Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 10, 1806, Image 4

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MISCELLANEOUS. (uaiaMHM.i rHOM 18* PORT POLIO. THF. following vcrftsare qait<- fuf'ident to •vinHicßte Mr. Mhore’s pmenfions to genius.— He it addreSing a very ‘young My, who i 8 <bj posed to have orprefled her regret that the trat not profoundly fkillcd in fcier.ce and litera •ture. Never mind how the predagogue proses, You want not antiquity’s stamp ; Ihc lip, that’* so fronted with roses, Oh ! never mull smell of the lamp Old Chloe, whose withering kilb-s Have long fist the love* at defiance, Now, done v. ith the science of bliilts, May fly to the blifles of science. Young Sappho, for want of employment, Alone o’er her ovid nfay melt, Condernr’d hut to read of enjoyment, Whirh Wifrr Corrina had felt. Bat for you to lie huried in Fjoku, Oh, I army ? they’re pitiful sages, Who c ovid not in one ofyooi looks, Ke. and more than in millions of pages I Ailronomy finds in your eye, hi ’.ter lights thau fie ft adieu above ; /.nd music mtift borrow your sigh, , /.s the melody dc.treft to love. fa ethi S—’da you that can check, i , a minute their donuts and iheir quarrelt ■Oh 1 Iticw but that mole on your neck, And twill toon put n end to ihe.r morals. Your arithmetif only can trip, When to k>f and to cot.nt you u .leaver ; But eloquence glows on your lip. When you swear that you’ll love me forever. Thus you lee what a brilliant alliance, Os arts is uflembledin you, A course of more exqtufite science, Man never need \v*ih to go through. And oh ! if a fellow like me, May confer a diploma ol hearts, With my lip thus I seal your degree, .\ly divine mite - nriftvefi. of art* 1 IyVOCATIOb 70 frugality. O frugality ! thou mother of icn chouland blcflings! thou c(,ok of fat beef and dainty greens ! thou manuf.iflurer of i'vrum Shetland hose and com fortable furtouts ! thouc-ld houle wife, darning thy decayed dock ings with rhy ancient fpe£tacle -fi thy aged noli- !—irad me, hand me in thy clutching, pal lied fill, up tliofc heights, and through those thickets, hitherto inacci flinle and impervious to my we ary feet :—Not those Par nallian crags, bhak .and barren, whtie the hungry worlhippers of lame are, bieat!.lds, clambering, hanging between heaven and hell ; ut thole glittering cliffs of Potofi, where the all-fufficient all powerful rfeiry, wealth, holds his immediate court of joys ar.d plealures—where the funny ex posure of plenty, and the hot walls of profufion, produce those bins!ul fruits of luxury, exotics in this world, ami native of pa radise !—Thou withered fybil, my I age condudfrefs, ulher fee into the refulgent adored prt ! The power splendid and potent as he now is, was once the puling nursling of thy faith ful care and tender arms 1 call me thv icn, thy cousin, thy k ns man or favorite ; and adjure the’ rod, by the of his infant years, uo longer to repulse me as a It ranger, or an alien * but to favor me with n.s pei uhai coun tenance and protection. He daily bestows his greateif kmd nefs on the undeierving and the worthless; afiure him that I bring ample docu nents of me rironous demerits ! Pledge vour ie!f for me. that, for the glorious caule of Lucri > 1 will do any thing, be any thing—but the boric leech oi private opprefiion, or the vulture of public robbery; {Robert Burns ) NOTICE. A LI. lVrfon* Indebted to the late fi rm c f BAI.Ek Jc HAKM AN, are informed, that John 1). l.ewcs, elq. attorney at law,’ i* empowered to collet the debts ; thole who air deli rolls of preventing luits, will call on Mr. Lewes, without deiav. JACOB HARMAN. Sept. s6 tot ASSIZE for September, lßo6. T"* HF. Os FLOUR being Ten dollar* M. per barrel, bread mull weigh, VIZ it i t cents Loaf I 6 w cents Loju *U). aoi. | ilb. , a7 Os which ail Bakeft and Sellers of Bread are to take due and particular notice. y. MARSHAL) City Trcalurcr, L&nd For Sale. THE time that has been gi ven me by the Legklature of