Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, January 08, 1803, Image 4

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T HE LAST OF THE EDITION. JUST RECEIVED* And for Tale at ibis 6fi\ce, A number of copies of “ Proofs of .1 confpi-1 racy, cgainlt ChriOianity, and rhe Govern ment of tie United 6'ratcs; exhibited in fevera! views of the union of Church and State in Ncw-EnTand, BY ABRAHAM BISHOP.*’ Those who would wish to po fiefs t his excellent * work, are requeued to cC ii ll>on, as the fewJ copies on hand,conftiti?re the whole of theft* unioldin the United States. ■ ‘ T r cc O'-'ie Jj pilar. ) Notice. AUL. Perform having Demands a gain ft the • tftateof Mathias Afh,lateofEtffii)gham county | dcceafed are defined to biirig them in properly jittered and th.ofe .indebted to make immediate payment: to David Gogel who s fully au therifed to fettle aM accouurs ol said efiatc. Hannah AJk, Admr*x. Dececmbcr 11. *— - . - - m -inf 1 ■ ■—a N O T 1C E. ALE Persons indebted to the fubferike on his former concerns 2re jol.cited tv. cal] arc) pay cf their accounts &c. As mud, longer indulgence can nor be given j v^ilm Vj L.iloO. October, 16 1 Hon sale. A “N c°vo wcncli, GOOD Cod, IVefatr cni A f, r r.e fault, but her owner bang a.rer.dy lotmlud with a wench of tbc! deicrt/tte* ?<v “terras v be r, easy to t'ce puubaja ■ quire cf ‘be turners. J,7 ,-hurt th, 18O’v .. *“9 ‘ aL_ N O T I CE, fnr\l2E Public ere hereby cautioned againf. jjj r t > ce ivjr<r a note at civ. nfa tie Juvferiber in favor of Jams Read el Gu* County for four J Hundred Dollars, dated April i S , >B o,w*bU in Ninety da w ns tbe payment of the Jutd no.t U'Ul be limited andif brought to court, it mi be made tc appear, that it ought ko! tcvepaia. JAMI'S COCHRAN. Limerick Sci>■ r;■ Ixr, ts iBo/. ftO HCK. E are cireSed by John MiiEdgt the ex \V (tutor of tie est ate of the late ‘jacoo V.’aldburver to notify to all persons whatever b>* prohibition againf hunting on that pea, % tee Ji and cf St. Catherine's belonging to tut laid bei-F toihe North the Stick having of loti ace.” -tL i-fsened bn futb praiJi/e, amt ether injury dene and after this nett ewiL,e<.< - prosecute to tbs extent oj the *> A /> C7 ‘ J found to violate - , .oaW , ■> ~ / p/;j /. /. i /li vi ov A mn 2.9 a\J Aug\;ft, cS t So?. . ■ ‘ For sale, 7’lhU kvcil known Trail of LAND, t, .hid Garden's Barcrty. CONTAINING, 13000 acres lying Savannah Hirer, in St, I cyrs LinHi South-Carolina, 4 5 miksfrom 1,1,5 t,ty ’ a ! Jarcre uroi orcion is cxedk-nt cotton end pro vifior. land near three milct front on tnenver. The quantity of White and Kcd ’’ Cypress is immense >, on it are too Nr • •• - not to be equalled by any tn the low count. > the water for which has never been known to fail even in the driellfafon , the yellow piny timber of the firft quality and Czes, and n quantity inexhauftable; a fine range for Rock, and by every one who is acqtiamted w.u flip’poied to be the heft body tim„c. *-> between the Ocean and Angn-.a. _ , This trait will re fold a great bargain, and ■ may be an object of attention to purc.ufers. The plans may be seen and terms known ey V? ‘ yn6 Levi Abrahams. Broker* DcceinbiT i, 1 Sol ‘ OGK S for nr tbis Oilier. ALEXADER LAWRENCE, Has for sale the following goods, tor OasS, producf, or on a liberal credit, lor ap proved paper : , ’ * an d I Irish linen, in bexes assorted, \ Ccgniac * Brandy in p’pes, Holland Gin in diUc , Sherry* ( , Malaga, } IVmts in quarter casks* Tenenffiy | Hyson Tea in chests , Barrels Mackerel, scap , Candles , &c. December 1S0;. (26 ts ) Bills of Lading for fald at this Office* f ‘N *> o 1 t rr 1w 1 v v>-V L a-/* A TRACT OF l AND, TN Franklir.Cour.ty granted toLeoi.ardMar t bury, contain more or lels. acres Denuded Southwardly by Baker’s land South ei.