Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 23, 1802, Image 2

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NFW YORK, September 30.’ (CIRCULAR.) \Fj r V ’ n rr<- av rrrrßeci from our corref}>on at Cadiz, *.V fiftlowinr letter from Con fit) dated, Algiers, June 30, 1802. MK, Or. p’ orning of she irrft. arrived at 1 A 5 *. rs, 1 IVipolitan corsair, having in her 1 .ff fp; ‘ n the Amrrican brig Franklin, capr. * ?,r r s os Philadelphia, who failed from ‘M f< il’ea rhe Bth inftanr, and was captured tl.,- i sth, adjacent to Carrhagena. Aiother _vn'ri n hfo whirl) was with the Franklin, <or , fp, I tffed t very poffib'e means with the *l>v r and M n.ftrv in order to ransom captain &Wriv, crew brig and carqro from the Tripo li ..,s, bur ?b proved in ‘ffrflual ; and on the rv:*ni r -.': O the 28th inftanr, the Tripolitan, wih *h bn ‘ Franklir, capr. Morris and rr v, (mnr ptrfons) proceeded to the eall wit v 1 suppose for Hu :< *. The second Tri i . corsair arrived here on the evening of t c I'rrh, “ it 11 tle matter and crew of a Swe d \\ t b 1?, \ipfured and abmaontd on the ,0 11 o r Spain. Tins corsair, as they fay, v. s i wire into Carihagcna by an Aiceric.hi filiooner truizer. I <tn ‘ m we have not a few more of our F t aes • nJ light t ruifers in this fra, to be a n • t 1 Frvi,'arid give more effedlual fecu r v to onr commerce and citizens, and to c •: n>v this new hftem of the corsairs of l .po:., rendezvoufmg in the ports of Tunis and Algiers. ; 1 . . f:r, r ; fpe£lfully, Your moR obedient, [St m< o| RICHARD O’BRIEN. \* Kirkpatrick, Esq, IJ. S. Consul at Malaga. Captain “Ecopp, who arrived here yefter ? forms that ne Ew a letter in the hands of M. 13 Ikeh y, kte American consul at Lis t r, enttoniiig the capture of three Ameri . at. veri Is bv the Moorifli cruifirs. The fr j 1 iei-t 1 fluted that another A merican vefll I Jiad rur ; shore while purlue • bv one of these ,: :n‘e-s. \ his news came to Mr. B. in a letter *iu . i:?-t or rhe American consuls in h'icdireu.mcaiij ar.d was credited at Lisbon. Fr cm the Trenton 14 Tpue American.” Lett, t from Gov, Bloomfield , to Col, Burr . 1 ronton, September 17, 1802. Fear Sir, ] t cannot drape your knowledge, that Two V” 1 . hlet.% enrirl’d, it The Narrative'’ and “The I : “/* ? übllfhed in your city, rave engage j much of rhe yuolic airenbon. V\ hat regards the fcpprefTion of Wood’s 0 Lifter > of the /idminiflration of John Adams,” lu*tv < •**or r> t moment since the book itlell rv< h n p blillitd ; fur it seems to be uni* Vcrfaiiy a rred that the hook, so far as any fleet ronid ptOilrced by it, was calculated nuX’ n ore injury than heriefir ra the Repub i -jn cauk. But ihe bold allegations v/hich p < X);i t at vou combined vvirh the federal r 0 ;>fcat the eledtun of Mr. Jefferfon, o v. fi •. fome foiicitudc among thole to whom ;-s unknown. i hrlc, l ulled, who have Avitneffed you; v arts an unit rm exertions in the caule of . Vrtu , ri i rhe firmnefs and independence of rr- ’nd .n . vei v occasion, are not to be fluke n in \ he r confidence or t fleem by anony v. cammnie-a but Lev can only express ner fv n opinio s, ard epeat the declara ;< m wh'ch they are .riformed you made.— ft'i.s haves loom for our common -enemies to v. v fl. II Lire cue were authorised horn you to r ike the ft declarations, it would I think, 11- rove rhe wn chare entertain ed bv i t) e men, \arn in the caule of free dom, je .lons of their rights, and watchful of rho 1 who have tde honor of being their lei V ‘.IMS. Gm ir.ri racy in our you:h and in the army, f ./nerJiv known in the iLte. My address tv .in people of Birmington, in Sep ember, * booy where n 1 dared }Oiir services in tht fi-id.Rd in cabinet, andthe recommended you tor Vk c-Prclident, is not forgotten.; and these. c rcumftances have occaGoned more equine? of me refpc&in# the calumnies againfi yeu, than world cthrrwife have been made. I have no other apology to offer for this irrtruhon, than ro a (fare you that it proceeds motives founded in patnotifr., and in tn it core .al triendihip wnich has ever fubhft eo icrweea tvs. 1 avad my fed sos th : s opportunity to renew ti.e afTurancts of my refptft and esteem ; and chat i am, moll trulv, your friend, JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD. The Honorable Aaron Bur* *, Vue- Bi indent of the U. S. The Vice-President's Answer. NEW-YORK, September at, ISO 2. Sir • You are at liberty to declare from me that 11 those charges and insinuations which aver r intimate that J aavifrd or