Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 22, 1802, Image 2

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St. John the Evangelifh NOTICE is hereby given that the gran a ANNIVERSARY and general Com munication jf the mcft ancient and honorable fo aety of TREE and ACCEPTED MASONS m will be holden cn Mon day the ‘l'itb injlant, at the long room in the Fi lature,where members of the grand ledge id the rCjpeblive memlei s are reqorjled to attend , precisely at the hour rs nine o'lluk) in the forenoon, for thepurpofe of celebrating the fejli vaf and all transient brethren wfhing to par ticipate) are reqiu jted to join feme of the lodges in this city. (rfR Tickets to be had of brothers Samite l Howard and Wuhan Limbert. 7 chn /. Gray. G r and SecVv. , 1 O Bla 6ULIJ, ON Monday the 14th d.iy of Febru; rv next, be tween •he hours of 10 and 2 o’clock) at the plantation of JOHN WiSENBLKER, dec. in Effingham county, all the personal effate of the said and: cv aird ; confiding of one negro,a herfe,(even head of cattle, and a set of black frnithi tooL : fLufe r hold I'uiiuiufc, Sic. &.c. JMary Wifenbakcr, qualified executrix. December 18, if>o2, 3 f * *■ “ HpBE fubfrriber intending to be absent from the w flitefome T iuie } requclU tPofe who may have •rlaur.B against him, to render them as soon as pc’ss,i- Lie for payment; and such as are indebed to him are Elicited to difeharge the fame. J. TaT-TJNALL) jun. Bonaventnre,Dec. 18, 1802. (xawzm ) ‘Joseph Sevan, INFORMS thole indebted to him, that his Bonks and papers are lodged wi h Robert ai.d John Bol ton, who are au hcriftd to receive payments, and give Receipts. Decemher tS, 1802. 2.5 3e. ) A, BOUCHER, Architect id M after-Builder, from Paris. T-'AKES the liver yof informing the public in general, and the gentlemen of the city of Sa vannah, in paircu! r, that he h?.s opened a School ai his house, in Broughton-ftreer, where any person desirous of being inftrufied in the drawing; and crest ing Buildings in the European stile, of civil and mo dem Archirefture, and the properties of the five Orders, de‘i)onftrated with every part rel ative to those brandies ; hkewift 1 , the manner of drawing and (hading, will be ddigenth attended to. The terms vviii be lour dollars per month ; one month’s pay will be required in advance ; hours of attendance will be from 5 o’clock in the afternoon until 9. Gentlemen vviftiing robe inftruded ut other hours will be attended to. He rcfpeftfully requests those who intend to become fubicriher , to come forward as soon ac poflible, so as to enable him to procure the necefiary implements. He will also undertake the drawing of aft plans and viewr, whatever, to he done in the belt manner, and on the molt realunable ‘arms. Savannah, December 18, 1802. ( 2 5 r s CUSIOM-HOUSE, Distrift of Savannah. Any person willing to engage, to weigh fnd keep in their station?, and in re pair, the Buoys that are, ormav be provided, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, v/ill early notify in writing to the fubferi ber, at what rate per annum he will per form the service. THO. JOHNSON, Celleftbr. Sept. 17. 2avrt. NO i ICE. Copartncrfhip ofR. & John Bolton. THE death of Air. ROPER V BOLTON, lenders it necrf iry to iiUorui the friends and correipondence es tae firm, bo-h in the United States and abroad, that the funds and stock iti trade, remain as heretofore, and that provision is made not only to prelorve, but annually to increafc the capi r ta! ; and they are afto } mfor ned, that the o( tue houie wit! continue to be conducted by John Bolton, imdei the fme firm of ROBERT id ‘JOHN BOLTON. ‘Josef h II a b crib am, William Wallace, ■ George Woodruff, John Belton, Executors . Savannah, December 10. | efucTio .y.““ I On Tuesday the 4th of January next, will be ; fold, at the Court-houle in this Ct:v, a Farm Let, fitua‘ed in the neighbourhood of savan nah, containing 45 acres. A full delcription of the fame will be made known on the day of sale. At rhe fame time and place, a prime Negro Fellow. Also, two trafts of Land, in Liberty county —one containing ccc acre:,, the other 250, prime Cotton and Rice Lano—■ Lor number 6, Holland 7'yth ng, Percival j Ward, 60 by 90, fronting fuuth common and; Bull-ftreer—-one halt the purchase in 60 days,! the other half an angroved note at 6 months—j .