Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, January 29, 1803, Image 3

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t'ircn. cnl O.i.twiJJ bitfs ns-* ‘ Ycft, that w<? win/’ returned tiie ah’eoled psalanft, 4 w; will divide this corn anion ; the poor, aad tell them that ’tis you the-v mod thank for the benefit; and *t the fame time hid them join Us and cor children in prayers to God for you.’—?>il r. raffed his tearful eyes towards heaven, but his feelings no pen can portray. At another “time, fourteen cottages being burnt down in a neighbouring t illage, stlen Cent each oi the fufterer* two rubles and a feythe. Soon after, a whole village was burnt down, and tbe poor inhabitants, who had nearly loft their all took refuge with their worthy Shin ; V*tit his former benefits had dilhbled him from pftvingtiirm aftiftance equal He was without monev. < Yet’ fnH Ite, • there is a herfe, which at prtfftnc i ffu not much want, ‘l übe i r . and fell ir.* For two fen ale (laves, whom he hr-d bought in , the name of his landlord, he procured fteedom, kept them as his own daughters, and afterwards gave them good portion''. If thou yet tarriest upon earth,* thrni pbilanthro phi ft, FI or Silin, if the 1 haft net departed fora et ter country, and one more yvoi**by <f where the hand of the Almighty will raise rltte far above many kings and princes, thou art certainly i!;i! doing good ro thy fellow creatures, and gaining a higher place in heaven. If ever l rerun*, to that covntrv of which tli ?u art the heft ornament, with reverence ft.all ! ap proach ?hv cottage ana in thy per foil pay botnar- to humanity and virtue ; but if thour.rt no longermey ilience, 1 will vilir ?hy grave, and water it with my tears A fir one shall cover thv vault, ard I vviil en grave ou it wiih my ow n bands : ‘ Here rest in peace the remains o ( a noble man.’’ *He is fill) living and one of my friends rr*d to him tiiis narration. ihe worthy old man. v/rh tears exclaimed: ‘No lam unworthy of so inueii ptaife. Indeed i do not deserve ir.’’ Notf bv i he Author. CONGRESS of the UNITED STATES. p House of Representatives. Monday, January to, i So;. Mr. VTI Nels prefer.ted a rcprclervadon f.oii; Samuel Biodget on the fubjedl of aNationd Umve fny. Referred to a fele£t committee. Ayes, 42, Noes 27. Mr. Randolph, from the committee of way? and means made a favorable report on ‘he petition cf Hugh Alexander, aid o’iieis. Referred to a commi ice of the whole to-morrow. Mr. Thom plan presented a pefti'ou from mnury inhabitants of Fa-quier county, Virginia, praying for the eftablifhmcnt ofa new put ofii :e. Mr. Hill moved that a committee he apprvmed to enquire into the cxnediency of extingu ihng the claims of the United States on certain bihuves re ported to be cue by certain flares, with power tc report by bill or otherwise. Ordered to lie on the funic. Mr. Mitchill moved that the ro-nminee o r Com merce and Manufactures be inffrufit*.! to enquire in to the expediency of eilablifhing a port of entry at or the mouth ufßlack river, New-York. Carried. A bill was rece’ved from the 5e late, and re iff pro viding for die eredl on of monuments o GeiK.-rub Wobiter, Hark’.mer; Davidson, and iSkriven, w.nJ-.r refotutions of the old Cos: grefs. Referred to the commi tee appointed cn a rTolu - tion for eredting a monument to General Harkimer. Mr. Euftis moved the following resolution. Resolved, that a monument be eredled to the me mory of General Jffeph Warner, slain on Bu iketft Hill, and that the fun of be appro priated therefor. Referred to above committee* Mr. Gregg offered a refoluticn i'-ft'nfling the committee of revifal and unnniilied hufiuels to en quire imo the amount for which tne wh *le property of the mint, including the