Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 16, 1806, Image 3

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REPUBLICAN tMV.LWWIH) JDccfmbeh 16, 180 G. The fAbJ-vliig*Acts were f\:ssrd at the iuitt uiiuiiul Stisfcti of the i*ctitval jl,x<:V.tlit. I. An a& to regulate the town of I.exing on. ‘2. An ad to regulate the town of Watkins vilie. 3. An ad to reflate the town of JcflTer-, iuilj ICC. An aft to regulate the Election of Al- ‘ i-'r.';eu o! the City of Savannah, *xc. 5. An aft to authorize conimfi.i i.vrs to as- , certain and m.-vv mark the diviken m.ebct veea j the Counties of Elbert and Ei-ankhn. 6. An aft to repeal and amend the several , load acts, Id far as respects the county of lit-j iiugham. 7. An aft to limit the Jurfdidtion of the Mayor’s Court of the city of Savannah, and to niter the times of holding the fame, 8. An ail to make permanent the feat of the public buildings in the county cf fra.:him, ft appoint comnnfiiouers to eccft the laid budd ings;* ‘ 9. An aft to levy an extra tax for the pnr pofe of buiidmg anew jail i:r the county ol limicock. 10. An let to amend the ails for regulating Vtmdiiey id far us to authorize a \ enuue Mas ter for tire town ot J.i.lktlgevide. 11. An afttp change ...e times of holding the Sunerivr court in ~*e oi Clark and JackUei. 1 J. An aft to repeal an aft entitled “ an aft tei incorooratf Vail’s Crtes. naptill Church, in Mbert county.’* 13 At. Je- to authorial rlie interior Court of Columbia cuu: tv, to r.-vy an e.-.tra tax 1 . ■’ the purpvle oi hut.Uiug a Uuiirr-h-.. -or l-v. couuty. , i 1 1. An aft to eflabiiilr the feus cftlie pirn'. : j officers of on all gr..m that may I . |Sued in tile counties of Baldwin and !A ilkiu • I id;., c-.C. • * 1 k IJ. Au ad to amend ar. act entitieci “ an au. i to carre into effect the 9th See ion o. the 3d j cu ticle of the tutum. j .■ 6. An aft to a end aa aft entitled “an aft j to empov er t..-. ■ nferi tr C outts of ihe i- v-... j counties i.: tld. h-td to older the laving ou: of j piihtrc roads and to order the budding and j , lreeu-uvc in repair the pahae brMyes ; to .uc as ( rslp-eftsthe county oiEffinghan:. J 17. An act to authoriuc tm trure sot the i X.’t i. -riity titrough tire aid u“u .'.liiiunce of certain pmuim'ff oners here.: named, o eltabhib j n lottery for t..e purpose ci railing three thou- ! laud dodars, to paicliele a library, foi the u:e aifthc Uliiverlity. I - o ~ a -a t 0 appoint commifiioners for the ©urpota of ca-rying imo eff.-ft the bulldmg the Cc'j; t-houie af.d Jad for tac county oi j “Wayne. _ j jo. An aft to incorporate the Van’s Creek j JBaptift Church. . i L.) All aft to authorize Rler.fant V/alto:: to croft-a Mill on Little River. 21. An aft to .t.ter End amend the second ar.d fourth taftions of— -an aft regulating pa.- rols.-aud to p:event any person front purchas iiiv previfious, or other commodities )io:ii,.or 1 X-i.iuf fuel: to any Have, unless i-ch Have fi,al! ; produce a t.cket from his or her owner,inana. ger or employer.’ 2-2. A. ft for the better regulation and go vernment cf the tewn of ItL.Uedgevilie, ai;u to incorporate il.e iair.e. I'D. xii ait to revise and continue i:i force <c a.i ;ul icr the limitation of acinus, and a voiding lints in law,” passed xUth March, l'*67. , . An aft for the Better regulation and govermr.ent of the town of Atliei.t, and to in- j terporate the fame. _ j _'J. An aci to regulate the navigation of the ; Jt-jv i ’i'.'