Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 14, 1806, Image 3

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REPUBLICAN. SAVANNAH, October 11, 1806. ■jumaurr.-'iae&mfH&sixm*; ---irmma**.; - ‘IHE following was prepared for press previ ous to the late Eledhon ; but, natter of moment has occaftoned its not appearing till now—we (hall decline any further oblerva. tions, for the present, on this head. PIGOT ONCE MORE 1 ! Immoderate^—The national debt of England, Taxes, Tyth** and aristocratic influ ence. John Jay’s treaty, and the abu'.e of power by fedt;alius. Impress.—To rake an American citizen from his own home and the bosom of hi, family, by Britilh Robbers, and compel him to tight a gain It the friends of his own- country ...nay a gaimt ins own father !!! Ittrßi :o.m :.ien r.—Anti -Republican argti jnet’t, or an answer to all complaints. America.—A bright and immortal ex ample to all colonics groaning under a foreign yoke, proving ihe invincible energy and viitue cf freed: ni, and enjoying a flare ol profperity* iince fuc rt'vi: off her dependance on Great i3. item, Lithcrro utiknoiVn in tlic nations ol iia ope, mvit.'SN —Tn irrefiffible ftiivmlous to BEl’Scnaj. ay, rar demerit, idten c ■:rniplified in this country at ihe expen..: ol 11 - r pubhc got o , .. ia S. ‘or Handing armies, places and j ’ ions ; duvei tigr. cbntempt h r innles, amd an cvei lait.iig attachment to courts. ArnsT.'.'tß ,—One w ho barters ids priuci j ’.-e, ha alum of money'...Or change* t! in tliroi (id .ii.i id hi- expectations o( lo.neußtAi ro , aunt a rtex. Elii-ct, of \ err. vt, and joint Randolph, of V::. iuia. Akcument. —AbuJe cf Mr. Jeiferfon, & the friends of ihe goVcfi.iuer.l, by fed iraiilts. Aristocrat. —A fool, a manlier ol ru p tciiy, add an enemy to mankind. Americans be on your guarti against uriftocracy ! Army (standing). —An engine employ ed in Monarchies by which nations are ei.flu xed. liairympie otferves, that “liavery fol- Lws a Uautiii.g army,as lure as the shadow f.fllc-i.'s the body ” Mercy onus! whatapre c: the Ante icu* nation Rood upon i:i the y-,ir s i 7.vJ and 1 oOH !! Ek.iroN (rant), —A niiniflerial News paper lyßd.iimout for true i . former, def- Votifni, lies, lelf interelc, and corruption.— Ll: : proprietors ol the New-\ ”,.. Kven idg l oit and the Bodon P.eoertoiy, cannot the impudence to fay, that they do not rani, uudti rhijnead. J mt.uity.' —The proceedings agaiaft x-beeii Gfourn, editor ol i.:i niriic.s, in Connecticut. Sheriff Landon. liUli. l r.— in England’ rew taxes; and iu crease of ii iluetice to the Crown, and of rni- Vry rutile poor. la Am r :a,public economy, a... ii liappiaeis to the pe,.i,.e. . riKDEN. —.V ci.a lilt, a ftnndlng army. C rid UN v.—Uniform uLui’e, and exagge rc.’erLaii hood. This word is illustrated in l’/.i y i.'dirai Newspaper i'i America. Chaos. —Confafioa ; the Britira Coufti tutiou, Federal Patriotiun. CoxsEarmi the United States wearing a huge black Cock ade, recruiting a (landing army of 50,C0 men. lieet (national): —The Engiiih poli ticians delcribe the immenlity of their public • debt as the furefl proof of their prosperity. T'miosof hers lament it, as the cause of un p.irrallei’d taxation, and poverty to the peoj le. Degeneracy. —rederalifm. The Bri £ilh government. Delusion The ruling principle, and ‘fare iurviving. hope cf the federelifts. Democrat.