Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, January 19, 1803, Image 3

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LET TLR fhvm ti! y SECRETARY c v the TKEA3URY. ACCOMPANYING HIS REPORT , Tr spared in obedience to the Atrefthvs of the , asl supp lenient ary to the att, entitled , <jn <c Asl to eftabbfb the Trcafury Department * Sir, T have the honor to enclose he report, prepared in obedience to the direftiou* of the aft supplementary to the aft, entitled “ An act to elhblifk the irealu rv department ’’ I have the honor lobe, very refpectfully fir your o bedient servant, Gallatin. Treasury Department , Dec 16, 1803. The hon. the tpeaker ol the Houle ol r prefeutatives. REPOR r. In obedience to the direftions of the aft fupple mem ary to the aft. entitled “ An aft to elUbllh the treasury department” the secretary of liic iieafur) refpeftfu ly fubmittthe.following report : The permanent revenue* of the United States, rr. clidively of fees fines and penalties, which in a gene ral view of the fiibjeft may be omitted, coufifi of du - tie* on merchandise and tonnage, proceed* oi the lales of public lands, and duties on postage. The du’ies on pollage which were, in the annua’ report of hdl year edimated at 50CJOP.dollars, have, during the vear ending on the 2 Jth September lall, y v cldrd 50500 dollais. fine decrease of (hip leitrr*, the extension of the ettablifnment through unproduc live road* ar.d the acceleration oi the progrds of the trail may, however, c.aufe Come defalcation in the re •ceiptu of the er.futng year. Three hundred and twenty-fix thousand and fifty two dollars and eight cents, have been received dur Sngthefame year, on account of public lands ; of which sum 1765 dollars and 5G cents were paid in the treasury in evidences of the public debt, & 1 jrj 575 dollars and fifty two cent* in . (p**ci The iocai ii uation of the land ofiiccs not having rendered it pra&itahh to draw the balances from ihe receivers of public monies. Three hundred and forty thousand acres have been folcFfor lilt hundred and eighty thousand dollars dur ing the vear ending on the 3111 day of Oftjber /alt —of which quantity near ninety (even thousand acre were fold on accrynt ot preemption* claiii cd t>y pur clvafers under johnCleves Simines and two-hundred and forty-three thousand acres are the relult of cur rent (ales. The annexed (latement (A) designates the quantities rcfprftivtly fold in the several dillricts & the annua! payments receivable on account of t ,e ba lance of nine bundled and sixty thouf.iml dollars due on these and the preceding files. From these preceding appears probable, that the annual receipts under this head, will not, on an average, tail short of the (urn ol four hundred thousand dollars. at which theyha.e been eirimated. Although it had been anticipated that the receip.s lu the trealury, on account of duties on mcrcha.mliie *ud tonnage, * could not fer the present year he afFeftrc ov the rftloration of peace in Europe ; yet the (uni already paid has exceeded the molt ianguine exprfta ions. Twelve millions two hundred and cigli ty (lioufind dollars have been ’ received during the ye ar ending the SOih ot September latt ; a sum larger b> two million ot dollars, than the amount received fertile fame duties during the preceding or any Other year; and which exceeds by twelve hundred and dollars, the aggregate heretofore co’slefted, in aiiy one year, on account of both the impolt and internal duties, repealed by an aft of the la(l lefiion. This excess which had roth'cn calculated upon, is considered alone as amply fuflicient to cover any de falcation, which might during the next and enluin? year, reduce that branch ol the revenues below lad } ear’s etitnv.itr of nine millions five hundred thou find dollars. Such defalcation iw not however, apprehend ed; for although there are not fifiiclent