Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 09, 1806, Image 2

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An Ordinance, /Vr i/r iwp’fr • Sahui ‘ _Z <> r ‘l r>r S-‘ r (l t *.■.*,/„ nigh r V. ~IY M, r. , l ;ttrr prot.fl r- th: l.i'y c) Sav,in i. >. ~}\V. IT OFT)/- IN'-’B, hv the Vzror ir ‘- ”.n-H aH, -irvr of tl. t'vy of r-zvlin i.mi I.- (*oui:'.ii aflcmblfd, id i hi: 0r <1,,.*-l by fri* : i'y >! the fame, tha: | from ■ l A ’ It r th'-'fiill oi lie,i:.her, a j V (e * : f*. 1! be eUaM’ilv-it witha. tii. < a;, 1 to;f !i : 1 ’ •* Sii|! ;!:.t.t, a:.u iifu.v.i V,. • h;i! n, t‘> lo <-ii,'a, *“.! foi the term of I twelve n.oirth f(i'lit ti.< *h vc .**tJ oe *‘>>- j h; <ti(.*ii.t l*i f>< a.tnt ti uitii a ft/orrl (■( j .. *. i ami brace of ) ii'ol*, ami . .of tin \ *,*’ ‘V rpf'Tt with a j* ot**' l Tv; * * fK/rt ; -1 *<t lag- ru*: j i, {■ i:il alto < !i be j.Tovideil with a Hattie, j tor ts ■ j-'irj'ofe <! vin;; s’* riai.’ii ‘•) tiec- , diary • ant 1 , it ffc*lt I “ <!• of *• <■’ hup *- I ir.ri-’.detu eve y r to t! ;l;.olc of the A ate. 1 .- j j :,n j:i the fttilov* i.''j l * ‘ ls , r ' J Liy : J I!.* h.ill place ot.n (.:’ laid \Vi,ti! in I t .,J, Mil. Wand of tfii., (• .. t*t i-.'i rC) j f ii.’ it ward,, whi i fill.- f h *ve bur 1 v.itrfi- | t> *in i! both; and Gi *a 1 ‘ bit* *v Vvar- 1 ‘ ft,all also liave init ot V\ -i.iuari in ttr’iui j var'b ; a’ (i be fba:l alio )..* 0 *iii, i v/ , j „!•, 0., the v.h .ives be! •* t!- bit.)', dilfrib- | them in iu-!i n: .titter, . tr. y stflor<bl).e j licit general ptotedtioo ; tt.d t: - j Hull f,e lb rc; Hated, a * m t to be* placed e.-erv I jiiglit in the fame ward, but fuail beep wauf., in the different ward** itid pia. .-e as a.oielaiJ,* . ’innately & hi rotation. “(I. A nii r n iii *1 “t* Orri.iiM.n by) the ae'botity ub r mi* *, l! i tt. ‘ !l b* tlie ( ■duty ol the Superitetti.lar tt t viii: the dtiler rnt wotfbimn, tv.:; at h-f.t t I the eouri* of every 1,.*, lit, arid la* hi.. 1 r. ..e a i*,>*it .i , , vr ; in; l?. the Mayor every mount, 2, letting frith tiie flatiou and tomhicl of eveiy man on duty, in the ((itilfe of the mplit, and a,to tl*. occurrence* of the i.o e. <t.*d the laid v. -rliim-n ft(.*i! &ro\ .indwala tl.rotwh t'e j, , , It, ■ . , I. and pines a “.,* lied to iicin ,;, .'*■ •!;■■ night, and wbiilb on and it), iltall he c u e:'i and vigilant in keeping ).va,*e ti gend ord *r within tipt ‘ml city, *: ‘• i.iali ulc their best endeavors to ptevmi: l.r , robbe*its, mur ders and o'her outrages arid tlif irder ; and to , t,• ; I they 1!;..!! a ail times v.ln.’i called on, he aiding and alii fling to t!ie Magiiirates (,Ith * city, am! parti tdarly attentive to any orders which they may re. ive from time u time, rclpe&ing the nature* of ti.cir duty. sd. And hi. ir Or.BAiuiD by the authority utorefaid, tiiut it Ibail lie the* duty of tile laid watchmen, and they ar. here by r**'le:l(i 1( iipprel.: nd l'l l V P* I foil l, gUj;- (and it: any riot or bl'e'uh of the pi a a*', . lii.ifl sany Inch person or ptrfous befoie the Jiipi tintend Jttt, who ihali enquire into the c.iufe o! luth apprebeti? on or irrt'f, and if lie find fufficit-nt eatiie tiiercfor, he commtt futit *fl * d**r or uliemlore to p'‘i* it, tmd w.tfi iu tan iitv-inur hour h alter I*. i arreif, fhail liialtc regular information tl ■■re i to he lilay oi >, on * . “.he Aldermen, so that ti * oile::- der or ’’l is may be dealt With tile !i . dircels; ex. it fhull also lie the duty o! the fai I v i (lunen to (fifj*ci 1, . and ..h.‘ ....i.c* of m to.s agreeable to the patrol !...*/; and in case any Afuiitto or M.ilatiui t, lie; io . **'*/,(ter, or li ny person of co*or f'.. >t f*( I,'iuiui ou of -hi*, her or tilt it owner’s or *-m; it *, *•■ *. !:ouf* s or cm lo ljre‘.„Hft(*r drum-beat, wu iiout ■* open ticket, or fo.ii.* \. ‘* ‘.