Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 10, 1806, Image 3

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NEW YORK, September 16. Extract of a letter /torn Halifax, date* Augujl 16. *'■ Captain Whitby of the Leander, was sometime since fuperceded in the command of that (hip by captain Hum phreys, from England. The Leander fails for England betWeert this day and the 24th inlt. Captain W. goes paffcn gtr in her, and a (trift enquiry is to b; made into the unfortunate occurrence off New.York. fie is permitted to take home fucti officers as he may think ne cessary to bring foYward in his defence “ In his majesty’s inftruCfion3 to Bag officers, captains &c. dated on the 29th of May last, 1 find the following para graph “ Representations Laving been made that neutral (hips are frequently detained upon frivolous grounds, you are hereby further required and directed not to in tercept any (hips under nctetrat flags en gaged in trade not prohibited by law, except upon proof or Itrong ground of prcfupmtion.thst the (hip or the goods be longing to his majetty’a enemies, and you are particularly to bear in mind, that neutral veffeis, conveying cargoes be tween this country and (England) and the ports of ihe enemy, carry with them strong pvefumption, that the properly is either on ll.ii (h or neutral and engaged W a legal trade ; his majesty having, in can-iicieration of the prelent date of com merce, been pleased to allow’ that trade to be ’Anted on by British and neutral fubjefts.; it is therefore proper that such trade (hould fuffer as 111 tie interception as pofliok. “ H. NEAL, RUSSELL, KENSINGTON. “ By command of their Loreifti’.ps. “ B. TUCKER.” “ The above inllruttions from the Lords of the Admiralty were received on this Ration by his majelly’s (hip Leopard ; and 1 have further uttderftood, it is the wi(h of the admiral here, that no neutral vessels (hould be detained on light or fri volus grounds.” NORFOLK, September 18. In a part of the last edition oi cur pa per, we gave a hasty account of the des truction of the French line of battle (hip L’lmpeteUx, of 74 guns, commanded by Monfieiir Leveyer Bclaix, member of the legion of honor. Since then we have converted wi'h fome of the officers of the French (hip, who fay, tnat in a violent gale on the 19th Augutl, in lat. ‘ z 5. file was totally ditmafted, her rudder broke, water calks (love, and ah the pow der wet and dettroyed ; they were obiig. ed to throw all their guns overboard, ex cept the lower tier, to keep her afloat. After being in thi3 deplorable date for twenty-three days, (hort of provisions, and not a drop of frefh water, early on Sunday morning last they deicrird two British tien of war, a frigate and an ar med fcrig, being then about twelve miles off fliore to the southward of Cape Hen ry ; that fooncr than be taken at sea, they immediately made for the (bore, on which they run the (hip before the Bri tith got within (hot, having, with their colours, a figtial of distress also hoisted. They (late that the frigate commenced firing upon them when they were a ground, and within a mile of the land, and continued the fire until the colors and Lils were lowered—during thi3 lime, ~ the two iine of battle (hips were at an chor within long-shot—that the crew of the fit It boat which came on board from the frigate behaved with much civility but when the marines came they conduc ed themselves with ruderiefs—That the captain ot tht French (hip expoftuiated with them, ftatiog that they were on neutral ground, but to no effect, for after taking out what of the crew that oid not jump overboard, they set lire to her, and effectually deftroveu her. The L*fm peteaux had near 700 men ; thole taken ou board the frigate have been sent up