Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 03, 1802, Image 4

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POBERT JOHN BOLTON, j Have received per. Jh'p Columbia, from Liverpool, 17 bales firfi: q■; dity white and blue plains f ditto flannel and baize $ ditto ) /Ondcn duffii bl inkers y ditto Bnff&l, point and role do, 40 pieces blue ffrouds 14 ditto fupei fi'e broad cloths 14 ditto c i:ro caflittwre 4 5 ditto dr:b plains 10 ditto flriped and spotted elastics 2 (j *jal< s rotre.i bagging 4 ditto fiil duck .2 ca'es Irifa Linnen 1 2 pieces girth webbing eo dozen rornai handkerchiefs 1 ditto cotton counterpanes 9 casks broad hoes 2 ditto grubbing hoes and club axes 2 cloven 1 > 1 ca.dc glue 2 dozen corn flopeis 1 bale bed ticking 40 boxes 3 by 10 and ic by is crown j window glass 100 kegs white lead 30 ditto *Spairfh brown 2 t'’ns (he t lead 1 dozen tin fcaies 1 case Duffy's, elfxer and British oil and dozen Icale beams from 3 to 5 feet long with weights u 500 iron pots ind ovens 4000 bushels of fait 58 cGks 3d, 10J and cod nails 4 cafi:cutlery and hardware 1 dozen cross-cut saws 24 ditto rice and sickles 1 ditto elegant laddies 2 ditto portmanteau trunks be pieces durant and bembazette 2 trunks hosiery. J October 12. ts ROBERT 6 J JOHN BOLTON. Have received per barque Nixon, captain Shaw, from Holland, 22 cases tumblers and ajfsrted glass war e, 2 ditto elegant parlour glafies, 2 duto toilet and ether looking glares, 1 do. bird cages with glajs globes, 44 liquor cases, _ , 100 pic ess white and brown piddles, 3 case dowlas, I ditto diaper, 340 pieces Bremen rolls, 24 ditto 9-4 and 10-4 bed ticking, x case boding cloths, No, 4,5, and 6, 340 t ‘tcccs Ofmburgs 60 Tichlennurgs, 53 Ft emtio jhe and coarse linen, 190 Ravens duck, ico Hejian linnen-, 1 case long lawn, 3 do. Flemijlo linen, 2 cases fine and coarse threads, plain and j diaper tapes, bobbin and laces P?:’ 1 case velvet ribbon and black lace arid crape 2 ditto thread and cotton hefisry 5 bales fein end sowing twins, heading, ; 30 l lamb or 0 and ffling lines, coils white ropelines , 1 case windo w hooks and binges, 17 casks nails and tacks, 30 boxes Bby 1 o and loby 1 2 window glass. 20 tens bar iron, a ported, 2co Jheets iron gins, 10 boxes Reniih wine, 50 pipes gin, firfi quality I qo empty gin cases So kegs firft quality gun powder, 60 fcvdlnig pieces and rifles, ! 40 boxes Edam and Gonda cheese, 9 Friefland Clocks, 7 elegant porcelain and marble mantle-fiece cloths, 3 pieces girandoles, 3 bales printing paper, • S bales wrapping paper, 40 co quills, 20 dozen fates, 1 bex Haarlem oil, x ditto Spy her half am, r 1 ditto camphor, 5 cases Pruff:an blue, red, and black had j ground oil , x ditto lampblack , 20 ditto linseed oil, ico jugs lirfeed oil, 4 dozen wcffil and water irons, l crate flower pots and flxands, A targe quantity of bajkets 50 pair quern ft ones 23 inches 1 ditto mill ditto 3 feet 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and 3 inches. 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and 8 inches. ■t 000 hearth tiie. August 1 o . ts ’ FOR SALE. A LIKELY Negro boy about 12 years old for laic low forcafh at the Savannah Snoe Store. G- TUFTS tfi Cos. October 9. Jt, JACKSON HARTS j ENE. Have just received per fiip Columbia, Captain Fcfdick from Livcrpdcl, 6 Bales white and Coloured Plains, 4 ditto London Buffi and Brifrol Blankets 1 ditto fu per fine and coarse 1 ditto white and* coloured flannels, 1 di-to cafimeres, and Evansdowns, 1 diuo and coatings, 50 ps. bed Inverness Cotton Bagging, 30 ditto do. flaxen and tow Ofnaburgs, “1 trunk of Silk and Cotton Hole, 1 case sheeting and brown Holland, 1 ditto Cambric, Thread, Bobbin, Tapes See. 1 ditto black Bombazine, Durants and Sewing fdk, 1 ditto Teamens blue trowfers, and jackets 1 ditto Cornflopers, (Oznaburgs, and Coloured thread,) 20 Casks a 11s r.h oi ICG ii*.es, 1 ditto lines, fewiug twine and flioe thread, I ditto Glue, 1 ditto and 2 Cases hard ware, CONSISTING of Corn Mills, Steelyards, Pad Locks, Shove’s and Tongs, Fire Dog 5, Woffle Irons, Chest