.t. between bavanna*, anel e*ti— j .a, h. tar as respefts patroous of boats. 76, An aft to authorize the Infer,or Court oi A'aflhr.• .011 county, to l.*vy an vxciutax. ;. .11 “aft to a-.n-i.d the level a! afls regu lating roads in this Hate, so far as refpefts the *,}*.! .::on of laid ug; m the county ui inSjcrty, avi'i- toil:, Cry 11a, n and v- avhe. An act to authcr’/c the Judges of the Superior Cou. s oi 1 t-.ic to aio.Tr.te jf. tl.. t diiiritiLs. zy. An act for the better reguk.t;;:g the ad- IT:iilion of Attornics to p‘c 1 h and prucLce in the leveiai cuarcs oi law a::d cipniy wichm this iiitc. :*O. A’ ad to authorize certain commifTn n~ evs to new mark ‘ l,u jicui cAu tne divifu;.;; , j 2 between the counties cl ivi’intoffi and L.i- . . ? . n I f,i. An aft to regulate weiynmg Cotton ; j ai;d other ct ft modifies n* tins nate. 32. An ad: :o con*peniute the Justices of the left*; i. r Courts. An act to extend the operation of the laws cf .Ills Hate over petfons rtiident in \* af fLid’s icttlenierit,a::d to orga. .a the fame. ;t. At udl to retiuve cei u:u Icrtu. atc draw ers in the lute I t.r.ti Lo.tery. An ad tt a:’, clh ulc explain an r6l, r.adtd “ an nt to rev’fe and :uHt-i.d an ad to 3EGf*rj - ratj ths tov\n oi St. hmiy so far as a tip eel? the dat'd ninth f. ur • 36. An act to incorporate the Presbyterian *Chi.i j .01 ‘he C.: yd{ Sa\T-i.-a..u 7. An act aut < rising tne Inferior Court ci -cf Cl-rk eoi’-ni A:o levy an ex ilt .x for tn or r.buL. tl.e Court-Houie of i:d ■ecu. ty. ;>•?.* An arr to empower the Inferior Court of JefrWfoii county,to levy au c -tra tax for the jiurpf :e of lun.!.r: f ; a i;ev. jail in iiud c-uiuy. ?.[). An act to revile arc atr.tudan aub eucifi e ’ “ an act to distribute aid ai.jicfe oi the late j ce-.ti •: t i.t'.’s diiitw of the Creel; Nation of 1- ra, F ‘.” io Iras it re*.pectt, those pur- , i it *.vere eLt.tiv.i to drv, a in the pies ut j conreu'. -red 1.:.n 1 Lotte-./, agreeably to the I re-1 :n7 cf this act, and wtre prevented J froh. *•i V i :;r in ti ir n.. s by fi A fiefs .nd J -i <iiuaJ: : Gu>—or who have not paid taxes i.: n r.fcril i:y to f; . . ct. *t J Au uc, to rc . j ci perfcnswhofe testimo ny may he matured in any cause depending in mir court WiCi.fiJ ti*e United States, to attend . tne co.rnfiHltGJie.'a uuu.orized to take moi.y. -1. An a -fi to appropriate monies for the p'o iit'cai ‘h -r j?-“7, at ft to i-nxeiid the tax **ct. J. An act to df.jolcot tine fractioual pert# cf!. : v \ : in tne counties ci iiuidwin uud V% ji- : Lm’uc. , I Aa act aufhorizing the Jus ices of the: Jrfenor Court to uke tetixaor<ydebase die i:; 1 Cvi tiiiii i-tjcj. % The Legislature oti V’c;'nc ■ !%y the 3.: i:.*t. exited 1 :.o;r.u.s I*. Cunxs, T•. :• M . OV V.d V, i. . ,11 Ijcil.ttt j. .•. tnn.iiii -Li: vs, to n’t-eta! ly t'.-r i-j M ■ *■’ tlltit DluV 3j | *;...LCC.. the t: ‘: hi I. to bcttic any e: - vit■.ei t!i!_cs Lc -V.c>- •. nie ewe ‘ e he hiend p;i ird a rt - 1 ‘i isc tu: hi that H tio cotr.