Newspaper Page Text
‘Fining in the Office Savannah this Lift ant,
yhich if not taken out will be returned to
the General Fcft Office on the ist
January next .
Ths, H. Andert >n,
James G. Almv,
Allen, (Stone Cutter)
Samuel Allen,
John Aliev,
Joel Austin,
James Armstrong,
Beal & Lewis
John Beatty,
Elleonor Beatty,
Mrs. BerneP,
Jeramiah Bralhears,
joftiua Brooks,
Edmund B ico 2.
William Bridwell,
Ths. Bannatyne, 2
Abm. Baldwin,
Jofcph Bulkett,
John Bairetr,
Capt Beaco ,
Capr. Bv*noit
John Bartlett, i'.
Shad. Butler,
Jose Maria B >nfquet
Jot ph B'.ickl 7-
Win. Robert Bull,
Auftirn Berry,
Joseph Baisigne,
Benjn. Buell,
Robt. & John Bolton, 3
John Benner,
John Boyer,
James Cuthberftcn,
Emanuel Conyell,
John Clubb, 01 in his absence to Mr.
or Mrs. D. Sullivan.
J icob Cunes, 2
Ja nes Clephin, 2
Francis Courvoifie,
Scott Cray, 2.
Slaughter Cowling,
Lewis J C uthbci t,
1 homas Cox,
James Canuan 2
William Cazeur,
Stephen B. Clark,
Mon fieri r Droudlard, 2
I hs. Dover,
Wiliam Dewoolf,
Robert Duncan,
Digget Arnold & Tengly
Gideon Denilon,
Thomas English,
Mary ErLk,
William Emerlon,
Cadar Fairchild,
Ifauc Franks,
Stephen Hournier,
Isaac Finch,
Mad amt Grandmaifon,
Monsieur Grandmaiton, 2
Ths, Goolfbv,
Wm. Gardiner, 2
John Greene,
Amelia Guerrard,
John B Gibbons,
Ru-Tel Goodrich,
Andrew Gray,
Narhane. Greene,
Edward Griffith,
William Green,
Fidl Garletr,
Wm. Hunter,
John Howel,
Wm. & Jas. Hunter^
Dennis Hughes,
James Harwahan
Rebecca Hodges,
Capt. Hofkins,
John Horfburgh,
George Handley,
Daniel Hulfe,
George Hytler,
Josiah Houston,
John Houßton,
John Hull,
Wiiiiam Holzendorf,
Wm. Hunt,
Mary Harifon,
Mary Hartfield,
Augustine Hern,
William L. Hall,
William Herndon,
Michael M. Hewn.
Peter Johnson, 2
Levy Johnson,
John Johnson,
Wm, Joad,
Peter Jtllctr,
Mathew Jones,
James Jackson,
Major General Jackson.
Thos. Kemp,
John Kirk,
Benjann Kennedy,
Samuel Kingsley.
Edwin Lewes, 16
Lvon & Morse,
S E. Francois Legror
Ifa.ic Lewis,
John Ludlow,
Chs. Lafond
Emanuel Leggef, 2
GeJdian Lowry,
James Lewis,
John Midedge, 2
Morris Miller, 3
John Mcßae.
Andrew McFarlin^,
Robert M ifkal),
John McDollc
Peter Mudey,
David Mungion,
Barnard Me Ann,
John J Maxwell,
D>6l. Maxwell,
John McNilh,
Jane Mott,
Si non Martinangel, 3
Francis Mallery, 3
Jane Me lntolh, 2
Ann Eliza Murry,
Benj.i min Moulton, 2
James Migui,
Edward Meeks, 2
• J cob Meyers,
Walter Maxwell,
Ja nes Me Kellay
J. Minis,
Andrew Me Creadie,
Stephen Mills,
Sufinna Me Curdy,
George Morgan,
Joseph Moulder,
Andrew Me T
W illiam Me Farland*
Charles MiLon,
Tnos. S. Milton,
John Marfhad.
Newel & Bolton,
Alexander Newman,
Jofep Preftotr,
Obcdiah Potter,
Wm Pin er. Junr.
