Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, January 06, 1807, Image 4

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Auriiljustr'xtcv’s SA LES. jtQRT.R/Bf. Y to nn order of the ’Jut of the Tnfetiot Court o) .h Coun ty of Chatham, at the Court house in tie city of Stv : ■* ah, on 7 u ‘flay, the ,! jof February tie*.!, at lea o'doc l •Hah tommence the file of the following property of the Rea! LJlale of the late JOSEPH CI.AY, and le continued Jr cm Jay to day, until the •wools it fold. A VALUABLE PLANTATION called SPR NGITELD, con taining 885 acres, lying on both'll e* of Mulgr ive’s Creik, of which 250 a cres arc Rice Swamp, the remainder good Cotton Land. This pupcity is in the towi sh p of Savannah, and i eotrpufeJ 0(45 and J aer- Lota, and ‘fucli ofihcfcaaare cmme-Tcd, uiilbe loin togc-hrr, and the r-maindtr fcparatTy. ‘I h. Farm L * in toe townihip of Savannah, on the White Blufl road, Mo 5 and 7, third Tytlntig, Anson’s WaiJ, atid no, 5, Holland Tytiung, J’crcivai Ward, containing 47 acre* each. Four lots, being a part of the Fair I,awu traft. formerly col. Wylly’s, viz. no. ti 71 acres, no it, 57 acres, no. 3 46 crc,t, and no. 21 10 acre*. L.fvrn lots in Yatnacraw, nos 32, 33. 36, 37, 38, 22, 23. 24, 25 26 and 27 10 tiic nor ti ol the lot oteup.cJ by Mr*. Clay. a lot in Farm flreet, with the valua ble improvement* thcrcoit, now-occupied by Mr*. Clay. The remainder of the Land in F trm Itrtrt, to tile loom ol the houte occupi ed Ly Mrs. Clay, extending to the pub lic lot at Spring Hill, containing aouut co acre*, which i divided into 8 lots, &. includes part of the low ground. Four lota iu Ewcnfburgh, uos. 29, 30 3 1 and 32. Two Jots on Tybec I (End, nos. 3, &i 27- 103 a rev good Cotton Land, oppo fi e fd intgomery, between Vernon ami Ogech-c n; is. 400 acn-g prtnv land mar Moutfit!'. in Etftxjrin County, 1894 ten t, 1 one body, h -a. (.t.i Ogci .nd liver, abou’ if in .i from is. vimuti, uraott:’ a. various periods fiom 1 764 to .'774. 2JO a. pin; ! rd, ad; lining the a liovc ‘ u.i Lin <t Mi cl Mull, ilu.s iiic. ly R. M-. Curanck’ti. 200 acte-e. pn.o laud, n ar Kennedy’s. 300 acre*, urnetly ILnt.ett’a. Ijpo acre* pine Lttd near Tuck-fee K ill r, formerly Herriot’s. in G y ait County, 500 acres land grauted to Joseph W rt ( . ht. 2co acres laud, granted to Joseph Jlayoca. In Liberty County, 1700 a-re* in lour a ljoinimr trafti, fo.inerly James anrhcw’s an . Giay Ei liolt’s, ftiawted 1764 sic 1769. / MoliiJci/h County, joo a itv formerly Wat F jx'&. 253 acres at flra. d’s Hull, on the 4l aiauuf.a. CO \ DITI ).\S~—O ie third Cflli enethui payable the • 1 of January, 1 Nob -smut third payable sit Jauua.y, SBO9, Wilis latered. 11m payments to be lech-i dby Food eno Mortgage. WILLIAM WALLACE,A uln/ov TlliTl .S ‘ TLMdILSIG, i Ht-a jOstiPK STILES. J ns- Si eawwf, Nov. *9 33- Have au eye here. just PURUsHrn, if\. 1 be >liu t* ;tibi K>i . Alfr.Wb:*.., for 9 Hi* 7 ilte Grand Wh*uUU *jj ditto f,i ditto, urn ‘mania!;’ large aid.u j— | And atus-.