Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 24, 1802, Image 3

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THE WASHINGTON COFI LE - H O U S E, TAVERN AND HOTEL, Franklin-Square, S A MU EL SAUBE RE, Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken that Commodious brick house, in Franklin-square. pppofic to the Baptist Meeting-house, which will be opened on Wednesday the firft day of December next ;as a CofFee-hoiffe and Ho tel. Such gentlemen as favor him with their cullom, can be accommodated with board ing and lodging, in the molt genteel manner, and the drifted attention paid to render their reddence agreeable. Dinner and upper pro- Ivided for private parties at a few hours notice : boffee and Soups every day from 8 o’clock :n the morning till ten at night. Beef ftakts and Oysters at any hour of the day. S.S. begs leave to add, th >r no exertion on his part fhail be wanting to give fat sfaftion to thole who may favor him with their custom,& (flatters himfelf, that the principle on which r his house is established, is such as will injure to him the rhe public in general Wines, Porter and lpintuous liquors of the bed quality. Nf B. Good stabling for horses, and careful iodlers. Savannah, Nov. ;o. frt..,-- WILSON 6’ KNOX. Have Jud received by the lated arivals from New-York and Philadelphia, the following articles which they oiler ior lam 3 a iow advadee for cash or produce, either whole-* lale or retail. V I z. Malaga , ~) JJflju.n, | jh Tenerife 1 Shery ! SucUy 1 Old Maderia J Holland Gin Cogniac & Spanifb Brandy, Ilibberts bottled or own rout, Jamaica and Weft-India Hum New-England ditto Loaf and lump sugar, Brown, ditto jtt tlyfon, [lyfon Jkin and Bcbea Tea Pepper, , Aljpice, Muflard, Ground and Race Ginger, Cheese and Crackers , Codflfh, Sounds arid tongues, Bar Iron aborted, German an l BiijUred steel fione Juggs Gla/s and Crockery ware, Gun powder andjbet, Writing and Wrapping Paper . jtlr ro \Jhces (large size) motion Bagging, Oznaburgh Jrifh LtH'ien, Negro Cloth , On consignment ft Mahogany Furniture. V fpT Having convenient ft ores for the reception and other produce offer their Cervices Wftbe planters in the Factorage and Lommijjion and flat ter them [elves that their pm.l turn attention to buflnejs will give general fat iffadion to thole wbo may repefe Confidence in them. November 20 WANTED. to purchase a few Young and prime negroe men, for which Caih Will be given, apply to A Jr. Grimball Robert near the Baptist Church or to f John D. Wilds- Ran-away from the subscriber , ON Monday morning the 15 th in/lant , a negro man by the name of May he is about five feet five inches high , thick sett, dark complexion -flow of speech, stale (s irritated, or when in a Jtate of 1/2- wfexication— —well known in Savannah & it: vicinity : Had on when he went a •wav, a blue negro cloth round jacket and trowsers , but it is likel/ hi may change his dress. A reward of five dollars will by given for his fafe delivery in goaf or to the fubficriber —all majlers 01 vejjels , pa troons of boats and others, are hereby for warned not to harbour or carry off (aid fel low as they may expeft to be profiented as the law directs. M. VALLOTTAN. ’ jV. B. Should he return Jhortly of his ipwn accord he will be forgiven. f Savannah, November 20. 2awtf. A FEW * ‘ BLANK 1 BOOKS For faie at this office. AUCTIONS. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE UNDERWRITERS ONfThurfday the 2$ infi. the wharf occupi ed by Robert Mntchel will be fold at pub lic Sale, 1 HE SCHOONER MARGARET, 1 With all her appurtenances. ALSO Cargo of the said Schoner, Confiiding of thirty nine logs and 15 pecies mahogany fcantiing and about five tons logs wood. The Sales to commence at 11 o’clock Conditions Cash. JOSEPH ARNOLD Auft. November 10 * SAME DAY, (If not prevmufly disposed of) Will be fold, the daunch Schooner ALBERT, Burt hen 85 to is—fit for fea,—She will be fold for approved notes at an j qq days. For terms apply to, Joseph Arnold Auft. WILL BE SOLD BY, Public Auction. On monday the id day of December next. 1 Gold watch, l Silver ditro, 1 Gun and Bayonets, 34 lbs. coloured thread, 23 ditto white ditto, and sundry articles of wearing apparel be longing to the ellate ofJTames Radlciff, dec’d. Thomas Lawrence. ? A . , o > Admr s. 1 bo mas Scott. vember 17. __ ADVERTISEMENTS, WILL BE SOLD, (Pursuant to the Will of the late John Morel, Esquire,) AT the Court-house in the citv of Sa vannah, on the fourth day of January next, (sale to commence at 11 o’clock) that eligibly situ ited Plantation called Pembroke, with its improvements, about 8 miles from Savannah ; together wirh a rraft adjoining of one hundred at r*s, known by the number 6 so