Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, January 08, 1803, Image 3

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Jy gave the oriet fcqui/eJ. The major gra cioufjy accepted ir, faying your courtesy will not colt you much, you are to be sent down to-morrow to Kilkenny to be tried for your life ; you will molt certainly be hanged; and you can scarcely think that your journey to the ether world will be performed on horseback The humane, and honorable major was equal ly a prophet with his compeer. The plaintiff on the next day took leave of his prison, as he supposed for the lad time, and Was sent under a guard to Kilkenny, then the head quarters of sir Chari $ Afgil, there to be tried by court irtarrial for such crime, as might chance to b~ alledged ag.bnft him. la any other country the feene that took place on that occasion might excite no little horror, &aftonilh:ncnt s but with us, these fenfarions ate become ex tinguished by frequency of repetition. lam inftru&ed, that a proclamation was f nt forth, offering a reward to any m in, who would come forward, and give any evidence against the traitor Hevey. An unhappy wretch who had been shortly before tondenned to uie, anti was then lying ready for execution, was ifured by the* propofil. Ihj integrity Was not firm enough tohefitate long, between thealurou-j tive proposed ; pardon, Lvor, and reward, j with peq* ry on one fide, the iope and the gib bet on the other. II s lovaity decided the question against his own foul. He Wub ex amined, and Hevey was appointed by the len- j tence of a mild, and no doubt, enlightened court-martial, to take the place of die wit mis, and iiicceeded to the vacant halter.— Hevey, you may suppose (continued mr. Cur ran) now thought h-s labours at an end; but ke was miftakt n ; his hour was not yet come, Tou are | robJjly gentlemacn, or you my lord, accounting for his eleapt*, by the lor tunaujJ reccdedion of feme early circu.riiap ces, that might have fmo e upon the fenlib’l ityof fir Ch arles Afgil, and made him behev that he was in debt to Brovidence for the life of one’innocent, though convicted vkfiim.— But it was not so ; his escape was purely ac cidental. The proceedings upon his trii!, happened to meet the eye of lord Cornwallis. T he freaks of fortune are not always cruel; in the bit.ernefs ot hex jocularity, yon fee she ca ; adorn the mifueancy of thefhive, in the trap* pirgs cf power, and rank, and wealth. B n her playfulmfs is not always irhuman j ftic will foil etimes in her gambols, fling oil upon the wounds of the fufffirer ; fine will lometimes save the captive from the dungeon and t lie grave, were n only, that file might afterwards rcconlign him to his dtftiny, bv the repufil of capricious cruelty upon f.n allfc commlera lion. Lord Cornwallis read the tianlmifs of lievey’s condemnation *, his heart recoiled from the detail of stupidity and Barbarity.— He dallied his pen aero fs the odious record, and o dered that Hevey should be forthwith liberated. I cannot but highly honour him for his conduct in this; nor, when! recoiled his peculiar fi.uanon at that difaf trous period, can l much b 1 a > e him for no having ailed towards that court, with the lame vigour and indignation, win h 1c has li ct fheun with respect to tnefe abominable junl diiftions. IL v; yw. s now a man agai.—hi (hook the dull of iiis feet against Ins pnlo > gate; ks heart be it the refponfeto t .e amici pared embrace of his family and ins friends, and he returned ro Dublin. On hb arrival here, one of the firg per Jons he met was his old friend, AM jor Sandys. I 1 the eye of poor Hevey, justice and humanity had thorn the ma jor of his beams—he no longer regard cd him with refpecT or terror. lit demanded hi.r mare : obfervino- that tho O he mierht have travelled to heaven or; o foot, he thought it more comfortable to peform his earthly joumies on i o fe back. Ungrateful villain, laid the ma jor, is This the gratitude you shew to lusmajefty and to me for on? clemency to you ? you llian’t get poflelfion of the btall, which you have forfeited by your treason, nor can I suppose that a noble animal, that had been honoured with conveying the weight of duty and allegiance, could to load her loyal loins with the vile burden of a convi&ed traitor. As to the major, (said mr. Curran) / am no furpnfed that he spoke and aded as he