countenanced die ppofition made to Mr. Jeffrrlbn, peoumg it late election, and balloting for Prcfident; hat I po&ficd or agreed to ary term* with the federal party, or with anv Individual of either party $ that I assented to be held up in opposition to him, or attempted to withdraw from him the vere or fupoort of anv man, whe ther in or our of congress ; that all such affef tions and insinuations are falfe and groundless. I have not thought that calumny, unfup porred bv proof or the authority of a name, could so far receive attention from the public as to. require an 2nfwer, or a denial ; yet if vou {hall imagine that any declaration from me can be nectffary to remove doubts from the mind of any honed man, you may confi der this letter as submitted to your ciifcretion, to publish if you fhal! think proper. Accept, I pray you, mv thanks for your friendly folicicude, and assurances of the high refpedt and consideration with which 1 am, Your obedient fervanf, A. BURR. His Excellency , Gcv, Bloomfield, CHARLESTON, Ofr her 12 . Extract of a letter from a Captain af a fls'tp, belonging to this port, date a in Aiarjeiiles , 3 1 st July last . 1 “ Vou no doubt have heard that France is fending a very formidable force again!! Algiers, and a number of troops have actually failed three days ago from Toulon, only io leagues from this, who are to join the fleet from Bred j this mcafure rook rife from the frequent piracies upon this coast, and parti cularly on account of a French captain of a merchant veilel having been baflinado and fe vtrely because he complained of being rob bed. It is thought that the affair will ter min.te in the deflruflion of all .the Bar bary powers, which God grant. N- wsreachc.; this place this day, of an Algennr having taken an F.ngliih brig, a Frenoh ship, a Spaniard and two Danes; rh 7 anticipate a general attack from these countries, but how true it is I cannot fay, but it is notorious that all vc(lris which they have fallen in with latelv unarmed, have been plundered without dis tindlion, I therefore would nor advise anv person to said veflrls hither, unless under convoy.^ Mr, Coleman’s correspondent and federal colleague, the mifereant Callender, acknow ledges, in the Recorder which we yesterday received, that a part of the abominable c..1-umny umny which he lately published concernirg the President & a certain female, is Llle. VV fhal! presently have it from his own hand that not a fy liable cf the malicious report is true Such a confeffioa, however, is unneccilory; o man can believe a dander so gross uu the fo!e authority of a v/retch who has been guilty of offences the moft horiible, and who is at this \ cry moment a mirror of vice. Bit it may be expefled that he will follow the < x ample of his countryman, John Wood, and declare (what is abfoimely true) that the pub lic cannot rely upon any thing that he havi ft a ted. {American Cit, Callender has made another precious con feffion in the lame paper. He fays that in year tjg6, during the prevalence of the yel low fever in Philadelphia, and when in the tit moft cliftrefs, he wroiC to Mr. J ff rion, deferibing his fiLuation, and req-idbng the President to fend him a few dollars. Mi. Jefferfon read this letter, frit for his fuffenngs, and sent him twenty dollars ! Jt is iaipoff bic to speak of such a wretch as Caflendei w.ui iemperance, ortotlnnk w r eliof the parrv who knowing Ins inherent vi Jen els, his blackness of heart, press him to their bosom. Tills a£t 01 chanty, h:s loan of tify dollars, which perhaps inarched the mrferable wieten horn perifliang of want, has been heretofore repre fented by him as a bribe on the part of ihL executive to calumniate the leading men of the federal party. Nor did the federd editors aegletft to avail themselves of the improoabje Llory. We have ah seen tnc intemperate and fed mo ua effufions which have appeared in the Poll founded on this tool fiflion.