Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 14, 1806, Image 1

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Vol. IV. No. 108.3 CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN- The Republican is publilhed every Tuesday ami Friday, on a royal fl.eet of u good quality. The terms of iuhfcrtption are six dol lars per half to be paid at tne time of l'iibfcribmg, and the balance at the expiration of nx months...end all papers •• i Le continued until ordered to the reverie- TERMS OF ADVERTISING. AdVcrrifements inferred at 50 cents per square the trlt iol'ertion, and 25 for each -ontinu-*u Ml—A liberal allowance made to tiiofe who ’".in to 1/ the year. For sale at this Office, v? y.trieiy of BLANKS among which arc, Fori-b.M antlCoafling Sl-unt'ells Merouants bVntr- > Liquor ditto Rills of f,.-.cliang'e Do. of Lading . Dp. of Sale; Dovers of Attorney Checks Apjm r ticcs Indentures ?.)eeds id Conveyance Boiui.-.; Notes nf Hands Wrirr. for rhe Superior, Inferior £5 Mayor’s Courts Mayors Court Kxoctttions St ‘-übwenas Not cir. to creditors of Inf.dvent debtors Millitary liummotiles and Execii'.ions, Sec. O’ Cards, Handbills, iff: is'c Printed aid jhori r;slice on rtnfonabie terms. 2. M. mtdbridre, o 1 •Q ESPECTFULLY informs hi iL\. friends, and liie public, that h, Kit* continue'., iF.e taßuruve ‘A Commission O Business, st No. 4, in the Exchange, where h j has sale and convenient (lores for the 1 cepliosi of any kind of Goods or Pro duce, that may be intruded to his ehsrg Liberal advances ih Cash, will be milli on goods being depafited for public .1 private file. Hh H YS ON HAND. 20 Puncheons old Jamaica RUM io ilitio ditto St. Croix ditto 30 Bags and 10 tierces Green CutLe Pipes and or. calks old French Brand) Sugar in hopfhiads and barrels Window ClEib, a id .Soap in boxes Cotton Bagging, Irilli Linens Nankeens, rL minims, See. &c. / II which articles, will be fold low C/y” Two convenient HOUSES to 1,-rr. Sept 2 iaw ts 407 iiilis on Nevv-ioi'k, At a short fight, FOR SALE, by Geo. Buchanan & Cos. September 30. 415. factors and co amission merchants. r~jj"i HLfubfrtibers offer their services as X F ’ CTORS Si COMMISSION MLRCHAN PS. They have good, iafe and commodious Stores for the reception of produce, and will pay every p. Bible attention to the management of any business placed in their hands. They always ke p on hand a gencial assort nitnt of GROCERIES, warranted of tht( firft quality, to iupply their cuftom ert, at the lowed Cash prices. JOHN T. WHITE O Cos. AUguft 16. tl j 402 The Partnerfh’.p berween Bav lev and Harm?.n, TEL, by ‘.imitation, expire ot: V- V the firft day oi Stptember next j oil 1’ i’ms against the concern, will b acjulied by Jaiob Habman, at Mr. McnimoltiMs houTe, Gibbon’s building, who is legally aulhoriftd. Tljofe in. debted, are required to fettle their ac counts immediately, otherwise suits will be commenced. Thomas Eayley, jun’r. Jacob Harman. AUguft 26 T homas Bayley, jun’r. 1 EXCHANGE, No. 6, V. ILL CONTINUE THE Grocery, Wine and Li quor Trade. Hf Families, Planters and Ship Stores put up of the choice'!: articles, and at low prices. August 26 SUPERFINE RICHMOND FLOUR 300 Barrels fi’fl quality Richmond Fiour, just leciived per fchocner John, and for tale, apu'y to . MILLER Sc MOORHEAD, or THOMAS LAW RANGE. Sept. 26 414. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. NOTICE. THE Subfcnbcr has appointed Ni cholas Turnbull, Esq. Mr. Isaac Minis, and Mr. Charles Bernewiz, his lawful attomics during his abfeuce from this state !. S. De Montmoßin. September 16. ts. 141. THE SU BSCIiJBEfi, INTENDING to be ah Bent fore. few weeks liar -appointed Eihuhb I.- Dwis, and I Rich bb F Williams hr; Attoinie::, dur ing bn abfenC'.’ Samuel h. Stackhouse. Aujult - l( j 402. j THE SUBSCR USER , INTENDING to leave the Hate a few weeks, lus Business, will he conduified by John Lawson, \Ym. Dai its or K. M vi i res Efqs. JEREMIAH CUTLER. August 19 ts a .2 IN G I ICR. 1 I.L persons hiving demands againd .. V the late Jllll-s Molfman, Fllq. or a gaiiiit the fublcriber in his own name, or as .xecuior of the estate of Mollman, will iiieal’e hand them in as Ron as polF.blo, tlu attelied, to Mr. William Mem, that the lame may be put in a train for fetticment. James Oliver. August 29 40b NO TICE. A LL Persons indebted to the late firm of x. RAI.E\ Sc HARMAN, are inhumed, hat John D. Lewes, efq. attornev at la j s empowered to collect tile debts ; those j who are tleiirous of preventing suits, jf| all or. Mr. Lewes, without cfci-tv. JACOB HARMAN. Sept. 26 Tot 414 NO l ICE. On the t ith of Cdoicr next , WILL BE SOLD on St. Simon’s, at the fubferu hers plantation. T’ HE real a-id persons! property of James S- Mather d-.-ceafecl—Confiding of the 1 -allowing articles, Viz, —Two Negroes, Plan s’ ion Tog's, &c. R AYMOND DEMIRE, Junr. Adra’r Brunswick, Sept 6. 410 sheriff’s sale. On the firfi Tuesday in Novcr.iher next, will be fjlti, at the Court-hculc in the county, of Bmlocl’, bc.v/ecti the hours of 10 aftd 3 o'clock, A TRALT of 400 acres land adjoining •iare.ucl Lee .hart and James (q. h lby, lev.Ld m by a, as the pvopt-rtv of laid hoc kb, vu to Gii fy Robert A t i.infou and irrerttgc cf f rthc tears 18034-5. D A NIE L B<JA iVV RIG HT, Sept, i! ts 415. S. B C. Paints, Oils Sc Brudics. I’' HE fublcriber has on I‘t.e a quantity of the above articles, which will be fold low for rail 1, or on a fliort cridit, to rhofe who are punAual in their paime. s. JOHN HUNTER. Augcft 22 404 COL.EGK. LANDS. t igo acres of ValuabU LAND, in Giynn County, is ofi'ered IGR SALE, composed of valuable Rite, Cotton a>d Provision Land, in one body, and in which is included, a rich parcel of Meadow Land, capable ol the highest cultivation. The titles to these lands are clcir, and the lands have been lately resurveyed by Mr. M'Kinnon, with accurate re. marks, (hewing it3 boundaries, fituaticn on a navigable cretk, and other advan tages. These lands are directed, by law, to be fold for the benefit of the Belhcida -College, or Orphan House Estate. For a great part of the purebafe mon ey an extensive credit will be given ; and the other payment made ealy. Apply to Judge STEPHENS, the President of the Board of Trustees, J3r. PAR KER, Mr. BARACH GIBBONS, or the fuhfcribcr, or Committee of Trus tees, from either of whom, particulars will be made known. W. B BULLOCH. !TT If not fold before the fir ft Tues day in November, the above will be of fered for f„le at Audion. July 29 96 By Edward While clerk, r, c n \ of‘-he ceurr < f O.chnar ,rs f the caunl; of Cha'liam, iri Ed. White. ) the Rate aforelaid. WHEREAo, U iliin-'. I. Spencer, of thi city, applies, for Betters of Adn-.inj(Ration, on die Estate anti effects of Aaron Dunn, tiec’d, as principal creditor. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and finqular the kindred and creditors of the decsaled, to file their objections (if any •bey )iavc / in my ofit?, on or t>ef .re the atth f October next, othervtfe letter of admimf r: titm will be granted him Given under my hand and fcal this 13th and of September, .So-'-, and in the 31st year f American Independence. 