* pm .on with him, her ortiv-.n, tliey may and *1t..1l be tp; i in . i kyth'*fa.d W'atehnti i -ranyof titei.:. ."i coniimt. and to Coal ami tliecv* be a *;:i:t.ed i ttl the Coalers f, m t i •]• „id l>y In. mor the * OV.'IU I or etii ptoyeiH. Prt . ev! tht it ih if I* ’ th ..*ty es tile lupt*t lute.idal tto givi ;. : . of the urre.t ai..l colifme la :.t “u*. *; to Ids owner, if he reli'i, * the * .*), within twenty four m uts afu.r the commitment of the* Have. -Ills. A::u ti vtiKruEit ouDAiKro Dy the authority uierefuid, that if any person nr perfoni llia'l afiitult. abule, strike or in any w ay or manner **opofe,uioJed, or inlerrti| t the la* peri'Jtendattt or un • o’ (lie Watchmen in the execution of ti.i*ii duty, every f'ucii person or pn ions ihali upon eonviel on tiierco* hi fore l.nuri 1 1, pay aline not exeeidiog tmrty ciol hn s, and lie bound over to the peace fur time as Cleaned may direct ; and the said 1- p “untend:.ut and Watchmen, .or at vol them, are her by authorized and empowered in case <1 i.eceliity ormii-eucy, to denial.d ti.e aid and afintatice of any ciiivcii or cite.tens ; and ail and eve y piifntt or potions I'tluii* . or negledirg tOLivefucli aid and alii tame v.:t rtq.i*ted, fllall pay a fine nut exceeding t- ‘ : dollar *, with colls, ..:.*! charges, to be recovered before Coun cil. ."tli. Anp nr it rDRTHPR or paincd by the authority afoief.r.d, that it -of the laid \V,u ‘ii'iun alter h lviug t kvr lup any vh.Jc or fret* per■‘•mi et in tlon.s ol color, in>:o or i.i ■ jrrcur.**, il av j or ilavfji in tlu* i xi\ .;son of tin* tint it * rcquirt l by till’ or ai.y - 1 ci Jh.tll be convK'.t vl b-'oio n..cil o r remit”; ;t bribe for 11 hr any Ijvi. p *uon or j>er - 1 m>, he or they lhai. be lined in a loin not m one t.iomhs pa), a..d be ddmilTcd from Jihe ervice. nth. An - l'* jT further ohohikdd by the authority aforeluul, that hr laid lupenti t"!r!.i::i ar..i e.ub ci vi e V* u'hmen id to 1<• t. ; . i, lit ail e:: ■ll i...j bond with iuchic i>'i \ end p I'/ a. counc 1 inity regulate, t • > > vl li.r tin ju v Titta ice ot alt the du* t. leijuire ! by tio> Oivi unci . and for com* j iHv \n ith vli Hub nib > a;.d or iers, as coun iii ill i !'.i!!i time t mu e. ablith sot the re :lt.*:i ot im-i Idpi; inttindant mid Watch i t i : a J ill dciault cl pulonnuig the duties l ;:ivvl by ti* > odi. auce, or of compliance , v ita iiuh i ui Juj'c after a- ellablilhed, ti e laid l>iju i citemiaut aid each o the laid •‘Watchmen hail upuii uonvhiiou thereof bt> i r.- c'oiit.l, forfeit a funi '*t exceeding’ one on hs pay and ,v difiiuilcd icom the lei vice at t ’ diicret,uni o ; UounciU ,th. An m i’ arm * otuAiNrn by the - ~ ’u: ifv afwv'! u the iuperipfendant lhai! be ai.h<\\id ‘ >tv dulUn*|er moiub, pay u bb tU'-'ithly. a ltd ouch ol the laid W atotiuu ii Jhail be ;o\\ > 1 .thirty duiLus per Juouth, pav* jbie monthly. lis bui NCIL, v\\n at, ‘<£ I h November 1 riti. t > . % . . ♦ a, t \., t JOUN \. NOIX, Uayo%, Al t Xi/j JOB T. BOLLES, c. c. An Ordinance, “T* .!■ / ui £ enii/uJ (J. <’nje;r, U raid -tyutj cr tit iup v f .i of a W itch in i • City •/ c-i ./Ji-v.. .o# 7-i J*y ■/ jScfi. • QKi'.'lXl I>. Vy tl.t V.:yor an I I j , 0 n r S*vsui,ih, ir: ~vil dIU it i*hereby by ;t}u jivboruv ti <* ‘ i niy 1 ii.,t K> muc'i <>i f iv\ion < the aiWi'fud ui^’v.ia> , v .cs k I'iX - l-o' 1 -11 fry i >'*:] •<;.. Utritfvuti. J,, ami io touch th•cot its ui|> •-j j s ~ ■ ,s 'l’ ’* luitft ‘. liUiiit'i'.'s* SUV j V i.x. -s'. %y ptr-.s s it*’ eft'-. | ■ nit> .)i U>U .s4W> b‘ > • UiJ iiwisik J * ueu s j kJ-Sj'tiitti. _ l| A.