Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, February 17, 1803, Image 4

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IrfJT OF THE EDITION * JUST RECEIVED. And for sale at this office. a ivmber of copies of tc Proofs of a confpi r, against Chriflianity, and the Govern rhe United States ; exhibited in frvcral views of the union of Church and State in New-England, BY ABR AHAM BISHOP.” Those who would wish to pofTefs this excellent work, are requelVed to cal! soon, as t. c re v copies or.hand,conftitute the whole of those t unfoldin the United States. (Price one Dollar.) Natter. ALL Pcrfons having Demands against the estate of Mathias Aih. late of F.ffmgham county circea'ed are desired to bring them in properly atie n t<i and those indebted to make immediate payment to David Gcgel who is fully au thorifeJ to fettle all accounts of laid estate. Hannah A Jo, Aclmr’x. Deceember i_i. “ “ NO 1 1 C E, THE Public are hereby cautioned against receiving a note dr evenly thefubferiber in favor of fames Read ot G) ecu County for four Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, 1802, payable, in Ninety d.ys as the payment of the jaid note witl le disputed and if brought to court, it wit be,nude to appear, that it ought not tc be paid. J AMh S COCHRAN. Limerick September, 11 1802. “notice. ■w-V"7 E are airetied by John M-llsdge use ex- VV ecutor of the estate of the late Jacob Waidburger to notify to allperfons whatever h:s prohibition against hunting on that part oj the ft ana of St. Catherine’s belonging to the said estate, being who North the StocK having of late been mucloLysened by such pratlife, and other injury done and after ‘this noth e will feel hmf'elf bound to pi o/eciite to the extent of Use lavs, an perjons found to violate it- WILLIAMSON fc? MOREL. Anyuft, 28 1802. To be Sold IX Thou [and bushels coarse / alt, /event'? crates croikery well a/orted for Country Stores, The fait will be ft Id ve*y low, if taken cut oj the vejjel, the a I eve is the cargo cf the Sbp Lord Duncan, now laying at tut/nan's wharf, ALSO, on hand four Ruffin Cables, of the fir ft quality, &sry ion ii- Inches, will he fold for twelve dollars p>r civ t ij joht Jeon apply to Thomas £f William Small. January 19, 1803. ts “EXCHANGE. Savannah, January 17, 1803. fT7 HERE AS on the 2-n! day of December, ISoj. W the (hare holders agreed 10 pav thirty dollars above the original fubfeription on each (hare—and whereas ten dol/ars or the lame hath been paid to the tmftees which is expended, leaving the Exc'oarge in debted upwards of tree thouiam! five hundred dollars far difcbargjfig which, it i s ry that the balance td twenty dollars due on each 1114 re be now immedi fttely called for. Be (hived iheref* re, that the Chare holders do pa’ the balance oi twentv dollars on each Chare, to Ilu secretary of this hoard, on tb* firfl day of Februaty Text agreeably to the above refilution oi the Chare holders and their contract Rtfolved, that the (bare holders do meet a t tl e Ex ck-v.cC on ‘lie fi*'d M i-day in March irk o take a review* t.. r >c / 'onu , s and expend! ui* ; t r vote mere ironev acco ding U+ eiVmio*'<T exhibited*, and elcft five truilces (or the CV’ >tut sear. that on the *uct firii M vnday m three cc’ ; 4 r<? and the thre? h*.w, ‘tores of the Fx charge fronting the vi* cr will he rein ed In the mf'jn time the secretary will receive applications therefor iealed up. Extrasl from t / e mhutes , Thomas Pitt, secYy. Jarnrrv To. i c c- !22 N ALEXANDER LAWRENCE, Has for sale the foiio-vir.g goods, for cash,! produce, or on a liberal credit, ior ap proved paper : .J. and .J. Irish linen, in boxes offer ted, Cogriac Brandy in pipes, Holland Gin in ditto, Sherry, | Malaga, } Hines in quarter casks, Tenenffc, | Hyson Tea in chests , Barrels Mackerel , Soap, Candles, tsc. December 25, 1802. (26 ts.) BLANK. for fair nr this Office* Bills of Lading forr sale at this Office. WAN FED TO IllßE^ For two years, ai aflive negro bov, fro 0 ” 15 s o i3 vears of age : Apply at this Off ;c k j lan. 29. j FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND, IN Franklin County