-j u! >i-.i ei-s v. e.C appointed on the p„: ti h.. \ i t : c v- * At * (hr thi:; state might am the boundary line 1 hems* Ives. Jr. res Bozeman is appointed com nti: of the Lund Lottery in place of Edwin Meunrv , resigned. Red lick Sims, r tuncis Flournoy. and Ei h.ds arc ;pp;;;..ic\l eon tr.Lsion ers to dispose oft’ Fructronal Surveys in Wilkinson and Baldwin, and D..i ii Nunani, is chosen adjutant general in place of Jonas Fauehe, resigned. Augusta Herald. On Wednesday Lvcrirg the 3d inst. the Saw and Gr: ;t Mills of Mr. j James Doirriass, on C.aie Creek, took | lire and were burnt to the watt-. -. otltre. l it is said to have , been done in- s, me | malicious person or persons unknown, t.s J a hickory junk was found ot or near the / nulls. CUumbla. paper. The United States frigate Consti tution, was at Lisbon the 2-UL Septem ber lust, getting in anew inainiuust and foremast. On the 10th ultimo, Capt. Amos j Siodart, it it Cali:sic, (Pen.) wnh 137 troops, and dire*.,ted his march to Vv s btirg, f. oui theme tliey are to descend the river to i-’or* Adams, MLsisippi TerritO! > . PORT OF SAVANNAH. ENTERED. Sh:p Golden Ride, Davis, Liverpool— Experiment, Green, Turks Uland—Brig Sal ly, YiMiun, Grenada—Nancy. Berry, llurle.- aoes—Sehr. Injuilry, Thoinpfon, do.—Eliza .Vo,i, ft. Auguffilie—Sloop licit lit, Cooper, j CkarlefLcn. * “ j CI.EAR ED. Schr. Fortune, Foster, Jamaica—Ruby, j Clark do.—Sally, Aplen, St. Aug affine, j Ycjierday arrived the schooner P. D. Ex -1 pi riment, l\l’i.eun, in one day lrom Charleston. j a ell capt. hi. came out he law an Enghlli j i: i; uinore, mlide ui Cna.ielloa bar, ami nx | fail going in. ! tIIAULESTON, Dec.. 10. The srhooner Dhpaich, Ctiptuin 1 Butler, of Rtehinond, from New-fork, | bonr..! to Norfeis, went on shore near ■ ir let, about five o’clock on ! Tuesday morning die 18th u!t. The : vessel and grca’.cr j'.rt of the cargo, (prit'c: ritiliv ; .taclv lost. U lie ship Guiiuoiiia, 72 days from Liverpool, took a j ’'fit last Nlr. Robert Antes, late mate of the j l.rgr CareHiic, o'-’ this jxirt, came passen ! Rcr in the ,-JTr James Lenox, from | Newben 1 . and lias furnished us with the ibllowing inst t malion : The brig Curoii -e, CaptAVashboume sailed from Baltiiiicre lor ttiispoit, on the Ist Nov. with a of Com, ftc. * tin the 7th, in a violent ;>le from the S. 1 E. was < i.t away a short distance to tin •>• of On Bar; all hands wore, with much diShoulty, saved—hut the ves ,el and cargo w ere tot ,ji v t,,, t ihe schv Antelope, Rod. ers, from a.. \ ork, for tins jioit, was c-.t.-t avvav at the same time—vessel lost but a part of her can-G saved. A brig from Montc-Christo, for A j lcsaucir.ll, with Coffee and Specie, was I J also dthen ashore about 20 miles f-orn ] i Ocracc;:!:—vessel lost—a small part of the cargo saved. A : hip supposed to he the York -Lire, ; -ee, from i.lverpoo!, anchored oil’the fit r last evening. NOTICE. \ LL per:;vis are CAUTIONED c- J. .V. gainst j.urc.’iaung oi’ making ana c'.v.l ract.: for i/.c Cos go f th - Trig Saif , commanded Ira C jit. (}. 0 : IVilson. WILLIAAI CILMOR. Dec. 15 37 ’ K O 1 i ’■ * K, r va ant PjAVS in Hie Gallery I JL of the Trcbytiyian Church h ill i H£ SOI n on THURSDAY the 18*7, it.- \ stant, at 12 o'clock. Dec. 12 26 ] j Badges ior i 807* ! Notice ts hereby Given ‘• /HI AT the BADGES for :I :* Ye*r i ‘f.aj, will fie rcHy { o d..fiver)- tmy | Di-Flfifi. iii.ii tiiftrlay of Jaauat ;:oxt. — ] V:1 i-’erlor.:. a y ered to take out EN, * r.