Locks, Landicape time pieces, Crop whips, Brideis Cruet frames, Gentleman Tooi Chells iCanifters, Japand Vv r aeters, ditto T rays Ac. 1 Calk p atent Shot, 1 ditto Houle Brooms, Hearth and Scrub bing Brushes, 2 ditto Broad blocs, ditto Club Axes and Socket Spades, 60 Kegs Paint (white ?.nd Sparnih Brown) 2 Boxes Mustard, 1 ditto Chamomile flowers, Mcn’s and Womerr s Hats, Thickfetts, Jenets, and Velveteens, Furniture Chintzes Cotton and linen Handkerchiefs Iron Pots and Camp Ovens Crockery Ware, &c. O N CONSiG NM E N TANARUS, 3 cedes Men’s HATS, fir A quality, vvh'cli will be :osd low for Cash. GN HAND, 150 ps. Caliicoes, 100 ditto Hum hums, 30 ditto fail Due x, 30 ditto Dimities, 50 ditto Cheerts, Mullins Ginghams, Cambrics, Linens, &c. 5 dnz. Green Chairs, Groceres &c. Savannah G&obcr 23. ts <7 T-l 7? Cf 7D cr and j D.r? 7? c l IJili uouiviUiJA J. T TAVIN G rented convenient Stores cn •C JL Harden and Jones’s Wharf (formerly Clarkes) offer their Services to their friend and the Public as Fa dors and Com million Merchants. BULLEN fc? HARDEN. October 9,1802. 1 w 3 m. R A N- AW A Y, IyROM the fubferiber, about three months 1 ago, a Necrro fellow named CHARLES 4A- O. J Li about live feet two or three High.— He is well known throughout tb.e County of Liberty and flutters a little when lpoken to, bowleo-aed and mo ft commonly wears larpe whifleers, A Reward o (Fen Dollars will be given for apprehending said fellow, andFecur ing him in any jail in this fcatefo that he may be got at, and a further reward of Fifty Dol lars, on conviction of his being harboured by any white person. He is a cooper by trade end has been seen lurking about Savannah, and it is more than probable will endeavour to follow his trade in a clandefline manner. Captains of veflfels arc-difired to be cauti ous, as he may attempt to make off on board lome vessel. # JOHN JONES, Li bey Hall Liberty County. October 9 SSo2. T\\ 7 0 L I K ELY J TEALTHY Negro Lads, one of jfTjt wiiich would suit a Bachelor as Cook and House-servant, are for sale on terms that may be known by ap- Diving to, CHRISTOPHER GUNN. October 23/ (ts.) Jufi Received from ChariejUn, and F0 R SALE AT TH [ S OFFICE rr tj p r T r r ni ’ i 1i JL l. x . r-. V- . TOUSSAINT LOUFERTURE, Late General in chief, and Governor of the Is land cf Saint Domingo \ with many particulars never before published : to which is Jubycined, an account of the firfi cteraiions of the FRENCH ARMY, under G E N E R A L LE C L E R C. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH By N. HER BE MO NT, Teacher cf the French Language, cn Sullivan's Hand. PRICE 50 CSX To. Now is publifhsd. No. XIV, Os A NEW AND COMPLETE ENCYCLOPAEDIA; OR, UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF AR TS AND SCIENCES ON AN IMP ROPED PLAN. lU'fiiratcd with upwards :f HO Cefpcr plates. CONDITIONS. To be comprised in 120 numbers (lf3ny over plus to be given gratis) each number 10 contain 4 cr 4 i-2 facets le'ter-prefs and 1 or mote engra vings delivered every other week for 25 cents each, making in the whole 6 large volumes. Sub kfibers by the volume to pay 10 dollars on delive ry t f vol. 1, and the remainder at the er.d ot the w c r iC. In which all the refpeflive Sciences are arranged in to complete iyftems, and the Arts digeiled into dill fact readies ; also the detached parts of know ledge alchabetically arranged and copicufiy ex plained according to the beA authorities. CONTAINING \ and display of the whole theory and prac tice cf the Liberal and Mechanical Arts, Comprising a General Rcpcfitorv of Ancient and Modern Li eramre, from the earliest a;;es down *o toe prefei t tui.e. Including all the New improvements and latest dif enveries made in the Arts and Sciences. Ihe fu pyrfluities which abound in other d:dtionaries, are expunged from thi?, for the purpose or irv orpora tine cornpY'e fyllems and difttndf treaties. Bi ! means of tnis addition and deviation Ir ttie old plan, it vvii: compnfe ttic toilo” mg iubjecis. AcculHcs, Aerology, Acroftion, A!- ogbr?, Amphibology, Anatomy, Annu;!’