Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, February 17, 1807, Image 1

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VOL. V. No. 14 ] John Jackson, tfas Received per the Jh>p Elite's, and Missisippi, from Liverpool, A large ad general supply of FALL GOODS. ALSO, An exter.five and complete af iurtmem of IRONMON GERY, confiding of every article m that line. A LEO, Crates CROCKERY, airted for retailing, Boiled Linfecd Oil in jugs. ■fc * \ 8 by to I Vv hit _ J “ S < C’ o by ill Spaaifti Drown > 2 g o dio by I2 i \ tllow Ochre 3 £ -^Or asks best Brown Stout. ON HAND, ‘ Swedes iron, fiat and square bars . Sept. 30 4 1 5 EXCHANGE ©N New-Vork and Boston, For fu!c by henry W. Hills, At Messrs, o', id C. IfovarTs Couiitiii,; Houle. January So. ‘ll- 9. v BILLS ON NEW-YORK at a shore fighi, FOR SALE by |a nes & William Magee. Dsaxnber 2. 3i. U>‘ i—. . . ■ 1 O L.h l . TO let tow cdNVENIENT STORES •Bardens wharf. Apply to Mages <6* Howard. OftoHer *7 ts. 417 y —■ - -- l ire Proof Stores. TO LET. THE tenement adjoining Mr. John Jack £ ,’s ft re now occupied by Mr. William \\ ■ .bridge on the fubfribevs vvl arf. The two Eaftcrn tenements in Commerce Row And the tenement lately occupied by Jo- Jbph Uice 0,1 be Bay, adjoining Ur. Ewell, P''ffeilio 1 of the w'r. le of wliicli, canoe given immediately. For terms apply to R. (2 j. bolton. January x r, ts. 5 To Let. A SMALL HOU-fi in Warren Ward near the market with a vacant I t ad joining Enquire of Wll. PARRF.R. January’ 15. ts 5 To Rent. CELLARS No. 2 an ! 3, and Stores No, 5 and 6 in the Exchange apply to i'ho’-nas Pitt, Sec'ry. January 1 3 4 Cash WILI. be paid for four lew priced horses l'uitafcio for ploughing. Enquire of the pi in*..:'.. February IS 13 Have an Eve hear. JUST PUBLISHED. 1 ft. The Maids and Bache’t rs Almanac, For ISO 7. ad. The Grand Republican ditto for ditto, both uncommonly large and curious. wild unmeaftly entertaining and profit able. ALSO, Some elegant c qnes cf Hymen’s Re cruiting Sejant —sth Edition. And the Rev. J.-lle Mercer’s Hymn Ecoks. Please enquire at Dr. GEORGE HAR RA-L’s Medicine btore. November 18 *9 For Sale, Tllld Haute and Lot on the Bay at pref tut occupied by Ur. Gumming. A Farm r,n Vernon River, 9 miles front Sa vannah, cf .a .ut to a tre., on which is a valuable Dwelling Houle, with Kitchen Eta tie, fee. Kc. 1. h.vs always been el'.eemed a healthy (dilation for a Scramt r rclidence. A to ac;e Lot continuous to the above, at and {event final! Builsi.ig I.ots in Vcrujnbnrgh cu the river. The ah ve property will be fold or. a ere. ‘ctit, die coii'biio..-, cf which will be made on application to Wm: Wallace. December 33 40 T VU GU* TA P RIX TE D ALM AN ACS, JUST RECLIUBA) AM) EOF. SALE AT THIS O EE 1 UR, GEORGIA REPUBLICAN- John I ting, TAYLOR AND HABIT MAKER, Respectfully inform* his friends and the public, that he has lately commenced business in the House lately occupied by Mr Francis t>. Miller, between the Stores of M?iTV*. Marquand and Paulding 1 and Mr. Da vid Taylor, near the Market—where he hopes, by firict attention to bufiacss, nestnefs in execution and punctuality to his engagements —to merit the patronage of the public. February 6. 11 Factorage. O h F Subfcriirr has removed to tin COFFEE-HOUSE V.