Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, February 10, 1803, Image 2

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TO BE SOLD, OV the 14th day of February next, be I ween the hours of 10 ami 2 o’clock, at the p'Ai-utiOn of JOHN WISLNBrtK.FR, dec. ir Effingham county, a the persona! eliate of the fair* deCtrafai j confiding of one negro,a hoi Jc,Seven hear ol cattle, and a set of black smiths tools : Houle* hold Furniture, scc- &c. Mary Wife 11 baker, qualified executrix. December xs, igos. y Just landing, and for sale, bv WILSON fc? KNOX, (Waynes wharf) Hi LA DELP HIA made Saddles, Saddle- A ba %L ‘plated and common Bridles, loaf ad\ lump Sugar, French ana Cogniac brandy , Holland gin, Jamaica Weft-India and N E. tan, Ma deira Yineriffe and Sherry wine, Pom, V, a lay a and Sicily ditto , prime green ceflce, Jhfon, liy [on-fkin and Rohea tea, pepper, alf pic and ginger gunpowder and /hot, bar-iron aft oiled. Abo, on consignment, 6 casks flint glass ware, 2 bales Spaniftj pofl paper, 1 ditto foolscap ditto, 1 box cotton , bo ae ry off or ted , Mahogany Sophas, Sideboat ds Secre tary's, Bureaus dining , breakfcift and card tables high pofl and field bed ft ends, bason ft and*, Ac. January 5, iboj. (lytf WILSON oc KNOX. Have J'.ifl received by the latest nrivals from New-York and Philadelphia, the following articles which they offer for Idle at a low advance for cash or produce, either whole laic or retail, V I z. Malaga, “j x JJjbort , | Tt, Lu e K > v { Sicily Old Maag ta J Holland Ghd Cogniac &rp in 'tfb Brandy, Elibberts bottled . “r own flout, ‘Jamaica and Weft- indict Rum New-England dit to Loaf and lump sugar Brown, ditto Hyfon , fly [on pc in and Behest pea Pepper, Alt pice, Muftari, Ground and Race Ginger , Cheese and Crackers, Codfijh) Sounds and tongues, Bar Iron ajjerted, and BUftercd fieel ] , ito ll •; v - ware, ft one Jaggs Clefs and Crockery -ware, ibw powder andJhot, Writing and lCrapping Paper Negro jhoes (large ftze) Cotton Bagging, Oznalurgs, Irijh Linen, Negro Cloth, On consignmi.nt Mahogany Furniture. PAY Having convenient pores for the reception of Cotton and ether produce offer their lev vices to the planters in the Factorage and Comm ft ion line , and flatter them[elves that their punctual at tent ibnjo lujinefs will give general fatisf action to xhoje who may repefe Confidence in them. November 20, 1802. (T*) KObER’l & JOHN BOLTON Have received per j) ip Columbia, from Liverpool. i 7 bales firfL quality whire and blue pbv.ns i ditto flannel and baize 8 ditto 1 .on lon duffel blankets 7 ditto Briff ai, point and role do, 4 opieccs blue ftrouds a .4. ditto fopnrlne broad cloths ‘2.t ditto hfi'o caffi.nere 4$ ditto drab plains i2 ditto itriped and fpo ted elaffics. z f .) bales cotton bsg.tng 4 ditto fail duck a calls Irish Linen i 2 pieces girth webbing 50 dozen rental handkerchiefs 1 ditto cotton counterpanes 9 c dks broad hoes 2 ditto grubbing hoes and club axes u o 2 dozen frying pans 1 calk glue 2 dozen corn (lepers 1 bale bed ticking 40 boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 crown window glass 100 kegs white lead 30 ditto Span:lk brown 2 tous.fheet lead 1 dozen tin ibales 1 case Daffy’s elixir and Britiffi oil dozen (bale beams from 3 to 5 feet long with weights 500 iron pots and ovens 5. cOO bushels of fait 58 caffes Sd, ig 1 and iod nails 4 caiks cutlery and hardware 1 dozen cross-cut laws 24 ditto rice and Tickles 1 ditto elegant fiddles i 2 ditto portmanteau trunks 60 pieces durant and bombazcne 2 :un kshoffery. October. 