the expenses, vyhich would have occur red in conquering it, been a cent lelis, than the money given for it ? Relative to our sea port towns, such are the rel’omces of the country, ‘hat they can be put in a ltate of defence ill due nine to withftan J the 1 (fault of an enemy—but we lhouldbe quite certain of an enemy who intends us tm affauit of this nature before we incur the expence of providing a defence. COPAR i'NEII'SHIP. ANDREW KNOX, INTENDING to close the business carried on in his own name the la ft of thi3 m .'nta ; of which all concerned will take due notice. After which time, he taking into Copartneilh j, Mr. Bf NJ a MIS S. PUP £;, (who has rest Jed for upwards of four years in the house) under the firm of KNO X c< PORE, Vv ho will continue the ’’FACTORAGE & COMMISSION ’ BUSINESS, artd ffattcr themselves from their industry and peifeyefarice, to meet a snare of Pubis: favor. They, expect a general supply of GOODS', Likable for the fcafon, which, together with a general aJ well chofi n aTTmv. ‘.t of o’ RijCERICS, will be ioldo-; as'iiberhl terms as any in the place. fVptv.i.btr 19. ts. 412. iST tj, (Bkkbac* Gibbon’s Wharf.) fluveja/i rtreinrd and now opening, an i xlfjlve ojfortment of VVeHh n;,.d V orklhire White and Blue iPtitKIS. : .ilofe,'La.nlcn & E'iftol DoiEe Blankets, Ptivvi?rne.!s and Dundee Cotton i’agguir, Etas: and'l ow Oznabutphs, *<u white and col red Threads I'Jlet'hs ;■ and K 1 Lymeres, Pattent Cord, for V> lls, ’ f T orftrd a id Colton Hcfiery, Caps and : ins.. i Z- ‘lcoes, Moral and Pocket Hhdkfj, B-.-d-Co rd., brine and Shop Twine, ] WnSibifficb', Durants, and Cal rnancoes, J ddi l,i:v<iis, white Si brown Platillas, G erkktneD and Ladle’s f iatu, sfforted, A n’r.era 1 2...l',rtnKiit cf Saddlery, Cu t>ry ant! Hardware afTorted, Pa; e-tt 3c Carolina Hoes, Trace Chains, Pov refer, Shot, and Bar Lead, afc v Xiits Table Crockery, afTorted, ALSO. OIV HAND, Bar 1 broil, and Share Moulds, Salt in taack.j or by the bushel, Wit fc a General aH'orcmem of GROCERIES, O a. 416. J LIST KECKIVLD, 80 Bin Bonnet Boards, super fine q tidily ico Rc; n 1 Foolscap paper 100 do. Vk rapping do. U’ugetiier wilts Folio, and sundry articles of S TsiUONAR. Y. Also- -A few copies of the Secret Hifloiy of ihe -Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. l'V falc by J v Im Hi!!. Sop.i r. 33 _5 f 415 NO i'v C. ALL Pei Dus indebted to the late firm cf BALE, Y & tfAR /1 AN, are informed, chat John D . Lewes, cfq. attorney at law, is empower* <5 to collect the debts ; those . -who are de iirous or preventing suits, will call on Mr. I .ewes, without delay. JACOB HARMAN. Sept. if> ‘O’ 41 + •’ ~ Nwa^t. 2 HE folio wing defaulting Jurors at the , Lft ,Mayor's ’ Court j Juh n Water - 3, James Shafi'er,Thomas New el),,J„r nes Dix on, James Ewell,Thos. Miller, are not tied, t bat it is ordered that they. Ue fined in the fu jn of Ten Dollars each uni els tiiev file propr rexcufe on Oath, in tire Clerks cilice b f ore th ic firlt of next Court. EDV ‘ AMD L. DAVIES, C. M. C. October {• 416. REMOVAL. JOHN GINDRAT refoccTfuHy in form* .his friends and the public, that he has removed bis Saddlers Shse to Bryan flree. , nearly oppofitc Mr. Nor M’Lwt’s Vendue Store, who will be thankful for any favors in hig line. O-Sober 3 4*6 3t George buchanan cs’ Cos. (joHtiST on's Square.) Have received by tin late arrivals frona Bri tain their FALL SUPPLY, CIJUfgmMJ A GSHikAL AUOKTMF.NT, FOR THE TOWN and country trade, -which they will difpole of on moderate terms. Stptemof 30* 4*5. Mrs. CABOS, RESPECTFUTLY inforatg her friends and the public, that she lias opened a Bearding Houfc ♦ in the house lately occupied by Mrs. Stouf, on the Bay where American and French gentlemen will meet with good accomodated. The Store will be sup plied with the best Liquor and the mott fafhionable goods flora the French ana Er.glifb ma'rkets. ’ Bepi. 30. 