Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 16, 1806, Image 4

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Al•* . , + Adun.iistratcr s S A LES. ACREEA °I T to an crd-r of tie Jus li'r.j th, Jn.trios Cos it of the C'.un to oj (.lot: n, at the Court house in t'-e cry of S-v .nnah, on Tufdoy, the 3,/ J,.y t‘j Ftbfuii y next, at ten o\het ovilt tom’ ii ce the/oh of the foil .VJh.g fr- petty nf {’r i, ,1 t-Jlt’e oj the. Vets’ JOSEPH CL A , anl le continued j Jro-. J y to da- . u/.ii. the to ole is fold. AV \LU ■ RLE PLANTATION cr lid Si'R NG FIELD, con— talmir; K 5 ocr/'.s, lying on Loth £ lea cl Mufgrove’s Creik, of which *SO a erts arc Rice Swamp, the remainder good Cot;on L- r.d. Tins property 1, in the township of Savannah, and i coinpof,d 0f45 and 5 cere Lou, nod! luch <ftii. feasare comireicd, will Le Lid ; tog. licr, and the v. mataiLr feparatelr. j ih< lA.m Lot* in ibr i.>..ihhi; of | Satuimal., on the White lilufi rose, viz. I'J.j r arid 7, thiia Tythinp, Auloo’s Ward, a,.d ri, 5, Holland Ty thing, ICicival Ward, containing 45 acies each. Four lo', being a part of the Fair 1 t.adt. former.j col. \\ yilyC, viz. no. 11 71 acres, no, 13 57 acres, no. 3 4O a 1 ed, ami no. 21 to acres. Ivcven loth in V.m.icraw, 03 32, 53* S 6 * 37- 3 8 - 22 ’ 2 i’ *4> 2 5 ~ r ’ i '" J V], to nit norih o 1 the lot occupied by 1 Mrs. Clay. a lot in Farm street, with tie vulva-j ble improvements thtreoa, iiov occupied ■ Ly Mu. Clay. The remaieder of the Land ia Farm li cet, to the loii’-o of tnc liouie occupi er! ty Mr*. Clay, exictultng to t ie pub lic lot at Spring ill'll, COI c<*r is •TiTno iut eo acres, which is divid'd into >. .uta. (■’. includes part of the !c*cv ground. Four lots in EwcufanqS , no*, zj, 32 3 1 and 32. ‘1 wo iota on Tybee If no, nos. 3, ?: 27. 103 acres good Cotton Land, oppo .fi e Montgomery, between Vernon and I Oges'hi c rivers. 320 acres prime land pf-ir Licntcuh In lijfingbaa County, 1804 acres in ;jb: body, uesr Great river, about 25 ncies from qj vamu'.!, gi .iued at various periods from * 7 r >4 to 1 7 74■ 25:’ aciea nine lead, adjoining ti e a bo. ■ n i lands of U.aelr.'.iiufs for merly R. McCormick’*. 200 acen pine land, near Kennedy’s. 300 sens, formerly Burnett's. 1520 setts pit.c land near Tuekafce Kni to , formerly Hr. riot’s. Jn G ynn County, 500 floes lend granted to Jofep’n \V light ■/.'<> acres land, granted to Jofcph Lit) ut'9. In Lit. rty (jod'ty, 1700 ac. s i > 1. ur tjb.n ; ijr trAa so in.,iiy A id'i ’ aa l Cray El lieu's, grnn td i’- I 7 )• Jn l\h;cviU)Jh County, ?oo acic, lormcity V. m. Fox'*. 253 acres e; Beard’s Mutt, out he a!- %* 1I * ‘ ■ u CU.\'D/Tjn,\S~ One .bird Clh- Ciiu thtt . p-yafcle the tic *f J...tary jNcK -one tn id j.ayaLle jti Jai uaiy, 1809 With inter It. I'll’ 1 payuicuta to be Jc-’f.rc. by Boiki •. 1 i.>rt age. WILLIAM V. ALLACr.-] Admin- TH ‘ MAS CL.. \iiNG, V i-tr..- Jet iIiPU STILES, J tors. Scvnuit’ih, A ‘V. 29 Have An eye here. JUST PUBLISHED, id, I i.v. ‘U:da AUft >4i twl-r Al.