12 rnm^F- Lift of Letters received from the \JI oj January to this infl. A. Willi am Adtki (on j John Arnifhong, Fleming Akin, Asa Adams. IF John Burnham, J s. Bennet, Aaron Bl tmr, Daniel I? (hop, Llizatx'th Bo>wnf. n, i’eter lv>tlennfs, Ann I’m nicy, Savorv Boles, Lfi's. i* ittiemifr, i’e rr /.HI, j'f* j-’JI Bi*!t V, I nathan Briphfman, Brown, 2 I < cb IF r IMU.In , 2 W il)i t.n Bi mw r r J antes Brown, I°h.:h hr . an, Ik’ eixi l\ D;ckirfL>n. C. John U lay ton, Wiiluun Cla ike, Con ad Criifiitnjt, Scoot Cray, John Cauidtr, Sarah'N. CortoulJ. I). Robert ! )ctrerille, vV iliiam pelony, Jos. Du. l Hid, Elijah DenniUon, Ralah Dodswnrth. E. John Edwards, fames Eglefim, William Elliot. F. Benj iinin Force, fames Finig.m, Daniel Ferguson, h lias Fairbank, | tmes h arman. G. Wait Goodrich Juu, j Ruffe I Goodrich, Elizabeth Graham, John Grav } Mary fijiayffck, james (iaffiiio, \V ui. Uj at and. ; . H. Joliii ILib, E. B. Hop!:in% 1 hcrela St. Hubert, • H. ILtiford, 1 1 -’afitel Hume, KpholdS floliclkus, 2, jnf-4 h Hill, James Horner, Elizabshu Harper, Janea’ A'l. Holme?, Vvii Sc r lj;i iV, o , John T* Hiltofv, 2. Jt %, James ja kDn, 2. Alexander Jaffray, Mary Sophia Johnson, Francis Jordan, Eliza Jotie 1 -', Chail-s Johnson, j ones Johnson, fen. K. YV iliiam B. Ktrkley, L. James W. Lemont, Blores L. Itiffe, Hezekiah Lord, Margatet J.ew.s, Archibald Little, Henry Lyon, Ed Will i wis, M. Mrs M. Vicar, S.i.h A lead, ISAAC BENELUX. P. M. Pofl OJpce \ft February 1805. Public Lius for 3 ale. PURSUANT to the order ot the ( lpr Con net 1, on j the fir ft; Moudav u March mxt “Mi h” fold, on j Hhf uToa 1 terms, a t the Court Houle in Savannah, the ’ h vrral LOTS in Elbert Ward, known by rhe ramibers I". 12, 14, 1;, 25, 26. 27, 28, 29, ;o, SI. 22, 33 ! 1 3a, a6, 37* 39, 40. The bale commence at iO ; o’clock in the forenoon, John Williams, C. M. February, i0 ISO3. A j TWENTY DQLIJRS RFJYJRD, I AN-AVVAV from the frbfcriber, on the 9?h IV ijay of January Llf, a negri an. named £AA'I aooul 2/ vesrs of age, velunv complexion, bt-fh of iiis ii ‘.per eye teeth ot a black colour, u> if rotten about fix feet high, fi-nder tnaue, broken, iiaj , on when he went away, a green cotton negro <J.nh jacket and trowfers ar.d took with him A b;ue coat and white trowiers. The above negro wa< formerly belonging to tne | ifiold of Jarnica, has been muen ai ie., and it is believed, deligns to ge: on board vellel in the harbour of Savannah for the purpose of returning -hat employment- All captains of vefTels are Ifr ct'vtau >oned againfl carrying him off,and all perl ns arc j i forbid io harbour or conceal him under, the severest, j oenalty of law, j The above reward will be paid to anv person who | i will return iai-J negro to me, or ten dollars if lodged i in anv gaol and inform ition thereof given so that he i * v can be obtained. j William Oc/etrce* T f Waging ton, Wilkes C'ur.lj, • ! February 7, ISO3. j j T'naddetis Maynard, “ ——— AEGuan, Join 1 i David M thews, foleph AbDomtld, Jfaac