Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 09, 1806, Image 3

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republican: ; S.V.dgXAM, ■ ‘ - - : ■ • 0 Subled to 1 ; . ’ ■ ■ Mr. ’ XvANC : . , ; as ufra. doiuj the 1,. Jared party, and is | now n strenuous advocate of co;:iu:cr j ” tru: ;. it r.„ no, i:i the re* e riled an of many cf cur readi rs, that . Mr., v ..s cure th; -.. Mr of the C nneiiim .fiY'.vs/, 3 yd... principles w niclt this paper advocates, are well 1 k-nowr, j —wlie.i he, acted in that capacx- j iy- he laoorei.l luiril to convince this j . omtnur.ity, that the cause i.i r'ederai- 1 run vas the cai:.-,c oi freedom ; but, Are und lie i;.;s at ! discovered die iallacy of that cause w hich lie so lon-p l etoinmc’.ided to others—that cause in which he too long exorcised his talents ; v. c now find him, not unlike an honest and free Lorn sen of Columbia, an open and avowed champion of Republican principles—principles, that ought to actuate every well wisher to this highlv favored land cf Liberty—piineiples, that can bear a strict scrutiny—inci ples, that have been weighed in the bal ance and found not wanting. Wc t:u-.; the uly is not far distant, when the sons of delusion, w hose understandings are shrouded by. the mystery of federalism, wifi throw off tiro veil, and tiien openiy rally round the sf.hoard o's counter I‘MXciPLr.s —then, will they discover the nfonstsr Federalism, in all itshoi rid shapes—then, will they no longer hr tile admirers of the stipend:::s /.’■■ ric rs human invention —then, no longer v.fl! the;: be the disciples of a John Adams ; but, friends to the land that gave them birth—J lends to that Government which administers earn:! cue exact jnice to ell men —supporters cf that Cc.yenimcnt which i., highly (iistingulshed ar-ioi;:- 2<aUo:a>—me AmcYic-m Covciiin.aut. (.'apt. IjcbastLnl, from Madeira, in- ‘ form ■ us, that Mr. Lamar, the Ameri can Gonsul, uiiiortunuiofy it.:. 1 a a bridge, on tho add Octocwr, m . ;.- „• , hi- Hack. The Governor aj.ppoii v d, provasionally, George Day \\ etch, l-.... to attend to the duties id th, ConsuLic ; from win m Cspt. S. received much po- , iile attention. ,[CV;iw.,/ai/i.j A i -’ccrcc of Divorce has been for ms.iy iCu at i avis, of ilte inat'iia e ! between Jcreme lam.-parce aitu Iviiss } lhutursoa, of Baltimore. in. THE LATE LOltD C.'.yrU'OSß, 11 IE late av vti'iiate Lohlcman of this name, though it • is known often to It..i. t.t.. ~,.tc t.;. p *c Ci Lis oven vto lent at;d impemous ivas.- -rs re: ich i.i *ome iii'-t -..;ees hurried him into the most criminal cxccss-r., vetevim !, many occasions, ami.; iKrs of dispo sition, a for itse a. rate:..! l .*, ait i a persav. rin : .... luicy i.i the attaii at nt of it, tha, v. cuici, Jmd his conduct been TeguiaiCi. bv the sulutacv nreccy's of Christianity, instead ot the spurious “ laws of r.0r.0r,” have rcnch tv .1 him at once an ce.'.ament ‘and a blessing to so ciety. “ licit with the talents of an An i;ei” says the judicious Dr. Young, .J man may be a fuel.” If he judge amiss 1 in the ■ upreme point, jud in; right in sell else, but aggravates , >]ly, as it t-iu.-ws him wrong, though blest with the best capacity of being li.yht. The presence of his Lordship is JtnowT., however, to have had apov.oi-! in ei.cct m repressim-- the impci,c-! ranee of the t-i lt haituk, the; ins sand coni lely. of the C'oi ii m. cl ind< , ■ in inspiring j all with a cal riots sm.r.CTiox • . 