Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, February 10, 1803, Image 3

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Pm pair! l>v *he ( w,i e r of a Britifii liiip rathei th n n*’ obtain the freight. Blankets—-a bale of ten pieces will coll 401. fterliig, tite utual peace freight about 35*. (lei ling ; the extra | duty payable H iinpoitcd in a Britifii (hip, will be tos. I ilerling. I W 00l hats, ofnsburgs, fail canvas, kei feys, negro f cottons, fiannei, Baize, half thicks, and in truth all t ‘Woollen cloths under as. flerling per yard ; beer, por m ter aird a vat sefcy ol other bulky articles, pay an extra I duty so Imall when compiled with the freight ot such ■ goois, that the owners of Kritifli ships, when allured ot Bh full remrflfreight from the United states to Creat- will find it their inn re t to agree to ; ay tite extra duty pay on fucii goods wiien imported into t the United stares jn foreign fl.ii sor vrf['* : a . h ranee ailo has taken meafnici to meet tire opera tion of our ililtrimiiMting (fiiiics. In the feeond \eat of the t* ncfi rrpih:ic, a ittcrce, freiariv*. to tire act of navigation of tlm nation) has p.(Ld, iv which h du. iy of tonnage of lots, was imjiofed on fortign vt ilcis ei triing rhe polls ot I'iaiice, and ol o fo.s j• ci ton on liencli vtii'cL. n the third year of rhe French republic, a law wa c pafit and, inipofu # a dmv of 18 livies f , i.k p. r oumra* cn tobacco imported in French vt fK Is, and of i \ litres on tobacco imported into tire ports of France in for eign vvfl Is; which duty has (ince been incrraled io V> i.vrrs per quintal, wlirii imported in foteigij (nips aud 20 livrev when in French (hips; iraiAng k differ cnee of i2o livrt s, or 2 2 dollars and 90 cents per iio<f head of 1200 lbs. agtiult the importation ot tobacco into Fiance in American veflels. 1 hi> diicrimina.'ing duty amounts in het. to the pi oliibF Du of tlu in-porL at ion of tobacco in American vtflejs, into France “lour committee further Uate, ihat by a late law. Fiance h s uttpofed a diU i iiniiiaiiiig durv of 50 pei irnt. on tlie duties pay ilde on iugar, coiiie toeua and other Weftdndia goods, wl cn imported in I-reach flops, on (intilar goods whtni inputted in foreign (hi os into her pojis. 1 lie com 10: lire take leave to exhibit herewith, (no. 1 } statements of exports, imports and tonnage, as me) 1 < tale to France, C.ieat .Brita n ami the Unied States ► And a fl.ilenient, (no ci) shew ing the exports front the L tilled, to the ! utopean ports 0} Great-Brit atE o!.d France, ot the following articles, to wit I’otand pearl allies, g jr eng, iron, pilch, rofitt, rice tobacco, tur, fifh-oil tni'pentutf-, Ik rtwax ami cotton, and value of exports to thole nations, fur :.ic year ISO 2. Sweden and Denmark have laws impaling diferim inamigcimies highly fuv iralde to iheir cafrving trade. Spain al(o, t>y its navigation laws gives i-mortaiit ad vantage to il* own (hipping over thole of ioi < nn nations trading to her ports. KolLnd also, has her dilaivn inaring duties, which in tl eir confecjimu e, me i * ju 1 ious lotlie c< nimercial imeicft of the United States. ‘X wo modes have pit leaned themleives to vourconi initice, 10 obviate tlie dijiadv outages rc Suiting to the carrying trade of the U lifted States, from the vailing and did rituinath'tg duties already recite ;! ‘Flie one to increase our ddflriminating duties fn as to meet tlie injuries now experienced from rhe operation of lltofe and the counterv liling duties of other nations The other to relinquish tar riifcriminating dutics fir, |far as they relate to goods, wares and merchanuife, ■the growth, produce or manufacture of the nation, to p.vhtch the fliip by whom the fame are impoi red, may rbelong) in favor of fucii foreign nation, will a gri\ to abolish fitch of their < l firimin it ing or countervail l ing duties, as are in their operation injurious to