— With the arm of hostility always uplifted, the moment was too precious not co strike the venerable in the face, uho is iupreaie objed of the bitterelt execration of the federal party. The blow was iiruck : *cwas harm lejs. The good man’s chaia£ler is an im penetrable ihield to the assault of his enemies. Ihe darts recoil’d upon mole who threw xhcilu {lbid. GENOA, August 5. We have just received a note of the depre dations which the Dey of the regency of Al giers has been exercising for fix months upon the different powers of Europe. It is ufeful to pjblifh it; and in reading it, we fhal! be iefs aftomfhed at the extreme rapacity than at rhe audacity cf this barbarian, who seems to think himfeif the sovereign of the universe, because he treats ail the govern merrs as if they were his tributaries. This note is followed by that of the con tributions which he intends to impole upon Africa; they nlare to the princes, who are of ,the lame relijj.o.i, and prove, that there i$ \ - M Nothing sacred to this brigand. We may rely upon the accuracy of these deatails. Holland, Sweden and Denmark, have made their triennial presents, the value of which is fixed at 16,500 piaftres. But by chicanery which the agents have experienced, these pre sents have incrcafed for each of the powers to a sum of about 25,000 piaftres. Total pias tres 75,000. Spain had sent three fail of the line and two frigates to claim three confil cated vefiels. THe Dry was offended at this n e .furc, and Spain, to avoid a war, paid the sum of piaftres 240,000. This sum includes the value of the three fiiips given up. A ‘rigate perfe&ly equipped is to be sent to Constantinople by Spain with warlike an uunition. The Dey claims of the English for several cargoes confifca r cd by he court of admiralty, he lum of 180 000 piaftres, and has fignified rha: if it be not paid in4months,he will declare war. He demands of France presents to the amount of 235,000 piaftres The Dev teq .ires from the Swedish agrnrs frefh pielents to the an ountof 50,000 piaftres. lie Ltely fen’ for the D mlh agent and demanded 100,000 in four ninths, besides a vefiei vJued at J 2,000. Ihe captain of the Portuguese frigate ha hrown 312 men into Slavery* The Dey has advanced th- n'oft exaggerated pretendons. He Orman's 2C0,c00 piailres for the ransom of a Angle in iiv*duai, the lon of she Portu guese admir and. Suppofmg rh ;t rhe court of L ihon obtain? the 31a , r 2000 piaftres each, (which we are f.r no n believing) the re gency will .obtain 640,000 piaftres. To this we mud add, ano inr of presents, and the value of the frigate, 70,000. We mull aifo add the value of seven snips taken bv tne era fairs, and 75 Genoefe, Nea politan and odi r Haves, 807,500 piaftres. Tin total of rhe exa&ions from Europe is 4,815 500 f i iftres in Africa, he has dc e !, besides the usual presents, from the Beys of 1 tten, Constantine and Mascara, 300,000 piaftres, and 100.000 ia private exr*<ft or s. He has ordered the P.ey of Constantine ro nar-h wi r h all nis troops agiieft Tu. is. He has ex idea from the B y of that regency a sum a nourrng nearly to 700,000 piaftres Fowl in Africa, 1,100,000. The gran i .otai is 2,918950 o piaftres. STRASBURGH, August 12. Six fh'ps of the line have received orders o uiffro ri diff-rent harbours ro Toulon, and - hence to Aigkr , so demand fatisfadhon for die iiifuit offered to rh“ French flag, and nfraction of the iaft treaty of peace, The envoy who is charged with this commission, is ert zen Hi.iitn, who before the revolution w .l s 3 private in the French g ;ards and dif ringuiftied nimfelf in a very adive manner at me deinol lioi of the baftde. it is believed An the ieiter which he is ro deliver to the governmenc of Algiers, is conceived in very nenaring and hostile terms ; and that we ihall tawe poffelfion of Algiers dt once, to put an end t o tiic depredations of that, piratical (late. Citizen Lafjreft, envoy to she court of the Elector Paiari .e of Bavaria, is appointed pkni.porentiaiy to the Deputation of the E.npne at Rati&bon. BANKS or the MAiNE, August 24 several young citizens of Nancy have written to their parents from Toulon and Brest, that the troops of which they make a part, have embarkrd,, and will fad in two and - to take vengeance of the Algerines sot their infufts offered to the Ficnch flag. FLORENCE, August 25. We learn by fome vdTel * which entered the port of Livoume, that the French fquadro-. f nt to Turns, to demand fat sfaflion from the regency for the .insult offered to the captain of a French veflel, and to the French com merce in general, bears a demand to the Dey, in the name of the First Consul, calling upon him to pay a present indemnity of 200,000 colonnari, and an annual contribution of 60,000 coionnari. in case of a refufal, the French government menaces the Dey with instant war. It is reported that other French vessels have failed to Algiers, with demands equally among others, that of his immediately setting at liberty, all (laves, to whatever nations they may fcfelong, now in :he Algerine territory. If me Dey refufes to accede to these conditions, the