1 il'gU p'C., ii'.i. SuOUKi l.iw IV. .litis it ca cd'tt < tj iats v : h their b! ■>d a o.'t-x tor,; wo. Os the terror which thei V) tme- o Lord C .•.meuord carried to the j ii.hiiL cf'thc would-hc gouUcnirn of the j Iy—iv following is ludicrous et:am-| M■ v ..... it instances in his I xn d hip; d'tpre oi mode ration vh'rii, from his J <■■■■ .Eti.'.i. meter, e should scared v * li.iai , f . I.:m to ];■•. i ;s. Lu 11.:.;.; ere evening a Coffee-, 1 h in Coiidiu-etrect, I.o:. ion, \ ]i bis Lonishipa frequented, meanly at.!red l -> >•-, I.;. # nr. (': ,vu to , ,n tile p oer oi the cay. Loon r-Vp cruic in U i ■ ill to —a .. . at vno lb a\V hi.!.tea i.itO the onpo:-.: seat of fie same box with fr rd (. . ami in a -.icsi censcqutiiiia. t aw, i . ved oul, ‘• Waiter 1 bring in a pint of Ma deira, and a couple of Wax Caidfe and pit them i.i ti. ■ i -,-t ...” JI • then <."xu to liiinst- i L'* , C'i ct’-i'’ c. ;i ,:i •. J :~s!f to :-cr. !._ . I1:; I.:-: , v.o ; -,. c l * iu ii look t t... : v. ji. b.s. ei - j>rhi > c.|>i; -s a.:: tie iv- c, c ’ -i: -;cd to 4 0 , . jiltC. i. , Jt. . - *'. V . / ii fre-appeared, art a vkit a : :• do ofj t- .s. JIiiCJUS i/O'iV ■ . ], 1 i ..... i- ■ . d r . oi ) ■ - T Jil V 1:0 ii. . . 1-.: .o< | J i*-t> 1 -is bo::. }:• i.-i.i; ; t'i.i lir rj I* . ■ ..i.i c./'. r . out t.t a v.i.riiii’ t .at to that a . 1 Wa.tei !; ii! • a < r ‘."h r ! t • v~tien bis I Si ‘) ‘! v, a v :v; id ! ! j 11 ‘ I*)\ ii ‘.. . ( ii }. s, r ,un oi t 1 o*h hi c:-.rO s, ::.-i :.i-’ fc'GV ,V IV'.U! i"ti ‘ ii‘S SC.". i’h'.i ii:*|* J t i.ii v?.’~v. f.:* the U.t! j lOui .::. out, “ 1 vuucr ! • r I • t r ilO t.;e and lis t..'s f< .iOV tl*"t Ti At! , j U.Ui to i. b : VYkc i.? he ? Wlw is he ? Whnfdo ,hcV calf !! *ui f ’ • Lord Came!ibid, ?ir, s: id the *• mtcr. “k ho 1 b(i... t ..melford . re turned tlie former, in a tone cf vcics j carce'y audible; her im-struck at ihe j re “1 ec'.ion of ids own im;, i ; a... aim;,st ,l(.ul.iua>’ v.hi her I.a was | j - r*il in enii icncc. *• I.oul Came curd 111 1 ■.Yarn have 1 to pay Gll being told j ‘io h'iu down his store, and actually ! syoi e AWAY wither., oaring to tal.o Madeira. Lon. fop. Charleston-, Xov. 29. hi aul v 1 /; o;<vi/. vr. On the 3th instant, a motion w as made “ 5 y J- lb Davies, esq. DLuict Attorney jot the L ruled States, in the Federal Ov Kentucky, charging Aaron j Burr, .esq. with mo h c.himks and jitr.- 1 nr m k ocus in being engaged is. pvepa -1 sing a Military Expedition for the pur !*“•'• ol descending the Ohio and Ali-sis . sippi, and un king an attack on the fro vtnees of a.’ xho, the westwatxily ’ side of Lottisiana, which said provinces | belong to the King oi Spain, with whom j .In L ni’ •'.! States arc at peace. : Mr. 1 ’ ’vies stated, that he could also ‘prove, that the AY stern were Inc next object ol the scheme; and ( : m'.aiiy. : a tne rejiion of the Ohio is ral j cubit cd as falling into the vortex of the new proposed revolution. 1 j \\ heiefore said attorney prayed the court, lint line process issue, to compel . ; file personal appearance of said Aaron Burr, Ik fore • s id court; and to stay lurther preparation and proceedings in ’ Sniii armament. ■j Judge limes overruled the motion of i.ihii Attorney o, the, Giiiioc! Stales—on 1 tire grounds that the court were net i vested with powei; and if they were, ii**a( in.