Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 22, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Six Dollars a Tear, Half in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volumel. Ko. 26. E. Fill Is, Hy£9 received on Consignment ly the Ship Cmet> 20 Buies Woollens, moJHy Coarse, t which will bejold exceeding low, by the Bale, at his Auction Store Commerce row, for Cash or good upland Colton. November -27, jj r To MERCHANT ,9. A person in the Mercantile line, fettled at a small village in the countiy, where business krr.ay be done to great advantage, is desirous of a Partnfr who can advance Four thou ifan'lDoiJars in Cash or Dry Goods, well laid n to that amount, or would have no objection to being concerned with a large importing wholesale house which would supply full assortments at cost ai:d charges.—in case of a partner who would reside on the spot, he can be accommodated wim the family, who are po lie fled of necessary conveniences.—For further particulars on this fubjeft, enquire of the printer, and address a few lines as they will direift. November 2, 1802. *-- BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS a cotnmiflion of Bankrupt cy is awarded, and ilfued forth against W Will lain Thompson of Savannah, merchant, “and he being declared-a bankrupt, is hereby required tofurrender himfelf to the commis sioners in the laid’ CommiJfion,named ; or the major part of them, on the r/th and 24th days of November, in It. and on the 15th of December next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of each day, at the Coffee house in the city c t Savannah, and make a full difeovery and dis clofnre of his ellate and effc&s, when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts; at the second fitting to choose assignees. And at the dad fitting the laid bankrupt is required to ftnifh his exami nation, and rhe-creditors are to assent to, or oi diflenr fro n theallowance of his certificate Allperfons indebted to said bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not -to pay or deli ver the fame, but to give notice to W. B. BULLOCH, Solicitor, November 10. i THE SUBSCRIBER, f Gjfers his Jcrvices is his friends and the v public , in the Factorage, Venckrc, and COMMISSION BUSINESS. As he means to confine himfelf JlriSlly to the above i Jnfiinefs, be falters himfelf he /ball be able to give atisfaction to tboje w*o may employ him. JOSEPH ARNOLD,* Commerce Row. Nov. 3. \ PROPOSALS, FOR CARRYING i Mails of the United States, On the following Pcfi-roads: Will be received at the Genera! Rolf-Or lice at iVafh ington, until the i&'.h day of January inclulive. IN SOUTH-CARO LIN A, 80. From Fayetteville, N, C, hy Lttmberton, Barehelds, Portsferry. Lycnhville and Will-town to George-Town, once a week—leave Fayet eville e ■ 4ery Fnurfdav at 2 P. M. arrive at Lynchville on Saturday by S P M ; leave Lynchville on Sunday 4 A M. and arrive at George-Towrn by 6 P M : leave ‘George-Town every Mongday at A M. arrive at Lynchville by S P M ; leave Lynchville on Tuesday at 4 A M. arrive at Fayetteville the next Thursday by 10 A M. 81. From Richmond c h. N, C, by Parker's ferry Ghatham, Cneraw c h, Bentonville, Darlington c h, Pau’.eyfville, Jeffries and the Clayhoufe jo Lynch vdle, orue a week ; leave Lynchville every Tuesday at 4 A M, arrive at Richmond c h on I hurlday by 11 A. M. leave Richmond cb, every Thurf dav at I PM, arrive at Lynchville on Saturday by 8 PM. 82. From Ch*rlote, N C, Beggar’s ferry 5c Hill’s iron works to York c h, S C, once a week ; leave Chariots ch, every Sunday at 6 A M, arrive at Vcnc c h, bv6 P M ; leave York ch, cvcrySaturday 4t 6 A M, arrive at Charlotte by 6 PM. From Camden by Statesburg, Jamesville, ] f Nelion’s ferry, and Monk’s Corner to Caarleiton,3 times a week,May i,to Nov. i, leave Camden every jbnday Tuelday, 5c Thursday at 2 A M, 5c arrive at Charleston in 32 hours on Monday, Wednelday anti Friday at i A M.