4'J REPUBLICAN. SAVANNAH, October 7, 1806. IliM W 111 Mil ITVibl AWr-iPi ’ tiktl AMONG the vast quantity of Federal (landers and mifreprefentatioire with which the last Museum teemed, we notice a communica* tion under the fignatuie of “ Candour”—in which, this brave man, who to use, his own language, “ fought both on land and water,*’ aiks the following question : “And pray, MefTrs. Printers, who edits the REPUBLICAN, that they fhculd, with the pen of another man, charge you with Pla giarilm ?** I ills writer appears to be well versed in Federal ta&ics. No doubt the Printers of the Mefeum well know “ who edits the Re publican —but, fo*- the information of this champion of 4 * uncontaminated princi—,’ who,perhaps, may feel disposed to raise his pen once more, we lay, it is edited by those uuder whose names it appears and none other. Me are not compelled to run from door to door to (elicit men to light our battles when attacked by an enemy. Mr. “ Candour,** did you not know, when you commenced your labors, that you was perj niog a mod palpable F.usniooas ? Did you not know’ that you like every other would he author, was trumpeting your own fame ? As the tirft dalh of your pen committed so paper a falsehood, we very much doubt your merit of the praiib you have so copiouily bellowed upon—lor he that would vary from the truth in one iidlauce, would not hesitate to do the fame in another. Could we hut draw the aside which conceals you from our view, and thereby ena ble us to paint you hi your native colors, we are of opinion, that ic would vary much Item your own account of your intripidity durino the contest with Great-Britain. Dare you> with all your purity, come forward as a candid champion and make yourfelf known ? We challenge you to do it. Are you a bearo’lefs hoy, or is your head lilvered with the grey hairs oi time i If tne former, you have been taught by feme base tutor to be conversant with falle hoods...if the latter, we would advise you to depart, e’er it is too late, from the hellilh track in which you are travelling, and endeavor, if you attempt to write again, to confine yourfelf to truth. If you take truth for your text, we fear rot a contest—but, for misrepresentations, we i’ubmit to your superior talents—hale must be the cause which requires falfehoods to lup port it——base indeed is the man who iupports l’uch a cause. You aflc, “ what applicability has John Adams or the iiriti/h constitution to the present eledlion. I~lere you have cciiitrucd our lan guage into a wrong meaning or y< r ignorance prevented you from I’nJerllandiiig i:—of w hich you may have-your ciioße—call y our rem tratinc eyes once more over the Lift Repub lican—and, if you are conlciotis of the vile prin ciples by which you were aclucted, come for ward like an hoi;eft man and acknowledge your error. Y I'fterday an cleftion was held, according to law, throughout this llatefor representatives to Congress, arid for members to the (late l.rgiila ture.—At 10 o clocit the Poll was opened for, Chatham county, at the Court-Houl'c in this City. The fi Rowing is the Rate of the Poll.— FOR CONGRESS. GEORGE M. TROUP, no DENNIS SMELT, 343 WILLIAM W. 8188, ;i4y HOWELL COBB, 322 ELIJAH CLARKE, - c THOMAS CARR, 26 THOMAS SPALDING 89 BUCKNER HARRIS, 1 WILLIAM BARNETT, y JAMES SIMMS, I OBEDIAH JONES, 6 State Legillature, SENATORS. EDWARD TELFAIR. 306 * . F. T. FLYMING, 2 02 REPRESENTATIVES . JOSEPH WELSCHER, 369 JOHN H. MOREL, 313 EDWARD HARDEN, 358 JOHN M. BERRIEN, 220 JOHN JOVE. j The people of this county, have on this oc casion, been arroufed from their slumbers every one appeared to be interfted in the elec tion. It is worthy of remark, that the Feder alists have been uncommonly aftive—they have left no means untried—they haye endeavored to traduce the characters of the republican can didates; they have fuffered the tongue of scan dal to run glibly; they have endeavored to incense the good people of this city against men, whose reputations defy their moft poifonou* arrows.