Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, May 30, 1803, Image 2

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Il< i .Jy rurrcndered by the parties, who tc4f *td that money. /, great majority of the perlons who c aio the lands not furrendt rtd,h jve signed the pro pntions of compromise, hereunto j (H), by which they offer to relmqtiifh thrir c. irr.s, provided that the United States fbd p.y them at the rate of twenty-five cents p-r acre, for the no ninal quantities of Ian 1 , t.aimed bv th m; which after making the proper deduaions for lands, which have been l'urren cred, should make a grois sum, ot t out dollars, with intrreft from the year iho6 ; piovidcd, ,however, ih< principal and interrft, in *H not txceco th’ proceeds vs tt.olr *ivt million of at ns, in thr teiritcrv, whicn fha.l *ultirnaioi-y be luid foi the highest price. The commiflioners think those proportions inadmifliaie, and without pretending to affirm, that the legislature of the (late of Georgia was competent to make the derision, they feel no'hefication, in declaring ic as th'ir opinion, that under all the ctrcumftanccs which may efFcdk the case, as they have come wifhir their knowledge, and as herein ftaied, the title of the claimants cannot be supported. But thev, neverth-kfs, helieveahat the in tcreft of the United States, the tranquility of those who may hereafter inhauit that ter ritory, and various equitable confederations, which may be urge 1 in favor of moll of the present claimants, render rt expedient to enter into a compromise on reaibnable tern s. Under that impreiTjo , a plan is refpe#- fully fuomitted to the consideration of Coh erers, which, although it dors not give a full indemnity to every claimant, it believed, from such information as his been received, to give, in the aggregate, nearly as much as h*s been paid in the whole, by ail ahe prdent claimants. As it is underflood and generally agreed, that the five millions of acres reserved by the agreement with Georgia, constitute the fund from which the indemnity is to be paid, it is of pri nary importance in-order to guard againlt any depreciation,that the nominal ‘fum in money,which may be offered as an indemnity iliojld not exceed what the fund may be thought amply fufficient to dilcharge. Tne probable a.nount of the annual laics and the price affixed-to the land by Congress, furnifh the only data by wh ch that hum can be determined. The com rtiffioners have fup poled that the tales could not reasonably be cftirrur.ed to yield more dim hrec or four hundred thoufimd dollars, annually and although it has beers.prelti ned thatii opening a land office, the price of land will, at pretent be fixed ac two dollars, per acre ; .they have believed that it would be improper to alfuine t e payment of any fun out of the proceeds of the lands, would bind Congrds no; to reduce the price hereafter, if other consider ations shall render that reduction expedients It is after diving considered the fubjed rn th it point of view, that the commissioners have been induced to submit the folkrwina proportions as the basts of a co m pro m he. ill That so much of five milfiorvs of acres as lhah remain after having f.tisfiad the claims of set tiers and others, not recog r zed by the ag-etment with Georgia, which fi .ii be confirmed by the United States, b? aopiopriated for the pur;o e o’ Unifying and quieting the claims of the -prrions who de rive their claims from an act ot in-Hate o’ Georgia, passed on the 7th dav of January/ 1795 i for which purpoie, the leveral com pames or claimants under xhole Companies shall be permitted to locate the quantity of’ land abated to them, any part of the territory they .claim, to which the Indian title has not yet been extirjguifiied ; provided h wever, xh it the whole ihall be located in no m< re than ftxVafU i and provided alio, that length of the territory claimed by the parties refpeCfivcly, and fhiii net hive a greater pro portionate front on the rivers, than the whole territory thus claimed. ad. That the claimants mar,meverthck-fs.