Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 09, 1803, Image 2

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• tt. & J. BOLTON, Kave jiff received per ike MiJfiJJifpi> from Liverpool , 8 r-fc* Issi-ts, fuitf.ble for summer wear, 11 pit ers ladies Clo h and fine tight CaiEmcre, v trm ks ni/fl’n', plain, white and black figured, and handkerchiefs, 2C q heft ccuor, : .. fi: pewter hafons, places and canJle moulds, 2 cases Ifilh liner*, I 6 z n b-ti curled hair matreiTts, Ig h de* ofn'-.’ u r CS, r afk< i?ail, flat and (harp points, -ft -nd fi:k n<t’ keens qud ngS dimities, Zic. ! ii*r*d, white and hla k c, v. iite lead, yellow o< hre and Spardfti brown, 3 )v • pa-s. : L r brooms, , Cacpertr.r*** to.•*,!*.: cutlery: Ironmongery, }\-r.e ... iua trunks* (, f * ; s fadn’ev,.and plated chair harness, b*rv .s n ared h t*. May 9. 6^. NOIICiK, THE public arc hereby irfformed that the exhibition of the Antoir.aron figure as auvmifcs.l on the 3d lo ft art, is poll pored uc - till Licence shall h-ve been obtained from the Corporation of rh sCtv to exhibit said figure. N. B. the At vertifcment tor exhibition on tie 1! ird iritant inadvertamly put in the the pub,ic papers without Licence not know in Ihe letters of me Law, therefore the ex culr of the public for the the disappointment i* humbly Solicited. May f, 1 803. (6 y) i üblic sale. VJ ILL be fold at ’he rov nos Rtcebnrowgb, on V the 241 b rlay o May r between the hvurs Q,'Kii *r.d ihice o’clock, bv tubhc omet j; all ibe pcrfnnnl property ot Will! in .Shepard, late of Giber tv coumy, uecealrd, confuting ot tour prime MLLI St.AVFV a L'OB*K WATCH, and mble GUN and hi ;e itlouf- 1 UF. Nl TUBE. Conditions, cash. John Junes y Admr. J ‘Sertv cnnntw, fiih Arr*l. itfot. fSf) (fff NOTICE. Conartneifii'p ofH. & Jolrn Bolton. e-g Hii deaiS cf Mr. ROBERT BOLTON, tj e. -Jers it ntceilary to inform the Irtench k?u\ rfi OnCcnceof the firm, both in the Uutt< L;.. tt •.• 1 t. road, that the funds and (lock in trade, t . ui. . a* urctofore, and that prcvifioii is made nor < > . p drive, but annually to incrcafe the capr t.; j .;! :h,y are alio, iniermed, that the bufinefi oj tue ia-uJe will continue to be condudVed b;> John Bolton, tmder the fame firm of ’ LGBEAT & OHN bOLTON. ‘Joseph liabci /ham, William Wallace , George Woodruff , John Boiton , Executors ‘'.ynnwr ’ Decemhrr 10. ALl* i\Un A i_..v VV KLNCE, lias tor Lie me following goods, for cash, I’Xopo vl, or on a liberal credit, for ap proved paper : C and l Irish lineny in boxes aJJorted i (o?riac Brandy in pipes , Holland Gin in ditto 3 SAn y, l JV!a!uga i V Wines in quarter casks 3 *j c'urtff?, j Tty son Lea in chests, Barrels Mackerel , Soapy Candles , &c. Pert ; h r 2C. 1802. (26 rs) MO 1 ICE. A LL ter fens having any demands againff the JT'jL flat: of Lewis Shu Us, aesea.ea, ure re qifjled i. render them in properlyalt died to , anc 1,:. : >:r arc indebted to fata edate are joheitea tj 4ji 1. <vt, if.rmeaiati payment , 10 Jos . Longworiby Admr . .f *.7* ; i „% 2Q rSc'i? AL.alo riU Joi . 7/iZ- SUBSCRIBERS, ,T’f’ the fund lor erecting an ALMS v JjL HOUSE, are requeued to pay the a* znuut t of their fubferiptions to Mr. John oEor., in order tha” materials maybe por ch .led and the building immediately com*, Joseph Haber/ham ♦ XL i ill am IP ul.ace, B. Maurice^ 7 Glass , y. Bolton* Afircb to, * \\ Alt iJy TO the full value, will be paiJ for the return to the fubtcriber ol a translation ot Voltaire’s * Man oi foru Crowns.*’belonging to lfaac Benedix, and lor the *• Vagabond.’