Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 25, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer* Six Dollars a Year, Ihlf in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBLIC AN, Volumel. No. 27. E. Hills, “ HAS received on Consignment by the Skip Comet, 20 Bales P/co!lens, tnojlly Ccarfe, which will be fold exceeding low, by the Bole, tit kis Au SI ion Store Commerce row, for Case or good upland Cotton . 0 * ; November 27. if To MERCHANTS A person in the Mercantile line, fettled a: a final! village in the country, where business pfsy he done to great advantage, is defirons of a Pap.tnfr who can advance Four thou ifand Dollars in Cash or Dry Goods, well laid r wro that a mount, or would have no objection to being concerned with a large importing wholesale houle which would fuppiy full afiortments at cost and charges.—ln case of a partner who would reflbe on the ipot, he fan be accommodated with the family', who are poflfefied of neccffary conveniences.— For further particulars on this fubjeft, enquire of the printer, and add re is a few lines as they will direct. jVbvember 2, 1802. „ AVC \ } 10 pr\ “ On Tuesday the 4th of January next, will be fold, at the Court-house in this Chv, a Farm Let, situated in the neighbourhood of savan nah, containing 45 acres. A full defeription of the fame will be made known on the day of sale. At the fame time and place, a prime Nezro Fellofo. Also, two tracts of Land, in Liberty county —one containing <OO acres,the other 250, prime Cotton and Rice Lana— Lot number 6, Holland Tyth:rig, Percivai Ward, 60 bv 90, fronting fourh common and Bull-flreet—one half the purchase in 6'o days, the other half an approved note at 6 months—- Plats and Grants may be seen by application Joseph Arnold, Auftrf December 18, 1802. (25. J CASTOH HO JSE , District of savannah.* ANY per lon willing to engage, to weigh and keep in their stations, and in re pair, the Buoys that are, or may be provided, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing to the iubfcri ber, at what rate per annum he will perF form the service. TUG. JOHNSON, Collector. Sept. 17. 2 awr. THE SUBSCRIBER, cffirs his Jcrvices to his friends and tie* public, in the Factorage, Vendue, and CO Vi MISS ION BUSINESS. As he means to confine himfelf firifih to the above business , be fat ters himfelf he sh all be able to give ; eUtsfdtUon to tbo/e who may employ him. JOSEPH ARNOLD, Cos Amerce Rove. Nov. 3. * PROPOSALS, FOR CARRYING Mails of the United States, On the following P of-roads: Will be received at the Genera! Poft-Ortice at Iv afh ington, until the istn cay cl January incluiive. IN SOUTH-CAROLINA, 80. From Fayetteville* N, C, hy Liimberton, Barefields, PortSferry. LycnhvdleanU Will-town to (jeorge-Town, once a week—leave Fayetteville e very Thursday at 2 P. M. arrive at Lynchville on Saturday by 8 P M ; leave Lynchville on Sunday 4 A M. and arrive at George-Town by 6 P M : leave Gecrgt-Town every Monaiay at AM. arrive at Lynchviiie by 8 P M ; leave Lynchville on Tuei'Jay at 4 A M. arrive at Fayetteville the next Ttuirfday by 10 A M. 81. From Richmond c h. N, C, by Parker's ferry Chatham, Cheraw c h, Bentonville, Darlington c h, Pauleyfville, JerFries and the Clayhoufe 10 Lynch ville, onte a week ; leave Lynchville every Tuesday at 4 A M, arrive at Richmond c h. on Thursday by 11 A. M. leave Richmond ch, every Thuri day at 1 PM, arrive at Lynchville on Saturday by 8;P M. 82. From Charlotte, N C, Beggar's ferry & Hill’s iron works to York c h, SC, once a week \ leave Charlotte ch, every Sunday at 6 A M, arrive at York c h, by 6 P M ; leave Yoik cb, every Saturday at 6 A M, arrive at Charlotte by 6 PM. 83 From Camden by Statesburg, Jamesville, Nellon’s ferry, and Monk's Corner to Charlefton,3 times a weck,Mav i,to Nov. 1, leave Camden every funday Tucfday,& Thursday at 2 A M, & arrive aj Charleston in 32 hours on Monday, Wedndday and FridayatioA M.