Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 02, 1803, Image 2

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i'jo Uß awlmP-j’ * ift Firm-, ‘i a fu/cior qujfi-'V, #bd a s‘s Hu*;-r, for fide on board ibe Sloop Set£ y r Dili am son and Morels wharf. *4 ay 2. (6f) ‘ 4t* City Sheriff'.’ Sales. Tr. the firft Tueidtvir* Ja c next, will be fold at C.vjrj Houle in fh'.s city, between t h e hours of 10 ■ r o’clock., a HOUSE, situate in the Lane near *• r CmiM-houle, on the tui k r*art of the lot rn which * hft )>e Lfrbo livec, formerly occupied by Jrne ; * uk-n ?$ the pr pervy us Jan* Brown Tt i ‘is y Awe v D-lino, for a judgement -b , ?ained in flavor’s c( urt, avah'fl kfd Sr*wn. Alio, a NEGRO BJY named TQM, fe;Z~d ar r - property of Liza W uhmsrtnn, to farisfv K’r? *■ “Jiieart, far a juigCwicnt cbttined in the Mtyoi’s “ . urt, J neyo wench arid riding-chair, taken in ex ■- ; EiTc £,? fold- a< the property of John 1 ove. A louse end the fro m cf a .ether belts:, with “•e iniprov and lease of a lot in 1 an .zeraw on the fame ft'set, to be fold as U-e opery of IViLiant Parker. And, SILVER WATCH, taken 3C the f horn.ip Hardy, *o fi-risfv Mary rvingfLy ? *r a judgement obtained apainft him in the Mayor’s i curt. T. ROSIER V'SQN, s. c s- Snvannah, 2'tS Aon l 1803. 6 irf. JUST OPENED, By F. S. MILLER, Jeweller. A few boxe fuperfi'e Water Colours, from -1 dollar and 50 cents, to 10 dollars per box. A L S Oj An aflbrtment of steel spectacles, A few Concave Ly? G! fLs, Cribbage B aids, Cortal deeds and Fingers, &c. &c\ —— 4T.61. 7he Subscribers , INFORM the inhabitants of Bryan County, that they intend pracLimg physic conjointly. M. Burke , John j\ Jenkins, April iq % 180$. .. (6nf ) LAURENCE SOMERS, (N ) !, Com ne <e- i< >w) is now opening a large aTirunent of the follow ng GOOD ‘—Superfine Clvith and Caflimeres •, Bombvtzet s ; Durants —9-8 /nd 7 8 C'lhcoe*, : Dimities : Quiltings : 64 Ta.n -- urd M ill* is : Men’s; and Women’s Silk and Cot c**n ti fie : Seving Si'k-: Twist; Nuns and color •pd Threads: black Sz colored fdkHandkerc hiefs: Ro ;v 1 and tto: Cotton B indanm d:tro: Cnintz Shawls: cljtdlaa : Brown Hollands: Ofnaburgs : Tapes and Bobbins.* Qtiali y Binding: Garden arid small In *iia Fans: Fins: Mens CoaTe Hats.: Silk VeiA, B!a- k Sitins, kc. Wnich he will fell by the paJj or phr e, for Ca'li, Produce, cr Notes w : th J/p proved Endorsers, April 4. 53. law. 1^ FOR SALE, * The r Subfc fibers offer For &i<e, The Following Property, VIZ: Th? LOT No. 1, Reynolds v;ard, with all the improvements thereon, at prefeni occu pied bv W n. Belcher. The Wharf Lots, No. 5,6, and 7, in the chry. A LepQ ji the Lots Nos. 33 an and 34, War ren w ’ .J, v;':th the improvements thereon, lately occupied by J. N. Brailsford. The Wnarf Lots No. 6 & 7, at Deptford. Two years and nine months unexpired Lease of the Wharf and Stores at prdenc oc cupied bv them. Six vfthmhJe Wharf Negroes j three of who m arc regulafiy bred Coopers, and the other threes able bodied and active Porters. Avery haadfome aflfortment of SHIP CH.INDLERT, Together with about Seven Tbo:-sad Dollars cost In Ofnaburgs, Cotton Bagging, Nads, On, Paints, Stone Jugs & Crockery Ware Belcher fp Dickinson. March if. (iaw.6w ) 49. TO BE RENTED, AN Dp off. on given immediately the Sti>e form rly occupied by Av. Thomas M*., Haris > near the exchange, D. B. MIT CHE L/. April , i u Lrjß Noticed THE aJituTniftrotors tc jolm Miller, dfeeafed give notice th- lalt’ircie, for tfi! deinmds againfVftid ftite. to be rends evl in by thr 7th April n —o:i •rways they *v-ill be barred, according 10 law. F. S Mills*, J. B. Gibbons, Adm’rs. ALMS HOUSE. THE SUBSCRIBERS , the fund for creating an ALMS j HOUSE, are reqoefted to the a mount of their