* b longing to G. U. Duke. Jh above b ok> were fotnetinte tince ta v kcn from rov pol ieffimi without mv knowledge or content, 3nd not to lose borrowed property. I have thought this mode molt likely to effect a recovery. SAMUEL MORSE. bpril 7. THE LAbT UE liiA EDiitUN. JUST RECEIVED. And for sale at this office, s number of of 44 Proofs of a ccnfpi raev against ■Chridianitv, and the Govern ment of the United States; exhibited m lcve vnvs cf the union of Church and State in New-England, EY ABRAHAM B^Sf^OP. ,, Thole who would wdh to poifds this toik, are rtqutfted to cai loon, as the tt.. copies l and,conft-tuce the whoic of thoi lirdbldin the U nited States* (Price one Dollar,) GEORGIA REPUBLICAN]. ~r-mr nmuummm ■i hmibu iimwi ■ ■ J A y A id A Si iiy MONDAY MORNING, May 9, 1 Sop. ■ m’i-.j —: T mm . m J t’mxmc** VCl.zt m abundance n{ proof Mr Hobbv has furnifhed to ffiew that he never delivered >af>ers wrongfully out of the Pod Offiee at •\ugufla: cr, he has at lead proved that he aas more cautious than to find Mr. Smith’s •o Bunce by Mr. Minor—nor is it to be luppof dhe fcr.t them open by anv one. B e -he tadl is, Mr. S’s. papers were frequently Seen in Mr. E’s. office : The quellion then is, how came they there?—Aft r observing that it is lean tiv probable Mr. Smith would ■ ,ave lent Mr. Bunce tnefe papers, when in want of them lr, rule if, we leave the public to judge hovr, and by whose means Smith’s papers found the r way into Bunce’s office. As for what Mr. Miner intended to insinuate in h ; s affidavit, it is a matter of but little confequejKC, On the downright aifiertion of the naked fact we ground our opinions. fjfff Was the Editor in town r, it is probable nw e miffst be said on this subject. Erom the Editor. Louisville , May jd t 1803. The Mouse of Repiefemativcs have pr.ffi and a bill on the lb Eject of the hinds by thic* Indians; and as if appears to be too fit ail a quantity for divjfion among all the inhabit ants of this Bate, it has been determined to dispose of it by lottery, i nave not had time to examine the principles of rhe til) through out ; but i: is thought by fame to gu •.rd too faintly ataiaft fpecuiation and monopoly. A rovvnibip is to be reserved for the future feat of the ifate government. The name of the town was left blank in the bill, and was tided on the third reading ytfierday. I was 1 ! the hou'e, and was lomewhat plealed ith tiie levtral motions made for the purpose of ailing it. Mr. Lamar propos’d { ‘ M;1 ledge vil;e s ” as a tefliiTiony of lefoedV for the pre lent governor, and of the sense the heufe t n rercained of his services in securing to th* ,: date the advar obtained by the cession o congreis. Colonel Watkins opposed the notion, on the ground that the governor yielded to the weight of tha-fe u times that, t ied men’s fouls'*—(did he remember that, chis exprefiion was Thomas Paine’s r) Had I been a member, I could have put the queflion whether, fainting under the burden of that gloomy djy, was werfe than attempting to Jcit’oy the intertfis cfour country, and of Jvil liberty since J The queflion'was finally taken by yeas and nays, and the refillt was such as to furnifh an excellent file for the teeth of federal vipers t die northward, who have (b long tried to podon the peace of this amiable man, and to call an odium on his character in Tie eyes of the union ; at the fame tin'e it does honour to the legislature and to rapublicanifin. The following are the yeas and nays : Yeas—meffirs. Adams, Cafitls, Boflwick, CharkoHjClark, Cosby, Daniel, Drane, Eafien, Espy, Franklin,’Gray, Gr.ce, Hall, Hamp ton, B. Harris, Hooper, H.ouHoun, Hudf oeth, Irvine, Jordan, Lamar, C. L. Lanier, Letlcr, Lott. M’Call, NT (bit, Phil 1m s, Rose, Runnels, Skrine, Simms, Stevens, Whitaker, Wilkins, ‘Wiliams, and .Zun met man. Nays—meffis. Grcfaam, Herbirt, Jackson, Watkins, and Wood. Ane: olank and fome others, k-fs ma terial, were filled, the pafttge ot ihe bill was decided, yeas 31, rays 53. A lengthy militia bill has been reported, and paified the Senate. Several other bills luvepafied the Senate,and will now be taken up in die House of Repidematives. It is expehled by fiomc that the Louse will adjourn on Saturday. The Senate have decided that the inferior courts are competent to taking the bo *d of the Sheriffs, of course that