(bv/sird!v by NiA r bury s iUiu en ui! other Hoes by vacant Lnd. A Trv.Ci of land in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonid Mar bury, centaimng more or • ief r > 11 <;o Acres oounded Notuiiwefhwaicdj by Charity ivlatbur.’s land Northeaftwardiy b ; vacant land ; ana Southeal'waru.y by Ba ktr’sland* A TraT ir, Burk County 350 Acres, on t he North fide of Briery Creek >, loU by the ! Commifiloncrs us Confiscated Propeity in ! Dcerr.bcr EBENEZER i. A ><-<. Ccl ‘jber 9 ISo a. Mores Wharf. | TO BH. KEN I ED. AND pHjfton give:: on the fit:i day AOdo ha n.xblkeotore at prej-.ut ‘-ce:ij ted by An I -iMmac M. C. Harris ne..r the D. B. ..UluHi-L. S September 1 1. (jcorciaidiiii'ict, \ wt.i. Juuu. w uinr , ! - . In Admiralty. J rhe sclin.rrienefhtp Libel for -wci^es* virtue a decree of the tio*iciacie v tl- H'liaM Silpmens, Vijhicljads of Gcor be exited to Neon the 19 th biflant, s / Putnam’s wra> t , the ft roorut i>> •’ /* 1 ’ tackle, apparel and turrsUur* cs JVC arrive-:; j tom sea , between the hears of io ana 3 day. G ; ( Tarrarv ’ ‘ :sL EAcTGKivGE ano El. Uvi, business. CcfeeAiohf’ -wharf. Subicribers luiving entered into co- I p . r rm rfhip uruler tiic finnoi rhuuxy uz tiHiatt* and bavins rented convenient Stores or. fair wharf for the reception cf all kinds of iron tier ind Property which may l>e rniTGUtc. to then care offer their service to Fricmis am the public in the above hneand hape by It net attention to merit their confidence. Their counting Houfc is toe one rately occupied by E. mn saK v, Hero i ravel Pariszy Frauds N- F/ elm an January 5 t do] TO LET. A SMALL Store at prefect occupied _b) Mr. Jofcph Davis,immediatepolieSot. wiii criven, for terms apply to James Mars aIL November, 24 (2 aw it.) 7 0 Leaf’ for a term cf years. A VALUABLE ira6t of oak hickory and i Lnce Ends within Seven miles of $ .van f equal in quality to any i-ancis in the County of Chatham. For terms apply to franc is L mrvoijie * November 2*4. ( 1 ‘) WAN 1 is in 1 O ivL.NI, ,% SUFFICIENCT of good cotton and Pro - Jf\ vijion iai'Jai or near the jails, as, wsuid employ about twenty workers and for which tle. k. eh?ft price will be given, and no object toil lad to cn advance cf rent* vilply ett this jft.e. Sept. 1. 7RE WASHINGTON COFFEE- H O U S E, AND KO I EL, Fr anklin-Squar b, S A MF E L SAU B E RE, ESP EC. X FULLY informs his friends \ and the public, that he has taken that commodious brick house, in Franklin-square, oppofit to the Bapiilt Meeting-houle, whicii will be opened on Wednelday the fird. day oi Deceiiiber next j as a Codec-home id Ho tel. Such gentiernen as favor him w ith tneir cuflomj can be ‘accommodated with oo:-rj ing and lodging, in the moll genteel manner, and the ilricted attention paid to render men residence agreeable. Dinner and upper pro vided for private parties at a few hours notice : Coffee and Soups every day from 8 o’aock in the morning till ten at night. Beer Fakes and Ovsters at any hour of the day. S.S. begs leave to add* that no exertion on his part (hall be wanting to giveEtisf.-Ctionto those who may favor him with their custom,& •flatters himfelf, that the principle on which |his house is eftabliihed, is Inch ai will inline to him the fufifrages of the public in general Wines, Porter and fpiiituou* liquors of the befl quality. N. B. Good flabiing for horses, and careful odlers. Savannah, Nov. ?o* 5 * Bialik Books, for sale at this Office. WASHINGTON HOI EL* Muck Turtle will be ready This and every day at Eleven o’clock. FaMILEU SUPPLIED WITH Sv>UPS in the Htghefl: perfeclion. Beefstakes and bylU rs at any hour when called for. THE B oft oil, New Fork, Philadelphia, I Baltimore and 17afkinpcn Papers, will be regu larh taken at the fftajhington Crfve llcuje and F td* frjp Captains of veflfels are requeued to leave at the