fubfenpeions to Mr, John olton, in order tha* materiuls mav be pur chased and the building immediately com menced, Joseph Haber (ham, If ft i(ia m IViliac 1, B. Maurice, ‘ ; 7 Class, 7. RAton. March io, W ANTE D, AT this Office, one or two Apprentices cicarn ti c art ot printing* CONGRESS. Hc-uje of Representatives. Wedncfday, March a, DEBATE, On Mr. Griswold's motion to appoint a commit tee tc i nve ft/gate the report of tbs commfjionsrs of the sinking fund. (Concluded. ) Mr. S. Sv.ith Did there was nothing in vruicb VnMfcr.en would be more frequently or grofslv nnf taken than in taking up accounts o! the nature of holt before the House. and attempt leg haftilv to judge on them. It is to be regretted that this enquiry was nor earlier brought forward, when it might havevcfulted in a fair dedfien drawn from a fnil view of tuefu jTt. So far 2s they could fur nifh a flatement of the precise {i*tm tfefy beve dnne ir .. . Btt when £t so 1-ite an liur, the gentleman seen tit to bring forward his motion, and when the documents on which we decide, /re packed up in our trunks ir will not be extrai rdi nary that lam unable to foil *w him, But for oe or two remarks of the gentleman. 1 fiiouid not have cdought it wete{]i<rv to nuke the least reply, Myenly aftonillinient is . that the gentlenuH from Virginia [Mr Randolph j and inv colleague [ l lr. Nicholfcnj have been abl- oil'h ’nd to snfwer so ek’cctuaby the ob jeflions that have been ratfed. i’he genrltm-'n fays the Comm*dinners ought not to have given us an elfimite, w!:en they could have itared the precise ferns diffeurfed. But -Vn fi-TJtr cases I hey could not, as the thing was impofiib.e. ! lie Coi\>mif£ners fay “ that bdisDa he above tr.ertion ed reimborfenien sand payments there re/nauied vu ‘he close ol the year ISO 2 exclufiveiy of the arnoum of sundry proteß: and bills itin outtlanding and oi tin expended oalances in the hinds ot agents, an un-lppii c balance, esthna east guilders 5 9 14 600 e:c.” II they had laid tlliinattd at dollars, ihe -night hold ; hut they fay guilders, %'lufe a e pui . chafed in bills of exchange o AtrdLrdam —and to tar they are explicit ;—or bills are bought on London in Iterliug money, and the procieds ot rhofe bills are laid o t in the pure hale of bills on Amlterdasn. which in guilders, and which can only he Rated by elii mate. Titis part of the bulinei'j, then, can only be at certained by calculation ; and where is the injury ? it vhe next ftllion, what is now an ellmrare will be ?. precise Itatement. So nuich for this objection ‘ihe Comniifboners were rot compel cut to iurruik any I other than an efiiiuate. I he gentleman further observes that the names of those to whom the bills have been fold-ought to have been brought forward, to enable gent t-tmn to deter ntine wlie*her in tranhnftions there has not been tome favoritifm. But ar this time, tUs would be highly improper.—The fit time will come at the next feflion of Congress. The gentleman has taken a retrofpecHve view o? tin payments made by the Gommrifioncrs ot the finking fund refpe&ing tlie foreign debt. To remit the indal nents, as they became due, has always been attended wiili great difficuity—Mr. Wolcott a former decretory of tire i reafnry, found it, in bis time, very diflicult ro remit to Amiterdam. Hedid me the honor to con— verse with me on the fubjedt. I pointed out a mode, wr licli he adapted. He was able to buy bills on Ton don, but not on Anafferdam but to have done this would have been a loosing game. ihe merchants brought to him a cargo, which, it was estimated,• would in Am herd am, produce a certain fu rw He a greed to advance two thirds of this sum on the mei chains consigning the property to our agent at Am Iter dam ; and to pay 