Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, February 07, 1803, Image 3

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ire can, to it off, or of repelling It ? am] I fcrtijj’.p nor to lav that violent, hasty, ms unprecedented ittcruiion of the legiflatnre Of’ilic United States into the internal concerns of the north* we'lern territory, v as at lea t indecorous and incon sistent with its f. v <i/ 'y, and t might add, that the transferring above fi-.c tuns it>,l people, wihot< their knowledge or content, from a country where they were in pofltrflion of fell* government, to another where they will tie at le ill for a time deprived of that pri viledge, was fonieiUiiig more tliau indeedrons and lint, had it happened in Germany, where f.ich things have happened, no non in America, would have Lrfi to call it bv a hardier term Degraded as our country is, and abjecl a? too m any *>f her lons are become, there are (lil! avast proportion of thehi who will near no 1 T for the proper term Be plea fed alio, hr, t > accept m\ think* for the pe. euiiar delicacy you on! rved, in committing ilie <ie!i. very o! your letter, ami in furuifuing him with a copy *l it. to nr. Byrd, agiii: 1 whom there were in your binds to be laid before tiie prtftldeut. complaints of fotnetbtng more than mere indecorum anti o r a total neglect and retold to perform his <f!i ial Juries it i& hr, luc’i drakes as tlris which f.-rve to d< velopt chatavlvr, and like the relief m painting, bring out the figure diftin‘lly. in irs proper fliape ; it produced however no other emotions but that kind ot fuhiifus which phyfignomilU tell ns is thee expression on the countenance of a certain mental f nfation, which 1 du rot choose to name, and never fails of producing thai effect. With due refpecl, 1 am fsr, your obedient servant. A. St. CLAIR. S A V~A N N~ A H. Monday Mortiivg, FEBRUARr 7, 1003. ■ ■• *-*■ 1 ~i^> In the Northern papers mar;y dLys appear on rh e subject of Louiliana. The difetfliuus on the fubjecT: are c.oiied on with warmth between the different writers and we are happy to fee, with a lets pot lion of party rancour than has been exhibited in rnoit of our public prints for foine time pa l. Parry pod tics, however appear to have their influ ence on this important octM'ia.i. and though there ex id a univ-frfal fentifnent to maintain our sights and to repel the aggrelfion of spain, in anv in inner which rjfay become nc. II try ; the party win* ha ve long pdl exhibited their aidour for w. r, and cfpecially tor one •which would unite ns trune cloldy to great Britain are now violently clamourous for imnudufe hoftili tie*. But one republican jvper that we have fee 11 lias j advocated such iivaiuies, and this one, the j Chi'ur.'ii !e <j Express oi New York, has been ac j Counted ot a doubtful v.H pievaricaingcharadler. • ( It has been Ibid That aw itet in this paper, T.ono lauus) who is n mod llrmuous ad av ot hoftii’nies, is Col, Humphry is, He miniftci* ar rite court ot ; tl n drid. Front the complexion of the efikys, wc ihould judge this nor improbable m this gentleman has had the acT'anrage o a long residence at the 6‘paniih ot government, and of ficially bound to o train a knowledge of its iranfafti ens, lie may retfosiab’y be supposed to have acq-ftr / e<l an intimate acquaintance with the fubjeft on which Ite attempts to treat. His eminent talents forbid a •supposition tbat he can be ignorant. But we are not inclined to give our voice tor ruflung headlong into war, even ar