* a:iM, sor ISO 7 ~1. Tlu- GruaA U-pcblican ‘lit*;- foi ditto, Im'li line inim.n.'i J:tij;• .1.0 IS. AIIJ imn'.tuUL vnicriain,. gated, profit able. ALSO, Some elei;s:>’ iif’ of He- Se* 1 mi r —s l b I diti *n, \i,d i!Lic Hev. Jeffs Afercer's Ilunn i’lVjl. Pit *!i ft.r,mpe at l)n. Ct.C'UC’F. UAL Me.itanie -t.iv. K >\ e, iber 18 *0 SI t ‘il i> Sales Oy tr. si ‘Tu\dc.f in January nr*', .it tm Cvmt koust in ton city, lei'X'USt t t bun of 10 an 3 9‘civ-r, VVju be Sold, \U. tVv. far* lot. cootstiiiii* +5 arret, L'aipuiui Tv :• i Decker u.. 4 Ko. 3- iU- o, ■ /v m ,;r.i winch r. m.c J Stirs, by virtue of, gn ex tvioo, Joti'.i*'iii k Mobi'iiKii, V. Job: 1 . | j, m o! t > 4 MffcV'-'W ALS J, A fjr’v fiv* ar„ In aAH the ir-]-to - k,. k, am) fort,** i } ii* ir>i; • it? e>J ,'r. Ts -arii, nvo t'M'c* lV'm S; v—aa*: on the t'lVil OTSih>M i r..a, billtlVed •• lilt Mils JlLiitf* “tap. •, fjupt b.vhks U-upeu. iV i. p H. , i„.c • iijij. .i. vo the *i!st of £. .. uvr and s’ *. 0r veniry 4-v.viiuoHii Ktk ill4)’: :/ of Jaicca M*ln tad*, 1 . Robertscm s.c. e. __ V'*ierr , '<‘r j ~ 1 •ao i)oilai s HewarJ, •*•■> L'X \\Y>.'i fr v.i i*- - ft. hi*tikr on or a, j I si: tbt tl'ir .till <* .1 i;ie l.ift, vvt 0 re- J . irdo,” s, litN w and fj) >’. u'w t have liefn J At I ’’ • %•) ’ • . v _ eo.: akt tiiui* fe)., . C in aii.'i.: £y. evt %vo or |! • :iR lit, K M'lCt l>*f , a jrlt: "> CUp V.V■!>• iVJtr’.. -Vt! fir., fpeakn ji * tu4 ... >.,* \yuo*wr vill, 1. % vTt *l.r r# it <**? u\*f so- tv* at r he ow?j ‘ • .> t^• ts 1)01.1. \ •<* . *Mki 4i i-B— * ; > w ALI EN. • i . . ft>ir. 2> 3* George Enoc, O Taylor, On the Bay. ~r\ ERPECTFULLY informs b J, cuMOMSis andtf.e runt c ge nt-raily, that In: has iateiv received a hand.'., e afTortment of Goods in b.s line of bufiucfs. aH of the Btlt car.hty, (and inuft fafhionahic colors, writ tinted j to the present and -j proachtng L-louS, | as bclui” bcfcribi't'. H'B rorre!rondents will fnrr.ifii him with a fccce. iun o: falhicnable drclf-. both for ladic. no 1 gentlemen', who cs.zy alway . Le at a fliort notice, with punctuality and difpatcb. Gentle* men trem the ccvn'.ry ot one tlayo notice. S:iperfiDc Drab, cud bhek Dutch cloth. ’ ‘illto, nkie, hi; k, ai:J dark mix’d En do. ! do. double milt’d drabs, for *lurlouts :’<e, ! do, bottle green, brown. 2nd dark mix tliie* for ladies police?. Slack and’. mixed double ml.’d. Kerf. ) meres j I3cfl black Velvet, plain ar.d Lriped j for Vcfcs. do. T-iil’d daiin* plain sr.d flriped fori 1 o. Satin cloths y tarrbj) muUtres, black and other colors 1 lack and mi; e I patent cords Fancy patent coda Vcfts lilac!: fiik iLockinet patterns i.Lrfcillea 9u:lttiigß j'k'.in, wbi'e and ."gored fpfptnders, &c. Noveouter 3. nij 7 ‘horn a v Slew a it , 1 JN P&sJ7f£ INiJkKf R, r Ai, removed Lia Store to ter lioufe * l I. formerly occupied uy Mr. Jocrct; uA i 1:, two , dqors call ct the hud’s tic id. T. 0. returns hi. tnoft fijicere that ks to id - rruiuL and the put.uc in getirrai, tor tlie hhcrsi I' he has ie I J eerv. and l.ooi il em, and hop! a rljai by uri’ , remitting attention he wul iiicrti a con-/ liuuance of their favors. HE IMS CIV JUKI), A. com|)iere aflui rmont of j Article* in ins Line, which he Oilers for fle ou the moft re fonalilc teraj.. Order* will be ti.ankfu!