1 be remaining third on receiving pdvice that the amount of debt, contracted 10 be paid was difeharged. Could the fecietary have spent tiie amount, of this money in Amiterdam ? Nobody ever doubted of the tranfadUon being a proper one. here was theft a confidence in the government ; end there mull dill he a confidence in the government. Sabfequint to that period, the trade to Amherdam ’ has increased in of the war, by which oui merchants, who have deb's there to pay are cabled to buy bills, but on the cefiction of hoftjli.ies this facilitv in a great ceaied Anotner mode therefot e was to be..purfued, to make ?lie nedeffary remittance for the payment of the pub'ic debt. Jn ‘be year 1802, the fecretarv found is ro re mit ; he was asked 22 cei?ts per guilder; for the merchants, and tr.v houie among the red held our they thought they had the fecretarv in their power knowing that he mud at ail events remit to a large amount ; and they would have got the better of hint, but for his judicious sale of the Bank bbares. He rherebv compelled us to eli out. and faxed to the U. States 58 000 dollais ; and compelled the merchants to fell ior 4 i cents the guilder, if he had not done to, 1 Should have got 45 cents a guilder for rny bills— for that was the proportion that bills on Amiierdam then bore to bills on London. But by taking the de mano tram the market, he reduced their value. oince rite beginning at the year ISO',, one million nine hundred thoul md dollars have been required t o be remitted ro Holland. The lect.ttary r.g< ir loot'd difficult frtH the high exchange required. I under (land that he has made a judicious contract, and with gentlemen too who are not favorites ; a comradl which I Humid not have been veil ing to make ■, by xvhich means he has been enabled to ootain exchange at 41 cents the guilder. It is true the merchant gets the.mooev now, and makes, the pay. in Seprem oer. He appears, at tint view, to gain the interest • for the in eryening period,bat this is ttot the tael,as he fells the bill prcportioualiy lower ; and goVe? r.ment loses nothing as the money it reiuu'ed would lie ulrIH sin Holland. In all this fixere is no favoranfm. Kor the fecretarv places his terms in the bar ks, and every merchant of credit may buy ; s'd, who have the means, may participate 4 it is an affair of public ‘ notoriety. Mr- Smith concluded by observing, that though this fubjedt had never before cone 10 his view be had thought it beil to throw out those few remarks in answer to the gentleman from Connecticut. Mr. Grihvold. It would not have been necessary toanlwer rhe remarks matie by the gentlemen, but for the imputation call upon the time at wbidwhis refutation has b*en offered. I did think the gentle man from Virginia. [,vlr Randolph] would have dt>:r* me the juitice to fta T e to the honie mv conduct on this occafi m. That gentleman will not der.y that on the ‘J3S or the report of the tcmmiffionei s cl the fink ing fund was referred, i spoke to him, and that on the day alter, 1 gave him my objections in wrTing rhat he might converle with the Secretary of the Treasury. Some days after I shewed h m this rtfo .ttrion,snd at his iofUnce Brack out one word. Mr. HaruMph asked what word. Mr. GtifwoJd replied the words ** in fact ** I am therefore not liable to the charge of attempting ro furprVte geirtlemen. I have tried, without success, o offer the refobition for several dav® pall. Yelfer lay I trempted it, but rhe gentleman from Mary land onjefted, and the house went to other Jiacc lam op, i will call xae attention of the house : \j foree of the remitksdjSFered by gentlemen on the observations which I had the honor to fujpmit^ In c ply to my hrft obje&ioQ that the commiflioners have not applied