Walhington Coifee-Houfe, any j information it may Lc in their power to com municate. Tlic utmcil exertion will be made o procure the cariieil intelligence. Decnnl'er 4. ’ fa f N x 111 1 -.. FTER the expiration of nine months, Jf \ application wiil oema ie, in pursuance jf L he act* of the Lewis'ature m iuch case made and provided, to the honorable* the interior Court of Camden count,’, to: , permifhon to c li foitv five thou End acres of land on tne wa rns of tho Great Satiha, being in grants of Gfic oyiiiland acres 5 alio one water lott in the town Et St. Marv’.s, in the courtcy of Camden to: t -1 0,6 : the lame being the real estate of J vEcomb, late of the said county of Camden, Meceafed, and will be fold for the benefit of die heirs or crcchcas ot the laid deceased. lift B. Bulloch, Attc;r:ev ibr the adminiflratix. Savannah, c?orh May, iSo a. fUJis. V L.w l UURNo* eiU > Gold, Sliver Smith, ec jeweller. rj h TURNB hi? finecte thanks to the ard ge tieiiien -■? and its vicinity, for uc iG'cra; et.tourageoTtinf they have given him fmee ‘•lis c mireiicemen• id this pia* e : he also, iniorms hem, that ht has now opened in Madens Row, near •the Exchange, where lie intends diipoiing ot the kl- Ow ng uni; i.’? v low for ca(h or country produce, viz j Ludics CL M watch chains, caa ue/ied and pl.nn : yerubmerds do. Gold Cals and keys , G*>!d necklaces, J Id beach da. Gold lwv r.ihgree ear ri “gt., Gold ,ieari ri'.unttd br. cetet?.,Gold-5c Pear] mounted breafl :>ius, plain Gold b tea it pins, Gold Pearl inounttxi :i<mer ri: p-, G Id ibiocv tnarneiled do. Gold hair O L - ti gs, Gold :\lcdai!ijn. i lain pebble {eals, Gold moun.ed do. Haiulfonie gut coral wigi bells, Silver .!o. Silver without beih, cor-*! hand, Ivory tooth ■ irk-aids, fiivei frui> knives, i'iiver set icneehuckies diver tooth picks, lilvcr pencil caleS, silver needle ca !es, diver fsneiling bo tie?, diver gilt do. ‘Over nut meg gra ers, idver t .inibies, ladies etwits, Miniature locker and ring glaL, nlvtr kfit-e buckles, hat and r Pearl£ead /{ring*, a variety cf cut glass beads and oral beads, liik Ics, glove t,ls plain with tl *ips iprmg garters ; gilt wa ch chums* Zeals md kbvs. bilk, vvat h <trings, Trie.ling bottles Mies, ulvci fneliing but ] e s, morrocco pocket books, iadres do. Elver nu un,:.ed fpectacle** plated and. itcfl Jo. GiU gicen and whim do. fpe£L*iie cases, reading ylafs pepper and leathui fnuft* boxes,Morocco Minia ture cases, a gieit variety of jy.ated candlefi'ickr. Placed f. ulTbr* and Hands : bread baske .s. ‘ •.nk ihiods. Salt fellers arid pepper boxes, Milliard ;;ot and wax tapers. I ih knives, elegant tea k-t ••*rs lilvKi e-dn.<? Plated caltoif. A variety of fain Wuxi ea caddie, japanned do. Brais barrel pocket flwlf-, herfeman’s do. Silver mounted do. Superfine , •Liars, fciiTors, fportsirians knives, t>e?t fmiihcd pen knives, bed table and defect knives Ivory handles, de canter Hands, Knife cases, elegant Morocco (having : afes, {having’ ooxts. Wiudfor Bbap and VV'alh balls, jegar cafes* Common cafieis. Aiaige afioitmetit of r 1 ics. Lfp THE St r BSCRiBER* has also taken into •-0•-pairr.11 thip vv:cr him, Ms. J O HN I*L A. ti S DN ; .he bu/inefs in future will be conducted uder the firm f LB 1 OURNEAU iw PE ARSON, , .vno intend carrying on the above bufinels in a 1 ! its,: various branches, S lver and Gold work, jewelry & ! fmey Hair work, Gilding and Engraving, execu ed in the newest and moft failiionable manner at the ih xteft notice. N. B. Thchighefl price given for old gold Si filw l aTo ja n e a upbears q n December 1 ?, i3ol. 2awtf DAVIS (ft VANAUSDOL, Pointers, Glaizers, & Gilders% ESPECTFULLY inform the fnhabi rants of Savannah and its vicinity, that they now carry on the buOnels in all its vari ous branches, at tneir shop in Broughton