-i. ul. ciuaia*!.'iyg and profit able. ALSO, ■Some eleg-aa- . -pics at V.ycre&u ILe etu . ’ , Serjaiit— jth e.dki.iH ,*>ul s-Vc lie*. Jerile Mnteet't Hymn IJcwlii*. Pk3 • *’ ‘inne w J)*n CCOd.CE UAH K AL'i Med.cme S'.-'re. Ji .mA Ut 18 U ) Sl.critl's Sdles iLV the frit 7 urr.ii iy it jarr.Jry nt-f, elt Ihe l -VC d)v..r ;h tint city, J.s the he*iu if to m-I 3 uVL.i, Wild be bol’i, \l.l- tV fimlit, eoatntn <e*rr*s, Carp, Tyki L'acur u aul Ho. y ALM>. A £ru .a* iN:k v, n-'i Mirs, -y wuai-c o tea ,-v.e M h re, , k.. 1 . . • - ’ l*,ru *v- Joluil L-ocr ot hi*tv Ik iiit.’d'd, J ai.MJ, J A S nrf va: lat witN nut improve- 1 rix-ru. il.cwr.a, V:u ta'CU) .nil > Ur J Ji -:*.>• I, and fiimtrir sJw pi of Hi ■ ‘Aid. in-- rc .ev ;r > . ,<.a ....A OB i!:e C~,:r v O/’ ica i.*ad, i ia—.C O. tla- lf\i Woi.v* ..>■., farruiti S.iici v I.d. pean alt 1 Httf, v.<e le •• t ..are i Jbv>*t \Kttf t 1 •iulk f. Rdbei Lon. s. c. c. T> aee mber l 14 DoiUn* Uevvani, ■jq i! H .\\\ AY (sen tht riser mihj. Jy *1 ■'. t. v ‘Wvt* of •>• -IV, c- n lce c* itvv’A, ~ 1 1..’ Y , c; ->* ~ i*-< i'Of>, a> it *- Js-ij- !;i u*x “ knar Or four uvh' S I^h. i \ftl i! ‘.r\ Et-^K'V J,,. - *f< tin.; tt afc-ill I’Wji**-’ a or t!u i.vStf* riser, hr* a j; nr u I.v-j i . ivVht* y £"-- 1m ■— Jirfji, £ „-Y i it V>'n, W U •>. • cftfx tl't *,’■ IS'..* !* u* .irt f ;Ti*hr **.*.: , . 4 .In.--, flu* VU KKTt’ j ar.w •.an, 7*’a ; ’ tE-JBC-” w. AM F.H. M-W. i FOR LEASE, I o.v // r/:/?!/ of rF/iP.s. A l’L’AfcJT \T :JN w Inn ,w 1 nnd ati a\ ha.’f rr.iUs ni ihis ciry,e.n.taininjs ion acr< s el pr me Ls dpt hr re is about y> acres clurtd, and uivier pood itnce—me rtlidue rr i ‘h:J with Oak, U:ck-<> and Fine. App y to I MINIS, 3VHO wen’d prefer er gjglr.g wrli fome pcrjnn who ha- a lew to plant on ihare-, and to superintend -.e lanit. UecemCei- r(> 37- SherilTs .Sale^;, ON the firft Tucfday in January next, will be fold, at the C urt house in thisetty bttween the hours of to ami 5 o^clotk, Till; vcdividfii fixih part rif tl.ofe two inti in . ie laid cfy, Known hy the num -1 it'rfrven and Seized and to be Id Dr. the pi ope t) of Mr John Uroadhelt Cnb’ on*, t . la’tsfy a judgement obtaitied a laid C.hbu.., at tlte luit of John IV right. Conditions Cash, Former curchaf.r not complying with the terms of lale. T KOBERTSCN, see December t 33 An Overseer Is wanted for the ensuing Year. A SINGI-E MAN who und/trftandj tlie fa culture of Hire, and can product tea wnr.nials of nib capacity, subnet) and hones ty will rnei-t with employment, ou applicati on to the fobltnlxr. U. JB MIfCUCLI.. 9. ts. J 5. WAN i LD IMMLDiA L ELY AN OVhKSt.ER. A (ingle man who can come well recom -O.X mended, wtil meet with encourage ment!)) a| plying on Skidaway Illanrl, to Kichard 13. Wyll/. Vot.u 8v George Enoe, Merchant 1 aylor, Oi. the Buy y> ESPECTFULLY irformc hi* jLV cusroMfks and the rußctcge, chat l.c h * l!e : v received a trtndftine aff.irtmeut of Goods in his .ini fhuli els, all of the belt quality, tn I m ‘ll lalhiucable colors, well iuited to the prcl i; and approaching fcalons, is below ilctcabcd. HIS coirefiioiidents will fu.'iiifli : him with a fucrefficu of falhlo.iable Arc IT— ] ca, both for ladies and gcnderr-eu, v/hc ; may always be fupphetl a 1 a Ihort notice, ) witit pniiCtuaiity and dispatch. C nth-- j nen ltot:i *.hc country at one day’ notice. ! SuperCae Dtab, and black Duicn cloth . 