in the year the sum of 7,300,000 dol lar* ’hey ground themlelves on two principles l hey ct 4 r the-Cotnmifljoneffe as having a right to con fiui, .ne proceeds of the Bank Shares as forming a nart ; and they contend in the next place, that a part of the remittances made to Holland are intended to nret initalmrnts becoming due in the year 1303. These two points 1 fhM! confider dilli.iftly. And fir ft with refpeft 10 the Bank Stock. I want nothing but the report cf the Commiflioners to the tint Argument cent lenten use. The Commiflioners fay they have received certain furns ; And how I * From the fun Is appropriated by the ririt fedfion of the ** aft for there demptiou of the whole of the public debt’’ viz. From the Lnd ariling from interefl on the domeltic debt | transferred to the Commiflioners of j 1 he fi; king fund, as per flatement herewith for i£q2, 320,449 92 I Fro at the fund atifing from pay | meets into rhe treasury oi debts which originated under the late go* vemmeiit, Bsß 79 ‘ From the-fund arising from di videnris on the enpi *1 flock, which belonged to rhe United States in the bunk ot fair! ‘•tares from the ift July 180 i, to the £ifl Dtc. follow in?„ 33’9 6 ° “ From the funds arifing-from the sa les .of public lands, being the a -of monies paid into the trea sury in the year “ From he proceeds of duties on goods, wares, and merchandize im ported and on the tonnage of fliips or vtifleSs, 6,759 Making in the whole the annual appropriation by law for the year 1802, unher rhe adi aiorenientioned ‘ 7,300.000 What do they fav to rhe proceeds of bank shares ? Do they pretend tht.t they have a right to it ? They further observe that rhefe have been’apolied’ to the reimburfemenr of ‘ temporary loans obUiued of rfce bank of the United States.’*— From what f ni ) ? From the 7. iOo,ooo dollars ? No.—From the proceeds 0f.2 320 fliareS of bank flock ’ I . is, 1 think, is a fbfHcieiU anfvver to this part cf the remarks of gentlemen. In the Tecond place, gentlemen fay, the commiflion ers had a right to remit money in Iso2, to meet the inflalments of 1803. 1 sdmit, if to take the money entities them to it, they had the right, and that if they had a rigut to avail themfeives of the remit tances for the year .ISO3 they have 1 >.id oet the seven twillion three hundred theufand collars. Rut how do they make this right cut ? What favs the law ? By it they as well as we are bound. II words plain, die words of that law are plain. Tht firlt feslion of the aft of the la ft feflion provides for the annual appropriation of seven million rhree hundred theufand dollars to the payment ot the debt. The second fe&ion directs the secret ary ot the trea fury to pay, iu each year, to the commiflioners the sum of 7.300,000 dollars. The third lluftion provides how this sum shall be applied: and fays it fhatl be the duty of the fair: Commiflioners to caule to be applied and paid out of the fiiid lund, yearly and every’ year, at the trealurv of the United States, the levers! and refprelive lum following,’* &c. They arc here directed to apply these sums yearly and every year. 1 ask, have tlrev done it f ‘is mak bg a remittance to n;eer inflalments becoming due the nexi year, or fix years hence, appking this fundi to this year ? If that is deemed paying the debt, i can only IYy there is nothing like it in the law ; it on jy enables rhe commiffioneit todraw the seven milli • ons three hundred thousand dollars out of the treafu y, and tiof to keep it in their own hands, and fay we mean to apply it fix years hence. I contend, i ; ei efore, that this is no answer ; and that under this-view of the fubjeft, the commiflioners may have received the annual appropriation without having fpr-ied it. I have no idea of