- 1/ received and puniftaally executed. LATELY IMPORTED, a complete sffortment of the belli and j m it! fafltionable Ps ell Hanging Materials , \ which he will fix in the neatefl jnamtr-v. J crT I’hc hi:-hi and juice given f.jr cid Piiwrsa and I.E4D. September 30 415. .V t A J E O F GEO A GI A \T *1 Court of Mr iuirv held j in jnd for the County <t ■ C: liJen i;n th** fiffh of Au-| j;uu, onr rhot;land * ip/.ht huncirc * | d.ui fix, Preftm tutr Jcno's, | jAMFk bhAOR.'.VZ, i J.HOUAS XVtNG,, Jonw Pl vu, and Willi ah JoK.tsov:, rfouiffft. fudges of me laid Court, WHLRFAS it is fated toj the Coen Unr aticn has) .seen grariietl io tl.c wr ei..h **'n huoiircd and t<o, ‘o <>ft s siVrr Altitt, cn ‘tr rftate anci ,/* fcdtfiof ft'tap fen, dercat ; ■d, and that thr fid a.nntndl ; njr did a;-.J it ill cutit.ii'u?a Cos iv-1 •dc ouc of *he itac of G ,nd has j- caav to: ward i<> j : r, h:s cccount as the i-v/ di-| redis, c It io therrfore that £ . ii’d AtCxaxdtr \i be and ! a.; exi before ch s Court on the , ‘ij-tt Mj /iav in January r.ejrt, tv sh v cauft (if any hr i as) why f *.e fa id leturs of A.dmini!trat on j thould nut be irvoked j ana char j Jits orcc.’ be pubinUed ,n o-r.c o f j t e Gaze.r.s es this tU:d, a ; -ronth from the her^o t uatii eh; meeting of chi* court, 1.-arad from the mi .utes of in id Court, the jth, -806. /SdC CRE&'S. c.OvO.c. e. September -6. 499. law TVrVh ~NG'TJCt~, j J 1 “HAT in nine months frex the date ■*■ hereof. application will b>* rtude to tlx huo. the iuilicc. of the inferior Court, tor Ac couuty of Bulioch, for ,e*ve tofcil *ll that tiaci es Lad, con jtaiaing 4?J ncres inure or iefs, iyiug in j the ciisnitie* of Bryan and lAl.och, the ! (un.t being r act ~i the etvfte of Wju. Sister deed. Wm, Si fter, May b saw* O"** “ 2 NCJTdCE. 1 *"7"VIC fjbteriVer bstng *t*pir,ted CUA-j ,1 i.t fiie Ci’.', mtocja* :Uat he >■ j is he found on ■►r.nli v'. p surge's whirt. iv iuii Us ius C Junes A? Us on.* ■ iFK, 1 T 1 h- ■ th- ftre p*. ‘ Store, the j \ ‘i_ 2 ■ rty c<jL* Has erlb m, and 1 Ii , v t],-:-. - af.ovc SsmurFvd. Stack-) 1 .lilt eftp h ah-, ton Store, where he j 1 f; ; s hi Lrvices to his friends and the puo.ic in the /iuctioii & Commission Bu .incL. He fu'-icit* a fbrc of the public favor, j | and sflure* thrtr, the ftrictell attention : jam) pu.ctualr.y will be paid to any bufi . t.tfs committee to his care. Acivanc will be made on all proper ’ ty depobted in hiß hands, for rale. jiMJies fiuntM’. Novr. 1 3 29 Notice is hereby Given, That tfte Ctparnerfiip car-red on here 0; \VilJi..m Dixon, James Dicr lbn anti George Penny, I Under the fsrrnof Jamus Dicksow, &Cos 1 expired, by its own limitation,on the ill | iullant 5 thole who have any demands a f the concern will pleafeprefect tht.rr., j s.nd thof: indebted, are vequtft.