i\ 2 fcrvc, Nathaniel Moore, ! -ugh M wdonald, Lov is M nnroe, Fetu (YEAvu, J .m s Monlorr, James ATLvcn, John j\l‘l>eao, -——M Ei an, Cjcnrye i\ldien, 4 r: and Md'eelv, 2 vY ilium \ld oEnd, Pi.incas AiiHer, 2 ’ > . ‘ I V T i_> i\ iu in >n ilon, David M nitron, 2 ( liotnas Ma lhall, N. William Noel, Alexander Njcholfon, Barnabas Nve, O'. I ewis Olmotid., Cha.'les Odune, l\ —————Foul a in, Appolios Potter, Andrew* H. Bn nee, 3 John Pi ay., Jideph Plummer# Geor p e ibible, D mas Ponce, William Parker, I bonus Dolniil, R. Charles \V. Rogers, Cjtcoi ge Raliion, J •h 11 EoE, vV itiiam Ross, Robert R d's, Wid jam Ropers, Jofcph Reynoid-, [ihn RobinDn, Thomas Rice, 2 I sS £ke(7ington Selby 2 Gd R Street l)an, Sherman. E.dame I)e Se ,T ttr Dc p - 0 ieti a y. John Singleton. John Alexander Charles Shaw. Susan Stuart. J f> hn S.udcis i li/.:-tbeii Si j a iv, C.h.oies Pml iu?) •S'umnt.’i Alexander Small Alnahatn Strawbhert I iza 11. Seo.dield g Joins St mops. Daniel Smith. T ! A 1 * *-r^ -ciatnew i cp 1 lh mas P. i'ooiiiej, fdm ii t, . Nocol Turnbull, Andrew Turnbull w Mils A. P. \Vi!i:, Joseph Wiilfon, Sufanri ;h Wo*>d, Edmund Walfli, Be -jn. Ward. Mi". Woodhoufe, Ruflld Wilkinson, J-.tcob Wood, 2 Elias Williams 4 Rohm t Walls YV iliiam Whilte Ji).‘ili Woo'd, Y Veiriert* 2. | T horn a? \ oung, Bait alien Orders . THE refp:clive oflicers, commanding companies in the firlt Battalion of ihe Chatham Regiment, here bv notified that a battalion nnifter will take on Thurlday. ITthinftant; battalion to be form* j*rd in r 1 it- ( liurch tquare, at eleven o’c lock Hiis parade being intended preparatory to the annual iulpediion ; it is that the officers will ufi* cverv exertion to bring th. ir men on the ground, equipped, agreeable to law. Richard Dennis , Mijor llt battal. C. R. Sa v?nmh> Feb. 7 ISO?.. *7 Left the plantation cf the July Tiber, in Dry an county, FOUR YOUN (t NEGROES, UN'DI'R the 12.** of ibii’v. named Ben. I'ltns, ( Mht Slo and Sand'-. Anv peifon delivering the t.uive lellows will be rewarded. F'brn .1 v 7, ’ G M. TROUP. R un-aways. R';n otffrom the plantation ot the fubferiber, near Ii arr! wick ten or todays am ten prime young negroes, viz. Yorick, joe, or july, ( >ii\er, Robert, Imu l*e:er, Davy, Qvrrquo. Ben e Adam. Also, two half handa. font; and Buckary. It is fulpeeled that they may attempt to go ns tar as Augulta, rr ten miles above u. Whoever lakes them up, and either 1e cures them in goa > or delive 1 s them at Hardwick, fhdl b rewarded in proportion to their trouble. February 5 lSot. M. BURKE. S fate of G eorg ia Seri ve 11 County. Yj|P'RSONALLY appeared before n.e, YLeo phi In 5 Yhcmas, one of the justices of place, for laid coiuity, William Griffin, who beirm dulv sworn on the hoiv evan&;eiills of Almighty God, Litr 11 that he had in his pof-j fcllioi a note of hand r.iven to him bv Isaac * N. XL.serve, for the (o nos 74 dollars, which j note, he, the (aid W illiam Griffin, has loit be- | ■ween his place and Savannah, and that the j note is n full force, as be has never traded,) trafficked nor perted wiiißthe Line by his own | confenc, and is p tyable the firlt day of March, i iiis William Grftin. mark Sworn to, before me, this 20th day of De cember, 1803. il he of hi ins Thomas, j p. T'cbiu.iiy 