Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 25, 1802, Image 3

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difmiffcd. The former inconteftibly that the woik o( reformation ought not yet to bear. rested; and the latter the perfect inconsistency oi their conducri They, poffrfTing the power from the be ginning, created in their officers by the inftu enee of interest and of patronage, opinions congenial with their own.—They, where an opportunity offered ro appoint to office, fedu- Vwfly chose their friends, by this means pre cluding from any (bare in the honors or emo luments of government, those, who on prin ciple wrjc opposed to the mode of its ad nainiftraticn. They, when their friends filled more than nineteen twentieths of tie’ offices in the union, expelled from official fituatlons, many, who dared, though v ith honor and with decency, to maintain private opinions contrary to the mcafures of the adminiftra ticn. The changes which have taken {dace iince the 4th of March 1801, the removal o: sixteen pcstma: ter:, crc f . forty-five > fui the pur ]>oJe of fubftitutmg in rheir place the fame number of the friends of the admir.iftration, can allured!y be no counterbalance to that fv hematic ixclufion of one half of the com munity from the enjoyment of office, which has charafterifed the former measures of our government. —A decent maintenance of opi nions, if they accord with the genius of a re- government, ana the cxercife of the rigtit of iuffrage, though opposed to the pro ceedings of the admiir.ftration, ought not of itfrlf, on general principles, to be a ground of ejection fiom office, but .when a party unjustly engroifed the official favors of go vernment, it cannot be unjufc to take from them a part, to bestow it on thole, who are equally entitled. When the influence of an official fuuation is exerted in hostility to the adminill ration, and the officer h clamorous against: its measures, it is proper that he should not longer hold the office, and that he ihould rot longer receive ids Lead irons r. hand he despiles and would destroy. If any perfor.s have a right to complain, it mull certainly be the ft* rids of the ad niros tra t ion. They have a right to exped that proportion of governmental favors, which joffice demands, and which is measured by the ratio of numbers. That they have not vet obtained it, we are willing to aicribe to that pacific [pint which would rather it should be the offspring of time, than the efiedt of an exertion of power ; to that principle, which would “ reilore to facial intcrcourfc that har mony which ic had loft;” and to a define to convince the enemies of government, thatjus tice and moderation, inltead of their example, would be the rule cf its conduct. A FRIEND TO TRUTH. For the GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. Messrs. LYON & MORSE. It is not unfrequent that we find the Porr- Foiio, in its faired pages, quoted by the edi tors of the Mule uni ; thus giv mg repute to the paper, which would be universally con demned, were its absurdities and pernicious contents fully known* It is a boast of our federal citizens that exclufive advocates for the chriftian religion and the promoters cf good order [as indeed every well disposed person ought to bel Let us therefore; fift this federal Port-Folio, and lee whether it contains chaffy-ftuff or divine admonition in its 31 and 3 2 Nos. Let us follow the famous editor through his columns crammed with arrogant lcurriii ty against the religious denominations ex iting in the United States, and, in a low palpable manner, fcandalifmg the charac ters of the southern inhabitants. “ Vol. 2d. No. 31. “From the German of Bulow.” “ Fanatic* Se&s See.” Having called all the religious denominations, with out diferin ination fanatical, he deferibes the shaking Quakers in New-York, after the fol lowing manner : “With the right hand flretched out before them, they go through hedges, marshes and ditches, over mountains and valleys, amidli horrible yells, constantly forward. They then whirl themselves around upon one heel with aflonifhing fwiftnefs—then dance in a round, and proceed in this manner with dreadful howling, the whole night through. All this diverts the Holy Golf excessively, & is absolutely necessary for eternal lalvarion.