granted toLeonardMar bury. contain more or less. 1380 acres mounded Southwardly by Baker’s ’.and South eaftwardly by Horatio Ma'bury’s land on all other Tides by vacant land. A Traci: of land in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonard Marbury, centaining more on iefs, 1 Acres bounded Northweftwardly I by Charity Marbury’s land Northeastwardly by vacant land ; and Southca!iward!y oy Ba ker’s land’ A Trad: in Burk County 35° Acres, on chc North fide of Briery Creek. •, fold by the Comrnifficners of Confiscated Property in Dceniber 3784. EBENEZER STARK. O&ober 9 1802. Mores Wharf. TO BE RENTED. A Nl> pofjfjjlen given on the firfl day of Octo ber next ybe St ore at prejeut occupied by Mr Thomas M. C. Harris near the exchange. D. 3. Mil CHELL. September 11. FACTORAGE and COMivlii^lON BUSINESS. Coffee-Houfe •wharf. TIHE Subic:ibers having entered into co partnerfhip under the hrtn of Phinixy &c We lman. ■and having rented convenient (lores on Did wharf for the reception of all kinds of Produce and Property which may beentrufted to their care otter their lei vice to their Friends and. the Public in the above line and hope by ftricl attention to merit their confidence. Their counting House is the one lately occupied by E. Mark on fa id wharf. Feroinard Pbinizy Francis H.Welman January 5 1803 TO LET. A SMALL Store ar present occupied by Mr. Joseph Davis, immediate poflefion will given, for terms apply to fames Mar fall. November, 24 (2awtf.) To Lease for a term of years. A VALUABLE trad of oak hickory and llLricv lands within Seven miles of Savanah tqual in quality to any lands in the County of Chatham. For terms apply to Fra ids Courvoific. November 24. ( l 0 for IVhole sale or Retail , A quantity of Earthenware Glue, Tinware and CORKS. ALSO, A few Pklu e Time Pieces—All of which will be fold for cadi, much under the usual prices. For par titulars, apply 10 William Metis , No 2, Woodhoufe Row, on the Kay. January tSo;- (32tf- Wanted for the eniuing Year, AN active induftrous man, as an ovsrfecr to live in the Island of Offabaw ; he mufi be well acquainted with the cultivation cf cotton and the management of negroes ; and produce fuf ficient Vouchers for bis honesty, Jobriety and abi lities : Apply in Savannah to Meftrs. William - /* 6* hi ere l or on fa id Island to P. H. Morel. Mas. nd. 1802. law ts THE WASHINGTON COFFEE HOUSE, AND HOTEL, Franklin-S<2Uar e, S A MU EL SAU BE RE, ESPEC TFULLY informs his friends; and the public, that he has taken that | commodious brick house, in b'rankiin-squars, j oppofit to the B apt ill Meeting-house, which ill be opened on Wcdnefday the firft day of December next ; as a Coffee-houfe and Ho tel. Such gentlemen as favor him with their ciuloin, can be accommodated with board ing and lodging, in the moil genteel manner, and the drifted attention paid to render their rrfiJence agreeable. Dinner and upper pro vided for private parties at a few hours notice : Coffee 2nd Soups every day from 8 o’clock in the morning till ten at night. Beef flakes ind Oysters at any hour of the day. S.S. begs leave to add, that no exertion on his part (hail be wanting to givefatisfa&ionto those who mav favor him with their cukom,& darters himfelf, that the principle on which his house is established, is luch as will iiifure to him the fuffrages of the public in general Wines, Porter and spirituous liquors of the belt quality. N. B. Good stabling for horses, and careful oftlers. Savannah, Nov. 20. (Blank Books, for sale at this Office. WASHINGTON HOTEL. Mock Turtle will be ready This and every! day at Eleven o’clock. Familes supplied with soups in the Highelt perfe<slion. Beefstakes and Oy tiers at any hour when called for. THE Soften, New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore and IVajhington Papers , will be regu larly taken at the Washington Coffee House and H til . \fcjT Captains of vefifels are requeued tor leave at the Washington Coffee-Houfe, any information it may be in their power to com municate. The utmoll exertion will be made .0 procure theeariieft intelligence. Tjecernber 4. ft rjq ICE". AFTER the