Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 21, 1806, Image 4

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’ ’.i, j.L.i ,V ij/ j). > r'Cl'M* At :)Ri r.S TO A YOUNG I.AIIY. T t iv* lit - nr-iu l, tile sett r'd n. vc o free : Th. ... . , *:u,anJ Worthy thee. UayoiN. I'..v *•!••!!J!y gc-nTuut maiJ U emblem tike, The only pledge that**, in my power to fend ; ‘i i pt it for #ny fake, 1 he gi'tfiu.eft ertdrt of your absent friend. Let oth'.MH tower amidst the lofty air, iSy Fancy J 1 thro’ev’ry cloud above, Let empty J olly build her cattles there, My thought* are fettled on the friend* I love. Oh ‘ friend tine re, of foul divinely great} Shed’ t tin i tor me, a wret:h, the forrow’d tear ? What thank* cm I in thij unhappy flute, Ucturu to you but grafitu/l • iincere t ’ii ia*.*nit)iip pure that in re demands my lays, A tiitrinc fine re that aid* the feeble songs, Ran I by th .r theme, 1 fhoubJ not ear to praise Since you’re the fubjcCt whore due praise br lotigs. A!i 1 dc.i i\ maid in whom t!.e God* have join'd The teal hit fling* which themselves approve, C in mi: tab at fu:!i In iveuly mind, V* hen Gods propitiou . fmiie ou you they love f f r from the fc t of p!<;afire now I roam, Ihr p’e.i!'i it land I • now no more I fee, Vtt .'bfencf nr rHi dl he my thought* from home. 1 r time rffkce my due it .id f the ‘, J\i are tJjole happy h ,yj j iv, hi..b with you 1 oft.ii flt.iy’d, with olenfuic, o'er the plain ; Tail :ij til )f.f ! . ucs where ov'ry bl ding grew, Adi'-'u felicity, now fought in vain. Oh genV •• f *end ! ()!* ‘ syn aihctic maid ! ‘1 iiou kmd cornpolcT f contendiu , flrife, Tlio* buried here in dark oblivion’s fy ide, I full remain, in truth, your Irieud for life. Tax C.'olJedor’s SaL s. O.V the fi','l ‘i ueftiav in N’ovr. next , WILL lit. SOLD, at the C •• < - Houle in this Ci y be lev ten the lours oj ten and three o'clock. A trait of PINK LAND in to iuu I? of Builu h, a joining Thomas Dowell, and vacant ui the time of I irvey, containing one huudrtdacos i..ore- or Ids, or so much thereof as will fat'sfv an execution lot thr sum of eigli r n .ni l ihrce ouarters < uits If • x due clineon by me eftatc o, iVrei Dowell, lor che year 1805 pointed out by Tli onus Dowell ALSO, 7 iu(f lot No. one in ) wins- I ;r >li on the ‘ ‘ll tide of welt fji.i. i It 1 <*. r, and indy known as the pat’ artv of Wm. F> | cle ii. ( 1 la (Mich thtieof ns w: 1 Ijtisfy an ex-union lor the ium of eight dollar.! y) cents 3 1-2 nulls, being the amount ot the tax due by the efl.te ot William Bdl for r.he year ISOS, Panted out by John I iurrilon AdnVr. PLTER DEVEAUX. “Tax CC C Sept. 2 401 biierid’s Sales. On tbs *lt dues Jay in Nov. next, ■will be uld .it t’ c cou’ t heu e :n tits city, between tbs bones cl ten an,, three o’clock, A NEGRO MAN, named J \ji<o> “ID Bob, fe'zed under and oy virue of an execution on a mortgage, A kins and Wes ton, vs. William lordan. ALSO, A trait of Oah, I lickorv! and Pine LAND, lying in h i bat cmintv, on theno'th h it j o the middle fork ot Broad Ri-j ver, adjoining land of Mr. Lce-i ]wr and Mr. Thompson, con j tauuiig 257 acres, more or Ids,’ at | -I dent rented to a Mr. James. One other trad: of O 4: & Jli ‘kory Land, containing 200 acres, more or Iris, with tr live miles of 1.00 ivillc, on Lun l>e>t’s B.g Crctk, adjoining kinds ol John Kogeis N: oiher.s, levied on a .1 to be laid under and by virtue ot an execution’ in favor of Tuuotby Freeman,! vs. J ames M'lntoih. Conditions Cain. H. W. WILLIAMS, d.s.c.c bsv. Oddober 3 419 AbblZL /or OHoler, ISO 6. THE ptiie ofFLOint brill, i.j dollar ]tcr barrel, Bred muii wujh, via 1* 1-* tenu L'Sr I 6 1.4 ccius Loat •b. or. | lib. 110 oat. Os which a : Bakers rvd fclicrs . i ll.cad arc 10 i.i.i due vd paHttular nr,e. /. MARSH HI., Crtv Trrafurer, BILLS of LADING For Sale t: tliii