ground and buddings, would fell i and the probable expence of more fufta ble building?, and of the machinery neerflary for con ducing the operations on the p incipie of ite vn. j Carried. Mr. Dawson mnY:d the foil awing refalu'ion. Resolved, that a monum *nt he c.efffted to tne mo morv of General Hugh Mercs*-, who was slain at Princeton, on the $d day of January 1777, and tu; the fun of dollars be appropria - ed to that purp^fe. Referred to tne com n;?te appointed on the erecti on of mnumen s. On motion of Mr. Ni hnlfm, flic hbufe went into a committee of th- whole, Mr. Varuum jn he cna on the report of a fclect comumtee on the peritio of Thomas Hertv. When a refill ur on was carried, dlredfting thecletk to purchase for the uie of the houlb 1 2 copies of the digest of laws. Mr. Hill moved a refutation, for the ereffion of a monument to the •trnory of Genera! Francis Nuihj slain in the battle of Germantown. Mr. Gregg moved a resolution for the crefKon or St in? cement to the metaory of Gencial Richard Butler. Mr. Mitchill nrwed tie erection of a monument to the memory of General Nathaniel Wondnull. Mr. Van Cortlandt moved the erection of a mo nument to the memory of the three individuals who intercepted major Andre. The above four motions were referred to t v e committee appointed on the foregoing itated bill from the fen are. Mr. S. Smith from the committee of commerce and manufacture*, made a report on that pa £ of the President’s rr.elluge that re’utes to die t. run. & countervailing dune?, and the act of tie B .t .h 1 ai* liament thereon, which was referred to a commi tee of the whole on Friday next. Tuesday, January 11. A message was received from tne President, en c/osing a report from the director of the mint. Thecommitte ofclec'ions reported a refata ion to this effect; that John P VanNefs, having seeped the office of Major of Militia within the D lirict of Columbia,had lorfeited his right to a feat in the houle. Referred to a committee of the whole on Monday next. Mr. Nicholson reported anew bill from t e com mittee to whom was recommitted a bill tor t s e celie of insolvent debtors within the District of Cos umhia Committed lo a committee of the whole on Thursday. REPORT Os the Committee appointed on the olr. to v/tK5:n was referred lo much of the mei fage of the Prefidenr of the United States, as rHares ‘o our Navy Yards, and the building of Docks, Tbe Committee to whom was referred so much of tbe President's Me fa ye os relates to our jV ;vy Yards and the build ray cf Docks , re port two resolutions , providing for tbe faft keeping of timber, frigates cud ether public p “ ope■ tv. 1 Resolved, That forfecurina: from waffc an f joss, the timber and other public proper ty on tiie different navy yard?, and towards improving the fame for the greater c!ifpatch of bulineis, the Secretary of tbe ravy, under ‘be direction cf the President of the United Stares, Hi .11 cause the rtqeifre buildings end Ihtdi to be erected, and odier needful repairs mil impiovenjentb to be made ; anvl that ior accompiifhing tbm fame. dollar:, are hereby appropri r f rd, to be paid out cf any monies in the treasury riot otherwde appropriated. 11. Resolved, that for preventing rotten nefs and decay in the fliips oc the n-.vy, iht Prefi lent of the United States be, and htr - !by is ainhonlc .1, u; caiife a dry < otk, v it!: convenient canals, locks, machinery, an water cou-fcs to be con(troiled, a: or near j die ouhlic navy yard in the city of \V linn/- 1 ion ; which dock fhail be capab'e of contain- i in'? twciyc frigates, or ibips or war, .ind cb ore bavin c 1 ncm cry and la'eiy flieitered tiom 1 unfl;i;;c and rain: and that ior cair ving rdc lame into Us 6t clcil rs hr. land the fa.v.e hereby are appropriate-!, to he paid out ol a -v in me trealury not oc. 1 c r w 11 eu• .qm o ; r:ate d. New- forte, January 5. In n farmer paper wc iiuneoned me ct' c governor tlaiboru, of t ie Vtifiiftlpni *m?orv, bnving vvritten ro tlie governor ot bon li.macn tlie fnHj-c) of rhe laic ui.j.iftitiablv p“ocre ! ing a ‘ r -L)rlc;-.n'> v\ r e l.