—One who maintains the rights of the people ; an enemy to privileged orders, and all monarchial encroachments, the advocate of peace, economy and reform. Arif loUr affirms, that liberty can never flourifn out cj a democracy. Montesquieu calls it the nur -1 . y of yirtut. Disappointment.—The prosperity and liuppinefs of the people, under the adminiltra t o Jefferion, notivitffanding ail that * jJtrahfl*. can fay to the contrary. I'lniaiir ation.—An art in which kines O and arillotrats excel. The late Lewis Cape: hii.gof i ranee, lill a vidlim to the fatal fkili v,.th which he practiced its refinement". The lwc prcfldeiit of the United States, 101 l the e iieem of mapy of his friends, and of the peo ple generally, through his fkili in this art. EguAU* rr.—ln the sriffocratic vocabula ry, flgniiirs evtry thing morally, and politi cally impoflible ; equal wifdom,equal ferengtb equal wealth &c. But equally truly ftgnifies, in all. parts of the world, I'IjUAL RIGHTS ; a RIGHT of every citizen, not difqualified bv nature, or by crime, to the benefits and pro t edtion o: society ; a RIGHT of voting for the election •(’ thole who are to make laws, by which he hiinfelf i .t j be bound ; by hi, liber ty, his property, aqil his life, are affecisd, aid an equal ri;d:tof exerting to advantage the ge nius and talents which he may poffels —the t- RIGHTS OF NATURE. Further returns oj Votes given on the (j't. HANCOCK CO UNI V. FJR C(JMGA£SS. COBB res TROUP 7d5 .V.IEI.J’ 6f4 8188 ’ 60(1 Cl \RK 4-JO CV'.RR 878 BARNETT H'J Si MM.s 60 SI'ALD'NO 18 HARRIS 2 JONES CO STATE LEGISLATURE. ficaator —Cer.. IT. Mitchell, r a- ffnt'.‘!r ? - .-M.-GF r v'd Adr ms, EG ling Had and Wilburn Ran been, Esqr. RICHMOND COUNTY. CONGRESS. Smelt si 3 Cobb 238 Bibb 203 Troup 162 Simms *)5 Carr S3 Clark 62 Sp.iding 24 Barnett 23 Jones f Harris o STATE LEGISLATURE. Senator—Rowell.. REPRESENTATIVES. Hatcher 278 Hutchicfon 162 Carter 119 Rowland 72 COLUMBIA. CONGRESS. Smelt 7s 7 Troup 097 Clark 4t7 Simms 4tip Bibb 40, Carr 255 Cobb 225 Barrett 124 Spalding c J ones 00 ST ATE LEGISLATURE Senator—Bolter. RepieloUcVnvi a- -Drai’.e, WillitmJ, Biair. BURKE. CONGRESS. Troup 4 “7 Smelt 403 iibb 321 hnnnu; >j'o Chirk 178 Barrett 152 tV-b 1 :i j Spalding 33 Catr 12 “ Joint 4 j STATE LEGISLATURE, j Senator—ivtrfon. 1 Rcpre leiitatives.. .Byre, Poytiirefs, Vi'un bcrly. WII.IIKS. j CONGRESS, Clark 933 | Smelt 745 j Cobb 642 Bibb 586 ! Carr, .'KM I Spalding 291 j T. Cup 839 Barnett J so j Simms ■) i Jones 4 : T TE LEGISLATURE. Senator—Bates. j Rcprtfentatives—Simons, Parks, Thurman. ‘ a’ <]a, ira: Sir R chard Stratciiar, in tli ■ t Cxtar of 84. gnot. arrived of the coatt,: we uiclerltuiid, on Monday !a(t, hiving lolt h:s main matt. —Norfolk Ledger. \ The following is a complete ill!: ol | the repreicntatives of North-Caroliua, ! in the iu xt C angle fa . Nnha iei ivlacor, i W'fliis THtcn, M. |). Vdiiiiarus, I *l’ I , IF *. iicf.joo j. >> r. 2n, Richard Stanford, V ilium Biackledge, l .vuu A h Xuiider, JamU; Holland, Thomas Blount, I muel C .