Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 17, 1806, Image 4

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MI c 7 LL.iN <)J V. SELF EXAMINATION. WHY ihm’ my heart when He appear* ? From v.h JiuO lli'* t*tiler fi,,h ? Why are n.y eyes ilifTulv’d in tears, Yi ir.ii he a uo longer nigh? Where are my wonted pWafure's flct ? Nor books, nor ly e caa pieafe , That lies uMtouch'il, and these unread ; AH occupations teaze. One lov'd Idea (fill employs All hopes, and all dentes ; Walks a e inlipid, music’s nuifc, Ana tonvei fauon tirtt. lut v. lien Philander Iper.ks ,’tis then I all attention pay ; And fondly vviih the pow’r tr, pen w’l.att Yr he d.ijns to fay. O with what (kill I ftriva to hide t he joy my bosom ftels ! Y/h.-n hi, oft fe.ited by my lidt, To ;ne hi* thoughts reveals. Y. it, sense, and genhis then conspire > atii faculty tis ‘i/c 1 And while 1 fondly the admire, 1 lo.'e the pov/’r to p!r.,.e. A pae.fe endues, hi eyes Hill fpcalt, j'.i waiting a reply ‘, My words in f. it’ring i.ccex.ts break, Or on my lips they die. Oh were fiiilandur once to bear 1 all my ivoei a par t, And 1 -ft 1 y whifptr iti tr.yeir, ‘i he lecretol his heart ! What pleasure’ fenfc would glide ! Y hat tianfport fhou’U 1 feel ! OhJay, my heart, thus fsveetly tried, Cou’dit thou thy joys conceal ? FACTURE OF RELIGION. KM IGION lunpofes a know ledge of tiit; Deity, his pt’iT. c li .ns, anti p >vt rniiu'nt ; of our lelvt-t, as rational, moral, fallen fieacurcs ; of ihe way in which l ifendcis may Ivicftored to the divine lavoiir; and of mankind, in thtir various* iclduions 10 ns It cunfllU in an uurcfuved re gard to the duties refulcing from our natufe and condition, and the it union iti winch we (t.ind to other hi-inns. It is “ a rca ionablc ferv;ce. ,, As it is foun ded in knowledge, lo it cniarp (s il. mind, txults and refines its powns, and gives ihem theii juU tmeclion and emplovmtrnt. ktiipion, conlciuus of human weaki.cis, ulls on Divine reve- Di.on i Dut, in examining the evidence, design and mean in-.’ of revelation, ac.miistht’ aid of reu lon. It is calm in us enquiries, celtbciase in its refdlves, and Heady in its conduft. Itcherifh ts niodeft and humble chougnts, is open ;o light and conviction, and labours for improvement. I: is mild and peaceful in us difpofiion, lober and temperate in is nn'nnets, candid and con ddccnding to oilier.s. It [todies to promote 1 -ve and union a tnoiiL', men, in civil and in teli gious lociety ; reprobates none fur trivial differences; attends chiefly to things of lohd impor-i lance i and legards, as the fri.-ndsi of God, a I who do 10, whatever name they bear. It condemns vice, and the errors that lead to u, approves virtue, arj the truths which promote it, whether in friend 01 e.,cmy. It aims to pleale the Deitv, by a conllant obkrv.mcr ol his injunctions j and under a lenle of revelation, I penitently iclies on mercy, through the grand atonement provided. It is firm in danger, uniform in duev, concent with the Idem approbation of the heart, and a conlciousnefi. of di vine approbation, humbly miff ing in the wifdum and equity ol the fupreone government. In a w ild, Religion improves the in tellects, rectifies the will, fweet cos the temper, calms the pas lions, gives peace to the con irirnce, and renders men cour teous, friendly, and beneficent to each other, and ufetul in every relation. A S SIZ Li for OXcber, 1S 06. r T' , iiL price cl KI.OI’H l.'ii .’ . i-: iK lg.r X jti oairtl, hitsul mull \* igh, \ir- It i t cents Loxi I 6 i-4 cents Loaf sib. oi. | lib. ■ l-z oz. Os which anil h.llcrs ol UiciJ art- 1” tiki cue am! pxrtizu'ir notice. J. Jtl/Uii'lLlLj Cay Trcafurcr, Di fa niters Attend ! ALT, pi ifor.* who hive ltn D.-l'v.:'t’ :s it .(eguuental I'araues lime the yeir 1804, ire hereby N tified, that u.'