judge Bowen was incorrect in his decision. The due esurfe of lav/ may hereafter Le hoped for by all bur. the. guilty* Anew wharf law has been pa fifed by the Senate, adding two commissioners to the pre fen c number; a majority-of the whole num ber to act. Ihe new commiffioneis are Bait haler Shaffer, and John Lyon, Elqrs. DIED y much lamented by a numerous ac- CQuainitwce, on L bur/day lad, Mrs. Nancy 1 hie is. JTcph Turner or Sc. Simon’s, is appointed Codedlor of the cwfloms for the Diftridl ot Brunswick, in the room of CLud Thoirpion. Qpce oj Dntount .cr Dtpo\it % Savunncby February I, iSo^t. ICT* ALL bufioefs at th-3ank, will i.kalc* to observe, th-t atterthe lsthinllai-t, no bills or noe? ol a leU sum than one hundred dollars £H be neceiv# , 't £V*r difeount. Lhem as Mendenhall, Cafkier* ATttTEiCiO THOMAS PAINE. Great-Valley, i\ft February, 1803. SIR, In the Aarora of the id inst. appeared a /etter ?d. drefitd to you by the pious and venerable pairioi N3inurl Adams. Youranfwer which th< fame pre tented to the public, merited in cny opini* n, a rtply For that replv I have rill this time waned in vain. * therefore, take the liberty, of tranfinitting to you bv the fame conveyance, a few thoughts on the moll prominent part of vour letter. This liberty I am j per loaded you wili indulge in one who with plea fire, and with n.ratirude to the author, often reviews the mofi intrinsic merit and venerable elfefts of your wri'i ios m lavor of the independence ot the U- S ‘ Ihe books, you fay, that coni pole the New Tef ‘anient were voredby yeas and nays, tobe the word of Gcnl> 2s we now vo e a law, by the pop'fii coun cils of Nice and Lodicea about 1 450 years ago This vote may appear authority enough to forne and rot authority enough to others. It is proper however, that every body fhnuki know ihe fact ” You ailo affirm that ‘ Biihop Waifon acknowledged this iaii.* ‘This, firisan txtraoroinary paragraph. But the mild and forbearing spirit ol the gospel 3nd tlie ex_ ample of its benovelentau hor forbib me to life lan goage, here, which to uian\. it may ieem to merit Par am I lr< ni c harging you \vi:h the base crime of | internal falsehood, i (hall not afenbt* to you an ig norance of ecclrfiaflictl lnllory wh;ch would he 1 1 - proaCi.fuitor a fchoid boy r profesfing to have read it I (hall impu.e to inadvtrterce, or precipitance, or fome less culpable cauf a ttateinent hi tnis paragraph, which is ablolutely talfe. The idea which you mean to convey and impiefs is [in your own words extract ed from the ageol reaionj that * there was no fuili a book as the fellament till near 300 years after the time that Thrift is laid to ;i\ed or that us origin of that book was not believed to be divnu bed'e the council of Nice or Laodicea. You well know, fir, that Clemens Ignatius, art< Polvcorp were temporary with tlte apcfiies thent felves. You weii know’ that Judin, lienoes i heophi lis Melito and l'ertullian lived in the fecon 1 cewtu rv intmedlately fueceeding thole who were tlve com panions of the apodlcs. You are not ignorant tha juintS Africanus, T,n onius, Origen, and ITyonyfius of Alexandria, lived and wrote before the year :co And if, when writing to Mr. Adams, you called up vour hiliorical knowledge you would have been perfe&ly convinced that by the writing .efthefe di ftin.guifiled men collectively taken, the following proportions are proved tobe true ; vis.. From the time of the apodlcs the bocks winch conipofe the New Teltamenr, were quoted ami al iuded to with peculiar refpeift: as books lacrcd, divine and infallible ; they were collected into a diHinCt vo lu r.e ; publicly read and expounded in religious af femblies, commetuaries on them written and formal catalogues of them published long belore the council at Nice or I.aodicea. In ihe year 178 Melito ex prefsly distinguishes the Old i edament from the New. About 20 years later this volume is by Tur tullian called ‘ the N’w Tell anient.’ And yet un fortunately for you, through your zeal for infidelity you have in the age oi reason averted, and in your letter to Mr. Adanvs insinuated, that no such book as the New Testament exilled till more than years alter the time ofThrift. Theft prppofitious I with out any hatred, ado rn to be true. ‘ And it is pronti tiiat every body fhouUi know the fa ft.* Eifliop Watson, you observe has acknowlcdgefi the truth of your affenion. Permit me, fir, with out impeaching your veracity, 10 correct your mil. conception ol the m* &ning es that eniii>cntly learned and pious prelate whole cando,.r in conircverfy, is a molt amiable patteron to infidels and to Chriffians. He telle us that 27 books or parts>cotnpole the New Tcftamer.t : that refpeding seven and those the fbort est, of t 1 cfe parts fome doubts were at fit ft en-ertained —and that the quftion concerning these might he de cided. as all quetfions concerning opinions Hiuft be by vote. But he tells us farther [and gives you au thoriiy for wha he faysj tint * the other twenty, pans were owned as canonical ai all times and by all Chriftians.* 1 hold it’ faith he, * vo he a.certain tLat ai) the books of which the New i eltamem is composed, were written and me!l of them received by all Chiiftbns, within a few years after hk death.*; Is this what you call an acknowledgement that the nooks which compose rhe New Teitameiu, were vor ed by yeas and nays to be the utord of Gad about years ago ? And what if yo>ur afi'ertmn w?s literally true ? What if, not only seven but ail the books which com pose the New Telfament had actually declared. In n voteofihe council of Latdicea, to be the word of God ? Would this be any reafonahle ground -etheir of doubt to the believer, or of triumph to the infi del r Would this prove either that these books did nor exist, or were not acknowledged to be fievdne prior to that event ? Suppose the iophiftry of ingenious and induft.Tous infidels cmild.i* fome individuals of churches in rheFJ. States, Ihake ihe credit with which the holy lures, are., at tins day regarded. Sun pose rhrTe indi viduals of churches Hr ould, for their own fatisfadtion, fubmii the quellion to the invefti.gaiion and decision of tiie general convention of the epiftopal church in May nect.—Suppofe tha. convertion. after 2. Learned •fivtl and free difeuffion, fhouid by their votes declare tint the New rest invent is the word ot God. and a perfect rule -of faith and practice. Would this vote imply, or would it prove to fucceediag generations. :hat rhe divine atwhoriry of the New fellament was never acknowledged ‘ till voted by the epifeopai c>n vent ion of ISO 2 >’ The arfwcr vo thie. queflion is so obvious, that the ex pre fit tin of k -would infidt y.,>u> underfianding. Nor need I, to guard the feebieft in relletT the fallacy of your argument, fay that notwithftaH<iing such a vote, it would be on eternal truth that for manv hundred years before the conven tion the New Testament was received as divine bv all Chriliians, in ail ccmntries, ana of every *dencmi nation^ Yon address to Mr. Adam*, afctvptnre phrafeTor those Clergvmen who have co-operated with certain •latefmen to abclifh our i?eprefen'2ive system of go„ vernment: * Thou (hail not revile the Gods, nor* curie the rulers of tbv people.’ But, vou fay, such as Dotftor F/T.trons, curse rulers and people both, for the majority are politically the peo pie. * I am one of those whom ‘you are pleased so of’eo to honor with the name ot priests. And yet I *rctlv coincide with vou in reprobatins ’he part which too manv of them have acted during the political mamofitifS which, for a few v-ears. have convj’fcd. at one time, and eudsngered the exitlence of our own government.