*arn, lii.u rbe receipt of hit bfer eveurd uuicb alarm rmi.wg his mod catholic iriajfftv’s lu >j 6ls hi - that isiwiiaie me bares w-re r.-ken to tbnity -h to-.vrr. From the charnel tnruu-ah svlnch ibis tr.for nation arrives, we think ’>* ma. he ■. i r! on rique v wiii mill ally fupg'-ft if If. w>• tber *bef mecaueion.iry p eparations na e originated exclmive* ly m of al.iriii. t lie Iv. is no choice ot r’prt C rra ivr in the North Well District m Vermont C>l Udney l ay, frpab itcan. I*, -s rhe g-eateft iunvif* of vore?. i ht votes in A in iham Iftii’nii w-re abou‘ i *co -or iloiris and i 500 fi>r ail orhrrs. If rherc* rvu -he a r • 1 r rri x\ ir npM) K .thle rlnr | *nu.s hll’or eft]. ren->!> :ic.n, and jrpneral b r * M *rric federal, v. ‘I ;iu > :!> ci idi i uts. Iv.r. rlliot has neai ly all the liCan v’• >• e^. it ts fiit! tint WiMiain Chamberlin is ebeaf; i:; the North-bast tbftrirt. January 6. W c learn from n rcipeci bio q nrtrV, tb?t there in letter in rn vn from our tni.'iller at Pm*, as !atr he ntid.d * <>. November, (tating; tha* the French ha%< given *l. > die idea ot taking poll Hi on of Louisiana lor ills’ prclent. Caps. Hobz-if the fillp Friend h*p arrive ! Inre b*ft evening tro.n ifantimriX iiifomis us that on t'*e 5 : and o’ Nove.n ur in the F.ngtifh (harm 1, ho *0 k* a ft. e<lio )4 gii Irigste irom Harcdon \ bound ’oS'n, >ror who‘n he learnt that an -\uiericKn f*lg’tr& had J a'e’;v ftiion in wuh anti caoturei! a rrinoliian tvtvyste i*r r’ e Medtiei rrn* ;*n. The Swed’dh c-.ptain • ive,l ’ln* intelligence from the ‘c ipr /m t the A out ;can Jrigate. From a Portsmouth paper. To attempt to drtc r'ifte the • ‘.d* '*.. -a rft* wulow tiie bit nerteli, the orphan, the old ano v-sin-est hie arey reub-.i o■% n r and occup nt ; the young enterp ifi ftsi nrrc‘*r. :t a”d trailer and the nnor vet'Ant? of the -liar.;. s an 1 hack buddings, lar.?u:ig£‘ i> tnltill.cirwt ; aur ive can only drop a teas* over toms, ad pra v hca-cn *0 q>en the hrerrs t*r th-- rich to diftr'ls-i'e of th ir al.un dunce unto them, and ie r them in mt-’d ihit .< wti.jf) hath this \vo ■ !’■> floods au ‘ !**?th his bro**'er have need nnd ih'ii r r'h tin -is bo* - e l * ot c ns'.r.’.lion :rent hi n Ivwv dwelie u the ove ot G and in mm cel it be recordt and to t!*e bonot ot a errat number o rii t ;; s. that after being, kr nr out o v ’non ft* nd honif, nftead cd iT'Aog from *l.e fi-e in despair. they imme ji itelv pin and thensfelves to rfte company and lane* nf it? harhet iftx and fb:and hand and water until they acre 00 the p tint of tainting !—dying ! \t a of th° fel;<ftmen of ih o t o , vn oT For-f moatii tire 23'hdav of December iCb 2, Vo:ed that ‘?obn (.anod n, Darnel rnj-np i’ f’ ft Nt rbaniol Adams james 3rd ; :> ;n Goilard clqr * ae a committee t;> receive ary and naion which the cbaritible may he ditooGd to'make to thole wdio fu rod by the late di-treirrijs tire which ha* doftr sv and so great a put ofthitt, e rr.*v ivjiv peiftny have loft their m—And the f'irm commi*re* a*e r q.jefted to and ftribute tiie fame in bmh m inner as the. ruink prop -r, and return an accouir 01 ihc.r proceca logs to the bl-ftmen. G"o’ ge Gs’n*. ]NI ‘lft Woo J ward, | Sa-nuel \ ele^l*nen. Uiph Hall ° I Edward Cn-is, J The committee above ram and heo; leave to infirm the public they are reads to iece*ve donation rom tiie humane and b‘-nevo 1 * > nt. for the r/le* o‘ tie iufterer*, among whom a-e iranv wdo v* and rtrpbr.ns vs lio have loft their I'.ou 1 ’ , which in f v -rd indaners nearlv their v bole p’*nr'’ r tv. Al! don?.