Gt orgia, to pay the debt I owe che slate for taxes due on my Land, haviftg nearly expiied, and their being leveral judgments against me on suits which have been unnecefTarily brought at a time when 1 have been using ail my endeavors to dilpofe of mv property —I am compelled in julfice to my creditors, to bring my affairs to an immediate close, in order to prevent a facrifice of my property .and theconfequerit lols of their debts. I therefore, now give this public Notice , that I shall offer TOR SALE, my Land at Public Auction^ in front of the EXCHANGE, in the City of Savannah, on IVEDNESDAT, the ittb day of November next , of which all per sons interelled, aie rcqutflcd to rake Notice. 1 think it necessary to observe that I have been pof felTed of those lands upwards of seven years, which prevents any pofffble doubt, as to any con.end ing titks, as ttic law rtlaiive to real ellate debts, &c. limits the recovery thereof, by luits to lev. n years, and by a late law of the date, n i debt can be recovered after lour years, and this does not depend on the party j but the court is obliged by this law to rejecT all such claims. 1 menti on tins as wtil for the informa tion of others, as to shew iny friends and creditors, whose kind indulgence I have experienced the necellity of this laic of my property. When---a—roan is in debt, it is his duty to give any thing he pollefles, or his ail if required, to pay his creditors; but it is unjufl hi a creditor to opprels a debtor, when they fee him tiling his endeavors to dohim jtiilice—laws were intended to enforce payment from dishonest men, not from those who feel the duty they owe to to lociety lr is, hewtver, a consolation to me, to think that there are but lew who have adopted those irira fures which has eftedlually pre vented my making lales in lmall trails, when those judgments have been hanging over me l have to requelt that aii per fans having demands againlt me, ei ther on my own account, or as Security in any way whatever for others,will attend the laic in per son or by an agent. All luch debts will be received as cash, those prrfons having authori ty to reprelent any creditor, will please to make the fame known previous to the day of Sale 7he Lands are as follows: 310,874 acres in Bulloch county, Rran ted to Joseph Ryan and Clurles Ryan. 172,000 acies in 1 atnall County, gran* ted to to Francis Fennell. .3’ > OOO acres in ditto granted to James Dawlon. 523,874 acres. Those trads arc par ticularly deferibed in a Pamphlet entitled “ Notts an J Obfervaliont” on tile Pine Land of Georgia, by George Sibbald v hi the tiaCt in Bulloch county a funi mcr reiidence lias lately been formed by a number of gentlemen from Savannah. 20,000 acres of oak and hickory land in Franklin comity. 70,000 acres of oak and hickory land, in JacKlou county, granted to various perlons in 1755. 78,034 acres of pine land, granted to Curtis Coleman, v\ alhington county, but hy a division of that county this trail and the following, fall m the comities, of Montgomery and Tat nail. 39,0C0 acres of pine land granted to Benjamin Kitchen. 34,000 acres of ditto granted to Wal ter Jackson. 10,000 acres of do. gcanted to Moses Roll. 40,000 acres of do. granted to Curtis Coleman. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Walter Jacklou. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Moses Ross. 7,000 acres of do. granted to Benia min Kitchen. 4,0c0 acres of do, granted to John Wallace. 6,000 acres of do. granted to William Pollard. 1,000 acres of do. granted to Benia min Kitchen. J 16,c00 acres of do. granted to William Pollard* 1 acres of Jo* granted to Israel Kobinlon. 18,000 acres of do. granted tn Curtia Coleman. 2.CCO acres of do. granted to Math tv. 1 M‘Millan. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Thom as Glaflcock; 24,000 acres of do. granted to Sherad Beckham. 25,000 acreßofdo. granted to Samuel Beckham. 40,000 acres of do. granted to Israel Robinson. 