OfTice. T rTr* r> T> ‘ V T r t e r i 1 i'.ja. or* ft.o 1j J i** No. C. EXCHANGE. , ITG.S vt* to acquaint his friend* and the I- -r generally, that every endeavor v l>; life-! to procure articles of the LhbT Ot’ALl iY fn>rn rke heft Markets—*that he may he euabiedto lupply his Customers on lower terms than is usually done in this city ; any articles pure haled at Store which does ii(/f giv-r latisfad on, wiil be exchanged; or tilt money returned. He now offers for Sale. T~J ANTE Currants, d'ra.i of tlie best g quality and lan.fl lirpoitation, C'oifi.', Chocolate, Loaf iSut>ar, Mufcovado Sugar, Spice* <.t every dcfcription, Coi'ttirc JiranOy, (an.uica Rum, Holland G.n, I. f’ Madeira Wine, M< .'titini Claret, I’ ine i’ I.ii-i t.ce Oil, Muthioo'i and Walt.ut Ketchup, O Ivc , ’’.pars, Gherkins, Wine Ritters, White Wine Vinegar, oirripfoim iifii Sau e, Quirt 2: Cherokee do. fj f'rpper Vinegar, 1- Hi..- 11 k t Salt, l(i. 1 C ,iy r nne, f )anl. 1.1 Muflard, R-'> and Ground Ginger, (. powder and Sfiot, Muicacine and Frontignac Wine, Cos 1 ant j lly, l'lil.-rv. *in Brandy, K.lpheri-y „nd Cherry Brandy, Real rlavaunah Sc-ats, (J.DcIc, 1* 1 c*lll Criickira, London Li ittfcd Porter, of a superior quality, in casks < t 6 dozen each, or by the litigle dozen. N. b lie ado t>*ptciri in a few dayt a geneiai fuppfy of Cl lb I', i MAS GOODS. Qftober 17 3’ 420 SAV A 4NAH 1 XCHANGE COFFEEHOUSE r | -HE fnbfcriber takes the lit; Ity > re!) Jd fully, to inform the publi and In. flic d.i, that fr. nr the encovtape mint ami favorable opinion mauifrflcd to him, by a i ,‘ticf pm t of the citizens of S.ivjnn dj, I. icc Ins cflablidiment 111 this plac-.-, un liultics of the Exchange were in need to dispose, in his favor, of tiie tpp-.x part of tins budding, where he intends t • open on the 15th day of Oc tober next, AN EXCHANGE, Being “n imitation of London and of the Lrg- cities of the United States. There th-- Merchants, Planters and Travellers, ntay unity meet in a harder ir.anm r, in order to tran 1 act Loiiiiucteial Euliucfs, u'cC* N EWS *-p apkr sos the mod interefl ing kind, (hall be kept, with a ma- Rlni; rkgister, informing of ttic ar .111 J clearances of vtliels j and news may often be cumniunicatcd quicker than through tl.e channel of the papers. .Hand bills fhal! be poafted in a convenient place, containing the articles oil. ltd for iaie :it the auctions in the city, the names of such v.flvls as are 1 flcretl fur falc or charter, and of the proprte tors, and generally whatever t„ relating to tales of all del iptious, either houf.s, negroes or plantations. Due will every dav at eight and at two o’clock, a Table neatly duff ed, and on moderate tei nis to accotntno date ail persons, either by the meal or by the day, and weekly or qtiartciy. C 1 lire, lea, Chocolate, private* Ihc: kta.ts, and Dinners or Reli-hc* and Oyllers, prepared for the taste of the dilietciU vifttom, (hall be got every day ou very reasonable terms. The” Bar- Room th ill be liluplied with Spirits and ioictgti Wines, and any well eholen Lt quors. The different Societits or Clubs that may delire to form Aff.mblic*, Balls or Cooctrts, will find rooms for their tccomrcudation, furi.ilked in a manner ihat he t.attcrs himlclf will meet their approbation. The fubferiber, from his endeavors to form in a commodious place, an cf tabufh nent, that n nil m course utford to the citizens of bavaunah the fame gr.c: advantage* ei joyed 111 all the towns of this continent, hopes to receive the encouragement hi* laborious exertions will require, to deserve the confidence and gratitude of the public in general. A BAR KEEFER is wanted, with good recommen dations. L. GLEISFS. AUguft 29 no ricE. t LT. perfnn* having arv demands against l i. me ct'.ale of JOHN JAItX IS, Ute ol W dmmgton Iflxt and dec* tied, will pief c ren . derthem in properly auefted,and all Uiuk-m dciilcii will j’iuait make pavment fa Anne ‘Jarvis. Ailmiinilratrix. O St*. SHERIFF’S SALE! On the rib 1 uei.liy in November next, v.