*ior.’ ot the compiflionate will he grate'ukr rcre vdnnd t ailll - tullv appropriated agreeably *n tbe benevolent ii r en tion of ‘be donors A rfror 4 w*l be kept oi receip.? and diftrihutions or>en to i.dpection. : he printers of newfpaners are reqnefted to inferc tr.e loreg;oinoin aid of the caafc ot humanity. RAI HIGH, J n. 17. Cspr. Anthony, late.y atnved rtWTning ton, from Giudaioope, lla?es, that tht*in ! ur ments in that island have been entirely fu idu led, and that tranquility is re Ho red : but the means used io efied this purpose, have been Tulv (hocking—nearly ail the coloured peo ple ("wholately eonftituted a large majority of the inhabitants) have be n either dcrßrov ed or trunfperted. Every TeHel lying in the harbour was compelled to take fome of thef'e people on board Caps. A. h.:d fix put in his vefTc], which if he did not chufe to carry awav, he had leave ro throvv overboard ! We hear from Washington City, that Co lonel Hoonies will commence the mail-stages r rom Petersburg, through this city to the southward bvthe 20th of next nronth. The North-Car !ina mail (fays the Nor folk Heraid of the 3th in(t.) which left here vefterdav, was found pitUged, this morning, in a garden at the end of Church-ltreet. AUGUsfCfar;,, )Fo3. The Prefidenc and the I'ruftces cf the Richmond Acaderry, in this cirv, vifued-the .nthitution tiiis day, when the fradents went hrough theulual exerciies, andtlicir perlorin ance gave general latisfa^tion. Ihe citizens of the county and the com miiniry at lar.-r, are now informed tltat, al- the Ac. de nv was not opened until ihe beginning of November latV, tlie num ber of lluderrs is at prefenc between 50 and fto *, and tha: the building is fuihciendy fi ‘'.'fried tor lire accommodation of at icaft I here are two approved Teachers, one of the dead iungu tges and the nuthem ttics, the { other of the Eng :in and Geography *, and a> Noon as the number requires it, a i eel or will ; be appointed, P.wenrs and guardians are also informed, th t preparations are made in the Academy oi bo and lodging, which is f ?prri.i ie ka*o O’ tne teach-, rs; and dittany fluient who wi ncs ir, may be accommodated in both rei p*.ccs he boarding will be regulated by •-he r< r cteii e conomy ; reppul .r accounts wdl e ke t, and no pet ton sid recti ve ai.y emo jlumenc ii m ir, and from the calculation jmade, iris pud a,ire i the expence will no: ex rrto iixty dollars per annum tu* the Undent * v,ii;< li v. tli be required quarterly in advance. Ine iituanoii oi he be 10a ouen, tne room 1 paeons and a ry, ar.d thecicy hav •ng proved re ..aikabfy healthy, there is evc <-y profpcCt i.nt the inibtution wiii Ouriili, N> iiiuj Uni ot warning 0:1 the pai.tof the ? n.a ti ana I caeiKTs to iecc.c us future rnilj mty j and paren sand mans may jiah iy gkm* Cimuica and ‘wards in tills -.3 v. I*ii 4 Ai4 J By order. In IVALi\ ti\. UL Application having been made b\ iome periuiib refinen: in tire vicinity of the ci by, to nave their children ( who are undents t the Aca ‘eon) provided wuh dimer oniv —Ecii are r.o.v informed, that tney will be accommo.iated, on paying hdf the dividend of regular toaderj. A V A N IN A ii. Sat a ; day - Ever, big , January 29, idog. Y* T ki"n ’Veftncfd y and Sat-day ware fcEcfted t• e tia-s b j übtiratici■.■ of this piper, w were vne e • h-’ttie confide ration that any oilier arrange ■it 1: wr*;i! ! intt vfere with one of the papers alread% Johnftor huvirg g-vei; up ihe pubßca. fifia of the Gazette, we are p st-vest from the cirrom* ! ce wft*ch preve-.trti oar falcdh.ig. at find, Monday ard rhnri lay o-> rS mornsap? o, wh’ch <lavs our ...jvr “.'lb j; fu'*:rc appear. 