.lefs they pay heir refpeftive lines t > the pruvoft. ‘ ■r his A&ltants, on their hrfl call, it . its will be made w.thout diUinctinu. JOr.N P POURNEL, I*. M. Chat; K*g Oftober 14. 3t. 419 JOHN BOLTON, sur. 1 Cmduh ns. > bupjrkr I WILLIAM MORRIS, ) Court, Hvianh Term, 18:16. [ T TRON the petition of John I Holton, surviving copait iic 1 of Robert & John boiton uraying the foreclofure of the In quiry of Redemption on the fol lowing premif s, mortgaged to the laid Ruberc £c John Bolton fur the him of eleven hundred u.d forty fix dollars, payable the fifth of Janoary ISO 2, and alio for the further furn of ele ven hundred and forty fix dol lars ano interelt payable the fifth of November 1802, to wit, die following lots and parts of lots in the town of St. Mary’s.— Ail dint wharf lut containing j 50 feet on Sr. Maiy’s street ana I tunning 150 feet weft to Jud ! !o.;’s water lot, and from St. Ma ry’s lir.'ct to tlic river ico feet jn l alony tin; river 100 feet. — l’he lame being the front of lot No. four m the plan of laid tuwn. Alfo part of find lot No. four beginning at Read) lit 11 running vvrh on the bt. Mary’s street to Ju Tor’s lor tz. on Ready (Ireet aco feet north :o Divine Young’s lot or line Ca •5 o \ve(f on laid Young’s io ;Judfon’s lot with the buiL-ngs jand improvements thereon.— j Alio lot No. ( ij) forty tluee rontaining four acres then oc i upietl bv Pcier v\ . Green, with die buildings and improve.i.ents thereon, and on motion of Mr ntites attorney for the petitioner, ll ts zrderid by the court that the principal incerefi and colts upon ttic hud mortgaged | premiles be paid into court with in twelve months from this date and unlcfs the fame be io paid the equity of redemption lhall thenceforth be forecloied and of (her proceedings take place pur- Kiant to tire add or aflembly in luch case made and provided : And it is further ordered in purfuanceof the laid adt this rule be pubhlhed in one of the public gazettes of this Hate at icaft once in every month until! j the time appointed for paymen , orferved on the morteaget or his pecul agent or attorney at leall fix months previous io the ‘ time the laid money 13 ordered ) to be paid into court as aforelaid- Extrai? from the min utes this Mb. N'a cb , [ Job, ISC CREIVS, c. t. c. cc : i am 1 am p O . Sr/IIE OF GEORGIA AT a Court ot Ordinary held in and fur the County of Camden on the fifth day of Au- I gulf,one thousand eight hundred and hx, Present their Honors. Tames Seagkove, 1 hum as King, John Fu-yu, and \N illiam Johnson, Efquircs, Judges of the laid Cuurr, WHEREAS it is Hated to the court that administration has ! been granted in the year eh;h ---! teen hundred and two, to A?ex /. tin, on the eilatc and cf fe&sof H ul; ( .:n 1 bcmpfoH) deceaf ed, and that the laid administra tor did and lhil continues to re tide out cl the fla t ot Georgia, and has never came forward to fettle his account as tiie law di red t, It is therefore ordained, that the laid Alexander hi tin t be and appear tx-forc this Court on the iirll Monday in January next, to | thew raufc (if any he has) why | the laid letters of Adminiltrai.on mould not berevekedj and that i this order be publiflied in one of (the Gazettes of this Hatr, once a | month from the date hereof until .the meeting of tnis cot;-u 1 xtract lrom the minutes of iai I Court, Auguit thesth, iSo6. IS.IC CREWS, c. C. o. c. C. Scputubco. o. nai T 7 77 r 7 1 Lrdna mo? lb time that i*as gi- X ven me by the Legifl iture of Georgia, to pay the debt i owe the Hare for taxes due on my Land, having nearly expiied, and their beingfevera! judgments against me on foits which have been unneceflarily brought at a time when 1 have been using all mv endeavors to dilpole of rnv property —I am compelled in juffice to my creditors, to bring my affairs to an immediate dole, in order to prevent a facrirtce of my property and theconlequcnt Ini'; of their debts. I therefore, now give this public Notice, tha: 1 fluid offer l ; OR SALE, my Land at Public Auditors* rn front of the EXCHANGE, in the Citv of Savannah, on IVEDN!ESDsiT, the ittb day of November next, of which all per lons iruereited, are requeued to take Notice. 