John Palmer, 2
Nicolous Parker,
Mr. Parker,
C pk Parker,
Ann Pitcher,
Mr. Procureur,
Aron Pitner,
Wm. Price, 2
James Poster,
Seymour Pickett.
Ths. Comdr. Ruffe],
John Roberts,
Robert Reaves,
Mary S. Robert,
•Ray Dale &: Cos.
Daniel Smith, 2
David Smith, 3
Wm. Spencer, 2
Jacob Sm/lie,
Terdoores Steffens,
Robert Statom,
John Stephens,
George Smith, <
Hetty Shi fErall
Moses Sbefftal,
Richd. Smith,
Wm. Scott,
Capt. Steward,
Mathew Singieton,
D ml. Saunder,
Henry Dcfsaix Stone,
Ths. Scott, 7
Solomon Shad,
Alex : Stephens,
Elibeth Shaw,
Joseph Stillwell,
John Screven,
Caroline deSeguir,
Mary Shandly,
Elizabeth Smith,
Francis Thomas,
Made. Vve. Terrien 2
Cioud Thomson, 4
Joseph Vince,
Emanuel Wamberfie, 4
John Wallace,
Peter Wylly,
Tohn Williams,
Anny Watts,
George Williams,
E. J. Wilkins, 2
Wm. Warrington, 2
Alexander C Wylly,
Patty Wylly,
Ralph W rcn.
James Wetham,
Mid and cion W oods,
I homas Willi amfon 2
John D. W ilds,
George Woodhoufe,
Th omas Young, 2
Exekiel Yarnel, 3
__ Pott-Office, October 1, iPcr.
DiUnCt ot Georgia.
Ihe Vrtf.dem of the United States to the
Marti, a! of the fa id dijl ncl : Gr ec t i ng:
Richard M. Stiles,")
C'k. Dijlri£l Court. )> (L. S.)
WHEREAS a libel hath been fi
led and exhibited the laid
court, against the finp Ann and her
cargo, for a certain I’u.n of money due
to John Potter, by hypothecation 011
the said Blip, tackle, furniture, appa
rel freight and cargo ; And whereas it
hath appeared to the court that the
following persons were interefled in
part of the Blip Ann, to wit —David
Reid, Robert 6c John Belton, William
H Jack &z company. J. Wilson and
Nephew, Scott and Kelly, W. & J.
Hunter, Mein, Mackay Sc Cos. Camp
bell 6c Nellon, W. Melifs 6c Cos. and
William Hunter, said to be deceased ;
And whereas the said court hath order
ed and decreed, that a monition do ii
fue, notifying the laid parties of their
mtereft and of this libel, and that said
named persons or their representatives
do appear and file their claims on or
before the twelfth day of October next,
or that the court would pass a decree
against them by default. Now there
fore, you are commanded to cite and
admonißi the said David Reid, Robert
and John Bolton, J. Wilson and Ne
phew, Scott and Kelly, W. and J.
Hunter, Mein, Mackay & Col Camp
bell and Nclfon, W. Melifs 6c Cos. and
the representative of William Hunter,
deceased, and all other persons vvhat
foever, who have, or pretend to have
any right, title, interest, property,
claim or demand in the said cargo, to
be and appear before the honorable
William Stephens, judge of the said
court, at Savannah, on the twelfth
day of October next, at ten o clock in
the forenoon of the fame day, to an
swer to John Potter on the merits of
the said libel, so that justice may be
done in the premises.
WITNESS the honorable William Ste
phens, judge of the fad court , at
Savannah, this twenty-jeventh day of
September , in the year of our Lord ,
one thousand eight hundred and two,
and in the twen y-seventh year of A
m eric an Independence.
Pro ft or for the Libellant.
A BOAT that will carry from ten to
twelve Cords of Wood, for which cash
will be given : applv to.
Military Agent for the
Southern Department.
Anv person willing to contract for remov
ing the Guns and Carriages See. from Mr.
Telfairs wharf to the Magazine will please to
apply as above.
October 9, 1802.