persons desirous of purchasing a Seat on the fairs with the combined advantages of healthiness and beauty—the place is worth attention At the fame time and place, will be fold, tlmee bay Horses, one Mare and Colt, a Sulkey and Harness, and a quan tity of Lumber lying on the bluff at Tweed fide, fuppoled to be about 2 000 ieet north ward pine boards, 3,000 feet 9 inch flooring boards, and 6,000 feet fcantiing— 30 feet long— 4 by 9. Pembroke will be fold for £ cash, and a twelve months credit for the balance, the purchaser g’ving a Mortgage of the premises, and personal lerurity. The personal proper ty fold ior cAMI. John G. Williamson, IV. B, Bulloch , Adnrfrs of John Morel, dec’d. Savannah, 22d November, 1802. Fa tent Roller Gens. THE fublcribers having obtained a Pa tent from the United Stares for their invention of a Gin to feperare Cotton from the feed, by Rollers, (which feeds itfelf on a plan totally new, and different from any method yet produced,) offer their services to the Planners of this slate and South-Carolina, to either furnifh them with such Gins, or to gin for then on a toll, at New-DeptforJ Wharf, on the bank of the River, three miles below Savanmh, where rhey have completed a machine capable of'ginning from four to five bags per day. rhey beg leave to recommend their ma chine to the attention of the public as a con trivance, by which crops can be expedition!!)’ ginned and brought to marker, the tedious and laborious talk of ginning by Foot-Rollers avoided, and wili admit of planters cultivating their new lands, instead of employing their whole force, to gin out their crops in the usual mode. The machine can be impelled by (learn, water, wind, animal or manual power. Tffie priviiedge and price of the machine will be proportionate to the number of bags required to be ginned by them per dav. y. S. D’ Mont moll in; IVm. Bell. Savannah, Nov 2<Jth, 1802. (30 TO LEI. A SMALL Store at present occupied by Mr. Joseph Davis, immediatepeflfefion Wili given, for terms apply to James Mar fhail. November, £aawtf.) A j. tcL. PURSUANT TO A PROCM AT ION of bis excellency the Gover nor of the fih inh ant, ane letiion will be heald on Wednesday the 15/6 day of Decembes next, at the Court House in Savannah for a member to represent this slate, in the Congress of the United States, until the 4 th aay of March next, to fill the vacancy of John Mi Hedge, esq. ele Sled governor. EDWARD TELFAIR. GEO. JONES. JOHN WILLIAMSON. November 24 Wanted tor the entiling Year, AN a Stive induftrous mon , as an overseer to live in the Island of Ofab aw be must Ue well acquainted with the cultivation of cotton and the management of negroes ; and produce fuf fieient vouchers for bis bonefty,fobr:cty and abi lities : /jpply in Savannah to Mefrs . William- Rn Gj Morel cr on said Island to P. H. Morel Nov 7?d t 802. ‘lo.w ts. i 0 Leajc for a term of ycdWs. A VALUABLE traft of oak hickory and rice lands within Seven miles of Savan.ih equal in quality to any lands in the County of Chatham. For terms apply to Francis Lourvifie. November ? 1, f) William Gardner, House rta Ship C irven , ari l Gilder. INFORMS the inhabitants of this city that be i>.tends carrying cn the above buflnef f in all its various branches, and will be thankful for any favors in his line Looking-Gla& frames, made gilt and repaired. Ornaments for the tops of mantle pieces, Flower Pots, Errs , Biros , GV. Also for the tops of Gates which is much in fafhion elftwhere. Piftnre Frame', made to any pattern and old ones gilt. Portraits and Landscapes cleaned , N\ B. Any orders directed will be attended to just above Mr. If ayne < s, and front ing his woarj , at Air. Ala the w Guffs, private board ng house. November 2 ——■■m u 11 pw milliijwl w 1 mill nwmiMwwi r , mmmm and A v A in N A rs, WEDNESDAY, November 24. PiAMv MARINE’ LIST. ENTERED. Brig , Resolution, V bite, Jamaica. Happy Couple, Starks, Nezv York. Snow, Maria, ‘ Graham, Barbadoes s chr. Hunter, Hillard, New York. Sloop, IndependcncA, Bennet, ‘Philadelphia CLEARED. BVg, Nancy Nelson J arnica. S cb, Robert, Sberer, New York. —— Richer da Jr cd, Denflon, Newport G a Sloop Flora Hitch ‘ Eden ton N. C Mr. Br adliy, (brother of rhe affiilant pGfl mafter-general,) agent for the general pofi office,arrived in this city on Thursday la if.— He continued but ash >rt time. He informs ’ -jphu he has completed contracts for the carriage of the mail in stages from Petersburg, Virginia, to Charlrflon. The flakes are to run lfstty miles every twenty-four hours on the winter, and eighty miles on the summer eflablifhment. From Petersburg the progress of the mail is 112 miles in twen ty-four hours. It is expected that the mail will be ex changed three times a week between this city and Charleston. It is contemplated to alter the route of the mail from Fayettville, N. C. to Charlefton,-"fo as to come by way of Georgetown, s. c.