1 think it neceflary to observe that 1 have been pof lcffed of thole lands upwards ol ievrn years, which prevents any poliible doubt, as to any contend ing titles, as ::.e law relative to I real estate deb s, t:c, limits the ! ! re. every thereof, by luits o lev. n ; j years, and by a late law of the j ! date, no debt can be recovered j ; after* four t ears, and this dc/es 1 not depend on the party ■, hut the ■ court is obliged by this law to rejedt all luch claims, i menti-j on this as wtll for the informa tion of others, as to shew liq j mends and creditors, whole kind j indulgence I have experienced! die ueceflity of tliis lale of my property. When a man is in! debt, it is his duty to give any thing he poffcffes, or his all if required, to pay his creditors} blit it is cnjufl in a creditor to I epprefs a debtor, when they lee him using hisendtavors to do him jultice—laws were intended to enforce payment from and Ihonetl men, not from thole who kei the duty they owe to to society It is, however, a confulation to me, to think that theie are but I lew who have adopted those m a iores which has effectually pre vented my makhig 1 ales in fmali irads, when thole judgments have ben hanging over me 1 have to rtquelt iliac all pcrfbns having demands againlt me, ei ther on my own account, or as Security in any way whatever Li others,will attend the late in per ft>n or by an agent. All luch debts will be received as calh, ,6c thole perfor.s having authori ! cy to repielen; any creditor, wiil! i please to make the fame known i previous to the day of sale- The Lands are as fellows: 3 19,874 acres in Bulloch county, gran- j ted to Jolepii Ryan and Charles Ryan.! 1 72,000 acres in 1 atr.all County, gran- 1 ted to to luancis Fennell. 3 I,coo acres in dilto granted to James Daw foil. 5 2 3''‘74 acrcs - Those trafis are par ticularly defcrihed in a Pamphlet entitled “ Notes and Ob/ervjtians” on the Pine Land of Georgia, by George Sibbuld On the tiaCi 111 Bulloch county a fuai-1 mer relidcncc lias lately been fomud by j a number of gentlemen from Savannah, 1 20,C00 acres of oak and hickory land ■ in Franklin county. 70,000 acres ot oak and hickory land, I in Jackson county, granted .to various! persons in 1785. 78,034 acres of pine land, granted to Curtis Coleman, \\ afhiqgton countv, but by a division of that county ihis trait and the following, fall in the counties, of Montgomery and Tatnall. 39 oco acres of pine land granted to j Benjamin Kitchen. j 34,000 acres of ditto granted to Wal ter Jackson. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Moses Ross. 40,000 acres of do. granted to Curtis Coleman. 10,000 acres pf do. granted to Walter Jackson, 10,000 acres of do. granted to Moses Ross. 17,000 acres of do. granted to Benja min Kitchen. 4,000 acres of do, granted to John Wallace. 6,cco acrcs of do. rranted to William Pollard. acres of do. granted to Benja min Kitchen. 16,c00 acres of do. granted to William Pollard. . 1 b,ooo acres of do* granted to Israel Robinlon. 18,000 acres of do. granted tu Curtis Coleman. 2,000 acres of do. granted to Mathew M'Miibui. IC'.C o'’ : of Jo. g;.- ltd lo 1 hO.T.- g •'.r -o -k. i-'-ici of go. gt'aii .c<j to bin mo Beck tarn. 25 000 acres of Jo. granted tc Samuel Beckham. 40,000 acres of do. granted to Israel Robinion. 32,000 acre3 of do. granted to Benja min Kitchen. io,oco acres of do. granted to Samu el Beckham. 