- receive in lieu of the laid lan is, certificates bearing in ter est from the ill of January to the amount of 2,500,000 dollars, or, *t their option, certificates without inrerefi t > the amount of 5,000,000 of **oll*rs * meh certificates fhakl, fin either .case, he ‘} i’d (principal and juteeeft) ‘Out of the proceeds of the files of the public lands in •h*? eiritory of the United States, abeve’ 11 er.eioned, nex* cnluing the completion of paymcut <>t 1,150,000 dollars to br * v -; ; - v to the ifate of Geergia ; and (hall at; receivable in payment for the lands; P* **’ * -'<ed rn the territory, as soon a? the pa. n-iit to Geoigia fhail have b*en co.n ----- shat tke lands or certificates fhail be ip*<o. v.o: ea amongst the levcial companies’ *•; Tt c tofiowWig manner, that is to lay—int pr<-|>ot of each company, exclusively o ? (fc iC's which- mav have been lurrendered, w every jqq dollars cr acres w&ich (hrll be allowed in the whole, be as fcl* leweth. For the Upper MifTifTippi compa ny, cxrlufivrly ot cifzens 35 For rhr T e nefVe do. Ho, 60 Forth'GeorgiaiVlifulfippido. do. 155’ For the Georgia do do. not exceeding * 2 5 For citizens’ rights not exceeding 25 s©o 4th. That every original grant, dee \ or nthtr evidence of claim, fro n whi-.h th** companies or claimants derive, or pretend to ; erive, their relpcS;v.e claims, (lull l be ex hi bited-to the feercury of (late, within £ twe v< - month, and thete recorded at the exptnle of; he parties ; and at n Serfs thus worded, fhali, never after be ad misted or confiderrd as evidence in any of the courts of the United states, against any other granr foil rhe date f Georgia or from the United Stams. s?h. That af'er all the xlaims fkall have; **een exhibited, the lands or certifk ares dotted to each company, hull he appor tioned in proportion to the quantity o* laud, supposed to be contained within the reUro :ive claims, amongst X he leveral claimants tin her each company, by .commiffioncrs ihili a!fj have power to decide, in confor mity to the principles of law and equity, on ull conflicting claims widun each cempam. 6th. That each claimant lhail be allow ed to have the benefit of thde terms, for; the amount of hi* ciaim thus aferriamed,. and to receive, at his option, his propor tion either of lan of cer ideates be at mg. 1 mere(l, or of certificates without interell. Ail which is refpeftfully lubmited. JAME S MADISON, ALBERT GALLATIN, LEVI LINCOLN. i-DOCU M E N T S .ACCOM PA K\l N G fK REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS, CHI THE .GEORGIA MISSISSIPPI territory. Ceded 1 0 the United Elates, (M. Near Natchez, November .5, 180/2. sir, I HAVE row the honor to reply more particularly to your letter of the 26th of July 1 all, and to iay before you such in mrnruti *n as I h ive b er enabled to.colled, in relation to the various objects of -your enquiries. In conformity to your Teqoefl, the claim- ; ants of lands (of the defer;pnon you men tioned) were invited by public a Ivcrnfrmen* ■ “ to file, prior to the fir it day of November, “ before the proper county officers, ;(the u clerks of the counry cour s) the particular ts authority and extent of their respective w claims, and the claim of title derived, to “T:e prtfem dam/ ants, from the original > tilled . 1 had fhtienvd rnyfelf that the acquiescence with this invitation would have be- n inch as • 0 have afforded ground for accurate eiVimutes. But, from various causes, the returns are not so general as I had wiffied. Some few ‘lamvants, whole titles 1 have real On to believe aie fully and legally executed, have omitted to ftatr them..; either through inat tention or from an -unaccommodating drfpo pofi ion ; and there are lome others who have avoided exhibit’ng ihtir claims (probably) from an unwillingness to expose their weak riefs, and a fair produce by a report, -which lome designing charredlers circulated with : in juftry, that the cal! for tides was inrendeJ to -work their immtdiite injury. Havirg piemiicd thus muvh wirh a view to apprize t you that the return of claims which accom pany this letter is no: complete, (tj; I wrli proved to notice your enquiries in the order you hive placed them, 1 ft. 44 With refped to the extent sf territory, dxirh on ‘the Mississippi and the MobJe. \vl ich has bcen rdinq ufiled by rhe Indians.” Until the boundary fine between the the United States and the Choctaw indiansfhaj] have been ‘retraced plainly marked, (a work which 1 understand will ffiartlv be exe cuted under the direction of general Wilkin son) the quantity of land to which the Indian claim has been extinguffbed -cannot t>e cor-- rcclly ascertained. But from the bdft in for mation in my pcfleiTion, I do conjecture chat chore may be on the Mi Hi dip pi, two rhoufond five hundred square