French (hips have orders to blockade the port. PARIS, August 31. The affairs of Germany are on the point of being terminated. France, Ruffla, Austria, Prussia and Bavaria, are agreed. Prussia has taken pofleflion of the dates granted to her by the plan of the two great mediating pow ers. Austria has taken pofleflion of Saltz burgh, Bcrchtoifgaden, Brixen, and Trent, which are also granted to her by the fame plan. ’ Her troops were at PafTau before that court had adopted the said plan ; but as the imperial miniftcr has declared, that it took pofleHiomdf to maintain the right- j the Bishop of PafTau, until the period in wnu ! the meditating powers of the deputation i>( Empire should decide. LONDON, September r. The which Bonaparte feels ft the English papers, is not momentary, 0-r correspondent fays, that they are now not buf fered to approach the fan&uary of the capi 'J of the universe, but are flopped at Calais. The movements cf troops in Germany* would seem to announce the commencement of war, rather than the definitive fcHcments of peace, Le r ters from all pars of Germany and from the Netherlands, fpe *k of orders having been given for the marching of troops.- The Au(lrian force is increasing daily on the r ight bank of the Inn, and, as we announced yesterday, a detachment has adua ly crofted that river. The Elector of Bavaria’s troop* are in motion. The operations of she Prus sian army are equally active and more effec tual. Hilderfneim, and all the Prullian in demnities, have been t.ken poficfljon of without A large French army is afiembiing on the left oar k of the Rhine, ani a strong corps will perhaps be stationed 01 the right bank. Bonaparte will, it is laid, immediately set off for Brussels, and whence to Duffeldorff, where rhe king of Prussia will meet him. The recent condufb of Austria will accelerate his journ-y, and he will in all probability not return to Paris urt l the extraordinary deputation of the D ei has pui the finflbing har.d to the plan of indem nities, which was presented bv the French and Ruffian ministers on the 18th. It is by no means agreeable to the court of Vienna.— How indeed could it be expe£L J that Auffria would accede with wiilmgnefs to that which destroys her preponderance in the Emp ,r P Yet she must accede to it. Exhausted by ice late con est, she cannot yet undertake another, which she would have to nu'na n nor o: i y against France, but aganft Pi uffi.i, and Roiiia. Notwithftaruling, therefore, these move ments of troops, and these menacing appear ances, the peace of Euiope is not likely robe dimimfbcd atpprese t, for neither Austria, nor indeed any of the great powers, be their inclinations, are yet m a cond* ion to go to war. KOioLl O’ jOriH DoUO.'i. Have received per barque Nixon, captuia Shaw, from Hoi land, 22 cases tumblers and ajjorted & iajs uat e, 2 ditto elegant parlour gU^es, 2 ditto toilet and other looting glafes^ 1 do bird cages with glaj's glove*, .44 liquor Ccfes.y 200 pieces white and brown plat Mas, 1 case dowlas , I ditto diaper % 140 pieces Bremen rolls , 24 ditto 9-4 and 10-4 bed ticking, 1 case bolting cloths , iSio. 4,5, and S 9 140 pieces Ofnaburgs (jo Ticklenburgs , 58 Flemijh fine and coarse linen , ■- Havens auck, 100 Hejjim hnnen, 1 case long lawn, X do, Fltmifh linen, % cajes fine and coarse threads , plain and diaper tapes , bobbin and laces 1 caje velvet ribbon and black lace and crape 2 ditto thread and cotton hojiery 5 bales fein and sewing twine, heading, 30 Hamboro andfijb'ng tines, coils white ropelines , I case witkdow hooksxind binges, 17 casks nails and tacks, 30 boxes Bby to and 10 by 12 window glafs* 20 tons bar iron , ajforted, 200 Jheets iron gins, 1 o boxes Reniih wine, 50 pipes gin, fir ft quality 150 empty gin cases 80 kegs fir ft quality gun powder, 60 fowling pieces and rifles, 40 boxes Edam and Gonda cheese, 9 Frieftand Clocks, 7 elegant porcelain and marble ntantle-pieee clocks , 3 pieces girandoles, 3 bales printing paper, 8 bales wrapping paper, 4OCO quills, 20 dozen flutes, 1 box Hacrlem oil, 1 ditto Spyker balsam, 1 ditto camphor, 5 cajks Prussian blue, red, and black lead ground oil, X ditto lampblack, 20 ditto linseed oil, too jugs linseed oil, 4 dozen waffel aad water irons, l crate flower pots and stands, A large quantity of baskets 50 pair quern ft ones 23 inches 1 ditto mill ditto ■ —3 feet 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 f*** 5 inchest, 4 ditto ditto ditto —3 feet and 8 inches'. 1 000 hearth tile . August IQ if