Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, February 17, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Six DeHart a Year, Half in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBL ICAN> \ Volume I. No. 41. HEAD-QUARTERS, Louisville , 3, ißc2. General orders * The adjutant general will againproceed to the annual convention of the field officers of the rcfpc&ive regiments and battalions, to gether with the brigade infpc&ors of the bri gade they refpe&ively belong to, at such times and such places as may be mofi con venient for all the field officers of such bri gades, in order to inftrud them in the dis cjpline preferibed by . congrcfs, and in order that the evolutions preferibed by law, may be pra&ifed. The Brigadier general will order a com pany of Light Infantry, or Fufileers, to attend each refpedive brigade convention of officers •—-pfovided and equipped as the law directs, such corps to be. In instances however, where manifett in conveniencies will crife in convening the field officers in each and when from various caufesy theobjedfc of luth conventions cannot be fully anfwercd. The brigadier ge neral of each brigade will in lieu thereof, adopt such mode as he may deem belt cal culated for effectually inftru&ing the field of ficers in the defeipline preferibed : which end the commander in chief is impressed with a belief can be bed effeded i n brigades where it may be found inconvenient to convene the field officers, by ordering the field officer, or officer?, in each regimental or battalion di ftrift, to attend the adjutant general, when the regimental of battalion officers a r e con vened for the purpose of being inftrudted in the difeipline and evolutions. He will also concert with the several bri gade infpe&ors on the mod proper time for convening the refpedtive regimental and bat talion officers with the adjutants and fird ser geant thereof, for the purpose ofinftructing them in the laid difeipline ; And as it is of the highed conlequence that the privates should be particularly taught the duty requir ed of them in the field : the commanding of ficers of therefpe&iv regiments &batralionsare called on to act in concert with the adjutant ge neral ard brigade inspectors by ordering regi mental and battalion mutters, at Inch time as they may be notified by the adjutant ge neral that he will attend them for that pur pose. JONAS FAUCHE, Adj. Gen. By order of the Commander in chief ♦ BRIGADE ORDERS, Jan. 1, 1803. The officers commanding regiments and battalions within the fird brigade fird diviii on, will have the fame paraded by eleven o clock in the forenoon on the day refpe&ive ly appointed for each, armed and equipped s the law diredls, in order to be inipedted by the adjutant general. Effingham county, batalion on Monday 28th February next. Chatham county regiment on Thursday third of March. Bryan county battalion on Saturday, sth March. Liberty county battalion on Monday 7th March. M'lntofh county battalion on Wednesday cth March. Glynn county battalion, on Friday nth March. Camden county battalion, on Wednesday 16th March. The officers will attend in complete uni form, and with their commi (lions, and the officers commanding companies are required to furnilh the adjutant general on the day of parade with returns ot the fame, fpecifying the j number of commissioned, and non commis sioned officers, and privates } and arms, ac coutrements, See. The field and company officers of the Chathajn regiment, with theadjutanr, and as irany now commissioned officers as the com manding officer of the regiment, may deem necefiary, to constitute a fufficient number to perform the requisite evolutions, will con vene on Wednesday the 2d day of March next, at such places he may point out j pro vided with each a fufee, or musket, and the requisite accoutrements: At which time and place, the adjutant general and brigade in <pc£tor,will at-tend for the purpole of inltnid- ing them in thedifeipline preeribed by law. The other counties within the brigade hav mg only battalions ; tne adjutant general will be enabled to execute the duties required in one day, and con fequently,after the infpedtion is completed in those counties; the brigade in fpedlor will agreeably to Law, form into a company, in front of the battalion ; ail *he captains and subalterns, and the adjutant thereof, taking in also, if he thinks proper, the non-commiflicned officers of each company, and as many privates as may be necessary to conflitutc a fufficient number* and proceed to inftrudt them in the mannai exercise, and such evolutions as the adjutant general may direct. The brigade infpeflor, Major Lyon, will take the necessary steps to carry this order in to effect, and will report such officers a? may be in default : by order of Brigadier-general TATTNAL, J. E. HOUSTOUN, Aid de Camp. _ Elegant furniture for sale, JUST landed from oo boaid the ship Comet, Capt Stevenson, from Baitimore, a quantity of ex cellent Mahogany Furniture • Os the latcft fafhions, conftfting of Secrtarys oc Boole- Cases, Side Boards, Circular