—Returning : leave CharlcfLr, every Monday, Wedncfday and Friday at 2 P M. i’ andarrive at Camden in 33 hours, on Tuefday,Thurf day andSaturdayat II P M. 84. From Columbia by Winsboro*, Chester, ch Yoik ch, PinkneyvilL*, Uni c h, Sparanburg, Greenville c h, Retdy 51 elver, Pickenfville, Laurent c b, Beifaft and 2^ewbury c h to Columbia’ once a week ; leave Columbia every Monday at 5 f\ M, arrive at York on Tuesday by 7 P M ; leave Yoix c h, at half past 7PM. and arrive at Greent vi!!e c h, on Thursday by 8 P M j leave Green ville c n, on Friday at 4AM, 5c arrive at Colum bia on. Sunday by 6P M. 85 !• romFdgefieid c h. by A. Richard Ton's,Cam bridge, Southampton, Abbeville c hand Rocky Ri vevio d!eioo rH. once a week leave Edgefield c fji gpfi ‘*>• A \i * *,t Pfiidle ton cn, next Saturday oy 4 F M j leave C -u C h, every SjUUflfc; V at 9 P. M, arrive at c h next VVednefuay by 9 A M. 86. From George- J own to CharkfLn once a week j leave George- lowr. eVery Monday at 9 A M, airive a; Chailertonoti “i ueiCay by neon j leave Cdarlefton every Saurday noon, arrive at George- Town on Sunday by 8 P M. 87. From Statelburg by Surnpterfvilte, Salem and fCmltree to Will-Town urne a week : leave Will- Town every ‘Tuefday a 6 A M arrive at S atesburg on Wednefiiay at 6 PM; leve Strasburg every Fuel day at 6 A M, and arrive fct Will-Town on Fri day at 7 P. M. 88. From Auguftaby theupper Three Runs and; Black S/ amp to Goofawhatchte,once a week j leave Coofavvhatchie every iuuday at 6 A M,arrive at Au gulb on Tuesday by 6PM ; leave Augufia every. Tuesday at 8 A M, arrive ac Coofawnatehie on Saturday by 6 PM. IN GEORGIA, . F9. From Auguftaby Little River, Linrotft c h,’ Peteriburg, Floerion, Franklin c h, and Gilberts to Clarksboro’, otoce a week ; leave Auguda every Monday at 8 AM, arrive at Clarksboro’ on Fhuri duy by 10 A M, leave Ciaiksboro’ every Thursday at 2 P M, a rive at Auguita next M v *nday at 4 A M -90. P rom Augulta by Columbia c n,.\vaihmg ton, Greensboro’, Richardfonville, Sparta, George i own and Warrenton to Lou.fv.lle, once a week: leave Augulta every Monday at 2 P M, arrive at Loufvilleon Fhurday 5 P J\d j Returning: leave Loufville every Friday at 6 A M, arrive at Augui at next Monday by 10 A M. 91. P rom Louilvilie by Saunderfvibe to Fort W n* kinfon, once a week: leave Lcuifvilie every Friday at 4 AM, arrive at Fort Wdkmtbn by 6 V M : Returning : leave Fort W.-Ucinlon every Saturday ai 8 A. M. aenve at Louilvilie by 8 PM. NOILS. 1. The Post-Matter General may expedite the maih&alter the limes of arrival departure during the of the comradts, he previously ftioulas oht an adequi e compenlation, tor any’extra expence itnat may beoccalioned thereby. 2. Fifteen minutes lhall be allowed for opening and doling the mail at all offices where no time it pecified. ; 3. For every thirty minu'es delay (unavoidable accidents exceoed) in arriving aPcr the time pre cribed many contraSl,the contract or fliali forfeit one doliar ; and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the marls delfineo, for luch depending mail lole a trip, an aduitionai tor feiture of h\e dollars lhall be in'urred. 4. Newspapers as well as letters are to be lent in he mail : and if any perLn, making proposals, desires to carrv news-papers otner than those conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, he muff Ifate in his proposals, for what sum he will ezrry it with that emolument and far what sum without that-emolu ment. 5. Should any person, making propofils, ftefire an alteration of the times of arrival and depar ure a bove (pecified, h e muff state in his proposals, the al terations delired, and the difference they will make in the terms of his contract. 6. Persons making proposals are desired to state their prices by the year. Those who contract wjll receive r heir pay quarterly in die months of Februa ry, May, August and November, one month after ihe expualien of each quarter. 