—-Returning : leave Charleston fvery Monday, Wedndday and Friday at 2 P M, andarrive at Camden in 33 hours, on Tuefda v,Thurs day andSaturdayar 11 P iVI. 04. Colombia by Winsboro% Chester, ch Yo. k ch, ‘Fhikiltyvi!l°, Uni c b, £paranburg, Greenville c RtttXy- StC iver, -IVkenfviik, Laurent c h, Bel aft and Newbury c h to Columbia once a week ; leave Columbia every Monday at 5 A M, arrive at York on Tucfday bv 7 F M ; leave \ oik. c h, at ha.’. 1 p-fifyP Al- and arrive at Greeni* vide c h, on i hurfday by 8 P AT ; leave Green v:lle c h, 00 Triday at 4 AM, & arrive at Coium bia on. holiday by 6 P IVI. 05 From Edgefield c h. by A. Richardfon’SjCam bridge, Southampton, Abbeville c h and Rocky Ri ver lo Feod.eton ch, once a cn, every VVednduay at n, A IM. arrive at'-Pendic ton ch, next Saturday by 4 p fvl; leave Pe dlcton ck, every Saturday >; r R. ?M, arijve at Ldgtfiekl c h next WedneLay by 9 A M. b 6. From George-i own to Charleftnn onre a vvetk i leave George- t own every Aloruiay at 9 A Al, arrive a: Chaileiton on Tmlday by nc-n ; lease Charleston every Saturday noon, ariive at George- Town on Sunday by b P M. 87. from StateTourg by SumpterfviMej Salem ana Kmirree to W hi- t own on* e a week : leave Wiil i'uwn every Tuvfday a r 6 A M arrive at S atesburg on VVednelUay a* 6 P AT; leve oavsburg every Fuel’ day at 6> A AT, and arrive at VVill-Tovva cn Fri day at 7 Pi AT. 8L From Augusta by theupper Three P.uns andj Clack Swamp to Coolawhatcfite, once a week j leave every lunday at 6 A AT, strive at Au gufti? on 1 uefday by t P M ; leave Augulta every i iicfJj'’ a* 8 A A'i, arrive at CooLwnauhie o. Saturday’ P) 6 P JVi• IN GEORGIA. Sq. Front Augutta Dy L.uie River, Lincoln ch, peterfbutg, Libucon, rid,nkliu c n, and G.icerts 10 ClarksborV, once a weeK ; kwe every Monday av 8 AM,arrive a: CLncaooro’ on i hu.i uay by 10 A IVi, leave Ciarkso iu’ every ‘Fr u.lday at 2 P ivl, a,rive at Au b ufta nex. Monday at 4rt AT. 90. Fiom Augusta by Columbia c n, VValh.of. tor*, Greensborp*, Rif hardfonvilje, Sparta, Gunge iowa and Warren ton to Lou fvdie, ouce a week-; leave Autiufta every Monday at 2 i Al, ur.vL a-. Loafville on I'hurduy 5 PAa } Reluaung leave Loulviila- every Friday at b A Ai, arave at Augul at next ALhday by 10 A Ai. From Lounvilie oy Saunc*?<*fVilie to T ort \v kmlon, once a week: leave L uifyule every Triv.o at 4A M, arrive zi Fort VVilkudon bv 6 PAI : Returning : leave Tort vViikimon every Oatu;u->y at 8 A. tvL at Lou iville by 8 P AL NOTES. 1. The Port Matter Ge a-nd nrvy expedite the mailss:alter the imesot arrival& departure during the jgenmuan-e t>f the contracts, oe iiipfi 1 i. s oht an adequa e compenldrion, (or any extra ex peace lenat may be occahOned thereby. 2. T ifteen minutes iiiali oe allowed for cpeuitig and cluiin r tio mail at a<i oiitwes Vvhere no nine it S3 pecifitd. % 3. For every thirty rnimres delay (unavoidable accidents exes-ped) m arriving a(*er the nme pie criotd in any contract, the contradt or ih-dl forfeit one dollar ; and ir the delay continue until the departure of arty depending mad, vvnereby tne mails deftmeci ior in h depending mail Lie 2 trip, an add.t.onai tor*’ feiture of hve dollars ihall be m-urred'. 4. Newkapcrs as veil as letters arc to be lent in he mail : &nd jf any perfun, making defires ro carry news papers otner nan took conveyed in die mail, for h,s own emolument, he rnuft (late in his propTals, for what sum he W:ii ca.ry it with that emolument and tor vvhat lii.n without that eitiolu ment. 5. Should any perfan, making propoftk, ‘defire an alteration of the tunes of arrival and dcpar Ure a hove fpecitiid, h e rriuft flare in his pronufais, the al terations desired, and the difference they vyii make in the terms of his contract, , , 6. Perfohs making proposals are desired to state their prices by the year. - I hose who contrail w’ril receive heir pay quarterly in the months of Februa ry, May, Augult and November* one month after ihe expiration of each quarter. r. No other than a free white person (Kail be em ployed to convey the mail. 3. Where the proposer intends to-convey the mail in the body of a