Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 13, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Stx Dollars a. Year, Half in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volume I. No. 15. MERCANTILE fc? MATHEMATICAL ACAD E M r. MR. COX., grateful for the kind patro nage he has experienced lince .he commencement of his Academy ; his the pleafiire of announcing the liberality of the honorable the Mayor and Aldermen, in having granted him another room in the Citv Hall, in wiiich the >oung ladies will be hence forward inftru&ed. The youth of either sex being accommo dated v/ith a different apartment will add much to the convenience of the Academy, and contribute to accelerate their (Indies. fj/F Wanted an Affillant of suitable abilities, who mult produce un questionable trftimony of his lbbriety, aifcrc tion and induftrv. A French tutor will attend the Academy, as Icon as fifteen scholars are desirous of llu- that language. October 27. ( t s.) 3000 DOLLARS RLfVARD, JCC\> be paid by the Underwriters VV on tMe Schooner Dorcnelter, to any perl >n or pcrlons who w ill dray; lor and rail'e the Schooner Dorcheiter, ILnnifter, late mailer, about 3°l ons rurt r en The Schooner faded from Tybee on the 8 h ol Aupuft 1 a it, about 4 ’dork, P. M. bound for N iflau; at 12 lame nign Ihe funk, supposed in fr*. in id t > 15 (uthoms water and from 10 to 12 Jellies trnm rhe Br. There is laid to be in a fr.aii t u.- ic locked down in the ru/’, 3640 DoubLons, in (u ed a. 61,880 Donur?. A lalvaije of one fourth of all the money recovered by lading the veil'!, will also be allowed in addition to the ab. ve reward. Further informa ion may be had on application to the finder writers, in Chiilefton- N. B. The pi inters in Savannah, New-York and Baltimore, areoqueited to publish the above. September 8. FOR NEW-PORT, ‘ The Sloop Tally, TENDED os a constant tra during ihe winter from this iAhnsjEkm port to the lbuthern ports of this Rite—(lie has good accommodations for freight or paffengtrs. The fmaile# favor* will be thankfully received. For further particulars of Mr. Samuel Howard, or of Isaac N. MeSgßve, mailer, ou Boaru. October 23, 802. I ii O M v S a;ul L U ±J E V, Tail rs and Ladies 9 Habit-Makers, RES' ’ ECI FuLLY inform the Got tiemen uni Ladie* cf Savannah, and it r vicinity, that they have commenced b a fin e/s in tbs house neatly adjoining the Li A] VERSA L SHDii-S l ORE, wo. re they intend carrying en the bufin/s in ail its various branches “ and vewsft fajhims: Those Gentlemen and Ladies who zvnt pi case to favor them with their custom, may rely on toeir having work none with neatness and dijpaub. Nov, 3, 1802, fjr ,J JACOn IDLER , BEGS leav'e to inform the Merchants 1 iiinters anti otners that he has had the honor to obtain a patent from the Uniied Staccs for four different ma *hines for packing Cotton in square bales ; which they execute in a more compact and expeiitious way than any hitherto invented ; t ley will oe of a great utility to tr.e community at large, two of the laid machines ad without ferews and are far prcfcraoic and _ more expeditious than any machines with lerews or any dunendons, add fnay be v. orKed with an v mo i or power. N. B. 1 tie above mac runes nave been ad mired by lame of the fir# mathematicians in the United States. October 9, 1802. t s A S )RREL HORSE, WAS found yeiterda •, in a swamp, in White-Blnir D.ibier, faflened in a trong manner to a tree, ard apparently in a very Itarving conditio*. He is .viout 14 hands high, has a white break in h?s forehead, no brand, but exhibits the marks of the collar and the saddle. The owner is requeued to cal!, pay charges and take him awav. ’ JOHN BAILLER. • White-Bluff, Oflober 28, xSoz, WAR DEPARTMENT Augufl 16, 1802. WHEREAS, by a law cf Congress passed cn the 26 tb day cf April 1802, it was enabled, “ That it fhail be the duty of the Secre tary of lFar to receives , all claims to lands for military services, and claims fur duplicates cf wan ants issued from his office, or from the land office of Virginia, or of plats and certificates of furvtys founded cn such warrants suggested to have been left or destroyed } until the firft day of January next, and no longer’, and immediately thereafter to report the fame to Congress, designa ting the number of claims of each defer ip t ion, with his opinion thereon ft Notice is hereby given, To all persons claiming lands