Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 30, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Six Dollars a Year, Ha 1 / in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volume I. No. n. ??L SW 1 r T *oi m w*mrr*w* DIVISION ORDERS, Savannah, October 25, 1802. The Court Martial, of which Major Shad was Prcfident, ordered for the trial of Lieu tenant Suck ho ufc, on the charges exhibited agair.H him by Lt. Col. Mitchell, having found him guilty of thefirH, third, and fourth charges— to wit : *^ r * 1 (1. For unofEcerlike conduct on the eve r. nr: of the 29th of September Eli, whiifi on’ outv, n breaking open, and taking poficfiion by military force, of the houle of Mr. Isom Clay, on Tybee I (land. 3d, For disobedience of orders and on offi ce] like conduft, in leaving his p.jit from me 1 orning of the 30 th of dtp tern her until hm detachment was relieved. 4th. For difobeditnee of orders and unoffi cial ike conducl, on the eleventh inHant, in not delivering up his iword when arreficd.” And thereon having sentence ! him to re ceive a reprimand from the Major-General, iukl to pay a ium of one hundred and eighty didais, being equal to fix months pay when in aft.utl lervice—the M ijor-General con firms the fen ten ce and dtfiblves the court. vVhiift however, the Major-General is in duced to confirm the sentence, he is impelled to remark that it has been mere indulgent m.iii Lieutenant ♦Stackhoufe had a right to expert. The Lieutenant was sent to the fic tion at Cockfptir, ro protest the citizens and their property —not to violate their rights and break open their houses. He was in actual f'ervice —the country in a date of alarm, no; .only In s*} in: r along the whole loutiiein roalt of the United States* Invasion and in furreftien were expefted, against either of which the Hate had a right to prated herfelf u:ml the arm of the Union could be extended ro her iupporc. In i'uch a situation as this mr an o metr to leave his poll - tne post oi 1 iONOR as regarded himfelf, and of TRUST NS it reipefted his country —vv. ; s unpardona ble. It affeded his commifxlon, if the oi the law had been pursued—is not his file. Again, as it refpeds the fourth charge. The refufal of his sword to the order of tht dolonel, is a gross v iolation of all military J'de—the commiiTon is the authority mdr; which the officer has a light to wear the iword as such —and the Iword is the security or bail to the Hate, that the officer will faithfully perform the trufc reposed in him—if the prin cipal fails the feeur’ty becomes liable, and the Jv..iu mult be from the officer charsied with violating iiis contrasts. I3;;t the idea of r.n officer’s fvvord being private property after he receives his com niiilion is a mutaken one—the conn million is an exchange for its value—lt belongs folelv to his country as refpefts its use vvhilft he holds his commiifion, and may legally and fin oil be demanded hereafter on all occasions of arretl, in the firft division, and the officer refilling Hiall be punished if a Court Martial will order it—or be confined if the arrelling cfitcer requires it. is hoped tliatjthe leniency of the in the case of Lieut. Stackhoufe will never bt relied on by any officer on any future occasion. Lieutenant Stackhoufe Hands highly culpable in the Major-General's view, and is hcreb) severely reprimanded, with a hope that u will be a warning to him in his future milita ry walks. 