■ e\n ence va, not sufficient. ’ 1 The Attorney then moved ti!r a war -, rant to summon a grand jury, before jwnoni l.e would prei-.-run indictment p(‘-P.a.nst col. burr. ‘i his the court im ! u.e i..’u. b yraited. vfler Lee Iry were j Hilled, c-I. liurr entered. utter, cd’bv hi . cottiitic:, il. Clay, esc;, rnd addressed the j < onrt ii vi idii t tion (ft lie ch v : pr< fc; - :\d ay..:", t imn. .Viter which ihe fur jincr heal unr ot t:i” c ause i as postponed • |io the l.'Uh Xov. when this impoitani . |triJ will be decided. Drcr-:’y 1; 1. l_ 7r ,:,n i• I lay it- —By advice 1 ftonj Cape-Fraucoin, \:.s Alexta dm,in- Dl’ lnt.'.ioii wcc'vul, th.. t.•F. to .or (Deseafii es had been ass: ssniatcd*. F • aoocaiß, I hat pucviolTs to thi. he had 01 . and the ( ~! C. nan, at POll -.8,! . , 1 / W* -4 iai , (I.U L/GiKT< i JiCcLOt ‘ lit IHv.’ i to he su j.—■••liich \v. ~ *.. cral , cn his piincTprvi officers uid be m-cxecut 1, uto his death. F.o certain account of the sitn tt.D'l Cil and. ■ .\;',Ci'l ‘.i11... 1 IV I‘. ('*-|\ v!, hi:*. •he Island is suitdi to t.iit j i.jt.i i.i a ; o-"e..t a “merit. 1 _ . •.. J),f, utci —.(. Fester, v. .to a..“ iyed i.t Boston on S..turday ihe ! . :v. 111 23 .k.yn lioui ’Fitoidatl, in >l •• s, th it thi. e and ys p e\ us to his ■ • ing, tha! Mr. lor, v. lit had m !>pked in tpo expidition with Miranda, jvsshed ll.ii. pi -e, ivid. the t- peasant ■ ltelligcnce ol ,ei cfeat, in landing at *’*C Gan.’ \:x-. lit stated, that the 1e ■ 1 .ilirandu li.iil .’(’.ted at I ii ‘lick'd, did ir 1 amount to mo re than ; that with this ; dditional force, he ha.! pnicet-Icii on his ey.|ieoi;icii ; but y i . his hiiic'.iag, wv.s attach 'd totally defeated ; that Miranda G..'( 1 i tllC CIV. BjCYi'LYF. the HTo Hcv ]).;.!••. of his troops ; and with much difficulty ‘ ec’ireti hi . 4 i'cirer.t with, tlie vreck e. hi-, i-tlc c.ruiy, hi i r •_ o. the mv.idi vesstfs j helonj-ing to his squadron—that the Lc . aF.der was a.-o captured, and capt. John- I son, tvlio comment it ,1 her, and most oi u.uccitune beheaded. Deccxrbcr 2. j r - ; ’.e ship .[’ ‘lh, V. akois, arrived j (ioiii Iluml ‘ jus.t as v. e w ere parting I our BTcrti p. ■■•••. Wlicn cap'. Was- Itevssaile 1, ‘ 1 October) a report was • in circulati .•>, that the Conti Inu 1 War ha ■ eon ;:v. need, a.;! I hat au (;i,.pp(- ’iicait h.r.d tai.en between the ......i russians, lh which tlie for— nis- were demated, v.i'h the 10- ; s of j ‘-20,00.) men. By this ami a! we have been favoured with Hamburg papers to the loth October.—Translations from i's V- v. ill be given to-morrow, j Bonaparte joined his army, and rc . viewed them near Frankfort, on the 2d I V.IOOCI*. ! Letters from Hamburg, of the 9th j October, state, that 1 lie combined Prus j : ._2i and Armie .. had , Irate:! tneir ibices, and were within a I ‘ try short clistance of the French Ar- I inv —At that date, a battle was moment |)y e>'.]Xscted. All the Pacific Vcy ia , tor- and Ministers, arc stated to hare left l Paris. • i C ; l't- Sherman, arrived here from Malaga, informs, that early in September, as the U. States fchooner < Enterprise, captain Torter, palled A'gefiras, he was fired at ar.d attacked bpatiiih gun-boats, upon which l.e bare down on them until within !. !, without returning their fire; bat, on finding that they (f .. continued firing, riotvithitanding his col <: r s were hoi (led, he poured into the cons a lew kruad-fidcs, which made them link into their Ik hiking-bole* Norfolk Ledg. I Grand Lodge. r ’s"‘ , iir! SIL-viv-th ‘f the GItA. \L) jL I.ODGK ’f G >rg.'u. and tin- r ■<- fx-dvr Lodge*:, b.j ‘/•'!!