*t) ■’ tr test is rx o3%v*r, ty the *ut r*y afm***:aid, That the follow tug tax flisil be levied ar.d rr*lle'el'*d in like manner t : din died ay tin* afore-t .td Ordinance ft r the -vying and colh iVir.g o. the tax thereby ir.t p*,i* ‘ , t ... if ; (;. a 1 iteu..,, be .dii ; ,J , Lots and Wharei ** owned i.v perfon* refeiing out of the iiti.its of tiiis fiate*. a* well unimproved as improved, tliiitj feve*u and an iralf cetits for every hundred dollar* v due thereof, to be p t ti by tiie owner thereof, Ids agent or attor ney. Un all good* a:..1 March .idize, not the produce td and .s ffate, wliich fhail hereafter be fold o.t cou.i.ifiion by any person rending within the ii.v.iu of till* city, (except such good* and metcba idiz*; as fit all be o.d at pub c Auclioti,) the fun of fifty cents on every ) hntidri and dollar* value ol the invoice price there of', to lie paid by tie* person felling the fame : I And it (lia'i lie the duty of every commiflion | merchant, or other t erfoa telling good* o- I; chain.fze on commiflion within the limits :o. tl.: citv, to m ike just and true returns | the! t*. ion oath to tiie City Treasurer, on the I ti.e firlt day of January, and un the firlt day joi May, every year aider the passing of tfiis ! Urthnar..’ ; jud lie or tney the time of j making i.ich returns, pay into the ti eafury of t tins city, t.he amount of ;ax to which the laid I goo J.merehattdize fhail lie fubjeft by vir j toe of ibis Urtiiiiauce ; a.:(t in default of ma j Ling such return, it and may be lawtnl ! for the City Treasurer within twenty days i thereafter, from tire licit information which lie it.” obtain, u* aifefs the value of all good-, and j n.'-tchamlize which may have been fold as a i forclaid, b; every lath person in default, and la warrior of dillrefa for the amount of tax con fonnably to laid at!el .merit, .‘hall forthwith he .fluid by t!)e Trealmer, ilirehted to the city ’ Marshal, againfl tiie goods and chatties of e ! very such defaulter, and aifo againlt the goods ’ atnS chatties of every person who fhail make a rettrn, hut fhail neglect to pay the amount of ills, her or their tax as alorefaid, at the time of tint mg I*., fa return ; and such other pro il e mg. fhail he had thereon as are directed ► y*th Cxth fcdliou of tiie before i ce.ted Ordt n„i*'e. V. 0 11K IT WITHER OR OAIN ED, Bytht* aihi.i.rity aforefaid, ‘1 hat a tax of fifty cents Inal he levied ami p.iul ou every hundred dol lar* value ol the invoice price of all good: and nitrcliaiiliiZe, which fhail be ex poind til fide wiliin tiie limits ol this city by any uon-reli do.t, mi l .hat any non-refulent who l!;all ex pa.* to Jale any goods or merchandize in this cit', ihali on In* arrival, or within .even d.*j , alt r entering the lame, make return on oath am give Jecurity to the J’reafurer ol the City to jay tiie aforefaid tax within three months (jit.ea/ter; and iii t.ile any such iioii-relident Hull nci jeci or relufe to make a revurii as a fo efaid, it Iha i he the duty of the city i rea lircr to .df. ls the value ol the laid goods ac coding to the licit of his information, and full other proceedings fliall take place for lt cu ing uti.l compelling the payment of the laid tat, as are provided in and by this Ordinance io coiietilinjj the tax of defauittn commiiliu.i 111 fell ill . And be it further ordained, ‘Ey tbs authority .iJiirefaid, Thatevery nthe wliitein hakitant of il is city, above the age of twenty iac year.", who may nut Ollier wife he lubjeel t> payment ol a ta*, eijual to live dollars liy “iriue of the afoiefaid Ordinance, {hall pay a t \ ol two dollars, any thing m the laid Oriii lance to liu contrary hertof, notwithltaudmg. Ano me n ruai HiK oko.uneb, By the inthority aforefaid, That the ajTeflimnt which i ■ ii ell made and returned Ivy virtue ol “ An Urdu mice to raile a fuifa for ti e lupporv oi, ; Wauli in the City ol Savannah,” palled ti e fcrenth of April, oue thousand eight hundred n a fix, lliall be teviled ind corrected in the xi inner, and by the persons herein alter point ed out —that is to lay: confa i g ol three Aldermen to be appointed O'leth rpe, Franklin, l.iberty and i.lbeit Vi a ili; a committee if three Aldermen for Decker, IButhcote and Darby Wards; and a j committee oi three Aldermen for Warren, Wuihinaton, Greene and Columbia Wards— | ami it flail be the duty of the laid com muters to revile the laid alfeisnient lo made ,a’ 1 retiirned, anil to rt value tilt* propel ty as l teiled ui and lot the wards tu winch they ace rcli i Clively appointed. A Nil c |C FUR 1 HER ordained, Tint it ili.ill lie the duty cl tile laid committees res pec tvely er ai.