Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, January 26, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. 36c dollars a Year, Half m Advance* GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Yclume I. No. 3.5. UEAD-QUARTERs, Louisville, Dec. 3, jSo2. , General orders, The adjutant general will sgaT.proceed to the annual convention of the field officers of the refpe&ivc regiments and battalions to gether with the brigade infpedkors of the bri~ gadc they refpedtively belong to, at such times and such places as may be luqffi con venient lor all the field office! sos such bi 1 in order to lnflrudb mem in cue dii cipline preferibed by congress, and in order the evolutions preferibed by law, may be pra&ifed. The Brigadier general will order a com- Light Infantry, or Fufileers, to attend each refpettive brigade convention ofofficers —provided and ccjuippcd as tne i*w curedls, juch corps to be. * In inilances however, where mamfdt in-1 convenkncies will arde in convening me j field officers in each brigade, and when tiom j various caules, the object of iuch conventions cannot be fully answered. . The brigadier ge neral of each brigade will in ucu thereof, adopt such mode as he may deem ho-, cal culated for cfFeduaily infiruciing the field of ficers In the defciplinc prescribed : which end the commander in chief is imprefTed with a belief can be belt effected in brigades where it may be found inconvenient to convene the field officers, by ordering the he and 01ficer, er officer o , in each regimental or battalion di ll rid, to attend the adjutant general, when the regimental or battalion officers ae con vened for the purpose of being in the difeipline and evolutions. He will also concert with the fcveral bri gade infpc&ors on the mod pi oper time foi convening the refpedlive regimental and bat talion officers with the adjutants and fir ft ser geant thereof, for the purpose of inflructing them in the said difeipline : And as it is 01 the highdl consequence that the privates fhouldbe particularly taught the duty requir ed of them in the field : the commanding of ficers of thereipe&iv regiments arc called on to act in concert with the adjutant ge neral ard brigade inspectors by ordering regi mental and battalion mutters, at such time as they may be notified by the adjutant ge neral that he will attend them for that pur pole. JONAS FAUCHE, Adj. ‘Gen. B> order of the Commander in chief . % BRIGADE ORDERS, Jan. 1, 1803. The officers commanding regiments and battalions within the firii; brigade fin! div ad on, will have the fame paraded by eleven c ciock in the forenoon on the day reipefbve ly appointed for each, armed and equipped :S the law’ directs, in order to be inlpected by the adjutant general. Effingham county, bataiion on Monday; 28th February next. Chatham county regiment on Thursday i third of March. Bryan county battalion on Saturday, sth March. Liberty county battalion on Monday 7th March. % MTntclh county battalion on WednefJay sth March. Glynn county battalion, on Friday nth March. Camden county battalion, on Wcdnefday i6rh March. The officers will attend in complete uni form, and with their commissions, and the officers commanding companies are required to furnifh the adjutant general on the day of parade with returns of the fame, ipecifying the number of commissioned, and non commis sioned officers, and privates j and arms, ac coutrements, &c. The field and company officers of the Chatham regiment, with the adjutant, and as anany nowcommiflioned officers as the com manding officer of the regiment, may deem, jjeceffiary, to conttitute a fufficient number to perform the requisite evolutions, wiil con i *venc on Wedntfday the 2d day of March jiex r , at such places he may point out ; pro vided with each a fufee, or musket, and the Tcquifite accoutrements: At which time and place, the adjurant general and brigade in at-teed for tkc purpose of inttrik*- ing them in thedifeipline precrihed by law. The other counties within the brigade hav ing only battalions; the adjutant general will be enabled to execute the duties required in one day, and consequently,after the infpedlion is compiei ! in thole counties; the brigade in fpedtor will agreeably to Law, form into a company, in front of the battalion ; all rhe captains and subalterns, and the adjutant thereof, taking in also, if he thinks proper, the non-commissioned officers of each company, anci as many privates as may be necefiary to constitute a fufficient number; and proceed to inttrud! them in the ant. such evolutions us the adjutant general may direct. The brigade infpcclor, Major Lyon, will take the necefifiry steps to carry this order in to efieT, and wdi report such officers as may * r V be in default : by ojdcr of Brigadier-general TATT:*-AL, J. E. HOUS I OUN, Aid de Camp. Cl Wants Employment, \ crnzE .N, vv ho is well acquainted La. with bu fine Is, would accept of a fuper car;--ocs birth to the Weft-Indies 5 or would attend to a few lett of merchants, or traders mens books: the colledlion of debts, or