32,000 acres of do. granted to Benja min Kitchen. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Samu el Beckham. 1,049,908 Acres. Those Lands are worth the attention of Famileg wifning to remove, and will positively and peremptorily be fold to the highed bidder, on the said 26th day of November next—where a number of families wish to join in the purchase of a large body of land, they will please ap ply before the laic, in order that it may be fold in such way as may suit their convenience. GEORGE SIBBLD. September 30 4*s* FOR SALE, . riHrIAT valuable Plantation | in Bryan County called JiICKORT HILL, containing about 800 acres, a very large proportion of which h prime Oak and Hickory Land, oc a part prime rice land,and is a pait of the well known Plantati on called EGYPT belonging to IVm. Maxwell Efqr. of Bel fall, ALSO, A trad; containing 100 acres called REPUBLICAN HALL) in a beautiful fuuation on the Balts, in sight & of not more than one quarter of a mile distant from Bel all Houle ; about 60 acres of th s trad is prime Cotton land uki well inproved, having been the refidenre of the late Major J. B. Maxwell. Both trails were partly cultivated by Major Maxwell in his life time and will make a very convenient and va luable ellate in the hands of one perlon, being capable of great j improvement and affording a j ‘ufßcient quantity of land of the 1 iirft cjuality to occupy 40 or 50 prime Haves. Further delcription is thought unnecelfary, as it is not expeded that a sale can be made, but after a full view of the preiniffes, to which those inclined to purchale are invited, JOHN PRAY, D. B. MITCHELL, Acting and qualified of J. B. IVI .swell decerfed. Bryan County, 0 23d, September 1806. J ts- 4H* FOR SALE AT: St. MARYS, ONE of the moft healthy filiations in the United States. A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 40 feet long, 10 feet wide, two (lories high with two rooms on each floor a good garret, two comfortablefhed rooms, Kitchen, liable &c. ffeuated on the corner of Osborn and Stt Marys flrcets, extending 84 feet on one and 64 feet on the other, well calculated for either a private Family, a Boarding or Public House. ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, in laid Town on a part of Lot No, j. extending on an Ally 100 and back to Bryant flrect aoo feet. A Credit of 3, 6 and 9 nonths will be given, and the titles will be made to the fatif fadion of the purchase rs by the Agents for the Aflignees of the lace firm of GARVIN & MEERS. On the 4th day of November next, it will be sold at AUCTION, if not previous ly disposed of; JOHN ROSS*, St. Marys Sept. 8. tf4ll TAKE NOTICE , ‘]/HAT in nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the bon. thejullices of the Inferior Court, for the county of Bulloch, for leave to fell all that trad of land, con taming 475 acres more or less, lying i„ the counties of Bryan and Bullochf the fame being part of the eilate of Wm Slater dec’d. Wm. Slater, adin’r* May 6- 9m* THE SUBSCRIBER, TNTENDING to leave the hate a few X week*, his Bntinels, wjil be conduced br John- Lawson, Wm. Davieb or R M Stitss Efqs. JEREMIAH CUTLER. ; Augun jp if ; 3 AVAN NAI i IXC i i A;; G F COFFEEHOUSE. fublcriber tekes the liberty, X refptftfullv, to inform the public and his frieads, that from the encourage ment and favorable opinion manifefted to him, by a chief part of the citizens of Savannah, since his eltablifhmenr in this place, the Trustees of the Exchange were induced to dispose, in his favor, of the upper part of this building, where he intends to open on the ijth day of Oc tober next, AN EXCHANGE , Being an imitation of London and of the large cities of the United States. There the Merchants, Planters and Travellers, may daily meet in a limiler manner, in order to tranfadt Commercial Luiinefs, &c.