| two ol the Aldermen contpo nn,; til. lame, ill each oi the diftridsabove Ipe cilicd ; and they me hereby authurifed and re iiuued, within iifteen days after the palling of . tins Ordinance, to revile the said allclsnietit, to rc-. ibi and re-value ail property within .'he U ards refpedlively, and to make re . turns to tiie Clerk ol the corporation, certified tid fg'ri 1 l>y llte said committees rclpteliveiy, or a majority oi them, which returns (hall lpe vity aiid > numerate the property afletleil.cU ar : I; and linlindly, and lhall also contain and havi annexed th. teto tile value by them so ielled upon the i-idpropert An > re :r ei ktuer ordained, That to lei'.i a. the fan! returns full have beeii ato the . .1. - , j) it {hall be the du !.)■ id tin .lerk to give | üblic notice thereof by advci: n. incut in two oi the public Gazettes i t.c city and that airy’ person or p.. .lolls who may conCdee him, her, or themfeives ag giiev. Iby any valuation of his, her r their projK-rty which may have been so made and returned, may enter an appeal thenon in the i clerk’ wuhi.i ten day. after the publics. tmn ol .uch general notice, and the cleik ffiail I l>i alio wed lor the entry of each appeal, fry j ce: tc, to be paid by tin appellant. And the j City Comi il are tureby authorized and re.po red at the next regular meeting, after the time limited far eutermg appeals as aforefaid full have expired, to decide on luch appeals, and al to, to decide on the valuations so made ar.d re turned, by adding to or deducting fro n anv or either ot them; and that tiie said .'.iTelfments and valuations ; i returned, when reviled, cor rected and decided axil by tl.e City Council, tbail be final ami condulive. A.v t ui i:• nu riitK o* DAth r.ri, That r tlx- laid all's llmmiti. lli-li have bet 11 revi fs*.l, cm reefed and decided on in tlie manner herein 1 , for. dficc’.e.l, they Cull he delivered to th. City Trralurer, whole duty it iball be to r. reive the > lb alTcTeJ,and lhall be al lowed as a cnntptJilbuaafur the additional ler vice ot r e .-ivtnjj and payin'; the money to be levied and rail. .1 by virtue of this and the be iore recited Oidtn.tncc, ot and a half per oen turn,out oi the money to to be railed. Asp r !i ecu rut* .oiunAiNrn, That within thirty day. after a notification lhall have been j'til'liflistd by the Trealorcr, that the allecmcms hare been 10.1j.0d with him, the perlotu myi. cl to taxation by thus and the he- I tore iexited Oi'dir.mite, Jhail pa. the amount of their alielhnents relpretively to .he 1 ream, rer, and in delimit c't payment the pe riod limited as atoref nd, each and every dciui pient Inalf be procce.vd a,;.inti fur recovery of their relp.cbjve taxes in the manner pointed out by the fixtli ami iVventh lections cf the ” Otalinarc. 1 to ra:ie a lund for the iujnvr; ol i Watch il’ the City o; Sjvamiab,” palled th lev th of April, one thoulhml e t ;lu hundred and fix. IX COCNCILs v.uxr.ui, nth Nov. lji'ti. > A . SEPI 1 j.. S. ! JOHN NO El., Mato*. A1 JM T .'O3. T. EOU-E3, C. C. ARISTOTLE. In the I.'nxicon of St.i.lgs* is the foi lowin siibiime p .ssa;. which t’cscribet. thc genius t*.;,d taleni t.f that great fa ther of ancient philosophy. ‘I i:c line turn of the expiession carries with i; evident proof of it;* ciigir.Ming from sonic (i” cl*: writer of the purest ages. “ Ai'istotie was the secretary of Nature : lie dipped hi., pen iii intellect. In an apology for vagrants, the writer pleading for “ The friendless, horr. less objects of despair,” thus hutifully def'eribe; the causes which r.iitv lit.'