Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 18, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Six Dollars a Tear, Half in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN , Volumll. No. 25. 11 ET Hills, received on Consignment by the Ship Carnet, 20 Bales / Vaollens , wa/2/y Coarse , which will bejold exceeding low , //b? Bale, at his Anil ion Slot e Camera row, for Cajh cr good upland Cotton. November 27. // ? ft MERCHANTS A person in the Mercantile line, fettled at a final 1 village in the country, where buftntss imy be done to great advantage, is delirous of a Partner who can advance Four tliou ifand Dollars in Cash or Dry Goods, well laid n to that amount, or would have no to being concerned with a large importing wholesale house which would supply fail aflbrtments at coll and charges.—ln case of si partner who would reside on the Ipot, he can be accommodated with the family, who arc pdff< (Ted of necefi’try conveniences.—For further particulars on this fubjecE enquire of tlffc printer, and ad *d"s a few lines as they will direfl. November 2, 1802. BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS a commission of Bankrupt cy is awardtd, and ifiTued forth again It Willia in Thomplon of Savannah, merchant, and he being declared a bankrupt, is hereby required tofurrender himfelf to the commis* fioners in the laid com million, named ; or the major part of them, 01 the 17th and 24th days of November, init. and on the 15th of December next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of each day, at the Coffee house in the city ol Savannah, and make a full difeovery and dis closure of his eflate and effects, when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts i at the second fitting to choose assignees. And at the lafl fitting the fa id bankrupt is required to finilh his exami nation, and the creditors are to assent to, or oj dilfent fro n the allowance of his certificate Ailperfons indebted to said bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deli ver the lame, but to give notice to W. B. BULLOCH, Solicitor. Nov ember 10. _ THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers bisJervices to his friends and the public, ill the Factorage, Vendue, and COM Mi SSION BUSINESS. As he means to confine himfelf ftriilly to the above bufineis, be flatters himfelf he Jhall be able to give atisfaction to thole who may employ him. JOSEPH ARNOLD,’ Commerce Ro-w. Nov. • ■■■ PROPOSALS, FOR CARRY! N G Mails cf the United States, On the following Post-roads: Will be received at the General Pott-Office at vValh ington, until the iSffi day of January incluffve. IN SOUPH-CAROLINA, 80. From Fayetteville, N, C, by Lumberton, : Barefiekls, Portsterry. Lycnhville and Will-town to George-Town, once a week—leave Fayet cvdle e very Fnurloay at 2 P. M. arrive at Lynchville on Saturday by BPM; leave Lvi.chviile on Sunday 4 A M. a id arrive at George- Town by 6 P M : leav* GcOigu lown every Alongdav a: A AI. arrive at Lynchville by 8 P Al; leave Lynchville on Tuesday at 4 A M. arrive at Favctteville the next Thursday by m A M. 81. From Richmond r h. N, C, by Parker’s ferry Cnatham, Chtiaw c h, Bentonville, Darlington c h, Fau'.eyfville, Jeffiies and the C'uyhoufe =o Ly nch-, vdie, once a week j leave Lyncnvilie every Tuesday it 4 A M, arrive at Richmond c h. on Thursday by 11 A. A!, leave Rchmond ch, every Thau day at 1 P M, arrive at Lynchville on Sa u: day b> Bpm. ; 82 From Ch*rlo'te, N C, Beggar’s ferry 6c Hill*: iron works to York c h, SC, on<e a week ; leave Charlotte ch, every SuikLv at 6 A M, arrive at York c h, b;,6 PM; leave York ch, everySaturda. at 6 A M, arrive at Charlotte by 6 P AI, 83 from Camden by Sratesburg, Jam&svilU, Neifon’s ferry, and Monk’s Corner to times a week, May i,to Nov. i f leave Camden ever) Tuesday, 5c Thursday a: 2 A M, & arrive at Charleston in 32 hours on Monday, Wednesday am Friday at im A M.