the inured of the United Sr.lies. The fr.ll mode would, an its confcquences lead to a commercial warfare between the United States and for ign nations. A-dmit for instance, that the United States should increase I iv dilcrimin.uing duties will not foreign nations also- increase then’s in everv in fiance, and at every limit the United Stale* (hail mir fue their plan of increase, If lb, v our commi: ree are at •\ Us to perceive what benefit could arise to the in trrrlt cd ti*c United Sta :u* tVom Inch a f \ Jfcm. The lecond mode ap;n ars to your commitur, more confident with the true Uttered, as well as wirh the peaceful dilpolition of the United States. Fhcy thuc iote lubinit tlie folio wing rei’olntioii : The committee ot commerce and manufa&ures. to whom was referred that.,part cf the prescient’s mcflagt which relates 10 disc ruminating and countervail: to* duties, and to the act ot ihe British p v rlia:m nr on tiiar fubjecl. have made a long and unerciiiug report, with the following resolution : 4 Kf.soi vkd. that so much of rhe fever,,! im posing duties on tie tonnage of drips and veflels #v ti \ on goods, waits and merchandise imported Ut.iied states, as in,p-lt*s a ciHontublaring dory on lotmage, between foreign veflels ami •. cfUls of tite l_ nited Mates, and between goods imported into the United btaus in foreign vdteis. and veiTeU of rite U nited Joules, ought to be repealed ; lb far as the fame refpefts tl e produce or in&nu:'adur-es of the nation to which fitch foreign fliips or veflels rnav belong— -■fuch repeal vo take citect in favor or ?.nv fbrei tl nttion, whenever the president (hall be fatis'fied that the dii eliminating or countervailing cUitics of fucii ioreion nut ion so far as they operate to tie disadvantage of the United Hiatts, iiave been abolifbed. K £ P*o R r Os the Director of the Mint of the United States T 0 the President of the Ihiited States. The Dircdhvr of the Mint of the United States, l>egs leave rcfpecftuilv to tnafe annual tenor: on the iflbes and flste of tlie Mint. Fie is happy to info r nt the Frefulent that the bul lion deposited in the mint during tlie pa ft has far exceeded what was expected at the begbtnitic of it> notwithstanding the confideruble check given to deposits for fome time, b\ free, tent reports trom the fefil of goverttment, during the laib feftion of congreis, that the mint wouldbe aboiifhcd. iince the Hrlt day of January lSo'2, there has been iflbed from the mint a fun amounting in the whole, to five hundred and iixteen thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars, eighty-three cents, as will appear in detail by Schueduie No. 1, hereunto annexed, which liave been added to the current coin ot the union. Os this sum one hundred and twenty-nine thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars, and uineiv one cents, in value, in gold, have beet? coined from bullion and gold dull imported into the United States, and col letfed to the mint, as a centre from tiic different parts of the union. The balance of the gold coin age ha been coined from clipped, plugged and other w ife foci cd foreign coins. \Vhich have been (enr to tl*e mint as bullion. Had not this whole fant be< n coined in the United States, it mufr have been remit .fed to the European markers ; in which calc the eight, infura nee ad coni millions, with the profits on tfxe cents, would have amounted to a sum nearly e quj 1 to the current expenditure of the mint. A 11 the deposits were private property, the certifi eat ?s for which were fold generally, as soon as given, to the banks in this city, at a iocrih aud a half per Dent d:fc ;i nt fc: :hc tUI* .if itm’r. Tb. : •re iond of keeping tlie coin in tiietr vaults, a* p*ri J their on accouttt cf t!:c case with which | hey are counted, without the trouble or weighing, j I he bank of the c nited States indeed, having a con iidcrable part of tlicii fp.ecit in this coin, hive been enabled, lor fome time palt, to cancel their five dol hr notes, anti to fubifitute tite payment of half ea gbs, bv which our coins began to be store generally dtlpeiltd among the people. There have never been aiiv of the precious inetaU coined on account ot tlie government ot tite United Mates. Comparative ifiiies from the mint, for several years past, Will appear bv the Schedule, No.