Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, February 24, 1803, Image 1

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Georgia Republican '#& State Intelligencer. s<ti QoU&tt 6 Tedt s Half in AJvaZci* GEORGIA republican > %’ Volume L No. <J. jn r ,-riVi, 'ff mil f’ if m id -3 JEAD-QJLJARTFks, LomivUle, Dec, 3, iSolv General orders* Ths adjutant general will a gain proceed to *he annual convention of the field officers of the refpfe&ive regiments and battalions, to gether with the brigade infpe<fcors of the bri gade they rtfpe'ffively belong; to, at such times and ilicLplaces as may be mol 1 con venient for all the field officers of such bri gades* in order to inltruiß them in the dis iiplir.e prefer!bed by congress, 3nd in order that the evolutions preferihed by law* may be pradlifed. k The Brigadier general will order a com panv of Light infantry, or Fufileers, to attend each rcfpe&ive brigade convention of officers and equipped as the law directs, such corps to be* Ininftances however, where manifed in tonveniencies will arise in convening the field officers in each brigade, and when from Various caufeS, the object ol luch conventions cannot be fully aniwered. Ibe brigadier ge neral cf each brigade will in lieu thereof, adopt such mode as lie qnay deem belt cal culated for effectually inftrp&ing the field of ficers in the deicipline preferibed ; which end the commander in chief is imprtffed v/ith a belief can be belt effected in brigades where, it may be found inconvenient to convene the field officers, by ordering the field officer, or officers, in each regimental or battalion di ftrid, to attend the adjutant general, when the regimental or battalion officers con vened for the purpose of being inftruded in die difeipline and evolutions* He will also conceit with the several bri gade infpedors on the moll proper time for convening the relpcflive regimental and bat talion officers with the adjutants and firil ler geant thereof, for the pur pole of instructing them in the said difeipline .* And as it is of the higheit consequence that the privates lhould be particularly taught the duty requir ed of them in the field : the commanding of ficers of therefptcliv regiments &battalionsare called on to act in concei t with the adjutant ge neral and brigade inspectors by ordering regi mental an l battalion mutters, at such time as they may be notified by the adjutant ge neral that he will attend them for that pur pose. JONAS FAUCHE, Adj. Gen. •By order of tie Commander in chief \ m ■_ “r- BRIGADE ORDERS, Jan.l, 1803. The officers commanding regiments and battalions within the firft brigade firil divifi *cn, will have the fame paraded by eleven o clock in the forenoon on the day refipeiSuve ly appointed for each, armed and equipped s the law dire&s, in order to be inipeCled by the adjutant general. Effingham councv, batalion on Monday 28th February next. Chatham county regiment on Thursday third of March. Bryan county battalion on Saturday, sth March. Liberty county battalion on Monday 7th March. M'lntoffi county battalion on Wednefdav ,9th March. Glynn county battalion, on Friday nth March. Camden county battalion, on Wednefdav 16th March. The officers will attend in complete uni form, and with their commissions, and the officers commanding companies arc required to furniffi the adjutant general on the day of parade with returns of the fame, fpecifying the number of commissioned, and non commis sioned officers, and privates; and arms, ac coutrements, &c. The field and company officers of the Chatham regiment, w ith the adjutant, and as iany now commissioned officers as the com manding officer of the regiment, may deem ncceflary, to constitute a fufficient number -to.perform the requisite evolutions, will con vene on Wednesday the day of March next, at such places he may point out; pro vided with eaefi a fufee, or musket, and the requisite accoutrements: At which time and place, the adjutant general and brigade in- Jjpedlor s will at-ccnd for the purp< of inftrufl- ing them in thedifeipline precribed by law. The other counties within the brigade hav ing only batralions ; the adjutant general will be enabled to execute the duties required in one day* and confequenriy,after the inipedtion is completed in those counties; the br gade in fpedter w'ill agreeably to Law, form into a company, in front of the battalion 5 all -he captains and subalterns, and the adjutant thereof, taking in also, if he thinks proper, the non-commissioned officers of each company, and as many privates as may be necessary tr constitute a fufficient number; and proceed to instruct them in the manual exercise, and such evolutions as the adjutant general may diredh The brigade infpe£tor, Major Lyon, will take the necessary Itcps to carry this order in to efleft, and will report such officers as may be in default: by order ot Brigadier-general TATTNAL, j.E. HOUS I OUN, Aid deCamp. ~~eleGant furniture formate, JUST landed from 00 boajd the ffiip Comet, Capt Stevcnfoiv, from Baitiitiore, a quantity of ex