** Had he said no more of religion, he might have found belief with a few ; with re gard to the above narrative, but he has fa bricated a series of falsehood, which, with a ny reader of common information, mult de feat all the credibility he laboured to obtain. But he proceeds: Methodist preachers wan der all over the country, and wherever a knot of people are afiembled they are sure in a trice to have a sermon. They often prac tice likewise something worse than fermonif ing. A methodist preacher for inltance, met (in the high way, in a wood, a common loose woman. He grew warm ; and made propo sals ; which found a ready ear. He took the wench to a tavern and gave her out for Ids wife. In the night, the woman was de livered of a child ; and lift! it Was s mulatto !! He r.ex: diverts his spleen with the Prcf byterians, a denomination whose leligious zeal and Christian integrity is owned by the molt competent in our union. “ He char ges them v;:th exhibiting from the pulpits; cliildrena (pan long there are roasting in hell” and here tearing that r.o person would credit the assertion, adds, £C these words were really Ipokcn.” But 1 fuppofie by Dennies Bulow. Speaking of the Prefoytcrians in New- Engl ind, he continues : “ these hypocrites praclife their evil arts, concealed behind a pedantic mask of religious rigour and, it may m ta<fl be laid, they hold the I?ible in one hand, while they Real v.ith the ether. Such conduct naturally flows from their princi ples.—l may heie remark that, when the Devil judges, thefentencemufl be hard: and as this infidel judges of religion, so does fe deral Dannie judge of the prelect adminiftra tijns* As to Presbyterians, Quakers and Metho dist; he Lvs thar, “ felf-intercft is the idol they worth ip, and Goldin truth the only ob ject of their adoration. From them proceeds the absurd lav/, with ref ebt to the Sunday, which forbids all singing, unlefsitbe Pfilms. 1 In a country of universal toleration, it is ve ry extraordinary that even the Jews are oblig ed to ihuc their Lops upon Sundays.” Un chai it able judge of the chriftian objeft! In judicious luge of good order under universal toleration ! _ * H;s next ciiobohcal effort is to insinuate the mode ofßaptifm used by the Anabaptists at Skuyikill, near Philadelphia, as defigokl to gratify a pricftjy and carnal propensity to wards the fair lex. “ “Veung grown iij) anabaptifts girls, many of whom are very pretty, undress the/rheives ; the pried takes them before him, and trirows them dawn backwards into the river. This happens both morning and evening, 1 have often met them upon their return from this baptismal bath to the city; they were always remarkably fro ficiome.” Il r itb solemn Hush, let modesty despise ; Religion scorns such base malignant lies. Not wearied yet with incredible absurdi ties, this Dennie makes his Bulow gufti forth with infatiahie calumny, in Ins subsequent number, (32) against the inhabitants of the- Southem flares.-—With his biiingfgate (lander he thus begins. “In the southern dates, especially Georgia and South-Carolina, a fine gentleman, so called, is regularly, every eve ning so drunk, as to be unabled to walk, and lays therefore in the streets. In the tireets of Savanna!], you fturnble a: every step, over the body of a deadly drunker, gentleman of liber al education, upon which you hear people fay “ never mind ; the gentleman is a little in liquor.” The wom an z re defmed bv their husbands, who all run after the negro wenches.” No di(crimination made, no fatuical dfica cv can result—all on a level, therefore; all is fidion—all absurd—all lies! The preceding afoerffons against religious denominations and ridicule of the southern inhabitants; are but coincident with the fan atical lpiric daily difcoverablc among the in fiduous class of the federal votaries, whoever their ipLen against the preftrnt adminiflration. That there are fome refpedtabie ch a rafters at tached to the federal party, mult be owned ; but that their influential leaders are afpirinir to monarchy anl a deftrufrion of freedom in religious exerciies, with me appeals no ids true. Had we now an Addison v/iih his golden balance, to try federalihn against re publicanism, in order afeertain who are the real advocates (or freedom in religion, good order in iociety, and the ilippoit of our con ilittstion ; I preiume that the former would “ rapidly kick the beam.” A South-Carolinian. ON id U SDJeD ~ DcJEEARf SSjra REWARD. AN AWAY /rent thefubferiler on Offabaw JL\- IJland) about the 21 cf March lad , a Negro Fellow named DANI E L : he is near fix feet high, of a yellowish complexion , about 30 years old , be is vefy plan [lbis and has a great deal tc fya for hlmfetf ; he bad on when laities:: an old white negro cloth jacket and trow fers. It i s fuppsfed that he is harboured about dome cf the Ifiands or Plantations on the Alain in the neighbourhood of Offabaw. 