-s:yc r, M -fhnrh Franklin, J ‘ Cu Ipcf/er, Tiiofc in Italic ere new members The whole are republicans, except, Cu! peper. ii. Messrs. EVERITT & M‘LFAN, giving the following a place,you will oblige a Su B sc RlMJtr. COMMUNICATION. It is not uiiknown to tl.e public, that Augu/l ant! September are thought to be in the Sou thern States, iickly months, especially in the lower and middle country. Under this apple henlion, Schools and Academies are vacated for two or three months. The tutor of a private Seminary, lix lifilcs below Wafliington, in Georgia, Oasteiled the lalubrity of hisfituation, by teaching ourmg other vacations, and finding not one of upv\urc’.s of forty Undents unable at his time to attend to their ltudies. Ihe wa ter is pure, cool, and plenty, fuffering no irn prellion from the prelent draught*"the f;tna tion ib rural and fhady...the noxious vapours or effluvia afloat are caught and absorbed by the trees—the recreations ol the ftudems are loin enough to rest the fatigued attention, but too ihort to waste much precious time, and too moderate to ferment the animal fluids and ex pole to disease—net a profane word or immor al ;uslion is fullered to escape animadverfion— a plae dile and pacific disposition is duly urged upon the students and with very little excep tion, they are in harmony. Part of Savannah. ARRIVED—Ship Lucy and Elizabeth, Stokes, Liverpool—Ship William, Rockwell, ditto.—Brig C anton, Copp, New-York. CLEARED,Schr. Aurora, Cafiwtll, Charles ton—Betsey and Mary, H tch, ditto.—Expe riment, M Lean, do. DIED, at Montgomery, on the 4th’ nil. after a truly spent life, Mrs. I ELIZAEETi'I M’QUEEN, widow if the late Alexander M’fguetn, Esq | • geJ fifty two years. Panegyric on the ! lead, is too often intended to p'er.fe or latter the living ; to those who knew frf. uuthine need be said, for I they knew cr well, they must at one ime or other have experienced her kind- L uffittion, or fei vices; to those who ■ ere Grangers to her, it is in vain to fay ! ■re poll ff.d all the virtues which co'tlijj tier {a and age refperSed, Be -evolerce have 101 l a favorite daughter, .and her broiy snd friends hive met a )is which no time will entirely repair, or as long as they live, they will cher. ill with reverence a.d love, lb; memo y of so uniiilited a pittern cf goodness, rid wortli. vf'fs Snrab Clari, agid 12 years, daugh ter of *Tr. James Claik. _ On the 7th intt Mrs. Jmc Hen diH/:nt aged 26 years. S'lL CL v I 11, FOR S.ILR /T A. G. OEMLF.R, Sc Cos. Oflober 14 Confectionary Stoic. > C. H. FISHER, BAY LANE, NEAR THE EXCHANGE, Has leceived per the brig Sally, an assortment of CONTIiC I lONARY, Which makes his afTortment complete, among which, are PRESERVED GINGER i a jars < and bottles Various kinds of French preserved Fruits Pickels ; Drytd Cheriics and Prunes, German Barley *3<>ftfhe 11 A iinouQZ ; On HAND, Martinique Co-dials N yau, Hii! i feed, Cloves Cii!i:?mon, Rafpbcrry, Vanilla Cit’on, Mint, &c. b Y 1; UPS. Lemon, Rafpberiy, Vinegar, Orgeat, Cc.pilair, Gimova, Milk, &c. WINES. 1 Madeira, Mafcat, Claret, all of the full quality . ConitCliejuTy of Sugar of every deferip t, jn, ali of wiiieh will be fold low for Ciilh. LEA STORES, i Put up at the ihortelt Notice, and on j rtEUMinble tents. i r It 4‘9 * lie Copcrtner/liip of FNGMsIS & JAMES BEGGS, and R. NICIJOISON GROVES, under th* firm of I cun:; anti Cirovcs, v • i be continued as heretofore by hi.’ius Beings & R. Nicholson Gmves. EL per four, indebted to the late ! J. turns of Fionas Os j antes lleggs and /eggs’Of Beyl, are rcqiufted to make iaur. cute payment at the compt irig hoof of Beggs Os Grctts, No. 10 Colße House Wharf ; accoun s will be placed in the hands ofMiflYs. Da r o< s 1 & Berrien for collection, if not liquidated I before the 10th day of