-ilj be fold, it t'lc Court-hotile in the county it’ U-lwcvn the hours ct'lo and J o'clock, A TUAU’ > f 300 acres land adjoininr Sam-Ji I,ivkhan a ... James Ogle,tv, i mb’ ft co:.!L*. V.-, a the piopemy of said Lockhirr, to !a;i t 11. ,r; AtkinTon ajid orrerage of lax.-s for ,!.e > ears iSe va-j TAN ILL BOATWRIGHT, M ts 413 5.13 c. ABNZR WEBB , Lias jujl rceri'utl p:r the Clio Louisiana, j In nndtLuion t> his lute A UP tL IES, a jtiu trunk, of 800 I Sand SHOES, OF the bestQUALITY that could BE OBTAINSD IN NEW-YOHK, Consisting of I Fair top, Black flrap, and Suarrow Boots and Bootees, Ladies, black?blue, green and Red Moroco fliopera, do. do. fpanged do. do. white, black, blue, purple, pit.k, Yellow slate, lead, and tea coloured kid do. With and without heels, dir. spangled dc. Mifles, black, blue, green, yellow, pink and purple, kid and Moroco, do. Turnings for flippers, of different colors One ca; k of Dawfons patent liquid blacking. October 17 420. Land For fa/e, ! r lpHfc. tiirc has been gi vi-n trie by the Legislature of G orgia, to pay the debt i o-ie die Rate for taxes due on my Land, having nearly expiied, arid their beingfevtra!judgments against me on suits which have been unnecefTarily brought at a time when have been ufinq all my endeavors to dispose of .nv property —I am compelled in jullice to my creditors, to bring my affairs to an immediate close, 111 order to prevent a facrifice of .ny property and thecynfequent 1 jlols of their debts. I therefore, (now g v* this public Notice, tha: II fl ail offer k'OK SALE, my Land at Public AuSlion , 1 in front of the EXCHANGE, in I The City of L>avannah, on Uvt.UNh.SD IT, the ittb day of 1 ‘ November next , of which ail >:er ’lo s imercited, ate rtqucfted to 1 j take Notice. I think it tu ceffary •o o icrvc that I have been pof- i 1 t I k lied of thole iands upwards of 1 (Even ccarN, which prevents any ! pofiiblc doubr, as to any contend ing inks, as the law relative to real efface ciebis, See. limits the rc overy thereof, by luits to frven years, and by a late law of the jitate, no debt can be recovered akei four years, and this does -ot iicpend on the party i but the . on; t is obliged by this law to .jWt ah iuch ciai/rs. 1 menti on this as w il for the inlorma .i..n of others, as to (hew my friends and creditors, v;hofe kind indulgence I have experienced the tzccctliiy of this laic of my property. When a man is in .Itbc, it is his duty to g've any thing he polL-Hes, or his all i; required, to pay his creditors; ut i. is unjust in a creditor to pprels a u bror, when tliey lee mm tiling hisendeavors to dc. him l utiice—laws were it.tended to enLite payment from dilh-meft utn, 110 c from thole who ftei the duty they owe to to society It is, however, a conloiation to me, ro think that tiieie are but iew who have adopted those mta ;ures wnich has effedlually pre vented my making sales in (mall rads, when those judgments have been hanging over me, 1 have to request rhac ail perHns hiving demands against me, ei ther on my own account, or as Iccurity in any way whatever for others,will attend the laie in per !<in or by an agent. All such debts will be received as cafii, X those persons having authori : ty to reprelent any creditor, will plcale to make the fame known previous to the day of idle- Y he Lands are as follows: 310,874 acres in llulloch county, gran, ud to Jolepli Ryan and Charles Ryan. 1 72,000 acres in 1 atnali County, gran ted to to Francis Fennell. 3 1 ,coo acres in ditto granted to James Dawson. 5 i 3- t '74 acres. Tbofe traAs are Tar. ticularly defenbed in a Pamphlet entitled “ Notts and Obfirvations” on the Pine Land of Georgia, L>y George Sibbald.