miles, or about one miHion fix hundred thousand acres, which compre hend the C4n;nries Jefic; ion, Adams,, Wiikin -0.1, and Ciaiborne. On .the Muhiie Ido also conjecture, with out pretending to accuracy, there may be’ about four fhoufand fix hundred square miles, or near three fnifiions oi acresj which corn pole the county Waftimotou* The g eater part o’ the land on the Mi£ fifiq pi above al.uded to, is fertile and well adapted to cultivation—of three millions of] acres oa the Mwbdw, there arc foppofed to l be near two Millions o’ pine barrens, little o r which is iufcrpnble of culture; T he balar.ct is la:d to be good land, and I am informeo hat mud of it mav be cultivated to advantage A (mail map of the frttltd coumry adjoin ing the W iTilTtppi, (marked numb'r 1) and a map of the land in Wafbington countv. ro which the Indian claim has been excin guifhed, (marked number 2) are he-ewitl. enciofed. 2d. 4t With reflect t the claims recogniz e l bv the fecona article of agreemeo with Georgia/* i will dafs these claims under three dif tinCt heads : 1 ft. Grv ts ro persons who were fet tle s wuhin the ceded tenitory, on the 27th of October, 1795, legally a (uLy executed prior 10 chit and y, by the former feriirfh government of Well Florida. Tnc packet marked (A) contain* all the cLfs of < bis.d* feription which have been filed 2d Grants to perions who were actual fettk n within the ceded territory, on tl e 3.7U1 October, 1795, legally and fully exe • cured prior to that day, by the govern menc of Spain. This Ipecies ot tide are kiutneious. The packet marked (13) con- tains ail which have lxen filed. t iaims of ptrions woo were fertlers within trie territory .on the 27 h of October, 1 795 <ieuved fro ft cXtual iurvv.ys or let abments made under .the law of Georgia, pa ft if Feb nary 7, f7S 5, commonly calle tht?bou. mn Aa, The p.icket (C) cent mis culm;) us tfns cLis widen h -ve ot dd Few o; t tore clajjiu*ts to have made aftualTu* vey* : it would have been utiufe uoae lo during the txiitance of Spaiidh government, dut they rel : upon tile fettiemtms which they formed by a verbal per rhi o 1 from the then.exift ing government and the invitation-held outi>y the ikoit 01 in the Bour bun Act. Among titles recogniz'd in the agreement of compromise with Georgia, there wi 1 arilc a few vwuch ciuiii, vvi 44 iai ds claimed b}~ peri >ns under Briidh and Spanilh titles, who w at boiii Ittiitrs in the . territory. on the 27th Odiooer, 1795/’ 1 his will bt iound to hive been occaiioned by o .c ot two cauies ihe Bntith piopnetor aid eitht l not rtfide in the territory, or being pideat had no complied with the conditions of his patent at the time of re granting by xht opaniffi govcruiue. u J have endeavored ro irform myfclf as to the manner in whi h grants were made and completed, undr t.c B itdh sad Spa nub governmt nts. ‘Under the B itifh .government, grants were iometimes iffiued by the himfelf, cur more frcqien ly iv his reprefenutivt, rhe governor or Wed Fonda. Fiac formei tide was contorted tor i<>me fignai fefvices rendered by an ind vidual ; the iir:tr ut.e, which was the molt ulaat, was obtained in he following manner. The applicant fen land preient-d a pennon to the governor and council of Weil: Florid,, and upon the peti rion being granted, order of the governor 10 the furveyor*general of the province was made, w hich was called the warrant of furveyj a hen the iurvev was completed, and return ed to the inert tary’s office, die patent ifTued, ii frequently happened, that by celay in the office, occafioiKd By various circu r-stances, and in fome ahftances, by reafbn of the Span -1 ifh conquest of Florida, those persons who had obtained warrants, and paid the price of f rveving, never acquired a complete patent. I have procured a copy of a Britiffi patent, which -is herewith endofed, marked (A 1 ) ; - The manner of obtaining titles u der the Spanilh government, was frnilar to the last tnode of Bmifh graft's. The applicant for . hnd, applied by pefition to the Spanish gov ernor genera! *© Louisiana, or the governor at Natchez. If.the petition was granted, an order in writing wa given to the lurveyor general (which was called the warrant) to survey and put the petitioner in pofifcffion of 1 certain quantity of land (which is named.) On the return of the forveyto the office of the secretary for the province cf Louisiana, at-Orleans, a formal patent with the plat