Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, February 07, 1803, Image 4

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X?I LAST OF THE EDITION 9 JUST RECEIVED. And for sale at this office. Z TV Tiber of copies of “ Proofs of a confpi* C, againit Chriilianirv, 3nd the Govern irentof the United States ; exhibited in fevera 1 v'ews of the union of Church and State in New-England, BY ABRXHVVI BISHOP.’’ Those who would wifhto pofTrfs this excellent worh, are requested to cal! soon, as the few copies on hand, constitute the whole of those unfold in the United States. (I'Lce c-ie Duller .) Notice. ALL Per fans having Demands egainft rhe est X -<A Matl.iasA<h, UtcofFffrogSamcounty ed are dr-fired to firing them in properly at;.’ < and and thole indebted to make immedtre r'.A'iient ro David Gugel vh:> 13 fr::iv au thcrifed to fettle all accmiut*. 0: said estate. Hannah Ajh , Actin’ x D eccerubrr 11. i\ O 1I C F, fr-% i;r Tutiic ere hereby cautioned agatnf ( redvi go vote dr even by t ‘efubfer. .. c* in fi~'r.r cf Jaihix kind and Oe:n Ctunty fer fur limit ,1 Do-iarf, dated cipril *5, 1802, p.yavtt v <f w thepyr-ent of the /aid note t. i< ie ■ ’ ‘"vieJ at-di! Ifcjighl to cant, it wil L.irn* rick S< pteo I.'cr, n loci. ” “notice. \XLJ E are abetted by jehn MiUeage tve ex* \%l ccutor of the est ate of tee late facet? to not; f y to ell perjuns whatever bis prohibition againfi hunting on that part eft*, c Jt and of St. Catherine's belonging to the (aid est ate, being tothe North the Slock having efiate been ffiucb iefsened by such pm due, and. ..jury done end after ‘this noth e will feel himfdf bound to prcfccute to the orient of the law, ad per fens found to violate it. „ _ WILLIAMSON Cs? MORwL. Augufr, 28 ISO 2. To be Sold r IX Thousand buffed coarse fait, f evenly crates crockery well a for tea for Country Stores, The fait wilt be fold very lew, if taken cut oj the vessel, the above is the cargo of the Ship Cord Duncan, new laying at L i. t mans wharf, ALSO, on hand four Ruff a Colic:, of the fir ft quality, Say so if and 12, will be fold for twelve dollars prows if join Jeon apply to Thomas & William Smith. January 19* 1803. l J LXUUNGic. Savannah, January 17, :Boj. T 7 HEK E.\S (Mi 1 eji.i (L-.v of Lee ffvr, Aci V the Tiare holders attend to pa> thirty do* ■*'- above the originsl fubfeription on each lhat>—*-’U ■wlurecs tc doLn ‘ ot the- lame hath paid :o t..e tiultees, wi icb in expended, leavjr o the Exc.k. g- it) dt*bted tip-vard* > ; j three thoidand fi\e nutaored dollars far wiiich. it is neci’iLry that the balance of twcu ’ dollars cue oa each Oure, be now imnicdi aielv caUt-d for. hr r lvc-d therefore, that the fiiare holders do pas the ot twenty dnljats on each’ (hare, to ih< f evetat v of this board, on the fii (I day of 1 iM next ag;reeab!’ *0 the above relblution of 1 li- lhart holders and their coot rest F fdred, that the fcarc lu>ider?do meet st the Ex on tlie Ji* Monday in March next to t .ke a review o 1 at-enu* sand txpenbiiures, to vote vnt e r-enr- ? coc-*'na f* nn eii. tt-.t'e txhiaited, ami elect ih : 4 tvi. vo'S ‘or t) e 01 rt.a ‘^r. iuf \\ and. b *cn b n s jlr-t Mfatidivin March thrt • o“b r- and the 4 U*. lo wer (tores of the Ex r'Lnt” hvarr.i >”. r r * •"!l bt ten*.ed. Intbe mean t ne the fccictarv wjU receive applications tnerelor lealed up. Extra SI Jrcrtf the minutes* i ’nomas Pitt, scc’ry. y 0 T C Qt. (Z 7.) ALFXA ND F R LA W R*tNC E, Has for Lie the following goods, for cash, produce, or on a liberal credit, for ap , proved paper : ± and l- fish linen, in boxes ajforted, Cogrtec Brandy in pipes, Tic!land Gin in ditto , Sherry, \ J\ Jcl.ig i, \lVines in quarter casks, Tenertjfe, | Ifyson Tea in chests, Berets Mackerel , Soap, Candles, (she. JVt trber : 5, 1802. (26 ts) BLANK BOOKS for L,h ar r u; <t Qfnce Bills of Lading fw fa-e at this Oiric?. * WAN fETT” O HIRIL For -wo years, an nepro bov v fro' 1 15 o 18 vears of age : Aoply at this Oof Ic F j Jafl. 2p. t FOR SALE. A TRACT CF LAND, IN Frank!inGounty granted toLconardMar bnry. contain more or