Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 09, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Mix “Dollars a Year, Half in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volume L No. 7. Executive ‘■■Department, Louisville , USth August 1002. ORDERED nr j[ HAT the act authorifing the election of four persons to represent “the citizens of Georgia, in the Iloufe of ileprefentatives of the United States, 4 be pnb!i lhed in the fjveral gazettes of this date that the clcclors in the refpec- counties thereof may, at the eri faing general election, govern them selves accordingly. GEORGE R, CLAYTON, Secretary An Acl authorizing the election in the O fever al counties in this fate, to elect jour persons to represent them in the Iloufe of Rep ; ejentatives of the United States. WHEREAS by the late enumeration of inhabitants of the United States this fate is entitled to four members j in the Iloufe of Reprejentatives of the United States : BE it therefore enacted by the Senate and Hou/e of Reprejentatives of the ft ate of Georgia , in General AJjembly met , That at the general election which fliail be held for members of the date legislature, on the hr ft mon day in Oc tober next, and at every second gene ral election thereafter, the electors at fucli election shall be entitled to vote for four persons to represent this date in the Iloufe cf Representatives of the United'States, under such rules and re gulations as are preformed by the elec tion laws of this Hate now in force. ABRAHAM JACKSON, Speaker cf tbs Houfc cf Representatives , WILLIAM BARNETT, Freftdetit of the Senate , Affected to lure 16, 1802. joSlAll TATNALL, fun. Gowner. WAR DEPARTMENT 1 August 16, ISO 2. ]* FI ERE AS, by a law cf Ccngrefs pc. [fed y Y on the 26 tb day cf April iboi, it was enacted, <f That it fball be the duly cf the Secre tary cf War to receives, all claims to lands for military services, and claims for duplicates cf wart ants if ‘ued from his (Alice, or from the land cfee of Virginia , or of pints and certificates of Jurveys founded cn such warrants fuggejlcd to lave been loji or defircyed ; until the firft day oj J. ‘itcry next, end no longer ; and immediately thereafter to report the fame to Congress, deftgna ting the number of claims of each defer ip lion, with his opinion thereon No'ice is hereby given, To all persons claiming lands for military services , that they rnuft lodge in this office, prior to the firfi day of January next, documents to pro ve the validity of their claims. Comiff or. td officers,/urge ens and [urge erf s mates $r their legal reprejentatives mttfi produce evi dence to prove that they served hi tie army cf the United States to the end cf the war, cr that they were deranged by a ref elution of Congress, which did not bar their claim tj military bounty lands It zvill also be necejfiry for the representatives of officers iPc. killed in service to produce evidence to prove, that the per [on was <f fain by the ene . | Non - comm iflo ned officers, musicians and pri mates, cr their legal representatives mufi produce evidence to prove, that they ailijled to feme in the army of the United States during tbs war and that they aftuily jerved until the end of fail war. It willalfo be necefiaryfor the reprejen tatives of ncn-commiffioned ofleers, (Ac. who were enlijled during toe war and were killed in the service, to produce evidence to prove that were * fain by the enemy A H. DEARBORN, Secretary cf IFaf, COMMISIONERS OFFICE GEORGIA Savannah September, 1 igo2. NOTICE TO PENSIONERS, THE Invalid Fens oners cf the UNITED 1 A1 Es v in t he S t at e cfG corgi a,are hereby requefled to comefrward and receive their ft jpexa, iA.iS tfi 4 th Try: ant. as also atl arrearage cf j. e>if on, unpaid by tic late * l gent. It is wipeed ibut the Ferficr.ers in future be ! punctual tn calling at this office in per lon,or by their legal Attorneys, either annually cr half pearl'd, in cracr to Jccure their Matey JAMES ALGER. Agent for lav. Feu'rs. September 11. Ai ~) FA Edward White, Clerk cf the Georgia. £>• Court of Ordinary for toe Coun- J ty of Chatham in the fate afore - Jaid: (Lpfil ? THERE AS, J ojhuc r. L fp HITE A Y y Buckhatter cf Chat ham county, planter, hath made application for letters of admirdftraiion cn the estate and effects of Mary Rev:ere, late of Jaid county, deceased, as near (ft of kin c These are therefore, to cite and admonijo ail andftngular the kindred and creditors cf the deceased, to file their