—Returning : leave CharlcfLn, every Monday, Wednefdaj and Friday at 2 P AL andarrive at Camden in 33 hours, on Tuefday,Thurf day andSaturdayat 11 P M. 84. From Columbia by Winsboro’, Ghefter, ch Yoik ch, Pinkneyvilk, Uni c b, Sparanburg, Greenville c h, Reedy Snciver, Pickenfville, Laurent c h, Beifaft and Newbury c h to Columbia once a week ; leave Columbia every Alondav at 5 A Ad, arrive at York on Tuesday by 7 P M ; leave Yoik. c h, at half pal! 7P M. and arrive at Grerof ville c h, on Thurlday by 8 P M ; leave Green viile c h, on Friday at 4A Al, Sc arriveat Colum bia on. Sunday by 6 P M. 85 P romLdgefieid c h. by A. Richardfon’s,Cam- 1 bridge, Southampton, Abbeville c hand Rocky Ri ver to Pendleton cb, ome a week ; leave FdgCh’eid ch, every Wednesday at 11, A M. arrive at Pendle ton c h, next Saturday by 4 P AI ; leave Pe dk-ton c h, every Saturday at 9P. AI, arrive at Edgeiiciu C n next VV ednefday by 9 AM. 86. Prom George- 1 to Charlcftononce a week i ieave George- 1 owr. every Monday at 9 A iVI, arrive a- Cnariellon on Tuesday by neon ; leave Cnarielton every Saturday noon, arrive at George- I’own on Sunday by 8 P M. 87. From Staulburg by Sumptcrfvi’le, Salem and to Will- 1 own once a wtek: leave YV ill*. Town every Tuesday a* 6 A Ivl arrive at S atesburg, on Wedneiuay at 6 PM; leve Strasburg every 1 uef . day at 6 A M, and arrive at Will* 1 own on Fri day at 7 P. M. 88. P’rom Augufla by the upper Three Runs and Black S amp toCoolawhctchie,once a week ; leavv Coofawhatchie every fund ay at 6 A AI, arrive at Au gulta on l’uefday by 6 P Al ; leave Augusta ever) 1 u eld ay a r - 8 A M, ariive at Coola vvnatchte on Saturday by 6 PAL IN GEORGIA. ?g. From Augulta by Little River, Hncoln ch, Petersburg, Elherion, Franklin c h, and Gilbeits to Clarksboro’, once a week ; leave Augulta every Monday at 8 A M, arrive at CLrksboro* on Thuti day by 10 A AI, ieave Ciarksboro’ every Thursday at 2 P Al, arrive at Augulta next Monday at 4 A iVP. 90. P rom Augulta by Columbia c h, W aihuig’ ton, Greensboro’., Riciiardionvrlie, oparta, George i own and VV arier.ton to Lou-lvilie, once a weeK : leave Aujjufta cveiy Aionday at 2 P Al, arrive at, Luufvilie~on Fhuiday 5 PM ; Returning : isavi Loufville every Friday at 6 A Al, arrive at Angul ar next Monday by 10 A AI. 91. P rom Louslville bvSaundcrfville to Port W il kiufon, once a week : leave L uifviiie every Friday at 4 A Al, arrive at Fort VViikinfon bv 6 P Al : Returning : leave port Wilkudon every Saturday at 8 A. M. arriveat LouiiVille by 8 P Al. NO FES. 1. The Pofl-Mafter General may expedite the mads&alter the :imcs of arrivals departure during the i.:cninuante of the conrradts, he previously ttipulas oht an ajequa e compenfatioh, lor any ex.ra expence may be occasioned thereby. 2. Fikeen minutes (hall be -allowed for opening’ and doling the ma.l at ail otiiuea where no ume 11 pecilied. 3. Eor every thirty mmu es delay (unavoidable acodents excepsd) in Arriving af-er the time pro* cribcd many contract,the contrail or Onall lorlcit one dollar ; and il the delay continue until the depa r{ urt of any depending marl, whereby tne mails delimeu for luch depending mail lose a trip, an additional for~ feiiure oi live dollars thall oe m urred. 4. Newspapers as well as letters are to be lent in he mail : and if any per lon, making proposals, desires to carr' f news-papers omer than thole conveyed in rhe mail, for his own emolument, he mull iiate in his proposals, for what sum he will carry it with that emolument and for what sum Without that emolu ment. 5. Should any person, making proposals, desire an alteration of the times of arrival and depariure a bove Ipeciried, h e mull Hate in his proposals, the a! terations deiired, and the difference they will make in the terms ol his contradl. 6. Persons making proposals are desired to date their prices by the year. Thole who contract will receive 1 heir pay quarterly in ihe months of Februa ry, May, Auguil and November, one month after :he expiration of each quarter. 