— ilu the ttaft in Bulloch county a sum mer refldtnce has lately been formed by a number of gentlAicn from Savannah. “0.000 acres of oak and hickory lauu in Franklin county. 70,000 acres ol oak and hickory land, m Jackson county, granted to variou perlons in 1785. Curtis Coleman, W afliington county, but by a division of that county this trac and the following, fall in the couuties, of Montgomery and Tatna’.l. 3>>,oco acres of pine land granted to Benjamin Kitchen. <4 r ’ “* t res. of a-.tlvj to ■/.. | ter J ickfln. I :o,oco acres oi do. granted to Mole; 1 Ross. 40,000 acres of do, granted to Curtis Coleman. 1 o,coo acres of do. granted to Walter Jacklon, 10,000 acres of do. granted to Mofcs Rosa. 17 ,coc acres of do, granted to Benja min Kitchen. 4,000 acres of do, granted to John Wallace. , C,ooo acres of do. granted to William Pollard. I, coo acres of do. granted to Benja min Kitchen. 16,c00 acres of do. granted to William Pollard. 18,000 £cre3 of do* granted to Israel Robinson. 18,000 acres of do. granted tn Curtis Coleman. 2.000 acres of do. gt anted to Mathew M’Millan. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Thom as Glaflccck, 24,000 acres of do. granted to Sherad Beckham. 25 coo acres of do. granted to Samuel Beckham. 40,000 acres of do. granted to Israel Robinlon. 32,000 acres of do. granted to Benja min Kitchen. io,cco .iCica of do. granted to Samu el Berkhsm. 1,049.908 acres. Those Lands are worth the attention of Fa miles vv.fliing to remove, and will pofltively and peremptorily be fold to the hightlt bidder, on the fa:d 26. h day of November next—where a noinber ot families with to join in the purchase of a large body o s land, they wiil plcafe ap ply before the talc, in order that it may be fold in such way as may suit their convenience. GEORGE SIBBALD. September 30 415. MarfLars Sales. On tie frjt Tuesday in November next, WILL BE SOLD, At tie Court-bcufe in Savannah, k LL the ii=jhr, title, claim j'\. and inctreit pf James Ob ver, Esq. r > those two Settle ments or Plantations un fiutch irifon’s Ifiand, opposite to Sa vannah, containing 4061-2 a cres j the whole under pood Jams, and is of the fiifi qualify iJe swamp. 23 NEGROES—levwd on as the property ot James Oliver. Elq, to latisry a judgment oh lamed by William Bovd. ALO, \ N unexpired ieafe of Lot L A. No. jo, Wilmington Ty ’hing, Darby Ward, with the fiu lding thereon, adjoining p.'ifr. John Gardiner an unrupired •eaie of Lot No. 3, Heath oau Tything, Dcrker Ward, where Mrs, limith resides ■, alio two Ne groes. Levied on as the pro perty of Smith, Sons sod Auderfun, at the Pat of Trout as and James Swords. BEN. WALL, m. n. c. OtSoher 14. 41 q 30 Doll a Uksvard, RAN AWAY from the Sub scribtr, the following negroes. SAM, a tall black fellow about lix leec ct or 3 inches high, very ULUtive, had on when lie went away, a long brown furtouc coat, and osnaburgs undercloths. PETER, a likely,’ though black fellow, has a small fear on his forehead, 5 feet or iq in ches hich. SIMON, a likely yellow tel low, about 5 fcG 9 O r 10 inches n; gii, appears to iquint when looking at you. 1 he above negroes sre abom 26 cr 27 years of age. Five dol lars each will be piid by Jolepli Haberfliam, cn their commit ment to Savannah goal, or ten dollars each by the fubferiber, if delivered to him on his plan tation near Beaufort. WILLIAM HAZZARD. ; 416 Mrs. CABOS, RESPECTFUTLY inform* l wr 1 frieiuls acd the public, that flic J has opened a Boarding House, in the heufe lately occup : ed by Mrs. Siout, on th-.* Bay where American end French gentlemen will meet with gocu accomodated. The Sroxt will be flap jlied with the Left L’quor and the mod fafiiiooable goods hom the French and Engliih markets. Sept. 30. i*J LL LET. * A cornm-'dious Dwelling h.