criminating the Corn ifi 'piers. Anew report may explain all these Ml ■kubies But Ido contend, that * according tdfiiL port, they have not applied in the year 1802 fthe wliole seven million three hundred thousand dollars appropnated. But gentlemen fav, it is itnpoflible for them, and ‘they are not obliged to account for the application of the whole amount ; tiiat from the nature of the debt due-in Holland, part of the money mu ft be re mitted in the year proceeding that in which it is due —a/icl that if the whole were paid i-n one year, there vvouldr.os remain enough for the fncceeding year. Mr. Nicholfo.. (aid he had obfervetl no such thing •, he had Did the commiflioners had power to draw Tor theenfuing year, but. that it refled with rhe feci.etarv; of the treasury, according to {he ilsve of the treasu ry, to admit their drafts. * Mr. Grtlwe’d—Gent Sc men then contend that the Cbmmifliontts had only a light in the fir ft inftanc*”. ro draw 7,^00 .000 duilars ; but that the provif fliredts the fecretery to make the ncceflary advar, ces. Will it then be pretended that there was not money enou hin the freafury to pay the 7,300,006’ dolllars, aed to provide for the neceflary’ remittan ces ? What.favs the report i Why, that four milli ons and a half lie dead in the treasury. In these circumlfances would the fectetary dare, under this proviso, to refute to allow drafts for the neceflary remittances? There was money enough ;& theCommif floners might have drawn a much larger firm than they actually have drawn. The argument therefore falls.* Rut gen’lemcn fay, that by the law p.f the Jaft feflion, the Commiflioners are not obliged to apply 7.200 000 dollars in the year 1802 ; bur ;hey have a right to compute the year from April rbo2- 1 dcFrc* here, again, nothing but the report to fiiew the fallacy of this atgumeni. The reporr lays they have received the whole apjiropria iiaus for 1802. Why? Becauie the exprefEoc of the law requiring the payment either every year, clear 1 v means the year for which the accounts ire made u? :.. Vo account for the deficiency df 114.000 dollars, :he gentleman from Maryland, fMr* Nicholfon’ has ’flated certain items, which, if admitted wid reduce ihe sum unaccounted for. I did not contend that the Commiflioners could not account for this balance ; but only thet they had not accounted for ir. The gentleman however, is miflakeri in his calculations. >he firtl item to which be allude/, is that of 7,994 dollars on account of debts due to foreign officers,” ,tod 14,996 on account of certain part3 of the tlo rneftic debt. I b?g leave to inform the gentle •nan that no part ot these two Cams appear to have ;>een paid- They ere not Rated on account of pzv ments made ; but only as dkburfi menu from the treasury. The genlle®* 11 caafiaers the Commifl:cner3 inftat • inr jhe guilders right in Waking h efliirate. Now, if on eiamining their report, it will appear that this tranfaGtion had nothing to and . with the bankers in Aroftcrdatn, the observation of the gen tleman falls. The report fays* that belidcs the above mentioned re-imburfement# and payments, there re mained at theclofe of the year 1802, exclutive of the amount of sundry protested bills still out-Uan { iit | g and of unexpended balances in the hands of agents, an unapplied balance estimated at $,9i4*06 guilders/ & c . Os monies in the bauds of the bankers ? No. ‘ Os ‘ remittances purchased and paid for.