Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, April 07, 1803, Image 2

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AUCTION. 1 * Friday the of April next* will be fi/id at C amyncrce Row, on account risk of Sam acl Snub ere, 6 dozen bottles Cherry Brandy, 6 ditto ditto Kasberry, do. _3 Furniture Bruthei. By order of captain Latham. dale to commence at 10 o’clock. J. ARNOLD, Auft’r. AUCTION. To-Morrow, FRIDAY, the Ft h infcant, will be luM, a? OohonN wharf, lire fuioo mSg™ SUSANNA, Imrthen ♦o'*'*, inorv* or tefs. !ivincr tuft g<>*ie through** thoropuhi rrmi\ ?.d \z fit to take a carpo on board it>!Oed! : i?"tv. I erntfi of tale mad? linow n at the lime; Saw to ccna’TirTKc ar I o’clock. 7. -//v ? VO/./>. ,IhP' AUL t lUN. Tube fold on he 4*h day tit* May r-’xt, at the *1 willing house of MorfTn*rr t sn the cry of Savannah all thr p-rfonal elUte of William Hunter enquire de ■ceitfed, confi oi ‘hi FI mfenold and'h*i Fur* •tijuTf, a ilorfr and f.fnir an-'? one jxpc t;t vY ir.e, i? c. By order ot the Executors. J. AKNOut?, TvTanhSl. {SD FOB SALE, A Childs hand font? I’OACLF.E. £pyly TANARUS, ARNOLD, Cornmnce-Pow. Apt! 6. . LE r ) ■ “AUCTION. .< Xbh day at th ? Vendue Store, Commerce-Row, WILL Bfi SOLD, A variety of Groceries, and dry Goods. A T. S O, HoufehoU and Kitchen Furniture, cen Siting of, 6 pair Mahogany Bedftcads, 3 ditto fables, < m dit f o Dining Table, 1 ditro Stand, 3 Looking GlafF s, 3 CARP E r S, 2BEAUR E A U 5, Tubs, pa;;;, crockery ware, &c, Sale to Commence at 10 o’clock. E. HILLS, Auft’r. April 7, iSoJ. (54) FOR CHARLESTON, . p*7V. To sail on ‘*unday next., the (cboorrer wgSSy* TWO BUOPH.RS, M'Gnflio, master. j* will rake freight or pa (lingers cu rea *f<nab!e terms. Enquire oi: the mailer on -board, or to Dennis isr WtHianu. •inr’l A JUST RECEIVED, And/or sale by 9 the subscriber, at bis /ore, No 5, Exchange, (fa< tug the river) 20 barrels excellent Suj’r, 6 puncheons ?.J proof Rum, flavor) * -8 > reams Foobcap Paper, l6* ditto Post and tto, 1 titinlc FnglilH Shoes, 30 doze * D re, B .7, and Orange color’d Gloves. i pair Duelling Pittols, ( aighly* fini3iedjl 6 very ■•elegant Double Barrel Guns, 3 jox'S of irsfh Linen, 30 boxe* Turpentine “Sap, to o hufhels L verpo l Salt, 4 pi es CJ .guiac Brardv. A’L, A'y Negro Lov, about 14 years old, accuf to.ned to attend a house. Thi- above will be lold cheap for Cafli or good at bo da** “RALPH JACOBS. April 8. tF. 54. N ) l iCL. WHKRKAS the futferiber being duly appointed ftni co"fumed Adiguec of the elfare nf William Thompfou, ot this city, Bankrupt. who lias bseu a! lo ved his Cerrific.tte of difclrarge .* This is therUor? 1 1notify all pr ifmS ndebted to th.e said Wm. Thomp Fan, to pay the fame to the fuUfcriber, who alone is | le jallv anthoj'zed to receive the fame; nnd tlv-fe • hiving pro pert v or effects belonging to the Bankrupt i< rlitir pofilflion, are nor to deliver the Fim?, but to g-ive notice tv S. biLES, Aftignee. Savannah, rh March, l c 0:. (i2t.>4l Georgia DiitriAt, (T, WH LIE XS Levi Abrahams Tacob Hartftene, Bert j mine Maurice, John Waters, fames Pickfon. and Fr jiJ cis Doyle, were duly drawn and funmiotvetl to attend a special Court this day, and on being called, male default. It is ordered, that they be fined in the fnm of ten dnli trs each.unlefs t‘ ey do Feverally file their tfl-fions l with the of this court on or before the firli day of til- next t^rm. R. M. Stitts, Clerk. c av-*nnah ssh5 s h April, ;SOy. (2 T .c 4P j ’ NOT! C L. ; A LI. persons to whom the eftare of Frauds LevetS, cfqif.rc, late of Julian ton, is indebted, are requeued to furmfh