•. . . j Plats and Grants may be ieen bv application Joseph Arnold, Auftr. December iB, 1802. (25.) - EHisVDaYJ By mutual Consent, Is diflolved, the Co-partnerfiiip of THOMAS & CODED . Savannah, 15th December, 1802. ’ c~yTTer~ Jud Received by the Brig Georgia and for sale at the Savannali Cno-Store A few Barrels of NewarklHfiLr of a suDeri-ot ‘ t SHERIFFS SALES. On Tuei’day, 4 tb of ‘January next) will he fold by public outcry , at tie court houle in this city , _ between tie fours l o and2 (r clock. 1150 acres ot land on ivootv-creek near the Oconee, gooacres of do. near the mouth of Duh art’s creek on Ogcchce. 500 acres do. on Savannah river, pine land seized as the property of A/ordecai *Shefrall, esquire, cieceafcd. All that tracf, lot of land, or plan tation, containing about 180 acres, ad joining nirs. Gallafh, mr. Dillon, and lands lately the edateof col. Wylly oc cupied by seized as the property of IF iiliam A/orment, efqnire, pointed out by the plaintiff's attorney. One third of lot in Brough ton Areet, nurrtber j, Reynolds ward, < L tything, seized as tire property of B. Winn, esquire, [pointed out by the plaintiffs at torney. one negro fellow* seized as the property o’ E.C. Fitzgerald pointed out by the defendant. 7 > Norton, s. c. c. sn’e'innrdb November 30, 1802. Latent Roller Guts. r FIE fubfcfibers having obtained a Pa § tent from the United Stales for their invention of a Gin to leperate Cotton from the feed, by Rollers, (winch feeds itfelf on a plan totally J<e\v, and different from any method yet produced.) oiler their services to the Planters of tins state z id South-Carol in a, to either furndh them with such Gins, or to gir for them on a toil, at New-Dcptfprd Wharf, on the bank of the River, three miles below Savannah, where they have completed a machine capable ol ginning from four to five b.igs per day. They beg leave to recommend their ma chine to the attention of the public as a con trivance, by which crops can be cxpcdicioully ginned and brought to marker, the tedious land laborious talk of ginning by Foot-Rollers. j avoided, and will admit of planters cultivating ; their teiv lands, in Read of employing their whole force, to gm out their crops in the usual mode. The machine can be impelled by ft'eamj water, wind, animal or manual power. The j priviledge and price of the machine will be! pro|£>rt ion site to the number of bags required robe ginned by them per day. J. S. LAMovJmol!in, If ni. Bell. Savannah, Nov. 23th, *BO2. (ot. Land For Sait*. ryAO •be fold and immediate poffdTion gi ■ ven, 200 acres oiland, old survey, ad joining lands in dispute, between the Hon. Jacob Read of south Carolina, and the Hon. William Smith of A'avonnah, on the Mon teat h road, about 9 miles from savannah* It is vvelb timbered, and mud be an objeft to any per iod who hes river plantations contiguous thereto. Also a traft of ioog acres excel lent cotton land,in Columbia countv, 10 miles above Augufla, ico acres of which is under 1 good fences and might b*. planted to advan tage next year: Also 1 400 acres good oak and hickory in Franklin county originally granted to Col. Benjamin Fiffibourn, adjoining, at rhe time of survey, lands of Richard Cali and Thomas Collier efqrs. The above lands will be diipofed of before the laid day of February next. All persons are cautioned against tref pailing op. the above iantis. Michael Burke. December ?S. r ~yr“'.i&. luoic; K>tr SU'-.i cuu ro the house late/y occupied as the Cuilom x-JatiC, nnr the and continues the Fafto- and Commifiion Iluiiuefs as uiual—A <7 produce A it by wa er w;// be ilored bv fvFilis. Brookes and i Dj nine, at am. Clay’s wha:f. A parcel of Cotton ad Rice for fn/e. Joseph Habersham. Dec cm her 22, 1802. (isGw, (nit received and for iaie, Ej> ARRELS prime Beef and Pork, I? co. B-dlon Beet, No. 1 oc 2, do. PilvOt and middfing Bread. Loaf Sugdr ; Almonds, Share Superfine Flour, Kegs Butter ; 5 Casks ifift id Cheese, rlvion and Soucho: g Tea. Holland Gin, in pipes, French Brandy in do. Claret Wine in bc:es mid casks. Robert and John Bolton. December ; 3. 