— Notwithltanding all their cunningly devised ar tifices, the sons of Freedom have baffled their attempts —they have convinced the world, that they are happy under the present form of go vernment—that they are not willing to barter it for another—that they are worthy of the cause of truth and justice—that they are Re publicans and are determined to remain so. Ye calumniators, have you a conscience ? if you have does it not prick you 1 Can you this night lay yourhead*, upon your pillows, & close your eyes in peace ? If you can your heart* must be harder than adamant. Think upon the venerable Patriot w horn you have persecuted whose character you have attempted to blast ; but remember, the day is not far distant, when fome of you will be compelled to answer for your Handers. What have you to fay now, when the voice of this free and independent peo ple have proved you to be guilty of propagating ialfe and malicious reports i IT isapitty the Feds could im tin their point, after being so very liberal as to oiler to purchase votes by paying individuals taxes ! ! It is hard, we must confefs; —but, they thought to gull a few individuals by a bottle or two of Bor ter ; and, alas ! alas ! they failed iii this alfo—unfortunate men !!! “ Equal and exati JuJlice to all men.” J t rirxK son. FROM the firft settlement of this Country, until the year 179'-’, the custom of charging in terell on open accounts uniwrfally prevailed, whenbyaftioft unjuftifiable stretch of power the Legillature palled an atfl, whereby we were at once deprived of it, an acl, Gentlemen, only worthy ot despotism. The people of Chatham county, ever alive to any infringement on their rights, vie a ed it with that honell indignation it l'o justly merited and in January term, the following spirited presentments, of a truly rel’pedable Grand Jury took place, via. “ GEORGIA,...We the Grand Jurors for the County of Chatham, prel'ent as a grievance Jof au alarming nature, that part oi a tlattle- in the aft palled hy the Legillature, at their l.ilt j meeting, entitled, “ An acl to revile, amend and eonfolidate the feverai Jndkiary .tfts of this j Hate,” In the follow ing words : “ and no ver- I diet lhall he received on any unliquidated dr demand wherein the Jury have incrcul'ed their verdift on account of iutcreft, nor lhall filtered be given on any open account in nature of da mages. 111. Because it is agreeable to juilice, and long eftablilhetl custom, the debu t j ftiould pay interell to the creditor, as a com jpenfation for the use of his money: therefor-, j the operation of the laid law would deprive the creditor of part of his jjd'-. j -nil. Because we con fin or it partial and un j calculated to promote private putpoits, tending | to enrich the debtor at the expence of the ere j ditor, auu to deltvoy confidence between man land man,and also highly injurious to tin gone- Iral credit of the Hate. Jaiftly...Becaufe ivt jccniider it a direst: violationofthe 111 article ol j the Constitution of the United States, which ; declars, that no ilate iltall puis any kx to, 1 : i racto LAW, or imparing the„n oi contrasts.” The subsequent I.egiilature, famous i’oi th. Yazoo sale, were too attentive to their own, to think of the interell cf their condiments, and buffered the law to remain in force ; the follow ing one who so patriotically annulled that “ black transaction,” would have added to their glory, had that aft ihared the fame fate. It would be fuperfiuous to add more on this lubjeft, and will conclude with one simple Quere, whether the presentments of for fpec table a county as Chatham ihould not meri t as much attention as another. Legiilators fliouid ever lludy the good of the whole, failing in that, they are unworthy of the name oliiicii& of Republicans.