1 itto, blue, black, and dark mix’d Li.:- | ghlb do. 10. double mill'd, for furtouts &c. do, bottle green, brown, anti dark m.x tnres for ladies polices. Btaclt and d*'k mixed double mill’d Kerfej mcr^s Bell black Velvet, plain and flriped for Veits. do. Twill’d Satins plain <uid flriped for do. Sa'.tn Goths, drabs, mixtures, black and oilier colors Clack 2i 1 mixed patent corns Fancy patent coids for Veils ’•la It !i.v I! ickiuct patterns ,vj . ‘tic S ~'llilti,’ rg l' l -v ic and figured fufpendeva, &e. Novcud>er %. 423 7 ‘hennas Stewart, 7 i V PLATE WORKER, T AS r.uum-d hw Stote to thch.iufe X i i-ormcrly occupied by Mr. Jksfe-h Davis, tiro doc.c call of the Buck’t Ht.J. T. 3* returns hi* mod finccrc t harks to hit friends and the public us general, forthe libttiil encouragement he has re ceived frosi liters, and hopes that by un“ i\ mining attention he jviil mem a cun tiauaoce of their favois. HE HAS ON HAND, \ complete xiffortment ol Article* in his Line, w’i ieh he oSPer* for Cnle oci the null tea ioaabic terra . Orders will be thankful* iy !£•.< retd mid pmnSually executed. LATELY IMTORi'ED, 2 coaipletc alfi rtwent ot the bcJl moft faHis-unable V.tii Hanging Mu’trials, which he vs ill nx in the neauil scanner. C '“T The huhtft price gisax for oJd PcwTfc mid LfA. September 50. 4 If* SHERIFF’S SALES, 0^ r the so it T-uefcky in January oast, will fee fold, at the Court itoulc ta toil city between rheiuvursoi ic .15J to',-loci. £)ue undivided third of jc\> arici of land Jltnated in MAntoih comty, within two mile; of tlie Cuott-houfe, adjoining the iasids of C*ea.> Mania, part 01 wifcicu is excellent Rice twaap aad the other good provi i- a: i.r l, seized under execution aa the 1 property ~f Robert Jordau to iitk-fv duii'tw E'Avb and oihria. A LSO. *r*ei l.aud iu cotioty *s baiacHiah river a<ij )>niug ; navi S*.-*U 4*>ii Albert, tijtea 4W ] utt tac&cKiiw u ;Jk property of Mit- Jficw C’wt juusttd unit by the ezectHur. */. Kobirts&Jit s. c. c, j Ddmfcr * ££ j Gold Seed Pace FOR Sale hy the Subscriber at Beau lieu, about 5 or 6 hundred Buntcla of excellent SLED RICE, the growth of new land, and ha'vtftrd before the late gale. The grain is large He luavy, well worth the intention of the Planter. The price is I ooliar and 23 cents ptr j bulhel—Cafh on delivery. If not ap j plied for before the middle of January next, it will be beat out for market. .Sampson Neyle. Drcemler 19 ts 38 Prime Seed Rice. FOR SALE a quantity of Prime Seed Rice, intirely frte from red grains, 1 being the production of liun Swamp, the firll yearn planting, the price i* one dollar ptr bushel. Apply to the fubferi ber at his rtfidence, St James square. JOHN H. MOREL. December 23. ts 39. Notice is herchy Given, That the Coparnerlhip