.e, prtjdti"’ : heir wi ctehedness. Perhaps on fome ir.hofpitable hi ore The houfelef, wretch, a widow’d parent bore ; Who, then, no mo-e by golden profpecla led, Os tiie poor Indian brgg’d a leafy bets. Cold on Canadian hills, or Minden’s plain, Perhaps that parent mourn’d her soldier llain ; Bent o’er her babe, her eye diffolv’d in dew, The big drops mingling with the milk he drew, , Gave tiie fa,l presage of his future years, T.he child cf jr.ifery, baptis’d iu tears. SUNDAY MONITOR, No. VII. “ EE JUST ANI) IE Alt NOT i” IS as excellent a maxim as ever af forded consolation to the breast of recti tude.—lu our career of iife, eve find ex po: i. hce continually shewing to us, that to deM justly, and to act fairly, arc*, the only ways to acquire the good things of this world* and to obtain that peace of mindj which superior to the little ills with which a vicious vorld is filled, can SMIJ.E ON Tl IE WE AC IHAI. A NX, AN 1) defy its kokce. To wliat but the in nate evidence ol ti is Tilth, can we attri bute the sayings and ieeiing-.d'children, i rt specting right, cowluct i ‘1 hey early have impressed upon them an idea, that defrauding even in flay will not he pros perous : A ; mankind have advanced in life, tliey have invu.i. hiy seen, that the goods obtained even by vr; y ward me thods which are noteu her illegal, or in tiie eyes of the wojd, disreputable, have suddenly di*sipat.ef, and scan e It ftbe nefit behind ilu. vi wliilc tiie propertv acquired by iioneft industry, frugality and uUemion, ha -.pio ;*d it, stability by the bless'; is ii lpth entitled, and the pt nspc* • lit” itiding it, unimpaired to post ••'*.\. T ie fueans ti ed, the pains taken, ,u:i the ;.!* projected to procure an unlair * v;-* aie, often causes more labut a’ 1 study, flan would lx: necessa y to acquire ! i io as much in a repu table and h*• si .uanner. See the in gcn-.iitr txciYiset’ by those who are the objects j( legal j'rnis'omcr.t. Observe with what mechanical art and almost scientific genius, they will construct ma chines, u'.rd and vise plans for wronging society, ltd :obking other people of their honestly tie. tired properly. Half the laltiiisexci'ci.setl in ti reputable way xviuld secure them honor, and fortune ; instead of which poverty always haunts, and disgrace is sure to overtake them. The evidence of tins* truths are conti nu illy to he seen ; And as the first ini- : pressions made on the minds of youth are favorable ; it must die attributed to unaccountable in attention, that they are so little regart.ed, or that injustice, fraud, and over lead irig are not banished from the world. Ye Parents ‘. endeavor to strengthen tluse first impressions on veur children—plant them deep, refresh them with the lew of admonition ; nur ture them as t! ey grow into years, and secure them, that they may withstand the mildews ot injustice, or unfairness. From a NLW-YORK PAPER. 1 f!> ‘ ’following a e the regulations by which the ness is lettered in the Fast-Indies. in the year 1800, thev were sent clhci lly by die Secretaries of the different v ovenunents in India to Editors of News-papers at the’Respec tive pt c idencies ol Calcutta, Madras and Romhav. i Krup.'ui ns respecting the publi ’ catii.n . i new -.papers at this presidency* viz Ist. Every printer of a newspaper to ptim In. name at the bottom of the pa per. and I. livery Editor anil proprietor ot a pan.. to deliver in his name and place , ot abode to the secretary to * government, j 3cl. N paper to lx; published on Sun | day. 4th. No paper to be published at all, until it shall have been previously in spected by the secretary to the govem j mint, or by n person authorised by him for that purpose. sth. The penalty for offending ..gainst any of the above regu lations, lx- the immediate embarkation for .Europe. Rules for the guidance of the secre tary to government i:i revising the news papers Ist. To prevent the publica tion of all