7. No other than a free wnite person ftiall be em - ployed to convey the mail. 8. Where the proposer intends to convey the mail in the body of a stage carriage, he is dehred to state it in his prcpofils. 9. The PoiFMafter-Genera! reserves to him Eh the right of declaring any contrail at an end when ever three failures happen which amount to the Lfs of a trip each. The contracts for the above routes hre to be in o peration on the firft day ot April next —and are ’o continue in force for one year from that time* GIDEON GRANGER, Post Master General, General Poft-Office, Washington City, Nov. 5, 1802. For sale , A few barrels of choice Jersey Apples, Pgo tatoes and Cider , on board the brier IVa(hin ton, at M‘Cready’s wharf. Enquire of the Master on board. Also, a few barrels Apples and Potatoes of the fame quality, in Broughton-ftreet, at J. Williams’s Carriage fliop, oppoflte Dotfbor N. W. Jones’s. Savannah, 14th December, 1802. F O K HIRE, ~ AGANGOF LA BO UR E R S. , Enquire at this office. December 8, 1802. (22tf) SAVANNAH, Printed by* LYON fc? MORSE, DECEMBER, afc, 180s. Mercantile Us Mathematical Academy, MR. COAT imprelfed with the moft lively gra titodrf, h;r the liberal patronage which he has uniformly experienced since the commencement of lis Academy : announces that he has employed an \fliftant : and that children fix years old, will be received in the School. Parents ard guardians may rely on the moft feru pulous attention being paid to their morals and improvement. N. B. He has likewise opened a Night School, at his own house from 7 to 9 ; where those who can not attend to a dutty education, wnl have the advan tage of being in ft fitted in Englifti gramaiicall v, Writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Geometrv, Navigation, Globes, GV. Sailors id be taught Solar and Lunar obferva tiun?, the names of the principal hxt Stars, particularly toofe of the Zodiacal conftellxtions,proper to measure he Aloon’s distance from. Savannah, December 8, 1802. tf.) Twenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the fubferiber, living in Washington county, a NEGRO MAN, named Messer, about 27 or 28 years old, about 5 feet 11 inches high, knock-kneed a bushy head and a fear on his throat, had on. whefi he went away, a pair blue broad cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with mm a white broad cloth coat. A reward of twenty dollars wib be given if confined lo that I get him, F. Boykin. December 8, 1802. \ . FOR SALE Jufi landed out of the Ship Comet , from Balti | more, 4 bales low priced Cloths, assorted. 4 do. Half Thicks. do. 3 do, Napt Cottons, do* 1 do. Ktrfeys, do, 1 do. Tlannels, do. Ido f Baize and Frizes, do, 1 clo. Fine Ticklenburgs, 6 cases low priced Hats, assorted 1 caie Lancashire Sheetings, do. 1 and Erie Shirting Linen, do. i do. Lifien Check. do. * 1 do. Japanned Ware, do. 1 do. Biown Holland, do, 4 trunks Calico’s, do. 1 do. Romals, Shawls, &c. do. 1 do. Mullins and Laces, do, 1 do. Dimities, do, 1 do. Worded Hose, do. 1 do. Cotton do. • 1 These Goods have been imported this fall from the heft flapping hoifies , and will be found *on ex amination to be well laid in. They will be dispos ed of at a liberal advance , by the pack gs only , for Case, Produce , or Notes with approved en dorersby Laurence Somers-. At Mejfrs. Johrfon, Robertson & Co's. IVarc- House. December 1 \awtf BLTLEN fa HARDEN^ Have in ft received and for sale at their NEW STORE. Or, harden CT pones'* (formerly C lam svVharf, ‘2O calks frelh Malaga Railins, 20 boxes do. Malkacel dot 20 jars do Grapes, 6 barrels Mess Beef, 6 half bbis, ditto, pickled for family use, 4 ditto ditto Pork, 40 barrels New-England Rum, 2000 lb. Cheese, 4000 lb. best Swedes Iron-, 800 lb. German Steel, 200 pieces India Calicoes, 200 ditto ditto Stripees, 30 ditto ditto Checks, co ditto ditto check’d Handk'fs. 150 ditto Mock Madras ditto, 13 dozen Italian fnk ditto, 30 pieces fuperfine India Humliums, 100 ditto assorted ditto, ~2co dozen assorted Combs, 33 lb. colored sewing Silk, 14 dozen packs Playing Cards, 100 coarse Hats, 9 dozen Seamen’s Frocks, Cotton Bagging, Window Blinds, and An afifortment of Groceries. December 7. 