7. No other than a free white person fhai! be em ployed to convey the mail. 8. Wnere the proposer intends to convey the mail in the body of a itage carriage, he is deured to Hate it in his proposals. 9. The Pol!-Mafte!-General reserves to himfelf the rirrht of declaring any contract at an end when ever three failures happen which amount to the lols of a trip each. \ The contracts for the above routes are to be in 0 peration on the hrff day of Aoril next —and are 10 continue in force for one year from that timer GIDEON GRANGER, PolLMafter General, General Polt-Offi r e, Washington City, Nov. 5, 1802. For sale , A few barrels of choice Jersey Apples, Pgo tatoes and Cider , on board the bria l¥a (loin ton, at M‘Cready’s wharf. Enquire of the Vlafter on board. Also, a few barrels Apples and Potatoes of the fame quality, in Broughton-ftreer, at J. Williams's Carriage Ihop, opposite Doflor N. W. Jones’s. Savannah, 14th December, 1802. F O K hTF^ a g an g of labourer s. Enquire at this office. December 8, 1802. (aetf) SAVANNAH, Printed bv LYON & MORSE. DECEMBER 13, 1802. Mercantile & Mathematical Academy, MR. COT impreiied with the molt lively gra titude, for the liberal patronage whith he ha? uuitormly experienced since ihe commencement ol iis Academy : announces that he has employed an \ffiltant : and that children fix years old, will be received in the School. Parents and guardians may rely on the mod feru pulous attention being paid to their morals and improvement. N. B. He has like wife opened a Night School, at his own house from 7 to 9 .* where those who can not attend to a daily education, will have the advan tage of being inltfuFtrd in Engliih gramatically, Writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Geometr), Meafuremenq Navigation, Globes, Saiiors wul be taught Swlar and Lunar obfeiva tions, the names of the principal fix: Stars, particularly those of the zodiacal conffellations,proper to measure he Moon’s diffatue from. Savannah, Dece,iber 8, 1802. (22 ts.) Twenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the fubferi ber, living in Washington county, a NEGRO MAN, named Messer , about 27 or 28 years old, about $ feet 11 inches high, knock-kneed a bushy head and a fear on his throat, had on when he went away, a pair blue broad cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with him a white broad cloth coat. A reward of twenty dollars will be given if confined lo that l get him. F. Boykin. -December 8, 1802^ FOR SALE Just landed cut of the Ship Comet, from Balti more, 4 bales low priced Cloths, afibrted. 4 do. Half Thicks. do. 3 clo, Nape Cottons, do. i do. Kerlcys, do. i do. Flannels, do. 1 do* Bauc and Frizes, do. 1 do. Fine Tickienburgs, 6 cases low priced Hats, afibrted 1 caie Lancashire Sheetings, do. i do. fine Shiriing Linen, do. 1 do. Linen Check. do. 1 do. Japanned Ware, do. I do. Brown Holland, do. 4 trunks Calico’s, do. 1 do. Hotrnls, Shawls, See* do. r do. Mullins and Laces, do. 1 do. Dimities, do, 1 do. Worded Hose, do. I do. Cotton do. Thcfe Goods have been imported this fall from the best JJjipping house s , and will be found on ex amination to be well laid in. They will be depos ed cf at a liberal advance, by the package only, ftor Caflj, Produce, or Notes with approved en dor erst, by Laurence Somers. At Messrs. Jchrftoti, Robertson id Co’s. IVare- House. December 1 1 awtf BUI LEN Jy HARDEN, ’ Have just received and for fade at their NEW STORE. 0/7 Harden (A Jones's (formerly Clara shVharf, 20 calks frelh Malaga Raisins, 20 boxes do. Mafkatel dot 20 jars do. Grapes, 6 barrels Mess Beef, 6 half bbls, ditto, pickled for family use, 4 ditto ditto Pork, 40 barrels New-England Rum, 2oco lb. Cheese, 4000 lb, bed Swedes Iron, 800 lb. German Steel, 200 pieces India Calicoes, 200 ditto ditto Stripees, 30 ditto ditto Checks, 50 d.tto ditto check’d Handk’fs. 130 ditto Mock Madras ditto, 15 dozen Italian fiik ditto, 30 pieces fuperfine India Humhums, 100 ditto afibrted ditto, ~2co dozen afibrted Combs, 33 lb. colored sewing Silk, 14 dozen packs Playing Cards, 100 coarse Flats, 9 dozen Seamen’s Frocks, Cotton Bagging, Window Blinds, and An ajfortment of Groceries. December 7. 