lets, acres mounded Southwardly by Baker’s land South eaftwardiy by Horatio Ivla r bury s land on ail •other tides bv vacant land. A Tr- (51 of land in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonard Marburv, containing more or iefs, 1 f Acres bounded Northweitwardly bv Charity Marburv\s land Nortlieaßwardly o\ vacant land j and Southeallwardly by Ba ker’s ‘'And A Trrct in Burk County 350 Acres, or rhe J\ : rrh tide or B iery Creek ; fold by the Commirtioncrs of Conflicted Property in Dcembcr 1784. F.BENEZF.R STARK. October 9 io o2. Mores Wharf. TO BE RENTED. A ND pofpfjion given on the fir(l day of Octo - Jf bet next,theft ore at prefeut occupied by Mr Thomas M. C. Liams near the exchange. D. B. MiiCRELL , September r r. 1 EAC i OivALE and BUSINESS, Coffee Hoifj -wharf. rpHE Subfaibers having entered into co partr.erfhip under the nnnol Pkinixy & iVdtnan. and having rented convenient Bores on fait, wharf for the reception cf all kinds of I roduct and Property which mav be entrusted to then care otter their service to their Friends an. rhe Public in the above line and hope by drier attention to merit their confidence. Their counting House is the one lately occupied by E ctaik. on said wharr. Fero in at■d Pb 1 n icy Fran cis H . Welm an January 5 ISO3 TO LET. A SMALL Store at present occupied by Jf\ Mr.JoE ph Davis, immediate polled or. will given, for terms apply to James Mar fall. November, 24 (2av/£r.) To Lcafe for a term of years. :\ VALUABLE tra& of oak hickory and XA rice lands within Seven miles of S tvan and eq\L-i! in qualitv to any lands in the County of Chatham. For terms apply to Fi ‘ands Lourvoifie. .November 24. (ts) for IF foie mile or Retail, A quantify oi E rthenware Glue 5 Tinware and C O R K S. ALSO, A few Pietu c Ti*ne Fa-ccs—-All of which wi’] be fold *'>’ ca*h much under the ulual prices. Cor par ticulars, apply to William Metis , No 2, Wood house Tow, on rhe Bay. |'i!ir 1 tc l ’o’- f u f - RECEIVED, On Cotfigu merit by the Sleep Minerva from Jamaica, a Hogmeads old 4th proof Rum, 23 bags prime green Coffee, 4 barrels Limes. T. M. Wood bridge. T'-'C above dorp is for fate, freight or charter. ittiquu'S as a.hove, O'cealrr 1 <, jßg2. ( 24) THE WASHINGTON COFFEE- H O U S E, AND HOTEL, Fran klin-Soy are, cV A MU E L SAifß ER E, ’jfj ES PECTFU FLAT informs his u lends and tr.e public, that he has taken that commodious brick house, in Franklin-square oppofu to the B iptrft Meetsng-houie, which will be opened on Wednesday the tirlt clay oi December next ; as a Coffee-houfe a-nd Ho tel. Such gentlemen as favor him with their cuilom, can be accommodated with board ing and lodging, ui the moll genteel manner, and the f-riAeit attention paid to render then refiderme agreeable. Dinner and upper pro* vided for private parties at a few hours notice : Coffee and Soups every day from 8 o’clock in the morning till ten at night. Beef (takes and Oysters at any hour of the day. S.S. begs leave to add, that no exertion on his part (ball be wanting to give fatisfaction to those who may favor him with their cu(lom,& flatters himfeif, that the principle on which his house is eftabhfhed, is such as will insure to him the sass rages ct the public in genera! Wipes, Porter and ipiritucjta liquors of the bed qualitv. N. B. Good fubli.Rg for horses, and careful oftfers. Sav'nnnh, Nov. ?o. Blank Books, j for Lie at this O/lice. 1 WASHINGTON HOT EL. Mock Turtle will be ready This and every day at Eleven o’clock. Familes supplied with soups in* the H mheii perfedion, ’ Beefstakes a red Oylters at any hour wher called for. THE Lofton . New Fork, Philadelphia, Baltimore arid f FafTug ten Papers, will be regu larly taker, at the IVafisington Cofjle Uoufe and H A. *v frfp Captains of vessels are requeued td leave at the Washington Coffee-Houfe, any information it may be in their power to com iminicate. The utmost exertion vviil be made o procure theearlieft intelligence. December 4. “ FT NOTICE. fk FTER the expiration of nine months, l \ application will be made, in pursuance a me act