— The proposed alteration will make a differ ence of seventy miles in the actual diflance. The inhabitants of Savannah have much realon to complain of the negleft: of the nor tnern post-mailers. By the regulations of the Department, letters direfted to a place where there is a distributing office, are to be mailed directly to that office. At present, letters and papcis direfted to savannah, are mailed for “ Georgia state by which means, they are lent to Augusta, and thence to this city •, — occasioning a delay, very frequently, of near a week from the time they would have come to hand by the direst: route. We would thank our brethren of the type at the northward, to give this note a place, confident that the diflriouting offices in that direction, will correct the evil. We wish our limits were not so small, we would elle give place to the replv of the Au guila Herald, merely to (how what a passion they are in. TucfJay morninj, abovr and (o'clock, a fire was cbcovered m back part ot the flare of mr. ja, o Morris in Burnet-flrecr, but by the exertions of the cit zi s, was happily -xtinguiflied before any material in jury was experienced. It is iuppofed the fire originated in design. We underfland ‘that colonel Dani el Stevens, has resigned the office, of Supervilor for the a Diftrift of South- Carolina, (Times,) Philadelphia, November 3. Ihe United States frigate Constellation, capt. Murray, on the 22d July la(i, fuflained an aftion oil J ripoli with nine gun boats, and in halt an hour drove live of them ashore, and the re mainder into Tripoli. No lives were lofl on board the Conllella tion. Capt. Murray was prevent ed from destroying the boats driven ashore, by the forts and troops of the enemy. For the Georgia Republican. Messrs. Lyon G* Morse, YOU will particularly oblige a number of your fublcribers, by informing ik>, whether it is be neath the police of the city to take cognizance of the daily dif gtilling pradice of washing Horses ot mornings, (and clothes) at the p uhiic p a nips when, allhe fa m e time, we have so co nmodious a sliver at hand for the purpose.—• F or my part, ! confefs, it would afford me much fatisfaclion could the above nuilance be obviated —as Ido not think that such a cuitom can be of any advantage to our moll necellary beverage. SAM. Savannah, Nov. 24th, 1002. Comfort for Tories !! ! BENNIGTON, ON. 25. We flop ’he press with sincere faifsfafti °n, to announce th* rriunph of virture, the ( oiTiftency of republicanism. Our supreme court remains the fame : And our republi can ermnty officers are again re-inflated, Mr. ISRAEL SkilTri, is elefted senator —the vote'* for him in the house were 102, for Abel Spencer 75, in t eConno! 9 for Smith, and four for Te federal candidate. Extract of a letter from a gentleman dat ed at She lb urn, (Nova-Scotia) ON. 18, 1802 —To the editor of the Sa lem Re gift er. “ If the fignalment or hue and cry is yet up the detention and seizure of A met ican veflels in the Rio de la Plata, the following information may possibly serve to abate its fury in lome measure, Mr. George Ross, merchant of this plare a few days ago received via. Lisbon and and London, a letter from hi s brother, Ro bert Ross, dated St. Carh rines, a Portu guese Port on the Braz-i, March lfl, 1802. ad vi ling him of his arrival there, in fix weeks irorn the Cape of Good flo-pe, and in con sequence, or the port of Montevido, in the River Piata, having been declared afreeporc to all nations, he lhould not return to the port as he hrft intended, bur fheuid prorerd to Montevido with Ks Cmp (an Lnglifh ) Sc and procure either a freight/ or pun hafe a car go of Tallow for London. “ This Mr. Robert Ross is efleemed the moftintelligent* man in Nova Scoia; is master of the French and Spanish Languages ‘or the latter has been ‘he sworn interpreter -it tae cape these two years To dellroy Cuckold Burs. Mix fait and meal together and sprinkle the mixture on the weed whilfl: young and tender, and the flock will eat ic down. The above was communicated by Mr. William Green of Woodford county, who h is entirely freed his farm from the burs by that method. In a short time the (locic become fond of them, after which they will be eaten out without the fait. Ken. Pape •. Negroes for sale . Ten Prime Slaves for Sale, Among which, arc Field slaves, House wenches, and servant boys—they arc African born, and have been ftveial years in the country —A liberal credit will oe given on a part of the above n g oes.—For terms, aoply to, JOs. Arnold. Fovcm cr 24th, 18.2.