data, orecit** ly to aicertaiti the efiYft ol on the amount of duties t ,v ofe which are in the pofihssion of this dc partment tend cormhc.i a*e Ihe pnTimp'ton, that that sum at leait (nine millions and anh it w ill here •fter be annual) - received Ihe U icn'-e; ts B • whico exhibits a comparative view of that revenue, lor each quarter during the last two years, (hows fat the a mount of duties accrued during the nine fir'd months o the prelent, exceeds eleven millions three hundred thousand coil?rs : aid after uedufting threr millions five hundred thousand dollars, amourt ot dr. bentnres ifliied during the fame period, on account, o’ the tr-exportations of foreign Roods leaves f.>r thru three quarters, a balance ot more 1! r..ic-tcx: nv.i!’ cun, eight hundred thousand dollars uKy-ft to no other rie and lift ion than the ol collection : and Ironi the knowledge already obtained of the importations din ing the prelent quarter, as well s* from thr gradual diminution of re-exportations no doubt remains ih.m the belt revenue accruing during the whole year will exceed the eltimate. From present appearances the whole of the perma nent revenues of the United States may be reasonably computed at ten millions of do! im s— of which sum seven millions three hundred thousand dol lars are appropriated for the payment of the princi pal and interest f the public debt, and two millions leven hundred thousand dollars are applicable to the current e pences of government. According: to the estimates for the year I3o3,thefe exigences w ill exclusively of a sum of 180000 and ■wanted to cover the navy deficiencies ot the year 1801 and 1802. but including sundry permanent ap propriations which make no part of th* annual clti otafpx. amount to 2660000 dollars, to writ : For the ciul department and all da* meflic expetjees of a civil nature 680000 For expences attending the inter com le with foreign ration*, in •luding prize causes and B-rbry powers, 250000 j For the military and Indian depart ments, 830000 From the naval eftabiifhment, calcu lated on a fupuotution that fix fri gates P'all bn kept in cooiiant cm* ploymtm, • 900000 2660000 Neither the payments du* op aeceunt rs the con vention with Great Britain, and which will for three years amount annually to eight hundred a d eighty eight thoufaud dollars, nor the infiallirent and inte rests due on account of the Sooooo dollars loan oh’ Gained from the state of Meryland for the City of TVafliington, are included in that calculation ; as they nay be defrayed out of the following rcfources, which make no part of the permanent revenues, viz : Ist. The surplus of specie in the treasury which as the whole amount there will not. at the close of the present year, fall much Ihort of five million of dollars, ♦kr exceed the sum which it is prudent to keep. 2ndty. *1 he uncoilr&ed arrears of the dirc£fc tax estimated at four hundred thousand dollars. 1 And, Fire ouift:i.ung uocoiiettcd iMieruai duties, amounting to near 7 hundred ihou *nd doll if . The only embarrafment experienced during thr comde of 2 ast year, arufe from the difficult/ of procur ing the remittances nec. fTiry to meet the infialments ot the debts due in Holland. The impoffihility ot ob taining bills 0.1 that country, to ihe amount wanted by government, and the I T* which, on tiie account ot the rare of exchange, mull he incurred by remitting circuitoufiy thro’ England, induced the secretary of the trcafury to recommend, in a report to the commis sioners of the finking fund, (marked G) a recourse r> bank flock as tlie moll favorable mode of remitting. Os the five thousand (hares in the Itock of the bar.k of the United States, originally fublcribed by tlie U. states, 2730 (hares had been fold in the year 1796, by virtue of the aft, entiiled “an aft making provision ! for the payment ofeertaio debts of the Uoi'ec* states” and lor the purpose