1♦ */ this arraugement. e lhaM be en tilled to fura'sHi oj| coumrv loblcribcn ’ tth papers nunh earlier after tlfeir p *hiication titan on Id te <ir>, ; e :ii the other con *■!.'. We iruir our patrons will omvove the ak ration. ‘l i e r.-* x tvtnUc.uioa of tic paper v-ftli be cn Vhuriday i:,orn;n * J 3’ appesred iu est.- Philadelphia GTzet’e a few* *v n n:[ since an nr i ■!<; p jroo*'t?oj. to be ioforiTution i'eceNed (Vo r n N t.Jrl-ans, ri w;i*ch ir was pa ed ‘iia* he c! ‘thing t>-?loori f r o the U i r ed ‘'tares fiiipoed for ,h- ulft of ‘u rifons on thsMiinTip.{)i, had hern iiop’ hn'.e in our poftftftT)n a letter dated Wrw (irlf tu*. Dec. 3d I -v'.iirh -r; e tlie preten red istronnsrinn ‘pur- mp<—the let ris f on the public agent who {ft fi-cinl dutv i- io attend to that branch off rvice— and : Gres ?h.-t che clothing tic. * tlie p r operry o’ t!*e E*' r ed ta n according to advice nf 23d Au.uft c .’ii - fate to ‘land and were forwarded ro their re faert'vc ccninations, with ail pofiihle expedition.” r hc letter of the aaenr is accompanied by ** v >ich?rs ,f the annum* o's ‘o fort Adams and the Natchez’* and other details. YYe leave ir to thole •aho ruViifli fnch forreries to fljr-w ihat they are not deceived iheaifeUes —and wilful deceivers. Aurora, We m ainland that the Prefidenc of the United Stares vefterday nominated to the Se nate, James Monroe, as Mmilter Extraor dinary a-.d Pitaipoiciitiary to the Firfl Con f.i! of Fiance, and to the court of Madrid, in aiToriation with our Mmifters to France and Spain, relative co the free navigation of the Mi fti Hip pi. -"■■— Nat. Intel. On the 29 h idr. the Federal Circuit com. Tkcnced its rerm iri Rdeigh. Chief Jufticc Murihali and Judge Potter were prefenc rhe chief JufFce delivered to ti:e Grand j-- ryaconciic and appropriate charge, fully explaining their duty, without the Icait po litical in ermixture Mr. William Henry Haywood, cf Ra ieigh, is appointed clerk tne C’.rcui coart; - his diftnft. North Carcllnci \lef..:gcr. m council. ~ Savannah 2) 1803. | RE.soT.yF.n, That notice he given in ttie Gaz # tf*s el j the cits t mat an ehiftion will be held at n ie Fitai rc ’ on Fiidiv the 4th day of February next for an \uhr- , man to re pro lent levn'l Is ward in the room ot Gem e 1 (ones eljjitire, rdinneo : and that William l amb, R'chard M. Stites and Jaroh F ihm be appointed uiaa agets to fuper.urend the laid eleflim . Extract from the Minutes , Thomas Pitt, c. c. AN ACT, To authorize the inhabitants of certain wards that now are or may be laid cf)’ in bavauts.;?, to vote Aldermen. WHEREAS certain wards are !a : d iff fioo: tr.e common?, appur enant to the c.r, if S.o u:i.tah , cite inhabitants whereof are not rtprefe:::t.i •n the council of the city of Savannah. mc. !. Be it therefore erased by the ftnnte ri ft houle o! rrpriirnatives ot the ilarc of Georgia m j r:\ . r al alien;biy met, and by iiie authority o; the ,^ n *e r hat it fMa’.l and may be law u! ior the peilftns eni I, left to vote lor -Idermen, and who reiUc in the preiftnt new wards of the city 10 meet to*-t! eA aid on the firli .Nionday in Janucry ne\r ar inch place or places • s :he city count'd fiiaß airceft and vote ,‘or aldern-et:, qualified to beelttfted cnioii ; the two ards cai]^ t l Greene and Columbia Ih-llbe ualtG and be entitled . 0 me alderman. Ihe waids callro 1 iberry and Ellnrc ‘h dl be uni:eft ami oe er.titlrd to one alderman ; {! , be el in manner a.-ft nrm as t!;e o:her al ermtit “•* the* laid city are e!ceded, and to conrinu in ntfice until (he next general election tor ahienv.en ‘o theGj 1 city ; ar.ft Bom thence be elected aunnuailv a is < icj :b and ‘ov the aefts rela ue 10 tuefaid citv corpotati m. St c ii nnd oe 21 fmtiier en iftted, that a hen the Hu! yards called tireenw, (ftd'imhia, Lib ny and ri *<?r£, or anv other \va and tbar now is or fti !