expiration of nine months, application will be made, in pursuance jf the a Ci of the Legislature in such case made and provided, to the honorable, the inferior Court of Camden county, for permission to fell forty five thousand acres ofland on the wa fers of tho Great Satilla, being in grants of one thousand acres ; alio one water iott in the town of St. Mary's, in the county of Camden aforefaid : the lame being the real ekateofj- Macomb, late of thefaid county of Camden, deceased, and will be fold for the benefit ot the heirs or creditors cf the laid deceased. IF. B. Bulloch , Attorney for the adminiitratix. Savannah, 20th May, 1002. JOHN LEITjUtLNEdUf Gold, Silver Smith, <Sc jeweller. ETURNS his sincere thanks to the lad-es and gentlemen of Savannah, and its vicinity, for ‘...e liberal encouragement they have given him finee .1 is c mtrencement in this place : he also, informs hem, that he has now opened in Mauens Row, near the Exchange, where he intends diiponng of the fol lowing aricies, low for cath or country produce, viz j Ladies G. id watch chains, enanie/led and plain : sreiVilemen’s do. Gold ieals and keys; Gold necklaces, Gold beads do. Gold fancy filigree ear ringf,,Go!d oearl m unted bracelets,Gold & feari mounted breast pins, plain Gold bteaft pins, Gold Pearl mounted finger rings, G Id fancy enamelled do. Gold hair rings, Gold Medallion. Plain pebble Fair., Gold mounted do. Handsome gilt coral with bells, Silver do. Silver without bells, coral hand, Ivory tooth pick cases, fdver fruit knives, lilver set kneebuckies (liver tooth picks, fiiver pencil cases, filVer needle ca ses, sliver smelling booties, fiiver gilt do. ftlver nut meg graters, fiiver thimbles, ladies etwits, Miniature locket and ring glass, fiiver knee buckles, hat do* Pearl bead firings, a variety of cut glass beads and oral beads, silk purses, glove tils plain Sc with ciafps Ladies spring garters ; gilt warch ch.ains, seals and keys. Silk watch ft rings, smelling bottles in cases, fiiver smelling bottles, morrocco pocket books, ladies do. fiiver mounted fnedtacles, plated and ffeel Jo. Gilt green and white do. fpedtacle cases, reading glass pepper and leather fnuff boxes,Morocco Minia ture cases, a great variety of plated candlesticks. Plated fouffers and (lands : bread baskets. Laches ink Hands. Sait fellers and pepper boxes, Mustard pots and v/ax tapers. Eifh knives, elegant tea set ters fiiver edge. Plated caltors. A vaiiecy ot farin wood tea caddie, japanned do. Brass barrel pocket pistols, do. Silver mounted do. Superfine Razors, feiflors, fportsmans knives, belt finifbed pen knives, best table and desert knives Ivorv handles, de canter ftancls, knife cases, elegant Morocco (having cases, (having boxes. Windsor Soap and Wafii bails. Segar cases. Common casters. A large aflbrtment of Files. s3* THE SUBSCRIBER, has also taken into co r partnerlhip with him, Mr. JOHN PEARSON ; the business in future will be cond tidied uder the firm of LETOURNEAU & PEARSON, who intend carrying on the above buhnefs in all its, various branches, Silver and Gold work, Jewelry & fancy Hair work, Gilding and Engraving, execu r ed in the r.ewek and ir.oft fathionable manner at the ihortefl notice. N. B. T he highefl price given for old gold & filw LA rOLJRNEAU & PEARSON December ri, 1802. 2av ts. FOR SALE, A valuable Plantation, on New-River neck, CONTAINING jeven hundred acres j the growth of which, has every indication of strong foil , and will be fold low for caftj, by ap plying to the fubferiber at the adjoining plantation. Adam F. Brisbane, jun. January, 5, 1803. (Y 9 8 1.) The Subscribers, Havinpr convenient stores on BOLTON’s WHARF, For the reception of Produce, offer their services to the planters and others in the FAC TORAGE cf COMMISSION business. Jackson £? Hartstene* December ir. 22wtf. ABSCONDED! FROM the plantation of mr. Stephens,on Htidaway the 2* tn January lafl, PRINCE , a fliort flout well made nejiro, bout 4o years of age, with a strong bulky beard, aud his wife ROSE, a likely young Slack wench —The above runaways were both horn jn Virginia, and were employed 1 aft year on