therequfti ion of an ex minister. Col, Humphreys is generally reputed an encmv to tiie prelent adminiftraf ion. Aliho’ we fliouid rejoic at the return of that period when the public papers were open. for the ad nillion of candid communications from the hi ends and oppofers ot public measures ; when liar, rascal, villain, were not thought the ne reliary epithets to c haraefterife thole who differed from each other ; although with this view v'e mould be happy to fee republican papers giving the exam ple of such adtniflion ; yet to aflame with Coriol.mus uo be the friend of the present -adminiftraiion, that a march might beflolenon i r s real fii. nds, is at belt, no great ex’nibitiou of political furntdlv. Coriolanus thinks immediate war would be bed,, be come. That pofl-ifion ol A’ew Orleans might now with ease be t"kc!’., end trrating wiili the in our hands, we should liave much the afcnuiancy ; or “warring, much the adv.iniage : that Bunnapurie \ i , cunning intriguing r.d atnbirious, lixmg no bound t-* .ry in his mind ro the pov r of France , and ‘that the celfion of Leuifuua w’ould so n pi ice ir in Ins hands. That it is fquailv the interests of G.Britain to pre vent the ellabiiflioieor ot the French m Lmdliana. That tiie GoJ oj h s not ma; k.d oar p efrtr I boundaries as the ultimate limits oi ‘he United States I These propofitious are generally admitted. We J artfully ofopinion that a few vears only tnu!f e'apl ! previous to the United States becoming pr fl-(Ted of j alUJhe countries bet ween i‘s nor hern end eafterr. 1 boundary,& the Miflidippi & gulf of Mexico. Utr J \ve do not believe this t/bi *cl will be ficccmpli'fhed, or even that it would be facilitated by immediate war. If the Florida* and Louifiar.a ate deemed of any itn portance toFrance,hey farclv would nor be funende*- ed without a druggie. Taking immediate polVtflion of them would not be deemed lei's an affront bv the niilitarv notions of lionour enr'ei rained by the firft consul, than [hutting the port of New Orleans is to t:s. A declaration 0; war might be expected TO fol low, \vhich inltead of txftoring New Orleans, might cut oft our commerce in all pans of the Nvor'-flt is far from certain that tiie Britifti might not be lilenced b% facrifices, or that they would be ditpofed to enter in to the quarrel while liardly allowed to take breath after the late Cornell with France. While negociaiion promiles *uv thing, we cannot ti'irk it wife to proceed with such halfe in the com- j ntcnce of hofliliries, Lccaufe, That tne principles oi common justice forbid cur | going to war lor theexteniion of our territory. 1 hut the horrors of %var are incalculable, that one “week of its expences exceeds the advantages uiualH gained at it’ dole. i'bar our commerce, would be liable to father im irer.fe dt prudatioi s irctn ti e Ftincb ships i.t war& pt ivarets wliich could Wltr loo’e it, it beforp we could take meafnres for its protection, even supposing the jaid of Britain. XjjaMhe “ vantage ground,” might thus change jr.afterS. . . out. . . , , ~. . That very feiv wars have lncreafed tire public free dorr or Isappintfs. We should, hev r-er, think it seise that every pro viflen, which existing laws putboritV, might br mad lor the ultimaterefmc. , Adventurers may gain bv a w?r * the pu. .icwtu., in general lose. Tretipiiaiiun lomctimes ioccteds ; i laiH often. , . .