from Hampton Roa Is, and are now com fortably lodged in the Holpital at Ferry Point. The L’lmpeteaux was one of Willou. mey’s fquadroH, an<l ot wr>’ch Jerome was ffcond in con,maud in the Veteran, which (hip parted from the Iqiiadrc.n in the latitude of New-York, 20 or 30 days before the gale, and has never since been heard of—ftrongly fufpedeu (he has foundered. Thty te lin with the Fou t droyant, (tke admiral's (hip) three day. ter the gale, totally d'fmafted, rudder ie and nearly a wreck— luppofis (he has got into the Havanna. The Cafard and Velereufe frigate, belonging to this £ t ,. a r .ron, t*rc also milling. ju vnendation is due to Mr. Myers, whe* ori bearing o; the deplciable fitua tiof o f the poor fellows who Twain on at ,I w ho were making the bell of theffa-iy /or this place, without clothes, and ynaou t victuals, immediately sent earn- r.*, w.iih provisions and clothes, to met:, them. CHARLESTON October 4. Cap-urn Pru*.c, who arrived yetterday from Garracoa, informs us that general Miranda has tak’.en Aruba ; that he has includin' 1, fcaan u, about yco men ; rhat v he Spaniards ap .sear ratiier to keep aloof but that be has b een joined by a number of Indians. The bpamamL were fitting out at Porto Cavalio, about 20 armed vessels toecut off Miranda’s supplies by the BntuL, and to scour tbe c ait Cap tain JoKttsox of the fh:p Leander, who landed with about 20 men to procure water, was (urpiized by a party ot Span ivds, and the whole of them made pri ioners. Twelve of the Americans who *crt crctuted in Miranda a fehooners have i..;*a har.gtd ar.J the rest fi nt to he mines for life. Three of those who were hung, were Roman Catholics, ant eceived Chriltian buriet, the rest were fuffered to remain upon the gallows. Several Americans having arrived at Cur. racoa, the arsenals and magazines have been completely fiileJ, but it was gene rally supposed that if Miranda succeeded the Britilh would attack Curracoa, for the purpose of obtaining a convenient depot of supplies and as a port from whence Miranda might eafi ! y receive a fiftance and support. Several (kirmifhes had taken place, but were ot Hiding im portance to either party, The ultimate success of the expedition was still held to be doubtful. -*■- . . r ; For LIVERPOOL, THE fail failing flop ELIZA, fzsMSam JofepU Starks, m after, fclxppiSed to lie ctilpatched fi-inn the toth to the 23th of next month. For freight of Cot ton, apply to Taylor & Scarbrough. Sept, if, 8t 41 x For Ntnv-Y'ork. , T,ie p “ cket B,i £ LOVLI.r LASS, Rohe't Moore, mailer. WILL-fail with all poflible difpatch,-—For freight or pafiage apply to the mailer ou hoard, or to MAGEE 3 HOWARD. Oftober 7 at. 417. BRANDT. to Pipes Cotpiiac BRANDY, received by the Brig Loveiv Lais, from New-York, Fot la e by JOHN EVERITT. Oftober 7 4t. 417. TO LET. TO let two CONVENIENT STORES on Hardens wharf. Apply to Magee & Reward. Oftober 7 417. ts. Now Landing. From the Ship Eliza Joseph Starks, mailer, froyp Liver pool, TWENTY bales green, blue Sc white Negro CLOTH j Four hales of the belt London Duffil Blankets Iron Pots from 3 to 12 gallons I Dutch Ovens from 9 to 16 inches i / ), 8, 10 and 2ad Nails, and 5, 6 and 7 inch Spikes in ca(k3 Broad Hoes and Socket Spades liifh Linens in boxes, a (for led, from I 12 12 to 30ft. and 23d. to 4/2, prime coll—and A lit tall p"rc f, l of House Coal, FOR SAI-S BY Ta* ioi & Scarbrough. Sept. 16 8t 411 NEW SHOES. ABNER WEBB , Has received by the Lor els L,ass, from Nctvjfori, A FRESH SUPPLY OF * 6’ fl O ii S, Which in addition to his stock before on heind, comprises a general assortment of Ladies and Gentlemens, Misses, Mas ters and Childrens •HOES, SLIP PER 3 fc? BUS KINS, Engli(h ?.nd American back strap and Suarrow boots, firlt quality ; a quan tity of Dawfotu much approved patent liquid blacking. NEGRO SHOES, He refpcdtfuliy informs his cuflom ers and others, that he will keep con itantiy on hand boots and Shoes of every defeription from the moll ap proved manufacturers in New-York, and will dispose of them by the trunk, do ze.t, or tingle pair, as cheap as at any other ltore in the city, and solicits a conti’ uance of their favors. October 7 417 “notice. SEALED prop iais directed to the Goal Committee— will be received at my Of fice, until Monday, the 13th inlt. at y o’clock f or a contrast to l'upply the Goal of the Cuun tv of Chatham with provisions, for such prii oners as may be confined, the contraffor to the price per ration, which ration (hall coniill of two pounds of Bread, one and an half pound of frefn Beef, or one pound of Pork for white prtJoners —and one quart of Kice for biacks —0 lof which is to be good and wholesome; the contract to continue for ten months, payable monthly, or quarterly, as may bell fo*t the conrraitor —the contra#- or to give Bond and Security for the faithful performance of the contrail. 1 BY order of Messrs. Ansley, Willtamfon and Surges, Goal Committee. JOB T. BOLLES, C. C. COUNCIL will proceed on Monday the 13th inlt. to eleil a Deputy Goa'er for the Oud of the County of Chatham, at a salary of five hundred dollars per annum, payed <1 uarteriy. JOB T. BOLLES, C. C. Oiffober 7. 417. City Sheriff’s Sales. WILL BE SOLIJ, on thefirfl Tuss PAT, in November next, at the Court- Houfe,in the City of Savannah, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, in the forenoon, VNEGROE man named LIMKICK levied on as the property ofdViunn Cook, at the suit of Lr.vv Sh est a 11. Conditions Cash. JOHN WILLIAMS, S. C. S. October 4. 4'7- REPUBLICAN’’. SAVANNAH, Octoeir 10, 1806'. THE following is extracted from tbe (Litchfield) Witnel's, edited by the perfected Olbom : “TOWER OF TRUTH. “ It is now very, well alcertamed that John Allen, efij. of this place, has ablolutely seceded from federalifm—and we ate happy to add, from indilputable authority, that Judge Sedg wick, of Stockbridge, late fpeaker oi tbe nati onal houl'e of Representatives, and Senator in Congrel's, has followed the example.” IT is no doubt in the recollection of many of the inhabitants of this place, that JOHN ALLEN, Esq. was one of the Federal champions, who wrote against the election of Mr. Jefferfon to the P.didency—he was the author of several publications under the signature of ‘ Bl ! RLElGH’—thefe publications originally appeared in the “ Connedi cut Courant,” a Federai vehicle printed in Hartford, and extracted into every Federal print in the ur’on —even into that Federal luminary, the “ Nlurtum.” The object of BURLEIGH was, to destroy all confidence in Mr. Jefferfon, and to continue Mr. Adams in the Presidential Chair—but, happy for this country, his labors were in vain.— He ha*, at length, “i* error— he has . treated from the path of dtlu fion, in which he so long trod—he lias nlifted with the fupportera of Ameri can Liberty, and rallies round their Hand - ard—may he prove worthy of the cause he has espoused—he may, no doubt, be called an apostate by thole whom he once looked upon as friends to his country— he may be called a weather-cock— but, if he difeovered his error, and abandoned the cairl'e of Federalism from principle, as thousands have done before him, he is an honed citizen—and may he long live to enjoy the bleffmgs of Republican i so—may he, alt-hog h he come3 at the eleventh hour, be a true disciple of found principles. With refpeft to Judge SEDG WICK, we know but little, however, it appears, he was also an adherent to the cause of delusion ; but has, like an hon ed man, difeovered liis error—embraced the cause