-use, \vi:V ne . ■ 1. Lr-3-nre ol'ilie punicis. OFob.r i r* t ,•> < r t” 11 \ J * ‘ e H X W a A k.J . A. AJL 4 ’ 2MJ AT v .Amb.e Flaotat on in Bryan C urtv called HICKORY H ILL, containing about Bao acres, a very large proportion c ( which is prime Oak and Hickory Land, Sc a part prime rice land,and is a part of the well known iJi.ntati on called EGYPT belong!'-,g to IVm. Maxwell Efqr. of Beltalt, ALSO, A trad: containing 100 acres called REPUBLICAN HALL, in a beautiful situation on the Salts, in sight & or not more than one quarter of a mile dillant from Belfaß Houle ; about 60 acres of rh-s trait is prime Cotton land nd well inproved, having bren the rtfidente of the late Major J. B. Maxwell. Both tiacts wt rc partly cultivated by Major Maxwell in his liie time and wilJ make a very convenient and va luable clfare in the hands of one pet ion, being capable of great improvement and affording a fuflicient quantity of land of the drit quality to occupy 40 or 50 prime fhves J’jurthvr dek*ript:c-!i is t-hought unueceflary, as ;t is not exp.. Red that a f.ue can be made, but alter a tull view of the premdks, to which thole incliutd to purchase are invited. JOHN PRAY, V. B. MITCHELL, Jictirg anl qualified Executors of J. B. MuK-uu li elecerfej. Bry?n County, 2 23d, September 1806. 5 ts. 414. FOR SALE~ A T St. MAli TS, of the mo ft healthy £ Halations in the LJnicecl oiaecs. A COMM ODIO [J 3 I IO IJ *E, 40 feet Jung, 20 Sect wide, two dories high with two rooms on each fl -or a good garter, two comfortable ihed rooms, Kitchen, liable fee. fuuated on the cot ijer of Oiborn and St* Marys flreets,. •standing 84 Let on one and 64 feet on the other, well calculated for either a private Farui-'y, a Boarding or Public Houle, ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, in la>d 1 own on a part of I ot No, j exr ten ding on an Ally .00 and back to Bryant lircet >oo feet. A Credit of 3, 6 ard y months wiil i'C given, and the rith-s will be ro.’de 10 the iarif tdction of the pprc.hafers by the Agents for the Affi.o nt(ts of toe late firm of GA. Sc iVIELRS. On the 4th r ~hv Ot November ic will isi. sou<y at AUC TION, if not previcuf ly dilpoftd of. JOHN ROSS- Bt. Marys kept, 3. tf4i 2 FOR PI-OVA lib BALL, A TRACT of vety valuab'e Coticn and I roviilon LAND, contain ing nearly three thoufaud acrcs,beioi!T itig to the estate of I-Ljcuard R. Ash, fuuated on the Island 01 Dawfulkie. m rcAly oppefite Savannah bar, sad dis tant only 5 or ‘) miles from Tybc-. Light House.—These land* are inferior to none in the (late—the picler.t crop of a bout 430 acres of Cotton, and 2Cq acres ot Provrflou will fully prove this, The Traft is divided into four Plan, tatter,., and will be fold together or fc parately, all of which an well fettled, having every receffary building for a CeAton Piantstion, nioft of them have been ereded fittce the hurricane, and of the best materials. On Newbury ain convenient and comfortable two story dwelling house, kitchen and wafli hotifc, entirely new- The buildings on Salt Pond arc a little inferior, and in excel lent repair. Mary. Field and the ridge, have been lately fettled and have over seer’s houses, scc; Terms, one third cafli, the other two thirds in one and two years, the purcha ser giving bond and mortgage of the pu. - p -rty, with persona! security, if required, I The overseer at Newbury, will flitw tl.e Lands and divifiou lines. For further 1 particufjts, apply to MARY ERASER. C fT Provlflor.*, Plantation Tools, Bcc. may he had with the plantations, at - fair valuation. Beaufort, S. C. July if iji NOTICE. V I.L Pt-rfon* indebted to the late firm n -*■ Alt AI.E 1 ts. H AN,ar** infoimed -hut John It. Lewes, est. attorney at Izu s empowered to rolieci tl.e ded*s , thoia who are deflrous ot preventing will c.-.l cn Mr. Lewes, without detav. JACOB HARMAN i Sept. i5 VP al4