for military Jervices , that they must lodge in this office , prior to the firft day of January next, documents to prove the validity of their claims. Ccmffioned officers,furgeetts and (urge on's mates or their legal reprejentatives must produce evi dence to prove that they fer ved in the army of ihe United States to the end of the war, or that they were deranged by a resolution of Congress , which did not bar their claim tj military bounty lands It wiH also be neceffiay for the repr elent at ives of officers (Ac. killed in fer vice to produce evidence to prove, that the person was “ stain by the ene my.” hon-commifjioned officers , must dans and pri vates, or their legal representatives must produce evidence to prove, that they cn lifted to jerve in the army of the United States during the war and that they a dully jerved until the end off aid war Jt will afo be necsfj'ary for the represen t a lives of non-commifftoned officers , (Ac. J who were enlisted during the war and were killed in the lervtce, to produce evidence to prove that were c< /lain by the enemy.” H. DEARBORN. Secretary of War. WANTED. ~ A BOAT that will carry from ten to twelve Cords of Wood, for which cufh will be given : apply to. ABRAHAM D. ABRAHAMS. Military Agent for the Southern Department. Any person willing to contra-ft for remov ing the Guns and Carriages See. from !V)r. Telfairs wharf to the Magazine will please to applv as above. October 9, ISO 2. t s IN COUNCIL, Savannah, November ist, 1802. RESOLVED, That the refolu ions refpec tmg the quarant ne of veffds arriving from Baltimore and Philadelphia, be entirely luim pended from this day. Ex trad from the imnutes. THOMAS PIT T,C. C. NOTICE, ALL persons having any demands rhe Efh e of William Weft Esq. late of Liberty L .unty, dectafed, are reouefted to render the fame re Meins. James & T A iiliam Roberts, at or to the Sual'criber. JOHN JONES. Admimfirator. Sunburv, August, 19 1802, 4^ notice, P- Public are hereby cautioned a gain ft j[_ r e caving a note dr awn by thefubferiber in favor cf James Read of Gi ecu County for four Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, 1802, payable in Ninety days as the payment of the said note All be disputed and if brought to court, it wil be made to appear, that it ought not tc be pa ; d. jamps cochran! Limerick September, 11 i3q2. F O U N D, BEIWEEN t:ie Cuftom-hoiile, and Mr Moore’s, by a Negro Boy, a BANK NO TE, the owner may have it by deicribing r an jJ Paving f } r this advertifement—lt is expected the Boy will be rewarded for his honesty.—Apply at the Custom-house. Savannah, nth October, 1802. THECONSTITUTION, OF cne Republican Fusiliers, is ready for delivery to the members at this ©dice. October 2j, SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON (A MORSE. NOVEMBER 13, 1802. THE SUBSCRIBER, Officers his Jervices to his friends and the public, in the Factorage, Vendue, and COMMISSION BUSINESS. As he means to confine himfelffir idly to the above bufmefs, he flatters himfelf he Jhall be able to give fatisfadion to thole who may employ him. JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce Row. Nov. 3. FRESH FLOUR. Jufti eceivedf cm Baltimore, 100 Barrels Superfine f l o IJ R. Which will be fold for Cufh or Notes at 60 clays. Apply to JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce Row. November 3, 1802. woo dT~ THOSE who wish to purchase from the Subscriber, please observe, that four Dollars per dray load is the price. JACOB CUNES. November 6 1802. (iwßw) TO LET A HOUSE 35 feet by 18 an a lot of 100 feet in front and 90 feet deep situate in Evenfourgh Wiiliam Street, Also a final tnement in York ftreec apply four doors! from the corner of York and JefFerfon Streets. M. VALLOTTAN. October 16. Cz WANTED TO RENT, ASuIFICIENCTof good cotton and Pro vfion land on or near the falls, as would employ about tweny workers and for which the highest pr ice will be given, and no objedicn bad to an advance cf rent . Apply at this jjfi.e. Sept. 1. NOTICE. WE are direded by John MUledge the ex ecutor of the estate of the late Jacob Waldburger to notify to all persons whatever his prohibition again ft hunting on that part of the lft and es St. Catherine's belonging to the said estate. being tothe North the Stock having of late been much lessened by such pradife, and other injury done and after this notice will feel himfelf bound tc prosecute to