Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 26, 1803, Image 2

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Spain*. To this rbae is a plain answer. Who took the right of depofu from us ? Spain. — sVho now restores it? Spain —Can her hr called which have thtfe great tf fe<fls; or wril the poficflfion of oiff rights bi the lets real becaufc they-flow from the fidelity of Spain, inflead of the justice or the policy of the mighty rtiler of France. It would fetm as if federaiifts expt&ed Rom the Tv.uiarch of Spain a communication fron Buoraparfr, Hut nad he ipok-n jor the sirs consul, would they not have treated what Ik U\ d with contempt l Sud. declarations would have been al furc, and would iaye been ue itrvirerof ridicule. Let rht fit it conlul au- jwer for hin felf. His adions will develope Jjis views. He may, though it cannot be pected that he will} invade our rights. \\ hen he does invade them, it will be time enough to demand rebrefs. And the people of the United States need be under no alarm left rhat demand should not be made. The con duft of the government towards Spain pre sents the htft .Heduf rf ir are sacred. We will pielcrve them ; and v nether the aggnfidr be mighty or Itebie, our course will be theiame. By His Excellency JO HA MILL EDGE, Governor and Commander m Chief of the Army and Navy of tin S tate 3 j cud oj the Mihtic thereof. A 1 RO LL A IV; ATI ON. WHEREAS, in and by an aft, tfli*d the eleventh day of May eighteen hundred and thtec en. \hled “ An aft 10 moke diftri tuition of liie late c• fuon’ * o! lards obtained from the Creek nation by the U * nited Slates rontnti'jftlouet s in a treaty entered into * ar or ne >r Fort-Wilkinson, on the fifteenth day o * June, eighteen hundred and two,’ the governor is nuihorifed and required forthwith to iilue his procla anstion, and cause the fame to he publilhed in all the gaz lit *oi this dare setting forth the outlines of the aft ; and requiring all persons interfiled therein to exhibit their c'arms in the counties of their re! peer tv t I* fid erne lupporred bv the oath or affirmation of otu or more creditable witrdlcs, where doubts exilt it the rinds of the Juftkes or the inferior courts, or tic pet font by them appointed, to re ceive the fame : 1 have therefore thought fit to Him this my pioclam?. cion, in order to make known the outlines of the late acf - which are as ioilow ; The territory to which the Indian title liss beet rxtingUi fiicd bv the laid treary cl t ort~W ilkinlon arc icr ilie rfiftriburion of which the a orfciuc] ?<3 has been pa-fled, is. in conformity to tie tWcnty-thud led ion ot‘ the fir(v article oi the Cottfl’rut ion cl this Hate, to be V id off in’o three counties, that is to fay .- that part of ibe said territory lying it u;fi of the Aiatatnaha to form and conUitute one county, to bo, called Wavni; and that part of tne laid territory tying south of the Oconee river to be divided into two counties, the ealtern to be called \\ ilkinson, and the wefl-ern, PtirwiN. ‘lie county of Wayne Is tO br ‘divided int© three <T{sr*£l<s n” ih'p l> caretsmTtances will admit, in’ Inch manner as the litr vcyor general may deem expedient—and the counties of Wilkin foil and B id*iu into five -d. driers, each as nearly equl in extent as C3n be. The land eon twined in the feverwl diflrifts is to be divided by line- plainly and diflitftly marked hn< tracts ot forty-five chains iquare, containing, two bun died two and ?n l*!f Hf res each except r ibt county of Wayne where the land is to be 1. id efr into trails o* Seventy ciiai.s fqure to contain tour hundred and ninety acres each— unless where the li< e which is in form a temporary boundary between the laid termor* and Creek Indians, or the course of navigable rivt-rs may render it impracticable, then this rule may be de parted from, but no further than hi * particular on cumflartces mav require—All fractional parts of surveys and all iflsnds within the limits of laid territory southwest of the middle ot the Oconee or AlHtarnaSi. rivers, are to be referred and fold, giving to ihole who draw ttads of land adjoining inch frafticnal parts ot surveys or ilhncis, resp ctively, a prekrtnee for twelve months from and after ihe completion of the dravTlO of the lottery contemplated by the act