carried on here by William Dixon, Jarncrs* for) and Gtt.rpe Penny, Under the-firmof James Dickson, &Cos expired, by its own limitation, on the ill iiiflant ; tl.ofe who have any demands a* gairift the concern will pleafeprelent them, and thole indebted, are rtqutlled to make payment to James Dicklon, who is authorilrd to fettle the affairs of the concerts William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. fn future the bufmefe will be continu ed by William Dixon 6c James Dickson utdtr the firm of James Dickson, & Cos. June gp 88 ~f , eiu.ic SALK. On IVuDNF.snjtr, the 14 th January next, wid be of err J at Public Sale, before the C.uit If OK) ’n the City 0 Savannah, the fol -jn ir. ( valuable it ads of Laud, IHK PI. AN l\ j ION ON :h<-north branch of Little Oge. cin. e- wrl! knav/11 by the name of j b 1L X HOC E. T'tß body of'and contains about 4CXIC 1 acres. Md.-ly icoo of w hich are excellent lit • 1: ad, an i tri m 4 to 500 good cut toiilanu ; of the Rice lanu, upwards of 2 c .ce a>-eat prefeut in cultivation, arid ti. ren a’iu er has been uvilcr water for i a. y haif a cmtuiy, forming perhaps ti e Left cferve in che low counlry of the tv.o Southern States. Gn the plantation a g Oli dwcilr.ig Houle, a barn and machine, anew -Saw Mill, Overftcr’s rKJuic. N.gro hollies, ire. 1 he whale of this laud lies-within from 7 1-2 to ic miles of Savannah ; as a fin gL t-ait, it* advantages arc ra.cly equal ed: It w. 1 be* diipofed of at private sale, either unite or i; division, at any time between tki3 -nd January. Persons v.'jthiiig to jure!, fe portions of it, may do it to ndvtiu. re at private sale, as the tiivifion tines win be run to fait purchasers. If exposed to p :b!ic Hie, it will be di vided into sor 6 trails. An accurate re survey will be made previous to the sale, ALSO, Ths following traces of Land On the South Branch of Little Ogechee, ly ing fc.’f-Vn 12 miles of Savannah, , 800 Acres wear the mouth of the (Vamp, confuting of Laud, formerly be lungm* ta Fox, DixLe and Williams ; .400 acr.c of this tiaA are good Rice Laud, ami nearly the whole of the re nigiudcr pood Cotton Land. Ti'is tradt i* c .pabic ii fornting a very valuable phntation. >4O Acres adjoining the above, for me ty Briibanc’s; about 2co acres of ti is tract are cypress iwanrp, and fome of the hi h-Eud suitable for cottoa. F>72 Acres adjoining the shave, for-1 mcriy S,lcLcl!au’b ; 237 acres of tins 1 tradi ar. iwarnp, 121 of which are on the bisnch calhd Let's fwantp. JCO xcrifc, formerly I’reiiou's 130 ol which srefwamp. 500 xcus, formerly Hughes'’; proof ts’hi h are u;pt; led to be lwait.p. j. hcie iauds will be lotc on a credit of one, two and t. rcc yeais: vurtanted ti tles wt l ! be girt i. T . further carticu lars, enquire of Col. eiAßES.siA>i, in j xd the liablet-iber. 1 Flcpbcd Llliott. \ October 3. 