1 14 ALMANAC’S Ter f;!e at tfii* OfTtc;. SAVANNAH: PRINTED BY EVERITT & M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY. TUESDAY, October 14, 1806. Flour, Gin Iron. Landing and for Safe, at reduced pricet for Ca b, 25 bbls. Philadelphia fuperfinc Flour 5 pipes Gia S ti-’os Bir Iron and Shear Moulds ANDREW KNOX. Attgn ft 26 40 Aacl OR/iGE. JOHN I*. WILLIAMSON, e pectfuley informs his, friends and the public, (ha: he (fill continues the FAC TORAGE t? COMMISSION BUSINESS, on Morels Wharf , formerly occupied by William !on aiul Mod !, and hopes from his experience in that line ol JuP.r.els and his attention there o, to iVieec v/ith a libera! p.v iron age. Tiiofe who may favor him with their custom, may rely up >n h;s uffiig every exertion it: n’s p.uver to render them ampl< at if .‘.clion. L.;l>eral advance will os made, if required, on oroduce stored. Sav. August 22. 404.11 j. eqk sale. r | HOSE U.o very plcafantly fituat- JL cti LOl’ft, in the city ot Savan nah, it. Broughton street, No. 2 and 3, Anson Ward, nearly opposite to the re.ft deuce o( Mr. S. 11. Stackhoufe, ALSO, ! Two Lots containing 45 Acres each, in Anfpn Ward, No. 2 and 3, situate in t!i- neighborhood of the Plantation of George Miilen, Esq. and bung v.ry val uable on account of their being near to the oily of Savannah. The moil clear and indisputable titles for said Lots, deduced from the original grantee, will be executed to the pur. chafer, and a very extensive and liberal credit will be granted for the payment of the confuleration money. For the particular terms and conditions of sale, apply in Savannah, to cither of the lutr feribers. GEORGE WOODRUFF, john Lawson. S-:p>embcr 6. 3m. 109. iVi (J\ i- VIL tx E, The residence of the late Governor Hall. FOR S\LE, THAT VALUABLE PLANTATION, CONSISTING OF 2527 acres on Savannah River, in Burke County ; and, 767 on the opposite fide, in SoutlrCarolma.— l'he value of the Pine Lands, on this fide, arid the rich low grounds on the o.lier lihe of the river, renders the whole, a VALUABLE ESTATE. The advantages of an elevated situation, the establishment of a ferry constantly used, and with the command of lands of every quality, u-pon a navigable river, are so well known as to need no other def ription, Ttrm3 of payment and the price, will be cafy. For particulrrs, apply in Augufla to Thomas Flournoy, E(q. of Seaborn Jones Esq. at his feat in Scriven Coun ty, to Major Buffi, near the pfemides, and in Savannah, to WILLIAM STEPHENS. July 29 ts 915 GEORGIA, BY John G. Neirllinger, clerk of the court of Ordinary for Effingham County, arid state afore l aid. WHEREAS, Curtis I.oprr and John Powers, have applied for Letters of difmiffiory f-om the estate of James Webb, late of taid county, deceafcd, These are therefore, to cite and admomfli all and fin. gubrthe kindred and creditors of the fitidde cealed, to file their objeflions, if any they have, in my office on or before the 22dday {of October next, otherwise, letters dilrniffory I will be granted therm Given under my hand and leal, this 22u day of Sept. 1806, and of the Independence of the United States the thirty-firft. 