and straight front Be* reaus, Fall Desks, Circular and faih corner Card Fa. bles, Oval Pembroke do. Northumberland dining d' >t circular and fti aight Bafon itands, Candle ftauds, &c. w -ALSO,- A few fancy Chairs* The citizens ofSavannah are particularly requeued to view the above furniture, as it is of a iupcrior qualty, and will be fold low for cafti or produce. Any per for. wishing to purchase bedsteads, or any article in the above line, can be supplied in a few weeks by Edward Priestley, at Johnson Sc Robertfon,&co’s. old Compting-houfe. December 4. •> ‘ • ‘Twenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the fubferiber, living in Washington county, a NEGRO MAN, named Messer , about 27 or 28 years old, about .5 feet it inches high, knock-kneed a bushy head and a fear on his throat, had on when he went away, a pair blue broad cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with I)im a white broad cloth coat. A reward of twenty dollars will be given if confined so that I get him. F. Boykin. December 8, 1802. __ The fubferiber. INFORMS his friends in general and the Citizens of Savannah, that he has opened a hsufe of Entattainment on that pieafantfitua ‘ion, belonging to Mrs John Moore on IVbiie Bluff road, within one and an half mile of Savannah ; on whom they may rely, that the ft r idlest at ten tion will be objerved to give general fatisfaction . William Finder J anuary iq, 1803. ts Battalion Orders . THE rrfpeftive officers,,- commanding companies in the firft Battalion of the Chatham Regiment, tre here bv notified that a battalion mutter will take place on Thursday, 17thin(Unt; battalion to be form ed in the Church square, at eleven o’clock This parade being intended as preparatory to the annual infpeftion ; it is expefted that the officers will use every exertion to bring th: ir men on the ground, regularly equipped, agreeable to law. Richard Dennis # Major Ift bactal. C. R. Savannahi Feb. 7, 1803. 37 A BARGAIN J FOR faie, either to be removed or to remain on ground rent, at the purchaser may choose, a con venient DWELLING HOUSE, on an eligible lot in the city. —Enquireof the printers.’ Savannah, February 10, 1803. (39) Wanted Immediately. EIGHT or ten prime field hands , for the purpose ej cultivating Cotton, near this city : A liberal price will be paid punctually Phey will be well treated. For further particulars apply tit this office* Savannah , January I, 1802. 2awtf. “ N OTIC t.“ : “ ALL persons to whom the estate o f Francis Levstt, efqulre, late of Julian! ton, is indebted, are requested to furnifh their accounts, or statement of their demands, duly attested, and those indebted to the estate, are expected to make immrr.ediate payment, to William Stephens, Matthew Johnston, James Johnston jun. Executors . December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about tooo acres prime cotton land, on or about Sapelo— Aplpy as above. SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON & MORSE. FEBRUARY n, 1805. notice THE Members of the Female Afvlumave requeued to come forward and pay their annual fuhfcrip tson as the timr before notified is almost expired and few have availed themfelvcs of it to. JANE SMItH, A MINIS Sec try. January, t 9 tSo'x aer notice. T HE Gb-crioer intending to be absent from the ttnef'.me r /Vne, requvfts those who may have clairs agami: hun, tender them as so nas possi ble for pavmer • ; nd such as are indebted to him arc* fol kited to d(eharr?e ihe frne. ’ J. TaTINALLJun. Bonaventure, Dec . id, tßoz. (zaw-zmj | j Land for bale. rpO be fold an 1 immediate poffeflion gi- X ven, 2co acres of land, old furvev, ad joining lands in dilpute, between the Hon. Jacob Read of south Carolina, ana the Hon. Wm. h of S tvannah, on the Monteath road,about 9 miles from Savannah : It is well timbered, and mud be an objebl to any per ion who lias river plantations contagious thereto. Also a traff of toco a aces excel lent cotton land,in Columbia county ,10 miles above Augusta, 100 adres of which is under good fences and might be, planted to advan tage next year: Also 1500 acres good oak and hickory in Franklin countv originally granted to Cob Benjamin Fifhbourn, adjoining at the time of furvev, lands of R ichard Call and i Thomas Collier efqrs. The above lands will be disposed of before the iah day of F-bru.irv next. All persons are cautioned agamft; tres passing on the above lands. Michael Burke. December 18. S. 0 M R IIAN io , A person in the Mercantile line, fettled at a (mail village in the counr-y, where holiness may r >e done to great advantage, is desirous of a Partnfr who can advan e Four thou sand Dollars in Cash or dry Goods, well L; in to chat amount or would have no objection to being concerned in a large import;n wholesale ho use which would fuppiy full assortments at coil and charges.—ln c-f,i o’ a partner who would reside on the spot, he can be accommodated with the family, who are possessed of necefiary further particulars on this lubjedl, enquire of the printers, and address a few lines as they will direst. 