the extent of the law, all persons fotind to violate it. WILLIAMSON (A MOREL. Augufl, 28 1802. Wilt be exchanged for NEGROES. A TRACT of LAND, about three hundred acres ; one hundred as prime cotton land as any in Georgia, and situation equal to any in rhe date: with a good duelling and out-houses, immediately on the salts. For particulars, apply to WILLIAMSON & MOREL. September 10, 1802. TO BE RENTED. AND poffejfion given on the firft day cf Octo ber next,the St ore at prefer, t occupied by Mr Tnomas M. C. Harris near the exchange. D. B. MITCHELL September 11. NOTICE. AL.L Persons indebted to the fubferiber on his former concerns are solicited to call and pay of their accounts S:c. As much longer indulgence can not be given. JOHN GLASS. October, 16. t s I THOMAS JAMEU TAILOR, the Public that he has opened a ftbop on the Bay , near Abercorn Street where he will execute all orders in his line in a nperior manner and on a ftjort notice. He hopes to merit the continued patronage cf bis e::i phyers. T. JAMES . Savannah, Augufl 29, 1832, Twelve and a Half Cents Singt- SHERIFFS SALE. ON Tueldav the 7th Day of December next will be fold, by public Auction at the Court House in this City, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock a Horse fiddle and bridle leized as the property of John Dews. THOs. NORTON S. C. C. November 6, 1802. MAKS"HAL’S OFFICE, ALL persons who have anv lea claims on the SCHOONER BETSEY, fold oy the Marshal, will prelent thei r accounts at thk office. November 3, ISO 2. JAMES M. WILLSON. INFORMS his Fiends, and the Public, that he has opened an OFFICE at his house near the Court Houle, where, he draws INSTRUMENTS of writing, of any, and every delcription, with accuracy and di(patch. November 6 1802. ( t s) CUSTOM HOUSE, District of Savannah. ANY person willing to engage, to weigh and Keep in their stations, and in re pair, the Buoys tnat are, or may be provided, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing to the fob fen qer, at what rate per annum he will per; oral die fer vice. THO. JOHNSON, Collrftor. Sc pu 17’ 2awcf. To MERCHANT S. A person in the Mercantile line, fettled at a small village in the country, where hufiness may be done to great advantage, is desirous of a Partntr who can advance Four thou sand Dollars in Cash or Dry Goods, well laid in to that amount, or would no o >jc6U >n to being concerned wnli a larue importing wholesale house which would fippiy nfil assortments at cod and charges.—lll cTe of a partner who would reside on the spot, he can be accommodate 1 with the family, who are pofTVfTed of necefTary conveniences.—Far further particulars on this folded, enquire of the printer, and address a few lines as they will direfh iVovember 2, 1802. JUM RECEIVED, J3 Y she Brig Eienor fro r> Boston coo pair I & bed quality Negro Shoes at the Savannah Shoe .Shore. G. TUFTS, (ACo. November 6. (4!) FOR SALE C H E A P. AN Unexpircd Ueafe of a house and lot in Broughton ‘Street just below Abercorn Street which now rents for 150 per year. The house has Jive rooms and two fire places and would make a good Bearding house, with a small expence in repairs, the lease has to run upwards of years Price Three hundred dollars Cash. ALSO . A Mare with her foal, wh’ch is about 7 months old to be seen at Mr. Prefect's, P abate f Price 65 Dollars Cash. Apply to, F S. MILLER Jeweller. JohnJlon Square November 10. ( 3/ law) BANKRUPTCY. WHERE’ AS a commiffionif Bankrupt cy is awarded, and ilbed forth again# William T nompfon of Savannah, merchant, and he being declared a bankrupt, is hereby required toforrender himfelf to tne confirms doners in the said comrniffion,named ; or the major part of them, on the 17th and 24th days of November, in#, and 00 the 15th of December next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon or each day, at the Coffee house in the city of Savannah, and make a full difeovery anddif ejofure of his estate and efreifts, when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts; at the second fitting to choose assignees. And at the la# fitting the | said bankrupt is required to finifh his exami nation, and the creditors are to a fie nr to, or or difienc rro.n the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to laid bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, .arc not to pay or deli ver the fame, bur to give notice to W. B. BULLOCH, Solicitor, November xo.