did. He was no doubt aflonilhed at the impu dence, and novelty of calling the pri vileges of official plunder into queldi on. Hardened by the numberleis in stances of that mode of unpunished ac quisition, he had creeled the frequen cy of impunity into a sort of vvariant of spoil and rapine* One of these in flances, 1 feel, l am now bringing to the memory of your I ordfhip. A learn ed and refpeded brother bariiler, had a fdver cup ; the Major heard for in i isy years that it had borne an iascrip- tion of “ Erin gblrjAjf’ wfi.iwh i ‘lreland for ever.” The Major con sidered this perfcverance in guilt for such a length of year?, as a forfeiture of the delinquent vefTcl. My poor fi iend was accordingly robbed of his cup. But upon writing to the then attorney general, that excellent officer felt the outrage, as it was his nature to feel every thing that was barbarous or bale ; & the majors loyal fide-board was condemned to the grief of reltitu tion. ( f o he continued- ) I*RANXF JK.T, December 9. bTATE if Ohio Extract of a later I rum age itl:r,:~n in Cbil'icotie, to a mem er of cur ncrai afembly, date.l November -28, 1802. “ f*sn happy in having it in mv powei to inform you we iiavc ifiaken <ft tne old lhack:es of Lei ritopal gover imciu, ro be come a state. The convention Ia It evening rimftied the conftiruc.oi, and have r;ow under conli .ieratao the proportion of Con gicis. Since your inclination leads you to piiiji.c life, a j ,n which Ih; ar you art now actim. inrhe-eneral afTernbly of Ken tucky ; 1 will date lume ot .he oailiues of our cOiiltuu non. 1 he general aflembly is to ccnffl of a senate ami houle of rcpitlenraiives, to be cnolen oy the people, the latter in the ratio ,;r Uil c for every 600 ; and the former to be .si iiii • oer eq .al tohaif the ia*rer, So tfia* our fi; it afiemoJy win Connit o ; ’ 12 reprefen tutivcs and 16 lenators. ]he to be choJen annually ; and the frna ors bien nialiy, m such manrur that one half the num o-i ouc c v ci*y year. Sv ; e )re.en r ativc o:uil be years of age, acu zen of t’ e Hmted States, an 1 Oiie year a refidenr of the county for wiiuh lie is chosen. A fenaror must be jo years of age, and have been a cKizmi ci .tie Uuued iiu.tesan_l of ins county two years “ Lie falar'es are a? follow . to the govern or. not exceed ng 1,000 dollar j . each’judge, 1.000 ; lev av cary, yoo ; auditor, 750 ; tre i ; lurrr. 450; iucmbtis o. the general aftembly .wo dollars per day. * t( Our next gener 1 afierrbly will bz cho ien in J nuaiy, and meet n M uch next. tc 1 sic governor hold h:s office two years, and h ivc pow r to grant reprieves, ckc. ex ept in cases of irnpeacnujenc ; is re qViifea to lee the laws futhfuily executed , may convene the e era! affe nbly on Special occafioas ; lign uii grants ; and contrary to our territorial nas nothin - to do wuh i :g fl it ion. L’ie Jjcii. i.l pow ris vefled in a f t resne com t an S cojrc of cern non pleas ff each coimtv; three j-tidg s 10 compose each co it. Ihe iunreme co. rt will have appellate ec or gin a! j 11 iilliction in caf s at commonlaw : and in chancery ; the judges of conmbiilaw pleas form alio the orphans court, and have lorifiiclio 1 in all probate and teftamentarv matters. The judges are to be appointe 1 iy jouU ballot of both houlcs, and to continue n oifiee years. The general corn r to : K ‘ h Id once a yearn each county, and til jco-Ttof co nmon pleas the law direds 14 ihe auditor, rreafirer ands cretirv arc I :o be cheden by a joint v ite of both houses. Slavery is not to be a Imitfed ; but white p'-ople may indent rhea Lives lor any term; j but blacks cannot for more than onTvtar, | except min rs, who may indent thcuifteivc^ I jufii the age of 2 t. ; N > person of colour emigrating to this fla e, jem Le en itled to fuffrage, or to hold any I Tee. ! iS No person is entitled to fuffrage, who ’ oes n >t pay taxes ; and as no poll tax is ever o be ia:d, periods who h ave no property wiil ot he entitled ro fuffia^e.” SAVAN N A H. Saturday - Evening) January 8, !