-.-idtftii ;.j dr ref'.i!i,-g 1a to Uv, will be r*roltc.i:td tt, the l. vv cite..-As. Tv outer of C ‘arc'd, yjß T. LILLIS, a. c. Dec en.fier i 2 ‘■ o:;cc is Hereby • ivrn, pa HA r Cijiircd will cn V ‘cndriy the zed •l piortii to c'sft a C r..rflor •) lueyly the city with Oil f.r the [,ul-lic : 5 A ; y!fin::; to hale i,i tl .eir propn j . t!.-, the prices per ga'io . at which they v. rl j deliver ontjri oil daily, as may be warned by j the aft or for Lantpj. By order o'. Council, JOB T. BOLLES, C. C. i -tar t; A’ Taken Up, A NLGRO FELLOW about 5 A. JL feet high, about 35 ytar ß of fays Ids nannris BILLY, and bder. -sto i Mr., in Bcnfaeola, fpcaks French i S. anifli, and broken Er.gtaffi. I] c I was brought to this d.y about a year ago, by Munroe auu Btrothers—He L > o’, between place and AtTus'.a. He came to e.y house the 30th ult. { The owner is requeftted to come for. j ward, ’ prove l.u property, pay charges, anti take him away. V/m. ‘RICHARDSON. December 9 ,- vVAN'i iiL) I.VIMfcDM lib LA’ _ AN OV HR sit EH. V firg!e tr.av. who can come well recom -2.X r..aided, will mat v. lii encourage** by apj u.g on hkiduw.y lfiand, to ‘ txituard L'. \Vylly. ;oy- 14 1 ’ The Bri-ir R eeovery . Captain JOHN HULL. jTm. tjfefltSv’.’ ’ and lor JAMAICA, Wi11u..3 ik* . j v _V IL'-SSI.NGi'.kS if immediate - . applie.tion is made. She will he ready for sea by the uOtli .yit. and lias fine,:ir: s. Apply to the Captain on I Lo.ud, at ‘i ayior Scaihroughs \\ barf, or to k/b, J. BOLTON. Dec. 16 It For Liverpool, i -4.v>i The flup SAV ANN AH, E. v Delano, master, has half lte. e-yih, , A cargo ready, and will limit -with diljatch. For freight or palbtge apply to S. St C. HOWARD. Dec. 16 37 For Charleston, . -LTwS THE fcheoner P. D, F.X rt'TEUIMLNT. M‘Lcau. t-. W i V. wll have quick di(patch. -V *. I r tre i lit or paliage app y on hi aid, or to Bacon Jt Malone. For Sale on board a lew barrels of TAR. Dec. 16 31 For Charleston, , THE well known packet sloop Afv ‘ DELIGHT, Jonathan Cooper, niafler, will pofttively fai. on y’ —’ 7- x: ,• - Friday next, wind and weather permitting. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, at w half, 1r to CHARLES M'KENNA. Dec. 16 67 BILLS On LONDON, NEW-YORK or PHILA DELPHIA I'OR SAIE BV R. & J. BOLTON. Dec. 16 Ht 67 BUTTER. 3000 lb. Ncrthern Butttr, at 25 cents per lb. j of an excellent quality, just received and for faleby FARNUM WHI TE, Dec. 16 S7 3t Hardens wharf. Landing, AT Starkes wharf, from the brig Sally, Capt. Wilion, from Grenada, J 4 puncheons i\ U >1 2,j lihds excellent retailing MOL ASSBS, FOR SAIE BY THOMAS M. Dec. 16 37 S. & C. Howard, Have received per the (hip Savannah, De la .0, from Liverpool, 10.000 bufheis Liverpool SALT 440 Stone Jugs 20 crates Crockery Dec. 16 37 Saddles & Bi idles. r J ‘HE fubferiber has received from New- I .L ork, by the ihip I.ouil'ana, Capt. Pelor, a ft ,v c 0... m .SADDLES and BRIDLES. Alio, a i.,\ .'ijdl'inm p ited Duke mid Sharp ri dle Ci 1 1 S —which,together w.di In* flock on hand i.e Will t.ide.ivur in . 1! as low av can be nutxi.u , "J in this place, lor cash. JOHN GINDRAT. , Dec. IS St 37 Bools and Shoes. ■J < EiVt'lJ a the Savarnah Shoe v mrc iV, Philadelphia Fair V p and Sum arrow iiOOlta, - flips-: ■ <f! •••>•. Or. hand, a ; cne.: l afl ntmco of SllO;- S, *• ulu .l. A t’ , Printing aid Writing PAPER. D c. >6 37 N< title .lion to Tax Collectors. TH i.