it age carriage, he is desired to (late it in his proposals. g. The Poft-Mifler-General relbrves to himfelf the right of declaring any contract at on end when ever three failures happen which amount to tne lots of a trip each. The contra&s for the above routes are to be in °- per2tion on the firft day of April next —and are to continue in forte for one year from that timee GIDEON GRANGER, Poss Mailer General, General Poll-Office, Wafhingtcn City, Nov. 5. ISO 2. . For sale, . ~ A few barrels of choice Jsrfiy Apples, Pgo tatoes and Cider, on board the brig IVafhin ton, at M'Cready’s wharf. Enquire of the M after on board.. -Alio, a few barrels Sis ties and potatoes of the fame quality, in Broughton-fixeer, at J. Williams's Carriage Ihop, opposite Doctor N. W. Joneses. Savannah, 14th December, 1802. ~ To R H I R eT agangoflabourer s. Plnquire at this office. December 8> 1802. (2 2tf) SAVANNAH, LYOS & MORSE. DECEMBER aj, iSc 2 ; Mercantile id Mathematical Academy, GOA’ impr tiled with the mod lively gr - utu ;e, lor the libera! patronage which he has uniform!! experienced iince the commencement of 115 Academy : announces that he has employed an : and t >at children lix years old, will be received in the School. Parents and guardians may rely on the moft feru ; uEus attention being paid to their morals and improvement. N* h. He has Eke wife opened a Night Schoo*!, at ni> own i.oule from 7 to 9 .* where those who cah oot attend to a daily education, will have ihe advan tage oi being inftrucled in English gramaticallVj Writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Geometry, Navigation, “idc. daiioi.> will be taught Solar and Lunar obferva • tiona, the names of the principal fixt Stars, particularly ihc/ii, (it the zodiac al conftcllationSjproper to measure he Moon’s distance from. Savannah, December 8, 1802. \%2 ts ) Twenty Dollars Reward. T> UNA WAY from the fublcriber, living in WaQiington county, a NEGRO MAN, named Messer , about 27 or 28 years old, abouts feet 11 inches high, knock-kneed a bvfhy head and fear on his threat, had on when he went away, a pair blue broad cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with him a white broad cioth coat. A reward of twenty dollars wiil be given if confined so that I get him. F. Boykin. December 8, 1802. FOR SALE Just Ended out cf the Ship Comet, from Balti more, , 4 bales low priced Cloths, a Barred. 4 o*o. Half Thicks. do. 3 00, N apt Cottons, do, * do, Keileys, do. 1 do. Flannels, do. 1 do, Biiae and Frizes, do. } do. Fine Ticklenburgi', 6 cases low priced Hats, aftbrted * case Laacafhire Sheetings, do. 1 do. fine Shirting Linen, do. 1 do. Linen Check. do x do, Japanned W are, co. 1 do. Brown Holland, do, 4 trunks Calico’s, do. 1 do. Roinals, Shawls, &c do. 1 do. Mullins and Laces, do, 1 do. Dimities, do, 1 do. Worded Flofe, do. 1 do. Con on do. Lhefe Goods have been imported this fall from the best flipping kcufos, and will be found cn ex amination to be Well laid in, They will be depos ed cf at a liberal advance, by the package only, for Qafh , Produce, or Notes with approved en dor erst, by Laurence Somers. At ‘Mejfrs. jvhnjlon, Robert jot & Co's. fVare- Hcufe. December 1 lautf 1O bn sGID,” ~ O‘S Monday the 14th day of February next, be rween he hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, at the p.r udtiOo or JOHN WiSENBAKER, dec. in Ertingham county, all the perfonai eit ate of ihe fil’d u ceated j coniiitiug of one negro,a horfbjleven head of cat tie, and a set of black imuhs tools: !fjufe r noid Furmture, 6tc. Sec. Mary Yvi fen baker, •> * .. qualified executrix. December 18, rpoa, ?t. pff NOilCii. fubferiber intending to be absent from the JL Rate fome dme, requelts those who may have chums agashft him, to render them 2$ soon as possi ble for payment; and such as are indebted to him are lulicttcil to diicharge the fjtti?. ~ 7- TnTTNULL,jun. For a ben tnr e, Dec. 18, 1802. (zawim) ~{CT NOTICE hopartnerfnip of K. & John Bolton. nr HE dcach of M ,r. ROBERT BOLTON, JL fenners