1,049,908 Acres. Thole. Lands are worth the attention of Famileß wishing to remove, and will positively and peremptorily he fold to the liighelt bidder, on the laid 26th day of November next—where a number of families wish to join in the purchase of a large body of land, they will please ap ply before the lale, in order that it may oe fold in such way as may fait their convenience. GEORGE SIEEALD. September 30 415, PUBLIC SALE.~ On, the yth January r.cxt, evu!be offered at Pc!.lie Sale, before the C vrt House in the City of Samar,nab, the Jo Hawing valuable tracts of Land, The plan la i ion ON the north branch of Little Oge_ chee. well known by the name” of SILK HOLE. This body of land contains about 4000 | acres, nearly loooof which are excellent | Rice land, and fr. rn 4 to 500 good oot ! ton land j of the Rice lane, upwards of l 200 seres are at prelent in < iltivadon, and ! the remainder has been under water for nearly half a century, forming perhaps ! the belt reserve in the low country of the i two Southern States. On the plantation | arc a good dwelling Houie, a barn and | machine, anew Saw-Mill, Ovcrfter’s j house, Negro houfi s, &c. j The whole of this lai J lies within from | 7 1-2 to 10 miles of Savannah; as a fin jgle traft, Us advantages are rarely tqual ; td: It will be disposed of at private Lie, I either entire or in and vdion, at any time | between tliis and January. Persons wishing to purchase portions of it, may do it to advantage at private fait, as the division lines will be tun tofn-t purchasers. if txr.oLd lo public Lie, it will be di vided into sor C tradts. An accurate re furvcy will be made previous to the lale. ALSO, The following rrafts of Land On the South Branch of Little Ggechce, iy in * within 12 miles of Savannah, Bco Acres n kv the mouth of the fw amp, confuting of Land, formerly be longing to I'oX, Dixfee and Williams j J 400 acres of this fraft are good Rice j Land, and neatly the whole of the re mainder pood Cotton Land. This tta<S is cjp. hla of forming a very valuable plantation. 840 Acres adj lining the above, for mcrly Bnfbane’ ; about 200 acres of 11.13 tradf tue c\ pref, i ? . imp, and iome oi the high-lan . fuitablc f r cotton. 872 Acr.s adjoining ‘he above, for incriy McLchan’s ; 237 acres of this tra&are swamp, 121 or which are on the btanch called Lie's swamp. 500 acres, formerly Prcitun’e 150 oi which are swamp. 500 Acres, formerly Hughes’; 150 of which are fuppoftd to be swamp. These, lards will be fold on a credit of one, two and t ree yea s ; warranted ti j ties wiil be given. For further partieu lars, enquire of Col. Id ablush am, in Savannah, or of the lubfcriber. Stephen Llliott. j October 3. 416. SHERI l* b’s SALES. ! On the ft, it Tuesday in November ret, Will be Sold, Between the hours of to and 2 o'clock , at the Court-house in the town of B’ \nszv:ck, Glynn | County. A Negro rrun } named Law rence, Jeized and taken under j execution as the ; roper ty of i Ririce Butler, to futiti v bis tax j ior the year 1805. Conditio,is of sals cash, Vv m . PA Y SSI E, s, g . c. Oftober 3 4 >6 NOTICE. j A 1.1. peri mi? raving demands against I a V the eiiMt. of JOHN JARVIS, late oi’ Wilmington IftiMiideceaied, will pieakc ren <ier tV.em ir. properly ;,tt. l>d,ar.d all those ... ucb'.eil will p.vnie ti vmenr to Atim ‘'jut -vis. Adi.pnii'tran.a. October 10. . tit*. 4:3. SHLUIIT*”s~SALeT~ On the ftrft Tuesday in November next, wiil be i. nl, at the Court.liouk in the count/ of Bulloch, between the hours of 10 and i 3 o’clock, A TR ACT of 31-0 jertj land adjoining Samuel Lockhart and James Ogkiby, levied M. by a > 011 liable, as the property of laid Lockh irt, to i’a'.i fy k.bert Atktrifon and arrerage of taxes forthe vears ißc", ;-j. DANIEL BOATWRIGHT, Sept. 11 ts 413. S.B C. NOTICE. \ LL perfot. indebted to ‘tre fubf.ribrr aix are nqnvilcd tc make pa; meat acr before the ;-t'.li ini’- —A'.! that do n t avail her. ‘.'elves of this notice, v,..i fnd .he r ac crunts in the hand- c, proper officers fer coi cifiion. STEPHEN B. CLARK I Sect. 16 411 ct r,* tr c r ‘ ryr~ r? J ‘ w . - .J a K J tfS * . j \ . S’ .:.. UL.’ - to La absent I"T n few w. e - I X ha. oiH*ite.l Ediv.-hd L- invis, ?: t k'ticHAr.n F. VV ill! AM, his Attornies, dur* j ng li.s abience SAMUEL H. STACKHOUSE. Augait 19 402. TO bh DibPObEi) of The valuable Plantation, Brick Yard and appurtenances, known heretofore as the GLEBE LAND. The whole body of land is within three miles of this city, on the Augusta road, and fronting Savannah river, and contains, on adtual survey, better than ■ three hundred acres, more or lefs [ For separate Farms to, or as fettle meats of high land, for thole, who polfefs rice grounds on Hutchinfon’s-liland, and oppolitc to the Glebe Land, the above is certainly a desirable purciiafe. It is well known, that a valaable bed of eby, is on the land, and that bricks have been burnt on the spot, and brought to market to advant 2y z • As this land has again reverted to the church, all p c rfona are cautioned front treap?(hug thereon, or committing any depredations on the wood land, and thofc who are in polfdfion of any part thereof, by leaTe or otherwise, are notified to pay no rent hut to the Warden’s of Christ Church. it no purchaser between this and the full TucfJay *n November, the propei ty will be divided into lots, and offered at public auctiou, lor the benefit of the church. s W. STEPHENS, N. TURNBULL, C Lurch Wardens, July 29 96. FOR SALE, JAHAI valuable I’iuntat.’on in Bryan County called niCKORT HILL , cuncaining about 800 acres, a very large proportion of which i > j- iii.c Oak and Hickory Land, X a prime rice land,and is a pair of the we!! known Plantati on caned l.u f h* 1 belonging to IFm. Maxvsell Efqr. of fidfaft A L S O, A traft containing 100 acres called REPUBLICAN HALL , in a beaut.ful situation on the Salts, in sight & or not more than one quarter of a mile diftaut from Belfall Houle about Oo acres of th s traff is prime C atton land v.eli improved, having; been he ti fldent e of the late Major •• 1,1 KsasciVeu. Both tracts were panJy cuitivafed by Major Maxwell in his li e time and will nake a very convenient and va luabk estate in the hands of one p rion, being capable of great improvement and affording a uiff lent quantity of land of the h.h quality to occupy 40 or 50 prime slaves Further dcfcriprLn s thought unnecessary, as it is not expeded that r. fade can be made, but after a fail view of the premifles, to which thole inclined to purchase are invited, JOHN PRAY, D. P, MITCHELL, Acting and qualified Executors of /. E. Maxwell ibcetfed. Eryan County, f 23d, September 1806. 5 ts. 414, FOR SALE 4T *SV. MARIS, ONE of the moil healthy lituations in the Or,i ted | States. A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 40 feet long, 20 feet wide, two (tones high with two rooms 0,1 each a.or a good garret, two comfortable thed rooms, K tclieft liable uc. fuuated on the corner of Ofbom and Stt Marys ftreetr,, extending 84 feet on one and 6 a feet on the other, well calculates for either a private Family, a Boarding or Public Houle, ALSO, A LOT’ OF LAND, in L : d Town on a part of Lot No. 3 extending on an Ally Jc , and back to Bryant jlrett 200 feet. A Credit of 3, 6 and 0 months will be given, the till s will be made to the Liii faction ot the purchafer* bv the Agents for the Assignees of tiA late firm of GARVIN bf ME„RS. On the 4th day of Ncvemoer next, it will b£ sot at-ccLC r ION, it not priviouf. Iy difpefed of. JOHN ROSS i St. Marys Sep, 8, t f + :t