of jultice—and is determined to fin no more. We are of opinion, that Federal ism in Connecticut, is degenerating very fad—thur bonded strength is fait—-very fad, travelling to the (hades of oblivion— the people beg::, to open their eyes—they begin to difeover the depravity of the cause in which they have been so zeal ous—they are determined to be gulled no longer by the artifices of the enemies of their rights as men—as Freemen. WE hear nothing further from the felf boafting “ Candor”...lie mud have exhausted alibis strength in his firft produ(ftion...he, no doubt, is desirous of remaining snug behind the Gur|fiin...poor foul...don’t tremble...we will not force you before the public eye ..left they ftiould behold a CO WARD...not, a BRAVE MAN ! ! ! ! ON Monday last, a certain Eleiftioneer ing charadter, famous for the federal ticket, stiled himfelf a DOCTOR, and for the purpose of carrying his point, brought forward twen ty seamen, as he told them, to vote for a hofpi til—the poor fellows, innocent of doing any thing contrary to the laws of this state, followed their leader to the Court-hoofe, where he a bandoned them to work their own way. One of the presiding juftice6 alking one of them what he wanted, his answer was, lie v. ilhed to vote for the hospital—he was put upon oath, and like an horieft foul, declined (wearing he was a citizen of the United States—they knew nothing of the nature of the eleblion, therefore the only one culpable i* the felf-made DOC TOR 11! This Pill, Dodlor, would not go Jown—you need a little more study. Messrs. EVERITT & M'LKAN, BY giving the following a plate in your next paper you will oblige a friend—it lias been in my podeffioa fome time, hut having mislaid it, is the reafcn of 107 nut (ending it to your office before. A SUBSCRIBER. TO THE SHADE OF J O Nemo poteft ft 1 pi urn dicer* feliceue autimortem. No man can call himfelf happy, before he dies. THUU art dead to this world, J Q • thou haft carried with thee the furrow, of all the hone ft and worthy people who knew thee. The ambitious and envious men, even those whop rtook of thy benefits, will no more prosecute thee ; all thy pain* and misfortunes are at an end—those pretended friends will feel thylofs; but thy fmcere one.,although al ways vety few will join thy unfortunate lankly to help, support and aflift them in their late and irreparable loss. Once in affluence, they (aw themselves, from a conflagration (uddenly de prived of their wealth. The of a few neighbours, now luccours them ; the part ner of his life, beholds in distress her four chil dren, one at her breft, and two unable to fttift for themfelvei. O Generous G , I knew thy philanthro phy, thy moral virtue, and charity, never has Vhe foot, never haa tke ftrangtr visited thy ii'jnfion, wh' l came ovt itm-'diovt-d Ac. who lid not partake ot thy place, ami of they pe cuniary relief. Thy money, thy cn lit. were lavifhtd, perhaps with fomo degree of impru dence—forgive me. O Shade, thou wert prompted to it by the goodtit-fs of they heart. How will they now aCt who took an advantage of thy good nature; they limit undoubtedly feel tile pangs of remnrfe, when they hear of the fate of thy unfortune family ; the creditors ” ill no doubt give that benevolent indulgence which honed louls ought to ejert towards the unfortunate—Thy friends and the poblic are fully confeious that thy removal into the coun try with thy goods and houlehold, was occali oned by a fincerc* wish to repair the loilcs which proceeded from thy too good nature. Thou wert elteemed and beloved by the public and by the refpedtable lociety of which thou wert a member, as a good citizen, a good husband and father, ever ready to prop and afiill fullering humanity—fur honed people are ever