§-3 *•>*•. iwiWMWiWgw— We did not take notice of citizen F. Slehbms’s attending the playon faturday evening becaulh we thought it criminal: no iuch riling, We never believed there was any harm in visiting a play noufe any evening it was found conven ient * # nor do we think any further reipecl is due to the opinions of those who differ from us,th?n to leave themto pursuits they may prefer. Our object was merely to {he w ho w well fome people’s profeifidns corresponded with their practice. Although we never did, and never will admit a paragraph as editorial lor which we were indebted to a corres pondent, we have not always thought thm of our neighbours and the insolent cr> paragraph formerly alluded to y may be -v.nfidc.Cv! a pi oof in point, by : h I. own confeffion, that we were not ir :orrccl. {uclging them by tluir adop ion is ut fair as from their own beget cing. In one point of view, their para graph of yeflerday is important : it proves that preteniions which are utter ly deltatute of foundation, will he re sorted to, when they are expected to obtain an alcendancy over the mind by seizing on its prejudices. As to the bov, we do not know e nough of the particulars to decide whe ther the men was or was not in he right. Quarrelling does not al vays mean blows, and if citizen Francis cho ids to become doorkeeper to the thea tre, God forbid that we lliouid prevent him : we think him far better qu Idled for that nlace than for the one he now k occupies. This much is certain, he will he very ha>ml:fs any where, lie ♦vohit “ hurt you at all at ail. ’ He talks of furniihing us with anec dotes!—we have thoturht that he o o would rather supply materials for his own damnation, than remain unno iced. But no, no fir, we arc not disposed to avail 0111 selves of y our genernfity : the vanquiflmnent of a fly is no victory. Married, on Wednelday evening lafi, by the hon. M. Bui ke, at his houle in county, Capt. Abraf am D. A brnbamSy to the amiable . Doro .by Cos. net, from idel i>hia. ‘ ! emu’ thrfte, “Is drawn by tle/i bN Is ahn\ “ And C poly ok s the Dovej .” M A R I \ T E L i S T. I N IE RED, Ship Thame x, Pad,leek , FcH, Union, PergijQiiy Liverp o , Brig Peggy, Penny Jamaca ocbooner CaiOarrn: Aif ed, 5/ G. orgi,: s packet , Cowell, c l>in an, e>tcop F/.iaa a, Dun bar a, Demat am I CLEAKI'.D, Pr tec f rcis. Carpenter, Liverpool | Polan e r BJt worth Gr'y Gr.ent, Aing, Acj£7 Pork \ bcVoQuer Lydi.,, l Eefi, ChaAeflmt j Planter and e.! .ry Un it ‘y } Bcafirt Patsey Mood St A'Lr ys \ Aoop May recode, Bwk J arnica , /A 77r,y Art / J?t Id, /v ovfoL Rejolution bowler, Brutnwxc Minerva, McLean, Charleston Union S icicty, THE Members of he Union Society are defied to meet at the Citv Hail on i hurfday next the igih tniianr preci/ely .it fi\ o’clock in the even ng it being an extra meeting on bufi nds of importance. Bv order of me PrefiJen\ Peter S. Lajf.tte beery. Tannnary 8 i3j^. •s - v ________ iVAi v i ED lO iiLia, the enju ng year, 3 or 4 Field’ jf Slaves: For zvlh'h a liberal price w.ll be given, and half paid in advance if re.mired—Enquire at this office. January 8. 1803. fgo ts ) For Liverpool, THE SHIP UNION, f r rcH * Br.nfh bottom ; CaptDi- XjL. n5t ‘'* FerguTon will fiil soon, having the chief o r her caruo en gaged r so: remainder of freight or pid ige; having excellent arcom -ons, aooiv to die Mont modal fp Hero::, \Vho have 1 ecei ved, E V SA D VES -E L, AND FOR SALE, A quantity of gro in \ fdr, a few chaldron of cods, a few packages of mer hm \ : 2- : Engldh potatoes, in b rrcis ; n 1 Sky 1 rates of QU EE N’S W A RE. January 3, i3o;. 2 awj v. Bankruptcy. GEORGIA. IN the matter of William Nsmrls, of the cit> cf Savannah, in the fiate aforefaid, merchant. She major part of the atmmiji ners, and a number of the creditors having granted the fain William Norris a certificate, notice the Afore, i. hereby given tj the creditors, and ail atbers con cerned in the /aid canmificn of bankruptcy, that unless objections are regularly filed in the Clerk's office of the Georgia Dijfricf in twenty-one days from this date, the fame will be elbowed and confirmed by bis Honor the Judge . r. m. slices, Clerk: kyxxannab, B th January , a (30.^ . “ t \ r> • t -r't * . r • *- - U c J .