January next; ind those who have any claims again It either of ‘lie laid firms or the cltate of Thomas Begs, deceased, are re quelled to render them for payment. James Beggs, Surviving Copartner. Savannah October 14. Land For Sale. \ T the levcnteen mild HOUSE on tlie i. Augutla road, a large HOUSE fit for an- iiviiuei'..:, flora TAVERN or STORE, d.i Li.rd contains seventy six acres, h one third is cleared lying on the road. Good TITLES will lie given to the pu.cha- Aci',apply to ‘1 GCKclll& CLARK, Market- I'qi are. For further particulars apply to Stephen Acliors, O closer 4\ ( j FO/iSsaLt. \V OT and Woufe in Town, lying m Yemucraw, fronting the Federal Goal 0.. the corner of Jacoamb and Nortb-weil (beets, (or particulars enquire of TUCKER !c GI.ARK, Market Square, c-r to Sttphtn dkcliors; OAoher 14 Marihd’i Sales. On the firjt Tuesday in Novel-tier next , WILL BE SOLD, At the Court-house in Savannah, ALL the right, title, cl dim . and interdt cf James Oli* ver, Ehj. to those two Settle merits or Plantations on Hutth tnfon’s Ifiand, eppofre to Sa vannah, containing 406 1-2 a cres; the whole under good dams, and is of the full quality tide fwarnp. 23 NEGROES—levied on as the property of James Oliver, Esq. to fatisfy a judgment ob tained by William Boyd. AsCSO, AN unexpired lease of Lot No. io, Wilmington Ty diing, Darby Ward, with the bu.luing thereon, adjoining Mr. John Gardiner; an unexpired lease of Lot No. 3, Heachcoate l ything, Decker Ward, where Mrs. .Smith resides; alfj two Ne- grnes. Levied on ai the pro perty cf Smith, Sons and /,Inder/cn, jat the fait of ‘Thomas and James Swords. BEN. WALL, m. and. c. October r<;. 419 NOTICE. Tlin following defaulting Jurors at the lad Mayor’s Court j John Water3, Janes Shar.—, Thomas New, eil, James Dixon, James Ewe'l, i hos. Miller art notified, that it is ordered that they Un filled in the sum of Ten Dollars each unleft, the . file proper excafe on Oath, in the Cicrki office b rfore the firft of nex* Court. . EDWARD L. DAVIES, C M. C. October 3. I.I'T OF PffAVTTrs.’ fir T *.*.X P f TI’RN ‘,IK I r Hi. county of Chatham ion i;Ob. A. Mackec Allison Jin ~ M- Jnire Chas. Aihlers John, Merritt Sylvanu. Arnold JoUpli, Morris J. A. Aponc Francis, M’Kay Henry Arkit- Fleming, M’Clagan Alford Wm. M’Milleu John Alter Peter, litiijn. Alter Benjn. M'Leoil Murdoch B. Morin Peter Butt Thomas, M’Dowell A. Beach Adam, Maurice Benjn. Brant Jonathan, M’lntofli Bartle J. M’Kinnee Jos. P. Baltic N - Moore Robert Brooks Ben]n. Melvin Mrs. Brooks & thinning, Marchand J.ewis 1 Brooks Charles, Manjnand A Paulding Bridge Joel, Mein Wm. Burroughs C H. Miller James Bull Harris, Miller Thomas Brownjohn Sami. Mills Wm. Bellinger B. B. McConky David Brant Samuel, Milledge Philip Boy Thos. R. Morel Bryan Box Wm. Morel Peter H. Beatty Mrs. Mathews David Bertong John, Monet Mops. Brown Patrick, Mullet Mollet Bell the Revd. Milieu Godlip Bates Wm. Marlh Henry C. Mollnlan Jas. Pilate j Cadet Capt. Muntalet .Mots. jCroffoid John, N. i Carmont Jchn, Mellon Wm. Campbell IVm, Nichols C. W. Courtney K. Newton Francis Carruthers James, Newell Cunningham ■ Catruthers Jolej h, Nongaztr Henry j Campbe 11 Joleph, O. j Cox John G. Onion S. ; Coit James T. Oliver James Clarke ‘l'homas, Ozeal Ilham Clarke Joleph, Cg.c/by Moles Coijuiiiiou, F. B. Oglelby Wm. Chriltie Wm. p. Calaghar, T e< A. j Crews Jarne*, Peck Janies j Cuthbert James, Piijuet