Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 10, 1806, Image 1
Vol. IV. No. 107.3 CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The Republican is published every Tuesday and Friday, on a royal (heet of a good quality. The terms of lubfcnption arc stx i>ol‘ us per annum... one half to be paid at the time of fubfcnbing, and the balance at the expiration of fix months, .and all papers will be continued until ordered to the reverie. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements ml'ertedat 50 cents per fqaare the hrft insertion, and 25 for each 1 ontinuation—A liberal allowance made to tliofe who v/iftt to adverrife by the year. For sale at this Office. A variety of BLANKS among which arc, Foreign and Coalling Mamfelts Merchants Envies Liquor ditto Bills of Exchange Do.of Lading Do. of Sale ; Bowers of Attorney Checks Apprentices Indentures Deeds of Conveyance Bonds ; Notes of Hands Writs for the Superior, Inferior & Mayor’s Courts yor’s Court Executions & Subpoenas rices to creditors of Insolvent debtors Uitary Su.nmonfes and Executions, &c. CC? Cards, Handbills, ts c. ts c. *’t inted at a Jhort notice on rcafonallt :rms. 7. M. IVcodbridge , Respectfully inform? his friends, and the public, that he itili continues the Fa&oraje & Commission c> Business , rt No. 4, in the Exchange, where he has fafe aad convenient stores for the re cepdon of any kind of Goods or Pro duce, that may be intruded to his charge Liberal advances in Cadi, will be made cn goods being deposited for public or private fsle. HS HAS ON HAND. 2O Pnsvheors old Jamaica RUM 10 ditto ditto St. Croix ditto 30 Bags and 10 tierces Green Coffee Pipes and qr. cades old French Brandy Sugar iu hogsheads and barrels Window Glass, and Soap in boxes Cotton Bagging, Irish Linens Nankeens, Humhums, &c. &c. Ali which articles will be fold low. CJ* Two convenient HOUSES to Ler. Sept 2 law ts 407 Bills on Nevv-York, At a dtort fight, FOR SALE, by Geo. Buchanan fy Cos. September 30. 415. FACTORS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. r ff"’ HEftibfcribers offer their ferviccs as 1. F >.CTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. They have good, fsfc and commodious Stores for the reception cl produce, and will pay every polTsbie attention to the management of any business placed in their hands. They always keep on hand a general affort mint of GP.OCERIES, warranted of the firft quality, to supply their cuftom tT?, at the loyeft Cash prices. JOHN T. IVHITE ts Cos. Atrgufl 16. ti / 402 —; -j u e Partner ffi ip between Bdjlcy rind Harman, WILL, by limitation, expire on the fir ft day 01 September next; all claims against the coik ern > W H Be adj tilled by Jacob Habma.' , i at Mr. Montmollin’s houte, Gibbon’s b.’hlding, who is legally authonfed. Those in debted, are required to fettle their s,c counts immediately, otherwise suits will be commenced. Thomas Eayley, jun’r. Jacob Harman. Allgull 26 Thomas Bayley, jun’r. exchange, No. 6, WILL CONTINUE THE Grocery, Wine and Li quor Trade. r.ilies, Planters and Ship Stores put up of the choicest articles, and at cw prices. August 26 SUPERFINE RICHMOND FLOUR 300 Barrels firfl quality Richmond Flour, iufl leceived per schooner John, and for sale, applv to MILLER & MOORHE AD, or THOMAS LAWRANCE. Sept. 26 414. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. Flour, Gin Iron. Landing and Jor Sale , at reduced prices for Ca.'by 25 bbls. Philadelphia fuperfinc Flour 5 pipes Gin 5 tons Bar Iron and Shear Moulds ANDREW KNOX. AUguft 26 40 Factorage. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, 8) informs his IV. friends and the public, that ne still continues the FAC TORAGE e? co v: Mission BUSINESS, on Morel's Wharf, formerly occupied by William son and Morel, and Hopes from his experience m that line o oufinels and his attention there to, to msec with a liberal pa cronage. I Hole who may favor him with their custom, may rely up* nn his tiling every ex-irdon ii ids p >wer to render them ample lacisfaction. Liberal advance.’ will be made, if required, or. produce stored. Sav. August 22. 