.es, Ar chitecture, Atithmetic, Ailronotny. Bedes-Let tres, Bo k-keeping, Botany, brewing, Catop-j tries, Chemiftrv, Chronology, Commerce, 1 Comparative Conchojogy, Co-1 nics, Ccfmography, Cfkicifm, jbialling, fc&optru, I Drawing, Eiediriciry Engineer mg, Engraving, j T ymo'ogy, Ethics., Farriery, } enc ,n g, iTnan cint-r, Fluxions, Fortihcation, hofliLgy, hard ening, Guaging, Gtography, Geometry, Gram mar, Gunnery, Handicrafs, H raldry, Liliory, Hufaandry, Hydrography, iiydrolo gy, rfydrofdatics, Lchihyo! .;gy, Laws, i-'Ogtc, Longeviry, Lezerdemain, Maznetifni, M at! ' ;nie - Affair?, Mathematics, Mechauics, gfediein"-, kle nagety, iVL nfjration, Merchardife, Me’.a'uUz y , Metapnyfics, Me necrology, Military Afrai'-> bli nerai“gy, Modelling, Music, Mythrdogy Na vigation, Natural Hulory, N. udcsl Affairs, Op tics, Oratory, Omithc-Lgy, Paintings, Perigee rive, Pharmacy, Pinlcfbphy, Phlcb.-tumy, Bhy sic, Phillognomy, Ph)fioiOgy, Phylology, Pneu matic?, Sculpture, S r;es, Statics, S T 2tn?.ry, Stenography, Surgery, : attics, 1 e rapcdclcgy, 1 Theology, Trades and 3rt?, Trigonometry, V er meology, Ac. The whole forming a General Circle rs Science, aild the mod comprt.he-nhve an ! chesueft Libra ry of Universal Knowledge ever pubiifheu in the United St tes. . {fiffi Subfctiptinns are received at the “ Georgia Republican'” cilice, and from different parts of the union will he attended to, and wc work punc* tuallv forwarded agreeable to directions, by ‘JOHN LOW, No. 33, Chatham fhect. 1 PROF 0 S A L, (Bv RICHARD LEE, Baltimore ,) For PUBLISHING Bv SUBSCR.IPI ION DISCGU R h E 6 ! ON ,f\\ jtz and \K c fvTT’ CjVJ v L I\IX ivl lb i yx , 3 i A L?j liiCiN dxD-N ix i.. TO WHICH ARE ADDED The life, Mxdioirs,, of the Author-. LE 1 TizKb j O HIS k A i IIkR, Arc. HiS YRfAL FOR HIGH I REASON, AGAINST CHARLES 11. BEFORE jUDGE JEFFREYS. With his APOLOGY in the duy of bis DEATH. C 0 N D 1 FIO N S. I. THIS work vvdl be cornpr fed h three large O ctavo Volume -, containing at lead; five hundred pages eitch J and printed with anew type, on fuperfiue Pa yer. ~ U will be the pride of the Pubilther to present t-> the American public,tins excellent work, man ele gant dreis. 11. The price to fulffcribcrs will be Two Dollars ner Volume, to b<*ardt. I Jig Won the hr ft ‘Volume will be given a Portrait ifyt.-.e Author and n > expence will be spared to have ;t executed by the f ril arrilt in Arr.erira. As this work is proposed at a very reasonable price it will not be put topref , until the fij nature of five nundrt-d names :s obtained, to fe ure the greac and ctruin expence? of this pubiication. DR. BURNETT’S Char after of the illujirtous Author. a He was a man ot moft extraordinary courage • :t steady man. even to obfiincy iincerc, but of a rough u an< j bolfterous temper that cou and not bear contradic u t'on. He seemed to fee a chrifiian, but in a partku ' lar form of his own : he thoughtit was to be like a ‘ c divine philosophy in the mind. He was ltiff to all t£ republican principles and luT an enemy to every 0 thing, that looked like a monarchy, that he far him felf in high opposition ag in ft Cromwell, when he l was male Protect r. He had Audied the Li dory 6 i government nAs its branches, beyond any man I ever tt dtifxod Several mamifcriptFreatifes cf his in Latin and in, Laban, and an u Efiay on various love” in EnglilT, arc ifiii ex*2nt among the papers of his family at Fenfhurft: but hi s IJi fcourfes concerning govern ment’ alone will immortalize his name,and are fuffei ent tofupply the Vs of Cirero’s hx books “ De Re. pubiica,” v.hiHi has beer, fa much regretted by men of sense and probity. In filer t, it is one of the mblefi {hocks tharrver the mind of man produced : and we icannot wish a grea'er cr more extensive bleiTing ?o ithe world, than that it may be eveyy where read, and j jr 5 principles univesfaliy received and propagated, j Suhfcriptions ais received at the Georgia Republi can office. P R 0 P 0 SALS. By MESSRS. DENNJSTON U CHE El IT ’ NEW YORK, For Publishing by Sablcriprion, A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF TF STATE PAPERS OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED S FATES ; Commencing with the Firfi Session of t T : Firil American Congreis, in the year 1774 and to be continued to the end of the present Adndnifcration TO BE ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. SUCH rs the State Papers cf our General Goz L l nmein <*s *. u\*i Oe. ?. puxujij-d, are to be found in files cf news-papers only, and in ether fleeting ana aelacc'ea publications.