of the Legislature in such case mad'’ and provided, to the honorable, the inferior CourAaf Camden county, for permifTicn to Til foity five thousand acrcsofland on the wa ters of the Great Satiila, being in grants of one thousand acres ; aifo one water lott in the own of St. Mary’s, in the county of Camden ifmeiiiid : the fame being the real elLte of J- Macomb, late of rhe said cou lty of Camden, eceakd, and will be fold for the benefit of the heirs or creditors cf the said deceased. W. B. Bulloch, Attorney for the ad mini lira tix. Savannah, 20th May. 1802. JOHN LETU URNE/UJ, Gold, Silver Smith, & jeweller. ETURNS his fmcere thanks to the ladies gentlemen (4 Savannah, rnd its vicinuv. (i tr.e liberal encouragement they have given him iince his c .-mmencenreiu in this place : he also, informs -hem, that he has now opened in M iuens Row, rear he Exchange, where he intends disp ding of the fol lowing articles, low for ca£h or country produce, viz ; Ladies Gold watch chains, enarr.e/!e-i and plain : gentlemen’s do. Gold seals and keys *, Gold necklaces, Gold beads do. Gold fancy nliigree car ring?., Gold near] mounted bracelets,Gcid & i J earj mounted bread oiiis, plain Gold breaifc pins, Gold Pea id moonred anger ring-, Gold fancy enamelled do. Gold hair rings, Gold Medallion, Plain pebble seals, Gold mounted do. HandiLue gilt coral with bells, Silver do. Silver without bells, coral hand, Ivory tooth •ick afes, silver fruii knives, hiver fer kneehuckles r oth picks, iiivcr pencil cases, tilver needle ca . :hs, fnver smelling bo ties, hiver g-lt do. silver mu neg gra'ers, illver t.di.nbles, ladies etwks, Miniature bucket arid ring glaf?,filver knee buckles, hat do* Pear! bead ftrmgs, a vane ! y of cut gkfs heads a.-.c oral beads, hlkpui'fes, gloce TL plain eC with i'hlp> Ladies iprn g garters ; gilt wa ch chain;*, feab it id kevs. bilk wat h brings, faie-!irg battles n cafes, iilver fneliino bot r les, oorroi'C-j oocket hooks, ladies do. filyer nil urted focctacle', plated and Heel do. Gilt preen and white do. fT&aJe rafef, reading zlafs pepper and lecher fnafF boxes,fviomcco Minia ture cases, a great variety or plated caiidlciiicks. Plated fr.ufFers and ft au us : bread baskets. inkftar.ds. Salt fellers ani pepper boxes, Mulfaid pots and wax (aptts. Fish knives, elegant tea set teis ill vet ed-e. Plated caftors. A variety oi fttiu wood ea caddie, j::panned do. barrel pocket pifiols, horfematt’s do. Silver mounted do. Superfine Razors, fcilTors, fportsmans knives, belt finiftied pen knives, bed table and defeit knives Ivorv handles, de canter Hands, knife cases, elegant Morocco (having cases, [having boxes. Winclt •’ Soap and Wald balls. Segar tales. Common callers. A large allurement of Files. FT THE SFBSCRiBER, has aKo tT-cn intc co r partnerfh ! p with him, Mr. JOHN CEA4SON ; chebuiiiiefs in future will be comiucled uder the firm of LETOURNEAU &. PEARSON, who intend carrying oa the above hulinefs in all i ts., various branches, S Ivor and Gold work, Jewelry & tvicy Hair wotk, Gilding and Engraving, execu ed in the newest and molt fafhionabio manner at the fbortef! notice. N. ii. l>.e high est price given for old gold R fi! w LW ’ )J TN EAJSiP£ AA S J -.< December 11, 1802. 2awtf. Jackson ZA Dartstene Have received ler ship Daphne , Caps. Mai com t from Liverpool, IO Casks London bottled rorterj I Trunk silk and cotton Urnbrentfs. January 1, 1803. FOR SeiL. tl 4 y A valuable Plantation, on New-River neck, ANONTAINING Jeven hundred acres 5 the growth of which, has every indication of fir eng foil, end will be fold low for cajh, by ape. plying to the July criher at the adjoining pier, tat: on. Adam F. Brisbane, jun. Jammy, 5, 1803* ( 2C > 8./.J L 1 he Subjcnbers, Having convenient stores on BULTON’s WHARF, For the reception of Produce, oifer their le v vices to the planters and others in the FAC TORAGE Gs COMMISSION buf.nejs. Jackson Cf Hartstene. December 11. aawtf. 2.000 Butliels coarse A Hum Salt, NOwlanding from on hoard the brig Industry. Cap'. Dunn, from Turks- Idand, and for (a’ j by JACKSON & HARTSTENE, January 12, 1803. 