ot difeharging part of the debt due to the bank. The remain’ng 2‘220 (liares were no* under the fiime authority fold at 4> percent aclv.iiiie the 1 £87600 dollars which they produced, were in conformity to the provisions of the faicl aft, applied to wards difeharging an equil amount of that parr of rht rk-br which h-d become due to r+.ebank or dur ing the year 1796; and the pnreftifer of ti.ieflock fld at the fame time, to the treafurv an equal sum in bills on Holland at 4l cents per guilder ; the securing o’ which Urge amount at that rate was the inducemen’ on the part ol government 10 dispose of he bank Hock on those terms. As the dividend usu dly re ceived on the bank (lock fold and the annual ilitere-it payable on the debr due to the hank thus extinguifh cd, were nearly equal, the July half \earlv dividend’ on the do k was in fact the premium piid *or the pur pose of rHefting the re pittance ; and government has thereby been enabled to obtain, without railing ihe price of exchange, the whole amount wanted to meet the payments due in Holland, till the month of S p tember lßo^. Exclulivelv of. and in addition to the debt of 1287 600 dollars thus paid to rhe bank, out of the* pro ceed* cf thr Tales of hnrk (hates ; a sum ol eight millions three hundred and thir r v four thousand fe • VfMi hundred and fif'v seven dollais and eig ’ tv nin’ cf'nt s. has hern paid out of the treasury during tnt year ending on the 3oth day of Senremhr* lalt, o jccount of rfieprincipa! and iuteretl o ? the r>u >! cd *bt, and the payments in part of the principal ol tht debt, m*:le during tlie fhii:e period, have been as followcth : 111. Hie payments on account of the princinai and intered* f the do niffiicdehr, have been 4628105 39 From which deduflin*/ one years fil tered on the fare, 3470259 7 f ‘ Leaves a sum applied to the r i-nhnrCe ment of the principal of fix per ct. and deferred (b>ck of 1£57841 6 2d. Paid to foreign officers, as.d for the repi'!ered debt. 3 60 3 18 Zcl. P: incipa! ot loans fex clufively of the 1 2®7'>oo dollars paid out of the proceeds of Bank .Shares) 302 400 4th Evidences- of public debt pai l for land’, 17162 50 sni. The payments account of the principal end iniereif of the foreign debt have been, 3 10374 32 From which him debiting 1 gear’s in tereft and charges, equal to 462 731 And on account of b** diffi-rent rates a* which bills have been purchas ed and of sundry bills returned for non payment and now, in lut a sum of BJ2v°4 9-8 545015 98 i eaves applicable to the payment of the principal 2765858 3 1 4(52863 66 Amounting altogether to four mil 'ions one 1 u’dred fdty two thousand and lit hundred and sixty nine dollars & fixtv- fix cetrs. And if to that fnm fiiill be added the 1287000 dollars, psid ns account of the principal ar.d interefi due the bark, out of the proceeds f the sale of the bark fiia.e* the . _ 5440459 66 total a maun’ of deb* - ’d durlncr _ rj that he IVwnd to exceed five * millions four hundred and forty ‘houfaad • 1 1 * ‘Th.* balanrr of specie in t’ e treafu y which on the day or Oft-ffitr, !soi, amounted to 2,948 718 co’Urs and 7% > ents, making ad fference in favour of t.e tre.-.fury of 1,590.956 dollars and 84 cen s : which Lft (urn adhed <0 the ab *ve -mentioned payment of 4,1 52,869 dollars and 6& cents, made cur of the tre.ifiiry on account of the principal of the public deb*, makes an a£tual difference to the United Sta es, of moie than five millions, seven hundred and Ur v thousand u liars, during that year. The payment’ on account of the principal of the public de t, from the firft day of April 1 of to th - 30th of Sep ember, 18 ‘2, (exclufive'y of and in audition to thebank deb d-i (charged out of the pro ceeds of bank, lhares amounts 10 viz />olls. 5,330,886 44 On account of the domestic debs, 1,833,942 81 On account of foreign debt, 3,302,543 63 And in rt-paymentof temporary