-, alio here unto annexed. Ihe current exp net sot tite mint ihe year have amounted to leventeen thousand lour hundred and sixty-two dol ! ars, and lixty-five cents, as will fjtpear irom schedule. No. 3, trotn winch the profitj on the copper c- triage, amounting to five fix bundled and forty-four dollars, 1 liir y-tiii'f e cent*, lliould be deducted. Betides the cents on band, wc have nearly twenty-four tons ot copper p.ancbetts readv for linking; the coinage of winch arc daisy in operation, at the rate 01 ftheyti simnlunt! c- iws a day. Ins a duty in umbent on the dircdlor of the irint rtlpecttully tocali the Frefident’s attention to tlu expiration or ttie law of tne United States for con tinuing the mint at Philadelphia, on the fourth of March next, by its own limitation. It therefore be comes absolutely iKccH.ry, that the fubjedl should be ni ought before congreis so early, that provilion raav !<e made tor thtit contingency. It cotiorc'.s should • tie without doing any thing ilterein, tite mini could n<>t be continued in Philadelphia with propriety ; net t! er<ould it be removed to the feat or government, lot want o’ law to atithotife it. It is Sut d'*i;ig j dice to merit to fav, that the cfli cels or tne mitt'., concerned in the coir,age, and the workmen itave greatly increaicd in their profeili inal knowledge:, anti have acquitted themleives with tite !tt ic:c(l iuiegri- , and j'articular attention totheii leveral ;b partments, lor many years pa ft io that net i a dollar has been iod, except in one folitarv inUance, , when the cuijoit \v is deteded by their a ill Unity and] care, proiecuted and pntiiihed ; and it was by titeit exertions that the mint was kept open dut ing the ince diiiret? ol the city, by the fever ol ialt fu unitr if ti.e mint ffio hi ri.main in its prelimt situation !here will be a ticccfiify ot at itaft two acidifionai horles and fome repairs to the machinery, part of i: having been repaired the pall year from neceflltv. At leall five hundred dollars wilt be necellin y in that case, to be added to the usu tl cUimate, to be appro priated for rlie ptmbale of Itotfes, and further re pnirs to the present machinerv. All wiiicli is re fpectivclv iubmirted to the President j by and linnth r !• rv ant. ELI \S HOLD!NOT, Direßor. Mint of thtUaiud Stales, ‘Jan. i, 1803 stf Ji- Vi'.trj-*.*.ssiatnw arm&r 9 *r. jtixum SAVAN N A H. Thor s and a y Mem ing, FH.RR.UARY io, ISO3. When we bfi Ffid before the public, fome remarks i on the fiily]edt oi nir. Rutledg-e, we did not think ever to line added a word to our observations, unlcfs fome : official tranla&ions should have taken place which mipht liave tendered it ncceflary As, however, this 1 matter has excited very considerable attention, and as a eorrtct tflitnalion of tlie facts is an atTainmt*A r extremely dcfirablc, we cannot but think it our duty to notice any remarks which may appear to add new evidence on either fide. The editor of the Aurora dates that while congress were fitting in Pun idclphm, many anonymous arti clcs intended for tlie Auror.:, were received at that office for publication, and reveled, “i he hand vvrhino ct theft* is dated -to he exactly limilar to that of the forged letters* Mr. Duane dates his rearms for be. • icviug these articles were written by uir, Railed-re.