4c. 22 WANTED, AT this Office, one or two Apprentices 0 l earn the art of printing. Tzvelve and a Half Cents Single CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. ‘TI FILL be fold by public au&ion VV at the Court'houle in this ci ty, on Aionday, the 3d day of January nexr, one half of the schooner Fnendfliip, jult from sea : together with her furnirure, tackie, apparel,boar Sec. Also, a quantity of Dye-Wood, to fatisfy luadry executions obtained againit Edwin Lewis in | the May yor’s court. THO’s. ROBINSON, C. S. Dec. 4. FOR NEW-PORT, The Sloop Sally, INTENDED as a constant tra der during the winter from this port to the southern ports of this ftatc—ike has good accommodations for freight or pafiengers. The fmallcft favor will be thankfully received. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or of Isaac N. Meserve, mailer, on Board. October 23, 1802. Notice. THOSE who have not made their Tax- Return for the prefect year are requeffed to do it as the Receiver will dole his Digell immediately JV. Gardner , Receiver 5/ Chatham m December 1. (ts) ELEGANT FURNITURE FOR SAL JUST landed from o j boajd the Ihip Comet, C* Stevenson, from Baltimore, a quantity of ex cellent Mahogany Furniture. Os the latcft falhions, coitfiffing of Secrtarys & Book- Cases, Side Boards, Circular and straight front Be* reaus, Fali Desks, Circular and falli corner Card I a* bles, Oval Pembrcke do. Northumberland dining do. circular and straight Bafon Hands, Candle Hands, See. —ALSO,— A few fancy Chairs. The citizens ofSavannah are particularly rrquefted to view the above furniture, as it is of a superior quality and will be fold low for cafii or piodtice. Any per son wilhing to purchase bedlleads, or any article in the above line, can ue (applied in a fe;v week* by Edward Priestley, at Jwhnfon& Robertfon,&co’s. old Comptirtg-hoa December 4. N O T I C^E. ALL persons to whom the estate o- Francis Leveit, efquirr, late of Julian* ton, is indebted, are requested to furnifh their accounts, or statement of their demands, duly attested, and those indebted to the estate, are expedled to make immmediate payment, to William Stephens, Matthew Johnston, James Johnstonjun. Executors. December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about aooo acres prime cotron land, on or about Sapdo — Apply as above. Wants Employment, A CITIZEN, who is well acquainted with business, w-oiild acceptof a fupe:- cargoes birth to the Weft-Indies ; or would attend to a few lett of merchants, or traders mens books: the cohesion of debts, or would write a few hours in the day in a public office. He is well acquainted with the town, Tx ing a native thereof:—For further particula r enquire at the Office of the Georgiaßepubii can, or address a line to A. G. which will o*: duly attended to. November 20, 1802. ‘ (3*o Wanted for the eniiiing Year, 4 N active induftrous mon, as an cverfecy IX t 0 live in the Island cf O[fab aw-, he nut ft be well acquainted with the cultivation cf ‘Ann and the management of negroes -, and produce juf ficient vouchers for bis honefly, Jobriely and abi lities : Apply in Savannah to Mejfrs. Wiliam- Jon [ft Morel cr on said Island to P. H. Morel . Nov. did. 1802. law if. orphan houseT AN Overseer is wanted for the plantation one wP.o can read and write, .md In well recommended for nis knowledge or Rk* Planting, his honesty, sobriety and attrmior., will meet with proper encouragement, bv ap plying to cither ot the fubferibers, a co.imuttc ot the Trustees. Wm. Stephens. Jos. Haberfhain, Pejer Deveuux, Wm* Gibbo s. i December 3.!, 1802,