alive to the feelings of beuevolence No remorie of confidence didurlied thy dying mo ments, no concern arole in thy bread, but the accident that befel hy family, hi the lad moments ot didblution, attended with bitter an guifli, thou forgot not illy Gody but joined the miniders ot thy church, in hi* lolemn prayer at the awful pad age to eternity. O Shade, that I reverence, receive mv last farewell and willies. May tl y offspring inherit thy moral virtues and charity towards their feilow creature and imitate their father, v. hlie they avoid his too generous confidence in man kind. further returns of Votes given on the Clb injlunt. EFFINGHAM. FOR CORGRFSS. GEORGE M. TROUP* 134 THOMAS SPAI.IHNG 134 DENNIS SMELT, 13:! WILLIAM W. 8188, HO ELIJAH CLARKE, 31 State LegHLture, EFFINGHAM. Senator—JESSE SCRUGS, Representative—TllO.S. POLHII.L, jk. BULLOCH. Senator—JOHN RAWLS, Ri presentative —SAMI.. I.OCKHEART. BRYAN. Senator—JOHN PRAY, Rt prefentative—JM E S ii IRD. DIED, in tiiis city, on the fith instant, PE TER WYLY, Iloufe Carpenter ; “ A gentle man wlio held the patent for hi* honors imme diately from Almighty God.” Charleston. Odtober 4. Capt. Taylor, on the Ith ult. in l it. 13.57. long. ( iH. spoke Ihip Diana, Grant, 33 days from Africa for rliis port, with ‘JO. 1 ; Caves. Schooner Eagle, Wier, for this port, failed from Rio Pongus foine days before the Tartar. The schooner Philip, capt. Catterell, Tailed from Philadelphia for tins port the 10'th ult. The Numa, Wilton, has airived at Cowes in 17 days from Savannah. A blig belonging to Norfolk, loaded with tobacco and {laves, has been detained and lent into Deal. The Arabella, Little, from Virginia ; and tht Enterprize,Congar, and Atlas, —, from Wil mington, have arrived at Briftol,England. it ‘vxrfii nfiTT ,i- in r 1 i.TwiiainwatfOiiiira i aMw Arrived, Schooner Experiment, M M.ean, in one day from Charielton.—The Experiment, will fail for Charleston, on Sunday iieat—for freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, at Bacon and Malone’s wharf. October 10. George Buchanan & Go. (Johnston’s Square.) Have received by the late arrivals from Bri tain their FALL SUITEY, COMPRISING a general assortment, fox THE TOWN AND COUNTRY TRADE, which they will di.pole of on moderate term:.. September 3d* 1 415. TO HIRE. Bv the month or vear, FOUR FIELD SLAVES, apply to Levy Abrahams-, Auct’r. Market fiquare. Sept. 19 ts 412. NOTICE. THE foFowing defaulting Jurors at the last Mayor’s Court ; John Waters, James Shaffer, Thomas New ell, James Uix n, lames Ewell, I'hos. Miller, arc notified, that it is ordered that they be fi led in the hum of Fen Dollars each unlef they hie properexcul’e on Oath, ill the Clerks office before the lirll of next Court. EDWARD L. DAVIES, C M C. October j. 416- Mrs. C d!VjS, RESPECTFUTLY informs her friends and the public, that (he has opened a Boarding Iloufe, in the house lately occupied by Mrs. Stouf, on the Bay where American and French gentlemen will meet with good accomodated. The Store will be sup. plied with the btft Liquor and the mod fafltionable goods flora the French and Engltdi markets. Sept. 30. 4'5 NOTICE. ALL perfor. i indob’ed to the fubfenber are refuelled to pay rnf nt gs or before the 24th ini l .- A that v. t avail themselves of this notice, will hrA their aC. counts in tite hands oi proper oiiiCersf ,r col. lection. STEI*II£W B. CLARK. Sept. iG 4 1 1’ NOTICE. ALL perfont having demands against the eftittes of Mathias Afltc, or Hannah Ashe, late of Effingham County detested, are reqneited to pre ent ti.fc lame legally au thenricated, and those indclited to male pay ment without delay, to JohnC. Guge!, Chriltian Adrr tmfirtors. I . JO IT NT HILL, hatjujl 1 cceivel f‘r the L rsLi L.itt * A. S'ori, IN ADDITION TO HIS FORMER STOCK, 200 reams Foolscap Paper, S> ditto Letti r duio B:a ik Books of various kinds, Scliocl Books bv diff -rent authors, ON HAND, A comp ete affortraent of Books, llation. ary, &c. A tew ctpies of the secret hiflory of the Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. October 10. 