— I he following at t; Acs are or the number, with Duane’s remarks. Copies of anonymous paragraphs in the fame hand writing as the letters forged in the name cf a* 7. J J Nics f-JJfoy. * From mr. Rutledge’s partial manner of tlt.Cch.urg ing the duties of the chair (when the whole hrmfe is in committee) we may figure to ourselves what will he tiis conducF it he shall succeed in being elected sneaker. The truth is that whether his honorable {; lends bew ail. Pinckney, Otis or Harper rife, he roars out ro order in the mod flentorotphonlc maimer, but when any of the minority are up ‘he chairman takes up his pen and unites his billets doux and receives tlie ibft and var.quilhed look* of the pretty guls in the gaiierv anti lobby with as much fang froid as it he was in his chain her—Lord, lord what a charming -thing it -s to be a man of faihion ! Mr. 11. i; a man oi faihion, a;,d tiu vjowen Hy ’twas very fenlible in old thundererto make him tlie heir apparent tor that he is a nun of fine parts. R:itls ift's with to pteaie ait h’S honourable friends induced great error's to command idcT.ce alien poor oovidatd ipokc, Nc. Another. On Monday laflhis exceilenev in Arch ftreetgivea tplendid ball. Mr. Davton thought the dignity *d tiic chair would be committed if both he and his chairman danced- and he adjourned with tire active feererary at war, and judge Cuihing, and chief jnftice Lllfworth to a lnug back room where they Iwigg’d his niajelty s old port at a g r eat rate—their honors were (bon put under tlie table the next morning the speaks r sent to the hou'e to fay lie was (ick nd could not attend the lit tle fecretarv was motv.lrous ntaukifh the whole dav, and tlut accompli Hied and beauiifnl man judge Ells worth vowed lie voud not have drank so much if he tad known that wine was stronger than c%der. P S. The printer is refpeCtiuliy requeued not to make alterations in^the articles relating to lueflSeurs Champltn and Rutledge and the party at Ltfton’s. (The Article concerning ChampHk is as folloxvs —l Written on the feme jheei.) Young Champlin has commenced fpcaker to the verv great mortification of his friends: they are fearful tfia: his habit of vociferating in (ocietv, to the exciufion of every body present will be praftifed in public, and that he will become as great a chatterbox in congress a-; he is in private. (Here follows an anecdote of the moll vulgar bawdry. I- * dg&a j ‘ i * _ • 4 . ,* .7 , dtlS.. it aE’ <c A'/r. Rutledge's Rejolution. i?ut!edge thinking himfelf might? canning, offered for preventing a debate on any bill or refutation being prmra&ed beyond one dav, mr. Gallatin however, who mars all tory plots catily difcovercd that Rut ledge and Otis as members of the committee of vigor, had laid their heads together and hatched this coutri vsnce for fecuriug success to a bill into which they tneanr To t ram a 1 iheir war meafbres, and the details of which could no’ be examined in a day, made the houle indignant and onlv 26 votes could be obtained. Goody Harper voted again 1 1 the refoiution nor because it was a contrivance or trick, but because it would prevent thi* making three speeches, Rc. A;:ot her. The Lnthero feds have been completely jockied, aid mr. Rutledge is n :it seems to be the lureflor jot tne federal Jove. At a le’ect Caucus held I evenings palt ai i'rauy’s, it WuS determined that. as J Rutledge would not vole for a declaration ‘fmvr, and ! as the chair was no to him, and as mr. Sedg wick was willing to go -ail l?r.-'th> —as he h.J de feended from rht lenate—as he vv s ready to declare war, and *s twelve dollars a day was an \oljefJ to Theodore, thru lie oupht to be lupport cd for the chair, The southern feds proteited against the tajlern decree—Bayard laid the chair at a former caucus hail been protiiifecl Rutledge —Craik thought it would be good policy to fill ic with a iouthe/n man—Evans Hie wed mathematically r’ o the Virginians would be difplealed if Theodore litcceeded, be caule they already complained of the govern ment being a government of e a [tern men ; and Dennis complained and Grove kicKed—but