* Have not the Commiflioners an account of this ? Mr. Randolph here said it was extremely difv*ree ; ble to him to interrupt the gentleman But he mull be permitted to observe that the date of there- . port was the sth of February IS03: Was it then reaibnable to suppose that the treasury department s ad received from its agent*, who were scattered from Savannah to Portland, on account of every bill purchased antecedent to the fir(t of January, & that he books ot those agents should be th*n fully fettled ;nd balanced ? Could it be expected that any mor than an estimate should be exhibited? Mr. Griswold bepged the gentleman from Virginia :o refer to the report, by which it would appear that the sum of 5.914.606 guilders, was exclufiv °* money in the hands of agents, and that it combed of money remitted. Os this sum the Commiflion era could and ought to have rendered a particular ac < ouut. The gentleman from Maryland [Mr. S. Smith] hat mentioned rhefale of the bank flock. I did not ex pect this circumflance would have been memioned, as it has nothing to do with the fubjeft now before us, nd I have only made these observations in reply to ‘he gentleman from Maryland to fliew that I neither ihbhcribe to the prudence, legality or goodnels of the I de. With regard to any npplicati rn of my remarks to i idividnals, I can only fay l know nothing. lam not i t the ferretsof the treasury ; but I do knew, that ii there should be a difpofitjon to accommodate friends, if mav be done in the disbur.fement of so large aflhmas ten millions of dollars. 9 The quefiiou was then taken by vea* and nays, o agreeing to Mr Griswold’s resolution, and carried uaanimoufly in the affirmative. AUCTION. ff r iJI be sod on Tuej'day, the infant, before my Autfivt Store,Market (quare, Hoglheads 4th proof Jamaica Rum, Ditto ad ditto Wc-ff-lndiii ditto. Ditto iff ditto Ncw-Engiand do. Pipes Brsndv, ;o calks HibberUs Brown Scout, •0 ditto New York Porter, to barrels Philadelphia Beer, Sugar in barrels* Soap in boxes, Flour in barrels, Hogtlieads Giaffware &ITcrted, i case brown Linens., Wind for Chairs, Wich a variety -of ether Articles. ALSO, An elegant Horse, Chair ajs Harness. Sate to commence at 10 o'clock, Conditions Cash. LEVY ABRAHAMS, AucY. Mav 2. ITiiLhT US HAVENS and JAMES BiLBO, tlaviug entered into copsrtnerfmp under the firm of HAVENS and BILBO, Offer their services to the plan’C’s and others in the Fall crape & Comm {//ion Bufne/s. For which t urpofc they have Tr icon the wharf and pert of the fWes lately occupied by Messrs. Belcher Dickihfim, where any Ipetfles of property entrust ed to them for GU, tan be favely stored. They have also pur* ha-vd Messrs. Belcher and Dit kin Ton’s rt> n:dining Stock of Ship Chandlery , A genera! af-orfinent of which, ar>d GROCFiIIES, They intend keeping. May 2. 6f. ROT ICE. THE SUBSCRIBER, N account of his health, being obliged to % f remove from this ji ate, requefls all per— funs who have demands eg-drift him, or the late firm of VVilltcm- Belcher Aco. and Belcher Iff Dickinson, in exhibit them forfeiDement . Those indebted are earnefily tntrcaled to make payment, ;r at least call and liquidate their refpechve ba lances. WILLIAM BELCHER. Savannah , May 2, ISo u —6 r 1 LG 1 ICE. “ “ Diffokuion of Co-partnerlhip. 7 be bad health of the Sub!cribcrs, JJp ENDERING them unable to prof cute Lu~ finefs in Savannah, public notice is here • by given that in lonfequence the Copartnerftsip cf BLLCH&ii h DIEKiNSUN, was difjoived on the oth ultimo. VViLLiAM BELCHFR# JoH N 1). DtCKINSOH. S-ivannah. Mav 2, 1803 — 61 2**tf. Si RAY HORSE. A likely bay HOUSE, abtut AjpSqf 14 ; arid* and a half high, \s th & star in h 3 forehead, came yfiqpEfif? 10 my plantation a few day* W& id! by o. fl.he owner is defir -;i *fTOj l ° P n)VC I:SS F rf> P‘rty, pry * *“'■* tiiaige* .ad take liim away^, FRANuIS LOUkVUISIE. *’4 rl v 2, 61. BUG /iH o; ¥7CH faleafew barrels of iSt. Croix’s JP i'ugars full quality, on hoard the feitooner Chance, at* Hunters & Minis's vvharf.—Apply broccsbury on board- March 17. tj.