loajis, 702,400 5 339>*>86 44 And if to that sum (hall be added the eincreafe of (pecie in the treafirr, during the fame pe i'od, which (as tne amount on he fir It of April, iSqi, did not exceed 1,794,044 dis. and 85 cents,) amounts to The difference in favor the U. States, 8,085517 16 for ihofeeighteen months will be found equal to eight millions, eighty-five thousand five hundred and ;e* ventcen dollars and sixteen cents. Os the annual appropriation of 7,300,000 dollars for the principal and inlereft of tne public debt, near three million nine hundred thousand dollars w\U be wanted to pay the intcretf which falls due in the year 1803, and the residue amounting to three millions, four hundred thouland dollars may be considered as I the lum applicable,during that year tothe extingu'ih ment of • he principal of the pub/ic debt. From which it rcfults that to lo ng as the United | States (hill not be afflicted by any unforfeen and wbi/ft the pub/ic expenditures thiU be kept with in their prclem /units, there does r.c/ appear any ne cedity for encreasing the public revenues. A U which is moll re*pe£lfu/<y fubmittedby ALBERT GALLATIN, Secretary cf the Treasury. Treasury Department, Dec. 16,1802. 6 A V A M N A Jtl. Wednesday Evening, January ig, *Boj. * —iW i\ lore Tersecutton ! / The following we ext raft bom a Midd’etown, Gin ncft’ciit, paper. It seems the PbOPLK of Chatitam j had taken ii into tneir heads that democrats would lerve them as faithfully as federal fls ; and what was worle than all the relt, tht\ were fodeffitute of po liteness, they would have tjieir will. VVr do nor re member to have leen a more laughable production than poor Cato, who feeineth to have been one of the difoiified. From the Middlesex Gazette. Revolution ! ! r 0 the majority of the inhabitants lately ajjem* bleu in to'jun meeting in Chat ban. pit>iic is informed ot tiie late proceedings of j 1. vour to vn and lor meatures so extraordinary, all cand and men will expect tome fitis’aftory r^afou.- I'be chan e in vour town.officers has been very u n verlal. KOl Daniel Shepherd, elq.iire, town clerk a< and frenturer y>u nave lututiruied Yebn'on Penfi-M For v erh Overton elquire, and mU v Jona h m lir-w t David < Istrk, rtoit:ft Uflier a and smith, Sel> ft •nen who ire w:.i;l-d fre.m > rtic^- von have chosen mt ffrs. Eu ‘di a>i", Aoei Petri- 1 John Ptrks, \ a •haniel Markham aid [iVi Gomfl rk. E “rv bde ralift htslven d-grulc-T and the lately ele. tea perlons ire all den cr:,is -1 he ciufe ol fl is imuftal proree b'bp v r jrqueil tn v vecommii* rated. In 1 lie me <n time let it ‘r- re:n;rk ,- d and o-“iiy it. it \ou can ; ttir asnrle-nen pu nut of office are men of 131 n r s oi ;n eg"i?v and rei p'ftabidry. Y\ bar hive you • alledae ap tin it then’ f ire they less wife Ifs honeo or in 31, \ r fptft let--, and • iervi g ot trull than rfjeir luce flbrs ? You will not m Ve the afierrion. *n i-ie oe knie > 1 efi tire ‘‘hep ru and in rheo’her mr. 7ebuion Pi- fi; hi ; and ‘or ill the prope which (h m’d diHingnilh a P’l’dic officer lei m * . fi< a-d requetf vmi the anfwr s the latter v- : oh j ( -r -h in the forme* ‘ h,m not ivr. ! ‘b pheru n lis ofii e beer u’mfnalh anle at'd co> rest f no his \pm ience given him ali nef- for th* >ranf uftion of buhr-ls. that i*i va ; n mv be expefttd from the i:t /oerience of his fucc.efior Th- lam-* er.qtrrh s J would in k? of vou relative li the feleftmen Have yon appointed men wfiofe talents or experience can put item above t'ncfe whom voi h ve i'graded? you will not pretend it. Wi'l von call iu queilion the integrity of the tonne r se left men ? you cannot —you dare no r . What then has Ween the inducement for vour extri ordinarv proceeding? have vou been carrying in o xecutibn tiie tbre -t of oof your ‘mimber that i o tederalilf (hon'd hold an ofilce ? it f>, pray afii r n your reaf-n* ( *r ;his d“tennination ! Fur her explain the confifienev ot the clam ms jnide bv vour party agan!t he legifluture on the fipoofed D1 f'-*, fi a i of general vVil'cox irid one nr two m >rr. fur their m'irical o r in jiples v. irb vour t deg-adanon of eve v f'.de r.ddl in * our town who held an ofii e ? Perhaps your procedure his b-en matter of purf icc a- bt, of surprise ?o mofi of you and not tiie r-(nl of plan or com 1 i ation Hit be fS, it be called inspiration. Prav inform us >n r'vs fubjeft ? On tiie whole 1 forbear rent irks n r prefmt I wait for your defence, li it be n kmil the mi die wil’ do you jnfiice. Bur if?*- is founded in ur.iufi, o p*-e{fiv and i liberal principles, yoti will hear again irom CATO, NuilCE Mem ers of the Afyhirn ire rrq i’n e . to cone forward an - ;>iv their aniuid fuofi rip ion as the tiro* before no’ified i slmofl .x_ ired and few have availed themfeiv. sos it to. JANE rr T, a Minis sectn. January, t? LX UU AGE. Savannah, January 17, tScj. fTFHEREASon the 22 I dav of 1 )ecit • her, VV the share holders agreed to pa’ th- ry and >!l.irs anove the original fuLfcription on each i ”*• >"4 •vli. reas ten dol/ars ot the fame bath be'v o‘.0‘. 1 o *u- ; trufiees, which is expended, leaving the E v I'.mg in | iebtedup vards of three thousand five bituo. i-d doUirs ] or difeharging which, it is neceffiirv that -e “<• o r twenty dollars due on each (hare, be n w ;m n di • atelv called for. Beinlved therefore, tltat the fin**e ‘■'•r 5 * do ]>a\ the baianci? of t\ventv dollars on each (Firp. to th’ f crelary f ’liis board, on the firfl Febni srv next agreeably to t\ie above refduiion < f the (harc Holders and rhe ; r contract. lv.Lived that the share holders do rn< •rt t ?i r Ex change on the firll M ndav in March next to t ke a review of accounts and expendiur es, to vole more money according to an estimate exiiibitrd, and elt6f five truitees fiir ilie current ve^r, Rcfnlved. that cn she said firff Monday in March, three cellars and tlie thtve lower (tores of the Ex change fronting ti.r ri cr will be rented In the mean *ime the fecrerary will receive applications therefor lealed up. Extra?? from the minutes , * <* Thomas Pitt, secVy. Jannarv to. rPo*’- jrz ) GL.ORG lA. By Edward White clerk of the court of Ordinary for tbs county of Chat ham, in the state afore laid. WHEREAS l imotby Freeman hath made appl;ca tion for letters of adminiflration, on the ed-te and eiFects of William Pierson, larc of the citv of ?a vannah, Carpenter, drccafed : These are rh'refore t’ cite and admonilTl a’l and fingnlar the kindred and creditors of the deceafrd. to fi’e their ohjrcfions if any they have) in my office on or before the fi r *e**nth day of February otherwise letters of adminillra tion will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal in the eiry of sa vannah, rnis fifteenth day of January In the vear of our Lord eighteen hundred and three, and in the twenty fevemh year of American independence. Ed. White, (l. s.) Jannarv to. f ?iaw 4 A • - G. Schipper, Miniature painter , LATELY from the WefUndies, informs the public that he takes profile Vikenrfies in PaHel-Oajon which he neatly frames under glass nr the moderate price of eight dollars each—if he fame fhcu'd no .prove a likenels, no demand will be made. Sudi--a<* may be vdeafcd to honour him with employment, will be pleased to call at Mrs. Jenkins where fpeeimen&ot h.s work may be seen As G. Schipper cannot reroau’ longin this city from certain arrangements vhch he has made, he ropes thole who dtfire to engage hi will call soon. b * Jn. , I So}, (jjtfc 1 AT* r i q * yTi,,. rnCiiiHsS CO thr CV’i: C* JL Company, are herrhy orcicrcT to at ten i * r rht-T ujji( p.trad- groun lon Kri.Uv, 2><th inftanr, it 11 o’dtn k in the forenoon, ir ne-i and arcoutred agree..!) vto law, as in left o i vwlUike pheron th ir dav, for LieutcnauC (anu u,i)iign of f*id c<nn >anv. A D. A >rahan