observations on the state <1 public credit, or the revenue s, or the fi nances of,the company. id. All obser vations respecting the embarkation of troops, stores, or specie, or respecting any naval or military preparations w hat ever 3d. All intelligence respecting the destination of any ships, or the ex pectation of any, whether lielongiiig to the company or to individuals, ,4th. All observations with respect to the can duct of government, or any of its officers, civil or military, marine, commercial oi judicial, f- h. All private scandal -or li-, ■els on inch Is. >6th. All sentiments wi.h regard to ft>i- prdbabilitv of war or’ peace between tin ccrnpanv and a .v cf he native powers. 7th. All cb enations len.liivg to convey information ,o an en emy, or to excite alarm or .commotion’ within the enemy’s territories. 41th. file repuhlicution of such passages from the l'.nropcan newspapers, as nay torn’. to eflFeet tlie infirm e and credit of the British power w LUi lire native states. PARIS, September 26. I.ett-rfsc;n hii Majetiu th- Lm/ierx’ art. Kin;-, i'j /;• eminent hltihnez.s ths J’t ,?.c< l J ,\n::ltc : My ISROTiiEit, The form (.four commur.icatl; r.s ir our quaiity of prelector, with tiie Sov ereigns assembled in Congres; at Frank fort, i:ot being yet determined, we have considered that nothing could be more suitable than to* address the pi esent let ter io your eminent highness, in order that it may ire comlnunicatcd to the two Colleges. In truth, what organ c.ui >•**.• more naturally choose, than that of a Prince, to who e wisdom has been <cr fided the task of preparing the first fun damental statute. We skerid lave waited until that statute had teen decre ed by the Congress, and had been com municated to us, if it did not contain dis positions which personally regard us. That alone, has induced us to take to ourselves tiie initr.tive, b: erdor to submit our sentiments and our reiiccftons to the w isdom of the Confederated Prince:;. When we accepted the title of Prc- • tec tor of the Confederation of the If inc, we had nothing in view but to establish in right what had existed in fact for ma ny ages. In accepting it, we contrac ted the double obligation of guarantee ing the territories of the Confederation I against foreign troops, and the tcni'orv I of each Confederate against the cm, -’ ; prizes of others. These all-prcscrvicg | obligations are plearing to olir hearts ; I they are confoi n;able to seniiments i . ol benevolence and tiiendship of which 1 we have, without cetuing, pi.en proofs! to the Members of the Confech ration.— i’.ut these out duties towards them end. We do not w ith to be understood as ar rogating to ourselves, tiuit poitk.i of sovereignty which was exercised by the ; I'.mperor .ol (leruiaoy as bovereign.*— j The government of the people whom Providence has cr,ntided to us, occupies all our time ; we could not see an ip -11 * ase “f our obligatit ns witfc< datm. A * v, c do m.t v, i h to be ascribed to us tiie good w hich sovereigns may effect in. : Iheir states, neither <!o v. e with to be imputed tons the evils which ti.e vi( issi tucles ol hum. n affairs mav introduce. 1 be internal a*..j*s oi each state, we do 5 not regard. The Princes of the Con ic deration of the Rhine are sov ereit us, ! w ithout any sovereign over them. \Ve have recognized them as such. The discussions which they may have with their subjects cannot, therefore, be bvo’t before a foreign The Diet is the tribunal whore office is to maintain peace lietween the different so: ereigns who compose the Confederation. Hav ing recognised all the othci prh ceswho form the Germanic botiv, as indepen dent sovereigns, we cannot recognize anyone as their sovereign. We have no relations of sovereignty with the con ic dot a tit.n (.