Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 27, 1802, Image 4

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For the GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. WHEN rude misfortune's blasts aftail'd And ali the fpnngs of comfort fail'd , Jn k'pe to meet a happier doom , The Wanderer left kis native home. Far fram the friends to him moft dear, No brother, jijlcr, parent near, *Mongfiranger 1 , fill comp til'd to ream — Ah how unlike bis native home / Put cruel moft from you to part, O wife and children of his heart , Tour memory finks his foul in gloom, He ftghs toward his native home. While novel feenes around him rife Sind nature's beauties greet his tries — In vain the morning lights the tomb ■-- Idr dft ant is his native home. Does earth with autumn's fruits abound, (Jr is it wrapp'd in winter's frown, Or ch efs'd in jprzng's delightful bloom $ Hefinas not there his native home. The works of art excite cur p^aife, Grandeur may admiration raije ; Bui ott Lcr.eatb the Ip tend’d dome Ahtn'ry recals our native home* The feenes when our firft years were past, *1 he Jheit oh which var toys were plac'd, Th’ cat we drove around the rcan, The favorite dog, the native home. The garden bower the fhelVring fkade, Vi e wed tid'd field, the ftow'ry mead, ATe groves whe-e we were went to roam, A]l call to mind our native home. The village church, the village green l'/here oft cur youthful friends wereJeen * If here to unite in sports we'd come, All, ail endear our native home. Paj der. rer far, then better part, Thou objefl nearest to my heart, My wtft, my love, of life the firm — H'bat is to thee, try home. O r t in my fancy art thou fought, On thou employ'ft my tendtr thought, C 1 b\ offence does my mind o'er come, 1 weep toward my native home. Put soon, upon a happier (here, 3 cur IVunder erflops*—to rove no more. Nr longer then your ahfence mourn'd, Thoje happy hours Jhall be relum'd, V hen i within my arms enfold T h dearer partner of my foul. llvfwifiye hours till Sally come, Then / forget my native home. A WANDERER. .V 0 7 1 C E. nr he subscriber Having received fome thing* ,JL for dying, requells those who brought th n, to come and get them by paying the price of his work. He had received two articles in March iSoo,one in February 1802 if tii-v do not apply for the fame, he will fell t .on at public Auction for their account, as he intends to return in one month upon his oroperty, near the town of Cayes St Louis iou iu m pans or St Domingo, where he fhal) be reaciv i<* render his account. B. COQUILLON. ik Brough ttn ft net Savannah Odober 16 1102. FOUND, Tj>E TWEEN the Cuftorn-houfe, and Mr. J J Moore’s, by a Negro Boy, a BANK BE, the owner may have it by ir, ad paying tor this aJvertifement—lt is ex, eded the Boy will be rewarded for his hondty.—Apply at the Custom-house. Savannah, 11 th October, 1802. N O T I C E. ALL Perions indebted to the fuhfcriber on his former concerns are solicited to ca.l and pay of their accounts &c. As much longer indulgence can not be given. JOHN GLASS. Odober, 16. ts TWO LIKELY Healthy Negro Lads, one ofl “hich would suit a Bachefor as Cook and House-servant, are for sale T'n terras that may be known by ap plying to, - CHRISTOPHER GUA',V. Oaober 2;. (ts.) ROBERT o’JOHN BOLTON. Have received per barque Nixon, captain Shaw, frolYi Holland, 22 cases tumblers and affertedglafs ware, 2 ditto elegant parlour glaftes, 2 ditto toilet and ether looking glaftes, 1 do. bird cages with glass globes, ’ 44 Pan or cases, 200 pieces white and brown plat ill as, I case dowlas, I ditto diaper, 140 pieces Bremen rolls, 24 ditto 9-4 and 10-4 bed ticking , 1 case bolting cloths, No. 4,5, and 4, 140 pieces Ofnaburgs 60 Ticklenburgs , 58 Flemiftj fine and ccarfe linen, 1 90 Ravens duck, 100 If ft an linnen, 1 case long lawn, I do. Flemiftj linen, 1 cases fine and coafte threads , plain and diaper tapes , bobbin and laces 1 case velvet ribbon and black lace and crape 2 ditto thread and cotton hosiery 5 bales fein and sewing twine, heading, 30 Uamborc andfifiing lines, coils white rope tines, \ I case window hooks and hinges, 17 casks nails and tacks, 30 boxes o by 10 and 10 by 12 window gifts. 