- q-fje ambitirm of might ,?e p - frflion of Lo fi. na by the French an incab ulable ev .1 ; a wife fvflero of policy would render it a benefit “-u u.e Doited Suic Tbc firtl is uiofl prob k b!e. ::rfro:?; fr* the s*v !fT s ! from thisfta?e> in the cwgrefs of the United States, to his excellency the governor, dated senate room, fVafhington, 4th Jan. 1803. “ SIR, f< We hive the honor to inform your ex cellency ot the unanimous ratification of the .'treaty between the United States an J the Creek Nation of Indians, concluded on and signed near Fort-Wilkinson on the i6ih day of June this morning by the senate of the Uni ted States. T his unanimity we flatter our leives, will in.luce the general government to a further interposition in our favor, to obtain the remainder ot the lands contained in the i Miks of the Oak nul. ee ond Oconee.. “ We are with refpeft, &c.” We have received no politive information relating to tiie Cite election for reprrfematives to congress in rile (rate of Vermont—-but we hav? received partial accounts of eleiftroni in two districts and we btlievt we may confidently aflert that the two republican candioatex Okn and Hay are returned. In lonie dif* tricts there were five or lix candidates. Aurora, C OMM hli cFa~L • Thelfl-rnd of S r . Martin having beer, reflyed to the Batavian Republic, and pefleflion taken by the i>utch force*, the Merc hunts of the United srates5 r ates are j nereby infcrmed that every en r ou: agement will be j given to a commercial intercourse with the United Suites of America. 1 he Pi inters of the commericial cities are requeu ed to pubhih the above tor commercial information. Aurora. The news which we Bated yesterday on the autho rity of Cap ain Oraham,is this day connrrned. Capt. V/hed ory of the brig liarriof, arrived here yesterday Fom Sc. Croix, informs us, that a few days finer, he Ip- ke the th p Fame, Jones, 5c days from Amlledam nr Piiraddpni', the t ommander of which informed nim, that 5.01J0 French troops were embarking at Rotterdam i'jr (he r.ver of St. Mary's. N.Y.Uax, From the Gazette of the U- S. Source of the NILE. The grand desideratum of ancient and modern geography appears to be resolved at last : Mr. P ] lorneman, a traveler sent out b- the London society ! -or making difeoveries in Africa, in a late communi cation to me fociety* informs that, ther‘e cannot exist ad .not of th: N:U c.r,d the Niger being one and the iame river, nor couid he learn that its course was in errupted by any inland sea or lake, as lome have luggefted. Off Mr Hornman a’ the line o’ making the communi cation, was m the ci v of Monfack, of Fizzan, an in terior kingdom of Afric , iron whence a constant imeroouife was kept up with Tombuctu Houfan and other places in the ancient Jolibaof Niger. Ivli iioi nman has a’fo fetuled beyond drfpute, that the Oaris of Ammon containing tie kite of the ce!e brited Icm picot [upiter Ammon, is the modern Sec wa, as iuggeiied by Mr. Browne. We anderftand Mr. Horneman takes the Koran for a pallport, and ;hus avoids the dilli .ulticsand dangers of his prede ceilbrs. Communication (Inserted by requejl) THE Memory of Capt. George Troop lately Jeceakd will ever be held moft dear by the man of fortune and by the unfortunate ; when they take a Iblitary w !k, or enj a friendly Ihe'ter under the hofpira'ole {hades of thole trees he painted around our city, will pay to this philanthropist the tribute of a blessing, and c;f a tear ; he might have laid, the >!d planner in La fout ain e, u thele trees fven nbvv near a fruit,to me of a delightful taste.” We found in him, at lome social hours a man and a friend. When mak mg our (Tape from a group of frozen hearts who surrounded us. We fought for that fyrnpatha ic in tetcourie warmed by fncndlhip’s vita! beam. 1 iis arms were open to the ntderable ! When po our lii'ame,.)ro alyum was found their Aid ter. M A R HTe L I S T. En’ered ship Elizobeth Matthews, Jamaica—brig Resource, Wiikinfon. New-York Schooner, bavan nah Packet, Burke, Chailefton—James, Swaine New Horn —Pat*,ey, Mood St Mary r s Sufan Culver bt. Croix—iloop Ranger, Keen Charleiton. Minerva, ,vl‘Lean, ditto, Friendflii-p Masters, Barbacloes Cleared, fhi-fj Gleopaira Davenporr London, Favor ite Mackie Jamaica —brig Setfe.y Hudson 1 rinidad, Levant Davidson Bolton, rd za Swain New-York — (comer Bet fey Henry . Jamaica, Be* fev Cobb New- York—ilvjop Minerva, M Lean, Cnarlellon. Office of Discount Id Deposit. February Ist , ISO3. \ LI. per Tons tranfadting hufinefs at the Bank, will Yjl nleale to observe, that after the 15th inllant, no hills or notes of a less him than one hundred dollars will be received for difeoant. V hum as Cafliier F'H-i’rv **d Badlall on Orders. ’ J} ‘HE re foe ct ice officer? commanding companies in JL tiie fi-rit Battalion ot the Chahain Regiment, are here bv notified a battalion Winder will take place on Thursday. 17th inllant: battalion to be form ed in the Church square, at eleven o’clock. This parade being intended as preparatory to the annual infpedion ; it is that the officers will use every exertion to bring their men on the ground, regularly equipped, agreeable to law. Richard Dennis, M jor lft battal. C. R. S.ivannalif V eh. 7 1803. S7 Kun-aways. Run off from the plantation of the fubferiber, near Hard wick, ter* or 11 days ago, ten prime young tegroes, viz. Yorick, Joe. or July. Oliver, Robert, Pom. Peter, Davy, Qu.iquo. Ben Adam. Alfo.two ialf hsnda. June and Buckary. it is fufpefted that iicv may attemnt to go as iar as Augusta, of ten miles ibove it. Whoever them up, and either fe eurrs thens in ws : , or delivers them ct Hardwick, ihall b* rewarded m proportion to their trouble. February l3o;. M, BURKE* \ Lt/i gs Leffrs reserve 1 from the \fl gJ Jan liar j to this in it. A. William Adderfon j John Armstrong, Heming Akin, Asa Adams. B. John Burnham, J°s. Ben net, Aaron Blount, Daniel Bithop, F.iizabeth BrownOn, Peter Bartlemifs, Ann Birnev, ’ Savory Boles, Uhls. Bartlemifs^ Peer Fell, Joseph B xley^ Jonathan Brighfmanj Ureorge Brown, 2 jFicob Bergman, . 2 Wdlia n Bro\vn y James Brown* Just ah Bryan, William Belcher, 2 Belcher & Dickinfort. C * John Clayton, William Clarke, Con had Crummit, Scoot Cray, John Cau’Jer, Sarah N. Cortould. D. Robert I )etrerille, William Delony, Jos. Durind, Elijah Denniflon, Ralph Dod sworih. E. ‘"'John Edwards, James Eglefon, William Elliot. F. Benjamin Force, James Finigan, j Daniel Ferguson, Elias Fairbank, James Farman. G. Wait Goodrich juf% Ruil’ l Goodrich, Ei.zabe'h Graham, John Gray, Mary, James Gaft me, Wm, Gurd er. H. John Kerb, E. B. Hopkins, I'herefa St. Hubert H. Hartford, Dahiel Hume, i Nicholas Hoftdkus* 2, Joseph Hdl, James Horner, Elizabeih tLarpcr, James M. Holmes-, Oliver H Hard, John F*H ‘.iton* 2. Ji James Jackfoii, 2. Alexander J affray, Maty Sophia Johnson, Francis Jordan, Eliza Jones* Charles johnfon* James Johnson, fen. K. William B. Kirklev, L. James W. Lemont, lVlores IJm HifFe, Hezek lah Lord, .Margaret Lewis, Archibald Little, HCiiry Lyon* iidwm Lewis, / Mrs M. Vicar, Si h Mead, ISAAC BENEDIX. P. M. Pot Office ijl February 180:. uiS i'Kic i of Georgia. The Fr est dent of the