Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 18, 1802, Image 4
Lor m e GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. To as Absent Wife When I call they lov’d form to my mind And fmcy I am bleft w th tny tmilef Wh.i bl fs in the mem’ry I find To or;f the Ld Lours of my toil ! Bj: when T reflrcl on rr.y fate v And ffel that I’m severed from thee — 1 he torture of thought is so great, My mind from the coitfktft would flee. Vet f;r thee, my S.lly, I'll roil And fortune propitious will prove t In thy arms I’il again meet tfcyfmile And er.jr.y all me heaven of thy love. A WANDERER. rTr"ic-"ayO■**>'* . -'*• V\ ANTED TO RENT, ASUFFIC IE NC rof good cctton and Pro vision land on or near the alts, as would employ about twenty workers and for which the highest price will be given, and no objection bad to an advance of rent, ripply at this office. Sept. i. TO EE RENTED. AND pofpffion given on the fir ft day of Octo ber next,the Store at preffiut occupied by Mr. ‘Thomas M. C. Harris near the excbm*e. D. B. MITCHELL. St Heftier 11. t s * - | -.- — r.-.i-.uc -i. j—i notice, ALL persons having any demands against the Eft.t e 01 William Weft Esq. late of Liberty L i..ty, dectafed; are recuefted to render the fame ro Meliks. James & William Roberts, a: Ricebbrough cr to the Subscriber. JOHN JO NES. AditVimllrator. StmV.urv. Autscft, to 1802, 4T_ FINAL NO'TICE. ALL per foils that, are indebted to the estate of John Zane, dec. are desired to nuke immediate payment, and those that have de tk that estate, are ado delired to render the n dub a* tested, on or heforethe first day U No. vember next,after that time I frail apply toxheVsourt ct Ordinary to bed Im.fitd troni me AtlmiimUa- BALTRASER SHAFFER, Adm’r. August i<). ißi. . ~N 0 7 / C E. THIS is to forewarn any person or perfons whatever, from tradeing for ot receiving a Note of Hand for One Hundred Dol lars, drawn by William H. Roberts, in December, jSo 1, and m?.de payable to Custis Si Blount, on the fir ft day of January, 1802, as the laid Note “has been iott or mislaid. Curtis & Blount ’ 4 NOTICE. WE are arretted by John Milledge the ex ecutor of the estate of the late Jacob Wald burger to notify to all puffins whatever his prohibition a gain ft bunting on that part of the If and of St. Catherine's belonging to toe said (fate, being to'be North the Stock having of late been much lessened byfuch pralUffi, and other injury done a/rd after’ this no tic e will feel b'mftlf bound to prosecute to the extent of the law , all persons found!o violate it. WILLIAMSON & MOREL. Augv.ft, 2 3 1802. NOTICE, ?~Ef\H£ (übkriber having taken into partner j Jbip With him , in the face business GARTNER TUFTSyhe business at the Savan nah Shoe Store will in future be carried on wider the firm of G. TUFTS Us Cos. Ainy commands cn James IVilly <3‘ Cos. or James Willy, will be attended to by application to G. Tufts & Cos. JAMES WILLt\ JUST RECEIVED , At the Savannah Shoe Store, A frefh affiortment cf ‘ SHOES. Also— Three boxes COTTON CARDS, Number 10. G. TUFTS & Cos. August 20. Is£> 2. <4t. •a.iAi * ■ ■ ■ BANKR UPTCT THE second meeting cf the commissioners acting under s camnvffon of bankruptcy ijjucJ Again ft Mr. Samuel Saubere of Savannah, Merchant , will be held at the Court House in ibis city, on Tuejday, the gift in ft ant, at ten 6 clock in the forenoon : and the third meeting <in Tuejday the 28 th oj September next* at the ante time at.d place. August 2>, 1802. ITVnMA 1 JAM£\ TAILOR, NhORMd the f'ublic that he has opened a a Jhf c * the Bay, near Aher corn Street, tvker* he Thill execute all orders in his lire in a Inferior manner end cn a Jhort ticTrce. lie hopes to met it (be continued patronage of bis em ployers. * „ r ’ JAMES, Asqguft ig t 1 go*, I DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. IN ADMIRALITY The PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES To the Marfhai of the said Dft rid, Greeting. (L. S,) l\\T HEREAS a li- R. M. Stites, elk. VV bel hath been hied and exhibited in the said court against the