it necelury so inform the friends a, u cot reTpondence of the firm, both in the United . rates and abroad, tnat the funds and stock in trade, a> heretofore, and that provifton is made not cmy to prtierve, but annually to incieafe the capi r ral j and they are also, informed, that the business ot the houle will continue to be conducted b John Bolton; under the fame firm cf ROBERT & jOHN bOLTON. Joseph Fhiberfoam, William Wallace, George Woodruff, John Bolton , Executors , Suvannah, December io. F'welve and a Half Cents Single CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. be hy public audfiott ▼ T a: the Cou t'houle in this ci- AceNSjfofA'fi ty, on Monday* the 3d day ofi January next, one half of the schooner Friendship, just f ro uv sea ; together with he. furri-ure, tackle, apparel,boar Sic. Also, a quantity of Dye-Wood, to LtiTy sundry executions obtained againit Lewis in | the May yor’s court. TKO’s. ROBINSON, C. S. Dec. 4. FOR NEW-PORT, The Sloop S.\lly, FENDED as a con Rant tra der during the wnnter from this port to the louthern ports of this Rate—fine has good accommodations for freight or pafiTerigcrrs. ,The fnalletl favor will be thankfully received. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or of Isaac N. Meserve, mailer, on Board. October 23, 1802. - * “ 1 1 - - ■■ - Notice. ? I who have not made the;r Tax a Return for the present yea rui c requeltcT to do it as the Receiver will close his Digetb immediately TF. Gardner, Receiver oj Chatham 9 December 1. (ts) ELEGANT FURNITURE FORMAL JUST landed from qo buajd the ihip Comer, Ca Stevenfoii, from Baltimore, a quantity of cellent Mahogany Furniture. Os the Ihteft > oaliftmg of Secrtarys St, Book- Cases, Side Boards, Circular and iiraight front Be reaus, Fall Desks, Circular ar.d faih corner CirdH a Stes, Oval Pe )ibr< ke do. Northumberland dinijg do circular und fti aight Bafon Hands, Candle (lands, See. —ALSO,— A few fancy Chairs. The ciiizcnsofSavannah are particularly requested to view the above furniture,* as it is of a superior quality and wiil be fold low for ca{h or produce. Any per son wThing to purchase bedheads, or any article ii\ - the above bhe, can be fupphecUn a few weeks by ■- Edward Pried ley, at Johnson & Robertfofs, StcCs. old Compting-:. ■ December 4. N O T 1 CjE. ALL persons to whom the estate o~ Frahcis Level t, efquirc, late of Julian* ton, is indebted, are requested to furnifh their accounts, or statement of their demands, duly attested, and those indebted to the estate, are expected to make immmediare payment, to Wiilia n Stephens, .Matthew johnsron, James Johnstonjun. Executors. December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about 2000 acres prime cotton land, on or abduc Sapclo—> Apply as above. . o Wants Employment; ACI i IZEN, who is well acquainted with bukrtefs, would accept of a super cargoes birth to the Weft-Indies 5 or would attend to a few lett of merchants, Or traders mens books; the collection Os debts, cr would write a few hours in the day in a public oince. He is well acquainted with rhe town, be ing a native thereof:—For further particulars enquire at the Odace of the Georgia Republi can, or address a line to A. G, which will be duly actended to. ■ November 20,1802. . . (jt.) Wanted for tlie eniuing Year, AN active induftrous won, as an overseer to live in the Island of Gfab aw, he must be well acquainted zv:tb tbe cultivation of cotton and toe management of negroes', and produce fuf fictent vouchers for his honefy,fobriely and abi lities : Apply in Savannah to Mejfrs. William -lon If Morel or on said Island to P. H. Morel. Nov. nd * 1802. naw ts. ~ OR THAN HOUSE7’ - ’ ~ AN Overseer is warned for rhe plantation one who can read and write, and b&. well recommended for nis knowledge oFßice Planting, his honesty, sobriety and attention, will meet with proper encouragement, by ap plying to either of the fubferihersi a commit Cf of the Trustees. .Win; tephens* Jos. Haberfham, Pmer Deveaux, Vv r nij Gibbons* \ December 3J, ISO 2,