Unted Slates, to the Mar shal of the diftrici aforejald, greeting : R. M. Stitf.s, ciet k, WHEREAS a libel hath this dav been exhibit ed in t >e district court in a:ui for the diftr idt aforesaid* by Janies Sawyer, muter, owner and com manner of the fl op ‘ Ranger,’ and Samuel Robert, master, owner and commander of the fioop ‘ Patriot,’ who prosecute for theinfelves and mariners, againfi rhe property taken from the ship ‘WI D AH / (as it is said which on the sixth day of January initant, was wreck ed on At a r tin s Industry, on the coll of the diftriSt aforefoid , and whicA property taken a?, aforefaid \va brought into the port of Saiannah , and being lb taken and brought into ’port, the matters arid mariners of the said Hoops * Ranger* and ‘ Patriot* claim and pray a decree for either the Vvhole of the foul property or the proceeds of (ale, or a part thereof by way offolvage, according to what from circumitances fliall seem right and juff. NOW THEREFORE, you the said marshal ate herrhv commanded to cite and admonish, and these are herefore to cire and admonish the owners or late owners and all and every other per ion cr persons what fotver. have or pretend to have any right, title, ■ intert-lf. property, claim or demand whatsoever, in, to or upon the property aforefoid, that they may be and upnear before rhe judge of the laid court, at a district court to he held at savannah on the eighth day of Feb ruary next, to Hie w canfe if any they have or can, why the praver of the said libel Ihouid not he granted. WITNESS the honorable William Stephens, elq-jtre, judge t>f the said court at Savannah, rhe twenty f venth day of January in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and three, B ACO.V. proSfor for >he IE cl fonts. Left the plantation of the JubJertbey, in hryun county^ FOUR YOUNG NEGROES. UNDER the age of thirty, named Hen. Pitas. Othello and bandy, Any person delivering the above fellows will be rewarded February 7,?fco; G. M TROUP. Thaddeus Maynard* ■ i ■ M*Guan, John M'Coloug, David Matthews, Joseph M c Donald, Isaac Meferve, Na’haniel Moore, Hugh Macdonald, Lovis Munroe, Peter M‘Avir, James Monfort, James M l Laven, John M‘Lean, ‘ ■ M “Lean, George Millen> 4 Neal jVf‘Fee!y, 2 William M‘Farland* Pi ineas Miller, 2 David M irrilon, David Mungon, 2 Thomas Marshall, N. William Neel, Alexander Nicholfort, Barnabas Nye, O. Lewis Osmond, Charles Odonc, P. ■ —■‘•Poolain* Apr olios Pother, Ancrew H. iC ince, 3 John Prny, J°!eph Plummer, (rtr.ri'e iE’ible, D:mis Ponce, William Parker, i homas IV-’ni!l, R. Charles V,. Rogers* George Raifton, J -hn Rois, vVilliam Ross, Robert Rtfs, Wjiliam R ipers* J kpn Reynolds, J r *hn Robinson, Tiioinas Rice, 2 s 6\effingron Sdby 1 G and R S. ree t Dm. S. Mid imc iD'j begur De. Pet ray. foh 1 Singleton. John Alexander Charles Shaw. Susan Stuart. John Sanders^ Elizabeth Shaw, Chanes Pmkney Sumner Alexander Small Abraham Strawbhert Eliza H. Scoifield 3 John Stoops. Daniel Smith. T Mathew Topes, 1 homas P. Toomcr. John ‘Fire, Nocol Tu; nbfill* Andre w I urnbuil w Miss A. P. Willlg, Joseph Willfon, Susannah Woud, Edmund Walfli, Benjn. Ward. M s. Woodhoufe, Rullel Wilkinson, Jacob Wood* 5 Ehas Williams 4 Robert Walls William Whllie Jo ;n Woolf, r 1 nomas Young, . AUCTKF THIS Day will oe luld ai ihv Vc due mcrce flow* 39 Kegs Butter , boxes sweet oil, do. pipes, ditto raisons , 6 casks ditto, 14 boxes chocolate , 4 hkds old Northward Rum 4 barrels Ditto Ditto. 5 hdds. tV. I. Rum 2 barrels Ditto. Ditto. 1 hdd Jamie a Ditto . 