-IiARF, 2*o. 10. (Pic ltili continues the Factorage & Commission BuSiHCjt* Has large and afe (lores for the recepti on of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and ii; pay every at ten'too to the ir.tereil of thole who may eairuE him with, their ruliuefs. Joseph Habersham. Ociober ji 424 The Subscriber prefect occupies the WHARF 5e STORE formerly occupied by Col. JGrdon, and dill continues the Lumber Faclorage % and Commifli.m Bufincfs ; Kc will (tore Produce on moderate terms HAS FOR SALE, Rum, Brandy, Gin, Molaffee, Sugar, Coffee, Corn and Superfine Flour, of this years crop. Therms [ones, Gordon's Wharf. OAober t®. ts. /\ 1 3. Factorage. F. D. PETIT de VILLERS. Has removed to the STORE lately occupied by Mr firs. Havens & Bi/.no, on Judge June's wharf. Ur tliii continual the Factorage &. Commillion Business. And will pay every attention to the hitruft of tliofe who will have the goodness to entrulf htm with their buii nefs. He will make liberal advances, if required, on produce being deposited for sale. He keeps a conflan*: supply cf the odl old Madeira WINE, which he fells ry the pipe, quarter calk ordem john. nov 28* Gtn 32 Notice is hereby Given, That the Coparnerfhtp carried on here by William Dixon, James Dick ion and Go rge Penny, Under the firmed James Dickson, S;Co .spired, by its own limitation, on the lit r.fiant 5 those who have any demands a gainst the concern will pleafeprefent them, and those indebted, are requeued to make payment to James Dickson, who is au’ horifed to fettle the affairs of the concern. William Dixon, James Dickson, George Penny. In future the bufincfs will be continu ed by William Dixon & James Dickson under the firm of James Dickson, & Cos, June 30 88 Administrator's bale. Under and by v.rtue of an order ob tained from the bonoiable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Camden county, will be 9old on ihe firft TU LSD A 1 m April next, in the town of Jcfferfon, between the hours of ten and four o’clock, all the REAL ESTATE cf Anthony ! Suares, latecf Camden county, deceased, j intended for the benefit of the creditors ar,dheir6 of the deceased. Conditions will be made known on the day of faie. J. M. Lindsay, adm'or. Rachel Suares, adrn'x. January 23. 7 BROUGHT TO MY YARD, At the Sign of the INDIAN QUEEN, Savannah. A Bright Bay Horfc, fifteen and a half hands 1 ! il high, his cars cropt, with a blaze on his! !: jrehtad, ir<> Saddle marks on hi- back, which j are very fore. The o-.vner, cu paying ihe Sta- | blir.g and proving his property may have hiai. I JOHN JONES. February 10 12 SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY JOHN F. EYERITT, ON THE BAY. T U E S ‘.) A V, F*BRUAnr 17, 1807. Final Notice. THE Sujfcriber, having declined business m order to attend more particularly to the fettlementof GLASS & SHAFFER'S hu- Cnel's; informs all persons indebted to laid concern, that unlefsthey make payment prior to the lirlt day of March next, they will be sued without delfinction. FREDERICK SHAFFER. Surviving uoflartmr. January 20. 9 Notice. THE fubfcribcr earnellly requests all pcrfor.s indebted to him, by notes and open accounts, to settle their rel'pec live dues early to the present year, fas to enable him to meet his own engage, ments at- that time—from the repeated delinquency of many whole accounts have been (landing open for feverai years, he is now obliged to infill on a fettlcment; therefore ajl of this dtscrip. lion, not paid by the (hit of March next, will be placed in the handset an attorney fer collection, as no longer in dulgeucc can possibly ie given To those who have teen pbudlual m their engagements with him, he returns them Ilia lincere thanks; and foot his exten isve importations irom the belt, and moil dired DRUG MARKETS, he will continue to furniih them, on h;a ufua: credit, with articles of the bell quality, and at the lowell prices All dteicis m Medicines will find it an object to be upplied by him, as a conliderable allow ance will be made to thole who purchafi to fell again. GEORGE HARRAL. January 20, 6 Notice, J” EFT in the Store of F. D. Pe itr tl ——l Vu.i.sns, on the 14th Move mb,-.