would write a few hours in the day in a pub be office. He is well acquainted w.ih the town, be ing a native thereof:—For further particulars enquire at the Office of the GeorgiaP.epubli can, or address a line to A. G. which will be duly attended to. November 20,1802. (3^) VL K Cf AN 1’ F(JRNII : V RE FOR S ALE, JUST landed from ou boa .and the (hip Comet, Cant J Stevenson, from Baltimore. y quantity o t ex cellent M ’chore an y Fur rat lire . Os the latefl: fafhions, confuting of Secrtarys R !ook- CafcF, Side Boards, Circular and straight front Be rcaus. fall Desk'', Circular ano fain coiner C >rcl 1 a, hies, Oval Pembroke do. Normarthberland dining dot circular and Hi sight Eaton (fan dr, Candle (lands, kc. —ALSO, — - A few fancy Chairs* The citizens ofSavannah are particularly requested to view the above furniture, as it is of a (uperior quffity, and will be (kid low for cash or produce. Any per son vvifliing to purchase bed (leads, or any article in the above line, can be fupphed in a few weeks by Edward Pried Icy, at Jchnfon k Robertfoiij&cd’s. old Comptir.g.houfe. December 4, __ __ C J wenty Dollars Howard. TANARUS) UNAWAY from the fubferiber, living in ‘Washington county, a NEGRO MAN, named Messer, about 27 or 28 years old. about *; feet 11 inches high, knock-kneed a bufhv head and a fear on his throa r , had on when he went away, a pair blue broad cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with him a white broad cloth coat. A reward of twenty dollars will be given if confined so that i get him. F. Boykin* December 8, rBo2. The Aubfbriber. INFORMS his friends in general and the Citizens of Savannah, that he has opened a btufe of Ent attainment on that pleafantfit nation, belonging to Mrs John Moore on White Bluff road , within one and an half mile of Savannah ; cn whom they may rely , that the flrildest atten tion will be cbferved to give general fatisfaction. William Pinder January 10, iSoy. ts G. Acnipper, Miniature painter , LATELY from the Weft-Indies, informs the publ'c that he take* profile likcnekes in Pastel Crayon, which he neatly frames under glals at the moderate price ot eight do'ilais each—if the fame fiiould no 1 - prove a likenels, no demand will be made. Such ?* may be pleated to honour him with employment, wiil be plea fed to call at Mrs. Jenkins, where specimens of his work may be seen. As G. Sc'nipper cannot remain lon?dci this city from certain arrangements which he made, he hopes thole who desire to engage him will call soon. Jn. *. 180;. N O F i C L. ALL persons ro whom the efface o c Francis Level t, efquirr, lace of Julian 1 ton, is “indebted, are requested to furniffi thei accounts, or statement of their demands, duly attested, and those indebted to the estate, are expected to make immmediate payment, to William Stephens, Matthew Johnston, James Johnstonjun. Executors. December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about 2000 acres prime cotron land, on or about Sapelo— Apply as above. SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON fc? MORSE. JAi\UAR.Y 26, 1803* CUSTOM-HOUSE , District of Savannah. ANY person willing to engage, to weigh and keep in their stations, and in re pair, the Buoys that are, or may be provided, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing ro /liofcri ber, at what rate annum he will per form the icrvice. TWO. JOHNSON, Col left or. 17 * 23\vt. ATTENTION. members composing the Church X Company, are hereby ordered to attend >’ rheir uiuai parade ground on Fridav, 2-th infiant, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, armed and accoutred agreeably to law, as an t lecßion ... - wiil take place on that day, for Lieutenant and Eniign of said company. A. D. Abrahams, Capt. January iS, 1803. ( >3 3 r o iN* iui<. Members of the Female Afylumare requested to come lorward and piv tiieir aninnl fubilrip tion as the tirne before notified is alnioll expired and few have availed themselves of it to. J *\NE SMITH, A iectry. January, 19 iSoj. FOR SALE, A stout likely Negro Wench. ■O HE is a rood Cock. Wafer and Ironer : and •3 an excellent House-servant. She is offered for file , net for any fault ; r but merely for the want of money . Enquire of the printers hereof. January s tb , 1803. (‘ 2 9 ! f ) Notice is Hereby Given , THAT all Badges heretofore granted are expired, and the Badges for the year 1 803, are now ready (or delivery at my office, on producing a receipt from the city Treafurei for the requisite hums of money being for the fame. January 4, ISO3 Thorn as Pitt, C. C. Ext raft from an ordinance “ for the regu lating, the hires of Drays, Carts and Waggons as also the hire of Ixegro ana other [laves, and for the better ordering free Negroes, Midattces, or Mufiizces , within the city of Savannahs’ That for obtaining a badge as aforefaieffithe several Turns following (ball be rcfpedivdy paid into the City Freafurs, viz: F'or any (lave to exercile the trade of a Cabinet Maker, Houfc and Ship Carpenter Fainter, Caulker, Bricklayer, Blackfmich, Taylor, Barber, or Butcher, for hire