— Accept these hulw.-rt eifulions , they are truly the emanations from the heart of JUNJU-. CHARLESTON, Oc i obxr2. ymother Gale. Captain Bunker, from Eafl-Florida, inform* us that a moft deftruftive gale was expel icnccd on the Florida coast on the I.3th of September : St Augustine had fuffered considerably, f. Vc ral houses were blown down, the vefli ls in port driven on fliore, and the pier entirely dcmolilh ed. Capt. Bunker loft his veflU 011 Cape Ro luain, in the September gale of ]Bu-i, but he thinks this gale lar exceeded that in severity. A great number of velfels have been diiven on tin- Florida snore ; among them a Clip belong ing to Philadelphia, front Havgnnah with a cargo of Sugar. A brig which had gone on fhorc, has been got off and towed into St. Ma ry’s river. YNMikaflnMMiawflMUMMgi Port ot S'avitina/j. ARRIVED, Brig Lovely Lass, Moore, N. York—Sally, Anfdell, Philadelphia. CLEARED, Schooner Enterprize, Stites, Cape de Verd. “NEW SFIOIfiS7 _ ABNER IF EBB, Hat received hy the Lor tut I.Ast, from new-Turk, A FRESH SUPPLV OF i // O E S, IVhich in addition to hit itoik before on hand, comprises a general it sort mat: 0) Ladies and Gentlemens, Missus, Mas ters and Childrens SHOES, SLIPPERS ts BUS KINS, English and American bark (trap and Suarrow boots), firft qualny ; a quan tity of Dawfons much approved patent liquid blacking. NEGRO SHOE’S, &c. He refpcdtfully informs bis custom era and others, that be will keep con stantly on band Hoots and Shoes of every defeription from tbe moft ap proved manufaftnrers in New York, and will dispose of them by the trunk, do zen, or Angle pair, as cheap as at any other store in tbe city, and (oliciu a continuance of their favors. Oftober 7 417 ~ NOTICE. A LI. perfon* are forbid to give credit to any one. on my account vs itfiout nt) written order. Jo/jh Williams . Oftober 7 TO HIRE, By the mouth t.r vear, FOUR FIELD SLAVES, apply to Levy Abrahams, Auct’r. Market fquaie. Sept. 19 t s 412. F r Ne-u-V- • L lQyi ‘ r Lr - >s ’ RoL~t Moure, mailer. WILL fail with all poilible difpatc'i,-—For freight or p.dTage apply to the mailer on board, or to MAGEE <J HOWARD Oftobc-r 7 4 t. 417, BRANDT. 10 Pipes Cogniac BRANDY, received by the Brig I.ovety Lai’s, from New-York, For la,e by ’ JOHN EVERITT. Oftober 7 4t. 417. TO LF.T. TO let two CONVENIENT ’S TORES en Hardens whr.rf. Apply to ‘Magee 3 Howard. Oftober 7 417. ts. FgK SrtLF, \ likelv able bodied NEGRO FELI.OW, u. Comp.cut liaiid iu a Saw . i . B. Hum^hreville. A! •rlst-squut e. k- iiv Sheriffs Sales. WILL BE SOLD, on frf.rjl Tvet dai , in November next, at the Court* Not:/?,m the City of Sot rinah, between t’. i lii oj ..rid ihr.t o’.'lvei, in the tore::?: Y NEGI’OE man natmtl I.IMUICK, a— lev.ed on as 1 Ite propertt ol \\ 11.1,1 si Cook, ui lu suit of Levy Siiti iai l. Conditions Cafii. JOHN WIi.LI A MS, S. C S. Oftober 4 417. iV jOrfhalS p. 11 ( . U.V the fi’Jl In November next, WJI LBE BOL l) at the Cju; t-HovJi in Savannah, l .'L.t Negrets viz. Hcftor, Kuckclcu ny, and Silvia, levied en as tli- pn.| ,-ctv r* James Smith, at the suit of Lni.Se. ca oT AUK.. BEN. WALL, M. i). G. Oftebcr 4. ‘ 4 , QEAI.FD pr p this dnefted to the G: c , r.J i. omiiiiitce will be received at -t) <lf. lice, i titil Mu nd a , the tub m(t. at y o’clock f r.t iv.itract tn Li;q 1, the Goal ct'il,,. Court vy of Chatham v. itii provilions for fucb prif (hicis A.t iii 1’ ijc ( j(jjinpilj tfi* Lttviif't!’r iiiae ka price par lation,’ w;.;ch ratten iltall eonilll yi two pounds ol Bread, one anti an If. f ] :>uml of frt-fh fjt-ef, or on.- p. .