404. tij. l OH b/iLts. rHOSE two very pleasantly fituat ed LOTS, in the city ot Savan nah, in Broughton ftveet, No. 2 and 3, Anfoii Ward, nearly oppofue to the reiidence ot Mr. S. H. Stackhoufc. ALSO, Two Lots containing 45 Acres each, in Anion Ward, No. 2 and 3, situate in ‘he neighborhood of the Plantation of George Millen, Esq. and being very val uable on account of their being near to ‘he city of Savannah. The mo ft clear and indisputable titles fi>r said Lots, deduced from the original grantee, will be executed to the pur chaser, and a very extensive and liberal credit will be granted for the payment of the confidcration money. For the particular terms and conditions of sale, apply in Savannah, to either of the fub feribers. GEORGE WOODRUFF, JOHN LAWSON. September 6. 3m. 109. NOT I C E. THE Subscriber has appointed Ni cholas Turnbull, Esq. Mr. Isaac Minis, and Mr. Charles Bernewiz, his lawful atto-nies during his absence from this ftate i. S. De MontmoLin. September 16. ts. 141, THE SUBSCRIBER , T N 1 ENDING to bo absent for a few weeks has appointed Edwahd L- Davis, and Richard F. Williams lus Attornies, dur ing his absence. SAMUEL H. STACKHOUSE. August T<P 402. NO 1 ICE. ALL perfans having demands against the late James Moflman, Esq. or a gainft the fubfenber in his own name, or as Executor of the estate of Moflman, will please hand them in as soon as polfible, du ly attelled, to Mr. William Mein, that the fame may be put in a train for fettiement. James Oliver. August. 29 406 NO I'ICE.~ On the 14 th of October rrrt, WILL BE SOLI) on dt. Simon’s, at the fubfert _ bers plantation. THE real and perlbnal property of James Mather deceafed—Confiliing of the following articles, VIZ—Two Negroes, Plan tation Toois, kc. RAYMOND DEMIRE, Junr. Adm’r Brunswick, Sepr 6. 410 ‘sHF.RIFF’s SALIG 1 On the firft Tuesday in November next, will be fold, at the Court-house in the county of Bulloch, between the hours of jo and 3 o’clock, A TRACT of 300 acres land adjoining Samuel Lockhart and James Oglefby, levied on by a conftaale, as the property cf said Lockhart, to fati-fv Robert Atkinson and arrerage of taxes fox the years 1803-4-5. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, Sept, it ts 413. S.BC. Paints, Oils 6c Brushes. rHE fubferiber has on sale a quan’ity of the above articles, which will be fold low for calh, or on a ftiort credit, to thole who are punctual in their payments. JOHN HUNTER. August *2 404 ALIMAN AC’S For sale at this Office. SAVANNAH: ‘PRINTED BY EVERITT M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY. FRIDAY, October io, 1806. •O’ COLEGE LANDS, r 100 acres of Valuable LAND, in G /nn County, is offeree FOR SALE, composed of valuable I Rice, Cotton and Provision Land, in one body, and in which is included, a rich parcel of Meadow Land, capable ot the highest cultivation. Fhe titles to these lands are clear, and tlie lands have been lately resurveyed by Mr. M‘Kinnon, with accurate re marks, flicwing its boundaries, lituation on a navigable creek, and other advan tages. These lands ate dire&cd, by law, to be lold for the benefit of the Bethesda 1 College, or Orphan House Ellate. i For a great part of the purchase mon ey an extensive credit will be given ; and the other payment made easy. Apply to Judge STEPHENS, the President of the Board of Trullees, Dr. PAR KER, Mr. BARACH GIBBONS, or tne fubferiber, or Committee of Tiuf tees, from either of whom, particulars will be made known. w. B BULLOCH. (Xn“ If not fold before the firft Tu.T- Jay in November, the above will be of tered for sale at Auilion. J ui r 29 9 6 MONT-VILLE, The residence of the late Governor Hall. FOR SALE, that VALUABLE PLANTATION, CONSISTING OF 2627 ac Fes on Savannah River, in Burke County ; and, 767 on the opposite fide, in South-Carolina I lie value of the Pine Lands, on this fide, and the rich low grounds on the other fide of the river, renders the whole, a VALUABLE ESTATE. The advantages of an elevated situation, the establishment ot a ferry constantly used, and with the command of lands of every quality, upon a navigable river, are so well known as to need no ether def ription. Terms of payment and the price, will be easy. For particuirrs, apply in Augusta to Thomas Flournoy, Esq. of Seaborn Jones Esq. at his feat in Scriven Coun ty, to Major Bulb, near the premifles, and in Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPHENS. J>*iy 29 ts 96 TO Be. DISPOSED of The valuable Plantation, Brick Yard and appurtenances, known heretofore as the GLEBE LAND. Hie whole body of land is within ihree milts of this city, on the Augulta road, and fronting Savannah river, and contains, on a&ual survey, better than three hundred acres, more or lefs* For separate Farms to, or as fettle menta of