-d to make payment to James Dickloa, who is an horded to ftitle the affairs of the concern, William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the buiinefs will be continu- 1 ed by VTliam Dixon B*. James Dickson undrr tb; firm of James Dickson, C< Cos. June 30 85 FUBUC” hAZE. ‘ C.t WhokussjAY, the 14 *b January next, avitlhe offered at Public Sale, before the C vrt tfovfe in the City of Savannah, the following valuable it aCs of Banz, I HE PLANTATION ON the north branch of Little Oje_ cate, well known by the name of uiLK iIOPE. This body of land contain* about 4000 aerr, nearly 1000 of which are excellent Rice land, and from 4 to 500 good cot con I*. <3 ; of the Rice land, upwards of 200 a res arc at picfent in cultivation, end he remainder has been under water for nearly half a century, forming perhaps the bet! reserve in the low country of the two Scat'.evil States. Ou the plantation are a good dwelling Houle, a barn sad machine, anew Saw Mill, Overfcer’s Louie, Negro Louies, Szc. The whole of this land lies withic from 7 <-2 to io miles of Savannah ; a* a sin gle ti -id, its advantages are rarrly equal ed* ft w;1 be difp>oftd of at piwate falc, tilher entire or ir. divtSon, at any time this snd Jsimar). Peridot, j wifuiiig to purchase portions of it, may 1 ’ 1 ir to advantage at private falc, as the j Jiv •: ■ Sines will be run toiuit purebafers j ] expoled to public faie, it will be di- i v ir.t .0 3ur 6 t.a(R3. An accurate) re-survey will be made previous to the j tale, ALSQ, ; ‘ he following trails of Land Or. the South Branch of Little Ogeclee, ly tug within 12 mile* of Savannah, 800 acics the mouth of the f \.clip, coufiH.'ng of Land, formerly be |ngir,g to Fox, Dixfee and Williams ; [4-00 acres of this tr a dl are good Rice ! I Lind, and nearly the whole of the re j . laaiudcr good Cotton Land. Tins tract ! jis capable of forming a very valuable plantation. 840 Acres adjoining the above, for neriy B> .fltan'e's ; too acres of) 1 1 tns tradf at e cvprefs fwa(| p, foqie of , toe high an.! iuttable for cotton. rf’z a* res the above, for jnurly klcLcllan’s ; 237 acres of this .. .f. art riantp, 121 of which r.rc op. ! the btanch called Lie’s swamp. I yc~. actformerly Prefton’a 4jo of { V’ - it are Iw3tnp. 300 Acres, formerly Hughes’; 150 cf w h ere iuppofed to be Iwaaip. TLrfe iattds will be fold on a credit of on Iwo and tl rec year. ; warranted tt t ties will t; given- For further partico enquire of Col. ia or of the lubicriber, Stephen Elliott. OAaber t. 416. FOR SALE. r r v ; O LOTS in this city Lnowu bj j it. tiie numbers a* and t Teen arj, fronting King and Eali Broad firenr, rojoi.uing each i>ther- One an improved hit, with a double ttnimect • nvo itory boafe, llzty feet long, twenty fe:t wide—a goo i kitchen, chair-house ‘ and other out buildings e’>|ui.