- Int by Cnpt. Geo. We-her, of Si—o*, Anidi irom Cliariefton, fumiry of Finn :ure, addrefted to Mrs Teredo, Pint . The owner thall leceive the fame wli. applied for, on paying the evpsncct there . and for this Aavertifement. January if, Notice. AlaL persona ;.rc hereby cautloaeJ, rot to trust, or credit any perfou or UirfoiD’ I j t>atloe „... mv ;JCC ,.,.,, ...... dBMIWe. as ,111 connections as well as com | are from this day diflolved. 1 lhali therefore not feel myself reiponlible for, or on account, of any contract except those made by myfe.'i. JO HR F. LOVETT. Jackfonboro* 9th February 1807. lit 1.1. Notice. A I.L persons are hereby cautioned not to j£"\ hire any of the negroes belonging to ELIZA BURKE, (my infant ward), from any one except myl’eli, or other uerfuii duly autho riled by me. SARAH HANIiLE V. Guardian. January lOq 8 COUNTYx’AX. NOTICE TO the f iur different Dillricfs of Chatham Cauntj', and City of Sa vannah. The Subferiber is now ready !to receive ihe Taxes for the lail year, j i306, and those that do not pay then ! Tax by Wednclday, ;he Bth day of February next, will be tn default, and jonThutiday the 19th, Executions will j be issued out of office as the law diredts. Those that have not paid their Tax s for 1805, will have o further indu: geace. PETER DEYEAUX, 7ax e e c Tax Collectors Office 9 t Oth January 1807. J 9 Inferior Court, ‘June 1 erm UPON the petiticn of Rachael Mor gan, relict of Joseph Morgai deceased, begging the eftablilhment of certaiu written agreement, wherein Tho mas B. M’Kennon became indebted ti Philip Burneman of said county, in the jum oi one hundred and forty three dol lara leventy live cents—andtliat said jo leph Morgan in his life time, bought laid agreement of said Burneman, which said agreement is loit, or mislaid .- ORDERED, that laid agreement or’ evidence of debt be dtablifhed as direct ed by the sixth fedtion of the Judiciary adt, in such cases, made and provided, due notice being given of this application agreeable to the rules of court, unleL cause be fiiewn to the contrary. By the Court, from the Mmulct, N. Jones, c. i. c. c. c. October 24 422 iawtjm To he Rented or’ed, ON ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. I ’HE Dock and Yard, belonging tc the fub feriber with the improvements thereon, containing two hundred feet on the rivtr and 1 four lotts on the street. Possession will be given on the eighth of February, on application 10 jOHN PUUJLER, January 39. 9 BILLS of LADING | £a!c z*. tlis OScc. George Enoe, Merchant 1 aylor, On the Bay. RESPECTFULLY informs t customers and the public g .tratiy, that he has lately received . lundloine alTortment oi Goods in bis hue of business, all of the belt quality an 1 ! mod (afhtonablc colors, well to the prdent and approaching feafons as bes *7 defcribtd, HIS eorvefpondents will furniflt him with a fucciflkm of fafhiouable drtfi’ } es, both for ladies and gentlemen, wbn ! may always be- supplied at a Ihort notice, with punctuality and dilpatch. Gentle* 1 men from the country at one days notice. 