■ /tro/ter Jieftre ; r.rntatioes, err ratified to attnul at the : l.r>iy,i. lirjOM in the El t UVi the firtt IV i f ’.tva? In lint v: mt h at three ! o'clock i:i th’ uftcncioii, bring a Grand | Guartnln C.miiiunicaiini , and. the ntuted ’ fjr the annual El-iti.n of Grand ; Gjjlcri. By order of tlto Hight Worthir.ful . j :*ar.d iio-s t r, S. 11. STACiiUTw* ii’., fi. Srr’iT. 10-v. u i:r For London 1 , t::s ship MARTHA WASHINGTON Jfalentire fias-ty, master ; ‘"s’-■■*•■•■ _v; nlv ,atiry her cargo at five Faclicm It 0, expeiSed to fail in two or ihreo wet ks irrm rh s ilay. For freight ot Cotton, Hire or Tfb’ the Cahnv or hetvvtcn decks, apply to the mailer on hoard, or to NICIIOL TURNCUI.L. D - c - 4 Ct ,U GEORGIA,*) BY Tfaac Crews clerk L. 8. j of the court cf Ordinary Ifvac Crews. J for the county of Cam den. n said lla te. ‘VV’T'HEREAS James Seagrove of yty tlie town of St. Mary’s, tfq. applies for letters of adminillration on the ellate and effedfs of Wiliiam Floge, late of St. Mary’s, dec’d. as piiucipal credi or. Tltcfe are theretore to cite and admoniili t.ll and fingolar the kind red ar.d creditors of the deceased to file ‘.heir c-bjections (if any they have 1 ) in rr.y t ffice, on cr hetore the full Monday in Januaiy next, otherwise letters of ad tninidration will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal, this eight day of November, ißc6, and in the 3tit year of American Indepen dence. 34 U r )n . IVoodbridge, • TEGS leave to acquaint his friends E3 5c ihe public of his riturn fromHam turgh, with a complete aflbrtmcnt of OILMAN GOODS, Which, together with a general affort mtnt of GiIOCIiRIES, lie is now opening ?t tlie new-brick Building, Bolton’s wharf, and oilers for fate at realonabe piiccs, tor Calhor Product— viz : 30 caGs Os, \S3 WARE, affiorted tor retail Holes 5 cates tiiu cut and feftoon Decan ter", Tumblers aid Wine Glades 5 cases Fiower Pots, g'afs fruit plates, cordial Hands, China and glass fallatd chihcs, di to sugar and butter ftamis, Morocco tiefts of lu b'eis, fait colars, bird cage g Ekes, didies, table cal lor , ic.i caddies, colored & gilr C’una mugs, colored beads and gla Is roniain eioffei 1 di'.io elegant glass and China globe chandtiiers •on pLces flaxen oznahurgs 200 ditto fiipericr e’itto 5o ditto good and inferior ticklenburgs 50 ditto (hit.), proper for ihceting 20 ditto Bagging linen 60 ditto Haven’s duck 30 diuo light Lil duck 30 .ditto lisden n.Us 300 ditto’brown platillas 200 diuo v.hlte ditto -,cc and tto Bremen ruiis 2*lo ditto dowlas 2 cases diapers, table cloths, counter- a .0 fiCel tick ng 2 ditto Hurting linen and tefiery 2 packages feme and fewitig twine 1 taunk umbrellas 1 tiae ready made shirts 1 ditto blank books 1 dnto writing paper 1 ditto slates and commor looking glaffn 1 ditto of dry paints 1 hamper Seller’s Water 60 boxes window glass 500 demijohns, 5 gallons each 687 Lars Swedifhhron, flat nd square, proper lor waggon tire ALIiO—ON FI AMD, A variety of WOI.LENS, HARD WARE and GROCERIES, uaneces