7he above reward will be paid an proof of his hem harbor ed by a white perfen, fifty if by a negro or person of c lor, and thirty dollars will be paid to ary person delivering him to th: fubfenber or to the jailor of Chatham county jail . PETER H. MOREL . O ffahaWy Sept . 25. N. B. It is thought by Alr.Satnfon NeylSj that be was one of them that Jlole kis Canoe on the 17 tb tilt . I: that case , it is/uppofed bis inten tions a> e tc zet to Florida. NEW RIG E. JUST received and for lale a lmali quantity of Prime new Rice in Barrels and hai barrels. BULLEN & HARDEN. September 18, 1802. it. SAVANNAH, September 25, 1802. It is the uniform prafbfe of the tories, when any thing appears against them, instead of replying, to attempt to ilab the character of the author In these attempts, r.o walks are too sacred for their murderous purpose—eve- ry movement of life is examined for the ma lignant aim of the poisoned arrow; —even the delivery of the marriage bed is violated and unhappy family differences, o( which none hut the individuals themselves can have a competent knowledge, are called into view to enable the public to judge of the merits of a political essay. Such is the nature cf the pretended sketch of the'biography of Abraham Bifnop, which was extruded from the Connedicut Courant to be placed in the ultimate fink of federal filth, the Savannah Mu feu m. Mr. B shop has repeatedly denied fcveral of the charges and challenged the authors tc affix their names to their produdions. This they dare not do ; but about once a month appears one of these anonymous a (Tiffins re peating the ofc confuted charges in anew form. The public will judge what mud be their charader. Such is the resort of toryif n. Feeling that their tenets and their practile indifpenfible,’ they turn (ro:n the diicuffon of principles to! the characters or men ; (rein wilful errors in political condud, to mistakes in the purfmc of hap pine Is ; from ads in which the whole community arc concerned, to the chamber of the weeded pair: nor dare they enter here with the open front of manhood, they conceal themlelves behind the curtain and dagger piece in the dark. Theie, toryiim, are thy honors. For our part, we think with Mr. BKhop, that, “ the man who would (tab at character in the dark, would (tab at life in the dark, if he could be fee ure.” Some old tory in a late Museum, Lems tc be dreadfuliv Wounded. We are lorry for rum, and vvifli tve had power to relieve him. We would ‘ e cbm mend as a pi after Secretary I M f H -nry’s letter to Gen. Darke* ‘ ? Our neighbours have got out one paper with Ids than three columns of abide on the Republican I!! We wiih them : oy. • ri I lie prelent administration are growing unpopular, lay their enemies. How apt are men to bring forward as faCl, what exists only 1 in their wifh'es ! ’ i \ _ i The parson has out with it. Peace bej to him, we (liall not disturb him. After his confeflion that he is merely fighting a shadow, not us, it would be cruel to Ipoii his sport. COM M U NIC ATI O N. A Correspondent observes that Mr. Ho! combe’* and refs to Mefrs Lyon & Morse is a uemporal attack ; unfounded on, and uncon nected with religion ; prompted by vanity, a desire of appealing in the press, and of being confi.lered as the modern “.defender of tine faith.” The piece is a measure subservient to Connecticut prieftcraft, to federal intole rance and to a desire of joining his efforts with that difcornfttted party to injure the pre sent paper. _ It is in vain. The die is cast, Repnbiicanifin is triumphant, and “ the Church in danger,” the c!d English cant, vvili j not abate the exertions of the friends of the] people. If Mr. Holcombe had had religion in O view, he would have remonstrated like a man of humility : not like a talk-matter ; an in quificorial pedagogue. The support of fed eral politics is, jubfi anti ally y his aim ; for religion has not been attacked. To throw a part of the community into thvifions on tins lubjecl, is the view of the writer in the Museum, and therefore, as unchristian as’ his performance was premature and unnecef idrv. J Extract a letter from a gentleman in St. Alarys, to b:s friend in this Citr t dated the 1 1 tb instant. I returned vefterday from East Florida—where 1 got official information, that a treaty has raker, place in August, between the S->aniTh government iP.d the Creek Indians, viv. those tha‘, th ; -t Rcnegudo Bowls, had induence