it was all to no pur pole, and mr. Sedgwick is up as the federal candidate for the chair—*Tis not certain whether Theodore will iucceed, I but it is cert in that Rutledge dekrved to be laughed at —whenever the southern men fol low the eastern they are invariably jockied and rode. RF.MARK \ To per Tons wht> are not intimately acquaint* with the arts of men of mean or mercenary’ ambition, it may appear abiurd to iuipect Rutledge of writing concerning himlelf and betraying the actual Icerris of characters of his own party, and even Leering at himfelf. But in theta articles and o'.hers, we perceive independent of the p Jibuti identity of the wri ting, rea-fons of a perform l and political nature to fix thole articles on Rtiiledpe, 1. ills wid’i known expectations of the fpeakeTs chair when Sedw ick was elected. 2. His v-anitv to be co -fidered as a man of laih.on and a killing creature among the women. J. ibs focret but unalterable hatred and jeaiouiv of Harper. 4. ‘The well known fact that he forfeited j die confidence of the Yankee feds—upon the 4 ucuion of war. 5. Ills being condancly at the dinner par ties at Lilton’s. 6. His contempt for Otis and Cham pi in’s understanding—though much on a par with his own. But it wifi be a Heed, why he Hi >uld write in the Aurora? For very obvious reason his knowledge of the federal movements en abled him to fay fb much as was likely to fub lerve ins own views, without danger of dis covery sand by publilhing on one fide in the | Aurora he had an opportunity of answering himfelf in the Gazette of the U. States, and! thereby persuading that he could not be the author of what he answered. 1 he letters of this man have been dlTufed all over the country, and his conduct is one among the cogent arguments againftthe blind ness of fortune in bellowing the means of employing time ond induftiy to pernicious ends, when the fame character might with less fortune have become a very refpecTible co.l --porter, woo j- cutter, or (hip’s boatswain, DMvD, on the 30th January, at the houfeof rapt. Putnam m this city, Mr. DAVID A: GRIEVES, m the 22d year of his a/e. . On the evening of the rphinli. Maria Spen cer, u turner A William H. Spencer, aged years and (bur rronchs. The fwcetnefs of tem per ditpofiuon, and th-e promding ingenuity ot th s amiabie child, renders her memory dear, and her I of- truly deplorable t> a tender father and aiiciLon ate litter. (c insatiate mon (ter ! Could not one fuffi-e ? i: liis liar t flrw twice, and twice my peace was jin in.” NOTICE. ITTF, inhabitants of Savannah are refpe&fnlly in formed that a tabferiprion to build a koor'Mouje ! witi he carried round in the course cf this week, to j solicit their support i &thote who may not fee I! .is in druaimt, thus calculated, will pleate tcj obfcrve. that afterwards ic mav be seen at the Bank, in which all l 1 who mav become tabferibers to it there, are rr-quelted ! to drlpofitone third the amount of their relpeftive sub feriptions, subject to the order ot the trultees who will :'t appointed, when the cries of the poor are lieard, and iheir moving claimsfufliciently regarded* to cairv this benevolentdeiien into execution. A Crrl ze n . February 10th, 1805. Office of Discount A Depo/it. Savannah \ February \st, 1803. ALL persons tranfaClmg butinefs at the Bank, will please to observe, that after the 13 r1 inflant, no bills or notes of a less lum than one l.uudrcd dollars will be received for difeount. Thomas Mrndenhall, Cashier. I February 3d, 1803. (37) WAX WORK. THE proprietors of the wax-work have a ed to their collection , a Venus de Med which will be exhibited to the curious until turday-evening next. Those who wtfh to i this elegant exhibition , are informed that it positively be removed from this city ok Mon next. Sa vamiahy Febrxary 10, 18 03. ( *• 9. A BARGAIN 7 FDR sale, either to be removed or to femain c>i ground rent, at the purchaler