1 Superfine Drab, and black Dutch cloths ditto, blue, black, ami dark mix’d Eu glifli do. do. double mill’d drabs, for fyrtouts s:c. do. bottle green, brown, and dark mix tures for ladies polices. Black and dark mixed double miiTd Keri'ey meres Bed black Velvet., plain and Brined for Veils. do. Twill’d Satina plain aid flriped for do Satin cloths, drabs, mixtures, black and j other colors Black and mixed patent cords Fancy patent curds for Veils Black li k llockiuet patterns Viarleilles quiltings Plain, white and figured fufpendev;, Vc. November 3.42 c | Lund & Negroes'. o for Sale in Georgia- LL that Island in view of Darien, _ E on the Ahtnmaha, known b] the name of BLACK ISLAND, containing about 300 acres of high uni, and yoo acres of bracktfh and efii marsh. The high land is of the irft quality for Cotton, and the crop of t? molt promijing kind. It has alio ms advantage, that it may be taii'y lowed with frtlh water, and cf comic ijually well adapted for the culture of ” ‘V of cotton. .The high land giving •omplctc iecunty Loth r v . . , Cs ,nd prcftrvation of crops. It is well xnovvn from the fuccefsful exneiinienta, vhich major Butler has made by plani ng firr.iiar lands, that they are not only cry productive, but the quality of the otton is much fupenor to that r?.ifc r h in the high land. There will be fold with the above property one hunched cafoned SLAVES, and p< ififlion can be given the lirft of January next ~ loi terms apply to tUi!liars Mem, or Edward Svjarbrech, Elqrs. Savannah. i bamas Spalding. Novr. J 4 28 Valuable Town Property. t 0 H S A L li *fl 1 HAT commodious fßiemem HOUSE, where the fubfeti S,ers formerly lived, confiiting of two good and well finiflied DWELLING HOUSES, with floor cloths, grates and every necessary out buildings for the accommodation of fe pa rate families. ALSO, That new eonveniet House, with good out houses of every deferiptiou, at pres ent occupied by Mr. Harman, aid known by Lot No. 11, Old Franklii Ward. VAA. ANT LOTS, Nos. 25, 26, and 27, Liberty Ward corner Lots, and iituated in a part of the Town, that feema to be progrt fling faft m improvements- Nos. 9, and 30, Cos iumbia Ward—No. 3d, is a corner Lot. For terms apply to Mein, Mac hay & Cos. Nociemler 4 42?” MARSHAL’S SALEsL On the fir it Tuesday in March next, will l: sold at the Court house, in Savannah, ONE eighth <Ha tract of LAND granted to Charles McKinnon, 111 fviclntufh county, ycoo acres : one fourth of a tvadt granted to James Mul ryr.c, lying in Glynn county, St Da vid’s Par sh, 250 acres ; one fourth of a iracl adjoining the above, granted to Talbott ; one fourth of a lot in Sunbuty, granted to John King, tor. mining j 300 acres : one tr?ct on TodciN j creek granted to I.aivgly Bryant,-Cam j den county, containing 400 acres, le vied on by virtue of several cxiciitions obtained againfl Williford and Cork BEN. WALL, M. D G February 13. 1 3 AM!ZE, f,r Februaty 1807 r I' ’ 1•’ ; rr. of FI/JUU hus.y 9 t.t, per ji IkEAU rnuil ’vojj-h. ViZ. 12 ’■ .in Rat | tl 1-1 cent. If : f 3 oz. j !lb r i-2 tj f w all Ji..krrk zr.d * . 9, ■ ( ,f ar. to t.-k <lui: arc f-artical-r i.uti'.v. r. .....—--r-s I.