Alexr. i Clay I’.cvd. Joleph, Firatt C. D. Port Guo. A, (Dotson Matthew, Parker Ur. Wm. | Dotion Wm. Petit F. D. j Dennis Maria, Page John Dougherty Thos, Page 1 hom is Dunn Wm. Poiock David Drummer Jacob, Purdie John Duiour A. U. Derheneaux Thos. Raymond & Lockwood Delyon llaac, Renllruv Mrs. Delyon Abratn, Robinlon Wm. ; Dully Pat. Richards Abm. jDagget R, Richardson Kiclid. (Dominic, Richards Silas | Drc.ui.irra Mons- Rots Hugh .Doughatty Walter Riipel Sami. F. Rupel llaac i F-llifon James Roberts James jlldcrs James P.cad Jacob. I , . • ; 1 lemming I*. f\ Stebbins Rebecca Ford Montford Scolfield Mr*. ; Fabian James buivner V. , Frith Joleph Shaw John | Farmer Jftremiah Sorcy Andrew Fiflier David Story Benjn. l avard Veter .Shade [Ford Brantoz Sweet G.D. G. Sawyer V\ m. Germour Mona Stackhoufe S. 11, Gofman Janies Shellnian John Gunee Peter Silihy E. Godfrey Wm. Stark James Gill J. Stuart Thomas Grimes Sterling .Spann Michael Grimes Dr. btiain John Gildon ■ ■■■ Smith .Solomon Gribbon John Stuart James Galalh Mrs. Steele Chas Gregory Hardy Stallorct Archibald Gardener John P. Scott George H. Small Robert Hills Arthur Sharp John I lanmion Gapt. SheJtul lienjn. Huddy Hunlock ‘1 hompf’on Robert R. llcwicll • ’■ Turner Lev/i* Hogue Wm. Troppin John Hall Henry Torpy D. Hoffman Jacob Torpy P. Hills Janies ‘Pippins Augnftus Hubbard Vrofper Taylor David Hull Thomas Taylor Philip Ilaig lift, of Taylor Thomas Harrilon Cath. *1 hies Jacob. Harper Thomas V.—Viner Jacob Holcombe Rev H. W. 1. & J* Woods Daniel Idler Jacob Woodruff Abner Jacobs Ralph Ward Dr. J. Jenny \\ m. Wilton J.. Jenny E— Wafliington Janies Jeckins l'homas Wylly Richard Jernegan Ezekiel Williams J hog. J . K. Williams Stephen Kirk Thomas Wilson Joleph Kerby Moab Williams .Samuel j Kein Reuben White Wm, Keller John A. White Steel If. White & Moore J.ewis Jane White J dw. Leader Polly Woodbridge W. JL’Homaca Mons. Watt Mrs Alexr. • Lamb B. S. Woodbridge Thos. J\l. Lcbeau Wm. Woodlide — —— Leroy J. B. Whitley Michael Longlond Wm. 11. Whipple Oney Lamb Wm. Wright Wnn I Lord 11. & Cos. Wchb Jas. Lawrence Alexr. Williamson John I'. Wm. Wylly Mary Lavender Berjn. Whitefi-ld Richard J.onj/worth joleph Webber Frederick Longworth Jabtz y. Lenene E. Yponet Mons. M. Young V, Mars John B. Yurnei Hezekiah Miller and Morehead y . Mucky Robert Zachary John 3. i hoinas YVlntefi.-Id, October 1 3. ISOG. R. T. P.. C. C. ‘I llf. above defaulters n>e notified, that their returns will bt received by me for Uliity days from this notification, and that the digefl will be immediately delivered to the ‘lax Collector. J: Bulloch, cJk. Oiffoher II 3 413 Executors St/u'i, WILL HE SOLD, in S riven County, or. the tiy'h OAober, at the lioufe of [ a mbs H irnioM, (the par e were Robert Hudson formerly liv and. ALL the Cattle, Horses, Hogs, Sheep, Cede, together with ail-hr 1/oufehold ar.o Kitchen Furniture, Plantation and Car penter > Tools ; late ’he property of Robert Hudson, deceatcd. ‘I fie term:, will Ue made known on tfie day of lale. James Hiulion Ex'or. Sept. 19. 2t. 419. ALMANAC’S For fle at i!.ia Office. AUCTION. I .r. (’ or l be benefit of all Concerned.) iIIKS DAY, the 14 th test, at /iotas, ftd’s tl’hatt, IV]LI BE SOLD, t HE Hub, bails, Rigging, Spars arKl Nlalln, and other appurtenauces, of vlte brig Lucy, of Portland, capt. T. No: ton. from the Ilavsnna, bound to Bollon, put into this port in dillrefs. CunJitiotiß Cash. LlKEWlsr the CAKCO OF SAtD brio, Cciuistinpr of o 235 Hbds. 35 Tierces Molnffc* 10 Boxes white Havanna Sugar 9 bbls. brown ditto ditto CONDI TIONS, aii sums under 400 Jolla is, Cflth, all over, notes at 60 days, with approved endorsers. ii-i.e to Commence at I I o'Joct. I. M. Woodbridgc, , RuSicnecr. 