over. “ They have given up all the white prisoners and negroes that had been taken—Bowl# has cleared out with his ailociates privately, his companions were two fellows who flew from jufticc in the (latest William idarr:', a tall fellow, with a piece bit off his nose, well known in this (late as a horse thief-—the other, William a likeiy young man—who made his elcape near Augusta tor the above offence. u A INafsau (New-Providence) pirate was tak^n at the Appalachee inlet, with supplies for Bowls, on board, the pirate’s name was Johnflon, son cf the notorious George Johnston ; tuerg is a great many Amtricaa Captains who know him to their fpr roved 3 vRS'iN, ivFli MARINE LIST. f.ntere and. Sloop Independence y Pickery, Phil tdehki't. Schooner Difpatcb , Maxzocdy Philadelphia. Brig St. Clair , Cribbin , Port Republican. S. bo oner hduftryg Rqfs y tbarlcjio 2. Racbely Brown, Cos ar if} on. C L E A R E D. Schooner Nancy, Hooper , St. A'xgnftine^ Ship Comet, St even fen, Ba.tiw em Schooner Indufiry , Refs, BrunfwicS. C c \ Sloop Ranger , Keen, Chari do schooner Bret.. ora, Jr ifiams, Turks Jjlan a ggMHBMSaBHSKgBaBaBffIgHB “2! DlED—in this city on Wcdnefdav but* LAIRD M. HARIS, of the houfc of Harris Sc Burroughs, merchants. If an urbanity of manners, andtheftrift :ft integrity of ciilpofliion, could involuntary attach him to his numerous fr.ends and mer cantile connections : the pen mutt drop Ihotiki we attempt to bruig into vievv his fond do •neuic attachment; and the endearments of a now riiiconibUte widow, uv !er, nead light upon his light lain sod ; IF now u nghtiuus boon, 10 an all rGht’cu j iim mi \ n September 3. Difpatchcs, we understand, have been re ceived by government from Mr. Simplon, our eonlui to Morocco, dated July at Gib raltar, which place, as faifely rumoured, he had no: left. The reports relpeSing captain l\1 c Noil’s engagement with the Tunisians dors no: appear to have been confirmed bv fubfo quent information, w hich, in case of inch an action, ought to have been received bv Mr. Simpfjn. The Entcrprize, captain Sterrct, had arriv ed at Gibraltar on t!ie 2 and of July from the squadron cruising oft’ Tripoli. ‘Fhe letters of captain Stcrret, are also ftlent as to M‘Neii’s I engagement, or his own, as reported ; which j with refpecl to the latter, amounts to difprooft The warlike operations of Morocco, ft >m the latest authentic accounts, were not very aflive. The new frigates lately built, the one of 36, and the other of 22 guns, were equip ping (lowly at Saiee on the Atlantic—the old Ligate Ly 2.t La Ralli in the sand—two gallics were fitting out at Tinian with confiderabic j fpirir* ! Ihe frigate New-York Liied yesterday ac j ten o’clock for Norfolk, on her way tq the j Mediterranean. She fired a Id kite of 16 guns* ; which was returned from the Navy Yard". [If 3 1H E GOODS adv ert ife and i 0 r fa!e this day, under a Commission of Bankruptcy awarded against Samuel Saubere, is postpon ed by order cf the a [fig nee. JOHN HOLLAND, Audi. Savannah, Sept. 25, looc. BOAR D 2 N G MAY be had at the Houfc of James Eppingers, fronting toe South Com mon nearly opposite the Inlpedtion, a pleafenc. and airy Situation. September Ir. oz CUSTOM-HOUSE, District of Savannah. NY person willing to engage, to weigh I f ;nd keep in their stations, and in re ! pair, the Buoys that are, or may be provided, 3 guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing to the iublcri ber, at what rate per annual he will per form the service. THO. JOHNSON, Coile&or. Sept. 17. 2awif. TO PRINTERS, TWELVE DOLLARS REWARD RAN away from the Subscriber, an the 2sth ult. an apprentice Boy to the Printing’ Bufinejs , name MUNCIL AIILLER, a native of Lyme (Conneblicutf aged about 19 years , light complexion, dark coloured hair, dark eyes, wbei% [pokea tc or conversed with, he discovers a peculiar diffidence. He is a very ingenious Jlcady lad, and has mads great prof deucy in the bufinejs. He is fond of cutting ornaments upon type-metaly and also of jiudying. He wore and carried a iv ay anew blue broadcloalh coat white veft r a pair of gingham and a pair of nankeen overalls, and anew roram hat , IPc. Whoever will jeeur* said apprentice , and give the fubferibsr no ’ ice in order that be may obtain him again, Pjall re ceive the above reward. If he will * return he jhall be treated as well as be usually has been and his faults overlooked.■—Masters cfveffcls and ethers are fir bid harbouring or concealing /aid boy, on penally of the Law. SAMUEL TRUMBULL, j Sconington (CowSkur) August 9, 1802,