416. , Sherri's Sales. } Yy ILL HE SOLI), on the Srft Tuewias V* in January next, at the .Court house in this city, between Che hcnrs oi io ord y o'clock, Five negroes, VI£ —jOHN and Ins wife CATHERINE, together with cheir children, CHARLOTTE, JULIET an.l HARHY, taken under execution, Edwin Lewis, vs. Ejnaauel ILenidl, pointed ctytby the defendant. Continued front latt teles. Conditions Cah. if. W. Williams, dsee. j. Decenvier 5 yt SherilPs Sales. Om tbrfrst ‘TutsJay ja January sexi, jz: the (.6*ri bouse in (l>t tt y of S.ixhjnfuih fttveeu jhe besots cf if and 2. f'chni, Will L e Sold, AVI AGtiO N and C-eetr, Gxr *oe IlsrTe 1 —ALSO, a Torre! horse, fei it d to Tati’- I fj an execution, David Ucrtsey va. John ] n, jjhe property pointed oat i>v the] plain tt£‘. i'. KobensoD, s. c. c. j Ptfctjchei: y #4 j Under a Decree in Equity. Will be Sold IN Charleston before the ‘Jfce of Veree and B.air, on ‘fuefday tie 27th of Ja nuary n-xt, the •oalu.Lle LANDS belong ii.g to toe ejialc oj Rab at l Rnjfel Ash. r ‘|~' , HEbL lands are (busted on tfie JL Ifiand of, and being perfedtly open to the sea air please .t and healthy. They have lately been fmveyed and di vided into four fepe ate tracts. Salt Pundo contains 770 acres, baa a comfortable dwelling house aud every nccefs.'.ry out buildings in good repair. Newburg contains 740 acres, the dwelling house, kitehen and v.aih houle, liable aud carriage house Sec. &c. entire ly new Mary Field contains 530 acres, has been recently fettltd, the uverfeers house aud out buildings new. Oak Bridge contains 396 acres, was fettled in 1802, the out btTditigs &c.&c. new. The shove plantations are well worth the attention of cotton plaiter,, the lands will be found on exatninaton to be of a strong and permanent qtaiity, The average crop of the prefers; year is fully two bales of cotton to the hand, wiiho— bundancc of prcvilioii, although tne fourth was supposed to be lust by he ! autumnal gales. Ll’crnis—One fourth cafh—Tfe pur. chaftr giving bond bearing interest with a mortgage of the property for the u mainder payable by equal instalmuits ia January 1808, and January 1809. Debts due by the above eltaU will Le received in payment. r Dawfuskie, January 1, 1807. ts I Land tS Negro ex* For Sale in Georgia- ALL that Iflajid in view of Darien, on the Alatcmaha, Jcnown Ly the name of BLACK ISLAND, Containing about 300 seres of high land, and 900 acres of brackilh and fre(h nrtarlh. The high land is of the full qua.iiy for Cotton, ap.d the crop of the molt promifL.g kind. it has alio this advantage, that it may be easily fiuv.ed with trefh water, and of ccurle equally well adapted sot the culture of rice as of cotton. The high End giving ccmukte security both for Ettlements and preservation of crops. It is well known from the fuccefsfut experiments which major Butler has made by plant ing fimiiar lands, that they are r.ot only very produdtive, but the quality of the cotton 13 much fuptiior to that railed or. the high land. There -will be fold with the above property, one hundted feafc’nd SLAYES, and possession can be givcu the firft of January iicEc.- For terms apply tp JVilliur. Mem, or Dd-uiard Swarbreck, Efqrs. Savannah. 