- News- papers of the mod interfil ing kind, lliall be kept, with a ma rine register, informing of the ar rival and clearances of vessels ; and news may often be communicated quicker than through the channel of the papers. Hand bills hull be poafted in a convenient place, containing the articles offered for iaie at the audtiono in therity, the names ol such vtllcls as are oflered for sale or charter, and of the proprie tors, and generally whatever is relating to laics of all dtferiptions, either houses, negroes or plantations. One will find every dav at eight and at two o’clock, a Table neatly dress ed, and on moderate terms, to accommo date all persons, either by the meal or by the day, and weekly or quartery, Cofice, Tea, Chocolate, private Breakfafts, and Dinners or Relilhes and Oysters, prepared for the talle of the different visitors, shall be got every day on very reasonable terms. The Bar- Room lhall be supplied with Spirits and foreign Wines, and any well chofeu Li quota. The different Societits or Clubs that may desire to form AfTcmblies, Balls or Concerts, will find rooms for their accommodation, furnifhed in a manner that he flatters himfelf will meet their approbation. The fubferiber, from his endeavors to form :n a commodious place, an cf tablifliment, that mull in course afford to the citizens of Savannah the fame great advantages enjoyed in all the towns of this continent, hopes to receive the encouragement his laborious exertions will require, to deserve the confidence and gratitude of the public in ocneral. fpT A BAR KEEFER is wanted, with good recommen dations. L. GLEI ES. AUgufl 29 406 CAUTION. MASTERS and Owners ofVeffcl are notified, that it is unlawful to load or unload any part of their cargoes at, or near Five I'athom Hole, unless the fame is performed at the wharves, there built for the purpose. All viola tors of the aa, passed June 26, 1806, will be prosecuted without diferimina tion. I- S. De MONTMOLLIN. AUguft 9. taw. 2m.t00 Notice is Hereby Given, That the Coparncrlhip carried on h-e.e by Williaai Dixon, James Dick son and George Penny, Under the firmof James Dickson, &Cos expired, by its own limitation, on the iff instant.; those who have any demands a gainfl the concern will pleafeprefent them, and those indebted, are requested to make payment to James Dicklon, who is au’.horifed to feLtle the affairs oft! * concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the bufinefe will he continu jed by William Dixon 6c James Dickson under the firm of James Dickson, & Cos. |June 30 88 30 Dollars Reward, RANAVVAY from the Sub scriber, the following negroes. SAM, a tall black (ellow about lix feet 2 or 3 inches high, very talkative, had on when he went away, a long brown furtout coat, and osnaburgs undercloths. ILI ER, a likely, though black fellow, has a small fear on his forehead, 5 feet 9 or 10 in ches high. SIMON, a likely yellow fel low, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, appears to lquint when looking at you. The above negroes ar? about 26 or 27 yearsof age; Five dol lars each will be paid by Joleph 1 laberfham, on their commit ment to Savannah goal, or ten dollars each by the fubferiber, if delivered to him cn his plan tation near Beaufcyt. WILLIAM HAZZARD. Oflober j 4:s FO?. F'RiV \TF, SALE, 0 A TRACT of very valuable Cotton and Trovifion LAND, contai i mg nearly three thouland acres,belon -- iug to the elfate of Richard R. Ash, hiuated on t-be lfland of Dawfufkie, ci redtly opposite Savannah bar, aud dis tant only e or 6 miles from Tybee Light House.