Ship Ann, her cargo, and Benjamin Bu eii, Matter, and Messrs. Johnftcn, Robertson and Company, of Savannah, merchants, and others, owners, for a certain ium of money iue ro John Potter, by hypothecation on the said ship, her tackle, furniture and apparel, together with her freight and cargo: NOW THEREFORE, you are commanded to cite and admonish the matter, owners, and all 0 ther persons whatioever, who have, or pre tend to have any right, interest, property, claim, or demand, v/hatfoever, in, to orupon she said ship called the Ann, now riding at anchor in the port of Savannah, whereof Ben jamin Buell now is, or late was, mailer, to be and appear before the honorable William Stevens, Efqu re, Judge of the laid court at Savannah, on the twenty-third day of this present month of September, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of thefime day,toanf\ver fohn Potter on the merits of the laid libel, so that be done in the premises. Wicnefs the honorable William Stevens, judge of the laid court, at Savannah, this sixth day of September, in the year cf our Lord one thouiand eight hundred and two, and in the twenty-ieventh year of American independence. HARRIS, Pioclor for Libellant. u RT Edward White, Cleric oj the Georgia. > Court cf Ordinary for the Conn- J ty of Chatham in theJlate afore- Jaid: CL. S.) > 117 HE REAS, Joftnea ED. iVIhTE.I V V Buckhattercf Chat ham county, planter, hath made application for letters cf adminftration on the estate and effects of Mary Reviere, late of said county, deceajed , as mar est of kin ; These are therefore , to cite and admonish all ‘andJingular the kindred and creditors oj the deceajed, to file their objections if any thry ha ve) in my office on or before the id day of October next: otherwise letters oj administration will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal, in the city oj Savannah, the id day of September, in the year if our Lord 1802, and in the 2.lth year of American Independence. WAR DEPARTMENT August 16, 1302. WHEREAS, by a law of Congress paffia on the 26tb day cf April 180 i, it was enacted, “ That it /hall be the duty cf the Secre tary of War to receives, all claims to lands for nr lit ary fer vices, and claws for duplicates of warrants ijjued from his office, or from the land office of Virginia, or of plats and certificates of ‘Purveys founded on finch warrants J urge fled to have been loft or defcrcyed ; until the fir ft day of January next, and no longer; and immediately thereafter to report the fame to Congress, deflgr.a ting the number of claims cf each defer ip lion, with his opinion Notice is hereby given, To all pefions claiming lards for military jervices, that they tnuft lodge in this office, prior to thefirft day of January next, doc lira cuts to prove the validity of their claims. Conrfjior.ed officer sfiurgeons and surge on's mates or their legal representatives mi'ft produce evi dence to prove that they fe*ved in the many of the United States to the end of the war, cr that they were deranged by a ref cdtttion of Congress, which did not bar their claim tj ‘military bouncy lands It will also be necefftry for the representatives of officers (fie. hilled injervice to produce evidence to prove, that the per fin was Cf Jlain by the ene my.” Non-ccmmiffioned officers, musicians and pri vates, cr their legal representatives must produce evidence to prove, that they tr.lijied to jerve in the army of the United States during the war and that they ablully served until the end cffaid war. It will also be necessary for the reprefien tafives zf nen-cornmifficned officers , Ific. who were enli/led during the war and vs ere killed in the jervice, to p reduce evidence to prove that were u /lain by the enemy fi H. DEARBORN. Secretary of War .. COMMISiONERS OFFICE GEORGIA Savannah September, 1 i£o2. NOTICE TO PENSIONERS, TvKE Invalid Pcxficncrs of the UNITED STATES, in the State cf Georgia.are hereby requested to comcfid ward and receive their [Upend, due on the 4th Infant, as also all arrearage of pension, unpaid by the Isle Agent. It is wijhcd that the Fcnfioncrs in future be pimttua! ir. calling at ibis of: ce its per fin,or by their legal Attorneys, cither annually or half yearly, in older toyecure their lAomy TAMES ALTER. * Avert for lev. Pears. u * September 11. 