7 b Miiat bj aiding, Novr. 14 -io Valuable Town Property, F 0 R SAL E • TH A T cojnmodious tetiemenc HOUSE, where the fubferi. bers formerly lived, confiding of two good a-:d well finiflted JJW]’ I-LING HOUSES, v’ith floor cloths,grates and c ::y neciflary out buiiditigs for the accocunucstioo ct separate famiUcs. AL O, That-new conveniet House, with good out iioufes of every delcription, at pref eut occupied by Mr. Harman, and known by Lot To. it, (j;u .Frank,!m Ward. VACANT LOTS, Nos. 25, 26, and 27, F.iberty Ward, corner Lots, and fi'uated in a part -of tile Town, that feerns 10 be progrefSiig Est in improvements- Nos. 9, and 30, Co lumbia Ward—No. so, is a coroer Lot- Tor terms apply to Mein, Mackay Cos, 4 423- , SutTifl’S Gn lie Jr:i ‘TvetJayuz Jar.vaiy futU, WIJ-L BS COI.U. At the Court haute ir. this city, betyfffe# the louts of 10 arj 3 o'clock, TWO third* of a Trig” of ro - Acres <0 LAND, Oak, f ichorv *nd Sriir]),’ hittabie f.-r H'ce,sCotton and ns, nvo its lies Jrorr M fntovb C< vrr-houte, adj'iuirg C’fgrn. Martins Land. Levied on xg tltc pro-, perty of d'bamas Mills to f.tisfy Maairice - EutiSs. pointed cult by Uu; defendant. Continued from Lift Stitt, Condition: Cash. : H, \V. \Yi)iiaa;s, and sc c. 5, 54 •*m ■ ’ 11 t” rr."t"rr--* marshal's sales, Ol< the Trll TteTday in reUmary next, will *c fold at tiie Court-fconfe, in this city, between tiie hours of 10 and j. o’ci >ck, A .jaiUKy if Cn-ieev. Hardware and Jron-. imoiigerv, iwjipaned powder Firsks, pent e men's Try Cties’s Clntfc s, Counter- VTti_;e ; “> h and Hearth Hnytes, V'kite Irf’wd in 1 1 kejs #>vd PamtDil; lived on .as the pro 1 j perry of Thoma* W ill tarn Ton, hr virtue erf j an esretion obtained by itsfi Jin-res! Stages | iu the JDrftrii: Court. 1 i’ll? W ALL, k£ D Q iJecd.-nicr 5- T JUST RKCklvi-oV’” £jss JOE S4IL? at TIH6 OFFICE, a riv itcoi if PR IN 1 IMj IMK. ■Of a y*d quality., whieh c'dl tr lev i? 1 C+;a. P&&*x f-i 30 Dollars Reward, RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, the following negroes. SAW, a tail black (ciiow t-bouC lix feet zor 3 inches hi::h, v- ry talkative, had on when he u-enc away, a long brov, n fartout coar, and esnaburgs undercioths. PL 1 LR, a likely, though black fellow, has a final 1 fear on his forehead, 5 feet 9 or :o in ches High, Si WON, a likely jeliow fel low, about 5 fe.t 9 or 10 inches high, appears to fquinc when looking at you. The above negroes are about z(> or z~] years of ages Five dol lars each w.ll be paid by Jokph, Plaberfham, en their commit n:ent to Savannah goa : , or tea dollars each by the fubferiber, if delivered to him on bis plan tation near Beaufort. WILLIAM IIAZZARD. OcloNer To JLet, Ar.d Possession given Immediately. Is - N the village of bt , Gall, fron i tii g tlic back pan of the houfs , of Thomas Young, cfq one wooden TE. NEMENF with convenient eppuru* j naects. I 2*i. The eastern half of the upper 1 p;rt if tlje brick Tcneinent, and th® , fame half of the yard and out hottfes, fi'uated on Lie bay, near the Exchange ( the other part huijg occupied by MtlTrs, Ogdeu’s and Baker. S'L The Hue WnePtent fttuated iq WaAingtun ward, facing the pump { with a garden, a yard and cur buildings, the whole occupying an entire lot. 4th Office No. q, iu the 3d flory of the CofTce-houfc, wiiere convenient and fate ijtarage can be procured upon good terms. 