skidawav, but being ordered to remove to OiTabaw, abandoned their rhree final! children, and their baggage It j* fl ,p r °fed they may be fculking about skidaway, or ucar the plantatiou of mr. Turnbull—lf they will return, they will meet with good usage, or if taken 3 reward of ten dollars each, will be paid, on de Jivering them either to mr. Stephens, or at mrs. Oliver’s to Aaron Forbes. February f, ISO3. (s 9 ) ‘ CITY SHERIFFS SALE . ON the firfl Tuesday in March next; will be fold at the Court-House in this city; between hour* of and io and 2 o’clock, a negro man named Cupid, seized as ihe property belonging to the estate of John C. Smith; tofatisfy the adtniniftratrix of the estate of rtamtter Winn, for judgment obtained by her in the Mayor’s‘ court, against the estate of said J. C. Smith. T. Robertson 9 S. C . S. Savannah, 4th February, 1803. (39) Caution . THE public are cautioned against receiving a note given uy the fubfiTiber to Anto. Suarez, in October ]?oi, for one hundred dollars —as the pro nirty lor which said note was given, lias since been seized by the Spanifb government for duties due the government by Anto. Suarez who had no right to dif nofe of the property —The fobferiber will contest the payment ot said note at law. John D. Kehr . Amelia Blind. E. Florida, lan. 2.'>, 1 (^9*) Collectors Sales. ■■ WILL be fohl at the Gourt-Houfe inßrunswick on the 16th day of April next, the following ■tacts of land, or so much thereof as will pay the faxes and colts. :to Acres fituarrd in Glynn C unty. returned by David Canedv. tor rhe \ear tSoO and IBor, tax T doltars and 67 ceo’s a\id colts Iwo hundred acres (ituted in Camden onntv, returned by Edward Dudley, for rhe year Iboo and 1801, tax 9 doliars cents and colts. James Powell, C. T. G. C* January2o 1803. \ 35—* FOR SALE, A FEW PIPES Cogniac Brandy by, Willtamfon & Morel. November 17. (if) Edwin H. Bolton y Has ftr fa!e at his ship yard £7’ PRUCE and Yellow pine spars and mafia from 2 510 73 feet long whit h will be fold ac a moderate price in rough or wrought. White pine Boards, Ranging Timber, Tar and Turpentine, He is well fixed for heaving vessels down and doing all kinds (hip carpenters work. ~Vv A N iTTI ~ AT this Office, one or two Apprentices to learn the art of printing. NO I I C i . r |^//O c £ who have any demands against the 1 est ate of James Kadd.ff late of A avan nab, deceajed, will pleaje prejent ibtir accounts properly attejled to. Thomas Lawrence, Thomas Scott, Ad mrs. Savannah, Doc. 2 gd, 1802. fc? NOTICE. ALL persons having any demarids against the estate of Tohn Kennedy, late or Liberty couniy, de ceased, are reuefted to render the fame agreeable to law ; and all those indebted to said eltare are requested to make immediate payment to ihe lubkri ocr. J. W. Wiikinfon, Adm'r. January sl, 1802. 2&\\6m NOTICE. , ALL persons having any demands against the estate of Lewis Shults , are re quested to render them in properly attested to, and those who are indebted to said estate are Jolicited to make immediate payment , to Jos . Longworth, Adm'r 1 savannah, Dec „ 29, 1802. %AT NOTIuE Copartnerlhip ofR. Sc John Boiton. THE death of Mr. ROBERT BOLTON, tenders it necessary to inform the friends arm coirefnondence cf the firm, both in the United States and abroad, that the funds and flock in ; rade, remain as heretofore, and that provdion is made not only to preserve, but annually to increase the capk -al ; and they are also, informed, that the business of the house will continue to be conducted by John Bolton,. under the fame firm cf ROBERT ts jOHN BOLTON, Joseph Haberfham , William Wallace , George Woodruff, John Bolton, Executors . Savannah December 10. Fo resale, ~ ~ AHandfome COACHEE with plated harness and plated caps and mouldings. Also, a pair of well matched CARR.I AGE* HOUSES.—For particulars, apply to Joseph Arnold . January l?0S. 4) Fur Sale, A stout likely Negro Wench. SHE is a good Cook, Washer and Ironer ; and an excellent Hotfe-servant. She is offered for sale , not for any fault ; but merely for the want of money. Enquire cf the printers hereof i January s tb, 1803. (29if)