( tile j, i .tiie, but tncrely those ot simple protection. More powerful than the Confederate Piinoes, we wish i to-use the •superiority of our power, not } to restrain their ri; hts of (overeigntv, j but to guarantee their tig tis iii their plenitude. \\ C pray f.od, niv hrothri’, that we nicy have, you in his hoiy and worthy ; * , D j vdven at our Imperial Pat ace of St. 1 Cloud, the Uth oi beptemhe., ISO 6. ! NAPOLEON. ; Certified to be confct rouble t • the ori-; ginal. Ahe IVtinistet ior foreign aSkL - .. j C. M. TALI EVKAND, j J 3 ? ::icc c/’ J3i .. \ cnto, j SALEM. November I’. TIIE S\i • I’M F.\ t-Jmji.i Marikkl Society yesterday held their annua!l 1 elebration. ’i he .procession v is fh'. m- ] cd at 11 o’clock, and moved from their j Museum, escoi'/ dhy the Salem A‘ ti : - i lery Compary, with a band qv -music,! under lieut. Hussell, through the princi-! pal streets in the town. As they- pass-} ed the Derby vrh.. Y, a salute was fired,i tuid the colors on ail the vs ssols in the! harbor and at the wharves were di.plav-i ed. Alter proceeding thro’ tiie town they stopped at. Concert Hall, for re freshment, and then proceeded back to their Museum, where they par took of an elegant feast prepared for the occaMon. After which, the following Toasts were drank, accompanied jritli music by the band : 1. The Salem East-India Marine So cicly—improvement “ahead."’ hau mony “ in the beam,” and party smi te “astern,” hull nowx. 2. “i'he memory oi’ Ileniamin llodgcs, our late President—May his worthy example, by its pure light, illu minate and cherish this institution, ol which he was so bright an ornament. 3. Our brethren who kav, -fallen in a foreign land —May the sympathy'of a 1 brother never be,wanting for the.- ■ w jit>s t 1 graves arc Wittered by the tears of a stranger. j 4. 1n -our"intercourse with our breth ren, nut v we discharge our “ duties,” without a “drawback.'” 5. May tie never “ bear away*’ when we see a friend in distress, nor “ luff up” to needless animosities. 6. The enimies of our country—trutv they.-be blcsse.l with Leaky ctb'nipw-Ci’d, Sails inn—Grog spent, Wormy bread—-AViad ahead Cloudy nooiv— At night no moon. Compass lost.—Tenipcst-uisG—A win i ter’s coast. f When this toast wo'• drank, a salute of 16 guns was fired from a full r-jged ship in the Musemn. 7. The good ship “Ameiican Com merce,” Adi atvancf. her cargo—r.v tkriuuzf. and ixDVsrn i her owner x'aih tv'twivc. her ‘actor, and svecuss’ her port of destination. ft, Tl-.e Ocean—the sureorv of valor, .cr.terj! izc, honor a:.d wealth. T If!: _ th ■ i.t” ie..r *:*.* y . - '.er.; - ■ ua cut t.f the “ tegular tua.e'’ jf social duty. ■ 10. M ,v a.: at t very g< o I < • -rr*’ a rt< s, find h: (.'weige i.s irr a.- ; V*; ion. vittf * i ;.*,: mt ret • an, vice ;c prfjndi • 1 •y. r the r.o; izen. I 11. V* l.vai pys I,*|(.\. *j a gt.ic, may I reason “ steeh t i:n. * i.:t : 12. The icvcu'. and cicvgy—the laitfi ; ft: I pilots who c.iriutt is thuugli the .-.toi ** v sea , 1 iki* to the heaven oi peace an# happiness. Ik. I he Aiitilai'v Corps which have acted as an e.vco.t —h i.:.: to the patti (, .: t t’x.d .ii.( ; a cr, ; v, iii* I, have pro c'uted so a spectacle. PIIILADKLkH V, Nov. 14. ahl. b.lg L.iz i, x apt. J:*-,.>!1, sail ed Ironi Xi** -Oilcans the A I t Oelpl.i •* ;;t ‘fir..', time r.ews vcat.ied ti.e citv, that an tii tarn.;>*. ent h. and taken place aetween the Span.ia: t : s on tiie tu.i.tkrj and t eiiefal \ •:.’ \. **,!'.. hi ton sequence > 1 wl.trh, the n.i.iila oi’ tiie ‘i errivorv of Orleans and Mi ri ,ipj i, who had volun teered their services to the number of fi'-'O men ana bad n tticiieii to join Gen. W ilkinson, were on their ieturn to thtir respective districts. No official intelli gence had been received on this subject trom the General, hut conctu; ii.g adv i ■ cs different quarters ie:,pectirtg tiie letinn of the iiiii'uia, icndeied it 11- II tost certain had ta hc.n place ;t.i .