—Many cf the utmefi importance to the fiatesrnan, and indis pensable tolls historian , have not appeared in print. Such, indeed, is the nature of diurnal y tib. ica tijTis, an and fiuuoai e Ibe neeay ytr cum fiances, very generally, if not univerjaliy, cf their cm anchors that they are necefA ated to r ive pa e s enc, of admificn into their journal, cf th.t jpscies of *i.ol Hi a .. o// lg the Li 1 1 i c a ll oa 0 i cv\. ‘icv, alci. c (bey obtain ttecejfary Rapport. Hence, regular and enthefiles of the la.ygcfi and heft chnduAed political newspapers do not contain a regular ccu catcnaticn cf governmental documents ; ana it may be fa fely added, that files cf all the papers in the Union do net. Yet, if they did, [centered t ” ‘ c.tgh c>f cf 7 wry mat. cr j 0 v aft , it would require the life cf one man, to collect and arrange ti.Cin Oi dc,. Li. Rain jay informs us, in bis preface to his Hifiory cf the Revolution, that Bis was four years in collect lug materials for that final!, but excellent prcdufUnot withstanding he had access to all the cfield papers contained k, i tve Cii. ions dupw cj the general govern— 7// u * a b • OF the utility of a work that fall comprise all Use ft tale papers (tics official documents Jof the general government, from and including, tbs memorable ccngrefs of 1 774, to the end cf the pre - font adminif ration, little red be fald . The historian will find in it prepared tab. s hand, all the materials necessary set writing the hi store of the Union, It will fur mjh the ft desman with a body cf authentic information, the under firm ding op which is nscefsaryio confiituts that exalted cha racter. to cur editors cf newspapers, whose literary pr edit Elions vie in ex coll mice with tbefs cf their brelbcnn in Europe, end who are emu lous to excel each Giber at hems ft will be an efti mad Is work. Fo politicians cf every fell and grade, it will be no ttys f leafing than infiruflive. In one word, it will of itfeif, form the mos au thentic, rand, therefore, the best political History cf the United States. It will require cmiftder able ref car cb, much lab or and no (snail expense to complete the cc lie Eli on. the editors have, however, long h and the work in contemplation, rand much progress in it is already made. Such cf the fiats papers as have ■ never been pv.bliihed, will be include a in it, as weltW as those which have not, in any shape, appeared before the public,—'They Lave made arraugetnen’s which authorise them to assure their fellow-citi zens, that the propefid Collection frail contain ad the [late papers of moment appertaining to gene ral government. This work now prepofed to the Union for en couragement, shall confifi of a mere coiL&ions ol State Papers, chronologically arranged. No \ remarks whatever of the editors will be made in it. CONDITIO N S. L The work so all be put to press as Joon as 600 jah j-. riles are obtained. 11. One volume (hall be delivered to fuhscribers in this city every three months, confifi mg ofabout 500 pages, printed on good paper, and with anew neat type procured for the pvrpofe. — Subscribers ref ding cut cf this city , may have their booksjent to wherever they please . 111. The price cf each volume will be two dollars in boai ds, to be paid for on delivery. •V. A list cf the names of the fubferibers will be annexed to the work. % *fi Suhfcriptions received for the present, at this office only. New-York, June 4. —— 7 > r a ,\r. tx jl* j~j YL iV t\. CHECKS, Jl OT idiC at tills OuiCC. W A N T E D, AT this Office, one or two His as a; prentices to art of printing. September.