high land, for those, who poffeb rice grounds on Hutcbinfun’s Hand, and opposite to the Glebe Land, the above is certainly a desirable purchase. It is well known, that a valuable bed of clay, is on the land, and that bricks have been burnt on the spot, and brought to market to advantage. lAs this land has again reverted to the church, all persons are cautioned from trespafling thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood land, and those who are in poffefiion of any part thereof, by lease or otherwise, are notified to pay no rent but to the Warden’s of Christ Church. if no purchaser offers, between this and the firft Tuesday in November, the property will be divided into lots, and offered at public auction, for the benefit of the church. W. STEPHENS, N. TURNBULL, Church Wardens. July 29 96. SHERIFF’S SALES. On the first Tuesday in November next, Will be Sold, Between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock , at the Court-house in the town of Brunswick , Glynn County. A Negro man, named Law rence, seized and taken under execution as the property of Pierce Butler, to fatisfy his tax for the year 1803. Conditions of sale cash. Wm. PAYNE, s. c. c. October 3 Board of Eirc-Maflcrs. Savannah, September 20th 1806. RESOLVED, THAT the 15th 16th and 17th l'eftions of the ordinance of the City Council, be pub billed 111 the Gazettes of this City,ieail three times in each paper—and that Mr. Groves, Air. Harman, and Mr. Cline be a committe to enforce a compliance of the said ordinance ; and that the committee do not proceed to an examination till after the expiration of the said publications. Extract from the minutes. THOMAS I’ITT, Clerk. XV. Ant ic it further ordained, by the authority aforefaid, That within three months from an I after the palling of this ordinance, every house within the limits and junfdiStion of the City, occup ed and tenanted, thail ne supplied with bucke.s, at the er pence of the owners of said premiles to the number of at lea the number of lire place s in tin: l.tme, including iuch as are in the out buildings, and the laid buckets’ shall be equal in gt odnels and size- to those procured tor the life of the city, and painted, on which 1 liii.ll alio be painted in vtlible char acters, the name ol the owner to whom laid buckets belong, and in case the owner of any hoide or tenement Ihould refute or ncgleft, 10 have the laid buckets lupplied agreeable to this ordinance, it ih .11 and may be lawful for the tenant to pro< me the lame, deducting it out ol his rent, ami furthermore, it Iliad be the duty ot the fire mallei s each to go through his ward at lead once iu every three months, and examine the date of the buckets in each houte, and 111 cale of deficiency, to*fummon the delinquent before the next City Council, and on conviftion he, the, or they, lliall he fined two dollars for every bucket he, (he 01 they, are lliort ol 111 number required by this ordinance, ami no per lon (hall make life ol any bucket (o procured, for any other id but that ol ext inguiftnn (ire, under the penalty ol one ilollor for each and every offence, and 111 case any perfim or perlons shall wilfully detain or secrete from the lawful owner, any bucket proem’ das aforefaid, lie, (tie, or they, (hall 011 conviction, forfeit a (uni not exceed ing len dollars, for every (lie bucket lo de tained or fee re ted. XVI. And tVhercas, ’i lie stores under the Bind, and others m this City, have few, and many of them no chimneys, Bea junker Or. dai’.ed. That ihe owners of every improved wharf lot in this city, fluid furiiifli v.ithm three months, twenty Buckets, for the build ing or buildings on such whart, dud dillrib me them propoitionately among tlit buildings and that the owner of every other ltore in the city, that lias no hre place or places at tat bed to the fame shall furuilli two lire buckets for each store of such kind, and un der fooh regulations, as other landlords are by this ordinance compelled to do. XVII. And he it further by the au thority ajorejaid, That every owner of a wood-. |en hoult; or houses, or brick or Unite bottles covered with wood, occupied as dwelling houses or kitchens, (hall within ihMtc months alter the publication hereof, provide the tame with a Lnficient ladder, or have a feut -1 tie or door cut through the roof of such | house or houses, large enough for a man to ’ pal's through conveniently, under the penalty of a fine not