iai y to enumerate. November 14 iawtf 28 IVills on New-York, At a Ihcrt fight, FOR SALE, nr Geo. Buchan an & Cos. September 30 415. SAIL CLOTH, FOR SALE AT A. G- OEMLER, & Cos. Ofiober 14 419 S. & C- Howard TJAVE ’remaining, a few of excellent COALS, November 18 92 G Dolls, for a Thief. STOLEN, from Wayne’s wliarf, Friday iii;rht, about S o clock, a four oared BOAT, branded on the head and (lern with J. B. and }>ainted white, with green gnnnels. ‘The per foil that will deliver the above def erred boat to the fubferiber fha.ll receive a reward of three dollars, and if the thief corne with it, iix dollars. N. G. RUTHERFORD. 9 December 2. st. 23. bINAL NOTICE. •’ jpiir. fjbfcriber regrets that during hh i. long- absence, so little has been done towards peymentof the demands of his hoiife; and he now notifies thrle irideh ed, tha’ {la’.ment to the extent of their means will be expe&ed. Tfiev* will excuse lum from applying individually to them and will he ex pels not complain, if, withotu ftirtlicr nn : ice, fin ts are commenced- lie will wait patiently the result of the present Crop, but no longer. John Bolton. Ndv, i3 iawßw 3*, “ NO LIMITS.” j Tins Day, FRIDA}', yh Dec'r. will be fv and before my -v udioa llui e in the Exchange. ico lb. Northern clieefc 20 barrels potatoes 500 bunches onions 10 bundles calf skins 15 boxes brown soap 100 pieces humhums 4 diuo checks 10 ditto Iriih linens.—With a variety of oilier articles. Saie to commence at to o’clock—conditions R. JACOBS, jstiU’r, Seven years Credit. A BICE PLANTATION containing acres, 35 miles from Savsnneh interior to no inland Swamp between Savan nah River and Charleiton. Alio, a COT TON PLANTATION, Containing 740 a . ores, nine miles from Savannah, open to 1 y bee Lar, cultivated the prelent tear The above Lands will be fold on a credit of ioven years. Ihe owner wilhing to deel ne planting on accour.l of ill health, will fell tlu above Lands tor half theirvalue. The plats and Lands will be fliewn bv „ B. BELLINGER. Decembers *iasv4w. -j Slicriff’s S.ilcs, Cn thef.rst Tuesday in January next, at the Court house in the tity of Savannah between the of 10 and e c'doik Will be .Sold, * A AVAGGON and Geers, for one Ilorfe x X ALSO, aforrei horle, l’etzed 10 l uis. f\ an execution, David Burney vs. John Calhoun, the property pointed out by the plaintiiT. T. Kobertson, s. c. c. December 5 „ 4 y h , U . iS ; ON thejlrjl Tuesday in F. bi nary next, between the hours of 1 o and 3 o'clock. WILL /IE SOLD, rathe Court house tn the city of Savannah. r I tuilowing Negroes, viz. Tom, Jof. , yooDLUCK, Geokoe and Mauv. ALSO—Hannaii ])p” .• \ , ,i.x i NAn , • 1 ' Lucy and (linn C\ UEI.E, ny virtue of an execution on mortgage Ihe executors of Mr, ii lion, vs Wm. John Davies T. ROBERTSON, s. c. e December n J .4 Sl’.erHF’s Stilus. ON the first Tuesday in January next, at the Court house tn this city, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, Will be Sold, \ LL that Farm lot, containing 45 acres, x X Carpenter Tything, Decker ward No 3- ALSO, A negro wench named Mira, by virtue o! an execution, Jolmlbn ft Robert fen \a. John Love executor of Eliza Whithcld. ALSO, A forty.five acre lot with the improve ments thereon, ai present occupied by Dr. Kollock, and formerly the property of Dr. 1 etaid, two miles from Savannah on the C iett Ogechee