—T’or can thefeverity of sourcer. fureeafilv exceed their deserts.. Some of have doubtless been deceived. Others impelled by native pride, or aristocratic piinciples, nr the prospect ot‘ gain or the hope of elevation, have exerted aH the fl..rncc atichc 1 to their profeffion in tiie belvalf of a irciioa combined ddtruffion of our excellent ®fifthurion and the cfab-* sh t of ‘■ monarchy >; its fuins On your tetutnto ibis country they raifrd ngain’.t you, [what you cad * the warts It i.rp of mona; rhical priest cratt,’ butj I call 1 l e voice ,! tede ral hvpocrify. Your iuiidcli \ was the oftenhblr, ynir republican pen the real groimd of ther alarm, ho: no one defervingthe name of a min ftcr ol the gofpd canfcriously believe what they efttd to beliese, tiiat the religion of Jesus can be material!* .<fficTcd by tiu* preft-nceor absence of Mr. Faine. In the Hookvrh;c:i bears the name [but not the eviderce) cf (he Age Heafon, they have seen your molt poisoned aircw aimed with vour utmost skill and txeried with an \our might against that relig : on. They have seen, in that book, but little more than the objeftitns I ha.i almost laid cavils and quibbles, which for ages pwfi, nave olten been raised by infidels, anrt as often \r,r quilhed by the force ot reaioo. 1 hey have seen i-r that book, nothing new among those objtifticns, fjcry t the boldness wiTi which thty are revived and tla* hlafphemv ot the language in which they are reprt fented. They have seen tiiat book iike its Tors, made the day. and lalleii in’.ogene - al cortcmpt and univerlal neglfil, £nd can tho.c federal clergymen fircerelv apprehend, from your re_ ;uin to America, a deadly wound to that religrcrv which has akeady unimpaired, ur.enfechled. unfulhcti. fuliaim-d the learning.of Porphyry, the power ot J-.:~ iien, the eloquence of Polfingbroke. the riallf 1 y and Voltaire, the fub.lety cl Hun.e, and the blcfphcmy of Paine. Gndcr the adniimigration of their faveutite chie*, their private encomiums and their public praters,. 1 A eulogies ill his behalf were al undanr, exceeded iri x hv nothing bur the piofulion and n alij.- oi tneahufe which they heitowed on those w*:o were confLained by the force ol ttalon and imcoiity, to disapprove fbme of his meafurrs. But hnce the4.h of March jßoi. too many of them have omitted a weekly and public fiipplication for the firft ma gill rate ot our country. They have Zealoufiy engaged in ft p porting an eastern new (paper, whole avowed chjecl ,s oppotiiioti to his adminihration ami to the jority of the people With ail their proftfiiona) Ur eng. h ley have fweihd the voice of caluumv to (lain hisie pu'ation. to erfeehL his l ards, to fui.jcd to ucivcr fal contemot him and the govenmient over w hich the providence of God has appointed him to preside. But, fir, tl e number of thcle ministers is compeli •ively small, & it it were greater, their cqnduft how ever reprfrUenfible in iifdr, ought net viewed as a reproach to that divine religion which declares the magillrate to be the ‘ minister of God’ which com. mands us to ‘ pray for all that arc in authority’ to render-honour to whom honour is due’—ard to be fubje& to the canftituted amhotiiies ‘not only f.-r 1 wrath, hut also for cmd- u uce lake. And ye; i do nefitafe to fay. that this ct tuiuG has done more inju ry to the cause of our redeemer than the boldness and ridicule, and hlafphemv which you d:fp!ay in menti oning his .name, his geipel and tiie oliice or his mii.i fter. * Thou ft;all not revile the Gods’ in the firft part of the verse which you quote. On ‘hi- you lay, ‘ makes no part of my feripture. I believe in but one God.’ lam sure you wili not believe inc candid when I fav tiiat you wish by this to hefitaic that tiie fciip tore adnviss a phit al.ity ol Gnds ai ci to contrail ti ls folly with the wildom of infidelity which ai knowledg es hut one. Long, fir, did the world experience the tr.moft tjfoits ot natural reason in mvcftigaiing 1; nature and perlf.dtions ot deity. And what were the efteef of those efforts ? Every temple even of tr. liffluened Rome and philofopl ic Cirt-ece was