2, 1802. EDUCA T 1 O N. S. C O W LING, MOST refne&fullv o'Urs his service as tutor to 1)13 friends anti the public in g ncral, air! nopes by the m >ft affiduons attention to his bufinefv to merit the approbation oft he onhlic. He will com menceon Monday next in the brick house formerly tK property of mrs F.ppinger, fronting the fotoh-wef t rn common —For terms apply to him at the laid honfe Savannah, February 3, 1802. (37 3m.) s ‘TR A Y ED, FROM town on the night of the 21st inst. a small white HORSE, about 8 years old, has are markable large head, wth a Mark spot under his left eye ; no other marks are recollected. Whoever take’ up the laid horse, and delivers hi o to the keeper of the Ogechee bridge ; to Mr. Mails at Newport bridge, or to the fubferiber at Commerce Row, lhall be reasonably rewarded. A. Pope Savannah, Jannary 29, 1803. 2awtf THE fubferiber has removed his to the house late/y occupied as the Cuftom’ //oufe, near the Exchange, and continues the Fa&o rage and Commission Business as usual—A il produce sent by wter wi// be stored by MeflVs, Brookes and Dur.nina:, at mr. C’ay’s wharf. A parcel of Cotton and Rice for fa/ e. Joseph Habersham’ Brought to Goal the foliowi Runaways. ANEGROE Wench appears to be foolilha hßmifli in her right eye.cannot fpeakfo as to be underflood. A Negro fellow calls hitnfelf Solomon fays he be longs to General Pinckney of South Carolina. j. P. OATES, goaler C, C, January 26. Wanted to hike, FOR the enfiuing year , 3or 4 Fie lA Slaves: For which a liberal pric e will be given, and half paid in advance if required—Enquire at this office . January 8, 1803. fZ° (f* J Twelve and a Half Cents l For Freight or Charter,A ßrag ! I Hr. Go;.ni bft failu.UT P,. itiih M/Mm f N c tolas farke 7 it. & Us h> n:tr% :M iso 2. Fv> x i\ v V\ r -. ■v > \^ Tllii SL o • •l’ ‘ 7 A j f Y a, cr vcar-c:• t pr-r: t-’ fire* id; fit He —r ic h:s good scs c> freight or passengers. The f be thankfully received. For furiher particuH|| enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, orfl Isaac N t . Meserve, matter, on Board. October 23, *Bo>. 1 LOjR~LRMGfir OR CHARiER.^ C 1 he schooner, A 1 BL RT, now lying at hFaytie's wharf, with all her iac~ kte (sfc.—Burthen ab ut 80 ten —* For further particulars , enquire of t hornas Fitzgerald, near Lbunas Gibbons's. January 12. (31//I Left the plantation of tue juijrrifter, in Biyan county, FOUR YOUNG NEGROES, T TNDER the age of thirty, named !><-h *-tus* LJ Otheiio and Sandy, Any perfen deiivti ing the a’oovi feiiows >v ill V)#* rewarded February 7 1 Has G M. TROI P GEORGIA. By Edward fVhits cierk of the court of Ordinary for the county of Croat* ham, in the ft ale afore laid. \IS7HE t. hi : . long Freeman hmh made appiica VV tion for letters of adminiftraiior., on he est to and est efts of Willi, m lare of the citv </ .a vannah. Carpenter, deer.-fed : fuel’ are th re for- so cite and admonifb all a id flnuuiar the kindled and creditors of the deceai- and to ioe mtir objeftioas i. an\ they have) in ni) office on . r before the :i;:eeiuh A y of February next, oifrerwiie le teis of admint ! a ;on wi!’ he ‘granted him. Given under nu irand and fe.l in t!ir ajr v ni s Vann h, this fi'teeidh our I.old eighteen nnodret’ and three and lit; twenty ieventh year of American ir dt-penduue, ihd. \\ nice, (l. s.j __ __ ( - T tw 4 . j lor I axes \yiH he fid! at rise Goui t House, in the town of * Brunswick, on the -l-th day of mgu'f n. xt, the ’ ‘*l • .ving tracts of tan g fi ijaicd in the tour)') of or f,, uiuch cnereoi a- will pay Die l axe% due reprefiruit and being in default from ( e ft-<r i 790 v o the year 180 l iudufive . unless the pro prietors avai tLeml'tlves ot the tax laws in such c.tie made and provided, viz : Dolls, tk .. iOOQ ACfes origiiiallv to Ifi ic Haynes, tax 77 t) > to o “>gt i tl.vgranted > John B e n ijx 5 j 500 d.t st, origiuallv gra-ited to W. M Kinzie, lax 4o 000, originaliy granted to VV”m, Jones- tax “” 30 500 ditto, orig’.RaUy gran fed to H. Cal well, lax SCO ditto, originally granted to H. Bourquin, tax 40 James Powell. Code ft or of Faxes, Glynn bounty. ?. jtaitrv 2 0 tR ‘ 3 i FlIiL O J BSC >i t and tidy Offers bis services to his fria ls and th public , in the Fa&orage, V'endue, anrl COMMISSION BUSINESS. A s he means to confine hhrFelf fir icily to the abve buftnefs, he flatters himfelf he jhaii be übie tegiv# Satisfaction to those who may e tiylov him , JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce Row Nov . 3. hOR SALE. ‘ A LOT with theim; movements thereon, cn n .ii:'* mg of a very convenient Dwelling-Houle w.m live rooms ; 2 kitchen, ft able, and ca'-nage-boufe ; a fmaii building, with tw> rooms, fuirable fox an oii:e and lodging-room —ltisfctua ed in x oleafant pa t A the city : —lmmediate polT flion will betdiven. For terms app/v to J )SETrf ARNOLD* January 11, 1803. 2a wr WILLIAM MFLiSS Cos. Have imported, in ih- baiq ie N-x<n, and fhi:j Daphne (ion Liverpool, and (hip *rgaret, from Scot. and, a verv h ndfume and General ajfiortmtnt of GOODS, Which they will dispose of on the lowdl trrms b* the piece or package, Jaunary 15, 1803,