cbjeAicns if an y they have) in my office on cr before the 2d day of October next : other wife letters of\ adminift ration will be granted hint. Given under my hand and fsal, in the city cf Savannah, the id day of September, in the year of cur Lord 1802, and in the 27 thyear cf American Independence. ROBERT 6’ JOHN BOLTON. | Have received per barque Nixon, captain Shaw, from Holland* 22 cases tumbler $ and ajjortsd glajs ware, •2 ditto elegant parlour glades, 2 ditto toilet and other locking glafjes, l do, bird cages with glcfis glebes, 44 liquor cases, 200 _i-i.ces wsnte and scycx/jn I Case dowlas, I ditto diaper, 140 pieces Bremen roils, 24 ditto 9-4 and 10-4 bed ticking, 1 cade bolting cloths, No, 4, and 6, 140 pieces OfnabUrgs 60 Ticklenbiirgs, 53 * Fiemiftj fine and c'oarft linen, 190 —— Ravens anck, loq lief dan linnsn, l case long lawn, 1 do, Flemijh linen, 2 cates fine and coarfie threads, flam and diaper tapes, bobbin and laces 1 case velvet ribbon and black lace and crape 2 ditto thread and cotton hojiery 5 bales fiein and sewing twine, heading, l iamb or 0 and fijbing lines, 30 cods white ropelines, I case window hooks and hinges, 1 y casks nails and tacks, go boxes 8 by ic and 10 by 12 window glass. 20 tons bar iron, afifiorted, 2Co fleets iron gins, 1 o boxes Rejii/h wine, 50 pipes gin, firjl quality 150 empty gin cases 80 kegs firjt quality gun powder, 1 60 fowling pieces and rifles, 40 boxes Edam and Gonda cheefie, 9 Friefiland Clocks, 7 elegant porcelain and marble mantle-f lea clocks, 3 pieces girandoles, 3 bales printing paper, 8 bales wrapping paper, 6000 quills * 20 dozen fates, 1 box Haerlem oil, 1 ditto S pyker half am, 1 ditto cams her, 5 caffs Prnffian blue, red, and Hack lead • ground oil, I ditto lampblack, Cos i>d.o Ihyeed oil, 100 jugs linseed oil, 4 dozen waff el aad water irons, 1 crate flower pots and fir anas, A large quantity of bajkets 50 pair quern ftenes 23 inches 1 ditto mill ditto 3 fret 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and % itches. ’ 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and 8 inches. toco hearth tilt. Atvguft 1* C f SAVANNAH, Printed ey LYON & MORSE. SATUARDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1802. FINAL NOTICE. All persons that are indebted to the estate of John Zane, dec. are dcflred to make immediate payment, and those that have de mand? againit that estate, are ailb defied to render them duly attested, on or beforethe first day of No vember next,after that time I (hall apply to the cru r t cFOrdinary to be difniiilcd from tne Administra tion. BALTHASER SHAFFER, Adm’r. August ro, iSo2. NOTICE, ALL persons having any demands against the Lfta e c. William Esq. late of Liberty County, deceased, are requeued to render the fame Meflrs. James & William Roberts, at Riceborough or to the Subfcriber* JOHN JONES. Adminidrator. Sunbury, AuyiifK to iScf, 4m - BA^iii<fJp , TC Y TIJII ftcend meeting of the cotnmdffioners cUing under a of bankruptcy ijjucd zgainji Mr. Samuel Saubere of Savannah, Merchant, will be held at the Court thife in ibis iily, Gil ‘ Luefday , the 31/? in(l ant, at ten o'clock in the forenoon : and the third meeting on Tuejday the 2 Bth of September next* at the fame time and place . August 2Si iSoz. j NOTICE. ! \Y T E are dire bled by John Milledge the ex % V editor of the est ate of the late Jacob IPcldb itrger to notify to all per Jons whatever his prohibition against hunting on that pari,of the J bl and cf St. Catherine's belonging to the fetid ejlute , being toFs North the Stock having of late been much lessened hyfuch praSlife, and ether it jury done and after this noth e will feel himjelf bound to prefecute to the extent of the law, ail persons found to violate it. WILLIAMSON if MOREL. August, -8 1802. WANTED TO RENT, A SUFFICIENCY of good cotton and Pro vjlon land on or near the J alts, as would employ about twenty workers end for which the high si pi ice will be given, and no ebjeflien had to an advance cf rent . Apply at this office. Sept. r. L * 1 11 *” “*’ fc _ . n , TO BE RENTED. AND pofpffion given on the firfs day cf Octo ber next,the Store at prefcut occupied by Mr. Thomas M. C. Harris near the exchange, D. B. MITCHELL . gift ember ir. t s NOT ICE, r Public are hereby cautioned against L receiving a note dr awn by thefubferiber in favor of James Read of G 1 een County for fur Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, 1802, payable in Ninety days as the payment cf the said note will be