-cleat the I other an uuietproved lot-,-the above; ma.tioi.ed lots are offered for fde Ou :ea r fciutole terms for cash, or ..etv negroes, . any one inclinable to purchase will j please fend a line to JNO. M- D vSH LK, on the Auguiia read, tweaty! mlsi from Savauaah. Nov 21 fit* 50. Sheriff's S Aes. WILL BE th- ‘rA iWdv,- in jinuaiy near, at tfie C , 'v.'rt hout'e inr'niscity, Letivcer. the lic.-c o’- to and j o’clock, Five negroes, VI2---JOHN and h,.(her with tiwir children, CHARLOTTE, JL'LIET J and HA HR*', taken under exfrtKvon, Edwin j Lewis, vs. Emaiuu‘l liecg’Jl, pointed out by 1 the de&ndant. Continu'd ft cm Inst soles. Conditions Call;, IT. W. WiiliaJTis, DSCC, f Land & Lcgvecs . For Sale in Georgia- A LL that I Hand in view of Paricn, ff\. *hc ALtarcaha, known by the uame of . black island, Containing about 3CO of h;gL 1 land, and 900 acres of brackish m.d j ifrefh marlh. The high land is of tie) • firll quality for Cotton, and the ctop ol j the molt prorruing kind. It a!‘o . thi* advantage, that it may be cafi y ; flowed with freth water, and of com (r eijually well adapted for the culture of rice as of cotton. Toe high!vnd giving coraoJete ficurity both for fcttlements and “preferration of crops. It ic wUI known from the lucccfsfnl t xpcrimenL. which major Butler liae made by plant ing similar mat they - net c ri>y very produftive, but the quality of the cotton is n.uc'n fupenor to that rat'e'. on the Hgh land. There wnl Le .old with the above property ore hut,died fealoued SLAVES, and pufTeltion can be given the ftrft of Jar.javy ntxc For terms apply to IViltteui Man, or Edward Swarbrecl, Efqu. Savannah- A bum as dp ‘tiding. Novr. 14 ?■ Valuable Town Fropefty, F0 R SAL E rpBAT cotmmod'cus tenement X HOUSE, where the fufcf.ri bers formerly lived, g. onufling of two good and well,fir.’fhed DWELLING HQUSES, with floor .cloths, grates and every neceiTary out buildings for the. accommodation of fepaiate families. ALSO, That new conveniet Haul*?, t. l,n good out houses cf every defeription, at pref en t occupied by Mr. Ha&mau, and known by Let Fo. jj, Old Frank ha Ward. VACANT LOTS . Noa. 25, 26, and 27, Liberty v/aru. corner Lots, and situated ia a part of tire To vn, that feetrs to be progrefllng fait in improvemcßts Noa. 9, ar<d 30, Co lumbia Ward—No. 30,:: a earner Lot, For terms apply to bAetti, Mac hay iff Go. Noa,ember 4 --di’ FOR PRIVATE SALE, A TRACT of very valuable.Cot*on and . revilioa LAND, contain ing nearly three t hour and acres, belong ing to the cltate of Rici'Aan R- Ash, situated on the lflrnd of Dswfulkie, d:- reftly opposite .Savannah bar, nod dis |taat er.iy 7 or h miles from Tyb-ee Light I Houle.—Theft lands are inferior to | none in the fiat z —the crop of a- I bout .pyoacrescf Cotton, arid 20'.’ acres of Prov,lieu will fully prove iL.s. The Traft is divided into Plan- j tJtiona, and wih be fold together or fe paratcly, ail of which are wr-11 Ltti<-d, Laving every ueceuary building for a Cotton Plantation, molt of them have ibtcu erected since the hurricane, and of the belt mate rials. On Newbury ain icou.euieut and comforubie t;ro fcory dwelling house, kitchen r.nd v/afii house, entirely new- ‘i'iic Ludo.rigs oq Sait Pa.ud are a jitt’.e inferior, and in excel j lent repair. Mary-Field and the ri.ige, (have been lately fettled and have over feera !:oufi;, See; Terms, one third cafii, the other two lairds in one auo iw;o years, the pu. eha fer giving bead ar.d mortgage of the pm j petty, with personal fecunty, if required. The overieer ct Newbury, will ih.w the Lauds and division lines. For fartbc, particulars, conlv to ’ ‘ ‘ MARY ERASER. (CT Prov fipnj, Piantaiioii Tools, &c. j may be had with the ylar.tatiana, at a Lair valuation Beaufort, S. C JJy IJ 02 Shenß’s Sales, Or, the first Tuesday ia January next, V IJ.X. HE SOLD, <si the Court-Zouse in this ity, between th: hours of 10 and j tfeher, w j'v V/O ti -. d* o. a s ra*ft -<f ■ S'- - -ot 1 LAND, Oak ll ckcry ;..ii Swamp, iu it able fir ).kc, Coti,,n ;.r,d prov.iaoijs, two miles from M >ctotl Couit-'v’ole, adjoining | Clctr.. Mariins I.ano- Lv;. and ‘W) a, the pro per! v °f Thomas Milis to *ut,.-iy i.liu,iec Lehiffe, pointed out by tiie defendant, Qoatinut l from hjl Sales. Conditions Cast.-. H. VJ. Williams, c s c c. December 5 ,24 SBEiUFF’S SALES, the urft Tuesday in jar.uary ueat, will be fold, e: the Court lioulc in this city between the hours of 1 j£ 0 an g - o'clock, One undivided third ■part of see acres of land fjtuated in’ M'lioofh county, within two mile* of! the CourtdiouL, adjoining the lands of Gun Mantis, pn.-t of which is esculent. Rice Swamp and the other good provi i-oo Lad, fe:erd under execution as the property of Robert Jordau to fatiafv Atdrtw Wekb and others. ■’ _ ALSO. <OO tcre* Land in Scrjvtß county Gmadiog on kiavaii&ah river adjoiaing *ud of——Scott at:d ethers, tnkcß un der execstiot! 83 the pr.iptrty ol M iliew Clark’ dictated, poyitt?- .out by . thf.esecutor, Robertson t s, t. c. JDeatf&ir f it , Mg tlh ia s Li s ley , ‘ Coach, Chair and Sign j ter, Cildcr Cs Glazier, j ? AIbES t:i; liberty of iufovn.i|p I J. his fri. nds and the - b!ic in get- j ra:, tl.rt he 1m returned to tli.snt'. and taken I;is former flirtp, :n Btcual tou-ftrect, next cicor eail -r lirij.nii . Ansley, Eq where he intends carry it t 1 on the above bufmefs. Tiioie w ; v.ifh their ‘'artiages repaired may c ! pti.d upon having their work cxc.uti ‘in a neat and fubfiaatiai manner, and 1 reaf suable tci ms. l.avinga young man, an exce.’at Carriage maker, fr. .1 the Nor hwafc and the tirti quality Northern Ash Piat. he flatte.* lunHclf that Oi who tnr.y ff vor him wilh their compund*-will me with that fat is faction uhfih it (hall b hi. ccnitsr.t endeavor to merit. Be has now on hand for sale, and it tends keeping L ipdi t Ca rria aes , oo 7 . Os different deferiptions. C s* All orders for Carriages will ! fofwaidtd on to the Northward aild a tended to inujitdiately, and be delivery her?, in tlie Ctorteft po’Tible lime. November .21 lit 30 30 Dollar 2 Reward- RAN AW AY from the Sub! scriber, the fc’.'atit'ii.g. .negrot-s 1 . SANi, z tail biaclc fdit-w abt.t iix fee £ 2 cr 3 inches hiph, vrr, cn.lic.2r ve, l'.ac on w!.