and a right to purchase them at such lates as may b- Hi pula ted by law—except where islands contain more than one hundred acres, then they are to be drawn for in the manner pointed our by tire a cl. The farveyo: s are tu commence making the surveys of the dillri&s, to which they are rclpcftively ap pointed, in their own propei persons miKudiAteiy ■alter the boundary line has been run by the proper auth rity The lan 3 is to be distributed by lot tery (the draw ing of which is to continence tlie furveiingis completed) in which every free male white peifon twenty-one years of age and upwards, who is a ci izcn of the Linked States, and who has been nn inhabitant of tki: date twelve months immediately preceding 4;>e pufiage of the aft, or paid o tax towards the -up part ot government (including lath as may be absent on lawful bufiiiei g is entitled to one draw—every tree male while peifen of the like drier iptian having a wrre, legitimate child cr children, under twenty one years of to two draws—Ah person having legi timste child or children under tvienrv-orte years oj who have redded twelve months :n this date immediately preceding the palf.tge ot the ad are en titled to two draw sand all families of orphans utsdir twenty-ore veers of ape, to ore draw. Lifts ot pet Sons entitled to draw are to be made out within three months fsern the pafivge of the ail, hy any three or more of iiie Juflices of U.e inferior courts of the refpeCiive counties, or such per Tons as they may appoint, not exceeding one for each county. who fliall before they enter on the duties f their appein -• snents, CaveraUv give bond r.d security to be appros* and . of by the said julhces in such sum as t. ey m. y deem neceflafy, ar.d take and fubferibe an oath in wmirg to perform the duties required of them by ti e said aft. The said polices or inch persons as they mrv appoint, are to attend at codrt-houfes of the ref. pective counties on as many fcveral days as the jufti -ces may think necciCiryl, and appoint for the porpcfr of taking and making oat fiich lifts, giving a; leaf, ten days notice of such attendance by adver ilbmeht at five or more of the moil public places in the ref peftivc cminrirs—The names of persons entitled to draw with the number of draws to which they vm\ be entitled are to be entered in a bock robe provider for that purpole in each ccunty; which lifts or books when completed and transcripts thereof deposed ir the clerk’s office of tii superior courts, are to U tranLnittrd by the said j ittices to the governor ; fa which fei vice the juiticts or ftefi persons as they mny appoint as aforefaid, ate to receive from the perfdtn entitled to draw on entering their names. ,yd pc cfciveiy wel-ve and an ball cent*. i After the receipt of th* returns from the and drift furvejors, ano the jottices oi the Inter’or courts, the governor is to caute fair fills to be made, ot the per* fops entitled to draw, and the lottery carried intc affeft under the fuperinteudaucy of five managers or a majority ot th in who arc so give one month’s public notice in all the gazet’f-s of the llate previous to the commencement of Hie drawing, ar.d make known the davs of drawing for the names cm oiled under the ieucr A, tor tlmfe ur.iiet ;!-e fetter B, a-d io on, ‘h-nijohont the alphabet, commencing wnb the names inder the fit'll letter. Persons who lands arc to pay m.'o the r ,f t he Stare, wbbln three months immediately abei the dravcing is comjdeied, for the part cular survey r Purveys drawn again It tiuir relpeftiveiy a s follows : the firm of nine doMats per hundred acres for river land of the firft quality —seven dollars pej hundred acres fur river land of th.e fecit id qua-lit y— feven dollars pet* hundred acres lor high hr.ti ct the firtt quality—sou dollars per hundred acres lor higl j land of th'* fecund quality—two dollars per hurdnei acres for all third quality Imd— and a half dollar per bundled acres for all pine land Prices are to be affixed io laid lands in the follow jog manner, to wit : ail river lard-of the fir{V quality at one dollar pet *cre all tiver land of the lecotid qualiiy at fifty cents per acre, all up lard ot the firti duality at fifty cents per acre, all up iard of the (econd quality at t w enty-five bents per acre, all up laud ot hei hire! qoali ty at twelve and an halt ernts per acre, and all pine 1 ,rtd at fiW and a quarter cents per crc which fhal] l! po<d i>y t!