their or svatenent of their demand?, duly, attested, and thole indebted to the estate, are expedted to make immrrrniTc pavment, to Vvilliam Stephens, Matthew Johnston, J nines T oli n ston ju n. Executors. December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about 200 c Acres prime cotron land,"on or about Sapdo— tpply -s a|>orc. FOR THE GEORGIA H£FU£UCaN. 3113 SRS. ITOX I'TIOISC, THE Mofruoiat Friday preremed to our virry, thrre volunteers which were draek at a public leiiivd, given by tie feitrai r.iejnbevs ot Copgreft, in commemoration ot the birti*. of Ler.cral *Aalung ton. The e4irorrba*e tadtil*rd thentft|Ves in a pio fufion of culogimn*. and coufider life igoiegaie of ’he toait’ m!v * l excellent.*’ As they have been bountiful it mnft be believed that their fentiment* accord H'i.n ‘ Ir. s : I Hißl thertlore addref? inyf.lf tp them, and Hate fairly to tne impartial public, wiieretn my opinion diiFet>: with th irs. Thd ieconJ volcnicer is~“ iierter ftcariry than parch-] ment for our rights on the.2*4iFii(Bppi, > ’ This clearly filews that a right of property recognized by a Deed or Treaty, is cpftudered by t'-,e gentlemen as a mere name, and ne hiogelfi? : ati that though properly accompanied by ail the foiemnitieli 0? poflefiion, is not fafe and Fee ore as when obtained by the right <u ccr.q.itti. The lallacy ol iheiroxjiu | ions can .vjrh i‘. c facility be expokd, and ;vt b.ic r I-will proceed to aßwijihft. Property which Its ceded bvTrahi, or ov treaty is no more habie to i be injured than that which is obtained by conqn-dl , j vor waftlft ii-eg’ iry dud libc-lit” lies centred in nations, jibe li i jn>iu .i. os of ? rta ies lo'emfHy t nteved into tintl I ra’ilied, will Ir- ever maintained mviofaie ; - it ] *beir i ‘rAiity i violated by a nation vho caoctais Beneath n w m.aAv ol fiiendlhip duplicity— ] 13 then time enough t s exert esc, ‘ £?:wa energy cA govern mein to fivnre rig’.UA once acknowkdg.e^^nd so protect rmnonal property from the fcr\Y*-id grsfp oi injuiticc- But if we v-nre at ptefi nc. v4k-j in the enjoyment of the lull tide oft, a-nqui! Security, with out any endeavor to a?j!.--rciate, to raile an .jrtr.y nnu pretend to protect that, which we cannot have ground j to suppose vvi)} be denied us we fhouicl p>l only ] draui the coffers ol the nation r 0 (he la(f d.i’dor, bu: : prepare for ourftlves the bitter diou. h 1 t)f repen ; tance, end plant a dagger in the very vitals of inp ptnrrfis and i'o nine'll under the .he r.uar djcnlhip of govir iiinenr T hoU’gh it may be the ‘ .n\unts widrof lottre pnfons, puffVci up hv pride, to | l-e a-handing army in theft L'ni*cd Struts which j have jolt been re fared from the hand’ ol (Mmuitor I j mV. nearly veitored to its pristine vigor, by the ti‘ j Trance of men who the good of their count-y ■ heart, yet there nothing which would f> coin- i pLic-ly oppugn the fnirce of jnftice, and ‘itigr.ialize <>ur j n *l no racier, as if this was to be done. When ever the time Hial. arrive, that the American peo pie’s rights are invaded rirdr miiitarv provvt U ‘ffore) v,ri! fdim c.