413. Notification. ‘'T'MIE Creditors cf the late IiOWMEH A Sc SMITH, are notified that the Court of Ordinary, will on Thursday the 23d day of this instant, proceed to pay or apportion (as the H■ may be) to creditors of which 1 1 perfo.Vk concened, are requested to take due notice. Extract from the minutes, Edward Wbite. Clerk of the Court of Ordinary. October 10. 3t. 418. Now Landing, From the Ship Eliza Jofep Starks, maltcr, from Liver pool, TWENTY bales green,blue Sc whit Negro CLOTH Four bales of the belt London Duflil Blankets Iron Pots from 3to 12 gallons Dutch Ovens from 9 to 16 inches 6,8, ioaud 20.1 Nails, and 5, 6 and 7 inch Spikes in cases Broad Hoes and Socket Spades Liifti Linens in boxes, assorted, from 12 I 2 to 3011. B“d 23d. to 4/2, prime colt—and A fmull parcel of Houle Coal, FOR SALK BT Tavlor oc Scarbrough. Sept. 16 8t 41 1 John Jackson, Has Receied per the Jhip Eliza, and Missisippi, from Liverpool , A larg? and seueral supply of FALL GOODS. ALSO, An extensive and complete af lortment of IKON MON GER Y, confiding of every article in that line. Al.iO, Cratts CROCKERY, affbited tor rt tailing, Eoilrd L,infeed Oil in jugs. L ) 3 by 10 Whit ‘ “ “ H 9bf n Spauifti Erown k “ SlO by 12 ‘l tllmv O lne S £ 20 casks best llr own Si on I. ON HAND, Swedes iron, fiat and squat c bars. *ept. 30 4*5 NEW SHOESr ABNER WEBB, Has received by the horr.Lt Lass, from Menu- Turk. A FRESH SUPPLY OF S H O R S , Which in addition to his stock Le r ore on hand, comprises a general ilsiortmn.t nj Ladies an I Gentlemens, Missis, Mas ters and Childrens SHOES, SLIPPERS cs? BUS KINS, English and American back strap and Suarrow boots, firft quality ; a quan tity of Dawfons much approved patent liquid blacking. NEGRO SHOES, See. He refpeftfully informs hi3 custom ers and others, that he will keep con stantly on hand Boots and Slices of every defeription from the moft ap proved manufacturers in New York, and will dispose of them by tiie trunk, do. zen, or lingle pair, as cheap as at any other (tore in the city, and solicits a continuance of their favors. Oftober 7 . 417 CAUTION . MASTERS and Owners of Vessel are notified, tiiat it is unlawful to load or unload any part of their cargoes at, or near Five Fathom Hole, unli-fn the fame is performed at tile wharves, there built for the purpose. All viola tors of the act, palled June 26, will be profecutcd withouL diferimina tion. I. S. Dc MONTMOLLIN. august 5). jaw. 2m. too Notice is Hereby Given, That the Cop: rnerfhip earned on here by William Dixon, James Dick lon and George Fenny, Under the firinof James Dicksos, &Cos expired, by it3 own limitation, on the iff ! instant ; thofc who have any demands a gainst the concern will pleafeprefent them, and tiiofe indebted, are rtquefled to make payment so James Dicklon, who ib authorifed to lcttlc the a flairs of the concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the bufineft will be continu ed by William Dixon it James Dick fori under the firm of James Dickson, Sc Cos. June 30 88 BILLS of LADING For Sale at this Office. [Whole Number 4T9. >aVannah exchange NEW s COFFEE HOUSE. fubferiber takes the liberty rt Ipcittuliy, to infoim the public a„d liis friends, that f:\ m the-encourage ment arid favorable opinion mama lit and tt> him, by a chief part ot the Citizens of Savannah, fmee lus tftabliihment in rhi* place, the liuibco of the Exchange were induced to dtip, fe, in his favor, o f the upper part of this Pudding, lie intends to open on tlic 15. L Uay ol Uc tober ntxt, AN EXCHANGE , Being an imitation of London and. of the large cities of the United States. There the Merchants, Planters and Travellers, may daily inert m a lirniftr u.aurn r, in nder to tra-.ilaft Coinmeieial uiifingtia, ike.