(iil is : aid to he agreed that neither the United States nor Spain rhall occupy the ct.ntested country, be tv. cs n the old beuiuiut y and the i i\ er Sa line, until final arrangements aic made between the two goveinii.ciiis icspcci iug imii and. Gci.cral Wilkinson, notwithstanding (■is sma i force, and very unprovided * ‘-tale oi his.snuit bt nd, 1 and advanced bcycuti the Ci and ]!..yo\t, and had t.*- ken a po ition with 300 men at the junc i non oi the iw!s to Aetk.ies and iiaycu *'ie'.T •. ..t width lattei Colonel j Hei rei'a with about ;*- )to 1600 men* | chief!)- tav. ky. w-;,s Colon.,] Cci'dfH , governor of St. An tonio, with a dt tachinent, the number of. which is tot known lay encamped a bout 2 j miles it; the rear cf ilerrara’s foi ce,and tilth: i t 1, the supeiior ofTicers had not joined, i! r taken the command’ when the last account; t caclted Oi lcans, ti detachment oi artillery from the little i ganiiicn of Orleans had matched on tiie 12th cf October on the Western bank of the Missisiptvi to join the general at ! Natchitoches, and tvete to be followed ; on the 22d or 23d by another detach ! ment, wide h weuid j'roceed in two Gun Reals by way of the Missisippi and Red River to the same pit ce ; this reinforce -1 merit would add 100 more brave follow ers to his forces.. Governor Grandyrc, of Eaton Rouge, alarmed at the report of the approach ing departure of the Gun Boats, bad given out that lie would oppose their passage up the river ; but it was believ ed he wot lei not attempt hostilities, al though he had assembled the militia of this district, and had taken every possi ble incusiuc to as.-enable a force more than adequate to the obicct. The liiiiitiu of ti.e city of New-Or- Hans, were caiied ogether on the 17th October, and un'nvmousiy ofl’ered their services to defend xhe territory, and par ticularly the city. They weie accepted by tiie Govetnor, and the following hand bit! w<ts published on the occasion, v. hi.!: will amply refute tlic calumnies i those who have endeavored to per ruarlc the government that the people of Louisiana were not attached pi its i .tusc : Fridcvi, October 17. DISPLAY OF PATRIOTISM. At the muster of the Ist, 2d and 4th regiments of militia this morning, ev< - rv officer, non-comniisvioned ofiicer and private present, > ciuntarily offered iheir services for the defence oftlie ti rritorv, find more pavtictilat ly for the security of the city. j las tend* tfi toivite immediately acre’ dby the governor, and the detachment ordered to t.e mus tered for inspection a. and exercise once ti k. The militia'fere addressed by Cols. Bqllechasse, Macarty, and Dar tier, and also by the Gov.e.’T.or, when he accepted e .tender oftfuiir, OJfetr*, ,Vo> -rt :m> /. cried Officers end ‘Privates ’f ■ j •/. “■! and 4.7/ Re giments <f hlH’tin, ■i. Yout have antk ipt.texl my wishes, and fu!filed my I’xjx'f ‘ations.- J have to trutcunce mv acceptance of the tender ofi-our u- vary sey oies, and to add, that your patriotic conduct will be justlv appreciated Ijv vottr ceuntrv. \V. G. ( . CT'.AIBOiINE, Ncw-Orle.t’is, October 17. Inferior Court, ‘June Tens. UPON the jutiiiaß of Raphael Mor •gaa, relidt of jofepU Morgan dtcei fed, the euabliftcitut of a certain .written agreement, wherein Tho mas S. M’Keno&a became indebted to Phihp liurncman of laid caor.t.y, ia the sum ot one hundred and forty three dol lar- ieve .ty five cents—and that laid Jo seph Morgan in bis ii.‘‘e time, bought said agreement of said Burnerriar, which said agreement isio.i, ot tniflaid ; (jRDERE.f.J, that find sgreemv.t or evidence of debt be iliaiiiuhed as curect td by the fix'.!; ftctioa of tfte jadieiaiy ad, in fuoh vafei, provided, cue notice be; .g give:i o: ti n application agr%cabie tjti't rules ot u.nrt, ui.lehs caufc he five- n to ti;e contri-v. X>) tht Cturi, jror.i the fdi.a'ts. <\. Jones, c. i. t. c. c. OdoLer 24 422 iav-6m ~Tos Fo.OM Ceyen - tU rT'r.e thou'and vslz'it rs prime ...-.1 Cottoi, Apply j.o the priiaert, Nov. ~ it.