2t. 418. KECLIVFD, ‘ Per the Eliza, Capt. Staiks, and the Mtssuuep 1, Capt. Monies, from Lavespool, AN AS ORTMENT OF w 00 ll e n s, consisting of Rofc and Dufilc Blankets, dine, mixed and brown Coatings, Rod and white l'lanucis Wit (h Plains, fork (hire ditto, Olive, Drab and Mixta For S ilt\ by j \C(.)B IDLER y Cos. o(s) obei- in, , 418. Ibe Slit* farther, A ' r l ir<;f y nt fx’ci.pies the WHARF tiJORL toiTTiv rly occupied by Col. Gordon, and (till continues the Lumber Fatforage, and Commifii m nufiriefs ; He will ltoie Produce oti mo derate terms, HAS FOR SALE, Rum, Brandy, Gin, MolaflVa, Sugar, C- ffee, Corn and Suptifine Flour,'of this years crop. 1 hom as [ones, Gordon's IVharf. Oftober to. ts. 4 tR, NOTicir A LI. It ving av.v demands ap-ainll the eitnte of JOtt,-; [ARMS, inert’ Wilmington lllai and Iccealed, w ill please rt-n ----dt 1 them in pi ope-I a< teffod, and all tit. feta, deh sU will please make meat 10 Vinne Jarvis. Adntinttlr.itnt. Octrher to. Bi*. in o i'jce. PERSONS p II Ik I of b okii with the J. name of BUYAtJ, written in them, vid oblige the fttbli rtbitr by leaving them vttli cdr. Chaulbs JUiißia llclt.i-. given aw ~y 1 m, th ■ wtl be ealily d< ft nguilht and, he is particularly lit f'rous >-t recovering r.n ,-,i|; ’ 1 (■ tv'ii.t. axis in ilirte vol. with I OTIW RANDOLPHS, name on he title page. / Joseph Bryan. October 10. Notilicaiion. ‘'P'HE Creditor's <f die late BO WMF. A 1 Sc SMITH, are notified that the Court f Ordinary, will on Thursday the 23d day -'I hi* tnfiant, pro fed to pay or apportion (as the case may lie) to tied tors if'which a I perk.ns conceited, are rerptelled to take due notice. Extrn<?l from the minute*, Edward IF bite, Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. October to. ,t. y Administrator's Sales. WILL BE SOLI) AT PUBUC AUC TION on Sat urday zad da ej NuLcnkcr next on the Prcmjcs, AN uiu .vpirid lealeof 16years of Lot \o. 4, ‘jfing Hill, and die improvements there, m ; one h i t Negro Man .Lav iibnce, and luiidry eirHells of House and Kitchen Furniture, being the elt.ue of FREDERICK WO MACK, and( coaled. The terms will be made known on the day of Lile. All demands aga nil the laid ellate are te qucltcd to be rendered according to h ‘. John U omack, October to. 4.8. Adminiftr&tor. ~NOIICbI AM. pet foils are forbid to give credh t<* any one on my account without my written order. John Wuiiams . Oiftober 7 . ” FOR SALE, A likely able bodieri JitGRO FELLOW, a comp!eat band in a Saw Pit. f T. B. Fiumphrevillc. Marlct-squore, Oflober 7 3t 417. JiEMOFAL. JOHN GINDRAT refpcafully in forms his friends and the public, that he has removed his Saddlers Shop to Bryan drest, nearly opposite Mr. Nor man M’Leod’s Vertflue Store, who will be thankful for any favors in his line. October 3 416 3t A. SCRIBNER & Cos. HAVE just received per the Schr. HUL DAH ZcANNA, Iroin Nkw-Yokk, aired* L j-ply of ROOTS, SHOES and SLIP PERS, for a st'Pzttioß quality) Which, together with their former foci, rrvki- their adortment veto an to none in thie city. All of whirl, they offer at reduced price* at their store, nearly opposite the Exchange the one lately otcup.ed by Ogden*’ and Ba , ker August Ht! Marfhitls Sales. ONthefirfi f etium, in Noven.her next, WILL BL SOLD at the Court-House in Savannah, FOLK Negroes vi* Heffor, Sm key, Jut. ry, and Silvia, levied c*n as the property of James Smith, at the futt of Ebenez .* S I A Rt. BEN. WAhk, M. D 0. O&o'ocr 4 4 1 7