2a , vt g 1 O SAIL? BY THE MIDDLE OF NEXT WEEK, flor St. Marys. For . Ercigot o r pah ge Enqire of Samuel Upward or Ilaac N. Mrfeve on board it Hunter and Minis wharf, - v * December 17, j FOR NEW-YORK, The well known faftPilirig schooner jUSCk D E B B E, Star, Matter, will be dispatched in 8 days, having three fouiths of her cargo ready to go on board : For pafiage or freight of 40 bales of Cotton, apply to HENRY KNEEL AND, &co. Morels Wharf. Who have Received, PKR SAID SCHOONER, XVPES & quarter casks London par Teneriffe & ; Port YVirv-s, qniarter casks Sherry Mabga, Colrrnnar Si boxes Claret Wine, Pipes Cogniac Brandy Si Holland Gin. Tierces cf loaf (or double refined ) ftigar, Boxes Mustard, Chocolate, Starch, Soap and Can dles, Baskets Sweet Oil and Chests of Hyfon Tea, Firkins r.f Laid and Butter, Casks Salt Petre, Cai'fii, Nutmegs, IfeiJms in Boxes and Kegs, Balrrdi and half barrels do. fuperfir.e Flour, A'um, C -pocras, Pepper and Ginger, f rails <f Almonds & barrels Green Coffee, Barrels Mackarel, 5 I ons Iron . florted ; 15 kegs Nails, Writing and Wrapping paper, Beit Gunpowder. . | _ 4 A To, in Store. * 1 flhrl**. j-.maicj aru: \.Vcff-India Rum, 30 Kegs Lin feed 0:1, ! loco ois Sal;, Pilot bread, Iron & ftonc pots, Sec. Sic, December 11, 1802. < For Liverpool. The fall failing Ship M-IN ERV A, T. Choate , Matter,'wiil fail jit January next, having I nearly a!! the cargo engaged, for frieght of | 100 bales of Cotton, apply to the captain on board, or to Eh am as an and Will i am S m ltb . December 1, U'o2. her Liver pool or London) <-ANfH As Freight may offer. THE SHIP THAMES, Cd&'&is&F* Judah Paddock mailer, burthen -400 tons is daily expected, and will be soon dispatched, apply to Robert C? Jnbv Bolton . Edwin H. Bolton , Has fer faie at his Blip yard, O PRXJCE and Yellow pine spars and mads from 25 to 73 feet long which will be fold at a moderate price in rough or wrought. ‘White pine Boards, •Ranging Timber, Tar and Turpentine, He is well fixed for heaving vessels down and doing all kinds Inip carpenters work. “JUST RECRIVEI)7^ On Confign.nent by the Sloop Minerva from Jamaica , 4 Hogiheads old 4th p oof Rum, 23 bags prime green Coffee, 4 barrels Limes. T. M. Wfeodbridge. The above/loot is for /ale,freight cr charier. Enquire as above . December ib 1802. (24^ A U <J T l O N. This ( hy. Wech.efJay, December 22-1, w 7/ be fo/d at T. iVI. late /Auction (lore, BOLTON'S WHARF, PIPES of French Prandy, Jamaica Rum, sth proof, 25 bags prime green Coffee, Port Wine in quarter caffs, Claret hi Boxes, Sugar in hogsheads and barrets, 20 Crates Well effortcd crockery ware , fSO pieces Humbums, 15 boxes excellent Chocolate, 2 hogsheads Tobacco, Glajs ware offer ted , 500 pieces Paper hangings, with bordering, 4Ti unks mens, womens id childrens flows.’ 4 pipes Holland Gin , 20 barrels mess Beef, 2 boxes ike sling, 1 200 yds. tow cloth, 17 barrels Mcickarel, 1 ‘bale India Cottons. A quantity of fops and shoes, with a va riety dry goods—Sale to commence at io o’clock . i Conditions, ca*h. j. P. Williamson, Aucl’r. B.u\KKUr i cY. In the matter of ELEAZER. EARLY , of Augu ft a, Merchant, A MA JOR part or the commrifioners in thb case, having granted the bankrupt Lieazer Early, a certiiica e : It is ordered, that the ufuai notice be publifhH in the Augusta Chronicle, and the State ir.Te//gencer in savanbah, that un’efs objections are h f ed in the clerk’s ofilce, by the second Monday in Januarr, 1803, the judge wiM allow and confirm the certificate. Ex trad from the Records, Rhhard M. .Ytites, Clerk. December 15?’ , 1802. (it ) I ijty Dollars Reward. QTRAYED or flolcn, two HORSES, one a biy gelding 15 hands high, strong built, in very good order, has a (tar in his forehead and a bufhv tail. The other a iorrel gelding, about 151-2 hands, large boned, rattier iow in flefh, well made, somewhat difn-faced with a blaze, both hind feet white. Ten dollars will-be paid for each of them on their being delivered to oneof the fubferihers, and fifty Cos iars on conviftion of any perkm or perfon* who may have taken them off- Gcaterer id W&i;d, / N COUNCI L. Savannah December 16 th 1802, THE Chairman produced to Council a certified copy of an acl of ihe General Aflembly, entitled “ An act toauthorife the inhabitants of certain wards that now are or may belaid oil* in Savannah, to vote for aldermen,” palled the firft day of Dec. 1802, where it is amongfl other things cnadted, that it (hall and may he lawful for the persons entitled to vote for Aldermen, and who relides in theprefent new wards of the city to meet to gether oi the firlt Monday in January next, at Inch place or places as the City Council Ihall direcF, and vote for Aldermen qualified to be eledcd, as follows : The two Wards called Greene and Columbia ihall be united and be entitled to one Alderman* to be elected in manner and form as the other Aldermen of the said City are elect ed, and to continue in office until the for Aldermen, for the laid city, and from thence be elect ed annually as is provided by the adts relative to the said city Corporation* Be it therefore Ref lived, in pursuance and execution of the laid act, That notice he given in the public newspapers, that an election will be held on the ffrfl ‘Monday in January next at the places and by the persons hereunder named for aldermen to represent the said new wards, that is to fay 1 — For Green and Columbia Wards, one Alderman — at the meeting houle in Columbia Ward ‘MANAGERS. Thomas Smith, John Tebcctu , Ed ward White , An and For Liberty and Elbert Wards, one Alderman at the -Roman CathokqMj Church—— | MANAGERS— 1 George M. Troup, Frederick Shirk, Chrijiian Gugd, And be it resolved) That the act afore faid be published for the information of those concerned. And be -it further resolved, That an election be held on the said firft Mon in January next, fo*~ an Alderman to represen t Anson Ward, in the room of Robert Bolton, Esq. dece a fed, at the place and by the persons hereunder nam ed, that is to ‘fay--—At the house of Mr. James Eppinger— ‘MANAGERS. j ‘Thomas M. Wood bridge, i William 1 . Spencer> J -William A. Moore . I Extract from Minutes, A Thomas Ritt. C. C . fl For the Georgia Republican.*- \ To my Cnnftitucnts of Chatham County, CITIZENS 7 3.JT KNOW that reprefentations are 1 afloat relative to my vote on the bill to 1 take off the aft of conftfcafion, Campbell Wylly, Douglass and Hume.—A rumour has been circulated, that I reported-and introduced the bill— Phis is bv no means the precise fadi. —Tbs hill was mtreduced\ by-a member from Columbia County *, and when it was referred a committee of the whole (at which stage or hj proceedings the principal debates take place) | I was confined to a sick-bed—The lucceeding j day, a motion was made (by whom I do not J recolleft) for a reconsideration of the journal a so far as related to the bill—at this time l did J vote in favour of the bill.—Now, it is proper fl forme to acquaint you with the motives wh;cd|K uirefted my vote and conduft or. this occafioo.j With rdpeft to mr. Wylly, I had been in-® formed through good authority, that he had J been guilty of no excefies in the revoluriona-■ ry coated, which could affix to him the epi- ■ thets— plunderer*’ “ cut throat-tory* —or® {£ assassin ” : on the contrary, that, true he war* in the I'ervice oftheßritifh king; but that ho® deported himfelf with the dignity and bravery*■ of the soldier, and relpeftcd the print iplesK which war and honour had rendered facr?d.-—*K One additional fact was communicated to mel ‘‘(which I have not heard controverted; that® determined me without hefuation to vote as IK did—even, if a combination of favour*K ctDle circumftanccs had not appeared. — 4: ha® been thus Hated to me: Campbeii commanded a fmaii detachment, which placed in ambufeade —an American ojificcr--H and 1 ferngushied at that time tor his activity—■ lervices —and bravery, appears in tront ot ambuth—a soldier was in the aft of djfcfc&rgfl mg his miifquet —Wylly inter poses at *hiKg critical n.oaiexU- —expolluiates -with the