1 he Lieutenant will pay into the hand* efthe proper officer of rhe Chatham Re.ei ment, the fine of one hundred and eighty dol lars—being the fc.rtence of the court, within one month from the dare of this order, and Hand arreHed until the fame is discharged— r.o resignation will be accepted—and if the fame be not paid in one month, the com. manding officer of the Chatham Regiment will ifiue his warrant to levy the fame. This order will be publiihed in or.e of the Gazettes of this city, for the information of the o fficers of the Firil Division. By order cf Major-General Jackson, CHARLTON, A'ul-dt~Canp>, dljler Dhifion Orders , Oft. 25, ISO 2. a formation being received of the failinof mb from inc coait of the U. States, h had the Brigands on board, wno were icki to be intended to be landed within the United States, and the cauie of alarm which induced theorderof the 1 ith September, hav ing thereby ccaled the lever..; requilnions contained in that order, or die lubfi quent ci der 01 the 9UI inti, will be c*>ifi .end at cm i end, and the militia of the lirn 1) viuon, as on ! its common dtabidhment Horn tn.s u*Le. The com nan:! ng oncers of the refpediye j regiments.,and batta.ioiii who have had .‘>cn mi service under the laid oraers, wdi return their 1 niui-er and pav polls proper.y ce.tnfied bv diem to the exect tive department, s alio, ;ucii (ouirafts and vouchers ot lupplies as aay have been made, and entered into by them relpeftiveiv for fititlement as .oon cS p'ofiibie : lending also, one cop\ 01 to General, as a check *. 11 ill officer. j Ihe CTnife cf the Revenue Cutter of the United S arts, which Capt. Putn au, at ihej requeit o 1 Ids Excellenty the Governor, anv 1; witli the ( order,t ol the collector ot S ivun- j nah, eHe red for the protection of the c .all — : and of the hired armed Pitot boar, P Ln . ,! capt.Wtbley, taken into the (late err.po\ tor! the lame puipofe, being fin dim and -, the .Via- j jor General,a (Tares thole officers of u.e’enl'ej his Excellency ihecommander in chief, enter tains of their promptness and vigila cc in m lervice, as well as that of iVjr. Aden, m .te o! of the Cutter, who commanded her during the cruife* The May. General acknowledges with great iatisfaclion, the readiness wren which l.isoi ders h ive been obeyed by the reflective to n* mantling officers t the regiu -ents, and ban a- ! uons on the lea codfi unu which has conVtn ! ced him that had an invatLn t. .Ken placed th. ! country would have received ample prmeft.o.J and the invaders have 1 een annihilated o,! creed again to sea. T-he General acknow-) ledges the aflUlance he has icccivedfroin his ,i;ds, Majors Max well and Chari* on. By order of Major General JACKSON. CHARL’ fO N, Aid-de- Ca*ll p, I approve me foregoi ).> order, j. iAI i NAL, jvn. Governor. WAR DEPARTMENT Auguii 16, ;g 02. T J HERE AS, ly a law of Congrejs taffea V V on the zf'tb day of .ifri’ itio it was enabled, u That it fba'l he the duty of the Secre tary of IVar to receives , all claim jto L for military services, ana claims jor du> iu aies cf wav?arts ifiued from his, or from , land office of Virginia, or cf pi,its a J i?Nifi, ns of Jarveys founded on fucb warrants juige bed to have been lofi or defiroyed ; until the sis c; January next, and no longer, a. a t. -au f. ielx thereafter to report the fame to;i get ting the number cf claims cf each dcjc r iion, with his opmijn thereon No ice is hereby given, To all persons chiming lands ter military services that they mufi lodge in this office,prior to tie. firft aax cf January next, documents to prove toe validity efi their claim. Ccmijfmsi officers Jurgeor.s and burgeon's mate * or teeir legal repreientrM ues mufi produce ev: deuce to prove that they jet ved in tie army cf Ibe United States to the end of the war, cr that tbe\ were deranged by a of Congie s which aid not bar their claim tj military botin y lands It will alto be necejfury for the repefenlaiives oi officers <sc. killed in fie ; vice to produce evidence to prove, that the person was “ fain bv the ere my. No n-c cimn iffioned officers, mufi dans and pri ! cr their legal representatives mufi produce 1 evidence to prove, that they tniified to serve in j Loe army oi the United States during the war | and treat they aft ally served until the end off aid war. st wdl also be neceffaryfcr the reprejen f a fives of nen-commipfioaed cjjicers , (fie. who I were enh fed during the war and were killed in j the lervice , to produce evidence to prove tha! were 1 4 fain by the enemy A “ I H. DEARBORN \ Secretary cf JVar. SAVANNAH, Printed ey LYON <0 MORSE. OCTOBER 30, i30 2 . JN ORDINANCE , To amend an Ordinance entitled fC An Ordinance fa ‘pi eventing as much as may he 3 accident* which may happen by Fire, for preferring the f iTC in [aid City 3 and for render in y the fame as ufful as may be in case cf fire, and fer otherpurpofes therein mentioned .” FIRST Be it ordiaiued by the May 01 1 and Aldermen cf the City of Savannah, in Conn \ <H “ femoled, and it is hereby ordained by tL\ I cut mri ty of the sane, That there Thai] be cleft ny me board of fire-maflers, one manager and’ :nc one aimtanr, to each and every eng n a • which now is, cr are, or which flul!, or°iray , hereaiter be in this city, to ierve for the re;m of one year, from and after their eleftion, and who fnall immediately after notice of .hen eLft.on, ur.cer this ordinance, enrol for cued engine in this city, not exceeding twelve a ;ie aftivc fiaves, workers in the laid city, to oe approved or by the fire mailers, to afiiit ir: ‘■* Ur.jng the j mallei- engines, and not exceed* ng tv/enty-four ot the like Hires, to be a -of as arort fa id, for the larger engines, wmcii managers and afliftants so to be defied. trU the Haves so to be enrolled, Hr.II be fuh- J; 1 f(> thc commands of the fire mailers at all -r but more especially in time of alarm, - acn and every of the Lid Haves, Hiall be nnfktd with a leather or fire hat, on which ..-■ and be painted the number of the eng.’ne to i vV! '‘Ch he may belong. A. Se P And be )t further ordained, Thai P’a 1 i!J n erected under this ordinance, rcrule ro accept the appointment, or a £ ler having accepted the fame, Hull negleft 1 * 5 outy, luck person Hiall on conviftion there id be j ore tlie Mayer and Aldermen, be fined in the him of fifty dollars. i. h he it farther ordained, Tha -1,1 the eleftion lb to be made of such manager : an aisiftant of engines as afore fa id, the fir *s (lull nave power and authority to py I ,ie pcrion or persons so elefted, on his j or hc *r Hie wing good and fufficient excuse for j hls or tiicir being so cxcufed, and the board j iiicn tuer. proceed to anew eleftion, provided irui no peilbn (hall be compelled to serve as manager or afsulant as aforefaid, more than once in five years. Fourth And be it further ordained, That Haves as fhail be aftually employed and cm oiled, to make up any deficiency 7 in the number of free negroes or mulattoes, to man the engines as aforefaid, Hiall be allowed a reasonable compensation for their services to be fixed by the board office mailers not ex- reeding feventy-five cents each, for the half day they may be aftually employed. That in cases of alarm, or fire, the said Haves fiiali be compensated and rewarded by the board ol fire mailers, according to their merit, in time oi such alarm or fire. E if rn— And be it further ordained, That all orders and resolutions which fhail be made by the board of fire mailers, pursuant to thL ur any other ordinance veHing authority in the laid board, Hiall be obeyed, observed, and exedbted by the laid managers and afliHants, and alio by the said (laves to be employed I rmcier this ordinance; and if any manager or alnitant fhaii negleft or refuse to obey or exe cute the lame, such manager or alfillant, on conviftion thereof before the Mayor aid Al uermen, ill a1 i be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars $ and if any Have enrolled or em ployed, in purluance of this oidinance, Hiall negleft or reride to obey or execute the fame, tlie matter and owner fhail, on conviftion o: iiivh Have before the board of fire maHers, pay i fine not exceeding five dollars, and in de- Tuk of his or her paying said fine, the said fiawe fhaii receive iuch number of iafhes, nor exceeding thirty-nine, as the said fire maHers Hiall order and direst. Sixth — And be it further ordered, That the nurd section