>i> fotuttiite drawers in he following infialments. io : one third of the price of the ‘refpr&'ive tracts on or before the lion of three years to he computed frotn the fitft payment, and one third annually thereafter until the w'hole price of the land is difeharped, before they receive grants for the fame—and in case ot failure in anv of the a f are (aid payments the laid lands shall re vert to and be vefled in tire Mate ; hut the fait! drawers may pay up rhe whole an.cunt at anytime previous to the ex-piraiion of five ye.trs, and receive grants immediately on fi> doing. No contrail for tie conveyance ands le cf tickets n the lottery, previous to obtaining grants theietor, is to be obiicatorv on eiiher of the contradfipg par ties, their hcirs rxt-cufors, admicihrators assigns or devifees, in anv court oi law or equity in this dale. Vacancies, of any of the di !; r& happen ing by death, resignation or otherwise, to be fii ed by rlie governor Persons are to beappedrred by the diHrift surveyor o attend them wrhen fur> eying the lr<nds, and report he qnrd-ty ihtreof on oath, who arc for fuchfervice ■o r ccive fifty cents for each fancy by them explored. i hue thcuf.rd rvvo h; ndred and forty acres are r eserved for a town t lotne suitable place ar or near • e liead of the jjavigation on the south fide of the Oconee river, which is to belaid off immediately after r he boundary line N run. No Purvey or grant for lands in theaforefsid cession “o he admitted to a jury as evidence of title to the ands therein, except ihofe ob ained by virtue and under the authority of th.e aforecited act. Now therefore, the jiidices of the Inferior courts of tl e refpeclive counties arid the ciiiztnj of the llate, who are entitled to draws in the lottery under the iforefaid aft, are called upon and required to comply with ibe requiiitions thereof. CrIVEN under mg hand and the Great Seal o! the said State,-at the Htate-Idoufe in Louifviile this eighteenth day of May, in the -year <of our Lord, one thousand, hundred and three, and of the Independence of the United Sta rs of /n erica, the tvventy-feventh. * JOHN MILL EDGE. By the Governor, Horatio Marburr, Secretary of ike State. May 26 * (68) AUCTION. Th-is-chry at the Vendee-Store. Commerce-Rqw t W ILL BE SOLD, i pipe Gin, 4 ditto Closet II ine , 3 ditto port ditto , lS tends Pbilaaelfbia Beer s 50 ditto Herrings, 1; ditto Shad, t o ditto Ship Bread, 7 hags Fimento, 7 boxes Claret , ic ditto Candies —** hb's. HAMS, 7 barrels bottled Porter, With a variety of DivT GOODi. Conditions Cash . CREDIT SALES. 60 pieces excellent Flaxen Ojnaburgs. ALSO, A likely Negro Fellow, a good field Jl we. A likely Negro H oman, a good kerfs (ervant — at a credit of sixty days, notes with approved en ■ Coffers. CASH —At :he firn p tirre and place, four valuable Negtoes, viz: Two house bl enches, o\e of which is & (ear,:- jiffs, plain cook, and inner, the ether a plan xcck, wafer and irener . Ore fellow a good bricklayer, the ether fellow a field jiavt HILLS & MONNOX, Au&rs. May 26. AUCTON. + On Monday the 30 lb injb, w : U be fold at Mr. Samuel Howard's wharf * . THE £ lIG LITTLE s^LLr, Oh New-Port, abow S5 rons bur fhen > w ‘ lh 211 ber R'ilgtng, Sails, Appcrtenances, cf*c. Inventor) SfeafrTte-Lto be <een by applying at the Ven* duiitcre, Gon-n e ce-Row, Ci ndt ions Cafb, Sale to commence at 11 o'clock , May 26. \ Blank Checks, For Rale at this Office . Salet far taxes! , “ WILL be fold at the court*houfe if* ‘♦he (own of Brunswick ) on the ayth day of November next, the bilowing trails of land, ii/iute in the county of Glytin } or so much thereof as will pay for the taxes due and costs-, rcpteien'ed Sis bcir.g in default from year 1783 to the year 1801, inclufivc, unless the propriety rs avaii thtmfelves of the tax law in such afe made and provided : 1650 acres, originally granted to T hos. Smuh, tax ■dollars >4B cents, •and cofts.—lcoo acies, gtamed John Jocr, HI dollars 15 cents and costs. - - fames Powell, c. t. g. c. May nth, 1803. 68. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the efta'e of Jcftiua Stafford, deccaitd, are requefttdiu eAhihit iher.i legally nmhcMkaitd tor payment on or before ibe siift day of September next, all kote IrdebtcU to make payment by tha’ dav, to Margaret STfforc!, Advix. Glynn county, May 26. 6a. C IAKEN UP On Savannah river, by. a negro* a (hip** yawl} Lid and now sale y fecuted about fe ur miles from he tit), rhe ovvrtr may have the fyme by applying printers— be yawl old, carries four cars, painted black and rht. stern yellow'. 68* May 26. . r Notice. ALL petfers are cautioned /gai,nft giving credit to an y one on my account, as I will piy no cebts b'Jt these of my own cqntradlmg. John FitzpatricL Mav 76. 68. f or sale . AN excellent house wench, being-a good co-ok. vita filer &c.—For particulars, apply to Joseph Arnold . May 26. 68. Marshal's Sales. ON the thirtieth ir.ftant, will be fold at the Couri boufe in the city of Savannah, between the hours of ten and-three o’clock, a Mulatto Man n*m ed Peter, about twenty-four years of age, aocuftomed to be employed as afeaman, and pilot to*- the bar and river of Savannah: Levied cm as the property ol William Finder, by virtue of an execution in favour of lltclor Calbraeth. Aifo, 1 he Wharf and Stores, east of the Houfe, together with one third of the Wharf and buildings on which the CMffee-houfe Rands, levied on as the property of the estate of Alexander Watt, esquire, deceased, by virtue of several executions in favour of the United States, and othenj. Ben. Wan, Iff O'. G. Savannah, irth May, 1803. ConftableL; Sales, ON the last Thursday in j-une iex,wiH be f-ld at the Court Houle in this city, between the hours of IO ird V uVlock, A Mahogany Sideboard L? Dinner table, with one Half - Rcund. A 1 io, One lot crockery andglafs : Seized as tlx; property cf William Pofty to fatisfv Ball Jones. IT. Matthevvs, c. c. c. Savannah,'2tft May, IBaf (67) Left or Mislaid l THBEE volumes Bell s British Theatre, numbers 4. 6. and 1 fe-A-Any perfen finding the before-men tioned books, atuf leaving them at J. Arnold’s Auftion (lore, fhail receive 5 dollars reward. iTiVann.vb, Mav 2T I?C2. 7J• ■ >HOUGH T 10 Goal, a negro ‘e/lr.w, fays he be- O longs to Mr Shetman of tcuifville, i is name is I'ANIEL Alfio. a negro fel%w. fays brs fe HOPE ; tli at he ran aw ay from ? : r. Gerber in South- Cwrolina, r.tar Oeorgetf vvn, and formerly belonged 10 Thomas Hamilton, of Columbia county in Geor ge- J F. Q.ates, gcaler. Savannah. sO'b May. iBO3. (57) ” Dollars Reward* HD AN. away-from the fubfrriber on the s?h a negro eixh called Marvarn, fiir is 24 yiars of age ; about 5 feet 5 inches high, had ona firip-.d nankeen petti coat. The jfbeve .eward will be paid on her deliver*’ 10 the fubferi l her. or the keeper &l Chatham Goal. All persons are forbid harbouring me laid wench un* >ter the penalty of-tfe law. May 2:, rs THOM iS BOURI'F.. The PUBLIC in Glnlral. ARE hereby informed, that a Subfeription is opened for taking tU iikeneis of His hxccHerty General James Jackson, and th?* Honorable General Lachlan IvElntoih, both of the State of Georgia : CONDITIONS. Each cf them to be taken in their Military ! Uniform. . ‘ • Each like ns/s to be well engiaied, set in a frame f.xteen itches by twelve, gilt in humified geld and the glass endmellcd—to be executed by William Gardner, &Cos and deliverea to each subferiber by jucb per fan or persons, as the said William Gardner & Cos. pail from time to time appoint within one year from the date hereof * * Each subferiber to pay eight and a half dol lars on delivery of each likensfs for which he fall subscribe. | N. B. Gentlemen who with to subscribe , will be pleased to apply to Me firs. Lyon & Morse, printers , Mr. Moses Cowles, at the old Coffee- House, or to Messrs. William Gardner (A Cos. Savannah , 20 ib May, 1803. 67. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. SAVANNAH , THURSDAY MORNING, May 26, ISO:. On Wednefdav ihe nth inst. the Legislature rs this state adjourned.