C 1 or. Tinoarv iS, tßon f; 7 ?r > ~ ~ NO i iCh AN eleAion wl! br hetJ on Fri iiy, gSth ffiftinr, ar the ufjil pirade orou id, of the Church Company ar eleven oYlo k, for Lieutenant and E 'i m of fit ! ro npi iv, Baithaf r S nfF r, f. P. John Glass, A iderman. Tinnarv 18,1807. (w V ) .. AT t CTTONT Vv ill be lo u on Satu’daVf 22 1 intUuc ac Gr ivas late AufVion Store, Sa.'es to co n mence at 10 o\ lock. A CONVENIENTfingIe Story biu r e, zvitb a back Piazza, Kitchen and Stable, * %cod fence round the Lot 80 by joo feet on a Lane $f (* yams, lately occupied fry Air. E, Lewis on Weft bread fir set. Also to clof/ Sales. 2 Negro m n 1 Argro jco nan, with be r f zv'> Cbil b'en> I do do with ,i j r t br. e do Soid to c'j e Sales LKKVVISK. A va.rie f y of l)r\ ‘• • and J arses Alger, Auftr. Jfff fy r 9 1803. I j ‘ i . . • vv, , . The Lrest.lea* ot P~e Jh ‘ed to the Alar shal of ’a* diftttP a r . rr.T',4 <re *ti <g. f H / a Idtei b *.th tins div b en V % exbib'ted in the : dn/l coi.rr, in an 1 for the ditiret. aurdid b•/ S i.-viel F rrv, mad r o f , an cia * *<r ners oi,: he brig a ft •**- ‘’.y” again it the pro'ends or i.tle of tht* pro perry which (*ts it is fiat) w is on the day r | anti:rv inil *n , taken fro non board r e ship “ A reric i,” abindoned on he high leas id. iFt and afloat in the 1 ititude 28. 41 north, m i !o;i; i u ‘e So. 12, weld, w.tho-ir anv/ per >'on or l.ving ere ;tu e on board, which fiij roperry w is brought into the p >r- of Savan -11:1 in thediitncl a oreft and. And b"ing so o ?nd as afore{ ud an I brought inro port as ab>/e (dated, the fil mailers and manners, and pray a decree to e ther the whole or a p irr, fay way of talva.e, of th * property a fort (aid, accor hug ro wh c fro n c rcuui'iaa ces Hial! appear an i pad. Now therefore vou th* lad mar dial arc hereoy co o.naiided to c te an ’ a lov > nib, and hefe rheref re to i.e an lad n t *; ITi rlie owners v r I ne owners an ! a i in 1 every o h r oeribc or peifias wh .tever, h > .a eor pre u-n.l to luiv. any i , rdr, intered, propvrry cl a? por tie n :nJ‘,.‘.vh 1 1 rvr -it, in,.to or pu )n the proper.v aforei id, ter r lev mav oe md a > ‘etr bet re the Ju of the fit 1 court -ir a difliicl court to be hel i in Sayan iah a fore- Lid on r e cweMv-fotirch dav of J irnra ‘v in lla r, o ihrvv caiiie if any ii ive, o ca , why th * p~:.ver of the l..iJ l.bel ihouid not be 7-anted. Wi r ’ fs the !?onorib!e Wlian Sr.*ph ns, f.J .!!• , G. L..C Ulvl fO ft 4t v >, / iHnuil, ‘H f '* G;;h-cf n r h I ‘ft in • : ir year of r.jf, i ’iv 1 i.u ol -V. 1 .ci ;Ir. <\ BAgv_ ; i \ ) t'rocfo> ft/’ toe >c Hants . tv TO. (; 7 ) i v j i inh. \ LL pei fi;ns indebted co the t flare of Job* j[ Miller (.pi infer) dece fed, are •'equefled ost ake payments by the lilt or i\ ,vml nexr, and thole having demands againfl Gid ellare, re :cfired to render in their accounts proper ly aueitfd, to the aUninidrators i nmcdiarelv, in to make arrangements for a fertle ir.ent of laid diate by the fir ft of Apr.i ensuing. F. S. Miller , y. B,” LiiOi/jtis, Adnirs • T j n ig 1803. (m r l) I he iujlcfiloer- INFORMS bis f> tends in general an l the Citizens of >ava .nah, that he has rptned a hiufe of Lnt attainment on that pi enfant fit wilier, belonging to Airs jibn AS ore on White Bf'ff road, witl m one and an half cf Savannah j‘ on whom they may ></v, that tbg jlriSl°st atten tion will be tbferved to five general fati*. faction , William Finder Januars in, ’BO3. ~ ts t o ue bold SIX Thou and kufhels coarse fait. Seventy crates crocket y well a [for ted for Country Stores , Tbe fait will be fold iery low, if taken tut cf the veffily tbe a&oveis toe cargo of tbe >hip Lord Duncan, now laying at Putman's wharf, AI.SO. on band four Ruffta Cables, jf the JiJl quality , hay toil and ix Inches will bej eld for twelve dollars fr cut if fold join apply to Thomas 6? William .Smith. January 19, iSoj. if