9 half pipes of {up trior red Malaga IVine 7 boxes of bed Bata via Arrack 1 doz. caJJ 4 barrels Sugar loaf ditto in lots barrels Salmon ham Is Mackirel barrels mess Beef 10 Kegs Manufactured Tobacco 1 crate Liverpool JVare I brig's Top fait 4 jars Grapes 14 ps. Cotton Bageing IVitb a variety of other Dry Goods , ALSO, one excellent Chair Horse , Terms, cash cn delivery. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, E. HILLS, AuctY. February, 7 t8o;. PUBLIC AUCTION; ON Monday the March next ‘Will he fold at the Vendue Store Commerce Row, All the wearing appctrei and jundncs belong ingto the Est ate of Capt ‘John Dim alt deceaj by order of the administrator . E. HILLS, Auctr. Felm ary 7 iSoj. foe sale. A HOUSE and 1 /t. Me i*?t has rwo fronts, one of which is on Broughton St'ree and for Situ— at. >ii i‘: is it; inr :0 few in tile City the best of titles tan be given apply to ycj'eph Arnold: A L S 0. A Prime Negro E.llr-w, Su’d for One of the mo ft; common faul s in the world, that is wa it ot money. Aplpy as above. Febiuary 7 1803 -* * 41 r pHAT the partherfhip of t. & T. TIG LIENOR, b A thi3 day diftblved by mutual consent. All per sons indented to said firth are requeued to make in. • mediate pavtnent. Ihe buftnefs will be continued at the lame fland under the fit*m of E. CKO WELL, id Cos. Who beg leave to inform their friends and the public, that they have ob hand an aflortriient of S If C) E S, They hope to merit patronage in their line of buli“ nefs. January 2f,ißc3. S bate of Cr corgia County. PERSONALLY Appeared before Tbeopbilus Thomas, one of the jultices o; peace, for laid county, William G iffin, whs being duly fvorn on the holy cvangHifts c Almighty God, faith that he had in his p feflioi a note of band given to him by Isa ■ 4 zV. Meservty for the film of 79 dollars, win*. ■; note, he, the said William Grifhn, has jolt b- - rwetn his place and Savannah, and that r ~ note is in full force, as he has never trade !, trafficked tfor paired withjfhe fame by his aw con-feu t* and is payable the full day ot March 1 his William X Griffin, mark Sworn to, before rr.c, th’s doth day of Hr member, 1803. Tbeopbilus Thomas, j p February 7. (3 d * 1 m.) IWESf-TT DOLLARS REWARD RAN- A WAV from the fubferiber, on the day of January a negro man. named y,.’ about 27 years of age, yeliov complexion, b y A , nis upper eve teeth of a black colour, as if r . tbout lix feet high, fieiulir made, talks broken., J j jn when he went atvay, a grt-c 1 cotton negr r> ci jacket and trowfers and took witn him a b lue cc ••nd white trowfers. I he above negro was formerly belonging to * (land of Jamica, nas been rhuen at fc , a.d it elicved, designs to get on board feme veffbl ) harbour of Savannah for the purpose ot relumi- ,rr ,r t employment. Al! captains of veflels a e ftnc ( !y , ; . rioned against carrying him ofr,and all forbid to harbour or conceal him under, thM few-;. penalty of hw, The above reward will be paid to an s will return said negro to me, or ten and TANARUS, rs if |.r H / many gaol and information thereofgu.en L tv., can be obtained^ Wtill arn Ogle: r ee* IVa/hi nf hit, Wilkes County, I * February 7, 18 3. J Public Lol'j jor Sale. PURSU ANT to rheordr rof the City Coin the fir ft Monday in March next will be H ! *te ,f. m*. *■ Uie Aoutt Houle in Savour j levera I*OT S m E.'eer* Ward, known bv the • ’ m. ’m> U, 15. 25, U 6, 2.7, 28, 29, 50, Si “ 4 3 f * ■’ ‘~’ J * 1 he Sdc conitnrn^. in the forenoon. John Williams > C. February, i0 \ BO3,