20 tons bar iron, aftorted, 200 ftseets iron gins, 1 o boxes Renijh wine , 50 pipes gin, fir ft quality 150 empty gin cases 80 kegs fir ft quality gun powder, 60 fowhng pieces and riftss, 40 boxes Edam andGcnda cheefte, 9 Friefland Clocks, 7 elegant porcelain and marble mstntlc-fitet clocks, 3 pieces girandoles, 3 bales printing paper, 8 bales wrapping paper, ’ 4000 quills, 20 dozen Jla-tes, 1 box Haerlem oil, i ditto S pyker balsam, 1 ditto camphor, 5 caffs Pritftan blue, red, and black AW ground oil, j ditto lampblack, 20 ditto linseed oil, 100 jugs linseed-oil, 4 dozen waffcl aad water Irens, 1 crate flower pots and stands, A large quantity of ba.fleets 50 pair quern stones 23 inches 1 ditto mill ditto’ 3 feet 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and 3 inches. 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet £nd% inches. 1000 hearth tile. August 10 t ts MARS 11 A US S A L E.” V| r / ILL be fold at the Court-House, in yy the City of Savannah, on Saturday ihe 3 cth in ft, the SCHOONER her tackle, apparel and furniture,to fatisfy an execution in favor of M. Shearer. G. R. DUKE, Dept. Marsha!. Odober 16. , FOR NEW-PORT, The Sloop Sally, INTENDED as a constant tra der during the winter from this port to the southern ports of this state—she has good accommodations for freight or paflengers. The smallest favor will be thankfully received. For further’particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or of Isaac N. Meserve, master, on Board# FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. ST RA YD or STOLEN, FROM The Commons of this city, on the ad inftan: the following HORSES, viz. A large brown BAY, about 15F hands high, 10 years old, trots high, a few’ faddlc spots near his wethers, a Twitch tail, with both hind feet white to the fetloock. A blood BAY, about 15 hands high, 6 years! old, a final! star m his forehead, trots and can ters with ease, and hes also a switch tail. Twenty Dollars will be paid for the Horses and Thirty for the Thief, with proof equal to convidion, on their delivery to JAMES ALGER, Odober 23. ’ w aTn r e and. A CONVENIENT Dwelling-House in the vicinity of this olftce, the rent not exceeding 250 dollars, and pofteftion of vyhich can cegiven in two or three months from this time. S. MORSE. Odober 27. * Now is published, No. XIV, Os A NEW AND COMPLETE 3 ENCYCLOPAEDIA 3 Oft, UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES ON AN IMPROVED PLAN, lib ft rated with upwards of 140 Copper plates. CONDITIONS. To be comprifcd in 120 numbers (if any over plus to be given gratis} each number to contain 4 or 4 i-2 (heets letter-prels ar.d 1 or more engra vings, delivered every other week .for 25 cent# each, making in the whole 6 large volumes. Sub bribers by the volume to pry io dollars on delive ry of vol. 1, and the remainder at the end ot the work. In which all the refpedive Sciences are arranged in to complete systems, and the Arts digefted.into oiftind ireatifes ; alio the detached parts of know l dge alphabetically, arranged and copicufly ex plained according to the best cuthorities. CONTAINING A digest and display of the whole theory nnd prac tice of the Liberal and Mechanical ArbJ. Comorifwg a General Repofttory of Ancient and Modern Literature, from the etr'.left ages down o trie prefect time. Including all the New Improvements and latest dis coveries nude in the Arts and Sciences. The fu perfluities which abound in otL-r dictionaries, are expunged from tin?, lor the purpose of incorpora ting comple e fylLms and diiltndfc treatises. By means of this addition and deviation ft -m toe old plan, it will comprise the following fubjedls., Aerology, Acrofiion, Agriculture, Al gebra, Amphibology, Anatomy, Annuities, Ar .ni’eclurc, Arithmetic, Atfronomv, Beiles-Ler ties, Book keeping, - Botany, Brewing, Catop trics, Cnemiftrv, Chronology, Commerce, L )mparative Anatomy, Concho] ogv, Co nics, Ccfmogvaphy, Criticism, Dialling, Dioptric, Drawing, Eledlrici’y Engineering, Engraving, Etymology, Ethics, Farriery, Fencing, Finan cing, Fluxions Fortification, Folfilogy, Gard ening, Guyging, Geography, Geometry, Gram mar, Guiiner’-, Mandicfaf’S, Heraldry, History, Hufbandrv, Hydraulics Hydrography, Hydrolo gy, Hydrostatics, 1 ichthyology, Lavys, Logic, | Lc*ngevity, Legerdemain, Magnetism, Maritime Affairs, Mathematics, Mechanics, Medicine, Me naget’y, Mcnfur*tio.n, Merchar.dife, Metallurgy, Metaphysics, Metecrology, Military Affairs, Mi neralogy, Modelling, Music, Mythology, Na vigatson, Natural N u iccl AlFairs, Op. tics, Oratory, OmiibTgy, Paintings, Perip-ec. tive, Pharmacy, Phdofophy, Phlebotomy, Phy. sic, Phifiognomv, Phjfiology, Phylology, Pneu matics, Sculpture, Scries, Statics, Statuary, Stenography, Surgerr, Tactics, Tetrapodology, l b #lcgv, Trades and Mts, Trigonometry, Ver mco’ogy, &c. Fhe whole foiming a General Circle of Science, and the moft com ore hen five and cheapest Libra ry rs UVfivcTal Knowledge ever publifht’d in the United States. ffj 3 Subfctiptions are received at the Georgia Republican” office, and from different p is of the union vvi 1 be attended to, and the work punc tuallv forwarded agreeable to diredfions. by JOHN LOW, No. 33, Charham ftreet. PROPO S A L, (Bv RICHARD LEE, Baltimore,) For PUBLISHING By SUBSCRIPTION DISCO U R S E S ON GOVERNMENT, ii i ALueR;\ON SiDfsEY. - TO WHICH ARE ADDED The life , Memoirs, ft/c. of the Author. LETTERS TO HiS FATHER, be HIS I RIAL FOR HIGH TREASON AGAINST CHARLES If. BEFORE JUDGE JEFFREY?. With his AP JLQGI in the day oj fj :s DEATH, c o ndjtio ns. I. TBIo work will be comprised in three tavo Volumes, containing at least five hunclrsf pages each* anu printed with anew type, <.*n sup< r fine Pa per. It will be the pride of tne Publither to present to the American public,this excellent work, in an ele gant dress. iL The price to fubferibers will Le Two Dollars per volume, in.hoards. 11 ie ‘■V tn the firlt V o’ume will be given a Portrait oft the Author and no expence wifi be spared to have it executed by the fir if arrift in America^ As this work is proposed at a very reafonible price :t will not be „cut toprefs, until the fienature of five hundred names is obtained, to fee u re tne great and certain expenses of this publication. DR. BURNETT’S Char abler of the i Hull Ac us Author. 1 He was a man ot moft extraordinary courage • a steady man, even to obftincy sincere, but of a rough “ and bo ftferous temper that could not bear contradic “ tion. He seemed to be a chriftian, but in a particu <c hr form of his ‘ c divine in the mind. He was ftiff to all Cl republican principles and (u:h an enemy to every thing, that looked like a monarchy, th3t he set him* Ct Islf in high opposition agdnft Cromwell, when he tl was made P'OtefLr. He had ftudiedthe hi/iory 0 f government in alt its branches, beyond any man I ever knew.’ Several manufcriptftreatifes of his In Latin and in, Italian, and an “ Eilay on various love’* in Englilh, are ft ill extan* among the papers of his family at Penfliurft : but his c< Discourses concerning govern ment’ alone will immortalize his name,and are fuffici. ent to Supply the lo r s of Cicero’s hx books “ De Re. pub’ica/* whi h has beer so much regretted bv men cf sense and probity, In short, it is one of the noblefl books that e ver the mind of man produced : and we cannot wish a gca er or more blefling to :he world, than that it may be every where read, and its principle* universally rece : ved and propagated. Su feriptions are received at the Georgia Republi can office, PROPOSALS. By MESSRS. DSmiSTON k CHEh'TH.f’ ■’ NEWyORK, For Publifliing by Sabfcription, A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF TiJO STATE PAPERS OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED S TATES ; Commencing with the Firlt Sen on 0 f -j - Firlt American Congrcfs, in the v r ‘ of the present Adniiniftration TO BE ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. ‘ SUCH cf Ibe State Parers of our Genera! Government as bare been publtfijed, are n be found in files cf news-papers inly, and in other fleeting and attached publications.