4 1. Fan-A wav, \ FEU* d?y< aso a young wench nftTied 7.n~ A cy, who :t is fuj p >frd wi-1 char ge her name. P>- -a hour twenty fivf y ars a *d about live ft wo inches] \ ih. th'uk and (quat. and hn the aj per r mceof a wench far non'* in pregnancy, being hrF he had with her a (triperl linfev wrapper, and alloc jlack imt of clo Jies, and crfeA. *0 drrfs bke tbt ‘rcnch nerroej ]r is ItrongK 1’ ip-Eted that fbe i? ‘rarried off along with forr.e other n roe<lro;n this city, by fame e\d dilpoftd who tve-v Mtetnpt ro dispose ol them at alow late, betw xt this jd.sct lorida. Should any negroes be offered for {a.e in his Hare orGefvfgi i, it is requeued that a\i suspicions ,e-sons mav b* Hepped and the negroes l l ed 1 rod for the good oi lociety—one hundreddolb rs v ili ?c paid on proof of tlie above wench neing found ir? >o'l;flion of any whue person so as thev cn be .rou-Hu to conviction— Ju do lnrs will be pud nn •s.V.pi t*bending her in the Hate of Georgia, and io -gtug iuriiiany j it in rhe said Hate —and tvreny doiLr# wil. be paid T secured in any jdl in this Hat'*. /Tiliiam A/oubray, No. 90, King-0 reet, Charlcfion, January 20. Collectors Sales. WILL be fold at the Coort-Houfe inErunswick on the 16th day of April next, the l Ilowing * rafts of land, or so much thereof as will pay lira •axes and cods, ;-iD Acres situated in Glynn County, returned by David Canedv, for tlie \t\ir COO ard IcOi, tax ? loPars and 07 ccn’s and colls Two hundred acres Hunted in Camden . many. returned by Edward Dudley, ior the year ISoo and ISo 1 , tax 9 dollars 33 cents and cofis. fames Powell, C. T. G. C. January 20, 1 0 03. 35 FOR SALE, A FEW PIPES Cogniac Brandy by, William fen & Morel. November 17. (ts) Edwin H. Bo Feu, Has fo** sale at his fn p yard O PRUCE and Yellow pine spars and mads fiom 25(f) 73 feet lone; which will be lold •<t *i price in rough or wrought. V\ bite pine Boards, Rang 1n * 1 T\nabe r, Tar and \ nrpentine, : Te is well fixed for heaving vefsHs down and J in < r.I! kinds ship carpen ers work. Vv A Ni E Iq AT this Office, one or tv/o Apprentices to learn the art of printing. NOITCF. r p ~\FQ C E who have any demands agaivjl the \ efiate cf James Rad cl iff late of T avail nap, deceajed , wid present their accounts properly cttejled tv. Thomas Lawrence, Thomas Lcctt, Admrs • Sav'irnah, Doc. igd, 1802. NT NOTICE. A LL p p rfors hiu ing any deii}aiid=> againH she eHate J 1 of John Kennedy, late of Liberty couniy, fb - cer.(Vti, ase readied 10 render the fame agreeable to Uw ; ard all those indebted To said cltate. aitf requelted to make immediate payment to tlit lubltxi ber. J, W. Wilkin fort, Adin’r. Jnrnarv2l, 1832. 2aV'6m NOTICE. ALL per foes having any demands againfl tie efiate of Leva. Shults , deceafea , are re quired to render than in properly attejled to, and those who are indebted to said efiate are to make immediate payment, to Jos. Lory worth, Admin savannah, Dec , 29, 18^2 i/T NUiiCE. Copartnerfli’p of K. & John Bolton. nnHE death cf Mr. ROBERT BOLTON, Jp lenders it neceiTarv -o inform the friends t:,d cot refpcr.dence cf tne firm, both in the United States and abroad, that the fundn and flock in trade, -emaln as heretofore, and that provision is made not on’y to preserve, but annually to increase the capi* tai j and they are Hfo, infermed, that the bufir.cfs of the house wil! continue to be conduced by John Bolton, under the fime firm cf ROBERT & yGHN BOLTON. Joseph Faber Earn, IP ‘ii Lam IF allace, George Woodruff, Jehn Bolton, Executors . Savannah December 10. ~~~ For Balt,, Hand feme COAGHEE with plated harness and 1 1 plated caps and mouldings. Allli, a pair ot w ell mate bed CARRIAGE-HORSES,—For particulars, apply to Joseph Arnold. January 22, l r o3. . ) i* lg o t\ a 4 xl y A stout likely Ne-nro Wench. C* HE is a gcod Cock , F/Sjker end Ironer ; and fy an excellent House-servant. She is offered for sale, net for any fault ; but merely for the wary Os money. Enquire of the printers hereof'. January fly 1803. ( 2gtf.J