7* (38*1(11,) s3’ TAKE AOItCF,. r MH .AT thcp-M-tiicrfliip u( E. & I. i 1 CHE NOR, i., J r’ is day ilillolv<\i bv mutual confi-"t. rtß per lons indetitcd to laid (inn are reijue'hxl to make im iiK'diaU* pa\ment 1 he bulinefs m ill be continued at list l ‘ me (lan ! under 1 he firm of E. CKOV/ELL, C j Cos. Who hrg leave to inform their trrends and th” public that tbev h ive on h mil an afiortnient of S ]! O K B, ci’e. t ho\ hope to merit patronage in their line of bulk •lets. j.mnarv 27. iBo3. FOR SALE. HOUSE and 1 >t, me iot has two fronts, one of which is on Broughton Stree and lor Situ 11:011 it is ui'e Kr to fevv in the City the best ol titles caii be given apply lo d'debh Arnold. A L S G. ‘ A Prime Negro Fellow, Soki (or one of the mofi common uul s m the world, mat is want oi money. Aplpy es above. February 7 1803 z r t From the National intellizencer , u Cos Lintervail ing D u tics. she Committee of Commen t* and Manufactures, ; to whom was referred that pair of the Frdideni’s i j Mt-(I ige which relates to discriminating ami coun j ‘ri valling duties, and to the act oi the Rriufij Par liament on that lubj.-ft, report 1 hat a duty ot fix cents per ton is !-.y law impoied on all American (hips entering any ot the ports of the ; 0 ited States from a toreign pot t : and on any flop! mi v; (El. not oi the United Mates, fit! v cents per ten I —old iir.t an atldicional duty oi ten j>er cent, on fine duiics payable on gooiis, wares ot u> rchaudife im ported in Aina icau bottoms, lias in variabl c been mi poled on fueh goods, wares am! lnerchuiufife, when imporWii i"! ucyn (hips or veilels. i hat i bole di(eriimnalincr duties have tended I - v -* . g'eail v ‘•) mere ds Ihe navio-mon of the ‘United t.cics, hare given to the (hip owners an advantage | over (orrigners in the carriage to the L'uiwd States >i (alt, wine, branch, lugar, cotlce. blankets and o ber coarte wool*us. coarfc linens, hemp, eartlienw are aid ofisvr bulky ar.ticles, and have enabled them to >c almolt exciuliv \\ the carriers of'aii t’ne fine arti • ies ot impov*tu* ion, necefiarv to tbe cottfnmption ot his country. I bis policy cobinecl with advanta <*s r"lu!t ng <-o'v fi ie | a>e W ar in, bad in ere a led the American tonnage to an amount, (J !t ,s believed) not xatrr’or to thar oi anv ttation in Eu rope, txeept Great-p-ritain. Ihe effects ct these dilcriminating duties did r.ot vie ape the oil of ihofc toreign nations with whom sve have Ji.,d -he greatefi commercial intcr courie. By rhe fifteenth article of the trearv ot amity, com. merce nnd navigation, dated London, 19th Noveni her. 179 a. the Brlrifh govornmeut ha referred rhe right of countervailing these dilcriminating-duties— and tite Limed States hound thernfelvcs rot to jm pole any new cr additional duty on rhe tonnage of British fltips 01 veflels, or to ir.creafc the then lubfifi mg difference between the duties payable on the im po ration of any article i Brit iih or American (hips 1 lr is obeyed hy your ccmmU'ce, that the parlia | neat of ur-eat Britain, by a (latute palled the 4th ot jjttiy, 1797, in rhe exercise of tliat refereed right) have exceeded the fair intent and meaning of the j treaty of amity, Ire &c. and theieby ‘.save lecured to I the strip owners ot the nation, the exclusive