3’.h. On Hardens wharf the (tore for mcriy occupied by Saniuel Bullen, with the large and convenient cellar uackr*. neath. for terms apply to F. D. Petit (ie Villers, Attorney for flaw. Harden. HOV. 28 I2t 32 7 *’ ■*“ . .— r _—— . ■ — '? To be disposed of s. Ok Thurf'tty the ly.h of January next? at the Court.lipufe in this City. T HE two Lots Jituatc in the Bank | Square, belonping to Ci rilt churdi, be ing Oc by ico feet—thefe Ets being wei* known pn.clc.des the ne.ctffi.y of any rccur-xeudatioii The lease of the fatal! builuinga theifion expired ialt uary, and therefore a removal may he ordered by the purchaser, or othervtife accommutdaicd with the pitfent owners | and the Emo'--r on the Lots yviij be re moved in due ti;ac, The terms jitllbc made known otjt the day of (ale, and the pajmmts made tafy to the purchaser by in Raiments, 09 giving fitch security as will be required, i he proceeds of the sale are intended ti> aflilt in finifhing the church. .Bale to. comniecce at ten o'clock, W. S TEFTiENS, ) Church N. 1 U RNB ULE, 3 \V ardens, Dec, 15 30 Sheriffs S<!es. I'/iL be filet at the Court house, tn the town of Btunjypict, Glyun County, on thejhft ‘Tuefiayisi jana try next, between thf hours of tpn and three o'dock, O E () Acres of prime Cottoa Land, ‘- J J joining the commons of Drunk wick, confiding of aa excellent Dwel ling heuk, gia bc-ale, s.> ttcliesi, and aif other aectilary buildings, cietzed, and taken 3 the Property of H. D. to fatisfy sundry executions. Conditions fl fit Wig. f .-vYNE, novt!..ber 02 35 a g c _ SHt.R!f bTsALLS. ON the ft Ji ‘fuse Jay ia February oesci, leinven the houte of JO and 5 o’dock, l'/ILL BE SOLD, at the Opytii lx-uf* tn the eity of Savannah, ‘'"I’MIE following Negroes, tz. Toja, Joe A OOGDLiCK, Gftosg e at|d Mary. ALSO—Hosc'ia, f-E'n v, Lccy and • lulu Cysf; ;q by .virtue of an execution 04 mortgage The executors of Six- fjolton, V! a. John jjr.vies. T. ft. c. c. Di-.ce.iihc’r 5 34 fvtriff'i bates. OK tire Srii hi January r.cxt, it’ILL LL SOLI), at Uie Court heule in rl.ik c*ty, oatvaoen ttein—is oi iy anil 30 - iock, A negro man 1)4 CHI'S, taken junde? i jwc-jfiuu ss the jro perty 01 Tvilham llarnar-j, imier sundry ex r ecuuoi>s, pointed u.t tjy t.'te defendant. The former pa--chafer 4or coynply ing with the ter;ru of late. Continued frcttijasi safes. T. Robertson, s. c, c. AiSiZt 1 ., /or Dec. jBo6. r ~^r x HE pi of FLOUH ben p ; i-t deling J. pc’ ’>trrei. I'vuod .tntE .0-iph, via it .i-i cyjits Loaf <3 i-4tym Lcat e’b. s<ir.. •j tWj f 1-2 oii ,Os urf.icti t:! hoktis and Sd’.crs 0 i Il'tSti. are Wttai.e Le and patticuUx aoUsi. H T. V;i"fha, Cuy AI (,U-STAI> §iX J£ b 4 T -/T .1 XT l fJC /i L.o’ tri A IW-v?^- jrsr c’.Lt •7 r r.n ,::ri) rcii a. A T THIS .Offid j*, JLiitcn&fir 5,