ami certificate of survey prefixed, was ifkied and signed by the govenaot genera! of the pro vince ofUoui£ana. In this cafo aifo, delay in the intermediate fleps Sometimes prevented perlons who had procured warrants of lurvey, and were in complete pofteffion of the land, from obtaining perfect patents. A ccpy of a pesz iou, warrant of survey, and Span sh pa- .is herewith enclosed, marked(A 2 j (To he continued.J LONDON, March 30. The difference < hi ween France end Algiers have terminated in a manner , which it cannot hi is highly creditable to the government *j France. The Fir ft Tjonful, with a becoming /pt• rit , prompt\y trcfxfed to become tributary to tbt Dm* bn to*ftyvence of which) the Piratical Chief .thought proper to desist from bis or,juft demand. I France has thus afforded § meft admirable exatn *!e which, hr tbs trtdir cf r.: L_ A ■-m hope will be followed by all the . .• j> :rsof Europe. SFCOND EDITTOff, Courier Odice, London, Tue day M irch 2 IVeflop the press to fay, the per cent. (. - oh hav- fallen as tow as to 6 *' r and. left cj >2. The belief in this iity is, th t TANARUS/ , , j inevitable. A bye bo it and Me fencer a „ irmedy a d[ome d'eilively boftile news, dig to report . 7/ is fliilmoft firm'y a [jested i the city, that Mr . Pitt is inf ant ly caving t.:.. Air. B>unzer } prose for of chemifiry in P.on?r has proved by experiments that 3J- of may be bf nned by dfolvin \ 1 lb. of ex bone* : vid advijes the making of nutritious fonpt I*c i bones only. Every paund of ox bone widyi Id, beside the jelly , lb of fat. He thinks that (rap jufeient fer 1 j people may be made with S pounds of the jelly, {obtainedfrom 2 lbs of bones Jj. lb cf Parley mecl, 6 lbs • cf potatoes, 1 onion , K or te/r ounces of fait. He rec mwenar, likewise , addition of j pices and various cid nary bet bs a*,** loots • Eond. pap. NORFOLK, May 12. The United States frigate Cnefa peake, Cast- James Barron, authored tn the Roads yest day , 37 fays front G; bra bar. jo L,t(ife for a term 0/years. VALUABLE radt ol 0..., hickory and i." - *A ricc lands within Si ven miics oi S%anad equal in quality to any lands m the Co.incy oi Chateau.. For terms apply to Francis Lourvoifie. —— To E itrUCci, £sf POSSESION GIVEN IMMEDIATELY, r 6*2 ORE formerly occupied by Mr.LU I Ha ru, near the Ex ha ige. April 11. p. iL MITCHELL . The Subscribers, INFORM the .inhabitants of County, that they intend ptactiling. physic coo jointly* M. Burke, jf s/hu ff. yen kins, April 29, 1807.. (6uf.) .sughks. F\Q it salsa few barrels of St. Croix’s dugars find quality, on board tbe fchaoner Chance, at Hunters <6* MiniPs wharf.—Apply to capt. Atotesbury on board. Match 17. . ft Notice is Neteoy Given. THA I tae iublcrit)ers nave been duly ap pointed /Ufignees of the eltare ejects of Richard’ ■ ['ayne, junior, and B njamin S ms, ut Savannah ard’ I oU£}iita, -in tks diitriat G*. .r^ia— nil prions indebted o tne laid and Smus a e he es- .e fcq retieci to ni >kc immediate and aii tho'.e wlj Dave 4ny of t&eii effedts, are rtq to uelufir iive <ame -o D retd Reid, j of Augusta, V bom as Gardner, J> or • William Boy I, of Char left on. February 14, 1803. (4^ NOTICE. THE fubferibet is under the neeeflity of leaving •avannah for a few werks, in purluit of health, an 4 has appointed Mr. Georpre Pitcher his agent, whe will -conduct his business during his ablence. J. ARNOLD. April 14. 56. I OR S ALE A TRACT §f Land e ntaing 500 acres ot there a bents , Prime Cotton and Rice Land situated in Liberty t entity near Riceborcugb ; Enquire at tbe huffion Store Commerce Row, of /. M. MONNOX. April 1803. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate ®f Joht, M’Colough deceased are rtquefted to come ferwarr and make immediate .payment or else all Not* ana accounts will be placed /n the hands of an Attorney,* tor recovery. MARY M‘CULLOUGH, Adm ix. Notice. ALL persons having demands againfl the efface a y William ‘hepard. late of Liberty county, deceaf <d, are rcqneited r 0 render them proper!v atteded’ those indebted, to make immediate payment, to John Jones, AdnT*;’ Liberty County, Eth April. : 80 3 55 WASHINGTON HOTEL. Mock Turtle will be ready This and ever day at Eleven o’clock. Familes supplied with scups in the Highest pcrfe&ion. Beefstakes and Oysters at acy hour whets called for* THE B est on. New Philadelphia* Baltimore and IVafhingtwn will ho regu larly taken at the Wajkingtore Cogeoikufc akf N*cl.