road, bounded by tlie Mils Minis’s lands, formerly Shiclis Ldepen dence Hill, late belonging to the cjlaie of Schculvr and others, laken under fun.lry executions as the property of James Mein • Robertson, s. c. c. December 5 34 Sheriffs Sates. ON ihe firit Tuesday in January next, WILL BE SOLD, at the Court houle in this cily, bet ween the hours of to ami 3 o’clock, A negro man named BA OHUS, taken under execution as tlie pro perry of William Barnard, under I'm.dry ex ecutions, p inted out by the defendant. The former purchaler not complying with the terms of f'ale. Continued from last sales. T. Kobcrtson, s, c. c. December 5 34 Sheriff's Sales. WILI. BE SOLD, on the fir ft TucfJav in January next, at ihe Court house in this city, between the hours o! 10 and 3o’clock, Five negroes,VlZ—JOHN and Ins wife CATHERINE, together with their children, CHARLOTTE, JULIE’I and HARRY, taken tin ier exe ution,Edwin Lewis, vs. Emanuel Rengill, pointed out by thedefendant. Continued ft on last sales. Conditions Cafii. IT. W. Williams, dsc c. December 5 14 SlierifF’s Sales, On the first Tuesday in January next,’ WILL BE SOLD, At the Court-house in this city, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, r I WO thirds of a Trftof sooAcresof JL LAND, Oak, Hickory arid Swamp, finable for llice, Cotton and Proviflonr , two miles from M’lntofli Court-houle, adjoining Clem. Martins Land. Levied on as the pro perty of Thomas Mills to fatufy Maaritc Lehili’ei pointed cut by the defendant. Continue l from letfl Sales. Conditions Cash. IT. W. Williams, dscc. December 5 31 A. SCRIBNL’U & Cos. HAVE just received [tr the brig 4 SEA-ISLAND, from Ntw-Yoik, a large supply of BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS , Os on Excellent Quality. Which in ad btion to their forme-fupply, make ‘heirafiortment very extensive vvl’ ili they osier f/,r Die, at reduced prr r., a* tin ir (tore on the bay, ccarly eppofite the Ex change. Nov 4 415 Faints, OiL £c Brushes. r 1 1 HE fubfi riber has on laic a >]iiar'ity A of the above articles, which will be fold lev for cadi, or on a fliort credit, h tiiofc v. ho arc punctual iiuheir paynients. John Hunter. Aug'ill *i 454 f NOTICE. npim cepartn.nhip rt \,a ff eef( Tlovanl -a. was dilioivetl oi) the Hi Ne ( mb.-r'all In its own limitation Ai! p—f.e-s n (Übted t them w1Ip( .. ie r■; *. e n •r-ed-roe pay ms lit and all demands . p iml. il-em ; rent . red -o 1-e prelented *o cwsM ,(. R., ,p. ,f , i(j aic tuny authoriled t, fettle , he la’c c ncern. J ‘ J's” N’ ACI E, WILLIAM HOWARD. December 2. NOTICE, ’npilK SUBSCRIBERS h-<ve formed an A ellabiilhn.tut in this place u- dci ilia tirm of Howardfuß rothers, l’vrions having bulinels xvi h them wi l pleas call o JOHN EVI RE r f (at the Counting Room, late y occupied by MAGEE and MO\V AH 1:) who is aief; illtd to traufad their bit‘.fc r s. JOHN HOWARD, WILLI AM HCV ARI), RIIKsh A HOWARD. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, 100 Bali i prln e Upland (a>TT(>W Bills cn S gav• Yuik, at a I .f it iilit. ln - 33 J NOTICE, The Copart net (hip of Willi am M a qcc&co Waa dilfolved on the ill November la(t by mutual consent. All thole having any demands will render them in for let tlement, and those indebted will pice le m,.ke immediate payment lo William Mapee, who is fully autliorifcd to fettle the late concern WILI.IAM MAGEE, JAMES M’BIDE. N. In Ihe fuhfcnbcrs liavt entered into part net Ihip under the li: tn of James and William Alcsgee. j \ MF.S MAGEE, \VjLI.IAM MAY.EE. Dt ~ c 2 31 BILLS ON New-Y. vk , non .t, so- laid hv james: v., ,1.14. ! macke. 