disputed and if brought to court, it will be made to appear, that it ought not tc be paid . JAMES COCHRAN. Limerick September, 11 1802. N O T 1 C E. ATURDAY the fsand day of o Holer being the day appointed by law for the Lie site nos Truficcs ts the library society of Savannah the members of that society are requcjledto meet ad ten o'clock at the filature for the purpose of ele cling /even Truflees for the ensuing year all tbefle who wish to become fubferibers arc requested to attend at the said place and all tie members-are foiicited to be punc tual in their attendance . N. IV. JONES . J maithewMcAllister. ‘ k t r CHARLES HARRIS. f ArLLccs L. COLLOCIL j September, Ir, , £t Wih be exchanged for NEGROES . Ai RAC r ot LAND, 2bout three hundred acres : one hundred as prime cotton land as any in Georgia, and situation equal to any in the date: with a good dwelling and out-houLs, &c. immediately on the salts. For particulars, apply to WILLIAMSON & MOREL. September 10, 1802. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, AN OR A T IO N, delivered on the 3d. of July by Thomas u. p. charlton, el. (PRICE CENTS.) Twelve and a Half Cents Single. SHOES & SLIPPERS TEST Received at the Savannah ft oe ft ere ad trunks of ft joes and flippers of all de/criptiwis which will be fold at the usual low prices, also 24 barrel mackerel. G. TUFTS &co. September rl, 1802. THOMAS JAMES, TAILOR, INFORMS the Public that he has opened a step ch the Bay, near A her corn Street where tee will execute all orders in his line in a nperior manner and $n a short notice. He hopes to merit the continued patronage cf Lis em ployers. T. JAMES. Savannah, August tq, 1102. THE SUBSCRIBERS. ty AVE Received from New-York, a frefh jj_ aflfortment of Plated and Brass Mounted furniture for harness. ALSO ON HAND. Saddles best Quality, Elegant plated Bri lies, different kinds, Setts of harness plated & Brafa Mounting, Saddle Bags, Portmanteaus, fire Bucketts, Whips, Spurs, Cart, and Waggon harness, &rc. &c. a Variety of other articles all of which will be fold low for Cash or the usual credit. GLASS Csf SHAFFER. September 18, 1802. N 0 a 1 C E. All persons indebted to the fubferiber are 1 requested to come forward and make payment by the fitfc of October next, as all accounts not fettled by that day, will be placed in the hand of the attorney for collection. Ail persons having demands against him , are requested to call for payment. ASEL FARMER. Savannah, September 18th 1802. - N O T I CTeT rpHE partner ft in of Curtis & Blount will he dif tt Lived on the Lit day of Oitobcr next. All perions having demands against them, are reouefted to tender their accounts Immediately. CURTIS U BLOUNT. Sept. 18, j So?. 3000 DOLLARS REWARD, be ps.d fcy tile Underwriters Afn y y on the Schooner Dorchett*r to any person or persons who will drag for and raise the Schooner Dorchester, Pennifter, late mafier, about 50 tons burthen The Schooner failed from 1 -bee on the Bth of August lass, about 4 o’clock, P. M. bound for Naflau; at 12 fame night she funk, supposed in from 10 to 15 fathoms water and from 10 to 12 leagues from the Bar. There is said to be in a frail trunk locked down in the run, 3640 Doubloons, in jured at 61,880 Dollars. A fulvage of one fourth of all the money recovered by ralfing the v-eilel. will a !fu be allowed in addition to the above reward. Further information may be had on application to the Under writers, in Charleston. N. I. The printers in Savannah, Ne .v-York and Baltimore* are requeued to publifli the above. September 8. MARSHAL'S SALE ~ 0 N Tllcl ' d *y the 28,h iManr, —ft will be Lid, at the court- Louie in the city of Savannah* between the hours of lo and 11 o’clock, The Schooner BETSEY together with her uckle, apparel, &c. ftized by virtue of a judgment obtained by Matthew Shearer, lurviving copanner of Alexander Watt and Cos. against Willian Norris. w ben. WALL, F. M, September 13, ISO 2. Just Received from Cbarfefton, and \F OR SALE AT THIS OFFICE THE LIFE OF T OUSSAINT LOUVERTUR E, Laic General in chief, and Governor of the Is land of Saint Domingo ; with many particulars never before publijhed : to which is subjoined an account of the firft operations of the FRENCH ARMY, under G E N E R A L LE C L E R C. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH, By A 7 . INK BE MO NT, Teacher cf the French Language, on Sullivan?s If and. PRICE 50 CENTS. WAN T E D, AT this Office, one 0 r two lads as ap prenties to art of printing. September 2 j.