\ *i JJ. V/ / <> arc U wvy cACHA N G E n. ” l at wel known Pin union in IVukci i county • (wi*hih jive mile., of the healthy, amapUyunt trwnof IViulinyo .) w. led Mouat- Ar, whereon J od Early , e!quite, lately rfiled —contain ng 050 acres qrt ut oak and hickory land, ;od acres of won b a< e neatly e’eared in the jt\le of a northern farm, uni now enclf and and J* b decided who: n iubjt a filial fenev g —the *tn provements, (that is to say) the bu Linty, Ac. thereupon, are 1 pattens, ma y, and convex ent — the and Wed fag hoije, juuate upon an c niiienc?, al though a wtod one, has neverth less su/brueJ no tnju>y fi cm 10 )ca>s age and use ; it his f >r rooms below, ami two above fairs, who an entry ibtough toe ci. di'i, and ice audition cf a cctntn odi ous t‘ernes, the w uie l ngth < j toe budding, s.y 4S feet ; the cellar is divided into three apart ments, who/lout brick wrdL : the out ai id ros o ot alt de captions. a*e in a good fate —so „e idea max be formed ot n.inzver aidfze , when it is observed to J 1 jo tiegi v cs lived and was em ployed upon live farm jor 7 years :—none of the Lir.d has beta cleared be,end .o years ; the three 1 lajl , it has lemamed </< a jfa‘e ot nature, ani of con rye inujl have regwma cony le e re/u jurat tone The inn l n eve>j dire.dun upon Us confines, is immenfcly rich, ana toe proprietor $ W ’ah sv ; consequently a pur chafe to enlarge ns liar's, be~ ca ns difiicuii i this in dued the ,a:e proprietor to alandon it ; toe trust bmg mu.h too nnuil f r iris j urprfes : rimOng ctoer endowment , it ;s to be observed, that there are *o thousand peach trees, ani 1000 apple trees upon ike premises , prsgrejing to a Jiute <J pe.fehhon : its f::u nion also for'a counny fore is inf trior to no ein Georgia, being ui> eU upo, th great (jie me in 0* ir ad, and one of the two principal roads to .iihenS Iroi.i IVa/hth's:on. r j It is about to beco me the pre-pet tx of the under- J fined - - as a portion of patrimony from his Father the above named —and if ccurfe is u uonnebtsd wth my uiie of air of bamsrupny : 7 0 rejide up - . on it do 1 s nut my v cw, in Life it is therefore ojj*red tor exco ific, tor the following ciejerip - j Hens of prc t eny. *1 cen.rdi fit turnon for M rear, tile E'finefs, in I thee lx ot swvauu tie, tt u.ou Bay Jlreet, and com- I pi Ji ! g t w jiiiJ -0 tituco th more preferable, and I wjuc'j.r mi got be a judged toe a fir mice -won A I ue paid aown in money. I Again — giowu mu id favis, that would be I w.ii runt A not to pyejs vicious bub f s, womd be I J l iken at a fair valuation ; pa baps newy im- I !ported Ayr leans ot iL at atuription nifiht ans sver + I J ho me 0. niton may be JAmt aas to the probable I j value, and what will be expected for the jor ego- I |mg trust ■} Land , when tt is observed, that it I j has been valued at dollars by dijintcrej. cd I ■ jud/es I j dbe u ale fignri-nte ids hei g<n *b cn I or about the 1y h rnfiahi, and may be treatedM with at Mrs. Meivett ‘s. 1 Ffieazcr Early. I An uiftj Jmuuv “*h, (> or f)l Notice is iirreby Given, I TI I \ r at) Bilges heretofore granted are! expi ed. and die Badge sf r the vcar| Ibo j, are now rca v for Vu livery a ,my olfi e,| on producing a receipt fro n the city freafui rl lor the rcquiiiic ium* us money Ucmg ior the* fine. I 4, ‘BO4 Thomas Pitt, C. C I Extra t from an ordinance ** for the regu- Lit.n r, the h res of Dra\s , Carts arid Waggons as elf) the hire oj Negro and other fives, and for the bet, er or \eri g free Negroes, Alula t toes , or Muflizoes , within the city of Savannah.” That forolra ning a badge as afored d,rhe several Io ns follow n sh dl be 1 e.petti v:-.:y paid into the* City ITeafu 3, viz : For any fltve to exercise the trade o c : Maker, House and Ship C-pente Ea n er, C calker, Btickl, Ba- kun thl Baylor, Buber, or Butcher, for hue the iujrl ofe ght cioil us. I For all other fl ives being mechanics, ol Hindi tatt frJcleSmen, on hi e, i-s ulfo f>| Ei ot', Fih r-nen, B >it, G ass Cuturl ■he in 11 off tir dot as. I For a venter t>l fodl wires thi sum (I even doiiirsand fifty cents. I For a iv and ur being a Eorrer, or other daiil iborer io. mre,tae la not one dol ar and fi tl -r-ts. I jil J.F j! 1 By Ei) vV A,viJ vv i 111 CLrk of the Court of .Ordinary for tm Cvtnty of Chat ha n,in the /Idle afire faim WHEAS, Fen r M‘Farlane, hadi mi l applrcat on for letters of a ipinilbrß ti'.jn, on the efface and effects of Charlß Fhomfon, late of S ivannah, Mariner, dec’H is principal creditor : I'he e are to cire al admonn'h all and Angular, the k’niredaß redi'nrs of the deck!, to fie their objecß ans (if any they have,) in mv, or*H before the 4th day of February* ex:, othfl aife letters or au.n.niitracton will oegrauß him. I Given onder my hand and F-.d B Savanna n, the 4th uav of Jai.B year of oar Lord 1803, an jB ( v w til 27 th year of /km eneaA iudenj