- b. miry vvt’h a concurred and j t ?por veil rcfolulicn, p.iltd *t the J l;;t {.Si >ll cf tic I.fg fi til re, irnrredi’ ji -iy a'tvr tke fi 11 Mo- d.y in Frhtuary . In y.>,a itff t the Tax Coii'. tHors who e..2y be in arrearu, with the amount (Li.: f.v each, and tt;c naims ni ‘heir fe I ( Urit ex, vviii be pubbthsd in one ot th- j |G zettesr. iSavarnah and A ugrfl *, s.rd | in tiiose of L ihfvt ii, Sparta, Gteenf-1 botetigh, \V a filing ton and Petei flirph ; | a-.d itr.trud atily after the f.rft M oday j in April mxt, Executions will ifTus a j nit h oi fai.l Collstfors as fivaii not then have fieail.v fettled their accounts. GEO R CLAYTON, T-cafurer. ELE3ZER EAKLV.Comp. Gtn. Tteaiury Office Ge rgia, Lou J, ifvillc. iosfi Dec. ISO 6 [A? 4 For Lease On (i term of years, 4 PLANTATION, within tw. and 2r. I\. hulf miles ci the city, 1 o acres cf prime ban'll tliere is about jo acres cleared and under good fence—the rehdoe well clothed with Oak, lliakf-ry and Fine. Appiy to 2. MINIS, WHO wc.u'd prefer engaging with feme j per)on who ha. * few Negroes, to on j ifiares, and to ihe fame. December .k -7. WANTED, A, K OVERSEER to take thr.'of i.j iJL or 20 hands on a Co’ton Plantation bout 7 miit:. from Siv.tnnah. A. young r/.t .i 110 will com*: well recommended vv .ii r,ea with employment —Enquire ol the Friiiters. December 16 17 ~NOTLCt . THE Subtariber, h 1 cemm<r:c"i! Ilnf. nefs in the line of his profelfion, ol Cooper, Pucker, and Guager, On Smith and Bfiurkc’s v. *-• rs, an*] a'furt.v tile Pub.’ 2 in general, and his Ir -T.i... if j particular, that nothing (nail be v.antii.g* on his part to give fatisfaftuon with dil patch. James Allison. Nor. 7. iav,6w yi'u AUCTION. On TUESDAY the 23 1 irft. will be ioid at the Exchange in this city, the following PROPERTY, THE urexpired I,cafe, being five years and three months, of the halt of Wharf No. 7, (known as Bci’s Wharf, and lately occupied by I Hunter atid Minis) with the buildings artded thereon, to be paid for at a va'.u at’.ou to the purchafrr at the expiration of the fatd leaic, ful jess to a Ground Rent of 125 dollars per annum. One halt -fa Bay Lot in the town of St. Mary's, at'jsining capt. Baild’s lot. iio Acres of prime Cotton land, in Camden county, 12 miles from the town ot St. Alary’s. A corner lot in Broughton ftrret, j with a complete frame and necefury j lumber thereon for a double houle, 52 by 44, cut to a bill Two lots, at Curiie’s and adjoining thole lately improved, one of which be ing a double .ot. Terms—Notes with approved endor sers, a: 12 months, with inteiell at 3 per cent. JAMES HUNTER. ISA.-vC MlaiD. Dec. 15 37 Just Received And lor isi.i: al it.