cellent Mabogan y Furniture, Os the late ft fafhions, confiding cf Secrtarys & Book- Cases, Side Boards, Circular and straight front Be reaus, Fail Desks, Circular and fafli corner Card Ta. hies, Oval Pembroke do. Northumberland dining dot circular and straight Bafon (lands, Candle ftandsj &c. —ALSO,-- A few fancy Chairs. The dtlzcns ofSavamrah are particularly requeued to view the above furniture, as it is of a fupenur qualty, and will be fold low for cafti or produce. Any per lon wishing to purchase bedlfeads, or any article in the aoove line, can be supplied in ak w weeks by Edward Pricffiey, at Johnlbn & Robertfoh,&<.o’s. old Compting-houfe. December 4. ‘Twenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the fubferiber, living in Waffiington county, a NEGRO MAN, named Messer , about 27 or 2S years old, about 5 feet 11 inches high, knock-kneed a bulky head and a lcar on his throat, had on when he went away, a pair blue broad cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with him a white broad cloth coat. A reward of twenty dollars will be given if confined lo that I get him* F. Boykin* December 8, 1802. The Nubfcnber. INFORMS his friends in general and the Citizens of Savannah, that he has opened a house of Ent attainment or, that p leaf antfituaiion i belonging to Mrs John Moore cn IVhite Bluff rcad y within one and an half mile of Savannah ; on whom they may rely , that the fir iciest atten tion will be observed to give general fatisf action, William Finder January 19, ISO3. ts For Sale. THAT third part of Burnt Pott~lfiand, (being live widow’s cower of the estate ot the late Ea nitier Winn.) Whereon the dweilmg-houie, ike. is situated : In a situation tor health and ihe many con veniences attendant thereon, can be equalled by lew in the circumjacent country. It is particularly adapt ed to the accommodation of thoic who in the proper feafonmay with to enjoy the laline productions. Any person wilhing to purchase wiil please apply to Savannah, }an. 1 4. JOHN L\r-NT. A BARGAIN ! FOR sale, either to be removed or to remain on ground rent, at the purchaser may choose, a con venient DWELLING- HOUSE,on an cligiok lot in the city.* Enquire of the printers. Savannah, February ifc, 1803. (39) Wanted Immediately. EIGHT or ten prune field bands, for the purpose es cultivating Cotton , near this city : A liberal price unit be paid, punctually .* They will be wed treated. For further particulars apply at this office. Savannah , January 1, 1802. n o r i <j L ‘ ” ALL persons to whom the estate o f Francis Levett, esquire, late of Julian! ton, is indebted, are requested to furniffi their accounts, or startirrcm of their demands, duly attested, and those indebted to the estate, are expected to make immnnediate payment, to William Stephens, Matthew Johnston, James Joh nston j un * f xgClltOTS, December 4. A liberal rent will “bv given for about 2000 Acres prime cotron laud, on or about Sapeio— aplpy as above. SAVANNAH, Printed bv lyon y MORSE. FEBRUART 24, ,805. NOTICE. Ttali Menih'ers of the Female Afvlnmare requested to come forward and pay their annual fubfetip tion as the time before notified is almost expired and few have availed thcmfelvcs of it to. JANE SMITH, A MINIS Sectry. Jamiarv, t 9 tgos. . (p* NOTiCE.~ i’HE fubferiber intending to be absent from the ftateloine *;me, requrfts those v/ho may have c • a• .n 3 agaiftft him, to render them as soon as possi ble k r payment ; and iuc:i as arc indebted to him <*re Elicited to f he f-tme. j, T ATTNALLy jun . Bonaventure, Dec, 18, *BO2. (zawim ) Land for /Sale. be fold and immediate possession gi- JL ven, 200 ides of land, old survey, ad joining lands in dispute, between the Hon. Jacob Read of south Carolina, and the Hon. VVm. Smith of S ivannah, on the Mon tea th road,about 9 .rales from Sav<*nn- h : It is well timbered, and must bean cbjedl to any per son who has river plantations contagious thereto. Alio a rra£! of igoo a>res excel lent cotton land,in Columbia county, 10 miles above Augusta, roo acres of which is under good fences and might be planted to advan tage next year: A'.lo 3500 acres good oak and hickory in Franklin county originally granted to Col. Benjamin Fiihbourn, adjoining at the time of survey, lands of Richard Call and I Thomas Collier elqrs. The above lands will be disposed of before the last day of February next. All persons are Cautioned a gain ft tret"- puiTing on the above lands. Michael Burke. December rB. . — To MERCH A N 1 S. A person in the Mercantile line, fettled at a final 1 village in die country, where bull ness may be done to great advantage, is deftroin. of a Partner who can advance Four thou sand Dollars in Cash or dry Goods, well laid in to that amount or would have no objection to being concerned in a large importing wholesale home which would fuppiy full aflbrtments ait cost anu charges.—ln case of a partner who would reside on the ipot, he can be accommodated with the familv, who are possessed of needfary conveniences.