Street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Butler 6c Muce, where all orders will be thankfully received, & executed jwith ncatnefs and dif patrh# N, B. for sale- tv/o ckgint carriages, at he bove shop. November io* (2a\vtf. THOM aid JAMES, TAILOR , INFORMS the Public that he las opened a shop on the Bay , near Rbercorn Street where he will execute all orders in his line in u nttrior manner qnd cn a port notice. He cepes to merit the continued patronage us bis cm i pLyers. \ l • r. JAMES. \ Savannah* Au.guft 29, ISO 2. | —— Joseph Bevan , I tNFQRMS thole indebted to him, that his Books | I and papers are lodged with Robert and Jor.n Bol | ton, who are authorifed to receive payments, anb j -rive Receipts. .. • i c Dczctnter iS, 1802. , ( 3 et *) NOTiCfi ! A ML, persons are Warned against fur chafing £ Note cf hand, drawn by the subjtriber, it; fav°r cf Hezckiah Salmon, cf Peech-ijland, s. ie. for the sum of 2S dollars , dated tn Augtifi \ift, as fail note has since been paid. Sam. W. Minor Dccemb-** 25 ißc2. ( ‘To be sold or rented. ONE undivided third of Broughton- Island, and the Plantation oppolite hereto, called New-HGps, containing up wards of iliree thouland acres. For particu hirs, apply to Dr. M‘Connick, in Savannah, Captain Twining, at Daiien, or, David Ramsay —Charleflon. Decenber 4. \\ iiiiam Gardner, House vid Ship Carver, an / Gilder. YN b O IIMS the inhabitant s of this city that A be intends carrying on the above bitfvujs in a. I its various i ranches, and will be thank;ul fir any favors in his line. Looking-Glass frames, made gik and repaired. ‘..jrnamens for the tops of mantle pieces. Flo wer l ets, Lens, Buds, iftc. Also for the lops of Cates which is much in fajhion el few here. Ficlure Framer, made tc any pattern and eld ones gilt. Portraits and Landscapes cleaned, N 13. Any orders directed will he attended 10 just above Air. Ip’ay tie's, and front- Ever his wharf, at Mr. Mathew Cliffs , private boar d-ng house. November 24. L> ;wtf.) NEGROES. A * FROM twenty to fifty Neyroes will be taken Feres ‘on as productive a plantation as am on St. Simons. For terms apply to Robert &? John Bolton, S A \'A NX AH, Or to Cot “>ohn Burnett, P* R J A $V, fr & Gsy N’ n Cos jmt /. November, 20 -t Sj A S> UL-O uL l .? V* t\ O . HEAVING rented Stores on . Harden and Jones’s Wharf (formerly offer their frrvices to their friends cfid the Public its lfadors and Commiffioii Merchants. eullen cf harden. October 9, i 802. 1 wyn. “W (YO U, •npHOSE who wifn to purchfie Wood JL Eon the Subscriber, ple.Te observe that four Dollars per dray load is the price. JACOB CUNKS. November 6 igc2. (iw 8w) JAMES M , iv i LLSQ N. I'NFOUMS his friends, and the Public, that 1 he has opened an OFFICE at his house hear the Court Houle, where, hr draws INSTRUMENTS of WRITING,! of any, and every deferipdon, with accuracy and dispatch. November T 1 ?02. i On Sale, A FEW PIPES Cogtiiac Brandy by, William]on & Morel\ November 17. (ts) > . ut a ■ ■ final Notice. ALL Persons having any Demands against the ERate cf Thomas Shandly will plcafe fend in their accounts a etc Red, 0 James Eppitiger , ? Administrator, Mary Shandty Adminßratrix, December 8- 1802. Edwin 11. Bol ten. Has so” file ac his ship yard SPRUCE and Yellow pine spars and malls from 25 to 73 feet long which will be fold at and moderate price in rough or wroughtr White pine Boards, Ranging Timber, ‘Tar and Turpentine, x He is well fixed for heaving vcfstls down and doing ail kinds (hip cirpenrers work. W ANTE D, AT this Office, oue or two Apprentice 5 to learn the art of printing. NOTICE.- ‘ivha have any demands tgainfi the ejlute of Radcbffi late cf taVCM nab , deceased, will pleaje prefieht their cuciliitt vroperly attejisd to. Thomas Lawrence, Thomas Scott, Adti&U • Savaxnabj Lee. 23J, 100 1*