4* ROBERT 6* JOHN BOLTON. Have received per barque Nixon, captain Shaw, from Holland, 22 cases tumblers and efforted gifts ware , 2 ditto elegant parlour giajjes, 2 ditto toilet and ether lookingglaffies, x do. bird cages with gift's globes, 44 liquor cases, 2co puces white and brown plait.las , I case dowlas , I ditto diaper , 140 pieces Bremen rolls, 24 ditto 9-4 and 10-4 bed ticking, 1 case bolting cloths, No. 5, and 6, 140 ffiues Ofnaburgs 60 Ticklcnburgs, Fiemijhfine and coarse linen, j 190 Ravens auck , ico Heffum, 1 case long lawn, 1 do. Fiemijh linen, 2 cases fine and coarse threads, plain and diaper tapes, bobbin ana laces 1 case velvet ribbon and Mack lace and crape 2 ditto thread and cotton hosiery 5 bales fein and [e-wing twine, heading, Hamboro and fijbing lines, 30 coils white ropelines, 1 case window books and hinges, 17 casks nails ana lacks, 30 boxes 8 by 10 and \oby 12 window gifts. 20 tons bar iron, a for ted, 200 facets iron gins, 1 o boxes Renijh wine, 50 pipes gin, fir ft quality 130 empty gin cases 80 kegs firft quality gun powder, 60 fowling pieces and rifles, 40 boxes Edam and Gonaa ebeefe, 9 Frkfland Clocks, 7 elegant porcelain and marble mantls*piece clocks, 3 pieces girandoles, 3 bales printing paper , 8 bales wrapping paper, 6000 quills , 20 dozen states, 1 box Hacrlem oil, a ditto Spyker half am, 1 ditto camphor, 5 cajks Prussian blue, red , and black lead ground oil, 1 ditto lampblack, 20 ditto linseed oil, ico jugs Infeed oil, 4 dozen waffel aad water irons, 1 crate flower pots and ft and), A large quantity of baskets 50 pair quern Jl ones 23 inches 1 ditto mill ditto 3 feet 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and 5 inches. 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and 8 inches. 1000 hearth tile . August 10 ts SHOES (A SUPPERS TUST Received at the Savannah ftjce ft ore 22 trunks offhoes and flippers of all defcrip t ions which will be Jcld at the usual loiv prices, aljo 24 barrels mackerel. G. TUFTS tfco. September 11, 1802. N O TIC E, THE Public arc hereby cautioned against receiving a rote drawn by tbsflub fin ter in favor cf James Read of Gi ecn County for four Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, 1802, payable in Ninety days as the payment of the Jatd note will be disputed and if brought to court, it will be made to appear, that it ought not to be paid. JAMES COCHRAN. Limerick September, 11 1802. N OTIC E. ATURDAY tb> second day of 0 Holer being toe day appointed by law for the Eleffion of Trustees of the library society of Savannah the members of that society are requejied to meet at ten o'clock at the filature jer the purpose cf clefting J'even Trustees for the ensuing year all thfie who wish to become fubferibers ere requejied to attend at the said place and all the members are [olicited to be punc tual in their at tendance. N. IV. JONES. J MATTHEW Me ALLISTER. \ ~ * CHARLES HARRIS. \ 1 rUuees L, COLLGCfI. j September, if, Wilt be exchanged for NEGRO h. S. A TRACT of LAND, about three hundred *acs : one hundred as prime cotton land as any m Georgia, and situation equal to any in the Hate: with a good dwelt'ng and out-houles, &c. immediately on the salts. For particulars, apply to WILLIAMSON & MOREL. September 10, ib’c2. 0 ■ ■■ “ • ,Mmm ’ ■’ ■ ■ ■ ■ FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, A N O R A T IO N, delivered on the gd. of July by THOMAS U. F. CHARLTON, Esq. (PRICE 25 CENTS.) Executive Deparbhcnt. Louisville , 28 th August 1802. ORDERED r "JT'HAT the att authorifing the ele&ion of four persons to represent the citizens of Georgia, in the Houle of Representatives of the United States, be pubiiflied in the leveral gazettes of this (late that the eieblorsin thereipec tive counties thereof may, at the en suing general election, govern them selves accordingly. GEORGE R.’ CLAYTON, Secretary. An Asl authorizin’ the election in the o fever a l counties in this ft ate, to elect four persons to represent them in the Houje 0} Rep ; ejentatives of the United States. WHERE AS by the late enumeration of inhabitants of the United States this state is entitled to four members \in the Houje of Reprejentatives of the United States : BE it therefore enabled by the Semite and llou/e of Representatives of the ftete Gs Georgia, in General Aj/embly rneti That at the general eledion which shall be held for members of the (late iegidature, on the firff monday in Oc tober next, and at every iecond gene ral election thereafter, the electors at such election shall be entitled to vote for four persons to represent this Rate in the House of Representatives of the United States, under such rules and re gulations as are preferibed by the elec tion laws cf this state now in force. ABRAHAM JACKSON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM BARNETT, President of the Senate. A Tented to June 16, 18 02. I JO SI AH TAT NALL, Jm. Governor Now is publiflied, No. XIV, Os A NEW AND COMPLETE ENCYCLOPAEDIA; OR, UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. ON AN IMPROVED PLAN, llhyl rated with upwards of 140 Copper plates* CONDITIONS. To be comprised in 120 numbers (if any ever-’ plus to be given grads) each number to corta : n 4 or 4 1-2 Pneets imter-prds and 1 cr more engra vings, delivered every other week for 25 cent? each, makingbn the whole 6 large volumes. Sub-- feribers by the volume to pay 10 dollars on delive ry of vol. I, and the remainder at the end of ]tf:£ work. in which all the refpe&ive Sciences are arranged in to complete systems, and the Arts digested ht<r ckfHndt f reatifes ; also the detached parts of lencA>- Irdge alphabetically arranged and copiously ek* plained according to the belt authorities. CONTAINING Ad gefl and d.fplay of the whole theory and prac tice of the Liberal and Mechanical Arts. Comprising a General Rcpofttory of Ancient and Modern Literature, from the earlieit ?ges down to the prefect time. Including all the New Improvements and Htefldif coveries made in the Arts and Sciences. The fu perfluities which abound in other di&ionaries are expunged from this, for the purpose of incorpora ting comple e systems and diftindt treaties. By means of this addition and deviation from the old plan, it will comprise the following fubje&s. Acoustics, Aerology, Acroftion, Agriculture, Al gebra, Amphibology, Anatomy, Annuities, Ar thi’edfure, Arithmetic, Agronomy, Belles Let tres, Book-keeping, Botany, Brewing, Catop trics, Chemiftrv, Chronology Commerce, Comparative Anatomy, Conchology, Co nics, Cofmography, Cricicifm, Dialling, Dioptric, Drawing, Electricity Engineering, Engravings Etymology, Ethics, Farriery, Fencing, “Finan cing, Fluxions, Fortification, FoOilogy, Gard ening, Guaging, Geography, Geometry, Gram mar, Gunnery, Kandicraf s, Heraldry, Hiflory* Zdufbandry, Hydraulics, Hydrography, Hydrolo gy , Hydrofiatics, Lcnthyoiogy, Laws, Longevity, Legerdemain, Magneiifn, Maritime Affairs, M•lthcmattcs, Alec names, Adsdicine, j\le— nagery, ivienfuration, ivlerchandife, IvlefaHurr'v, Meuphyfics, Metecrology, Military Affairs, 1.5- neralogy, Modelling, Mufir, Mythology, Na vigation, Natural Hi It or y, Nautical AfFafrs, Op. ti.s, Oratory, Ornitnolngy, Paintings, Ferfpec— rive, Pharmacy, Pnilofophy, Phlebotomy, Ph vs fie, Phifiognomy, Physiology, PhyloJogy, Pneu matics, Sculpture, Scries, Statics,” Statu3?y f Stenography, Surgery, Tactics, Teirapodology, I neology, Frades and Arts, Trigonometry, Vct mcologv, £:c. The whole forming a Genera 1 . Circle of Science, and the mail comprehensive and cheapeff Libra--. ry of Universal Knowledge ever published in the? United States. Subfctipticns ere received at the <; Republican’’ ofhee, and from different the union will he attended to, and the work tualiy forwarded agreeable to directions. by JOHN LOWr No. ChiT.arrv Rreet.