- fieri- of Llr Java ‘l ., and of All. ‘John Gardner. The GEORGIA ta SOUTH CAROLINA AL MANAGE, For tic Yea-’ oj our Lord, 130 7 ; Specially Calculated: lor tils $t >tc and 1 Suuilj C.ii Aina, by Rabat Greer, c!t[ Agronomical Calculations, I tie Anatomy ot a tiian’s body as go. vern-d by the twilve G.oiifteltatiniib Chronological Cycles for the y ear J £O7 Twelve fa.gtis - t t!:c Zodiac AfpcCts, Dunatiiiicnis, iulratatio na. Cot j o actions, tor the year 1807 (~’iara£ie's ot the Pian ts Moct.L Phase-s. Equitation of Time’ Suns R-ti'ig and Setting, Moons r.ting, fettmn mid southing, and 1 the sign of the Zodiac, the is in at | noon, Mifctdianefius Particulars j Riling felting and fouihing of the Stars! Pr d.cio sot the Wt.di. r Tabic ot Gold Coins it they pas, i-i tLi ttverui iiattb, v;.th the.i It aura arid! fci'eial value T.b eot lntei *t st 7 per cent uo. ol | lnterrif at 8 jn r c ni, b-mg the inter c‘t ot South Carolina ami Gem oin. Dollar Table tor Sou.h Carolina and G’ or gia. !Cent aud Mill Table tor ditto fft cra of the Execu ive and Judicial DeP a rtmeut of the United Sratte, Offieer 8 of the J'.xecutive, Jud cml and Military departments of Georgia, Senators and lCcprcfcutatives ot the ft ate of ditto Pr> lideiit *.nd Tru£Leeß of the University cf ditto Times and places of holding Courts Ditto coos the courts of the United States. Corrected lift of the civil officers in Au puita, Di toof Chatham county, Ditto officers of the office of Dsfcount and i) poG'.e Savannah, Ditto ft.’ of Health, Ditto of Fire Mailers, Ditto Med cal Society of Savannah, D t.o Anacreontic Society, Ditto Oi pban 1 ‘"ufe, Ditto Female 7-fy urn, S*. ff of the Mii'tia of Georgia, Officers of the Executive, of South Ca rolina 1 Jufticcb of the Courts of common Pleat, and Seffione I Judges *.id conimioners in Equity! j ‘I imcii and places ot iiolding t ..ut.s S-iifi of the M.litia of South Carolina Ibe Con flit tit ion of the United Stales, with the inlt alteratioue,(an inlfi ument which every citizin ought to be pos ftfied ot ) Story ol Mils Braddock, sister of Ge neral Brcdclock, wlio vt'as killed by the Indians. Tl.e with accomplifired Mt rriage ; Eoigrair.3 j Liri. of Post Roads, Sec. See. December 16 3t 37 Sheriff’s Sales. i In iheftrsl Tuesday in January next, at tie l ourt Loose i.i ihe 1 y oj Savannah liriu -m :!jc Loan of to and 3 o’c/oel, vVitl he Sold, * V/AGGON an-'. Geers,- for one Ilerta I.. —A LEO, s. lb .el hnrfe, fViztd to i'.,tis t- tt.i execution, David liuiney vJ ot: n Ct.lho ii, tl prope.ty pointed out by Uie plaint. Z. f. Kobe, tbon, s. c. n. 5 24 ‘cherijj’s Sates. ON the fit ft TtdVlay in January nex*, WILE E'E SOLD, at ilie Cvur’ |,rill- in this city, between lc In tirs <•! 10 oi.'t 3 o’clock, A nigro rran named BA CHI’S, taken under execution as tl.e pn ; 1 rty ot'William Earrr.rd, uixier sundry ix t-cuti! r.•, p inteti out by tne'ttfentlain. Tht lt-r—. r ,jio :a!er not cor. plying with U.e j terms of tale. Continued from last sales. t T. i obci IbOil, £. c. c. Dtcer.tcr j 3^ fFm. iroodLruUf o ~ KGS have t acquaint his friends l -( & ill’ pubic of lis re'urn from Firm, bu -h, with n complete afl'oi:mail of OKJvMAw GOODS. Which, together with a general afljrt* mail of G HOC K K 1 t- S, He is now opening at the new brick Building, Bolton’s wharf , aid offers for tale at reafouablc p: ices, for C-.ih or Produce— viz : 50 cases GLASS WARE, affotted for retail stores 5 cases tine cut and feftoon Decan ters, Tumblers and Wine Giuffe* 5 cases Flower Pots,g!..fs fiuit plates, cordial Ituuds, Ctiii a and glass f.illard diflies, ditto fupar and burter Hands, Morocco cells of t limb’ rs, lalt Cellars, bird cape |d.:(T:s, confiture diilies, table caf tors, lc 1 caddies, i-olurrd & -ilc China mu- , cohit cd beads and. gl.tls rociain et< If 3 1 ditto el.gant g.afs and Ciiina globe cliamh hers too pi ces ii. xen oznaburge 200 ditto superior d.Uo f-o ditto good i.i A interior ticklcnhurgs 30 ditto ditto, proper for (hutting 2o ditto Burgii.g It: en Cos ditto Raven’s duck 3c f.