croui'ed rtTiiGods ard vlu proud philofophtr as well as ihs humble pealant, bowed in humble adoration- to dtv parted profligates and harlots, to hulls, to calves v nd to reptiles, /tjnd can you imagine that if you had h, eu contemporary with the iages o* antiquity, your pro founder rtfear-ches would have corredted thisp eco , niinant error ; you would have banished from tho minds of Blato, AriftoTe, Cicero &c. Their doubis relpediing the nature, number and perfedfions of tfte Gods, and of the soul’s immouaiity f No fir. Your tnodeftv repels with indignation the imputation of . preienfioh l’o arragant in those pure ages you would probably have herded with -the woifnippers of Etfi. od’s rlvirtv thousand (jobs ; and like the venerable Socrates in the moment cf death, the gratitude of vour hearts would have inclined you piously ta offer a cock to Kfculaptys. Whence tlien, let me ask, do you derive those fob lime conceptions of the deity far which you fiiy t you are complimented by the liifhop of l.aedrdt ? From those very fcrip'ures which you here thmVe ■ with .teaching the doftrine ot a plurality of Ciods. * Thou (halt not revile thy Gods ’ Is U unknown to you that in all languages many words are used nwt only in a literal, hut also m a figurative tenle f lw a figurative sense tl>e inspired wriiings o.ttn apply the terms god, or gods to celeflial angels ; to men princes, juidces, or judges; to fatan who is called ‘ the gej of this world/ And tiie learned ayoftle Paul (peaking of fome enemies of the crots of Ct fays that their v belly is their god * 1 do not adduce this iaft example to irifinuate that this is the 4 osjft cod’ wl.-ich you exclulively acknowledge —Such a fulpicion i precluded hv the exemplary ttmpeiunco wirh which you prolefj to - nourilh your health.* And if a knowledge oiThe bihle had made of the * abundance* wirh which you tell us you lurnifli vour ’ 4 mind,’ ] Ihould have been saved Ironi the nect-ifity of Worming ytu that we need only open that book to f e tlte unity of god inculcated and idolatory pu nifoed : to learn that, 4 1 am God and there is one die — the Lord our god is one l.ord’ vere the voice and refj>onfe which pervaded the camp, the tabe;- cte, the temple and nation of the jews, to read that St Paul, in pre fence of the fuprenre court of Athens, boldfiy maintained the unity of God against The learn ed plr.lofophers of that city ; and by faying ‘ L cv be no gods which are made with hands,’ rouftd the lecuting power ol Epbelus, a city devoted to che worfitip 4 cf the great goddess Diana and tiie image which fc-il down from Jupiter.* I intended to have glare? and at feme less important fent ; mems in yotrrs to Mr. Adams. Bux 1 -ba-we -aG ready exhauliffl your patience, and trarlgreflcd the limits which I had preferfned to this iettrj. Icannn t however conclude without exprefting my regictthat [although cliriftianity has nothing <0 tear from your talent, or induliry] your Itoftility to it niay render fome afious rep*uh|icns more ealily deceived bv tliofe hypocritical federalilis who cunningly errntdt the ideas of repubiitanifjm infidelity, t and affirm that the objeift of republicans is the exterpation of the gos pel. The religion nf Jefus,-neitßer Vn rts oti innor its progress, lias ever been indebted, (or its glory, to tiie elevation or wo'-dly glory of its patrons. To counteract this political tendency of your enmity against it. I thall neverth* left, embrace the orportu* nity of communicatinc to thole {.pious republicans, through the mecium of this lettfc to you, one of the fublimelt eibgiums that ever wai exprefled on the rea. fonablenels of the C.hriliian religion. J fiaj| give it in the very words of a *Rt.-pcbl ica s with v\h<.fe in telciftual greatnrfs your difiidence would to be compared—whose influeme is ucrivalled—ard wr*o fits this day at the head of the treeit. happiell, as<J moft calighxsucd govenwrei-t in tiie wtlbki.