carriage to Great Britain, (in time of prace) of fomc of our I mod important objects ol exportation. They have (elected fifli oil and tobacco, (articles o joreatbulk) as objects on which tee l igheft counter ! vailing duties have been imposed. The countervailing duty on fifit oil being j Cfcs- failing. | r tcfioi2s2 gallon:— aad upon tobacco, is- 6d. per 100 lbs. In eonfeqnence of which, a JVitifh ship of 250 tm carrving .50 tons ot oil to Biimin rro*". t United States, will pay - Lis duty tl er* than the fame oil would pay it imported into Qrt*.. Britain in an American (fi-.p—the whole freight <• each quantity ot oil would have been, prior to t! late war,onlv (lerlingjtbe net freight to anrtn t can (hip, (afrar deducting the countervailing cm • o| 4531. ’ 155.) would ot courfebe old) 1711 ss. fter 1 g . By the fame operation, a Britifli (hip rs 2jo ton carrying 400 i-Vult. of tobacco ol 1 200 lbs. each to GieaT-Britain f:om the Luircd States, would n.y p.ol llcrl less duty would be payable on .it fume quantity ot tobacco imported in an Atnvtitan >hip—-t c whole freigut at 555. (Rrliug per } i.d. would otrl) amount to 7001. fieri mg, which afier iu ducting the counietvai inguuiy oi ;6..l ) would k* ♦n the Americana net freight ot c nly 3 i4ib. is. iU;I -mg. Rire when imported into Great-Britain in an -"me ncun thip. is charged witli a duty ot 8 pence 8 lnd. (Ri ling per. hundred weight more than w iieu in porc .l in a Rtitilh fliip ; this extra duly amounts on a tierce of rice to about 3s 9d No perlon w ill give Iss9d freight in an American vcfltl, wbelt he can have the fame carried (oi 10s in a British fliip. For and pearl aflies pay a counters ailing dot v of 2 14 — Ij, the bundled weight. A calk of allies con j tiling about 300 weight , the extra duty iMi that Ivy lan Ymer'tcan lhip wtil be 9d per barrel —the (re ght iot inch barrel isptefmned to oc 5s or 5s 6d fieri in tin times ot peace ; a difference of 9d flerling per bai . ire!, wi.l eltectuaily give the carriage to Britilh fliips jot all the Mhes exported trom the United Statew u> J Great Britain. Ihe committee take leave to refer the house to a table ot duties impoletl by Great-Brtraiti on goods imported in American and British fiii[a, which was printed the Ki’l fcilion ol cotigrels, ..nd is herewith ex i oiiiited, 3} Un recurring thereto, an inmortaiu. I countervail in the articles ot wood of ail kinds, a ■ | (’mail one in tar. turpentine, pitch, ami other articles, j will be difcovcrcil ii.e committee tak’- leave to flue, that the prtr„ j liamenr ot Great-Outaiu, by a Ifatutc, bearing date : the 7111 of May, i'b een hundred and tve-o. has im_ j tiic following new a:d a-.itb to’:.;*! .Junes on ;>■_ j rides the produce and luanuiaciints of the i Sf: $. s to wit : Ashes, pot and pearl is 6.1 the cwr. j Ginseng 6s the loolhs. I lnctgo (Aiucm icanj 12s me ioolbs. Bar iron, 13s the ton Fig iron 4s 6d the- ton Birch ?s Sd £ ti, c lafl of lar 2s 1l 3 12 bis Bonn 4d the cwt ‘Yicc gj jhe cwt lobacco 3s the loolbs rurpenrine 2s the ton Bees Wax 51 9d the'ewt Gotton (rtmer ) 7s lo the ioolbs. The countervailing duty of ten pet cent, being al io levied on ail thole new duties, [except that on I obicen] adds farmer to the injury abeadv fultained by American (hips