>xli icuoas as the planets; (their , national infiexmility will be evinced, and their and -perseverance in ihcfr rights wUI be generally acknowledged. PIIoCiON. j tViwTiWr ■Gi TT~Liu, l-f Do. ’ THE If NS HINGE ON COFFEE II O U 5 E, AND HOTEL, Fr an kll n- Sqjj are, S A MUE L S AD BE RE, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has taken that ommodious brick house, in Franklin*square, oppofit to the Baptist. Meeting-house, which will be opened cn Wednesday the Bril day of December next ; as a Coffee-houfe and Ho tel. Such gemlernen as favor hiinwith their .cultorn, can be accorrvViodared with board ing and lodging, in the moft genteel manner, ■in-! the drift est attention paid to render their refi ience agreeable. Dinner and up; er pro vided for private parties ar a hours notice : Cofiee and Soups every day from 8 o’clock in the morning till ten at night. Beef flakes and Oysters ac*any hour of the day. S.S. begs leave to add, that no exertion on his part shall to give Gtisfatflion to thole who may favor hi n witfi their cufto!-n,&: j flatters iimrdeU, the principle on which j h;s houle is cll ibloLed, is such a$ will insure to him the fuElages of the public in general | Wines, Corter and ipirituous liquors of the belt quahty. * N. B. Good iUbling for hetfes, and careful adders. Savannah, Nov. ;o. t,V i0 rj f <\v • cr-f > \j v/. ) cr’l e *"> .u-'iii.vb L UL \ iIU 1 ILL,. Mock ror tie will be ready This and every day at Eleven o’clock, r am iles sr; d with soups,i a riie litgheft perfeclion*- Boefs takes and Ov tiers at any hour when called for* fffE Bohn. New Turk, Philadelphia, Baltimore and IV afhuigton Papers, -will be regu iarix taken at the IFkjhing:n Cvjjie Home and Hi t el. IftS* Captains of vtfld.s are requeued ‘to leave at the VYaihington CoSes-i’Toofiftfajnv on formation It may be in ttet power to to in mumcite., The upriolt exertion v.dii beihwd o procure the e.'%lieft inteiiigCnee. - x December 4 . I r Nonce : ; |Coparcnerfh'p of ii. 6c [oh it Stilton.! | “IP Bb dec :t -of Mr. ROSE il f BOLTON,! >erders it necefiary ?o intonn t ; ~e friend!' 1 1 i.;u c> r.. i Jv^s‘--:i le ct iiC fi .icoch in ine Lutec > ‘‘•-id ahrnad y .aat tr<e ruinis and (lock in irape, I ivft.iiii es ei-c.fvue, and in at provision is made iv • j •niy to prefervc, but annually to Gcfeafe tpe ram* | ai • and t-'V ate, informed, r .at the bumicH > las houie v-:i. continue io be ci/iiuucitd b* John Bolton, ui uir the fame firm cf ROBERT y jOHN liQLTGN. J csetb Hr berfham, William Wallace^ George Wciitufft M* B dvr } Executors, Savannah Becemhsr io. j CONGRESS. House of Representatives . Wcdnefday, March 2. Report of theComoaidioners of the Sinking Fund. Mr. Grifwo!J said he wished to submit to the house, a refolucion refpe6ring the report of the commid:oners of the Sinking Fund.— It would be remembered that, that report | came into the house on the 7th of February, •and that as soon as it was printed and laid on their tables, m consequence of nil motion, lit was referred to the committee of ways and J means. On the fame day, he had Hated to | the chairman of that committee, that he had lome objedlion to the statements in the report which he mentioned and dcfired might be i rive Hi gated. This invefti-\:ian, to the pre j feru day, they had pot received. If there does not now remain time to make this in vdllgation, he thought it proper to make his objections on the door of the house, that the .members may underhand them, and j udge for them I elves-. In the firfr place, it will be remarked that, the law of the Lfl leiTion, making pjovifion for the whole of the public deb: of the United States, provides that the cornnr.idinners of the Sinking Fund (hall draw, in each vear, from the treifury or the linking fund the amounr. of Even million three hundred thou sand-dollars, to be applied to the payment of Fhe principal and interell of the public debt. He had llippoled this would have been dune in each year; it had ben so confidently af ierted ; and it. was by law made the duty of the co nmillione.’s of the linking fund to do it. 11 appears by the report, that the com