14 4 i y Defaulters Arr< ud ! AI L P rfln s V 1,0 have been Definite’S at K girnt Parade* lime •)<. year 1804, an hereby N’ titw.), nml UMefa ’hey [my ihmr teljieftive finals tithe p. v a ;,.i r fl,al or his t\ Hill ants, on rheir I rp C -,H, e. ws will be made without *t 1 nn'Mc p. JO. N 1 J POURNF.I., J> W* UI14I; Keg. x ‘wooer 14 -t. 4 , 9 . BY ORDER OF IHE PRhMOb'NT OF Tf/E VX/TED STATES. Gcuo al Pi ft-OtSue, 7 /Viigutt, 15th *tt6- 5 PUGH JhAI.S will l c cd dtri i'. Office t..n;i) ilx i 5111 rlav of ILwa b r iifxt.iii ( itillve, ltd nialtinjx ainj te pap jnjr lie Itvctii! pans ot the L*olt Road bom NaOiviHc co Ip rc mai’rer fvt:niion;d ihacis.ofuv* No 1 NafliviHe n> Hpr eLloe- Ctrl-Its. Ihe diflatice.h ilbnuußd at 145 njile*—All r |-’ S nltance or the j rinr ipal part < f (> In ‘ road has Sireti 1 uc our I'V ‘b<* military and pr* pared com* ’ ementiy for tilt lome letv years fin-re, } No. 2. I rorn * n.,l:e Creel; to Gt iiicillotP foul D/ c!ti- Mia'ed at 40 iniler,, 1 ! is pate of the rt uie, likew.N f>rr,c years fincc, cut tut by tiiu m.h tary ar.d the icad pircarcel lor puDiiC life*. li e i< ut marked our fomc years fin* cby Fdmutid U Gai , (-!(]. will ix- | u:fucd the whole mltance rxc, prir.y* the ipare be tween the Out Laid w towns arid the Lrfi f..rdii y race of w.t:< 1:, of 1 i;e ]?ig lilatk w uli wi!■ he rtfurveyeri, with a view ol materially Itfiening the dif ririre. 1 lit; load is to bo made and completed by ilie fiift day of Odtola-i m the year 1807, iin d the work is, in ail reipcfts, to be done to the approbation of return Jnn-thin Meigs, t lq. or Thom; s Wright efq. ag r,t for me United butes, relidmg i;i the Indian countries. hi ma king tlic fame the following iulis are It. n't Iy to be obl'crve 1. iff. The road must be nude at ieall twency feet wide, and all Ihe timber and tinder brefh ta ken off for that diltance. 2nd. Ail marfby places arc to be cuufewayed, and ail caufe vays arc to be at leefl ten free wide, 3d. All dreams under forty feet in width, not fordable ac ilu ii common winter tide, arc to he bridged, by good lecure bridges, well built and marie (afe and lecure for pa flag", the bridg es to Lr at lead twelve fee t wide. 4th. A tree fnall be laid a t rofs all larger dreams where the bredth of ttie dream does not exceed the length of any tree, to be found within half a mile of the place. GIDEON GRANGER, Poltmaller-Gcncral*. Kept. 19 lawhw 4.12 (;: OHOIA.s P Edward White clerk, ~ ( ol the court of Oidinar , ot” f the c runty of Chatham, ut Kfl.’. )tlieltute albrelaitl. W'IIt.KKAS, Wnoam I. Spencer, of till ci'y, applies for rs of Aclrr.imflration, on the Eltate and riled* of Aaron Dunn, dx’d, a 1 ; principal creditor. These are therefore tocl'eaml admonish all arid fin;;ular the kindred and creditors of In- deceased, to the their objections (if any hey have) in my < flier, on or before the litfx of OSj >ei next, otlierwife lettet of adimml~ ra'ioti voif! he gianted him Given under my hand and seal this 13th and ,y of Stplemher, 181/1, and in the Jtft year if American Independence- 1 *4