2 2 W A N T E D, AT this Office, one or two Apprentice 5 o lea rn the art of printing. m Twelve and a Half Cents Singly CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. ‘A'S3LS /"JFL be fold by public autftion VV at the Court-house in this ci • ty, on Monday, the 3d day of January next, one half of the schooner .Fricndihip, just from sea : together with her furniture, tackle, apparel,bpxr Stc. Also, a quantity of Dye-Wood, to fatisfy fuulr v executions obtained against Edwin Lewis in! the Mau yor*s court. THO’s. ROBINSON, C. S, Dec, 4. FOR NEW 7 -PORT, The Sloop Sally, INTENDED as a cenfhnt tra, er dur^n S r hc winter from tb.K ajrtSft* .port to the southern ports ot tlv ftate—flie has good accommodations tot freight or passengers. The smallest favor wilt be thankfully received. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel How t ard, or o Isaac N. Meserve, master, on Board. October 23, 1802. Notice. THOSE who-have not made their Tax * Return for the preferrt year are requefteT to do it as rhe Receiver will dole his Digrf: immediately W. Gardner , Receiver oj Chatham ’ December 1. (cf) ELEGANT FURNITURE FOR SAL . JUST landed from o.j boajd the ship Comet, C* Stevenson, from J>aitimore, a quantity of ex cellent Mahogany Furniture. Os the Ffhions, consisting of Secrtarys & Boob- Cases, Side Boards, Circular and straight front B reaus, ‘Fall'Desks, Circular and faih comer Card \ . hies, Ova! Pembroke do. Northumberland dining and * circular and flraight Bafon Hands, Candle stands, Sr. —ALS(J!,— A few fancy Chairs. The citizens ofSavannah are particularly r r quefted \dew the above furniture, as it is of a Ulterior qu d> y and will be fold low for caih or produce. Any pc'- son wishing to purchase beafteads, or any m the above line, can be supplied in a few weeks by Edward PrielUey, atjohnfonoc R.obertfon,'sico , s. old Compting-hou December 4. ~N O T I C^E. ALL persons to whom the estate Francis Levett, efquirc, late of JuJUT ton, is indebted, are requested to furnifti th up accounts, or statement of rheir demands, du attested, and those indebted to the estate, . re? expelled to make immmediare payment, to William Stephens, Matthew Johnston, James Johnston jun. Executors. December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about 2000 acres prime cotron land, on or about bapcio - Apply as above. Wants Employment, A CITIZEN, who is well acquaint:! with business, would accept of a fupe cargoes birth to the Weft-Indies 5 or word attend to a few letc of merchants, or trad* mens books; the collection of debts, or wot •; write a few hours in the day in a public oftT . He is well acquainted with the town, b - ing a native thereof:—For further particuk v enquire at the Office of the Georgiaßepub’ can, or address a line to A. G. which wdl o.? duly attended to. November 20,1802. (tA Wanted for the enluing Year, AN aftive indttftrous man , as an over f e ■* to live in the Island of Offabaw ; he nmf e el acouamtcd wHh the cultivation of coir and the management of negroes ; and produce juf~ ficient vouchers for his honefiy,Jobrieiy and A;, litie's : Apply in Savannah to Mejfrs. fPilhti v r Jon & Morel or on said Island to P. H. Mr g Nov. nd x 802. 2 aw ts. ORPHaNTTuUSE. “ 7 AN Overseer is wanted for the plantar'. - ; one who can read and write, and 1 well recommmded for nis knowledge of F;: ■* Planting, his honesty, sobriety and after.;: ; , will meet with proper encouragement, bv .: - plying to either of the fublcribcrs, a com - of the Trustees. - Wm. tepherrr Jos HaberfhaiT., Peicr Wm* Gibbon}. .December 3d, i302.