|,id c f P, ik forwhi a pnfoners—art! one < ... ;r e ( ,j ;;ue tor black—all of winch 1; to be r • and .cd w’.iolclome j the contrail to continue* fi.r ten mouths, pa;.. Me monthly, „r quarterly, as may best Lot h contn ftt r—ti t conti-ift* or o give Bond an l curity for the faithful performance ol the t.ontraft. BY Old, r .1 MelTrs. Aallr-v, IVillnntfon and Si urge r, Goal C* Ktmittee. JGB i’ BOLLEh, C c. COUNCIL will proceed on Mondav the ntii mil. to clftt a Deputy Gealcr ffir the Goal of ife County of Chatham, at a iYu,, ■ I five bundled dollars per annum, payed quarterly. JOB T. 30LI.CS, C. C. - “ -- 7 - - JD7 _ Hoard oj Fire-Ma/Lrs. Savaknah, September 70th ,o f, RF.F.UI.Vi.I), J r.IAt the It,III ifiiit and 17th feftions .i the. ordinance of the t, y Co.mcif, he S ifi. <i 111 the (Ja/eucs of tins City, at call ; iree limes in eat It paper •—and that Mr., I• r. Harman, and Mr. Lit,,,, be a com.nii.c to tiifo.ct a of the laid ordinance . and tl .1 the cemmittde .to no’ proceed to an er.aii.iv,ation till after the expiration ol the laitl pm,l,canons. Exrraft fr.-ni theminu'cs, THCaMAS Pil l’, Clerk. XV. And be it further ordained, by the author ity ujorefuil, I hat u nion three months from and alt-, the palling of this ordinance .every lion IV within the limits and juril’diftion of the City, occup’cd and tenanted, lhall be ifipplied with .'lie l c s, nt the cypenco ol the owners of lard premises to the number of at lean the number ul fire places in the fame, including l’uch as •or in tin- out buildings, and the find buckets lhall be equal in groined, and sue to those procured lor the use of the city, and painted, on which lhall also fie painted in vtfible char afters, the name of the owner to whom laid bucket* belong, and in cal'e the owner of any lioale or tenement ihould refui'e or ntglcft, to hate the laid buckets iupplied agreeable to this ordinance, it iltall and may be lawful tor tbe tenant to procure the lame, dedlifting 11 out of his rent, and furthermore, it ilia I l> the duty of the fire mailers, each to yo tfirou'* h his ward at leaf once in every three month*, and examine the ilate oi ihe buckets in each houie, and in ca,e of deficiency, to lummon ihe delinquent before the next City Council, m.d on tonviftion he, Ihe, or th, y, lhall be lined two dollar* for every bucket he, (ne or ibey, are iliort of in number required by ibis ordinance, and no person lhall make life ol my nuckyt so procured, f. 1 ary other use but that ofextioguiiliin fire, underthe penalty of one dolf r for each arid every offence, and in case any person or perluns fliajl w ilfully detain or l'euere from the lawful owner, any uticket procured at alorelaid, he, Hie, 01 tjtey, lhall on conviftion, forfeit a film not exceed ing ten, for every lire bucket lo dc tained or ferreted. XVI. And Whereat, The flores under the Blulf, and other, in tin. City, have few, and many of them no chimneys, PettJurJur Or dained, That the owners of every unproved wharf lot in this city, (I.all furndh within three months, twenty Buckets, for the build ing or buildings on iuch whart, and diftrib me them proportionately among tht bin dings and that the owner of every other store in die city, that has no fire place or p aces at tached 10 the fame Iliad furndh two fire buckets for each flor- of filch kind, and un der such regulations, a* other landlords ate by t'ris ordinance compelled to do. XVII. And be it further Ordained by the au thority ajortjuid, That every owner of .t wood en houie cr houl’cs, or brio* or done ftoulex covered with wood, occupied as dwelling hotiles or kitchens, (hall within three months after the publication hereof, provide the fame with a t iuiicient ladder, or have a feut tle or _door out through the roof of such house or houses, large enough for a man to pais through conveniently, underthe penalty ol a fine not exteedingtwenty doilais. A{ triable 10 liefolueoj the Beard of Fire hla/iert 1 His undemgneU will cornu -m e an exam ination of the Fire JJtickets, Ladder, a,d facilities, attached to Dwelling and Ware Houle* in thiserty on Monday ” the 1 < 1 October next. ‘ J Id. If. Grover, j ■Jonathan Clinr, f. Committee. W* A% Harman. J PI Bl 1C C A’ E. in H'xoxs-'DJT, the 7 th January next, with V o “*re.