#r. he wen . av. ay, along htown furtout co.’ and osdgburgs untltrtiuths. PETE 11, 2 iikeiy, 1 houß * black fefiow, has a imall fee- u: his Onehcad, 5 lect >j or 10 ;i ----chee h; oh. Si .ViON, a likely yellow fcl. low, about 5 feet 9 or *o nuhti high, appears to Iquint wher locking at you. The above negroes are aßmit j26or 27 y.carf age, Five - | lars each Wilt Le paid b J wit p-p I Huberlhatn, on their comnv.r ment to S&vannah goal, o: ttp doba's each by the lubicnf-eij, if delivered to him on t:;s pLn ta,. ait near lir-U'Orc. . WILLIytM H A22ARD. O tob?r 5. A O J ICE. THE Subfcribcr hat appointed >fi Cholss Tukssull) Esq. Mr. is A / Mi sis, and Mr. Chaxli.s Bkkkkv. bis iawiul atto.'sias durii-g his i. ~ from this Hats -- S. l)e MontnK/:.iu. C'Vpteiwbfr 16, t). 14;. Notice. Mr. SAMI 1 EL bRG v JC* : i * of ihv. city ol nnal- ‘.uviog alS^nedall his debts ana til-.c.., ."h due or helooohig to hiniMi, imtlvuu o’ * 2nd a? i. Cos in tlu ;-m < Ue-t” ei.Ucnit, i: Cos ior the benefit •. * : hiR crcuiioii At * i pt ifmis xiifieblcvi the laid iG.r.cei lircv.- j ho, or to the fa id fins ofGabliel Hariiti & Cos. vv II please topta':.: payment to the iotferu bcis or either of tlieai. Pci ion* ho'J fug any property o, tffedis of the iaic panics, are hereby eautiooed avail'd fie iivciing the lame but to tii oiocr oi the ktblcnlsis; and those having de mands will pkafe to p.-t-’ent th v l.ur.e to F. D. FLa IT d.’ VILLFFL, v* iii;u;o2tion. V,, S* Mitchell, F. P, Petit de ViHers. Nov. i3 Irn £2 Assignee*; To Let, And Possession given Am;;r. J:a:Ay. IfJ fist village of'fit. Gall, fron ting the buck part of the houft of Thomf.s Ycue", tiq one wooden i’E. NEMEtIT with tec vcr.ipnt appurte nances. 2d, ‘t’he earern half of the up pet pr.rt of the brick Tenement, sod tht lame half of tr.e yard aod out hcu:i.B, iituaisa cn the bay, near the Exchangej the other par* being occupied by r/lei!rS. Ogdea ; ; and Baker, 3d, The blue tenement situated Washington ward, lacing the pump j, with a a yard and 0 t buildiSga, the whoi.* occupying -.a entire Jut. ’ 4th OlEce No in the $d iLsry of the Coffee •haute, where convenient and fafe >s jrage .can b procured upon good terms. 4th, .O.n gardens wharf the ttme.roi. me’riy occup-La by .Samuel i’.dlen, witli the large and convenient fleiiar uniltr* r.ecth. Ear terms apply so F* D. Petit r?e Villers, Ajloncyfir fid?*/. f'arf ‘ sot. 38 it t ‘ 32 1 shekiVfs sales. QK Atf.rfi Tvetday in February a/. t, t’tlwt’it the hoyrs <p I*s -‘\"t d'fixi, it ILL JJJS SOLD; atij.-e C’wt-hxtj? ;n the t'y of S/t-v ir-n. a, ! Ox vi’Z Ns*** Vl ' : T'>-*<• }<*■ i A ,Caojij. ; ti fM-Mn**. i ALSO-Ibss. Bskt, i.c r >4 1 ‘.Ui|ae* AS> c b> virtue of an exrcononi.* 1 Bin-igage Th- Hr- ii kvs, vs, | \\ tr. UiV'iS ‘• r. ’ TANARUS, iiOBFJ .TSpX; • 5 v Dece'it&sr IV- ‘