—Many cf the utmost importance to the statesman, and intii penfable to the historic::, nave not appeared in print. Such, indeed, is the nature ‘of “diurnal pub.:cat:or,s, and finch are the needy circttmfiances very generally, if not miverfially, of their ccZ ..alters tacit theyaienecejjyatcd togiveprefercr.c of admijfion into tbeir journal, cf that ‘fptcies ‘ e e information by the publication of -which, alone they obtain necessary support. Hence, regular and entire files of the large# and befit conducted: poutiial newspapers do not contain a regular ecu catenation cf govs:nvaentcil documents • antic may be fafely added, that files of all the p% t rs in the Union do no!Yet, if they duljcaltereet through a bulk of literary matter Jo v aft, it would, require the life of one man, to colleEi and arrant them lucid order. Dr. Ram fay infonns i:s’% °f s Jr‘ eftite to his Uijiory of the Revolution, that he was feu-years in collebling materials for that small, but excellent predutfu-n, net witbjlandi he had access to all the official pagers contain?* m the various departments of the general govern* nent. * Os the utility of a work that Jhcill emprise all toe Jit ate papers (the official documents) cf tbe general government, from and includin'?, th c memorable congress of 1774,/$ lie end of til r.rg „ Jent adminiftralien , little need be /aid. *The kis to? ian will find in it prepared to bis hand all the materials necessary sot writing the history of ‘ae Union, It will fur nfh the with a body of authentic in formation, the under ft an dir* of which is necejsaryto ccufiiute that exalted cha- and racier . to cur editors of newspapers, literary productions vie in excellence with these of their bretberen in Europe, and who are emu lous to excel eeico other at Dome,ll wtll be an eji i— mable work. To politicians of every (eld and ?} Hal, it zvtil oe no less pleofing than infirublive. In one word, it will of itfeif, form the me(l au thentic, and, therefore, the best political History of the United States. It will require confide?” able ref ear ch, fetich la ltr and no Jrnail expence to complete the colic El ion. ’"i he editors have, ho wever , Ion? had the work in contemplation, and much progress in it is already made. Such of the ft ate papers as laze never leenpubh(t ed, will be included in it, as well as teofc which have not, in any Jhape, appeared before the public,—l bey have made arraugem. > U which authorise them to assure their fello w-c ; ’M use ns, that the propofied Collection frail contain ■: c J the ft ate papers of moment appertaining to gene-, ral government . 4 1 This zvork now proofed to the Union for en couragement, shall c on.fift of a mere coli.dtions ofSt-ite Papers, chronologically a-rranged. No remarks whatever of the ed.tors will be made iv it. % CONDITIONS. I. The work shall be put to press as soon as 600 Jubfcribes are obtained. 11. One volume foall be delivered to fubscriber? m in this city every three months, confiJhngcfabouM 500 pages, printed on good paper, and wit A anew neat type procured for the pvrpcfe.-A Subjcribevs rest ding out of this city , may their booksJent to wherever they please. A 111. The price of each volume will be two dollar A in boards, to be paidfor on delivery. I IV. A list of the names Gs the ftibfcribers will | be annexed to the work. *** Subfcripticns received for the present , at ] this office only. ‘ I New - Tor k, June 4. j BLA N K ’ I CHECKS, J For sale at this Office. 1 W A N T E D, \ AT this Office, one or two lads as aj—J prentices to art of printing. September. J