exceedingtwenty dollars. Agreeable to Kefulveof the Hoard o/fi-e Majlcrs 1 HE undertigned will commence an exam ination of the Fire Bucket;:, Ladders, and ■Scuttles, attached to Dwelling and VV'are Houles in thiscity on Monday the 1 sth of Oilober next. R. N. Groves, *) Jonathan Cline, Ccrr.nvqtee. W. N, Ifurman. J 1 ax CoiTuctor’b Sales. ON the firfl Tuesday in October next, WILL BE SOLD , at the Gourt-Huu/e in this City between the hours cf ten and three o'clock. rIHE lot and improvements t hereon in Broughton flrtcr, at present occupied by Capt. Abraham Abrahams and lately known as the property o! John F. Britton, luppoled to bt 60 feet by 90, or lo much there of as will latisfy an execution for the Turn of dolls. 9, mills being the amount of tax due by John F. Britton for the year 1803. ALSO, A trad of PINE LAND in the county of Bulloch, adjoining Thomas Dowell, and vacant ar the time of survey, containing one hundiedacrts more or less, or so mutn thereof as will fatisfv an execution for the sum of eigh teen and thiee quarters cents, rax due theieon by the estate of Peter Dowell, for the year 1805, pointed cut by Thomas Dowell. ALSO, Trust lot No. one in Ewins burgh on the weft fide of weft broad street, and lately known as the property of Wm. Bell deed, or lo much thereof as will latisfy an execution for the lum of eight dollars 59 cents 3 1-2 mills, being the amount of the tax due by the estate of William Bell for the year 1805, pointed out by John Harrison Adrn’r. PETER DEVEAUX. TanCC C Sept, 2 40$ [Whole Number 418. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OF THE UNITED STATES, June 21, 1806. WHEREAS the Commis sioners of the linking fund, at a meeting held on the 28 h and ry of April, jBo6, did re* lolve, that the !u;n rerhai.jing to complete the txp ndirure of the .imiul appropriation of EIGHT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, ffioul ! among other purposes be applied ro the reimburlenacnc of the NAVY SIX PER CENT. S l OCK, created in purluanee of an ad of Congrels, pafT-d on the 30th day of June, 1798, acd to the reimburle uent of the five and HALF PER CENi, .SIOCK, citatcd in purluanee of an ad of Congress, pilled on the 3d day of March! I 7VS’ i his is therefore to give no tice, rliar the principal of the laid N\V Y SIX PER CENT. STOCK, with the inteielt due thereon, will, on surrender of the certificates, be paid on the Ift day <ll Odober next enluing the .late hereof, ft) the rd'pcdive (tockholders or their lawful te pndentalives or artornies iluly conllituted and rttttiioiized, ci thfi at the Tieafury or at the L.uan Office, as the case may be, where credits have been given for the a nount of stock, r t (pedivtly held by them: and that the principal of the FIVE and half per cent. SIOCK, with the interest due (hereon, will in like manner, and at the fame places, be paid > the ill day of January, *BO7, to the rHpedive ffockholdcrs, or their lawful reprelenutives or att ‘/mes duly confttruccd and authorized. It is further made known, for the information of the parties concerned, that no transfers of the NAVY SIX PER CEN \ 81 OCK, either from or to the books of the Treasury, or from or to the books of a Commis floner of Loans, will be allow ed after the llt dav of September ensuing. And the interest on all certificates of laid stocks, which shall not have been sur rendered, in pin fuance of this notification, will cease and de termine, on the day preceding the day hereby fixed for the re irnburfement thereof ALBERT GALLATIN, Secretary of the Treasury. July ‘5 92 to3o ShcrifF’s Sales; On the isl Tuesday in Nov. next, will be fold at the court houie, in this city , between the hours of ten and three o’clock , A NEGRO MAN, named Jirn, lc>zed underand by* virtue of an execution on a mort gage, A-kins and Wcfton, vs. William Jordan. ALSO, A traft of Oak, Hickory and Pine LAND, lying in El- - bert county, on the north fld -5 of the middle fork of Broad Hi J ver, adjoining land of Mr. - per and Mr. Thompson, con - caining 257 acres, more or lei s, at present rented to a Mr. James.- One other trad of Oak 8c Hickory Land, containing zOO acres, more or less, within fi v C miles of Louisville, on La in heres Big Creek, adjoining lands of John Rogers & others, levied on and to be fold under and by virtue of an execution in favor of Timothy Freeman, vs. James M’lntofli. Conditions Cafli. H. W. WILLIAMS, D.s.c.r; Sar, October 3