1 - 53 A CONSIGN MF NT, ( \ l? ->W lci-p-f I’lxrcd a..d lMm. IIAR- Yv >,K. rec ivettby t . !>r;g Cleopat ra, from New-3 . rk, ands. i | | JOHN EVI.i.ETT. Dec. 2 fit 33 vn *!j W v j LJ S. L, ’"j ‘'HE fubferiber has j-i!l received a gc liCi*Xl ullurllilYllt O? v Iv. , coiiliiliiir* oft 6 Cpnfertos, Sonatos, mid Overtures, for Pi anofor! ua ‘7iio , It r two Flutes I 10. itr i‘lute and Violin :Jk>. (Id. two Violins, an<l a variety of hand* l(Wlic piecei> lor beginners. G. H fishiT. Bay I.ane, near the E xclianee. T)'~c a iawtf. Gt ’ ; ,F r ,, r SICLI N, tl Ortl <!!(.’ StDifcriber, on the 23d ult.a lilacfc TOtNTI'R. llrVCli, about 8 j corn old—o;.c of lout legs white, with Idack l’pcts. Whoever la i.tus hor (hull be v.v.l icu.ud._d, an.l m. Wm. PARKER. December 2. ,T!, iioartl Tire Masicr:.. . Savannah, November 24',!), ißos, CO MM U NIG. V I ION was re - ,C\. ccived from Mr. Louts lloguk mkt, the coutraitor for fweeptoi* of Ctiimnus, 11 q 11..tinq this j. .11d have publiflied the ill and 2d Icdliona o> Be (’rdinance of the City Council, “inti, tied 411 ordinance in addition to th f Ordinance, and to amend the I.jii j ” palled the 28U: November, 1803. Whereupon <)ni red, hat theClcik do publifhtln: laid fectiotisin Hie Colum bian MCcum and Georgia Republican, three feverai times. Ext rati from the Minutes, ‘i ho in as Kit, Clerk. First. Beit therefore ordlined, hy the mayor and aldermen of the City of Savannah, in Council aflanhled, an ii: is hereby ctdnined, hy the .mb. Ry f h e fame, that the Board of bite Maftera (ha!), immediately after the pafli-.p , f this Ordinance, eh a perfnu wli . hjll have the iole and entire direct ju of fweepinjj, or caufiug to be fwepi, all chimuies in thia city ; and the perlon so dted (hall contradt, and furiiifli 1 j lity, to hav^every chimney, in which j fire is made, swept once in every month, I except krtclit.ns, wafli I.oufes, and hake hcuice, which fiiall be Iwcpt once in c - very fortnight.'. lisccKD. Lind be it further orduinrd t hy the authority aforefaid, That the following fees fliall be allowed for fwi c, - inyj cliirnnits, viz. ‘Twelve and a l aif cent* lor eacli (lory ; and that all an I every person occupying a budding, or part of a biuhiii g, wtih a ch.ntncy ot* chiannies thereto, in which li.e is ufual !y rriade, fhali allow at and permit the laid coutraflor to vilit, inlpcdf, and cause tin, be swept, tlie faitl chimney or chimniev, once in every calendar month, from thj firit day ol October to the liril day of April in in every year, (txcept kitchens, wash honff.B, and bake houfts, wj.ieh (hall be swept once in every (c rt nig ht throughout liie year) and hO. ()r they, fiiall pay for fuehfweephtg tin; feta herein before allowed ; and in e ife any person (hall oppose, or prevent, ti.e 1 w eep ing of any ehimi.ey, as before t’i redted, nc, fl: , or they, maki-g fficß oppolitutn, onconvidli.ll thereof bettr; themayor and aldermen, fl’aii be lined ia any sum not exceeding thirty dollars. on consignrtXrr” \I EW cases cf W Cko-e x 7 8 4 3-4 IKI U I KNEN, wli’cli vvil. Pij 1 old at a Lv. advance. fo! ,n facksou