—These lands are inferior to none in the slate—the prefect crop of a bout 450 acres of Cotton, and 2CO acres of Provifien will fully prove this. The Tradl is divided into four Plan, rations, and will be fold together or se parately, all of which are well fettled, having every necessary building for a Cotton Plantation, moll of them have “been eretied since the hurricane, and of the bell materials. On Newbury ain convenient and comfortable two story dwelling hoefe, kitchen and wash house, entirely new- The buildings on Salt Pond arc a little inferior, and in excel hnt repair. Mary. Field and the ridge, have been lately lettled and have over seer’s houses, &c; Ter-ns, one third cash, the other two thirds in one and two years, the purcha fergiving bond and mortgage of the pr • prrty, with personal security, if required. The overteer at Newbury, will fliew the Lands and division lines. For further particulars, apply to : MART FRASER. •CS* Prov.fions, Plantation Tools, &c may be had with ‘.lie plantations, at a fair valuation. \ Beaufort) S. C . fuly 15; eji PUBLIC SALE. On IVsbb’EsDAr f the *)lh January next, luitl he offered at Public Sale, before the Court House in the City of Savannah* the following valuable it ads of Lard, • the plantation ON the north branch of Little Oge” t.hee, well known 1 t*j the name or SILK HOPE. J’hii body of land contains about 4003 acres, nearly loooof which are excellent Puce End, and from 4 to 500 good cot ton land ; of the Rice land, upwards of aoo acres are at present in cultivation, and the remainder l ,aa E’en under water for nearly half a century, forming perhaps the bell reftrve in the low country of the two Southern States. Or the plantation are a good dwelling House, a barn and maJmie, anew Saw-Mill, Overffer’* house, Negro houses, & c . The v.-hole of this land lies within from 7 1-2 to io miles of Savannah ; as a fin g*e trart, 111 advantages arc rarely equal id: It will be disposed of at private sale, either entire or in division. at any time between this and January. Persons wilhing to purchase portions of it, may do it to advantage st private sale, as the division lines will be run tofuit purchasers. If exposed to public fa!c, it will be di vided into sor 6 trafts. An accurate re survey will be made previous to the sale. ALSO, The following trafts of Land On the South Branch of Little Ogechee in- within 12 miles of Savannah, Acres near the mouth of the swamp, confiding of Land, formerly be longing to Fox, Dixfee and Williams ; 400 acres of this tradl arc good Kicc Land, and nearly the whole of the re mainder good Cotton Land. is capable of forming a very valuable plantation. 840 Acres adjoining the above, for merly Brisbane’s; about 200 acres of this tradl are cypress swamp, and fome oE tfe*’ high-land luitable for cotton. 872 Acres adjoining the above, for merly Me Lilian’s ; 237 acres of thi trad are swamp, 121 of which are on the bianch calkALee’s swamp. 500 Acres, formerly Preilon’s leo of which are swamp, - 5 00 Acres, formerly Hughes’ ; 15401# which are lnppofed to be lwamp. These Ends will be fold on a credit of one, two and three years ; warranted ti ties will be given. For further particu lars, enquire of Col. Habersham, in ©avannah, or of the fubferiber. Stephen El/iott. oa ° be ’ 3- 4 id. GEORGIA, BY John G. Neidling-er, clerk oftheeojre atWAid 10 >or Llfinghlm Couut .v. and ftat* VyHEREAS, Curtis Loper and John rf!l (r PO T ra ’ have applied for Letters of diinvflary from the ellate of James Webb, ute of laid county, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admomlh aH and fin. gulartlie kindred and creditors of the faidde ceafed, to file their objections, if any they have, m my office on or before the itd day oi October next, otl.erwife, letters difraiffiorv wiil be granted them. • Given under my hand and seal, this ud dav of sept. 1806, and of the Independence of the United States the thirty-firft. 41 , GEORGIA. J By Edward White clerk TL SI Cos the court ofO.d.narv, of* Ed. M h:te. J the slate aforel'aid. A\ lIEREAb, William I. Spencer, of thi city, appiies for Letters of Adtr.miftration on the Ellate and effects of Aaron Dunn* dec’d, as principal creditor. ** These are th-refore to cite and admonifl, a and lingular the kindred and creditors of* - the decealed, to file their objeaions (if any they have) in my office, on or before the of Odoher neat, otherwise letter of adn-inif tra'ion will be granted him Given under m;, hand and sea! this M-h u y of September, 1 806, and in the :ift of American Independence.