cf the ordinance entitled iC An ordinance for preventing as much as may be, accidents which may happen by fire in Sav annah, for preierving the fire engines in said city, and for rendering the fame as ufitful as may be in case of fire, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” pafied the 2d December, i 1 799 y be, and the fame is hereby repealed. in Council, Savannah, o Holer ;S, 1302. passed, CHARLES HARRIS, Mayer, (l. s.) ATTEST, ! . THOMAS PITT, c, c, Twelve and a Half Cents Single MERC AN T ILL. is MATH I- Max k-L ACAD E I*l r. MR. COX, grateful for the kind pntrn nage he ins undorudy espene'c iincc .he coiruneneement of his A.- .dt nas the pleaiure of announcing the lib.-r.'. ir of the honor ible the Mayor and Alderii -n u • aving granted him another roo m in the C I-a I, in which the young ladies will be Ku. e fonvard inilruffed. ‘ The youth of either sex being acco-nm >- dated with a different apartment w t lt add r.ucn to the convenience of the A-.v-cr.y, and contribute to accelerate ih. ii ft,,, ; t s# h-T Wanted an Affiflmt o. luttahle abilities, wao mult pm-nr- t quelticnable testimony of his sobriety, adore- Con ad i iduHry, A French tutor will attend the Erry as loon as fifteen scholars ate dclirous oi I; dying that language. October 17. 3000 doi. Lars “reward j/rgtx V F ‘ hb he paid by the Underwri'ers V V on Schooner DorcheiLr, f my perEn or persons who will drag for and ’the Schooner Jborchefler, Pennifier, hue maftcr, aboat 50*ions but then The Schooner faded from i'Pee on che S h of August lafi, about 4o*c!firk, P. M. ;, OUw j for Naflau jat 12 fame night Hie funk, fupaofcd ui irom io to 15 faihorr.s water and front 1 , t . leagues from the Bar. Inhere is fad robe in a f-. ill crunk locked down in the run, 0640 D..ul.|,xmi9 in filled a: 61,880 Dollars. A salvage cl ore u;unb A ‘ll r he money rcc,ve ed by ra fi,T t lje vefEl. M ill Afo be allowed in adc&tion to the above reward. Fur ‘.er information may be had on application to the ffiukr writers, in Ch nledoo. r N ; The printer, in Savannah, New* York and Baltimore, are requeued to publift ihc above. September 8. FOR NEW-PORT, The Sloop ■'•ally, tNTRNDRn aqa coMint tr i- Her during tnc v/intcr from th s port to the southern ports of i-. s Hate—fnc has good accommalatious for freight or pafiengers. The fmalicft fvc• w!} be thankfully received. For further pai > enquire of Mr. Samuel How Ak n, . 0 ( Isaac N. Meserve, mailer, on Board October 23, 1802. MARS H A US Sand • ... YY7 lEL be fold at the Coin i-H >u;e t 1 the City ofSavannah, on Satnr- ay n.c 30th inH. the SCHOONER fiMSkB S -7S EF, her tackle, apparel and rurnuurr,to Ltisfy ra execution in favor of M. Shearer. G. R. DUKE, Dept. Man'llH. Oflober 16. In t The ADMi iAL FY. MARSH XL’S SALE a Pursuant to a decree of tie Lon. IVilli ■.S. < ■> : ’ .. Ef({ . judge of thefaid court, veil be <. fate at the wharf cf John]ten, l-lrb, f Cc. on ED NFS DAT the .c ih day n . ber next, between the hours ot \oa id cf the jams day, the following pm cr. wit : fcufrh parr of ft * AN NT her Bouts, F. .i J ackleand Apparci, aj* on-* ■ part of 3 25® oufhels Salt, 7* cr;ros Cto Ware, 339 bushels Coab, 1373 5..,k Bo and 1750 Pan Tiles, con lemne-1 and or. o ; . to be foldas the property ofWiliianniFlooi deceased, Also, So kegs PAINT Consigned -o \V , . cc _Jss. Hunte.— un.., one coffin burnt n.-* 4 kegs Sd Nails., and 5 kegs lod Nails, con-- iigned to Robert & John Bolton, in p llC fatisfaftion of a decree on a Hypothecations Bond, at tne lust of John Potter, libellant. Conditien of sale Cajh. G. R. DUKE, Dfpt. Marshal Sav. Ocfo'ir ;6. CUSTOM-HOUSE, D,strife of ANY person willing to engage, to and Keep in their stations, and in ,°e pair, the Buoys that are, ormav be provided as guides to the entrance of Savannah river! will early notify in writing to the fubferu ber, -t w.iat 1 a.e per annum he will per form the service. 1 THO. JOHNSON, Collector. Sept. 17, 24 w cf*