—Fol further particulars on this fubjed, enquire of the printers, and address a few lines as they wiil dired. jVovember 2, 1802. EDUCATION. S. COWLING, MOST rdpeAfully offers his service as tutor, to his friends and the public in g-neral, and hopes by the mod aftiJaous attention to his huSnefs to merit tl>e approbation of the public. He will corn menceon Monday r.cxrinthfc brickhoufe formerly the property of mrs. Eppinger, fronting the fouth-wef t*rn common—Forterms apply to him at the said honfe. Savannah, February 3, i§C2. {37 3m.) ~ ‘ STRAYED, ~ FROM town on the night of the 21st inst. a small white HORSE, about 8 years old, has a re markable large head-, with a black spot under hii left eye ; no other marks are recollected. Whoever takes up the said horle, and delivers him to the keeper of che Ogechee bridge ; to Mr. Mells at Newport bridge, or to the fubferiherat Commerce Row, shall be teafonably rewarded * A. Pope. Savannah, Jannary 29, iSc3i 2awtf THE fublcnocr has removed his’Counfing-E/oufe to the house late/y occupied as the Custom- E/oufe, near the Exchange, and continues the Fafto rage and Commiflion Bufmefs as usual —All produce sent by water will be itored by MelTrs* Brookes and Dunning, at mr. Clay’s wharf. A parcel of Cotton and Rice for sa/e; Joseph Habersham • Brought to Goal the following O o Runaways. ANEGROE Wench appears to be foolifha bTmifti in her right eyejeabnot fpeakfo as to be understood. x\ Negro fellow calls hiirtfelf Solomon lays uc be longs to General Pinckney of .South Carolina. j. F. OATES, goaler C. C. January 16. WANTED TO HIRE, FOR the ensuing year , 3or 4 Slaves : For which a liberal pric e will be given, and hit If paid in advance if • required—-Enquire at this office . January 8, 1803. (30 t/J Twelve end a Half Cents Singh For Freight or Charter, oocl Britilh’ hir Ir> 1 V King. Nicholas Parker M .A; ■ lcrms apply to ihe Captain cn rr ~.i or to. Lbs. & Wm. Smith. Febrinrv 3rl 180::. i* OH. a tu-i‘OK i, The Sloop Sally, INTENDED as a cenftant tr:*.* er during the winter from th ; port to the iouthern ports of th * ftate—ffie has good accommodations freight or passengers. The final left favor \\i if be thankfully received. For further particuUi.! enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or Isaac N. Meserve, master, on Board. Offober 23, *BO2. EOK FREIGHT OR CHARFER. ~ \ Lhe schooner , A LBE RT, new lyh g FSaN'uP iU F dyne's wharf with all her tac - kk tAc. —Burthen aaout 80 /,*- - For further particulars , enquire of Tho.: .f) Fitzgerald, near Thomas Gibbons's. January 12. (31 //. JUST ARRIFED& FOR SALtC P'vIMS Idiiladdphia Beef in barrels; put up n ; ■ parcicuiar manner, calculared lot family ■ | ai!o, a lew barrels cl excellent Bolton Salmon, p. : - (aie by tae Icbicribcr il-e cumpung-boufe of mA. .. Dennis and WilJums. RIGHT) DUFFIELD. February 10. t'a ) GEORvjriA. j by N. Baker flierk or 1 S. ) [> court of Ordinary tor Libr .• r N. BARER, J County in the State afordhid. Whereas John Jones Esq.has applied for la a,. of rfCinnuiii aUon on the Estate of W n>. Shepard i. a rf’Eid Coun ! y shefe are therefore to cite aft aid \ • :;uk‘ the Kindred and creditors of said deceased, appear tivv of ( V.■d’-ary at V? on ihe fir it Monday in April next, and iaevv cLF any they have why letteis o. adaiiiuftraiton ftiou... uegrained him Given under my hand anci seal this yth v! of February, A. u. 1803. in the 27 th a. f American Independence. Sales for Taxes, WILL be fold at the Court Houle, in the so% • * Brunswick, on rhe 4th day of Augult nex loliowing travels of lan.i, fiiuated in the cou;c ‘ Ciynn, or so much thereof as will pay the Tax aiuj cods, reprelented as being in default from yerl7yo o the \ ear JBOI. incluCve ; unless the prietors aval! themfelvcs of the tax laws, in fm’. made ami provided, viz : Dolls. & Cc 1000 Acre* originally granted to ifaac Ilaynes, tax 77 700 ditto, originaiiygranted to John Bacon, tax 5$ 500 ditto, originally granted to W. M Kinzie, tax 4o 300 ditto, originally granted to Win. Jones, tax 30 500 ditto, originally granted to H. Cal well, tax SCO ditto, originally granted to Id. Bouruuin, tax 40 James PowtT Cos eftorjO Taxes, Glynn County, ry 26, ISCO. I > THE SUBSCRIBER, offer: his services to his friends at:-:, public, in the Factorage, Vendue, and COMMISSION BUSINESS. A s he means to confine himfelf firittly to the ■■ ■■ ’ business , he flatters himjelf hefhall be able . • satisfaction to those who may employ him, JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce Not). 3* For sale. A LOT with the improvements thereon, t ing of a very convenient Dwdling-H >•..;• r five rooms ; a kitchen, stable, and carriage- .-■> (mail building, with two rooms, suitable for : a id lodging-room.—ltisfituated in a pleaLi the city :—lmmediate poff-ffion will begiv For terms app/v to JOSEPH ARV ; ’ * January 11, 1803. /WILLIAM MELiSS & eff - Have imported, in ihe batque, Nixou, as.l Daphne from Liverpool, and (hip mat'. . froin 6'cbtiand, a very handfbnric ~..u General affortmtiit of GOODS, Which they will diipofe of on the lowed: ‘ ‘ the piece or package, January is> 1803. r ,>