RaN-AWA y ,
FROM the fubferiber, about three months
ago, a Negro fellow named CHARLES
about five feet two or three inches High.—
He is well known throughout the County
of Liberty and Rutters a little when spoken to,
bowlegged and moR commonly wears large
whilkers, A Reward of Ten Dollars wdl be
given for apprehending said fellow, and secur
ing him in any jail in this Ratefo that he may
be got at, and a further reward of Fifty Dol
lars, on conviction of his being harboured by
any white person. He is a cooper by trade
and has been seen lurking about Savannah,
and it is more than probable will endeavour
to follow his trade in a clandeßine manner.
Captains of vessels aredifired to be cauti
ous, as he may attempt to make off on board
fome vessel.
Liberty Hall Liberty County.
October 9 1802.
To prevent /hooting in the citi of SniJt
tixby and the IT an lets thereof.
\\ 7 Hk.ixLAS and vers penoes Lavs
V V cf late been in the practice of
(hooting in and about the Lid City,
and the Hamlets and Commons thereof
to the great danger of the peaceable?
inhabitants, and whereby many ir.db
chiefs have been occadoncd, for reme
dy whereof,
Be it o,'th?hied, by the Mayor and
Aldermen of rite city of .Savannah, ii
Council aUVmbled, and it is hereby
ordained by the authority of tin? fiine,
] hat from anti after the nadir- of this
* o
ordinance, any per foil whatever who
shall fire or Tlioot ort any Mu.kct,
Fowling-Piece, Fufce, or Pistol, in
any Erect lane of iquare, within the
laid city or the Hamlets thereof; or on
the Commons appurtenant thereto, cr
in any Path, Avenue, or Road, leadiro
to and from the ibid city, within the
limits and jurifdiclion of the id me,
f except Inca firing It tall be on aiditarv’
duty, or on Feßivals) inch perfbn on
conviclon thereof before tlie City Ci un
cil, shall forfeit ami pay for everv such
offence, a sum not exceeding, twenty
dollars, cue lialf to the use of the in
former, the other half to the life of
the laid city.
Savannah, Oflober 4, ISO 2.
Major. |l. Sit
attest, V 4*
for sale.
A LIKELY Negro boy about i2year 3
old for faie low Li cadi at the Savannah
SiioC Store.
G- TUF TS £5? Cos.
October 9. i L
IN FrankhnCounty granted toLeonardMar
bury. contain more or less. 1380 acres
bounded Southwardly by Baker’s land Souch
eaftwardly by Horatio Ma-bury’s land on ail
other sides by vacant land.
A Traft ofland in Franklin County, gran
ted to L onard Marburv, cen taming more or
less, 1150 Acres bounded Northwcftwardiy
by Charity Marbiiry’s land Northeaftwardiy
by vacant land 5 and Soudieaftwardlv bv B :-
A Trail in Burk County 350 A res, on.
the North lidc of Biiery Creek 5 lold by the
Commilhoners of Confifcated Property in
Dcember 1784.
October 9 1802. Mores Whaif.
HAVING rented convenient Stores on
Harden and Jones’s Wharf (formerly-
Clarkes) offer their fervßes to their friends
nd the Public as Faflors and Com million.
Oflober 9, 1802. iwim.
BEGS leave- to inform the Merchants
Planters and others that he has had the
Honor to obtain a patent from the United
States for four different machines for packing
Cotton in square bales ; which they execute
in a more compact and expeditious wiy thin
any hitherto invented ; they will be of a greac
utility to die community at large, two of the
[aid machines act without ferews and arc far
preferable and more expeditious th..n an;/
machines with ferews of any dimensions, and
may be worked with any kind of power.
N. B. Tne above machines have been ad
mired by fome of the firft mathematicians in
the United States.
October 9, 1802. ts
The Brig TRIAL., *
j Adam Mitchel, iVlafter,
Will fail on Wednesday next,
having two thirds of her cargo
ready. For passage or remainder of freight,
apply to the Captain on board, or.
11. KNEELAND & Cos.
October 8,1802 —2 t Morel’s whaT.
HE can be well recommended, as a man
that understands his profeffion, in that
way in all its various branches he also is ac
quainted with the culture and management
o c Cotton.
For further particulars enquire of the
October 9. 1 3o>* ts