‘ a- J’tibiic Sale, be/or, tf e Court Finn ft in the Ctfy of Savannah, the following valuable it ad 1 cf LanJ THE FLAN TA J ION ON the north branch of Little Ogt chee. well known by the name of s /LK hOP E.- Thts body of land contains about 4000 acres, naniy icooof which are excellent Rice 1— ud i end lit in 4 to SOO good cot ton land ; oi tlie Rice land, upwards of 200 acres are at present in cultivation, and the remainder has been under water for nearly half a century, perhaps the hell reluve in the low country ofihe two Southern St ates. On the plantation are a good dwelling House, a barn and machine, u new S,.w Mill, Overfed ’) house, Negro houfrs, Sec, Fhe whole of this innd iits within front 7• ‘ J l** niiiCS C)t •■oV,luL*;ii J ,'lc traa, Its advantages arc rartiy t q ua {. tJ; It will be difpoied of at private la - entire or in and viftoo, at any time hotween litis and January. I’erfona w.flting to j'urehalc portions t,f it, ma y do 11 10 advantage at private tale, as the tlivifion hues will hi run tofu t porcltafcrs. II ex poled to public sale, it will be dt viilvd m.o tj 01 6 tracts. An accurate ve-iutvey will lie made previous to the Lie. A l S(J, I'hu following crads of Land On the South Branch of Little Ogeehee, ly* intg within 1 2 mi/et cj Savannah, Bco Acres near the mouth of the 1 wamp, iMidillitig of Land, formerly bc l longimr to Fox, lbxL. and Williams ; quo sens of this tmcl arc good Rice ; Land, and marly she whole of the re ! maimUr good Cotton Laud. This trad ih capable of lorniiug a very valuable pi.nit..non. F4O Acres adj.lining the a!ov e , for m. rly Ri■(’fane’s 5 about zoo acres of t ‘ lis l j‘ rt c j'F>cla iwauip, and fume of ihe ( ( ji cuttnji. t; j- Ac ' ; ’- adjoin!jt ibc above, for. mo > McLtiir.u's ; 237 a C ;..j ot this Ir.Hi are ltvu.rvp, iy, which are cn tin’ hi .inch a all . J V i , fv.-niiji. 500 a- is, formerly La.lot.’3 j7O of which ar. l-.vai 5 00 •’ *meriy H’lghrt’; troef win. h arc lu, poled to he fwairpn 1 i,£,t will be fold on a credit ot one, two a;,d time years ; warranted ti. tics will he given. For rurlh r particu- Igs, enquire of Coi. FI abi;r. j h am , in Savannah, or of ihe iublcriber. bteph;n LI To it. O.'tohvr- 3. 41 rt. 30 Dollars Klyvard. K ANA WAY from the Sub scliber, the lollowinj/ negroes. BAIV], a tall black fellow about hx sec-r 2 or 3 inches high, very, had on when he went away, a long brown luriout coat, and osriaburgs umierclolhs. iKI b.R, a likely, (hough b.uik feilow, has a final! fear oo Ids forehead, 5 feet 9 or 10 in <-nes high. BiVION, a 1 kely yellow fei abcui 5 leet 9 or 10 inches h, fc''h af;[>ears to squint when 100 King at you. The above negroes are about ?.6 or 27 years oi age; Five dol lars euGj Will be paid by Jolegh Haberfham, <n their confr,,:- ment to Savannah gcia', oi tea ddlais each by the fubferiber, if delivered to hi.n on hr, ’- lation near iJeauiorr. WILLIAM HAZZARD. Oftober j 4,6 Sheriff’s Sales. Oti tie ift Tuesday in Nov. next, will ht /old at tie court houje , in this city , between tbe hours of ten and three o'clock, A NEGRO MAN, named J 1 H‘ Icized under ami by vinur of an execution on a mort gage, Arkins and Wcllon, vs. William Jordan. ALSO, A traft of Oak, Hickory and Pine LAND, lying in L|. Lert county, on the north fide of ihe middle fork of Hroad Ri ver, adjoining land of Mr. Lee- Gcr and Mr. Thomson, con taining 237 acres, more or J els, at prefenc rented to a Mr. J ames; One other tradl of Oak & Hickory Land, containing 200 acres, more or less, with.n five miles of Lou f/ille, on Lam bert’s Big Creek, adjoining lands of John Rogers & others levied on ami id Ot: fold under and by viiruc ol an execution in Gvor of Timothy vs. James M*!nfo!h, ConJiio : is k iifhl M W. WILLIAMS acx'fti Ufobtr 3 ‘