-— 1 he following is a lift of afts pa11ed;..... An acl/o authorifeihe justices of the Inferior Cou't qT Green county, to lay an extra tax for the purpulo -of tredfing a Court*Houfe for fald county. An Aft further to extend the powers of the Comp troller General. An Aft to divorce Betsy Chandler Williamson and f atihias Williamson, her huiband- % An Aft ro pardon Joseph Biitlges. An Aft fupplementray to an Aft, entitled. “ Art Aft toeftabliih a Fund for the Redemption of the Pub lic Debt of this s>tate, ” An Aft to take off the Aft cf confilcation and baniffiment, the name of James Hume. An Aft to amend an Aft, pointing our a mode for adjotting he da his of the citizens of this Hate, against the Greek Nation. All Aft to fecurc to Jrffe M’CaH, the exciofive rifihi to ereft a toll Bridjje over the River Great -Ogechee. An Aft to repeal an Aft to amend an Aft, en*i* ;led, “ An Aft to divide the Coumy of Jackfon,’* ff> far as it refpefts the Commissioners of the Court Houle and Jail. An wft explanatory <*f an aft erubied an nft to amend *n Aft, eßtuled, An Aft to revise and amend the judiciary Ssjlem of this date,” palled tie 16th day cf February, f fir r fpefts il.e prrfon or persons ‘o>nhotylef! to take ii*c bonds or obligations from fhe rifFs, and Ihr rime for holding C ourts in the HaftiUrn Uifitift. pnfifti the jth of (December, 18C-I —Arid An Aft to make diffribmion M th.e late Ccflion of T.ands, obta : ned From Ihe Creek Nation, bv the Uni“ ted Staies Con rniffmnerh, in a treatv entered into at or near Fort Wilkir son on tneiAth da\ of June. 1802. The lolVofc ipp perrlenirn are appointed comn'iffon* ers for fuperiim.rdrng the lotiei v, viv.: William Barhett, Edwin Monncer. Geortre R. Clayton, Geos Watkins, and Jared Irvin, enquires. *1 he following werr oppoinred furvt*yors'. viz David Crvfwell, l evin W ales, Jjmes LamaT, Garland Hardwick, Abner Davis, Rotterr Jackson, ..—■■•Bird, —*. Ragan, —— ternert. Porter, Glenn, Thadeus Holt, and Abner Frai Vlin* Elqvs. Commiffitfners for fixing on, and laying off the place for the fu’ure permanent re fide roe of government— Gen. Dickson, Gen- Cla*-k, Maj. Adams, Maj Charl ton/srndGapt. H. Cobb. Married, on Thursday evening lafl , ly the rev. Mr. llclcmbe, the Venerable Lewis Tre zevar.t, of the State of S uth Carolina , to Mrs . Hencrietta Morel, vAdow of John Morel , E q. Pied at Philadelphia, rn the 9th itdUnt, General Stephens Thompson Mason, one of the Senators repri- fentsfrive of the date of Virginia, in the Congress the United States- General Mason had arrived in rhar city on Tuesday Hfl for medical ir % dropsical complaint ; but the disease had arrived a c too malignant a flare to inhibit to the ffiill of the fa culty, OT the pnwer of medicine. REPORT - OF THE COMMISSIONERS Appointed in of an aft for the aniua* tie settlement of I writs with the ■ STATE OF GEORGIA, And -authorising tie est ablishment cf a Gov* ernment in the MISSISSIPPI TERRITORY. Deported by one of the Senators in Coiigrds ins>e Execu/ive Office* THE ccmrriiTcneis sppoinfed in pur suance of the entitled, “ An 2d. for ar amicable fettlerrcm of limit* with the Hate* Georgia, and authorizing the eftablilhment t a government in the MifTtfiippi territory,” i obedience to the provisions of the ad fupplt mental tc the last mentioned ad— refjjedfuli fubm-it the fdllowing report cn the dak made by fruErs and other persons, to lar< within the territory fuuate wefl of the Chat houchce, and fotuh of the cession made to ti ‘ United States, by South-Carolina. REPORT. THE territory of the United States, sou of the Rate TennefTce,extends in breadth i’ miles from the 3 \ft to the 35 degree of nos latitude. From eait rn welL its grcat length from the river Charahouchee to ti MifTiffippi wezfurcs three hundred and eigh miles along the north boundary of Weft FJ nda 5 the length of its northern boundar along the Rate of T enr th r ce is not precifi afcercained, bur it is believed that the avera length of the whole may, without mater error, be estimated at 300 milts, and t contends cf teriitory, at 52 millions of acr The proportion of that v.aft extenr, which the Indian title has been exthiguiib’ are, a craft of about one million and cir x cf acres, extending along the fre the mouth of die river Yazoo, for lt h W3rf to the Spanifli line j and another traft at le equal in extent, and extending between * rivers Pofcagoia and Mobile, vr ToivSiph [more, than hrty miles north of that 5 These itttlemenu wirhin those iwo tr^- r which are leparated from each other y. wilderness of-120 miles y n breads form: i whole population of the Mifnffippi terrir iQ V ‘ The claims to lands within thefc bo-,- ! ries are derived either from the^rid^