* {AYhoek XuMitin, 455 Administrator’s SALFS. ’urfuant to an order and decree of t ! >c Court o! Ordinary of the County uf* Chatham, Hill he exposed at Public Safe, at /■ • Cowl both e of the city of Savannah, ... the prst Tuesday in April next, A EL that tiact or parcel of LAND X V containing 350 acres, be the 1.: . • 1,1 ore or lets, la e the property c George Bailiie. dcceafed, being in 1 0 county of C nulen, bounded on the e - l;7 Great Satilla River, and 0:1 all oil sides by Land vacant at tlie lime of • Survey thereof. Also, one other traA or parcel 1 ‘ laud, containing 300 acres, be the,; more or less, late iht property of Geotb Baiihe, decealed, bi iug in the.county ■ •’ Camden, bounded on the Eail by t said George Bailhe’s land, and on other li.lcs by vacant land, at the tim of the lurvcy thereof. Allb, all that tract of land, contair ing 500 ac cs, be the fame more or L 1 , originally granted to Robert Bailiie, dc • ’ ceased, 1 ting in the county of M’luioL, j bon ulcd south by the rivtr Alaiairah , cad or. the* laud originally t > C’ath me I) uglafs, north on lands n >,.■ ■■ *td to VVrn. M’lnu 111, and wilt 01 lands granted to John M’Culloi>,i!-, which Lid three tradta of laud wei e ft-, v. rally ft id at the cui fii'ca:t-.l fairs, | purchic and hy the late Join: Peter Ward, lecesb.d, anti nov to In dnooce-i of uu and .• a,l ore-. 1 of court, as part of his t-.-, ’ ‘ date. The two full ti. , s ton :,n good Cotton I,ai and, and tin ,r:,6 /, \ot tijc first Quality oj die Swatrit: I crins to be nude kiiotvn on tfu i'av ■ sale, and lor further paiuuurts apply t-, col. ‘Joseph) Hales sham, in the city r Savannah, or to the lublcribers on in. Iflaudot Ciiiibenand. N. S. BA YARD, Atlm’cr, I S J HER BAYARD, Adin’rst F brnaiy 3 io . i Marshal's Sales 1 9 By virtue of a decree of the Circuit c . art A ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ Georgia, between Pierce ‘lluil'er an. * the heirs oj R. P. . ancle's, romp'aisl ants, and IVidiam Triplett, dpt / l,ml, will be sold at Sanders tithe, on He ji t ‘ 7 tics csy in March next, r jj UIFd following tradH of L AND, A. lying in the county of Wafhinr ton, V i. 287 1 2 acres on tlie waters of Buff:-, foe creek, oiiginaily granted to Tno. m :s St.tlion. 287 1 3 acres, adjoining the above mentioned tract, granted to Mi ,j |, Gut'.'"/us 287 I 2 acreo, granted to Henry Caftk berry. 287 1 2 acres, adjoining the trafr ii'll mentioned, granted to das Muau-f. 287 i-2 acres, aiijo'ntng the two la I meiuiiiimd t.adfs, and granted to Wil liam Moats 287 1 2 acres, adjoining the two las;; mm tiuncU tradtj, and granted to Skuok Moats. 1 2 acres, granted to Abraham Iflandtj. A SO—The Toll wing trad's lyn-j in tile county ot Greene, viz 575 acres, granted to iluckber Har ris. K 62 i 2 acres, granted to Alexander u iy. 287 i 2 acres, granted to Jacob Au t,y\ 287 j-2 acre , granted to Henry Ai.. ifon 287 1 2 acres, granted to William Campbell. 287 1 2 acres, granted to John Wigs gi'is 287 1 2 acres, granted to Bu jamiu Porico, Conditions of f,.!e, CASH. LLN. WALL, M L). C. I'elrruary 13 j ; N oticc. r i ’HK Fnbfcriber lvinj; appointed Roirdia . ill Jamb (iuiii'l,.! minor , I,i , (I”*.. | , <, r _ funk iti p< iK'fligji of Negroi-., iioi.kij l\o.’ ami j upmi i,l every <lci. ripticii, !. lmy >‘>ji io aid min r, to deliver up tin Jinn ■ v. it out delay, on or htf'c . ihn ni l <!.,v m ;,J.-,r> rt lu ll, a:, alter tlial <!.•/ luitk will In j'. inlt all di faultet* ; ami all pcr/.,r. .1 Vo laid mini r, . i- railed on lor y ■i’liolc who i.f.pvet tiiii iiuriev, ./ii! -1 t. aeeui nt i.: tiio i -i: <d J. Cuylee, c.m /or ... cover/. JAM MS AULI.SON, Guardian. Rav. l-'shrusty in j„-,-M-.v j:: NO TICK. t /; LI. p-.rf ns liHv::.}-, and rnard e. _Z L gain>t tl.t I'hlJ.te ct be:. Jamc • IJac k ion, arc r< quoted to ibiivir ;hi,:- I mcountu, j.roj : >iy t-i tin :üb feriher ai m plan tat •near-, Pa a n.h. HL ijlVI j CIL.JL. Aii <•