-il duck 30 ditto lnuicn n.lis 300 ditto I'.nVVll ; lit'llaa 200 ditto Lite ditto and uo- l>t<.m-.ii tolls 200 div„ d,iv.-;..:i 2 cabe diapers, tuble cloths, counter# pane: and bed ticking 2 ditto (hirtiug I.iicn rod be fiery 2 patkages sane and sewing twine i taunk urabrahs 1 calc u'ady made fiiits 1 ditto blank books 1 (Into writing paper 1 ditto fl.m.s and common looking . piaffes 1 ditto of dry paints i hamper Setter’s - atcr 60 ln.xi window plafa 500 demijohns, 5 gallons each 687 bars Swc (h iron, ft .r and fqaarr t proper for tve ; tire AL O-ON Ii ‘ND, A variety i.f WOEI I'-NS, !IAP.D< \\ ALL anj (rkdcEi’ i in'j, uinieecs* | fury to enumerate I Novembvi 14 i wtf 28 T| M. Woodbi idge, jt ■% ESPEC TFULLY ii-fonns l a ’ f, f die 1 .G.c. t U’.’L 1 lit* lljliC) ttul l.c it . ii Ci f tin IK • ti k! i L atiurapd Commission Di business. 1 . at No. 4, in the Ejicha -gis, where Jl2 I .... tale uqJ ci’.'V'i.ii i;t Ui in lor di • le ceptioii of any kind cf Goo. s or i'io# dime, tnet may b- i Urt .•..<! to f ni h r,.. Lii-cral advances in G;(h, will 1..- mads on goods btiiig depofutd lor j ur private talc. HR HAS ON IIA’ !). 20 Puncheons old Jamaica RUM to ditto unto St. Crcix ditto 30 Bs-s and 10 tierces ( Been Cofl-.e Pipes and qr. calks old Pr. nch Brandy Sugar in hogffixads and bare is ‘AJjiidow GUIs, ami Su. o in boxes Cotton Bagp ng, ji.tii 1 -in -..a N'ankeeris, Hnmhiunr, in. r.ll which crticie:; will fie fold low tff Two conveuienr HOUSES to Ltr. Sept 2, law ts 407 Paints, Oils & Brushes. ■'G’lIF. fufil',.!Ter has on sale a ‘|eariily I of the aljove articles, winch v i!I fie ft id low fur call:, or on a ffiort um! t, tu thole who a;c pnr.&ual ir. thtirj-a; ments. Joint Hunter. Anp;iiff 32 40r ’ NOTICE. I'tHE coptitfrerliiiji of Uayee L Ui-waril, was dill- ‘ved on the ill N'-vrn ’■ r ft fiy its own Inn.'at ‘-i AH pe-fi.a:, null Veil m them will please nia’ e inuu -d.a-e jr -u :.t :n,d all ditmaudk ay link tic mu i ree, , id u he prifented to Howard E- Biathert, who are dn y author!ted to tai tie tfa la-.,- concern. J AMES M AGEE, WILLIAM HOWARD. December 2. 37. An Overseer Is wanted for the enfuiua* Year. ASINGI-E M A N vho iindc’-fltint'* the culture cf liiee, nd can pr'-i’ ‘l'- timonialx of his capru-'y,: l> n- .n 1 In.i. ~ ty will mti-r v i'h tni,.l mens, on . jipliea - on to the fablcriber n. B MI fCHELL. December 9. ts. 35. sheriffs Sale?, ON the fttft Ttttalay in Juntiarv next, will be fold, at the C ttrt house in this city between the hours of to and 3 (A ! ck, I'IJE u.idiviiiul fixilt pan of tho ‘c two lots in the f.-id ci';, known by the mini* fi*. rs taven and eijftit. f.i /cd and to fie *ld as : fie property of Mr j* hu fir Gdjboiir., t -la itfy a ji: iatment ohiaii cria yunlt laid Gibbons, at the iuit ul John Wright. Conditiont Cost, Former purchaf; r not complying with he terms of f-Ae. T ROBERTSON, sec D-cimbtr 1 35 FOR S/:LE. L”ROM taven to nine tbo.ildnd weight so- I p* ir.-.e bea-!fL..U fed Cot: m. A,piy to the printers, Nov. 21. t < ‘ !