the sum ofeight dollars. For all other (lives being mechanics, or Handicraft Tradesmen, on hire, as also for Pilots, Fiffiermen, Boatmen and Grass Cutters the sum of four dollars. For a vender of finall wares the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents. For any (lave being a Porter, or other daily i borer foi hire,tne sum of one dollar and fifty cents. BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS a commission of bankruptcy is awarded id iffuedforthagainjt Richard Wayne, junior, and Benjamin Sims, trading under the firm cf Wayne &c Sims, late of sa vannah, but now cf Augusta, Merchants, and they bein 1 ? declared bankrupt art fiver ally requi red to fur render them! elves to the commijjioners in the find commission named, or the major part there of on the 10 th and 20 tb days of January, aud cn the 2 d day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each day, at Apton'sTavern, in the city of Augusta, and make a full difeovery and dis closure of their [aid estate and efife Sis, when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the Jecondfitting to chuje as figness, and at the lajl fitting the said bankrupts are required to finijh their examinariou, and the creditors are to ajjent to or difjent from the allow \ of their certificate. All persons indebted to said bankrupts , or either cf them, or that have any of their or either of their crfeSls are net to pay or deliver the fame, but to give notice , t S. JONES, solicitor . December 24, 1802. Wanted to hi^e, FOR the enfining year , 3 4 Field- Slaves : For which a liberal price will be given, and half paid in advance if required—Enquire at this office. ’January 8, 1803. fgo ts.) Twelve and a Half Cents Single For Liverpool, THE SHIP UNION, \ British bottom ; Capt Da’ -OL ™ cj Fergufion will fail ibon> having the chief of her cargo en gaged : for remainder of freight or palfiage; having excellent accommodations, apply to the Mi on tmod n G* lleron Who have received, BY S Ar D VESSEL, AND FOR SALF A quantity < * r giuand laic, a few chaldron of coals, a few packages of merchandize : laiigli/h pot 1 roes, in barrels ; and fifty crates of QUEEN’S WARE. _Jannary 8, 180;. 2 aw-jw. FOR NEW-POR I , ‘ The Sloop Sally, bi 1 ENDED as a confHnt tra during the winter from this port to the southern ports of this ft ate —fhc has good accommodations for freight or pa (Ten ers. T;.e fi nailed favor will be thankfully received. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or of Isaac N. Meskrve, mailer, cn Board. October 23, 1802. 1O A FR EIGh 1 6 R 67/ /R 7 ER. 1 /rF, Tie schooner* Ai BI R V. row lyinp . jfddpi v -f - - . r . - O IFfEdf ;7.M > Pi > r ay >:e s wcarf, wav all her lac r-Etr .dLeT * k/e &c.—Fur then about 80 ton For further particulars, enquire of Thomas In ,j 1 t.i l6 , .tCiir ± t.sJiiiChb s . January 12. (31 ts. GEORGIA. By Edward IF bite clerk cf the court of Ordinary for the county cf Chat ham, in the fiate ajurepid. Y]K7HEi\EAS> . imoti.v Frc man hath applica- V > lion for letters oi adminillration. on tiie- tllatc and eirVßs ot Willi-ni Pierlbn, late c f the cito: ja vannah, Carpenter, decciTed : I befe are therefore to cite and adtnonifti all a >d {insular the kindred and ci editors oi the deceased, to file their cbj u 6 ions if any they have) in my office on or before the fiueentli day of February next, other wile leite.s cf adjjdidftra tion will be granted him. Given voider mv hand and fen] in the city of sa vannah, this fiueeir.h day oi January in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ti ree, and ir. ih twenty fevenfn year oi’ American ihe Tiidcnce. Ed. Wiiire, (l. s.) January i 9 . r ff. iSV NOTICE 4l In t election will be hciu on Friday, 2 3th jfjL instant, at the usual parade ground, of (Le Church Company at eleven o’clock, for Lieutenant and F.nfign of fitid co r.nmy. Raithafer Shuffier, j. P. John Glass, Alderman. January tS, 1803. (33 3 f -) Savannah bhoe Store. Received pr Sloop Reloiution item Lofton 25 iru ks of shoes which will be fold a 1 their ujual low prices. i he following articles. V 1 Z. 27 Barrels mackarel, ditto Salmon, 21 firken-s firfi quality butter, 14 barrels Apples >5 do. Crambcries. ICO buffieis of Irilh Potatoes. Graces in iars, Ra Tins inboxes, kegs Salmon, a quantity of Hinghams ware All of which wili be fold low if taken front on board the Sloop laying at Starks wharf. G. TUFTS. &Cos. Jannuary q 1803. THE SUB SC RIB ER, Offers his Jcrvices to his’ friends .and the public, in the Factorage, Vendue, and COMMISSION BUSINESS. As he means to confine himfelf ftribily to the abv business, he flatters himfelf he jhall be able to give atisfaction to those who may employ him . JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce Row. Nev. 3. ~~ IOR SALE. A LOT with the improvements thereon, cop fif ing of a very convenient Dwelling-H >ufe with five rooms ; a kitchen, (fable, anand (mall building, with two rooms, suitable for an and lodging-room. the city :—lmmediate pofleilion wil: begiven. For >erms app/y to JOSEPH ARNOLD. January H, 2 awtf