- News-papers of the md\ iutereft. ing kind, (hall be k ot, wi h a ma xims Ri-Gist KR, informing of the ar rival and clearances of is 3 sini rrivs may often be communicated quicker tlian through the channel of the papers! Hand bills shall be poaiUd in a convcni.nt place, 1 iiir.aiuiiig Die artieita offered for laic at .he auftior.s in threity, the names t.f such as are offend for (ale or chatter, and of tilt proprie tors, and generally whatever 13 v* If 1 d>;- tu Lira of all deferiptions, either boufis, negroes or plrntatiouH. One will find every dav at cijlit and at two o’clock, a Table neatly cl re il - rd, and on moderate terns to acconuno laic all persons, eillirr by the oval or by Ilie d.iy, and weekly 01 quaitciy. C<uee, Tea, t-lucolsie, private BrenkfafLs, and Diuncis or Relishes and Oylfers, prepared for the talfc t.f die different vifitoru, (hall be got tv ry n, y on very reaforialue terms. The Bar- Rooin ihult be supplied with Spoils foreign Wines, and any well chofcn l,i j quors. rite different Sociel its or C'ubs that nsjy and ine 10 form xfl mblics, Lada or Conci ns, will find rooms for their accommodation, i v diked in a manger that lie flutters bin,full will meet their approbation. l iie fubferiber, from his endeavors ! to form in a commodious place, an cf * tabli feme lit, Dial null in o.Utft idfoui to the citizens of bavain.ah tht great advantages ei.j iyvd in ail Die towns of this conluitnl, hopes to ret... ive il.c encouragement Ins laborious extiUons wdl require, to dtfi.rve tin. • nhhence and gratitude of the public 111 gsutral. A ft \l< KLE ik.s ii wanted, with jiood rctotiniicii dationfi. L. GLEISFS. AUguft 29 406 FOR PRIVATE SALK, A TRACT of very valuable Cotton ands rovilion LAND, contain ing nearly three thoufaud acres, belong ing to the estate of Richard R. Ash, ikuaud on the llland of Dawfufeie, di lectly opposite -Savannah Liar, and ihs tant only 5 or > miles from I’ybcc Lig'ut House.—These lands are interior to none in the (late—the prefer:t crop ofa boiit 430 acres of Cotton, and 200 acres of Prov/fiori will fully prove Dos. The Traft is divided into four Plan, rations, and will he fold togeiln. r or le psratcly, ail of which arc well fettled, having every necessary building for a Cotton Plantation, moft of them have been ereded fincc the hurricane, and of the Left materials. On Newbury ain convenient and comfortable two story dwelling house, kitchen and wafii house, entirely new. The buildings on Salt Pond are a little inferior, and in excel lent, repair. Mary. Field and ihe ridge, have been lately fettled and have over fetr’s houfts, <xcs Terms, one third calf, the other twu thirds in one and two years, the purcha rer giving bond and mortgage of the pr- prrty, with persona! fecurily, if requued. The overferr at Newbury, will fnew the Lands and divifiou lines. For further particulars, apply to MART FRASER. Co* Provifion*, Plantation Tools, be. may be had with the plantations, at x fair valuation. Beaufort, S. C. ‘July 1 £ 92 TAKE NOTICE, ‘TPHAT in nine months from the date hereof, application will be made to the hon. the juflicci of the Inferior Court, for the county of Bulloch, for have to fell aii that tract of land, con taining 475 nerrs triorc or lefn, lying i n the of Bryao and Bulloch, :he fame hon g part of the estate of Wtn. Stater dec’d. Vvm. Slarcr, adm’r> May 6. 9ta* jz