{ iittealu r ,c l ‘id off bv f. e ci r \ council, fron the 1 nds appnr ■eriam to the fiid city {hall have each twenty dwell- or mviweors occupied Hub wards (hall !.-> entitica to cleft an alderman, and where anv two w u .!•} have not more than tvvcnrv (Sv/elbn.; !utufe or enr uenfs occupitucb two wanis unlied ft*-!I be en;i* ;!ed to elect o ie alfterm tti when t!;e qualification a*ore iai*i fl> *; ibe duly notified by ri.e con. at the ntmerr.l elect.on tor aldermen of the iViu cm, us is prefaibed El 0 * ov !a\v # Sec. 111. Jv} be it ftirti.rr enufted. that from nnd a:ier t.e p .fii-g ol ‘bis net tl a;i> prrfoo <>'• p rton can !“v; ro vote at r! e! cEon- for aldertineti i.f tlie. G.d c-ty, find ‘.ot* in anv \vc*d .1:!j r ihan that in vhicli he or the rr.iv or ih.ali rtfj-le, every person (.* , ftemliao la al ftv-aeit and pay t tlu* cor j>or ♦ mil of 5 1't* laid v i'. v the- of tharry and !!a s, to Be ret* wen and in a jadices com t oi hw tub! cirv 5 cn i every v<re fa ■jive si contrary to tills ad Ii * void and oi im ts - E*d , awl it fu !. off n ier or offenders ill ul 1 In vs neirher real nor nc mml property wn!; which to fa ti?iy the fame lie or they mav be com nit ted to the common £. ( >M of the count for ten data, A brahii/n Eirkfon, Speaker of the Houle of Rrprcfcntativts. David Em i n;i G, P refs dent of tbe Senate. A dented to December 1 t. i?o;- JOIIII MilloiTre, Governor, j G , ''v-fas, necremry , ‘i office, totb December ift C. ■ i'be is copied from the original dcpofiicil in tins office. Horatio Marhorv, Secretary. Jam?.l r'v 29, 1 s~y,s~y, i qft 5 G eorgia D l lh icfc. Cu cu l l Court. WH K R HA S, Thomas Me: ivvet her, Dudley *inead John Stubbs fertior WiM’nni Mead were and ilv drawn and famiiiuned to attertd as orand jurors at this term, cn being called made def-nltj and whereas Fhomas lames, lames Farrow Eli Garnett joftpli Marfflal 1 George W. Chi (holm William jobn Roberifirs William Edwards Elijah Owen joint Hyland juries Cox ard ftr.iftl snead were duly dr awn and fiimmoti- , cl *o attend as petit jar'rs ?r tins term fit heinjj called j nude dt fault Wl;e r eupon it is ordered hat the 2 rand jurors be fined it) the fuinot forty dollars each au.d tlie at di jurors in be fint of ♦vven f v Hollars each —unless thev do {ftver*llv file their e{{bines mi oath to he apm-nved of lv r* e court in toe clerk s office of r his diftriff on or before the tirll dav of rh• ri xr term, arm that this order be thrice pubkfiied far tneir inlorm ation. Extract from tbe Record, , K. M. Scites, Ci rk. Drrf Ti’icr 2 fid, (q6^ A 0 CTION • Qn MONDAY next will be fold, at Commerce, R ‘v w, 8 Moiafffi's. 5 caf s Claret Wine, 3 barrels llerrlnii?, 15 b irrch Country Fluu’*, 1 3 ke[;s Butter Iv g r in t. j r^’s r barrel manj-'aciured r o b*cco, 8 kegs ditto, 5 co Is C'ord?£T% 50 doz-’n Ir m Spoons, 1 Hoi-fr-Oart, 7 Si ! ver Watches, fc > 11 piece 6 t fbwered .Mufllns, iO ditto C ecu*, 5 dit r o Cotton \i ditto NVUi e Olnaf i3 pattern! u terfiine (Toths ie. 2 boxes Cotton carcE, and 1 negro weffrhi, Site to Conns ace at n o y c loce^ E. HILLS’, An DP r. 73*m*i , *v b I’lU Y lU, ‘ F.ftOM town on the night of the 21st inff. afrrfi** white HORSE, about 8 wears old, has a * - Markable larvc head, with a* 11 k spot under hi* ft c eve ; no other marks are reco Efled. VVnoever tak up the said horse, and delivers him to the keepe*- ( die Ogechee bridge ; to M , Mells at Nevy i * bridge, or to the fubferiberat Commerce Ravy, ih.. k be reasonably rewarded. Ay Pope Sovanmh, Jtnnary 1803. 2av*‘T ~~WANTED IO HIRE, For fwo years, an aftive bov, fa r. 15 to 1 3 years of age : Aopiy at this w) f * c * _ } an. 29.