carrying finch articles, and fe, cures 10 Brhifli (hi ps Use < vclulive cmri.sge of the tolowing ariicßs, in addition excluhve carriage 10 tiie iubj' , <3ci already mentioned, to w'it—lndigo iron, ginleng, bees wax, and the imporrant and bul c:y article o I cotton Rrtir to dm pa fling of ilto Bririfli flat me ol May luff, American cotton and iu d.go vverc free oi duty on i upon a lion to Great Eri* cam, the countervailing dutv on indioo will in cor lequcncc o( the dutv above dated., he Is 2 hod. per iooi ns rliat on cotton noiC peiice 4 10 per lbobls. 1 lie frcijglic of ioobis. of cotton mav be eftimared, in tiroes of peace, at Bs. 40’, ft), the ciifterence of y!, on Bs. 4i. will (give a decided preference to Rn.ifii over Ameri can (hips. Thus, then, it appears, that Great-Britain, by her countervailing :uff, has (ecuiv u elFec tualiy the carrying, (for own wants and her foreign commerce,) of our fi ill oil, tobacco, pot and pearl fifties, ri< t\ indigo anti cotton, and having the carriage of thole bulky arti cles, the minor objects (except naval (lores) not being fufnciently imporrant to form en tire cargoes., wiii also be carried in Brit.fti S ffiips. ! ‘ The committee take leave further toftate | tint ly the fame statute of Great Brita n, of j the seventh of May Lit, a duty of had p£r J cent, is impeded on all goods, wares and | tr.erchandifc, (of the growth and manukte ! tore of Grear-Britain) on their e>pc>i tatio:i to any j orc in .Europe, or within the (freights of Gtbraltar, and of one per cent, on fi,id ler goods, when exported to any place, noc being in Europe, or within the flreighis* of i Gibraltar ; thus fuEjecting tiie United Stares jto a duty on exports double that which is paid by the nations of Europe. This dis crimination your committee believe to be ia contradiction to the fpiric of the treaties ex isting between die United States and Great- Bntain. ijy the statute of Great Britain, paftid the 4th of July* 1 797, a duty of tonnage was im posed on American fliips entering her poirs, of 2s pa ton. which is admitted as a L;r countervail of the discriminating dutv of a.4 cents per ton on theirlhips entering the port! of the United States. From the preceding view of the fubbfl, ir appears royour committee, that American veflels will I (erred to Bricifli lor the carrying of all the fine n mu ia* of Great Britain; but that the decided anvin- that Eihifli now have over American, in the carriage o( all the bulky and important articles or the i(i and uviuiußeturn of the United Mat -s, rcc-fla-. ry lor the couiumptimi or foreign commerce of Grear- Britain, will enable their owners to enter into an ad vantageous competition with the Americans in tho carry in£ trom Great- Britain to United states. < f britifh fait, arid of all the coarfc and bulky articles of the pro duce or manufactures of Great Britain. Forirflance: Balt is charged with only two cents per buflielg more when imported in a f reign ship, than when imported in an American. 1 His f.nall duty has never prevented its itnpurnation in British Chips. Earthenware—a crate thereof will ccft about fire pounds fferling. 3be usual peace freight ol Vch % crate is prefun ed to be about aos. or fferling ; the extra duty thereon being only i. 6d. fferling, would