may chooie, a con venient DWELLING HOUSE, on an eiigiuic lot the city. Enquire of the printeis. Sav mnah, February i, 1803. (3^) ~JOSF ARRIVED & FOR SAL E PRIME Philadelphia Beef in barrels; put up in a particular manner, caicu’a ej for family use. A ! >, a tew battels of excellent B ulon Salmon, fur Lie bv the fuolcnber ti‘e compting-houtu of uiellrs. Dennis and Williams. RSCti’D DUFFIELD. February ivO. (jqJ v\ IESUN 6? KNOX, now Ln ling from the brig Re: r ,urrg, from Ncw-rYvX'k, and for iale on low terms, 1 2 VNUAR TER casks Malaga whit, 6 ditto , Cherry, ditto, 6 diti , Lisbon, ditto , 6 ditto , London particular Tenerife, do. 4 * butts choice old Maderia, do. 4 pipes 4 th proof cagniac Brandy, 2 do. Holland Gin, 4 chest-s Ny/on *2 ea, 4 do. fly sou Skin, do. 4 kegs ground Ginger, A large alibirment of M A HOG AN Y FIT R N1T T J !I R, (on consignment) at cojl aud charges . ON HAND, 8 hhds. prime retailing Jamaica Sugar, 4 :h proof Jamaica Rum, 2d A ?d proof fV. /. ditto, v..’ X J J ij! proof if. L. do. A FE W SE T a Ei. E O \ N T C H [ N A. IFyues’ Wharf, Feb. 10. For London. 1 I r’ritilh coppered lliip, L() . MinULK l ON, /.. hnnm-l HaU- . -JnMii&U, “ ,a ' l ,he . ent! •’ ‘!>• m„, J ‘ Having two thirds of Per car;* - /) enoa<> For freight of cotton for the remainder at a low ; apply to James Marshall Feb roar v to. rßO'’. f,r. f t < hint ion. r J “>DE pub ic are cautioned againfl receiving 2 :vo: g von jy the fuhp.riber to An to. Scarf:;-, Oct >otr 1801, lor one hundred doliurs —as the o perfy for which said nore was given, has ft nee -n fe-Zvn! by the SpaniHi government for duties dm t ■ government by Auto. Suarez, wi.o had no rinbt tail. - pose of rlie property —flte fubferiber will coined 1, j payment of said note at law, John D. Amelia Blind, F. Flmida, jan. 26, IBO.L (vR ‘ ABSCONDED ! IT ROM the plantation of mr. Stephen*, on Skid a w / jl the 2,th January lad. PRINCE, a fhorr ii r well made negro man, about 4o vnrs of wit drong buHiv beard, aud his wife ROSE, a likeJv yen: t - black wench —i lie above runaways were both io- in Virginia, and were employed 1a it vear on s’kidav,-. out being ordered to remove to CJffabaw, abandon; . their three fata 11 children, and their baggage h i - they may be fc.liking about skid ; way, <r ncar t'ne plantation of mr. Turnbull —ls thev w return, they will meet with pood ui ige, or if tak a reward of ten dollars each, will be paid, on and livering them either to mr. Stephens, or at r.. • Oliver’s to Aaron Forbes. February 9, i?Ok (3o arr sheriffs sale. ON the firfl TuefJ y in M trch nextj wilt br f * ■ at the Cour s -House in this ciiyj between htuis of and 10 and 2 o’clock, a negro man named Cup*. .> v (elzed as the property belonging to the eda’.e of j m * C. Smith; tofatisfy the ad.niniltrarrix of the eflat ■: B tnifier V/uin, for judgment obtained by her in *.~.r Mayor’s court, agaimr the eitair of ;ai J j. G. Sou:;. T. Robertson, S. C. S. Savannah, ;th February, 1803. (3 ij ; NO Flf E. r fubferiber. finding it highly to his difad i. tap.e to be enirullfii with Ki-M or any k/rJ s * liquors in.ol the public that he will not tov:i der hiinfelf’ oound to pay any debt of ilsat kind vu,.- trnfted after this date. JAMES l AYLOiv. Savannah Feb. to, 1803. PUBLIC AUCTION; GN Monday the eeth March next will be fAd and the Vendue Store Commerce Row, AH the wearing apparel and undries behv “- h:g to the Estate of Capt John Duzall dect:: - by order of the administrator. E. HILLS, Anar. February 7 ISO3. wsaamamemmmmmmmm 1 11 it i HiKiwriii |a paaßHrSK£xc>aMKar./r P. S. it is reported Utav u vcilcr was ca . away near the mouth of this harbour, and J verl lives loiV, on the ni-hc of'the inlta;... Wc have not itarnc the particular, nor the name of the veffei. A repoit prevai.s at the northward thatth-’ French arc about fending a detachment o troops to cut timber on A*v. Florida fide the river Sr. Mary’s.