rhiTioners -.Lb, in the co nte of the lad year, receive undlisn three hundred ihodfand’ dollars for this ppn pole: but we do not-find that they, in the course of the year, applied to the payment of the debt seven million three hundred thoufaad dollars. He supposed, that k would be agreed chat what was to be uudetiToed by the law direding that in each’ year this sum fliould be paid in the year for which the accounts were made up, that is, from the arid of January to the 3 tli of De cember. In the report, you will find that the whole of the sum of seven million three hun dred thousand dollars has not been applied wichm that period. In the 6th page of the report, the cooimifli ers Hate tha that they have paid, For the interetl which, du ring the year 1802, accrued on the whole of the public debt, ; including domcftic loaiis, 4,065,738 47 They likewifekate that they have Tchnhurfeci temporary loans obtained of the bank of the United States, to the a mount of 1,287,600, from the proceeds cf 2210 thares of bank flock. Bur this sum, not having been taken from die finking fund, but being derived from the proceeds of bank Rock, the , coairnitTionerSi arc obliged to apply i under the afl of 1776, and it, therefore, cannot form 4 part of the 7,300,000 dolls. They further Fate a pay ment, from the proceeds of du ties on merchandize and ton nage, of < 2,400 On the next page, they date file payment of iundry infl A ments of Dutch debt, which being due-in 1802, amounts ‘• n o to *>344jCoo Andrhcy date the proyidon necefurv for the reiimburft mpnt'oJ; the 3th inftalnr.ent of the 6 per cent, flock, and the ad infulmvnt of the deferred’ 6 per cent dock, becoming pay able tire lit Ja niary, 1803, cf cum-ted at the iiinvof 1,11*7 H-m ?7 ; altogether 6,530,007 84 1 the,only Turns, which, i believe, can be pret-n .ied to-have been taken out or cue fi:u>iug f'jiiCjj and they make the gdreof 0,530,007 dollars 84 cents, which leaves a balance o: the 7,300,000 dollars, of 769,99* dollars 16 cents. Now, if it is the duty of thn: commissioners co pay in each, year the sum of {even million tdrec ftundreci tnoufand dollars, and they have not cone it, the taCfc ought to appear by a report of a committee of this house. I’rom the Uatcment I have made the fact does ap pear, from anv view which may be taken of me iubject it will appear, and I with to in urua the committee of ways and means par ticular.v to inveihga-rc tnis part of the- report. 1 here are ocher parts of the report that re. quirt in vx ftigation. V, I*o be Continued.) FROM THE AMERICAN PA I’RIO T. IT mujt be confe/Jed that every republican in America has cause to be proud of bis country , and to plume bimfelf on bis political fupertority over all other nit ions ; but there are two /ab ject s particularly , which place the American without competition, beyond every other people , to zvit: the freedom of bis press, and the imma-k culati character of the Executive of the Unite.. States. In the fir/ place, to the honor of Democracy, no people on earth, except thofc of America, could endure such freedom of the press, as there is nozo eftablified in the United States. A'/ fitly eels and characters are thrown open to dif cujivty and this freedom, though it has degene rtiled into licentiousness, is yet cberi;hed by that republican spirit, which is alut.tyt jealous of its rights, and had rather end ire the venomous attacks of its enemies, than clip the wings cf its freedom. it is well known that the anti-republicans have availed the ns elves of this freedom, which 1 hey c 3. ild not bear in a monarchical state, to ‘■‘Mice the edifice of A-neric ‘n liberty and bring the government into a/grace an i contempt. It is wito this intent that all the blackguards from Bojvon to Char left on, G'ded by American torics and Brttiftj spies , have organized tberafelves into a corps, under the direction and infia tce of in viicaie agents. This body of royalists aid afi jip ins ha vi Jingled out the Trefidtnt cf the Uni ted States, as the fir ft object of their base attacks . He is placed on the high est eminence, andft an Js as a target/Gr anti-democrats to /hoot at. Mr. ‘)efferf(/n has been in this pofuion, previous even to his debt'on to the presidency. He hibeen aif Aled front all quarters, and every kind* of Weapon made use of to wound his fame and inte grity ; but to the honor of the chief magistrate, and the boad of bis friends, hefts invulnerable, even to his heel: the foifonsd arrows of tbs royaliSts produce no efiesl. Mr. j offer/on's virtue is a fnfitcienl antidote again ft them. Os this conduct and char after of the chief magistrate, every friend to principle and virtue has a just right to be proud ; especially when tvs knoiO that no other executive now alive dare take the [ante ground, and expose himfeif to the weapons cf the public. Pray lei us ask the Briti/h royalists, if the king of Great-IF it an ■would dare to unjloukle the Englijh press and tell his fubjefts that bis life and aft ions were open to censure and invefitgatioh. No ; the very idea would kill the Tyrant! and such a licence would be death tc a monarchy. IV.-oere then is the despot in Europe, Aft a, or Africa, that edit court enquiry and lay himfeif open to a ; free press. A Bonaparte, the prince cf generals, the conqueror of kings, the pacificator cf Europe, in a word, the fir ft conjul of France, who braved Jo many bullets and bayonets, flj rinks from a free press, and even here , be thinks himfelf not feeure; such however has been the disposition of tyrants who violate principle and usurp the rights of others . They have no land marks of law or jufiice to go by. From this double view of the fubjeSf, there publican reader void feel a just wide tn being a citizen of America, and one of thoje, whose pit If* He ajfiirs are managed by the executive, with the same, care ani economy, that he regulates his own private concerns. mimnM. i —~ • Notice is Hereby Given. THAT the tubferibers have been d*Jy ap -pointed Affignecs of the eitate and tffecls of aichard Wayne, junior, and Benjamin Sims, of Savannah and Augusta, in the district of Georgia—Bankrupts. All neribns indebtCvl to the fa and Vv r avne and Sims, are therefore requeued to make immediate payment, and til those who have any of their effects, are required to deliver the fame to David Reid\ ! of Augus bom as Gardner, j ta, cr William Boyd, of Char teflon. Veorirary 14th,. 1805. - (40.), Twenty Dollars Reward. “ RUNAWAY from the fubferiber 1 , living in Wufhington county, a NEGRO MAN', named Messer, about 27 or 28 years old, about 5 feet 11 inches high, knock-kneed. a bushy head and a fear on his throat, had on when he went away, a pair blue broad cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with him a white broad cloth coat. A reward of twenty dollars will be given if confined so that 1 get him. F. Boykin. December 8, 1802. ~ALMS HOUSE. * THE SUBSCRIBERS, the fund for ertdicing an ALMS HOUSE, are requested to pay the a .nount of their subscriptions to Mr, John ol to n, in order t hap materials maybe pur dialed and the building immediately com menced. Joseph HaberJlam. William Wallace* B. Maurice , i J Glass, J- liolicn, March'io .